2010-2011 CCCU Conference & Events Overview Guide

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2010 / 2011 | conferences & events renew :: information • Networks • fellowship

Greetings from Washington, D.C.! Since the conclusion of the 2010 International Forum on Christian Higher Education, we’ve been preparing for the 2011 conference season—our hope is to provide opportunities that inform, encourage, challenge, and inspire. As all conferences are under the direction of Professional Development & Research, we work with Commission leaders throughout the Council, striving to select relevant themes, compelling presentations, and attractive locations. I’m personally thrilled with the season, and I must acknowledge the leadership of Juliene Moore, Director of Conference Services. Conference participants report that, though they appreciate the engaging content, what they find most beneficial is networking with Christian peers, those who understand the unique opportunities and challenges facing Christian higher education—they find encouragement in their work and lifetime connections with others who share a passion for our distinctive mission. Whether your conference is meeting in New Orleans, New York City, Washington, Portland, St. Paul, Houston, Marco Island, Ponte Vedra, or Shawnee, it will provide opportunities to expand your networking, and enhance your leadership, so that you may return to your campus with new energy and vision. Please mark the dates on your calendar and encourage campus colleagues to attend their CCCU peer conference. Cordially,

Mimi Barnard, VP for Professional Development & Research

CCCU Conferences & Events ::


Juliene Moore Director of Conference Services

Meredith A. Duncan Program Manager

Jessica Lugbill Asst. Conference Coordinator

Grace Royer Registration Coordinator

2010/2011 CCCU Conferences & Events :: cccu.org Overview


Changing Faces: Changing Opportunities & Campus Climates for Women & Men


Post Forum Online Speaker Series


The Dos and Don’ts of Hiring for Religious Organizations


2011 Chief Enrollment Officers Conference


2011 Financial Aid Administrators Conference


35th Annual CCCU Presidents Conference


2011 Campus Ministry Directors Conference


2011 Chief Institutional Advancement Officers Conference


2011 Chief Student Development Officers Conference


2011 Chief Academic Officers Conference


Student Learning and Global Justice


2011 Commission on Technology Conference


2011 Chief Financial Officers Conference


2011 Public Relations and Communications Officers Conference


2011 New Presidents Institute


2011 Governance Institute


Other 2010/2011 events


Registration information


Commission Bios


Sponsorship information


Sponsorship Commitment form



cccu.org Conferences at CCCU.ORG

Visit our redesigned Conferences & Events section of the CCCU.org Website to see the new features we have developed:

You may find your conference easily by using our new calendar.

Each conference is easily laid out so that you can quickly find what you’re looking for.

As you make plans to attend a conference, you can quickly and easily book travel through our Travel Center.

3 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events

cccu.org Categories of service

The CCCU sponsors a series of peer group and key topics conference & events each year.

The CCCU partners with our campuses and like-minded organizations to provide additional conferences that we believe uniquely serve our membership.

The CCCU is proud to promote conference & events that are not organized by the Council but we believe will be of interest to our membership.

The CCCU has expanded its conferences & events service to provide webinars and other online events & conferences. Find these unique events by looking for the online event icon.

Sponsors & Exhibitors can easily find the information they are looking for by clicking on the Sponsors & Exhibitors icon.

2010/2011 conferences & events :: 4


Changing Faces: Changing Opportunities & Campus Climates for Women & Men

September 29 - October 1, 2010 This conference is about changing opportunities and campus climates for women and for men. Best practices for addressing gender issues for students, faculty, staff, and


administrators at CCCU institutions will be highlighted. Join us to discuss the problems, progress and possibilities in addressing gender issues in Christian higher education.

LOCATION | Abilene, TX


President (Ex-Officio) Whitworth University


Residence Inn by Marriott 1641 Musgrave Boulevard Abilene, TX 79601 (325) 677-8700

Group Rate: $99 per night Please reference group code CCCU. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to reserve your room online.

HELEN STERK Director of the Gender Studies Minor Calvin College


Member Non-Member North American Affiliate International Affiliate Spouse/Guest

$195 $195 $195 $195 $195

Group registration discounts available for this meeting. See page 22 for details. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to register online. Refer to page 22 to view the cancellation policy.

IMPORTANT DATES Call for Papers Deadline April 19, 2010 (5:00pm EST) Registration Open April 1, 2010 Accommodations Cut-off September 27, 2010 Online Registration Deadline September 22, 2010 (11:59pm EST)

LAUREN WINNER Professor and Author of Girl Meets God, Mudhouse Sabbath, Real Sex: The Naked Truth about Chastity Duke Divinity School

Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.


5 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events


Post-Forum Online Speaker Series

October 25-28, 2010

The online speaker series touches on some of the most popular topics presented at this year’s 2010 International Forum on Christian Higher Education that took place in Atlanta, GA. The speakers chosen for the series were identified from attendee feedback. The series features six online sessions throughout the week and is free to anyone who registered and attended the Forum. Web attendees are encouraged to log on and not only listen to presenters, but to ask questions of the presenters as well. For those who missed this year’s Forum, you may experience the presentations for the first time and get a sampling of what was missed through this compilation of presenters.


THURSDAY, OCT. 28, 2010



President, Scannell & Kurz, Inc.

Monday, OCTOBER 25, 2010 TIM ELMORE


President, Growing Leaders

Regent University

President, World Vision

wednesday, OCTOBER 27, 2010 TODD HALL & ROD REED


Biola University & John Brown University

Azusa Pacific University & Greenville College


Per Session

Registration is free to all attendees of the Forum in February 2010. All others who did not attend February’s Forum will be subject to the following registration fees:

Member Non-Member North American Affiliate

thursday, OCTOBER 28, 2010 ROBERT SEVIER Senior Vice President, Strategy, Stamats, Inc.

