weathering the storm
"!,æ %#/./-)#æ #2)3)3æ --%4).'æ 34/#+-!2+%4æ ,/!.3æ "5$'%4æ ()2).'æ %:%3æ %80%.3%3æ %.$/7-%.43æ ,/34æ ')6).'æ #/343æ 35&&%2).'æ */"æ ).#/-%æ 3%3æ%#/./-)#æ$/7.452.æ"),,)/. $/,,!2æ%.$/7-%.43æ(524).'æ342!).æ!33%43æ!,,/#!4%$æ30%.$).'æ %3æ !$*534%$æ 342!4%')#!,,9æ -!*/2æ $/./23æ æ $%"4æ $)2%æ %#/./-)#æ %.6)2/.-%.4æ #/-0%4)4)6%æ 345$%.4æ -!2+%4æ #/.3)$%2).'æ 3 %80%.3)6%æ#/,,%'%3æ$5%æ4/æ4(%æ%#/./-)#æ$/7.452.æ&%$%2!,æ"!),/54æ%#/./-)#æ34)-5,53æ"),,æ-/.%9æ345$%.4æ&).!.#)!,æ!)$æ%#/./-)# 7.452.'2/74(æ ).$53429æ ',/"!,æ %#/./-)#æ #2)3)3æ 0,5--%4).'æ 34/#+-!2+%4æ ,/!.3æ "5$'%4æ ()2).'æ &2%%:%3æ %80%.3%3æ /7-%.43æ ,/34æ ')6).'æ #/343æ 35&&%2).'æ */"æ ).#/-%æTo ,/33%3æ %#/./-)#æ $/7.452.æ "),,)/. $/,,!2æ | 22 campuses Respond The Economic Downturn /7-%.43æ (524).'æ 342!).æ !33%43æ !,,/#!4%$æ 30%.$).'æ 2!4%3æ !$*534%$æ 342!4%')#!,,9æ /2æ $/./23æ æ $%"4æ $)2%æ %#/./-)#æ %.6)2/.-%.4æ #/-0%4)4)6%æ 345$%.4æ +%4æ#/.3)$%2).'æ,%33 %80%.3)6%æ#/,,%'%3æ$5%æ4/æ4(%æ ./-)#æ $/7.452.æ &%$%2!,æ "!),/54æ ./-)#æ 34)-5,53æ , ,æ
Watching a shift in power | 16
Assessing spiritual formation | 32
Looking for asteroids | 38
inadvance COVER: Shining a light through stormy times In using various tools to deal with the economic downturn, institutions are aiming to navigate through choppy waters to financial strength. By M.Z. Hemingway
From Soldier to Student A new brigade of students who have served in combat is entering the classroom, with the help of a new GI Bill and support systems. By Mimi Wiggins Perreault
The Measures of Ministry Two scholars aim to discover and document how best to minister to students and facilitate spiritual growth. By Christopher Martin
Gathering for the Inaugural Either on the Mall or in the Auditorium, students and staff took in the transition of a new president. By Mimi Wiggins Perreault
After the Fire Westmont College picks up the pieces and celebrates miracles after the Tea Fire roared through the campus. By Kami L. Rice
The Search for N.E.O.s Looking in the skies for asteroids is a global collaboration for scientists and students at Hardin-Simmons University.
The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) is an international higher education association of intentionally Christian colleges and universities. Founded in 1976 with 38 members, the Council has grown to 111 members in North America and 70 affiliates in 24 countries. The CCCU is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The mission of the CCCU is to advance the cause of Christ-centered higher education and to help transform the lives of students by faithfully relating scholarship and service to biblical truth. Distribution CCCU Advance is published each year in the fall and spring and is mailed to members, affiliates and friends of the CCCU. It is also available online at www.cccu.org/advance. Direct questions and letters to the editor to advance@cccu.org. Advertising CCCU Advance is now accepting advertising from organizations that serve the students, faculty or administration of our campuses. For more information and/or to receive a Media Kit please email advertising@cccu.org People Paul R. Corts, Ph.D.
President Nate Mouttet
By Kami L. Rice
Vice President for Communications Mike Plunkett
From the President . . . . . . 03 | By Paul R. Corts Editor’s Note. . . . . . . . . . . . 04 | By Mike Plunkett Around the Council. . . . . . 05 The news of the CCCU Offices AKA, 9 On the Shelf, 8 By the Numbers, 7 On the Hill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 New president brings new perspectives on policy. | By Mike Plunkett
R&D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Institute takes lead in sustainable research. | By Kami L. Rice Going Global. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 A University in Korea serves the least of these. | By Mike Plunkett Open Source . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 E-Software opens up learning possibilities for students. | By Natalie Lester The Last Word. . . . . . . . . . . 42 Senior Fellow goes around the a world to see the Council at work. | By Jim Mannoia
Brandon Rush
Art Director Jason Hohertz
Web Manager Amber Palmer
Advertising Manager Natalie Lester
Editorial Intern Cecily Farrar Walters
Copy Editor
from the President by Paul R. Corts, CCCU President
Changes Allow Crises to Become Opportunities
hange is in the air and
So, I welcome you to the most popular
deductions that are important to our
that brings a tremendous
conversation in Washington, as virtually all
members. Most observers believe
burst of hope and
involved in public policy are asking that
that higher education has been treated
optimism about the
question with respect to their own interest.
quite well in the government’s stimulus
future, as well as plenty
of fear about the unknown of change. Those of us here at the CCCU offices
I am optimistic in the short term that our institutions will continue to have their
program and in President Obama’s first budget proposal.
religious exemption for hiring rights.
Many concerns remain about the economy
The surveyors and observer/pundits
and what the longer term impact may
of our nation’s cultural scene seem to
be on our institutions. Nevertheless,
In that spirit, I am very pleased to
be in general agreement that we are in
the challenge of the current economic
present a complete makeover and
for major struggles in the longer term.
crisis provides our institutions with the
upgrade of our CCCU Advance.
Your CCCU staff is committed to work
opportunity to review and readjust, to
Congratulations are in order to our
to ensure our member institutions’
trim expenses and redirect resources.
Vice President for Communications
Constitutional rights both in the short
Like many of you, the Council is taking
Nate Mouttet, Editor Mike Plunkett
term and in the long view. I believe that
cautious actions to hold down costs
and Art Director Brandon Rush for
there have been several early signs and
and help our members—no increase in
their outstanding leadership in this
statements from this Administration that
dues structure next year, a hold on new
effort. We hope you enjoy this
are encouraging and reassuring for us.
positions, increasing our student fees
are hopeful about the opportunities that come with change.
expanded communication!
I am grateful for the Administration’s
Changes are having a potent impact
inclusiveness that provides an
on our political and economic sense
opportunity for input and dialogue
and they bring many challenges but
on issues that are very important
also opportunities. Politically, we have
to the faith community and I pray
a new President/Administration, a
that the Lord will use our honest
strengthened majority party in Congress,
efforts for good.
and consolidation of political power in the hands of Democrats that provides an alignment portending very significant changes and likely quickly.
The economic meltdown that has occurred in our country during the past months has sent shock waves throughout the higher education community and I know
minimally, and trimming back on travel and other expenses; we do this even as we celebrate a record enrollment in our outstanding student programs, plan optimistically for 2009-2010 and prepare for a great International Forum in 2010! As you’ll read in this issue, we are sharing information about some of the many ways our campuses are dealing with the economic crisis that we hope will help other institutions.
Since the election last November, there
from conversations with many of you
We sow the seed and tend the fields and
is one question I’ve probably been asked
that it has had a major impact on most
the Lord provides the harvest. Let us be
more than any other: “What do the
if not all of our campuses. We have
good stewards of the opportunity and
election results mean for the CCCU and
been working in concert with the major
pray for God’s blessing on our work.
our movement?” It is a good question. I
national higher education associations
think even as we ask it, we all do so with
to seek increases in student financial
our own answer in mind, but anxious to
aid, help for the bond financing markets
hear the forecasts of others.
and support for charitable contributions
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 3
Editor’s note A New Publication to Advance the Cause
by Mike Plunkett
en years ago, an issue
transform lives, yet the look and feel
of The News publicized
of the mission is shifting. How do we
the name change from
respond? How should we respond?
the Coalition of Christian Colleges to the Council
for Christian Colleges and Universities. With the change in name came new communication initiatives, including the advent of Christian Higher Education Month and a new Council logo. The Council stood at 95 members and 36 affiliates, and each institution looked
Last fall, the CCCU released the “Blueprint for the Future,” the vision of the Council through 2012. One of the planks outlined the goal of CCCU Communications, including a publication that truly meets the needs of the entirety of our membership. This issue is the manifestation of that vision.
“ The goal for CCCU Advance is to be a mirror of the movement.”
at the turn of the new century with
It’s only fitting that a decade after the
these crucial areas of higher education.
excitement and anticipation.
renaming of our organization, we are
CCCU President Paul R. Corts gets the
While many were grappling with the
proud to introduce the new CCCU
first word, while each issue finishes with
Advance. The design, elegantly and
a guest writer providing “The Last Word.”
ramifications of Y2K, institutions also were dealing with questions about the future of higher education. Issues of
thoughtfully constructed by Art Director Brandon Rush, captures the vibrancy
growth in numbers, the vast potential
of our students and the vitality of our
of online learning and the overall value
campuses. In addition to reading in print
of higher education in a changing
form, CCCU Advance is available in a
economic structure sat on the fence of
digital format at CCCU.org.
the 20th century.
The goal for CCCU Advance is to be a
Much has happened in a decade. The
mirror of the movement. What issues
membership recently added Shorter
are looming on the minds of presidents?
College (GA) as the 111th member.
What trends are professors speaking
The number of affiliates has nearly
about? We aim to tell stories of change
doubled. The touch points of the Council
and stability, innovation and constancy.
are felt in 24 countries, and in many ways, working globally and locally are one and the same.
To that end, CCCU Advance has grown. This issue is anchored with features on the realities affecting our institutions, as
I am thankful for the hard work the writers for this issue—M.Z. Hemingway, Natalie Lester, Chris Martin, Mimi Wiggins Perreault and Kami Rice— put into telling the story of the CCCU members, but also laying the groundwork for the future of CCCU Advance. I also offer my thanks to Cecily Farrar Walters, Jocelyn Green and Amber Palmer for all their valuable contributions. We want to hear from you. Starting next issue, we will publish letters to the editor. Send your letter to advance@cccu.org. Please include your name and institution affiliation. Letters
Yet, minus the threat of Y2K, there still
well as the uniqueness of our members
is much uncertainty, and questions
and affiliates. “Around the Council”
linger which don’t have easy answers.
hosts the news of Council offices, while
As we are Christ’s hands and feet and
The movement of Christ-centered higher
four new sections—Open Source, R&D,
doing God’s work, let us celebrate Christ-
education is dedicated to its mission
On the Hill and Going Global—feature
centered higher education and prepare
of advancing the cause and helping to
what is happening within the CCCU in
to move forward.
4 CCCUAdvance spring2009
will be edited for clarity and grammar.
around the council During his 28-year tenure as director of the American Studies Program, Jerry Herbert (RIGHT) has taught more than 2,000 students from CCCU institutions worldwide. Herbert will be stepping down at the end of the spring 2009 semester. To read more, go to page 7.
Presidents Office
was named new vice chair and Mike
president of the Tennessee Independent
CCCU OKs New Member, Board Directors
O’Neal of Oklahoma Christian University
Colleges and Universities Association;
(OK) was named as the new secretary/
Gregory Baylor, director for the Center
treasurer. He takes over for Jon Wallace,
of Law & Religious Freedom, Christian
During the 33rd Annual Presidents
president of Azusa Pacific University
Legal Society and Gary Cook, president
Conference of the CCCU Jan. 29-31,
(CA), who finished his second term on
of Dallas Baptist University (TX),
2009 in Washington, D.C., officials
the Board of Directors.
finished their respective terms of service.