Full Series

$9.95 $19.95 $15.95

$19.95 $59.95 $49.95

sessions MONDAY | 2:00pm EST:

James Scannell

MONDAY | 3:30pm EST:

Tim Elmore Aftershock: Responding to the Cultural Shifts in Generation Y

TUESDAY | 2:00pm EST:

Mark Yarhouse Navigating Sexual Identity Issues on Christian College Campuses

WEDNESDAY | 2:00pm EST: Laurie Schriener Randy Bergen

Transfer Students: The Breakthrough Market

Delivering on Our Promises: Key Findings from the CCCU’s CCCU’s Comprehensive Assessment Project (CAP)

WEDNESDAY | 3:30pm EST: Todd Hall The Furnishing the Soul Project: The Spiritual Lives of Students at Christian Colleges in America THURSDAY | 2:00pm EST: Robert Sevier Moving Ahead with Confidence: Helping Christian Colleges Succeed in Turbulent Times THURSDAY | 3:30pm EST:

Richard Stearns 2010/2011 conferences & events :: 6


The Dos and Don’ts of Hiring for Religious Organizations

November 2, 2010 | December 7, 2010

This two-part webinar series is designed for Campus HR professionals, their Supervisors, and all Campus Representatives involved in creating or evaluating hiring policies. Participants


are encouraged to participate in both sessions. This interactive webinar series will inform participants about the laws that allow religious organizations to make hiring decisions based on religion and describe how to ensure that your institution is properly complying with them. Topics Include: • Non-discrimination policies and what your institution should consider when crafting your non-discrimination statement.

• The relationship between the mission of your institution and its employment policies.

• Best practices in employment for religious employers, including:


o Writing job descriptions

o Advertising for jobs

o Reviewing applications

o Interviewing applicants

o Removing employees who no longer believe in the mission of the institution

Senior Council Alliance Defense Fund CCCU Religious Liberty Consultant

The webinars will be interactive, allowing you to ask questions of the presenters and other campus representatives.

registration The series is free to CCCU member institutions. Affiliate and non-member institutions will be subject to the following registration fees:


Per Session Full Series

Non-Member North American Affiliate International Affiliate

$19.95 $15.95 $9.95

$39.95 $29.95 $19.95

Director Government Relations & Executive Programs Council for Christian Colleges & Universities

sessions TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2010 | 2:00pm EST: Part I

Gregory S. Baylor, ESQ. / Shapri D. LoMaglio, ESQ.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2010 | 2:00pm EST:

Gregory S. Baylor, ESQ. / Shapri D. LoMaglio, ESQ.

7 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events

Part II


Chief Enrollment Officers Conference

January 6-8, 2011 (with Financial Aid Administrators)

Navigating Uncertain Waters Given the current state of the economy and attitudes and behaviors, we’ll look at changing views of debt and trends in tuition discounting. The implications for enrollment and retention


will be deliberated as we address these issues. These conversations will equip you for the turbulent waters of change.

LOCATION | Ponte Vedra, FL

Ponte Vedra

Vice Provost for Master’s Programs Professor of Youth, Family, and Culture Fuller Theological Seminary


Sawgrass Marriott 1000 PGA Tour Boulevard Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 (904) 285-7777

Group Rate: $179 per night Please reference group code CCCccca. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to reserve your room online.

Before Nov. 30, 2010 After Nov. 30, 2010 registration

Member Non-Member North American Affiliate International Affiliate Spouse/Guest Single Day*

$495 $575 $545 $425 $195 $175

Chapman Clark

$545 $625 $595 $475 $225 $195

Group registration discounts available for this meeting. See page 22 for details. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to register online. Refer to page 22 to view the cancellation policy.

IMPORTANT DATES Call for Papers Open September 7, 2010 Call for Papers Deadline November 1, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Registration Open September 1, 2010 Early Registration Deadline November 30, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Accommodations Cut-off December 3, 2010 Online Registration Deadline December 30, 2010 (11:59pm EST)

* Covers sessions and meals for one day only, activities are not included.

Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.

If you need help booking your travel, please visit the CCCU travel center online. You can search for center and online fares simultaneously. www.atcmeetings.com/cccu 2010/2011 conferences & events :: 8


Financial Aid administrators Conference

January 6-8, 2011 (with Chief Enrollment Officers)

Navigating Uncertain Waters I look forward to the CCCU Financial Aid Administrators Conference every year primarily because it gives me a chance to reconnect with my peers at other Christian colleges. It’s wonderful to be able


to talk about financial aid issues with colleagues who share my profession and my faith. We have a common goal, so there’s a true spirit of friendship and unity.

- Troy Martin, Chair Financial Aid Administrators Commission

LOCATION | Ponte Vedra, FL

Ponte Vedra

Vice Provost for Master’s Programs Professor of Youth, Family, and Culture Fuller Theological Seminary


Sawgrass Marriott 1000 PGA Tour Boulevard Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 (904) 285-7777

Group Rate: $179 per night Please reference group code CCCccca. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to reserve your room online.

Before Nov. 30, 2010 After Nov. 30, 2010 registration

Member Non-Member North American Affiliate International Affiliate Spouse/Guest Single Day*

$495 $575 $545 $425 $195 $175

$545 $625 $595 $475 $225 $195

Group registration discounts available for this meeting. See page 22 for details. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to register online. Refer to page 22 to view the cancellation policy. * Covers sessions and meals for one day only, activities are not included.

Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.

9 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events

Chapman Clark

If you need help booking your travel, please visit the CCCU travel center online. You can search for center and online fares simultaneously. www.atcmeetings.com/cccu

IMPORTANT DATES Call for Papers Open September 7, 2010 Call for Papers Deadline November 1, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Registration Open September 1, 2010 Early Registration Deadline November 30, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Accommodations Cut-off December 3, 2010 Online Registration Deadline December 30, 2010 (11:59pm EST)


Presidents Conference

January 26-29, 2011

Reconsidering Power, Money & The Kingdom In our mission to help our institutions transform lives, this conference will examine current assumptions about Christ-centered higher education, reconsidering how we think about power, leverage our influence, and meet the needs of a changing church and world.


Congressional Advocacy Pre-Conference: The 2011 Presidents Conference will include a Congressional Advocacy Pre-Conference event to encourage you to represent your institution on Capitol Hill. As the 112th Congress begins in January 2011, you can inform your representatives about the important contributions your institution makes in your community, address any concerns you have, and influence their overall understanding of Christ-centered higher education. The pre-conference will feature congressional speakers and meetings with your congressional delegation. (You are encouraged to bring other campus


representatives that will also be effective advocates for your institution, such as board members,

President American Council on Education

attorneys, government relations staff, etc.). This event will also include an exclusive after-hours tour of the Capitol Building guided by a member of Congress, highlighting the religious heritage of the Capitol Building.

LOCATION | Washington, dc washington, DC


Willard InterContinental Hotel 1401 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20004 (202) 637-7440

Group Rate: $189 per night Please reference group code CCC. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to reserve your room online.

registration Before Nov. 30, 2010 After Nov. 30, 2010 Member Non-Member North American Affiliate International Affiliate Spouse/Guest Single Day*

$525 $625 $595 $495 $225 $195

$575 $650 $645 $545 $250 $225

Please refer to page 22 to view the cancellation policy. * Covers sessions and meals for one day only, activities are not included.

MIROSLAV VOLF Director Yale Center for Faith and Culture Professor of Systematic Theology Yale Divinity School

IMPORTANT DATES Call for Papers Open September 7, 2010 Call for Papers Deadline November 1, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Registration Open September 1, 2010 Early Registration Deadline November 30, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Accommodations Cut-off January 3, 2011

Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.

If you need help booking your travel, please visit the CCCU travel center online. You can search for center and online fares simultaneously. www.atcmeetings.com/cccu

Online Registration Deadline January 20, 2011 (11:59pm EST) 2010/2011 conferences & events :: 10


Campus Ministry Directors Conference

February 15-18, 2011

Our annual campus ministry conference is one of my favorite events of the year. There’s nothing

like being with a group of people who really “get” what I do. We come from different campuses


and from different parts of the country, but every time I attend our conference, I find an immediate camaraderie, and instant fellowship and sense of support. This year, we’ll prayerfully and thoughtfully consider what the Lord requires as we create environments and lead programming that fosters the spiritual formation of global disciples. Rich Mouw will serve as our theme speaker. Michael Card will lead our pre-conference workshop and conference worship. We’ll also be joined by Steve Haas of World Vision and Shaun Groves, representing Compassion International. - Tracy Balzer, Chair Campus Ministry Directors Commission

MICHAEL CARD Singer/Songwriter & Author

LOCATION | new orleans, la


Shaun Groves new orleans

Omni Royal Orleans Hotel 621 Saint Louis Street New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 648-2009

Group Rate: $165 per night Please reference group code CCCU. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to reserve your room online.

Before Nov. 30, 2010 After Nov. 30, 2010 registration

Member Non-Member North American Affiliate International Affiliate Spouse/Guest Single Day*

$495 $575 $545 $425 $195 $175

$545 $625 $595 $475 $225 $195

Group registration discounts available for this meeting. See page 22 for details. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to register online. Refer to page 22 to view the cancellation policy. * Covers sessions and meals for one day only, activities are not included.

Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.

11 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events


If you need help booking your travel, please visit the CCCU travel center online. You can search for center and online fares simultaneously. www.atcmeetings.com/cccu

RICHARD MOUW President and Professor of Christian Philosophy Fuller Theological Seminary

IMPORTANT DATES Call for Papers Open TBD - Check online for more details Call for Papers Deadline November 1, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Registration Open September 1, 2010 Early Registration Deadline November 30, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Accommodations Cut-off February 14, 2011 Online Registration Deadline February 7, 2011 (11:59pm EST)


Chief Institutional Advancement Conference

February 23-25, 2011

Development in the New Normal As CIAOs, we work with people of influence and affluence, making connections that strengthen our institutions. The CCCU CIAO conference is one of my priorities of the year, because the sessions and information are of great quality. I especially appreciate the commitment I find with other


advancement professionals from Council institutions. Our work is difficult and stressful, and the encouragement and refreshment I receive from conversations with colleagues is a huge blessing! - Jim Krall, Chair Chief Institutional Advancement Officers Commission

LOCATION | Marco Island, FL RICHARD FOSTER Founder RenovarĂŠ


Marco island

Marco Island Marriott Hotel 400 South Collier Boulevard Marco Island, FL 34145 (239) 394-2511

Group Rate: $199 per night Please reference group code CCCU. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to reserve your room online.