“What a great time to become chair
Newly elected board directors approved
of the CCCU board. Our association
during the Annual Business Meeting
Board of Directors.
president, Paul Corts, has set a firm
are Sandra Gray, president of Asbury
course for the CCCU,” Zylstra said. “The
College (KY); Ron Manahan, president
Shorter College in Rome, Ga., is a
International Forum in Atlanta is only
of Grace College and Theological
Southern Baptist-affiliated liberal
a year away. Membership is growing.
Seminary (IN); Chip Pollard, president
arts college seeking to provide quality
Student programs are expanding.
of John Brown University (AR) and Pat
higher education, enabling and
Overall, the Council provides an
Taylor, president of Southwest Baptist
encouraging student commitment
incomparable package of institutional
University (MO).
to active lifelong learning, personal
and presidential support, leadership
spiritual values, responsible citizenship
training, faculty development, student
and community and societal leadership
programming and public policy
in a global context.
advocacy…Chairing the board is both
Bethel University (MN) has received
humbling and exciting.”
the Robert and Susan Andringa Award
approved Shorter College (GA) as the 111th member of the Council and announced new leadership on the
Carl Zylstra, president of Dordt College
Bethel Receives Andringa Award for Racial Harmony
for Advancing Racial Harmony.
(IA), was named the new chair of
Several presidents and other leaders
the CCCU Board of Directors. Zylstra
concluded their terms on the board
The Robert and Susan Andringa
replaces Bob Brower, president of
of directors and were thanked during
Award for Advancing Racial Harmony
Point Loma Nazarene University (CA),
the closing banquet. In addition to
celebrates the achievements of CCCU
who served as chair for two two-year
Brower and Wallace, Justin Cooper of
campuses in making progress in the
terms. Brower remains on the Board
Redeemer University College (Ancaster,
areas of diversity, racial harmony and
as immediate past chair. In addition,
ON, Canada); David Dockery of Union
Kim Phipps of Messiah College (PA)
University (TN); Claude Pressnell,
continued on page 6>>
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 5
around the council
“I’m both humbled and honored to accept this award on behalf of Bethel,” said Dr. Jay Barnes, Bethel University president. “I’m honored because I’m proud of the progress Bethel has made toward becoming an anti-racist institution. We have more faculty of color and more students of color enrolled than we’ve ever had, and it makes my heart sing. I think something is happening at Bethel that is changing the momentum on issues of reconciliation, and I’m excited by what God is doing and grateful for the recognition. I’m also humbled because I know there is much more to be done.…Reconciliation is something we should all care about, not because it is ‘politically correct,’ but because it is a biblically-driven agenda.”
Packer Honored with Leadership Award Brandon Rush
Dr. James I. Packer, a renowned author and theologian, was honored with the 2009 Mark O. Hatfield Leadership Award. Named for the former U.S. senator from Oregon and longtime supporter of the CCCU, the Mark O. Hatfield Award is presented to individuals who have demonstrated uncommon leadership that reflects the values of Christian higher education. Packer is the author of more than 30 books, including his 1973 classic Knowing God. He is an executive editor of Christianity Today and was general editor of the English Standard Version of The Bible, published in fall 2001. His Collected Shorter Writings
TOP: Dr. Jay R. Barnes, president of Bethel University (MN), accepts the Robert and Susan Andringa Award for Advancing Racial Harmony. BOTTOM: Dr. J.I. Packer, center, talking with David Dockery and Paul R. Corts, called for a renewal in bringing up a new generation of catechists and theologizers.
are available in four volumes, and a selection of his articles has been published as the J.I. Packer Collection. Packer currently is the Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology at Regent College in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. “Christ-centered higher education is crucially needed for the spiritual health of both the church and the wider community
from page 5>>
in North America today. The advancing juggernaut of postChristianity calls for a re-Christianizing of the world of thought
reconciliation. It started in 2000 as the Racial Harmony Award
leadership and thus must be done by persons qualified to do
and was renamed at the 2006 International Forum in honor of
it. But without higher education of the highest quality, fed
Dr. Andringa, who retired that year.
by a steady flow of significant research, qualified cultural
Since its launch in 2005, Bethel’s unique reconciliation studies major has prepared graduates to mediate ethnic, economic, gender, religious and other forms of social conflict using biblical principles. Nearly half of the student body studies cross-culturally. Students do service-learning work in the diverse Frogtown-Summit/University area of St. Paul, and the University has begun adult education
contenders will inevitably be lacking and Christianity will become a shrinking cultural island. I plead, and pray, for finely educated educators who will stand in the gap,” Packer said.
Mannoia, McWhertor Named Senior Fellows The CCCU announces the appointments of Dr. Jim Mannoia and Tom McWhertor as Senior Fellows.
courses in the community. Led by Chief Diversity Officer
Mannoia is charged with the development of international
Leon Rodrigues, the 35-member Bethel Anti-Racism and
programming, particularly the development of a grant proposal
Reconciliation Commission seek to catalyze change on the
for expansion of the work of the CCCU with international
campus and the community.
institutions of Christ-centered higher education.
6 CCCUAdvance spring2009
around the council Mannoia served as
in Michigan. Previously, McWhertor
“As I look back on 28 years with the
president of Greenville
served at Calvin College (MI) for 16
American Studies Program, I am most
College (IL) for 10 years
years, finishing as vice president of
grateful. It has indeed been a good run
until his retirement in
enrollment and external programs.
for me. Teaching at ASP has been such
July 2008. Previously,
Senior Fellows are leaders and experts
he was academic vice
president and dean at
appointed by the president of the Council on special issues and projects.
and associate academic
Senior Fellows serve at the direction
dean at Westmont
of the president.
College (CA).
“Working with John Bernbaum and Rich Gathro when Jeannie and I first
CCCU who are tasked to assist the
Houghton College (NY)
an incredible blessing” Herbert said.
arrived in D.C., teaching now with Peter Baker and Gerry Hartis, and serving with ASP faculty and staff over the years has without a doubt helped me grow
Student Programs
both professionally Jesus. Perhaps most
director for a comprehensive market
Leadership Changes Hands at American Studies Program
research program, undertaken in
At the conclusion of the spring 2009
richly and been
collaboration with the CCCU
semester, Jerry Herbert will step down
deeply shaped by the
membership and Noel-Levitz, Inc.
as director of ASP and current faculty
invaluable experiences
Since 1986, the market research
member Peter Baker will assume the
and friendships I have
project provides timely information
director position.
had working with ASP
As part of his undertakings as Senior
Fellow, McWhertor will be the project
for CCCU institutions regarding
Herbert has served as director of the
potential students and the changing
American Studies Program for 28 years,
environment of higher education.
providing leadership and guidance to
McWhertor is the new director of
more than 2,000 students during his
constituency development for the
tenure, with more than 400 ASP alumni
Christian Reformed World Relief, based
who currently work in the D.C. area.
and as a follower of of all, I have benefited
students and alumni over the years. I thank the Council for giving me the chance to have baker continued on page 8>>
CCCU Retention and Graduation Rates, 2007-08 | compiled by Nita Stemmler
Freshman to Sophomore Retention Rate
Sophomore to Junior Retention Rate
5-year Graduation Rate
6-year Graduation Rate
All CCCU Institutions Reporting (N=84)
Top Quartile Rate
Median Rate
Bottom Quartile Rate
Traditional Selectivity (ACT 20-23, SAT 955-1050)
Selective Admissions
(ACT above 23, SAT above 1055)
Note: The differences in rates between the traditional admissions selectivity institutions and the selective institutions is significant at the p<.001 level across all rates.
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 7
around the council said. “Consequently, ASP is uniquely positioned to create opportunities for Council students to directly engage individuals and institutions of global influence as they prepare to take their place among them. The transformative potential of the program remains rooted in the original vision of ASP’s early leaders, expressed in our commitment to resist the compartmentalization of
Blind Spot: When Journalists Don’t Get Religion Terry Mattingly, nationally syndicated columnist and director of the Washington Journalism Center, is one of 14 authors of Blind Spot: When Journalists Don’t Get Religion (Oxford University Press). Edited by Paul Marshall, Lela Gilbert and Roberta Green Ahmanson and with backing from the Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life’s Media Project, Blind Spot argues that a grasp of religion is crucial within the context of the media, especially in our complex and multi-layered day and age. In addition to Mattingly, Blind Spot features contributions from Michael Gerson, John J. DiLulio Jr. and others. Blind Spot won the 2009 Wilbur Award for Non-Fiction Book. For more information, go to www.blindspotreligion.com.
Faith Deployed: Daily Encouragement for Military Wives Jocelyn Green, former editor of CCCU publications, recently authored Faith Deployed: Daily Encouragement for Military Wives (Moody Publishers). A graduate of Taylor University (IN) and a former military wife herself, Green wrote and compiled devotions from fourteen other military wives from each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, three of whom are also graduates of CCCU institutions: Sarah Ball, John Brown University (AR); Sara Horn, Union University (TN); Lasana Ritchie, Indiana Wesleyan University (IN). Faith Deployed uses real-life illustrations, Scripture, and insights from noted Christian scholars to address how the Bible relates specifically to what military wives experience. For more information, visit www.faithdeployed.com.
our faith and instead challenge students to consider how thinking biblically can create new opportunities in public policy and sustainable development.” The deadlines for applying to the BestSemester programs for |the 2009-10 academic year are: Spring 2010 semester Oct. 1 Regular Admission May 1 Early Admission
BestSemester Enrollment Smashes Records A record 363 students are attending a BestSemester off-campus study program during the 2009 spring semester, according to the Office of Student Programs for the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities. Combined with the 2008 fall semester, the Office of Student Programs set an enrollment record with 726 students attending a BestSemester culturecrossing and culture-shaping program during the 2008-09 academic year.
from page 7>>
learned and experienced so much.
background in both academic research
Now it is time for me to move on to
and business development that includes
new opportunities. I have the highest
a significant amount of work experience
regard for the current ASP team and am
outside the United States.
confident the program is in good hands as it looks to the future.” Baker is a spring 1996 ASP alum and
“We who live in Washington, D.C. are learning to live in these times of change
PD&R Department Adds Two to Team The CCCU welcomes Juliene Moore and Lisa-Jo Baker to the Professional Development & Research team. Juliene Moore, the new director of conference services, is responsible
and complexity. There is a great deal
for coordinating the planning and
University (IL). He received his Ph.D.
to be excited about regarding the new
execution of the Council’s conferences
in Political Science from the University of
opportunities opening up to our students
and workshops.
Notre Dame in 2008. He arrives with a
in the present environment,” Baker
a 1997 graduate of Olivet Nazarene
8 CCCUAdvance spring2009
continued on page 10>>
around the council
Since last summer, several CCCU institutions have installed new presidents and have changed names. compiled by Natalie Lester
Bethel University (MN) The delegates to the Bethel Corporation elected Dr. James H. Barnes as the fifth President of Bethel on June 26. He has been a member of the Bethel family for 13 years, previously serving as a provost and executive vice president to the college.
Spring Arbor University (MI) Spring Arbor University announced Dr. Charles Webb as the school’s 29th president. Webb comes from Michigan State University where he has served as a vice president of development. He assumed his position at SAU on June 1, 2008.
Carson-Newman College (TN) The Board of Trustees at Carson-Newman College elected Dr. Randall O’Brien as the institution’s next president in July 2008. He had previously served as executive vice president, provost, professor of religion and law at Baylor University (TX).
Sterling College (KS) Dr. Paul J. Maurer became the 11th president of Sterling College on Jan. 8, 2009. He has led Trinity International University (IL) for the past six years as the senior vice president of institutional advancement. He has also been on staff at Westmont College (CA).
Cornerstone University (MI) The Board of Trustees appointed Dr. Joseph Stowell as the 11th president of Cornerstone University in the summer of 2008. Stowell previously served as president of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. He is a member of the board and executive committee of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
VANGUARD UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (CA) The Board of Trustees appointed Dr. Carol Taylor in March 2009. Taylor previously served as the provost at Vanguard. She came to Vanguard from Biola University (CA), where she served as vice provost of undergraduate education.
East Texas Baptist University (TX) On Oct. 15, 2008, the Board of Trustees from East Texas Baptist University selected Dr. Samuel W. “Bud” Oliver as the school’s next president. Oliver had previously been serving at Baylor University (TX) as the vice president for student development.
Warner Pacific College (OR) Board of Trustees unanimously elected Dr. Andrea P. Cook as president. Dr. Cook served as interim president since November. She began her service at WPC as vice president for advancement.
Insitutional Name Changes
Northwest Nazarene University (ID) Dr. David Alexander assumed his position as president of Northwest Nazarene University on July 1, 2008. The Board of Trustees unanimously elected him on March 8, 2008. He has served at NNU for 17 years as the Vice President for University Advancement and in previous positions within the university’s music department.
Briercrest College (Caronport, SK, Canada) has changed its name to Briercrest College Seminary. The Web site remains www.briercrest.ca.
Oklahoma Baptist University (OK) Oklahoma Baptist University announced Dr. David Whitlock as the 15th president of the university. He had previously been serving Southwest Baptist University (MO) as an associate provost and dean of the college of business and computer science.
Malone College (OH) has changed its name to Malone University. The institution can be found on the Web at www.malone.edu.
Northwest Christian College (OR) has changed its name to Northwest Christian University. The Web site can be found at www.northwestchristian.edu.
Warner Southern College (FL) has changed its name to Warner University. The school will keep the Web address www.warner.edu.
Oral Roberts University (OK) Oral Roberts University named Dr. Mark Rutland as the institution’s new president on January 28, 2009. Rutland was president of Southeastern University, where he has served the last ten years. Rutland takes over on July 1.
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 9
around THE AROUND the COUNCIL council CCCU Center for Research in Adult Learning Gears Up with New Initiatives, Conference
from page 8>>
Juliene received has her bachelor’s from Georgetown University and received her master’s
The CCCU Center for Research in Adult Learning remains
in Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management
active in its pursuit for its understanding of adult education
from the University of South Carolina. As the new director of development and
in the CCCU. Leaders are planning research opportunities baker
research, Lisa-Jo brings seven years of
and an informative conference in the coming months. The Center is preparing to host a conference on May 12-13
experience in grant development work
at the Greenwood Education Center in Greenwood, Ind. The
to the Council.
seminar will focus on centering Christ in adult education
Most recently, she worked for Habitat for
and will include topics of spiritual transformation of adults,
Humanity—both in its Africa and Middle East
integration of faith and learning, learning outcomes in adult
area office in Pretoria, South Africa and its
programs, online learning and adult student retention.
headquarters in Atlanta. Before that, she worked
Those interested in attending the event can find costs and
for the International Organization for Migration, Mission in
accommodations at www.indwes.edu/cral/conferences.htm.
Ukraine. During her career in development, Lisa-Jo has helped bring in, manage and report on grants from both public and private institutions ranging from a few thousand dollars to multi-
For more information on the Center, please go to www.indwes.edu/cral.
year, multi-million dollar grants. A native of South Africa, Lisa-Jo has her bachelor’s from Gordon College (MA) and received her law degree from the University of Notre Dame. 10 CCCUAdvance spring2009
compiled by Natalie Lester and Mike Plunkett
on the hill New Presidency Brings New Perspectives on Policies by Mike Plunkett
change in presidents usually means a change
Religious Hiring Rights
in policy. Depending on the issue and promises
The question of hiring based on religious mission continues
made during the campaign, changes can be
to be an issue on the forefront of Council institutions and
for good or for ill. Administrations spend much
the public policy work of the CCCU. The Employment Non-
of the first moments of a presidency (and much
Discrimination Act of 2007 (ENDA) did not a reach a Senate
political capital) reconciling a course laid out during an election
vote before the 2008 election. The House version of ENDA
with the present realities of a nation.
included language that incorporates the exemptions of Sec.
Although the Obama presidency is just a few months old
02, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act as amended.
and economic doldrums crowd the debates in Washington,
During a time of questions and answers during a plenary
discussions and decisions that directly affect the CCCU
session on Faith and Public Life at the Presidents Conference,
membership are taking place.
Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), the Majority Whip for the 111th Congress, noted that even as concerns were raised regarding
Funding Education
comments made by then-Senator Obama on the campaign
During his address to a Joint Session of Congress in March,
trail regarding the issue of faith-based organizations receiving
President Obama called for a long-term reform to education,
government funds, he stated there isn’t a need to be overly
urging all Americans to commit to at least one year of higher
anxious about a change in public policy regarding hiring rights.
education, with the goal of having the nation as the best in
He noted that hiring based upon religious mission has been and
the world in producing college graduates by 2020.
is currently protected by lawful provisions.
To match his rhetoric, the president proposed sweeping changes
“The law is there. The civil rights protection for you is there.
to student aid and lending in his FY 2010 budget. Ideas such
I don’t believe you ever have to fear someone’s interpretation
as making Pell Grants an entitlement program; eliminating
about a comment made about the campaign in regards to your
bank- and lender-based student loans programs; converting
freedoms to hire Methodists to teach or preach in a Methodist
the application of all student loans into a direct loan program
church. … We do have to be very careful that we don’t allow
and reforming the Perkins Loan program were quickly praised
these things to be used to do unsavory things in the name of
as well as criticized by those within higher education.
religion,” Rep. Clyburn said.
In the stimulus package passed by Congress and signed
This issue continues to be closely monitored by the Council
by the President in February, institutions benefited from
office and by member and affiliate institutions. As Rep. Roy
increased Pell Grants and tax credits. Yet, new contributions
Blunt (R-MO) said in his remarks at the Presidents Conference,
to the Perkins Loan program and an increase in limits on
“If there’s no other reason to be in Washington, D.C., it’s to
unsubsidized loans weren’t passed.
engage in as many battles as you should. You cannot be who
Questions regarding taking government funds for purposes outside of student aid have and continue to be ongoing on
are you are if you lose the ability to hire based on a common purpose.”
CCCU campuses. The debate on the future of student lending is just beginning.
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 11
open source Open Software Programs Enhance Learning Process by Natalie Lester
rying experiences with technology can often lead to images of fists through computer screens or dreams of watching hard drives plummet off a balcony to destruction. However, some modern software programs
are assisting CCCU campuses with time management in their classrooms and student-teacher relationships. “I am able to individualize learning more than I ever could before,” said Bonni Stachowiak, assistant business professor at Vanguard University of Southern California (CA). “Largerthan-usual classes can still provide the one-on-one attention that students love. I feel I am more able to live God’s calling to help students use the gifts He gave them in their careers when I can connect with them individually using technology.
million users and nearly 2 million teachers. Stachowiak uses the program to improve the learning environment for Vanguard students. “Typically, the classes I teach involve two-thirds of the class time spent in the classroom and one-third of the time learning online in an unscheduled, asynchronous environment,” Stachowiak explained. “[Students] can go through various lessons at 3 o’clock in the morning if that is the best time for them.” Professors control the settings of their classroom by adding and monitoring research resources and homework activities. Course assignments can be broken down by week or topic. Instructors access the program based on their user preferences and customize the program for each class. Other
This also frees up more opportunities for face-to-face
software can be added to Moodle to augment the experience
interaction with students when technology facilitates some
for both teachers and students. Stachowiak’s students are
of the more administrative-type work professors face.”
benefiting from the technology component of her classes.
As technology marches on, American classrooms evolve and
“Like any new technology, Moodle was foreign to me and
CCCU classrooms are keeping up by offering their courses
needed some getting used to,” said senior Matt Ross. “But
off-site and online through various software innovations.
in a matter of a week, I began to appreciate the effectiveness
Open source programs, such as Moodle learning, have changed some classroom environments and opened
of the program. Moodle has given me the ability to effectively participate in class from the comfort of my own home.”
opportunities for non-traditional learners who are
Ross is a business administration major at Vanguard.
unable to participate in a traditional college setting.
He has taken two classes, intro to business and sales,
“Using these tools makes the learning environment much
that had Moodle as part of the class requirements.
more interactive,” said Stachowiak. “I can assess how
“I am a very visual person and the PowerPoints and
students are doing in a course well before an actual exam
click slides used in Moodle reinforce what has been
and adjust my teaching approach to align with their unique
covered in the classroom,” said Amira Adams, president
learning styles. They also get the individualized attention
of the Students in Free Enterprise chapter at Vanguard.
that their generation tends to crave, making their return on
“It is a convenient way of learning from home or the
investment in a private education more evident to them.”
school library, etc. It is also a great way for students and
Moodle is a moldable service that can be used to facilitate courses completely online or in conjunction with a typical classroom setting. According to statistics posted on Moodle.org, there are over 51,000 registered validated sites in 208 countries, with more than 29
12 CCCUAdvance spring2009
professors to stay in constant contact, without playing e-mail or phone tag. Moodle allows me to access my course syllabus, study guides and even my grades.” Natalie Lester is currently a junior at Carson-Newman College (TN). She is a double major in journalism and literature.
going global Korean University Sets Standard for Rehabilitation Studies by Mike Plunkett
orea Nazarene University
in Cheonan, Republic of Korea, is taking Christ’s commandment of “serving the least of
these” seriously. What started as efforts to provide tangible assistance for those who are in need, both in enrolling students and hiring faculty with special needs, became the framework for a comprehensive program of study in rehabilitation. Since the launching of
Jim Mannoia
toward facilitating those with special
In addition to its institutes, Korea
needs. They are walking their talk.”
Nazarene offers both a master’s of
its rehabilitation studies program in
In a presentation at the 33rd Annual
1997, Korea Nazarene is leading the
Presidents Conference in Washington,
way in Asia and the rest of the world
D.C., Dr. Abraham Im, President of Korea
in this important and necessary field.
Nazarene, presented the opportunities
Founded in 1954 by American missionary Donald Owens, KNU now is the largest of the consortium of 57 institutions affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene, with nearly 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students.
at KNU for its rehabilitation studies
Fairbanks, education commissioner for the Church of the Nazarene and former president of Mount Vernon Nazarene University (OH). “What separates KNU from other institutions is not just their academic program, which is top-notch, but their whole campus is geared
sports rehabilitation and other forms of rehabilitation.
emphasis on going “glocal,” embracing
physical, mental, emotional and
both the global and the local in a
spiritual. These factors drive KNU’s
holistic manner. Fairbanks noted that
efforts in its myriad programs.
a large contingency of students are
Living & Employment Center nurtures
colleges and universities,” said LeBron
include rehabilitation psychology,
rehabilitation takes on many forms:
needs add to the student body.
in Asia and globally among Christian
rehabilitation sciences. These programs
The university also places a high
The Assistance for Barrier-Free
in the rehab studies programs, both
arts and a master’s of science in
program. Im pointed out that
Appoximately 350 students with special
“KNU is making a remarkable example
State of the art classroom enables students with special needs to fully engage with other students at Korea Nazarene University.
challenged students to be competitive and professionally qualified to lead
Chinese, with many also representing non-Asian nations. In addition, KNU shares partnerships with universities in China and Japan.
in the knowledge-based society,
“KNU is setting the pace in Korea and
by integrating education and living.
beyond. Their faculty are consultants
Started in August 2000, the Center
to campuses worldwide in rehabilitation
has expanded its resources to
studies. They recognize they have a
reach those with special needs in all
responsibility for what they believe is
capacities. For its efforts, the Center
a direction from the Lord for them.
was selected as an Exemplary Program
They sense that and aren’t backing
for supporting disabled students by
away from it,” Fairbanks said.
the Korean Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development.