JAMES LANGLEY President Langley Innovations

Before Nov. 30, 2010 After Nov. 30, 2010 registration

Member Non-Member North American Affiliate International Affiliate Spouse/Guest Single Day*

$495 $575 $545 $425 $195 $175

$545 $625 $595 $475 $225 $195

Group registration discounts available for this meeting. See page 22 for details. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to register online. Refer to page 22 to view the cancellation policy. * Covers sessions and meals for one day only, activities are not included.

BILL POLLARD Chairman Emeritus The ServiceMaster Company Chairman Fairwyn Investment Company, LLC

IMPORTANT DATES Call for Papers Open TBD - Check online for more details Call for Papers Deadline November 1, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Registration Open September 1, 2010 Early Registration Deadline November 30, 2010 (11:59pm EST)

Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.

If you need help booking your travel, please visit the CCCU travel center online. You can search for center and online fares simultaneously. www.atcmeetings.com/cccu

Accommodations Cut-off January 22, 2011 Online Registration Deadline February 16, 2011 (11:59pm EST) 2010/2011 conferences & events :: 12


Chief Student Development Officers Conference

March 2-4, 2011

Power, Culture, & Our Place in the World Join the Chief Student Development Officers in the center of cultural power, New York City, to consider “Power, Culture, & Our Place in the World,� specifically from your leadership platform of student development and learning. Featuring Andy Crouch, best known for his book, Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling, in which he challenges believers to be creators of culture, not just critics or consumers, will speak to us about creative power. Also, Steve Haas, Vice President and Chief Catalyst for World Vision, will speak about his experience as a leader of the largest worldwide humanitarian organization and his desire to support our efforts to provide students with education that transforms hearts and minds so that we and the world may be changed.





new york

Omni Berkshire Place 21 East 52nd Street New York, NY 10022 (212) 753-5800

Group Rate: $185 per night Please reference group code CCCU. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferencesto reserve your room online.

Before Nov. 30, 2010 After Nov. 30, 2010 registration

Member Non-Member North American Affiliate International Affiliate Spouse/Guest Single Day*

$495 $575 $545 $425 $195 $175

$545 $625 $595 $475 $225 $195

Group registration discounts available for this meeting. See page 22 for details. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to register online. Refer to page 22 to view the cancellation policy. * Covers sessions and meals for one day only, activities are not included.

STEVE HAAS Vice President World Vision

IMPORTANT DATES Call for Papers Open September 7, 2010 Call for Papers Deadline November 1, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Registration Open September 1, 2010 Early Registration Deadline November 30, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Accommodations Cut-off January 31, 2011 Online Registration Deadline February 24, 2011 (11:59pm EST)

Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.

13 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events

If you need help booking your travel, please visit the CCCU travel center online. You can search for center and online fares simultaneously. www.atcmeetings.com/cccu


Chief Academic Officers Conference

March 24-26, 2011

Courage and Care: Having a Faithful Presence in the World As Christian higher education leaders, stewarding the concerns of students and faculty, do we make decisions out of courage or cowardice? Do we consider the local, national, and


international contexts for educating students and developing faculty? Do the privilege and burden of leadership sometimes cause us to neglect our own pastoral care? Join the Chief Academic Officers for a time of reflection, relaxation, and renewal at The Woodlands Retreat and Conference Center, a beautiful, restful environment, to consider “Courage and Care: Having a Faithful Presence in the World.�

LOCATION | The Woodlands, TX

ERIC METAXAS Author Amazing Grace Bonhoeffer

TX the Woodlands

The Woodlands Resort and Conference Center 2301 N. Millbend Drive The Woodlands, TX 77380 (281) 367-1100

Group Rate: $159 per night Please reference group code CCCU. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferencesto reserve your room online.

Joan mussa Vice President World Vision

registration Before Nov. 30, 2010 After Nov. 30, 2010 Member Non-Member North American Affiliate International Affiliate Spouse/Guest Single Day*

$495 $575 $545 $425 $195 $175

$545 $625 $595 $475 $225 $195

Refer to page 22 to view the cancellation policy. * Covers sessions and meals for one day only, activities are not included.

DARRYL TIPPENS Provost Pepperdine University

IMPORTANT DATES Call for Papers Open September 7, 2010 Call for Papers Deadline November 1, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Registration Open September 1, 2010 Early Registration Deadline November 30, 2010 (11:59pm EST)

Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.

If you need help booking your travel, please visit the CCCU travel center online. You can search for center and online fares simultaneously. www.atcmeetings.com/cccu

Accommodations Cut-off February 24, 2011 Online Registration Deadline March 17, 2011 (11:59pm EST) 2010/2011 conferences & events :: 14


Student learning and global justice

April 7-8, 2011 | Just prior to the ijm global prayer gathering (gpg)

A CCCU/IJM Co-Sponsored Conference for Students and Faculty In 1999, the CCCU and IJM offered their first justice conference, opening discourse that led to

Campus Chapters across Council institutions. The concern for global justice draws from the whole


person, intellectual, physical and spiritual, making it a natural connection for mission-driven, holistic student programming. Responding to the requests from CCCU faculty, this event will provide an opportunity for students and faculty to give academic presentations and to hear from leaders in global justice.

LOCATION | Vienna, VA Wayne Barnard Director International Justice Mission




Sheraton Premier at Tyson’s Corner 8661 Leesburg Pike Vienna, VA 22182

Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences for details.

Vice President of Government Relations International Justice Mission

registration Please visit http://www.ijm.org/gpg to view registration details or call (202) 546-8713.

Noah Porter Professor of Philosophical Theology Emeritus Yale University


Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.