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 13
R&D New Institute Promotes Kingdom Practices of Sustainability by Kami L. Rice
uliana Lezama tells the story of her 9-year-old self who, while riding with her mother, was writing down license plate numbers of cars emitting excessive amounts of pollution. She then wrote a letter to the Ministry of the Environment of her native Colombia
to report the polluters. Her passion hasn’t waned from its early beginning, so it’s no surprise that she joined the first cohort to enter programs offered by Lipscomb University’s (TN) new Institute for
Sustainable Practice, following the completion of her undergrad degree in political science. “I found my calling,” she said, speaking of sustainability. “It’s not only what I want to do with my career, but it’s a way of life. …It’s really refreshing to study what is my passion in life.” She couldn’t find anything like this program back home in Colombia. While she would love to work in sustainability there, she said it’s difficult because underdeveloped countries don’t yet have the resources to support sustainability. Companies aren’t interested yet, and one can’t find supplies to provide products necessary for energy-efficient homes and businesses.
Kristi Jones
ABOVE: Lipscomb and the Institute is taking the lead on green initiatives, including the construction of the new Burton Health Sciences Center and Villages at Lipscomb Residential Complex, which represents a $21 million renewable energy and green building effort by the campus and by hosting the 2008 Tennessee Green Business Expo (RIGHT). anti-environmental movement perspective before he began to be interested in emerging trends in green marketing. That led to learning about the environmental side effects of production,
Lipscomb is positioning itself as a leader in the emerging
which took him to study consumerism and finally deposited him
field of sustainability. With the October 2007 inception of the
in the sustainability movement. “I stumbled across the word
Institute for Sustainable Practice, the university launched an
sustainability and was like, that’s what I’m looking at,”
undergraduate major and minor in sustainability, as well as a
he said. The uniqueness of Lipscomb’s program and the fact
graduate certificate program and a terminal master’s degree.
that it was faith-based drew him to the school, as did its location
The first students were welcomed into these programs during
in Nashville.
the 2008-09 academic term.
Lipscomb is the first—and currently the only—school in
The Institute’s first and second cohorts have attracted students
Tennessee to offer majors in sustainability. Before beginning
with an excitingly diverse array of backgrounds: a pharmacist, a
these programs, Lipscomb was already going green. When the
waitress, a stay-at-home mother/accountant, a civil engineer, a
school’s Ezell Center was constructed in 2005-06, it was the
farmer’s market employee, a coffeehouse manager, a landscape
first academic building in Nashville to use geothermal heating
architect, a homebuilder and more.
and cooling systems. All-new construction on campus since
Preston Clark, a U.S. Army officer in the sustainability
then has included this energy-saving system.
concentration of Lipscomb’s MBA program, is an example of
Sustainability’s goal is to “holistically integrate the needs of
a Christian whose perspective has shifted. He came from an
people, the planet and prosperity,” explained Dodd Galbreath,
14 CCCUAdvance spring2009
R&D executive director of the Institute. A truly trans-disciplinary field, the sustainability movement is rooted in “love for all generations and all species across time that do not deserve to inherit our wastes, depleted resources and eroded quality of life.” “Fundamentally, sustainability is the secular world’s alternative to kingdom living,” said Galbreath. “It has emerged
Lipscomb is the first—and currently the only—school in Tennessee to offer majors in sustainability.
as a way to achieve justice and prosperity in the world.” It’s critical that Christians be part of this movement because without their participation, the world “will miss out on the opportunity to know that this kingdom living of today can be extended forever.” Much about the principles of sustainability fit closely with Jesus’
broadest intent: to create a better life
Health Sciences Center, which has
for people, the planet and prosperity,”
been submitted for LEED (Leadership
Galbreath explained. The Institute model
in Energy and Environmental Design)
was chosen because it supports an
certification and is expected to be the
innovative approach to education that
first LEED-certified academic building
includes service to the local community
in the state.
and connection to the wider world.
True sustainability programs are
The Institute is involved in both passive
particularly rare at faith-based schools,
and active partnerships with other
though some, including some CCCU
organizations in Nashville. Passive
schools, are incorporating sustainability
partnerships take the form of providing
elements into environmental studies
free meeting space on campus to
programs. Most notably, John Brown
Historically, the environmental movement
organizations working on various
University (AR) has announced the
has had an uneasy relationship with
aspects of sustainability. Active
addition of a bachelor of science
much of the evangelical Christian
partnerships include organizing and
degree in renewable energy beginning
world for several reasons, including
hosting an annual Green Business and
in fall 2009. It is the first university
the perception that environmentalism
Living Summit. The second annual
worshipped creation more than the
summit will be held in April 2009.
teaching. “It amazes me that secular people have figured out the holistic aspect of Jesus’ teaching before many Christians have,” Galbreath added.
Creator and ignored real needs for jobs and livelihood. But Galbreath explained that a more fact-driven approach has quietly emerged, largely supported by corporations, non-profit organizations
Additionally, Galbreath and the Institute have relationships with the other higher education institutions in Nashville. Fellow CCCU member Trevecca Nazarene
in Arkansas and one of only a few in the U.S. offering a four-year degree in the field. In addition, the CCCU announced that six institutions were awarded mini-grants up to $5,000 to begin the implementation of creation care
and other bottom-up sources that aren’t
University (TN) has brought students to
as political. “As sustainability emerged
tour Lipscomb’s campus, and Galbreath
as the new and much-improved
has participated with Trevecca’s
While sustainability is best done in
environmental movement, it began to
president, Dr. Dan Boone, in events on
partnership with others, Lezama noted,
make more sense to people. ‘Hey, this is
faith and the environment. Galbreath
“It’s important to educate people
rational,’ [they realized]…Sustainability
has also participated in conferences at
about the problem and let them know
has the potential to connect eternal
Vanderbilt University and served as a
everything they do has an impact on
thinking with sustainable thinking and to
guest lecturer there. He anticipates that
the environment.”
create more faith rather than less faith.”
Vanderbilt will be a significant partner in
The Institute for Sustainable Practice
programs on their respective campuses.
sustainability research.
was created to meet the growing need
In August 2008, Lipscomb dedicated
for “trained, credentialed leaders who
almost $21 million in new green
understand sustainability from its
construction, including the Burton
Kami Rice (www.kamirice.com), a 1997 graduate of Asbury College (KY) and an alumna of the American Studies Program, is based in Nashville and loves working as a freelance writer.
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 15
around the council inauguration A crowd of students, faculty, staff, and community members gathered at Goshen College (IN) to watch Barack Obama take the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2009.
Jodi H. Beyeler
Either on the Mall or in the Auditorium, campuses watch the peaceful transfer of power. by Mimi Wiggins Perreault
uliana Wilhoit stood near
election night, where Obama gave his
the National Air and Space
acceptance speech as the next president
Museum on the National
of the United States. She said while this
Mall looking over the crowds
was her first time to vote in a national
of people who had gathered
since 4 a.m., and realized the bond she shared with those present. It was the beginning of a change. “History was made,” Wilhoit, 20, a sophomore at Wheaton College (IL),
said with excitement. “And, hey, I was one of those people involved.” Wilhoit is president of the Wheaton College chapter of College Democrats, and avidly campaigned for President Barack Obama on her campus, in Racine and Marysville, Wis., and even made it to Grant Park in Chicago on
16 CCCUAdvance spring2009
“ No matter who you voted for, that act of relinquishment by one president to another, especially by a political adversary, is truly awe-inspiring.” James Brenneman, Ph.D. president, Goshen College (IN)
election, her involvement made her feel like her vote counted. She said her reasons for being an Obama supporter were very much in line with her Christian faith. “The Democratic Party has a platform of providing justice,” she said. “In a lot of ways, I feel like the church has just failed. We need change within the church. It’s a people-centered party.” Wilhoit flew in from Chicago for the inaugural festivities on Sunday morning, attended the We Are One concert that evening and even made it to one of the
aroundinauguration the council inaugural balls at George Washington University the evening after the ceremony. She said she could not think of any place she would have rather been that weekend. “We all worked so hard to get there,” she said. “The number of people was amazing.” President Obama took the oath of office in a ceremony flanked by prayer, an invocation by Saddleback Church’s Rick Warren that included the Lord’s Prayer and a benediction by Rev. Joseph Lowery, who acknowledged the significance of Obama’s presidency in relation to the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. Wilhoit said these references to faith made the ceremony even more meaningful. Also in the crowd was Washington Journalism Center student Zachary
Danika Heatherly
Klemme, 20, a student from Asbury
“One of the most amazing, even
College (KY), who said he was touched
miraculous, signs of American
by the experience even though he did
democracy at its best is the peaceful
not vote for Obama.
transition of power we are about
“The opportunity to experience this
to witness,” Brenneman said. “No
event with so many people in the city
matter who you voted for, that act
that were in a celebratory mood and
of relinquishment by one president
who were so genuinely excited about
to another, especially by a political
the event was what made it great to be
adversary, is truly awe-inspiring.”
with all three or four million people,”
Brenneman, his son Quinn and a crowd
Klemme said. “I will remember how people pushed aside the complicating circumstances of the event—the cold, the sheer number of people who were in the city, the extra police and security personnel to deal with, traffic issues and so on—to remain focused on the event itself. Perseverance, really, in a way.”
Watching Back Home While preparing to watch back home in
of students and faculty attended the event. Two professors previewed the event with scholarly information about its historical and political significance, and the event concluded with commentary by two professors about what was said during the inauguration ceremony, including an acknowledgement to Arizona Sen. John McCain for his concession speech.
Indiana, Goshen College (IN) President
Goshen was one of several CCCU
James Brenneman released a statement
institutions that had inauguration viewing
before a two-hour long community
parties, many of which corresponded
viewing party where more than 400
with festivities celebrating the birthday of
watched in the campus’s Umble Center
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
on a movie theater-sized screen.
continued on page 18>>
Buck James
TOP: Whitworth students traveled to the nation’s capital to stand among the crowds as Obama was sworn into office. BOTTOM: Approximately 1.5 million people on the National Mall witnessed the inauguration of the nation’s first African-American president.
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 17
around the council inauguration
“ The opportunity to experience this event with so many people in the city that were in a celebratory mood and who were so genuinely excited about the event was what made it great.” Zach Klemme, Junior, Asbury College (KY)
Buck James
a crowd waits on E Street to get past a security check point in an attempt to get onto the Inaugural Parade Route.
from page 17>>
perspective of people from all 50 states. While they came up a
Junior Jacob Schlabach from St. Paul, Minn., attended the
few states short, the video collection presented a diverse array
Goshen gathering and reflected on Obama’s inaugural address.
of perspectives from the event. McPherson acknowledged that
“Did Obama give me hope? Yes, though not in the way that
the experience was a teachable moment for his students.
may have been expected,” Schlabach said. “I think his somber,
“Students learned some interesting lessons about fairness
realistic tone in regards to the challenges that our nation, and
(comparing people who got good seats because of whom they
our world, face was a welcomed change for politics.”
knew to people who had worked on the campaign but couldn’t
Schlabach did vote for Obama, but said the experience of watching with a group of people who did not necessarily support Obama during the election was just as meaningful to him.
get tickets), about the peaceful transfer of power that some nations find so amazing on our part and especially about how a key event—or person—can, for better or worse, bring people together,” he said. “(In the midst of the) massive crowd and the cold, an Iranian immigrant sat near me and began softly singing
“At one point, at the beginning of the inauguration, one of the
along with the national anthem,” he said. “My wife and I joined
organizers of the school event tried to insight a cheer of ‘yes, we
in, me with tears in my eyes.”
can.’ The response was lackluster. Everyone who was there was
At the end, the crowds made their way off of the National Mall
there to see Obama become president, yet it seemed to me that
and back into the streets, and Wilhoit returned to her campus to
the people present had a feeling that the political maneuvering
lead the Wheaton College Democrats and Students for Change,
and partisan inspiration should go on hold for a time.”
a new organization born out of the election campaign. While
Documenting the Experience Students who took part in Media Impact in N.Y. and D.C., Whitworth University’s (WA) January term study program, came to Washington, D.C. to attend the inauguration and meet with leaders from the media to talk about contemporary
her thoughts about the Obama administration are positive, she recognizes the importance of the people behind the president. “The government can’t do everything; he’s recognized and enabled people,” she said. “Now we have to keep up our end of the work.”