15 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events

Nicholas Wolterstorff

If you need help booking your travel, please visit the CCCU travel center online. You can search for center and online fares simultaneously. www.atcmeetings.com/cccu


Commission on Technology Conference

May 31 – June 3, 2011

Throw a group of like-minded people in a room and you’re bound to get something good out of it. Networking with technology peers and educators at other member/affiliate schools will give you an opportunity to discuss your current challenges and help others with theirs. Technology is fast

Past Speakers Include:

moving, especially when part of our demographic audience includes students who expect a level of sophistication with technology that provides a challenge to our ingenuity and budget. These conferences are designed to be low-cost; accommodation is on campus, giving you the opportunity

Jay Barnes

for more informal networking after a day full of tech sessions on highly relevant topics. We’ll also

President Bethel University

have the opportunity to build working relationships that will assist us in our day-to-day work.

LOCATION | Newberg, OR

Brian Hawkins President Educause newberg


David kilmer Senior Applications Engineer Blackbaud, Inc.

George Fox University 414 N. Meridian Street Newberg, OR 97132

Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences for rooming information and reservation details.

kathleen roberts President iSecure Solutions

IMPORTANT DATES Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.

If you need help booking your travel, please visit the CCCU travel center online. You can search for center and online fares simultaneously. www.atcmeetings.com/cccu

Visit cccu.org/conferences for more details

2010/2011 conferences & events :: 16


Chief Financial Officers Conference

June 1-3, 2011

The CCCU CFO meetings I have attended have given me valuable interaction with other Christian professionals sharing the same issues that I face. The CFOs that have attended in the past have become not only great contacts for future discussion when new issues arise on campus, but,

Past Speakers Include:

most importantly, also have become friends that I know I can call upon at any time. - Randy Smith Chair, Chief Financial Officers Commission

Jim poulsen Vice President for Finance Trinity Western University

LOCATION | Shawnee, OK Randy smith


Senior Vice President for Business Affairs Oklahoma Baptist University


Lois Voigt Vice President for Finance Messiah College

Oklahoma Baptist University 500 West University Street Shawnee, OK 74804-2522 (405) 275-2850

Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences for rooming information and reservation details.

Mike Williams President The Austen Group

IMPORTANT DATES Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.

If you need help booking your travel, please visit the CCCU travel center online. You can search for center and online fares simultaneously. www.atcmeetings.com/cccu

Visit cccu.org/conferences for more details

To learn more about earning Continuing Education Units at this conference, visit cccu.org/conferences for more details

17 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events


Chief Public Relations & Communications Officers Conference

June 15-18, 2011

Instant Access, Permanent Connections: Building Lasting Relationships in a Changing World

It’s never been easier to get a message to our audiences. Technological and cultural changes


over the past few years have made communications easier to send ... and easier to ignore. This conference will bring together both experts in the field and CCCU communications professionals to consider how colleges and universities can build lasting relationships with prospective students, current students, alumni and donors.

LOCATION | Arden hills, MN

Rick Bailey Principle Richard Harrison Bailey/ The Agency

MN Arden Hills

Bethel University 3900 Bethel Drive Arden Hills, MN 55112

Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences_events/ for rooming information and reservation details.

Hamil harris Reporter The Washington Post

Before Nov. 30, 2010 After Nov. 30, 2010 registration

Member Non-Member North American Affiliate International Affiliate Spouse/Guest Single Day*

$495 $575 $545 $425 $195 $175

$545 $625 $595 $475 $225 $195

Group registration discounts available for this meeting. See page 22 for details. Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to register online. Please refer to page 22 to view the cancellation policy. * Covers sessions and meals for one day only, activities are not included.

Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.

IMPORTANT DATES Call for Papers Open September 7, 2010 Call for Papers Deadline January 30, 2011 (11:59pm EST) Registration Open September 1, 2010 Early Registration Deadline March 30, 2011 (11:59pm EST) Accommodations Cut-off June 7, 2011 Online Registration Deadline June 7, 2011 (11:59pm EST)

If you need help booking your travel, please visit the CCCU travel center online. You can search for center and online fares simultaneously. www.atcmeetings.com/cccu 2010/2011 conferences & events :: 18


2011 New Presidents Institute

July 9-12, 2011

This Institute, designed for new presidents within the first or second year of their appointments, provides new presidents the opportunity to develop professionally in their new role as presidents


featuring seminars on topics such as “Visioning & Strategic Planning,” “Fund Raising Effectiveness,” “Building a Healthy Academic Community,” and “Developing the Board.” The Institute also provides an opportunity for new presidents to consider some of the more personal and spiritual aspects of the presidency, including “The President’s Role of Spiritual Leadership for the Institution,” “Survival Skills for Presidential Couples,” and “How Presidents Succeed and Why They Fail.” Finally, in addition to the personal and professional relationships built with other new presidents in the resort setting of Breckinridge, Colorado, the Institute’s mentoring program matches all new presidents with an experienced president for a mentorship that lasts throughout the following year. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend.

LOCATION | Breckenridge, CO

PAUL CORTS President Council for Christian Colleges & Universities breckenridge


IMPORTANT DATES Registration Open September 1, 2010

Mountain Thunder Lodge 50 Mountain Thunder Drive Breckenridge, CO 80124

Group Rate: $165 per night (one-bedroom suite) $205 per night (two-bedroom condo) Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to reserve your accommodations when you register.

Early Registration Deadline April 30, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Accommodations Cut-off June 2, 2011 Online Registration Deadline June 2, 2011 (11:59pm EST)

Before Mar. 30, 2011 After Mar. 30, 2011 registration

Member North American Affiliate International Affiliate Spouse

$950 $950 $950 $199

$995 $995 $995 $245

Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.

Please refer to page 22 to view the cancellation policy.

If you need help booking your travel, please visit the CCCU travel center online. You can search for center and online fares simultaneously. www.atcmeetings.com/cccu 19 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events


2011 Governance Institute

July 14-16, 2011

This Institute is designed for a president and board chair to attend together. Seminars such as “Characteristics of Effective Boards,” “Board Development & Education,” and “Board Unity”


teach the leadership team how to enhance the strength of their board. Other sessions, such as “Clarifying Board Roles & Relationships” and “Creating an Effective Relationship between the Board Chair and President” encourage the president and board chair to continue to develop their professional and personal relationship. Finally, sessions on “Vision Casting,” “Strategic Planning,” and “Responsibilities for Keeping the Institution Christ-centered” are intended to refresh and revitalize the team’s efforts to strengthen their institution. Most seminars are followed by a Campus Team Break-Out Session where each campus team can privately work together and consider the applicability of the session to their respective institution. Governance Institute Pre-Conference This pre-conference will focus on the Board Standing Policies Manual (BSPM). These sessions


will teach best practices, review model examples, and illuminate the full extent of the BSPM’s

President Council for Christian Colleges & Universities

influence on an institution–including how it can affect the institutions CFI score. The preconference will also include a time for each team to receive an individual consultation on their institution’s BSPM with a board consultant. Regardless of the state of your institution’s BSPM, this pre-conference will be a good opportunity to review your BSPM to ensure you are fully maximizing its potential.

IMPORTANT DATES Registration Open September 1, 2010

LOCATION | Breckenridge, CO

Early Registration Deadline April 30, 2010 (11:59pm EST) Accommodations Cut-off June 2, 2011


Mountain Thunder Lodge 50 Mountain Thunder Drive Breckenridge, CO 80124


Online Registration Deadline June 2, 2011 (11:59pm EST)

Group Rate: $165 per night (one-bedroom suite) $205 per night (two-bedroom condo) Please visit www.cccu.org/conferences to reserve your accommodations when you register.

Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting? Please refer to page 30 for more details or call (202) 546-8713.

Before Mar. 30, 2011 After Mar. 30, 2011 registration

Member North American Affiliate International Affiliate Spouse

$695 $725 $725 $145

Registration for the pre-conference on June 14, 2011 is an additional $95. Please refer to page 22 to view the cancellation policy.

$745 $795 $795 $195

If you need help booking your travel, please visit the CCCU travel center online. You can search for center and online fares simultaneously. www.atcmeetings.com/cccu 2010/2011 conferences & events :: 20

2010/2011 other events this season

CCCU/CIC Annual Chief Academic Officers Dinner Educational Reform in Kurdistan-Iraq

November 8, 2010 | Williamsburg, VA Enjoy dinner and conversation with other Council for Christian Colleges & Universities CAOs and CFOs, Monday evening, 6:30 p.m., November 8, 2010, at the Council of Independent Colleges CAO-CFO Institute in Williamsburg. Carla Sanderson, Union University Provost, will present “Educational Reform in Kurdistan-Iraq,” sharing from her experiences in Iraq earlier this year, and Mimi Barnard will give an update on the CCCU President-Led Spiritual Formation Symposium, as well as other Council initiatives. Kyle Royer, VP for Finance and Administration will be in attendance.

Faculty Workshop at the Contemporary Music Center

May 23-27 2011 | Nashville, TN The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) and its Contemporary Music Center (CMC) are pleased to announce a four-day professional development opportunity for faculty and staff: “Developing a Contemporary Music Curriculum: A Workshop at BestSemester’s Contemporary Music Center, Nashville TN.” This workshop will provide opportunities for faculty and staff to build, develop, or expand upon a contemporary music curriculum at their own universities. Topics will include an overview of the state of the music industry, current trends in music marketing, and technologies that are influencing music both in and out of the classroom. Incorporated in the program visit will be lectures, workshops, presentations by industry experts, panel discussions, consultation time with the CMC faculty, and opportunities for brainstorming and discussion of curricular issues with colleagues from across the CCCU. Off-campus study coordinators will enjoy this opportunity to become better acquainted with the Contemporary Music Center, as experienced by their students. Program guests will also have time to tour and enjoy Nashville.

CCCU-Nagel Institute International Faculty Development Seminar

Religion, Society and the Rule of Law

June 2011 | China

Doubting Darwin: Science, Faith & Knowledge in Evangelical Education Conference

June 8-10, 2011 | Biola University La Mirada, CA Is there still room to doubt Darwin? In the wake of the sesquicentennial of the publication of the Origin of Species (1859-2009), the central question of this conference is, “How do we go down a path of truth seeking on a controversial subject like Darwinism as Christian colleagues?” We hope to hear first-hand from Council faculty who hold different positions on the topic, learn to understand the various positions better, discover what legitimate critique of a prevailing scientific paradigm might look like, find out what wisdom colleagues outside the sciences can bring to the discussion, discover common ground, and generate ideas for moving forward in knowledge and Christian unity.

21 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events


other events this season

Snezek Library Leadership Institute July 20-22, 2011 | Palm Beach Atlantic University

West Palm Beach, FL

The Snezek Library Leadership Institute is oriented toward library directors within CCCU institutions. We hope that you will consider joining us for a rewarding experience of professional stimulation and personal encouragement within the context of a shared Christian faith and perspective. Following primarily a seminar format, the Institute includes a keynote presentation, panel presentations, and group discussions informed by select advance readings. Institute leadership is typically provided by the participants. There are also opportunities for informal conversation and social exchange.