American society. Whitworth professor James McPherson led the group of nine students attending the program. The students created a blog to log the events of their trip (http://jmc346.blogspot.com), and four students decided to conduct a film project to document the
18 CCCUAdvance spring2009
Mimi Wiggins Perreault lives in downtown Washington, D.C. with her husband Greg. She attended the Washington Journalism Center in the summer of 2004, and graduated from Baylor University (TX) with a bachelor of arts in journalism in 2005.
westmont fire
Westmont recovers from natural disaster and looks to rebuild. story by Kami L. Rice | photos by Brad Elliot
very now and then, Westmont College (CA) freshman Stacey Torigoe still encounters the scent of smoke emanating from some piece of her belongings. “The smoke smell is kind of haunting,” she said, recalling the observation
Above: With the music still visible on the white pages, the only signs of the Nov. 13 fire are the burned edges. almost worse sorting and cleaning belongings that survived than just starting fresh with nothing.
from a recent conversation with her roommate.
Drs. Kim and Ken Kihlstrom were in Israel when they learned
In spite of that, she’s doing okay these days, though she was
of the fire that claimed their home along with the homes of
among the 50 on-campus students who lost their housing in the
14 other faculty members. The Kihlstroms traveled with 43
Tea Fire, the wildfire that burned through Westmont’s campus
students, including their son Kevin, and another professor
and surrounding areas on Nov. 13, 2008.
couple and were entering the final three weeks of a semester
Because Torigoe lived on the bottom floor of Clark M, a section of student housing whose upper level was destroyed by the
of study in Europe. continued on page 20>>
fire, some of her belongings were salvageable. During the night she spent in Murchison Gym waiting out the fire with other community members, she prepared for the possibility that everything she owned beyond the cell phone and saxophone she had with her when the evacuation order came would be gone in the morning. Torigoe said the whole experience has left her rethinking “materialism and how much stuff we really need.” She’s trying to cut back on how much she has and thinks twice before buying things. “Right after the fire when I thought I’d lost everything, it was kind of freeing,” she said, adding that it was
“The fire revealed the strength and cohesiveness of the Westmont community in so many ways.” Gayle Beebe, Ph.D., president, Westmont College (CA)
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 19
westmont fire
above: Miraculously, the Nancy Voskuyl Chapel survived while trees burned around it. Right: A Firefighter returns to his truck amidst the smoke. from page 19>>
trustee family to care for them in the
“In some ways,” said Kim Kihlstrom,
aftermath of the fire and through
“that whole trip prepared us. We traveled
the rebuilding.
for three months with one 45-pound suitcase.” She says they learned they didn’t need all these things, and in some ways the fire, as awful as it was, gave them a shortcut to simplification they were yearning for. The prayer time students traveling with
The Kihlstroms see an unexpected grace in rebuilding the house they’ve lived in since arriving at Westmont more than 20 years ago. They can build it to fit their current needs, which means designing spaces that work even better for the
“ When you’ve got nothing left, you just rely on God, and it’s a beautiful thing.” Stacey Torigoe, Freshman, Westmont College (CA)
student gatherings they regularly host.
them led for their family “was absolutely amazing, one of the greatest blessings of my life,” said Kihlstrom. That level of support has continued since their return to the United States. She described “the overwhelming support we have felt on so many fronts, so many offers of help, so many people wanting to buy us a gift to replace what’s lost.” She said sometimes the care and help has come from unexpected places, including from students they hadn’t heard from in years. While their house is being rebuilt, the Kihlstroms are living in the guest cottage of a trustee family. “Our trustee families have been so amazing in this process,” said Kim Kihlstrom. Each faculty family who lost their home was assigned a
20 CCCUAdvance spring2009
North of the prayer chapel, green shoots push their ways through the blackened soil as new life returns to the burned area.
westmont fire Dr. Tom Fikes and his family are also among the families whose homes were lost. “Being part of the Westmont community has been phenomenal,” he said, noting that within a week of the fire one of the trustees wrote a sizable check to each faculty family whose home was lost. Another trustee family checks in on them regularly and still takes them to dinner on occasion. “The fire revealed the strength and cohesiveness of the Westmont community in so many ways,” noted Westmont President Gayle Beebe. He described the quick and calm evacuation as students went to the gym the way they had been trained to do and the heroic efforts of faculty and staff, including physical plant staff who extinguished spot fires and limited the fire’s destruction. “[Students] never panicked [during the night in the gym], and their faith and concern for each other deeply touched me,” he explained. “As soon as the fire was out, their first thought was to reach out to those affected by the fire to do whatever they could to help…I’ve been so impressed by the leadership shown by our faculty
Reporting on the Fire, Up Close and Online Just a few days before the Tea Fire struck Westmont College’s campus, senior Rob Gutierrez, editor in chief of Westmont’s newspaper, The Horizon, and his staff discussed ways to boost traffic on the
and staff as they have modeled for students how to respond
The Horizon’s Web site.
to devastating circumstances.”
Days after that meeting, Web site visits jumped
While the campus has returned to the routine of classes and
from roughly 25 per week to 1,400 overnight as
campus activities, the disruption of construction that was in progress before the fire has been magnified with the addition
anxious parents, students and friends of the college searched for news regarding how the campus and its
of rebuilding projects. Community members might have to take
people were faring while the fire bore down on them.
a different route across campus from one day to the next as
Gutierrez, alumnus of the Washington Journalism
construction equipment blocks pathways, but as Fikes noted,
Center, notes that Terry Mattingly, WJC Director,
“There’s still just a ton of goodwill, and everyone is looking for
emphasized blogging as one facet of where
ways to compensate for the [upheaval].”
journalism is headed.
In considering the most amazing and strong people she knows,
The night of the fire, Gutierrez blogged from his
Kim Kihlstrom observed that they are almost always people who
off-campus apartment as newspaper staff reported
have suffered in some significant way. “When we choose to
to him from campus. But around 2 or 3 a.m., the
respond in trust and thanksgiving, it molds us into the people
college’s Web site went down. He didn’t know when
God wants us to be,” she said.
it would be back up.
“This fire has confirmed my thoughts about suffering as
Gutierrez and The Horizon’s managing editor
a necessary part of our journey of faith,” added Beebe.
approached the Santa Barbara Independent,
“Fortunately, God never makes us all suffer in the same
asking to blog from The Independent’s offices
way or at the same level of intensity, and those whose
and Web site. The Independent was very
homes and offices survived have been able to comfort
accommodating, said Gutierrez.
and support those with great losses. In many ways, it’s been a humbling experience to be reminded how much we depend on God. No matter what happens to us, He remains faithful and will help us survive even
By evening the day after the fire, The Horizon was back to blogging on its own site. “It was cool that [the Web site] could be a resource for people,” said
great devastation.”
Gutierrez, who found it significant to witness the
As Torigoe said, “When you’ve got nothing left, you just
times of crisis.
role the media play in serving their audience during
rely on God, and it’s a beautiful thing.”
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 21
' * 3 $ $ % ! 3 ( % % % 3 $ $ $ % ) 3 $ $ % ! -
The economic downturn affects every sector, including higher education. No one answer fits all institutions, but campuses are constructing creative solutions to persevere and establish long-term viability and solvency. Story by M.Z. Hemingway
22 CCCUAdvance spring2009
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crisis is changing all that.
fact, CCCU institutions may be uniquely
Elite private and public schools have
positioned in the competitive student
watched the plummeting stock market
market. A survey of 2,500 prospective
shrink their large endowments. Many
students by MeritAid.com found 57
are responding to the crisis by raising
percent were now considering less-
tuition on students even as those
expensive colleges due to the economic
students are having difficulty getting
downturn. And the weak labor market
loans. State schools report budget cuts
is leading many more students to
of five percent or more. And many
consider college.
colleges have declared hiring freezes and made efforts to reduce expenses.
Nationally, CCCU institutions cost less
Endowments lost nearly 23 percent
least a $5000 mean tuition deferential
of their value between July and
for the 2008-09 academic year.
than private four-year institutions, with at
November 2008, according to the National Association of College and
And the federal bailout and economic
University Business Officers. Annual
stimulus bill provide quite a bit of money
giving is down, facilities still need
for higher education in general and
regular upkeep, and tuition costs are
student financial aid in particular. The
harder to meet for families who are
Treasury secretary now has the authority
suffering job and income losses in
to intervene in student loan market.
the economic downturn.
“If student benefits in the bailout bill
If Ivy League universities with their
were a glass of water, in the stimulus
billion-dollar endowments are hurting,
package they’re Lake Michigan,”
smaller and less-expensive colleges
said Joan Crissman with the National
are also feeling the strain.
Association of Student Financial
This brings forth all sorts of large-
Aid Administrators.
scale concerns for members of the Council of Christian Colleges
continued on page 24>>
“There aren’t ‘industry’ solutions. There are solutions dependent on where you are as a particular institution. … It depends on who you are and your own situation.” Carl Zylstra, president, Dordt College (IA), CCCU board chair
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 23
from page 23>>
“There aren’t ‘industry’ solutions. There
income students. The first decrease in
Federal Work Study programs will
are solutions dependent on where you
the school’s 70-year history, tuition was
get an additional $200 million. Some
are as a particular institution. That
already 10 percent below the national
$13.5 billion is allocated for a $2,500
ranges from institutions that are freezing
average for four-year institutions.
tax credit or refund and four million
tuition to raising tuition and strengthening
additional students will receive that
financial aid. It all depends on who you
tax credit now that is refundable,
are and your own situation,” he said.
even to people who pay no taxes. Computers will now be considered a qualified expense for 529 college savings plans. And the maximum award for Pell Grants will now be $5,350 in the next academic year and $5,550 in the year after that. CCCU members report a wide variety of responses to the economy,
President Bryce Jessup said in explaining the reduction.
changes in giving from broader constituencies, including churches and legacy giving, and the competitive environment of each school. What follows are some of the many ideas being attempted by member institutions.
adjustments, budget cuts and loan
While many secular institutions are
repayment assistance programs.
hiking tuition—in an environment
said that each institution will be
prepare themselves for their futures,”
keep in mind endowment levels,
Lower Tuition
College (IA) and CCCU board chair,
students to pursue their educations to
To tailor a solution, institutions should
including hiring freezes, tuition
Dr. Carl Zylstra, president of Dordt
“We want to do all we can to allow
where tuition has outpaced inflation
Andrea Cook, president-elect of Warner Pacific College (OR), said her school decided to implement a tuition reduction of 23 percent last February. Warner Pacific’s student population includes a high percentage of Pell-eligible, firstgeneration college students. Research showed that many were determining higher education wasn’t accessible to them based on sticker price alone.
for years—some member institutions
“At our previous price, it was hard to
|are reducing tuition.
have a conversation about the real affordability of our institution,” she said.
able to come up with ingenious
CCCU affiliate William Jessup University
solutions but they’ll be very specific
(CA) lowered tuition by 2.5 percent for
They made a decision to stress
to those institutions.
full-time undergraduate students as
affordability and accessibility with a
well as expanded scholarships for low-
lower price. The move has been well
24 CCCUAdvance spring2009
Campuses are using a wide variety of responses, including hiring freezes, tuition adjustments, budget cuts and loan repayment assistance programs, to position themselves against continual uncertainty.
received, Cook said. The school is seeing growth in its
Usually investment committees are composed of people
adult student program, a reflection of the changing job
who like to take action. They may want to fire all their
market and the need for adults in the labor market to
managers or take their asset allocation plans and shake
enhance their credentials and skills. But the school has
them up. But they’re also usually volunteers who only meet
also experienced growth in its traditional program. The
three to four times a year. In sensitive financial situations,
school recalibrated both tuition and financial aid. For
caution and diligence is needed so institutions should
instance, top scholarships declined from $10,000 a
make sure that someone is paying more attention to the
year to $5,000 a year.
school’s portfolios, Jarvis said. Investment committees
However, schools that use a high tuition discount model—with the assumption that a certain percentage of students would pay the full amount with the need of a discount—might not have much success with a tuition
should revisit their investment policies and make sure they understand precisely how much cash on hand is needed from season to season.
rate cute, Cook cautioned.