2011 CCCU Alumni Professionals Conference July 25-29, 2011 | Eastern University St. Davids, PA

This year’s conference is being hosted by Eastern University in St. David’s, PA. Eastern University is excited to be the 2011 host and welcome attendees to the birthplace of America, with sites of Philadelphia. Partnered with CCCU and joined in collaborative effort with our area CCCU schools, this year’s conference promises to be inspirational, informative and unforgettable. All professionals working in the area of alumni relations are encouraged to attend. Visit the CCCU conferences and events website for details.

Registration information Group Registration For events indicating that group registration is available, we offer group discounts for groups of four or more registrants. If you register a group of three, the fourth registration is free and all subsequent registrations will receive a $50 discount. The free registration and the $50 discounts will appear automatically in the registration process.

Cancellation Policy You may cancel your full registration or any special event associated with your registration at any time prior to the start of the program. Please note that a cancellation will not result in a return of funds. If you register and fail to attend an event, no funds will be returned. If you have questions about this policy, please contact (202) 546-8713.

2010/2011 conferences & events :: 22

2010/2011 commission bios

Commission for Advancing Intercultural Competencies

Andrea Cook | AIC Andrea P. Cook was selected as the seventh president of Warner Pacific College in November 2008. Prior to her appointment, she served as the vice president for institutional advancement at Warner Pacific. Cook has spent her career in higher education beginning at Judson Baptist College in 1977. Between 1983 and 1987, she served as the associate director of financial aid at the University of Oregon. She then began a 15-year span at George Fox University, where she held a number of positions, including vice president for enrollment services. Cook served as the vice president for institutional advancement at Goshen College.

Corey MacPherson | AIC Corey MacPherson has been the Director of Spiritual Formation/Chaplain at his alma mater, Eastern Nazarene College, since January 2008. In July 2010, Corey was appointed to serve on the President’s Cabinet as Vice President for Spiritual Development and Church Relations. Prior to ENC, Corey was the founding pastor of North Shore Church of

Michael G. Scales | AIC Dr. Michael G. Scales, 12th president of Nyack College and Alliance Theological Seminary (ATS), has championed the cause of higher education for more than half of his life as an administrator or a consultant. He founded and was president of an award-winning management and marketing firm for 16 years, advising some 50 college and university presidents across the U.S.

Steven Timmermans | AIC Steven Timmermans is President of Trinity Christian College. In his eighth year there, he has helped the college continue its significant growth in enrollment, increase the diversity of its student body and workforce, and forge critical relationships in surrounding communities. Common themes throughout all of his higher education experiences are community engagement and creating college access for students, and opportunities for participation by neighbors.

Commission for Chief Academic Officers

Dr. Betty J. Overton-Adkins is currently the Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Spring Arbor University. Dr. Overton-Adkins is responsible for all aspects of the academic program. She also consults for the Institute for Higher Education Policy and the Salzburg Seminar as well as colleges and universities in the areas of diversity,

Claudia Beversluis | CAO Claudia DeVries Beversluis graduated from Calvin College with a degree in clinical psychology. After completing her graduate studies in Chicago, Claudia practiced as a clinical psychologist. She then served as the Director of Congregational Life at a Christian Reformed Church congregation. Her professional academic life began at Calvin College where she was an Associate Professor of Psychology. Since then, Claudia has served as Acting Dean of Instruction and Professor of Psychology at Calvin College, and as an instructor in Pastoral Care at

faculty development, and assessment.

Calvin Theological Seminary.

the Nazarene in Stony Brook, NY where he pastored for eight years.

Betty Overton-Adkins | AIC

Robert Reyes | AIC Dr. Robert Reyes serves as research director for the Center for Intercultural Teaching and Learning and professor of sociology at Goshen College. He is a Certified Family Life Educator and Clinical Member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. At CITL, he organized the Center’s post-doctoral and sabbatical research fellowship programs, as well as, the development of a regional demographic and educational needs/assets study in collaboration with the Institute for Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame.

Leon Rodrigues | AIC Leon Rodrigues is Bethel University’s first chief diversity officer. Rodrigues was promoted to the new role after three years as associate dean of diversity and community in the College of Arts & Sciences. Rodrigues is a member of the President’s Leadership Team and also chairs the Bethel Anti-Racism and Reconciliation Commission. 23 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events

Stanley A. Clark | CAO Dr. Clark has served as Simpson’s chief academic officer since 2005, providing oversight of all academic programs and schools of the university. A sociologist by training, Stanley spent 10 years as a professor at the University of Saskatchewan and Gordon College before becoming an academic administrator. For the past 30 years, he has held executive leadership positions at Tabor College; Russian-American Christian University in Moscow, Russia; Geneva College; and now at Simpson University.

Edward E. Ericson III | CAO Dr. Ericson has served as the Vice President for Academic Affairs at John Brown University since 2002. He supervises undergraduate, degree completion, and graduate programs as well as the library, registrar, athletic, and institutional research functions of the university. Dr. Ericson came to JBU in 1994

2010/2011 commission bios

as an instructor of history, specializing in diplomatic and military history, and is known for his use of historical simulations as learning tools. He has since served in several roles from Chair of the History/Political Science Department to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies.