Cut Class
“It wouldn’t make sense for every institution,” she said.
would be going to a primarily evening class schedule and
To make the decision, Warner Pacific assembled a senior
would shift its focus to its adult studies program. The failing
leadership team that ran various models on how the change might impact the school – on both the revenue and expenses sides.
Investment Committees Many institutions wonder how best to manage their investment committees. William Jarvis, the head of research at the Commonfund Institute, cautions institutions not to overreact. “Don’t just do something, stand there,” Jarvis joked.
In January, Crichton College (TN) announced the school
economy had yielded a precipitous drop in donations. Projections showed that the school would be $4 million in debt by the end of the year if it didn’t take action, said Crichton Vice President Sam Garrett. The school had taken rounds of layoffs prior to the decision. In February, the school announced it had entered into an agreement with a group that transforms non-profit institutions into for-profit. Vennard College (IA) was forced to close at the end of 2008 due to debt caused by stagnant enrollment. continued on page 26>>
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 25
from page 25>>
Administrators at Huntington University
with spending restraint but also a
“It was the right decision,” college
(IN) noticed that some students were
renewed fervor to redesigning the
President Bruce Moyer said of the
reluctant to take out loans and began a
university’s academic programs
decision to close the school that
pilot loan repayment assistance program.
and all operations.
Used by law schools and graduate
“To my surprise, the faculty is very
schools for years, loan repayment
behind the idea of the global economic
assistance programs are basically
storm being an opportunity for refining
an insurance policy that institutions
fire,” said President Jonathan Raymond.
opened in 1910 and had 70 students. “We’re sad. It’s not a decision we would have liked to have made, but it’s the right decision so we can bring some closure with integrity,” he said.
take out on qualifying students. When
He expects the university will get $2
MidAmerica Nazarene University (KS)
students graduate, the policy kicks
million in efficiencies and surplus
took Vennard students, offering them
in if their income falls below a certain
revenues from such restructuring.
special financial aid and transfer
level. For instance, the policy would pay
assistance. MidAmerica President Ed
out if income doesn’t reach $25,000.
Talk to Donors
Robinson said the school decided to
If income falls between $25,000 and
One of the most difficult aspects of
waive certain residency requirements
$40,000, students only repay their loans
the economic downturn is preserving
and agreed to accept academic hours
on a graduated scale, with the policy
good relations with major donors whose
earned at Vennard for students working
covering the remainder. If the student
financial situations are much less stable
on bachelor’s degrees. The students
is making more than $40,000, the
than in past years, say fund-raising
were also made eligible for a $1,000
student repays their loan on their own.
experts. Institutions should recalibrate
transfer scholarship and a $750
This enables students to work at a lower
residence life scholarship.
giving expectations but continue
salary early in their careers while also
fundraising programs as before, they say.
“We passionately believe in doing
covering students who are reluctant to
what we can to help out a Midwestern
take out loans over repayment concerns
college with a similar heritage and
in a difficult economy.
mission,” said Robinson.
The focus should be on presenting the institution’s case positively and highlighting the value for the money. At the same time, be genuinely transparent,
Repay Loans
Restructure Strategically
Many members reported low loan volume
Many consultants advise schools to use
at least a year ahead of the current
dramatically different financial situations
The worst thing to do, experts say, is
economic downturn, with lenders pulling
as an opportunity to restructure. Trinity
to pull back from communicating with
out of the market and students reporting
Western University (Vancouver, BC,
donors. Even if they can’t give much
difficulty in arranging financing.
Canada) has responded to the downturn
now, they’ll be in a new position in a
26 CCCUAdvance spring2009
open and accountable, said Ken Burnett, an international fundraising consultant.
No matter what solution is used, this is an opportunity to affirm the identity of each institution, refocus on what is most important and prepare students for the rapidly shifting world.
couple of years and they’ll remember which organizations kept
“With college costs soaring and the economic climate not
relationships healthy. Thank them regularly, communicate the
faring well, College of the Ozarks is a relevant topic for the
mission and seek their input, said Eileen Heisman, president
news,” Elizabeth Andrews, director of public relations, said.
and CEO of National Philanthropic Trust.
“The College has remained firm on its original mission—to
Trinity Western has shown empathy with its donors’ financial situation, attempting to openly address the joint burden donors and the institution face.
provide a quality, Christian education for young people who cannot afford one but are willing to work—and that in itself is newsworthy.” Students participate in a work program and with a combination
The university invited its high-end donors to an economic
of private, institutional and some state and federal aid, students
summit in Vancouver. They brought in an economist as a
do not pay for tuition, only room and board, books and
service to the donors. He discussed the global, national, and
incidental fees. College of the Ozarks is one of the largest work
local ramifications of the economic downturn. Trinity Western
colleges at 1,400 students; the college has adapted the work
also brought three of its own economics faculty members and
program to continually serve the needs of its students.
let them respond. Then the college presented two questions to the donors: What missteps could the university make? What opportunities do you see for the university in coming years?
No matter the solution, the economic downturn provides a great opportunity to affirm each institution’s identity, rally the troops and prepare students for an uncertain economic
“These are great friends of university, and they really went at
future, said Zylstra. He noted that consultants frequently
it in discussion,” said Raymond. The university gathered the
encourage institutions to accentuate what differentiates
responses and took them back to the finance committee to
them from other institutions. For the 111 institutions in
help them adjust. The retreat was such a success that the
CCCU, there’s a ready-made answer for that, he said.
college plans to run another economic summit in Calgary.
“People are going to be asking in uncertain economic
“I must tell you: their commitment going forward is captured
environment – why should I invest in your school?
and solidified,” said Raymond.
Our strongest answer should be our core answer:
Will Work for Tuition While few and far between, work colleges still hold a place
we stand for the same principles you do and we can provide a whole generation to be faithful servants in Christ,” he said.
in the sphere of higher education for those unwilling to take loans and want to work for tuition. College of the Ozarks (MO) is such a place. Major media outlets such as CNN, CBS and Fox and Friends have highlighted the College’s unique approach to financial aid.
M.Z. Hemingway is a writer from Washington. Her work can be found at GetReligion.org and Christianity Today, among other places.
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 27
from to
While new changes in the GI Bill allow many returning from combat the chance to complete their education, veterans coming back to campuses find new challenges and opportunities in transitioning to the classroom. Story by Mimi Wiggins Perreault
28 CCCUAdvance spring2009
feature veterans
or former Marine Brian Verslues, adjusting to college life has been a challenge.
dedicated to helping veterans
“I entered service for several
returning to college, who attended
reasons,” he said. “One was to
a conference in support of the
get more money for college.
new GI Bill. Veterans met with
[I also wanted] to see the world
several representatives, including
and serve my country.”
former Sen. Chuck Hagel of
“Those life experiences make
Nebraska. The bill, which goes into
going to college different,” said
effect in August 2009, will make
Verslues, 25, from Jefferson City,
GI Bill Changes and Developments
attending college after military
Mo., who attends Southwest
Since the creation of the GI Bill
service more beneficial to soldiers,
Baptist University (MO). “It’s
in 1944, the U.S. government
their spouses and children.
continues to modify and extend
Verslues, who is studying education
assistance to veterans after
sometimes harder to connect with people too. Because of my four years in the service, sometimes
and political science, began
additional military occupations and
attending SBU after attending
wars. The most recent modification
night school. He was trying to find
to the GI Bill comes as a result
a full-time university in a location
of military enlistment since Sept.
talking with professors a lot.”
where his wife, Ashley, could get a
10, 2001, including service in
job teaching. They are both from
Operation Iraqi Freedom and the
Verslues said he’s found other “non-
the southwestern Missouri area,
War on Terror, Chapter 33. In
traditional” students on the campus,
and have been married since June
addition to Chapter 33, veterans
including a good friend in Mike
2007. Verslues said attending
may also qualify for Vocational
Weeks. The two became acquainted
college would be impossible without
Rehabilitation under Chapter
after Verslues saw Weeks had a
his wife working full-time. One of
31 or the Reserve Educational
Marine Corps sticker on his truck.
the reasons he supported changes
Assistance Fund, Chapter 1607.
Weeks is older, but Verslues said
to the GI Bill was that it will make
he has more in common with him
The GI Bill provides funding for
attending college easier on single
than the majority of the students
eight semesters, or 36 months of
veterans as well as veterans with
in his classes who came to
benefits. The amount of money
families by providing more money
college right out of high school.
for living expenses during college.
my maturity and life experiences make it hard to identify with other students. I find myself just
continued on page 30>>
While he perceives a distance between him and other students, he feels farther from his responsibilities in Iraq as an infantry 81-millimeter mortar man. Although the adjustment has been difficult at times, Verslues is grateful for the opportunity to attend college. He’s also glad the updated GI Bill will reward veterans even more for their service. Last summer, he was one of approximately one thousand other
Campuses who are part of the “Yellow Ribbon Program” will receive additional funds from the Veterans Administration to better cater to returning veterans.
veterans part of Student Veterans of America, a national organization
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 29
veterans from page 29>>
allotted is worth up to $47,000 or the amount
supplies stipends and possible money for disabilities
of tuition based on a monthly full-time student
associated with their service through the program.
rate of $1,321 for the 2008-09 school year.
Within the CCCU, Indiana Wesleyan University (IN)
Verslues receives funding under Chapter 30, or the
provides discounts that apply to active duty military
Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB), and Chapter 31, or the
personnel, including those in the Reserves and
Vocational Rehabilitation Program. The MGIB can
National Guard and military spouses.
be used to pursue either undergraduate or graduate education for two or more years of active duty. Chapter 31 is a program that helps to provide training for veterans who are not able to work because of a service connect disability. These disabilities, which are determined by the Veterans Administration (VA), are often a result of traumatic experiences and are both mental and physical. According to the VA, the majority of veterans receive this assistance. In addition, survivors of dependents of
Those who enroll in the university’s Leadership Education for Adult Professionals (LEAP) program are eligible for these discounts. The LEAP program was created 23 years ago in response to the needs of working professionals and was designed with working professionals of all types in mind. IWU has many online students who are in the active service, and so the discount applies to online and on-campus tuition.
those in the military may also qualify for Chapter 35, or
Adjusting to the Academic World
the Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance
John Credille, Southwest Baptist University registrar
Program (DEA). The DEA provides training or education
and advisor of the Student Organization for Veterans
for the children and dependents of veterans who
chapter at the school, said the school has around
are permanently or totally disabled due to a service-
50 veterans enrolled, most under the age of 30.
related condition or injury. This program provides up to 45 months of assistance to those who qualify. The newly updated GI Bill provides additional money to fund education and a longer period of time the money is available, now up to 10 years after completing military service. It benefits any veterans who served at least three years of active duty after Sept. 10, 2001 who have not already begun to attend college. For private colleges, including those within the CCCU that the VA has coined “yellow ribbon schools,” the government will pay the amount of the highest undergraduate state institution within that state and an additional 50 percent of the charges the private school requires. At public colleges, the VA will pay $10,000 to the veteran’s university or college and the institution will provide a grant of $5,000, which the VA will repay to the institution. Some veterans are eligible for additional benefits, including a housing allowance,
30 CCCUAdvance spring2009
“I entered the service for several reasons…One was to get more money for college, to see the world and serve my country.” Brian Verslues, student, Southwest Baptist University (MO)
feature veterans
Credille said all of these students receive money
soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan each
either from Vocational Rehabilitation or the GI Bill.
day will. Nathan is serving his second term in the
“The biggest challenge is the timeliness of letting us know that they want to receive GI funds and getting them enrolled on time,” Credille said. “What can cause a
Army in Iraq and is a certified carpenter. Although he does not plan to use the GI Bill to pursue a college degree, Brian said Nathan’s wife might.
headache is since the Veterans Administration changed
Verslues also works in the registrar’s office certifying
their policy and now the students have to tell us they
veterans at the school and has organized a social
want to receive benefits, it takes more communication
group for veterans.
between us and the student than it did in the past.”
“They just tell me they want to use their benefits, and
According to Credille, students can save some of the
I verify that they are enrolled, and then electronically
funds to pursue higher degrees by telling the government
submit their names and hours to be taken to the VA,
how much money they wish to receive. He said this is
who processes it,” he said. “I am currently working
a benefit because some students want to save their
on getting a link for our SBU Web page for this,
money for summer classes or graduate school.
as it would make it much easier for everyone.”
A recent The Chronicle of Higher Education article1
He said the social group is just in its preliminary
stated that veterans often have difficulty getting
stages of formation, but he hopes it can be a social
their financial aid from the VA the first year they attend college. Sometimes it can take three months or so for their availability to be processed, creating a strain on the veteran and also on the university. While some schools offer course credit for military training, the majority do not. This can become frustrating to veterans who plan to enter a field in which their training might count for experience. Credille understands the GI Bill’s importance; he was in the U.S. Navy and served in the Vietnam War, attending college on the GI Bill at Southwest Baptist in 1976.
group where veterans can bond and support each other. The student organization receives money from the student fund through the campus’s student government organization. He said the goal is to use that money to help others in the service in addition to providing programming for fellow veterans. “One of the first things we’re going to do here is compile a list of students and alumni overseas, and spouses, and send care packages,” Verslues said. “We have a responsibility just like others to give back to those serving our country.”
“I grew up here; my father was an employee at the university,” he said. “SBU has been the home of the Credilles for a long time.”
1” College is for Veterans, Too” Nov. 21, 2008 Chronicle for Higher Education By Douglas Herrman, Douglas Raybeck and Roland Wilson.
In addition to the financial challenges, Credille said mostly veterans have difficulty getting acclimated to the rigors of academics, because unlike in the military, they have to figure out how to schedule their lives and manage their time. “There’s nobody to tell you what to do, whereas
GI Bill Resources
For more information on the GI Bill, please visit these Web sites:
said. “In college, they don’t do that—it’s all about
www.military.com/money-for-school/gi-bill/ learn-to-use-your-gi-bill
you working alone to get the end result.”
While Verslues himself will not benefit from the new
in the military you don’t have much choice,” he
system, his older brother Nathan and thousands of
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 31
$/#+ĂŚ#(!2)4!",%ĂŚ42534ĂŚ -053ĂŚ-).)3429ĂŚ&!)4(ĂŚ,)&%ĂŚ The concept of spiritual $%6%,/0-%.4ĂŚ,%!$%23()0ĂŚ formation is both abstract $)3#/6%25.&/,$ĂŚ30)2)45!,ĂŚ #(!2)4!",%ĂŚ42534ĂŚ!33%33).'ĂŚ and concrete. It is at the crux 3429ĂŚ&!)4(ĂŚ,)&%ĂŚ#/,,!"/2!4)6%ĂŚ of what Council institutions %23()0ĂŚ$%6%,/0-%.4ĂŚ30)2)45!,ĂŚ -!4)/.ĂŚ#258ĂŚ30)2)45!,ĂŚ'2/74(ĂŚ seek to instill, yet it can be /2-!4)/.ĂŚ(%!243ĂŚ7/2,$ĂŚ#!-053ĂŚ manifested in different ways. 2/#%33ĂŚ/&ĂŚ30)2)45!,ĂŚ$%6%,/0-%.4ĂŚ 2/'2!-ĂŚ$)3#/6%25.&/,$ĂŚ30)2)45!,ĂŚ New programs, bolstered by (!2)4!",%ĂŚ42534ĂŚ!33%33).'ĂŚ30)2)45!,ĂŚ a M.J. Murdock Charitable #/,,!"/2!4)6%ĂŚ#/.6%23!4)/.ĂŚ02/#%33ĂŚ Trust grant, will provide a path /0-%.4ĂŚ30)2)45!,ĂŚ&/2-!4)/.ĂŚ02/'2!-ĂŚ '2/74(ĂŚ- * ĂŚ-52$/#+ĂŚ#(!2)4!",%ĂŚ42534ĂŚ to assess best practices in #!-053ĂŚ-).)3429ĂŚ&!)4(ĂŚ,)&%ĂŚ#/,,!"/2!4)6%ĂŚ fostering spiritual growth. $%23()0ĂŚ$%6%,/0-%.4ĂŚ30)2)45!,ĂŚ&/2-!4)/.ĂŚ 30)2)45!,ĂŚ'2/74(ĂŚ- * ĂŚ-52$/#+ĂŚ#(!2)4!",%ĂŚ Story by Christopher Martin ,$ĂŚ#!-053ĂŚ-).)3429ĂŚ&!)4(ĂŚ,)&%ĂŚ#/,,!"/2!4)6%ĂŚ ,%!$%23()0ĂŚ$%6%,/0-%.4ĂŚ30)2)45!,ĂŚ&/2-!4)/.ĂŚ 258ĂŚ30)2)45!,ĂŚ'2/74(ĂŚ- * ĂŚ-52$/#+ĂŚ#(!2)4!",%ĂŚ 7/2,$ĂŚ#!-053ĂŚ-).)3429ĂŚ&!)4(ĂŚ,)&%ĂŚ#/,,!"/2!4)6%ĂŚ %.4ĂŚ,%!$%23()0ĂŚ$%6%,/0-%.4ĂŚ30)2)45!,ĂŚ&/2-!4)/.ĂŚ 32 CCCUAdvance spring2009 ĂŚ30)2)45!,ĂŚ'2/74(ĂŚ- * ĂŚ-52$/#+ĂŚ#(!2)4!",%ĂŚ42534ĂŚ
n 1999, campus leaders from many CCCU institutions gathered in Vancouver, Wash., at the behest of Rich Gathro, then
senior vice president for the CCCU, to discuss issues relating to spiritual development on CCCU campuses. Hosted by the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, this
conference launched many of the advances the CCCU has made in the past decade regarding the often difficult task of assessing spiritual formation made the hearts of students at Council institutions. continued on page 34>>
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 33
“Spiritual formation is at the center of what our institutions do.” Paul R. Corts, CCCU president
but we also know we can develop a
our profession a need to develop
system of best practices for campus
tools to implement best practices in
ministers to better assess their methods
our ministries,” Fisher said. “CCCU
and further professionalize their efforts.”
institutions recognize the importance of
This desire led to the creation of the Leadership Development and Spiritual Formation Program, co-directed by Anderson and Fisher and funded by a $186,500 grant from the M.J. Murdock
Christian faith and life at Huntington University (IN), and Keith Anderson, senior vice president for academics at Mars Hill Graduate School (WA). “We had two rich days of collaborative conversation regarding the process of spiritual development on our campuses,”
for spiritual formation within the context of the needs of their students.” Fisher and Anderson began by conducting audits of the campus
the Murdock Trust recently awarded
ministries programs of numerous
develop the initiatives they began
conference were Bill Fisher, dean of
discover and unfold the best practices
of Anderson and Fisher’s initial work,
allowing Fisher and Anderson to further
Among those attending the Vancouver
We wanted to train campus ministers to
Charitable Trust. Based on the success
the CCCU a second grant of $248,000,
from page 33>>
spiritual development on their campuses.
regarding spiritual formation.
CCCU institutions. “These audits included two days of onsite interviews with administration, faculty, students, alumni and even local pastors,”
“Spiritual formation is at the center of
Fisher said. “We wanted to conduct
what our institutions do,” said Paul R.
a 360-degree fly-around of as many
Corts, CCCU President. “We’re delighted
campuses as possible in order to
that the Murdock Trust has chosen to
formulate an understanding of what
provide this grant for the work that
works at a variety of places.”
we’re doing with regards to spiritual formation and we think it is a great validation of the work we’ve already begun in this process.”
Anderson and Fisher anticipated using the findings from these audits to develop templates to apply to future institutes as they developed best practices models.
said Anderson. “One of the conclusions
According to Fisher, the impetus for
“We thought that after we’d studied
we reached is that, in many respects,
these studies was a desire for campus
enough campus ministry programs,
campus ministry is where student
ministries to receive methodologies
patterns would emerge that we could
development was 15 to 20 years ago.
and tools for assessment similar to
use when auditing later programs,”
We know that significant spiritual
those implemented in the educational
Fisher says. It soon became apparent
formation takes place on our campuses,
accreditation process. “We saw in
that each institution possesses unique
34 CCCUAdvance spring2009
attributes that would not conform to previously established formulas. “We have such wonderful diversity among our CCCU institutions, with each one possessing rich traditions and unique circumstances,” Fisher said. “We found that instead of identifying patterns and establishing templates, we could better serve campus ministers by identifying ways to train them to discover methods for best practices within the context of their institution.” As a result of these findings, Anderson and Fisher generated reports that analyzed the programs and offered recommendations tailored to each institution. Though each campus provided unique circumstances preventing the development of all-encompassing templates, the audits did yield a number of issues common to many CCCU campuses. “We learned there is a need to advocate a greater voice for the chaplain or campus pastor,” Anderson said. “We also saw that the CCCU presidents are open to this if they see that it can help foster greater spiritual development for students.” Fisher and Anderson discovered the profile of campus pastors has risen at many CCCU institutions, with many campus pastors either sitting at the president’s cabinet level, or having regular opportunities to report to the president’s cabinet. A second facet of Fisher and Anderson’s study involved the establishment of a summer institute for campus
“We know that significant spiritual formation takes place on our campuses, but we also know we can develop a system of best practices for campus ministers to better assess their methods and further professionalize their efforts.” Bill Fisher, Dean of Christian Faith and Life, Huntington University (IN)
ministry professionals. This five-day conference now takes place annually on Whidbey Island, Wash., and has received strong support from those who have attended. continued on page 36>>
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 35
spiritual formation played an instrumental role in the CCCU’s efforts to receive these grants in his previous position as vice president for professional development and research at the CCCU. “In the experience of working with the national assessment of spiritual formation through the CCCU’s Faithful Change research, we witnessed first-hand some of the difficulties in definition,
“ Assessing spiritual formation and development can be a nebulous thing… part of the responsibility we have is to tell the story of transformation and development that happens on our campuses.” Ron Mahurin, Vice President and Dean, Houghton College (NY)
measurement and even the perceived value of this work. And yet, part of the responsibility we have is to tell the story of transformation and development that happens on our campuses. While this is not easy work, it is work that we can do together if we are more intentional and purposeful in knowing what we mean by spiritual formation and intellectual growth and development.” Fisher and Anderson intend to use these assessment protocols to launch a graduate-level program at a CCCU graduate school or seminary with an emphasis in training campus ministers. According to Corts, such a program will play an essential role in the CCCU’s effort to further professionalize its campus ministries programs. “A graduate program for campus ministers on a CCCU campus will help further train a new generation of campus ministers and pastors,” said Corts. “This program will implement the best practices and assessment tools from our current initiatives and will provide campus
from page 35>>
ministers with a professional foundation so that their
“The summer institute really sets the table for a collaborative
training is not simply on-the-job.”
conversation about spiritual formation on our campuses,” said Anderson. “This is a spiritually-charged time where campus ministers have an opportunity to learn what techniques
According to Anderson, this increased professionalization complies nicely with the continued integration occurring
for enhancing spiritual development are working on other
between campus ministries and the classroom. “The most
campuses, as well as share their own successes.”
significant development we’re seeing is the increased coming
According to Anderson and Fisher, the second grant from the Murdock Trust allows them to further build on their previous work, especially with regards to establishing assessment protocols for evaluating both campus ministers and the
together of campus ministries with the academic classroom,” said Anderson. “This serves not only to increase the spiritual development that takes place inside the classroom, but also brings an academic process to the work of our campus
spiritual development of students throughout their academic
ministers. Just as faculty members understand that spiritual
career. In this era of increased accountability—particularly
development takes place in the classroom, our campus
in the accreditation process—many believe that these
ministers also see themselves as educators.”
protocols provide essential evaluation for a process that can be difficult to analyze. “Assessing spiritual formation and development can be a nebulous thing,” said Ron Mahurin, academic vice president and dean of Houghton College (NY), who
36 CCCUAdvance spring2009
Christopher Martin is a graduate of Azusa Pacific University (CA). He is senior director at a television agency, managing areas of production and international distribution. He and his wife April live in Washington, D.C. and are expecting twins this spring.
The International Astronomical Search Collaboration searches the universe for research and just plain fun. by Kami L. Rice
hen then-high schooler Matthew Davis
Through his involvement with the IASC, Davis said, “I’ve learned
looked at some extra images brought
how to look at science a lot better than before. Occasionally
home by his older brother and
there are mistakes in it, and you have to look at it yourself.
discovered an asteroid, he was
I’ve learned that you can look at it yourself. It’s not just for the
hooked. His already-strong interest in
intellectuals of the world; everyone can do and understand it.”
astronomy was cemented by the headiness of participating in discovery. The images came from his brother’s involvement with the International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC), a collaboration of several institutions that is coordinated at Hardin-Simmons University (TX).
Founded in October 2006 by Dr. Patrick Miller, associate professor of mathematics at Hardin-Simmons, the IASC (pronounced “Isaac”) is an online program for high schools and colleges that allows students to analyze images collected by the Astronomical Research Observatory in
Davis is now a freshman at Hardin-Simmons, planning to
Charleston, Ill. Students search the images for new asteroids
major in one of the sciences in preparation for teaching at
in the Main Asteroid Belt located between Mars and Jupiter
the high school or college level. He works behind the scenes
and also confirm or observe positions of known Near-Earth
maintaining the IASC’s Web site and uploading images
objects (NEOs) and asteroids. They use software called
into folders to be accessed by participating schools.
Astrometrica, authored by Herbert Raab in Austria, to measure the asteroids’ positions.
38 CCCUAdvance spring2009
asteroids The IASC runs seven 45-day search
teacher participating in an IASC
IASC doesn’t charge for use of this
campaigns throughout
workshop in February, is credited
online educational tool and doesn’t
the year. As many as 15 schools from
as a co-discoverer of an asteroid
prescribe how teachers use it. For
around the world participate in each
currently identified as 2009 BD81.
those participating in the various search
campaign. In addition to Hardin-
The discovery is significant because
campaigns, the only requirement is that
Simmons, the IASC collaborators
of its potential threat to Earth.
the data be analyzed within 48 hours.
Credited with co-discovery of 2009
Currently, the IASC runs two programs
BD81 is Kolyo Dankov, a Bulgarian Ph.D.
and moves teachers from the entry-
student in biophysics who works with the
level search program through the more
IASC as a spotter, giving a second look
advanced program. Dependent on
to images sent to schools participating
the outcome of a grant application,
Much of the program’s value to students
in search campaigns. He made the
the IASC hopes to add programs
is found in the access it gives them
discovery a few hours after Kirby. “It
searching for comets and for Kuiper
to frontline scientific research. “The
was a great excitement for me to be a
belt objects, which are in the outer
include Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley; Astronomical Research Institute in Charleston, Ill. and Global Hands-On Universe Association in Lisbon, Portugal.
students are actually doing scientific
region of the solar system.
research that’s communicated back to
Miller explained that the goal is for
the professional community,” explained
teachers who have gone through all
Miller. Students who make discoveries
parts of the program to be able to
and observations are recognized as published researchers. “Some of the observations are very important,” he notes, pointing to the discovery in February of a previously unknown near-Earth object. It’s a significant learning tool for students to work with real time data and projects rather than data that have been looked at before and projects with known outcomes. NASA describes Near-Earth objects as “comets and asteroids that have been nudged by the gravitational attraction of nearby planets into orbits that allow them to enter the Earth’s neighborhood.” Some NEOs are classified as Potentially Hazardous Asteroids based on their potential to cross within an especially close proximity to the Earth’s orbit. With the Near Earth Object Program, Congress mandated NASA to identify and monitor these objects because of the danger they can pose. The observations made by the IASC’s participants feed into the data NASA uses to track these objects. On rare
“The students are actually doing scientific research that’s communicated back to the professional community.” Patrick Miller, director, IASC co-discoverer of such an interesting, near-Earth and potentially hazardous asteroid,” Dankov said. “In the past few months, I have measured a lot of asteroids and even found several new objects from the Main Asteroid Belt, but this one is so rare and unusual that
conduct their own astronomical research programs without the IASC. Because much of the data necessary for research is available to the public via the Internet, trained teachers can guide their students toward making important contributions to astronomy. Miller says there are currently only 50 to 100 teachers in the U.S. equipped to do this. He would like to see the number rise to 1,000 to 10,000 teachers around the world. So far, 130 institutions from 12 different countries have participated in search campaigns. This summer, the allAfrica campaign will add participating schools from Ethiopia, Kenya and South Africa. As in the United States, international participation in the IASC helps breed interest in science among students. Dankov in Bulgaria said that
at the first moment I couldn’t believe
after the discovery of 2009 BD81, a
it! It was the first NEO discovered
group of students from several schools
on images from [the Astronomical
in Bulgaria joined the IASC project.
Research Observatory] after more than two years of extensive observations.”
occasions, participants discover
The IASC’s strategy is to train
previously unidentified NEOs. Steven
teachers so that they can integrate the
Kirby, a Texas high school science
research into their classrooms. The
“I am preparing a paper for one Bulgarian astronomy newspaper and think that the discovery will continued on page 40>>
spring2009 CCCUAdvance 39
asteroids from page 39>>
increase the interest toward astronomical work in the students in Bulgaria,” he said. “We have a long-term tradition in astronomy in my country, and the opportunity of IASC will be the next step for retrieval of the interest for such research in the children in Bulgaria.” While interest in such a project has existed for a long time,
The International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC) is an educational outreach program for high schools and colleges, provided at no cost to the participating schools.
Miller said the technology to do it wasn’t available until more
IASC (pronounced “Isaac”) is a collaboration of:
recently. The evolution of high-speed Internet access has
• Hardin-Simmons University (Abilene, TX)
been a significant factor in making it possible for students from around the world to collaborate on such research. “I find it exciting that sitting at my little computer in Abilene, I can distribute images to schools all over the world,” Davis said.
• Lawrence Hall of Science (University of California, Berkeley) • Astronomical Research Institute (Charleston, IL) • Global Hands-On Universe Association (Lisbon, Portugal) • Astrometrica (H. Raab, Austria).
Azusa Pacific University | Asbury Theological Seminary | Denver Seminary | Belhaven College | Cornerstone University Northwest College | Golden Gate Baptist Seminary | Covenant College
Colorado Christian University | John Brown University | Oral Roberts University
40 CCCUAdvance spring2009
California Baptist University | Seattle Pacific University | Pepperdine University | George Fox University | Tyndale College
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spring2009 CCCUAdvance 41
the last Word
by Jim Mannoia, CCCU Senior Fellow
32 Days, 16 Institutions, 5 Continents and One Common Purpose
itting in the Delhi airport, I’d download e-mail and
students, 66% American faculty and a liberal arts core that
update my Facebook page, but the wireless signal
could be the envy of any stateside CCCU member.
is too weak. I’m fresh off an overnight flight from Helsinki, headed for Delhi and Mumbai before my day ends at our CCCU affiliate CSI Bishop
Appasamy (Coimbatore, India). I’m groggy, but intrigued by the similarity of countries and diversity of our CCCU institutions. Last week, I was at several Latin America affiliate campuses: Universidad Evangélica Boliviana (Santa Cruz, Bolivia), with open buildings set around a lush green “quad” full of plants and fountains. Universidad Cristiana Latinoamericana (Quito, Ecuador) has wide street front exposure in a high-rise 10 feet from the busy noisy traffic of Amazonas Avenue in downtown Quito. In Bolivia, I visited the university Center for Agronomia Pecuária, where students milk cows, collecting 200 liters of milk to sell to the community along with the 3,000 eggs collected and sorted daily. I also walked next door to its medical facility leased to 25 doctors who perform 50 surgical procedures there daily and handle 32 beds of inpatient treatment. That was last week. This week began in the Netherlands, at our sister school
Between my first paragraphs and this one, I’ve completed my trip from Vienna to Coimbatore, after a bus, a train, four flights, a floral welcome, and a dash through dense traffic to CSI Bishop Appasamy College of Arts & Sciences in Coimbatore. I wish you could have seen the passion in the eyes of Flavia Princess, principal of the girls school associated with the college, as she described her project for training victims of the tsunami. I wish you could have walked with me an hour ago in the dusk of the circular drive under tall palms with Bishop Dorai in his long, flowing white robes and purple tassels as he described the impact of missionaries in creating this nowflourishing CCCU college. In every case, Christ is the center of these educational institutions. More than even in the U.S. where, perhaps sadly, higher education has come to be understood as a “right of youth” or a “rite of youth,” in these, our more than 50 sister school affiliate members overseas, there is a recognition that higher education is a privilege, a key to the development of nations and a powerful vehicle for transforming lives into the image of Jesus Christ.
Christelijke Hogeschool Ede (EDE Gelderland), where 4,000
The Body of Christ is diverse. We know this, but often ignore
students gather daily in corporate-like offices and project rooms
it. We want everyone to think the way we do, act the way we
or in the wide open space under a two-story, glass-covered
do. We forget that working with and loving those like ourselves
atrium the size of a football field. Its efforts make this CCCU
proves nothing at all about the power of God’s grace. We ignore
affiliate the top government-ranked university of applied
at our own risk, the ultimate apologetic expressed in Christ’s
science in Holland.
High Priestly prayer, “Father, I have come that they might be
The 300 students at the International University (Vienna
one, so that the world will know that you sent me.”
Austria) are from 75 different nations! They are so respected
May we embrace diversity because it’s part of the genius
that the Libyan embassy pays for its students to attend!
of true education and the heart of our mission as followers
LCC International University (Klaipeda, Lithuania) boasts a campus with a brand new dormitory with wireless Internet, meditation chapel, RD apartment and spacious bright lounges. It also has the best gymnasium in Lithuania where pro basketball teams practice, state of the art exercise rooms for
42 CCCUAdvance spring2009
of Jesus. Jim Mannoia, formerly president of Greenville College (IL), is a CCCU Senior Fellow charged with international partnerships. He undertook a listening tour of affiliate institutions during February and March when this was written, visiting 13 countries and passing through a few more. To read more about his adventures, go to cccu-tour.blogspot.com.
the 2010 International Forum on Christian Higher Education February 23-26, 2010 Hyatt Regency Atlanta www.cccu.org/forum2010
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