Joseph Jones | CAO Joseph Jones serves as Professor of Justice and Community Development and Provost at North Park University. He has served 19 year in Christian Higher Education after completing extensive service in the field of Justice in New York and Virginia. He has also served as a Prison Chaplain and

Elizabeth (Liz) Rudenga | CAO Elizabeth (Liz) Rudenga began her tenure at Trinity Christian College as an adjunct in the education department and has served as provost at Trinity since 2000. At Purdue University Calumet, she completed the master’s program and went on to receive her doctorate at Purdue University with research in the area of language and literacy, particularly in assisting students with special needs.

Commission for Chief Enrollment Officers

campus staff member for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.

David A. King | CAO Dr. David King is the Provost at Eastern University and has served there for 20 years. Prior to his current appointment, he served as Executive Dean of the Campolo College of Graduate and Professional Studies among other administrative posts. In 2001 King was named the recipient of the Diedrich K. Willers Award from the CUPA-HR Eastern Region. He has also served as a director on the World Impact / Frederick Douglass Christian School Local Advisory Board and on the Board of Trustees of Delaware County Christian School.

Kina Mallard | CAO Kina Mallard is provost and vice president of academic affairs at Carson-Newman College. She has worked for 25 years in Christian higher education serving as academic dean at Gordon College and communications chair and associate provost at Union University. Mallard has served as Senior Fellow for Faculty Development with the CCCU visiting more than 30 CCCU campuses to assist with faculty development initiatives. Mallard serves on the advisory board for the Department Chair publication and has written numerous articles for chairs, most recently a three-part series for Department Chair titled Joyful Chairing.

Mark A. Matson | CAO Mark Matson is the Vice President for Academic Affairs (since 1999) and Dean at Milligan College where he is also Associate Professor of Bible. He is chair of the Synoptic Gospels section for the Society of Biblical Literature. Mark has been a recent presenter on managing budgets (Dean’s Institute) and using data for decision making (Chair Training Workshop) for the CIC. He has also been active in chairing a variety of committees for the Southern Association for Schools Commission on Colleges.

Kris Douglas | CEO Kris Douglas has 15 years of experience in Enrollment and is in her third year as Vice President for Enrollment Management at Indiana Wesleyan University. Her current responsibilities include overseeing the recruitment of new students for each of the four primary academic units of IWU. These units are the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Nursing, the College of Adult and Professional Studies and Wesley Seminary at IWU.

Eric Fulcomer | CEO Dr. Eric Fulcomer has worked in Christian higher education for more than 17 years and is currently the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Life at Bluffton University (Ohio). He serves as both Bluffton’s senior student affairs officer and chief enrollment officer. He is involved in a number of professional organizations and has served as president of the Ohio Association for Employment in Education and as a board member of the Ohio College Personnel Association.

Rich Grimm | CEO Rich Grimm serves as senior vice president for enrollment services at Union University. As such, he oversees the daily operation of undergraduate admissions, student financial planning, academic support (Keystone Program) and Union Station. Mr. Grimm joined the Union University team in August, 2004.

Dave Layton | CEO Dave Layton serves as the Associate VP for Enrollment at Geneva College. Dave has been involved in the NACCAP organization, having served as a regional representative, fair coordinator for National Christian College Fairs (northeast region) and currently services as a local college fair coordinator (Pittsburgh) for NCCF.

2010/2011 conferences & events :: 24

2010/2011 commission bios

Shawn Leftwich | CEO Shawn is beginning her 23rd year in Admissions, all working at Wheaton College. She began her career as Admissions Counselor responsible for recruiting students of color. She was promoted to become the Associate Director, where she managed all areas of new student recruitment. Since August of 2000, Shawn now serves as Wheaton’s Chief Enrollment Officer (Director of Admission).

Dee Mooney | CFO Dee Mooney has over 20 years experience in financial management in Christian higher education. She is a Certified Public Accountant and has corporate and professional accounting experience. She is currently pursuing doctoral studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dee has served on the Small Institutions Council and the Annual Meeting Planning Committee for NACUBO, the Chief Financial Officers Commission for the CCCU and the Board of Directors of ABACC.

Matt Osborne | CEO Matt Osborne currently serves as Vice President for Enrollment Management at Spring Arbor University, where he oversees recruitment and financial aid for undergraduate and graduate students at the university’s main campus, regional sites or online. He has worked in Christian higher education for nearly 27 years at three CCCU institutions: Greenville, Judson University and Spring Arbor University. The majority of his career has been spent focused on enrollment, although he was an as assistant dean of students for three years.

Scott N. Shoemaker | CEO Scott currently serves as the Associate Vice President for Enrollment at Point Loma Nazarene University, and has served as the Chief Enrollment Officer since 1998. He has worked in Higher Education for more than 23 years, serving in several roles in Enrollment and Student

Arlan NederhofF | CFO Arlan Nederhoff is a graduate of Dordt with a BA in Business Administration and an MBA from the University of South Dakota. He is also a Certified Management Accountant. Nederhoff has been at Dordt since 1999 as Vice President for Business. Prior to that he was the Comptroller for the Sioux Falls School District.

Randy L. Smith | CFO Randy L. Smith is executive vice president for business and administrative services at Oklahoma Baptist University. He serves as the institution’s chief financial officer, overseeing an annual budget of more than $43.3 million. He supervises campus services, the business office/controller’s office, athletics, university police, information systems and services, and facilities management.


Rose-mary Smith | CEO Rose-Mary Smith began her career at Northwest in 1993 as an enrollment counselor. She continued her work in the field of admissions eventually becoming the assistant vice president for enrollment in May 2006. Her undergraduate and graduate education work were done at Carlton University and Northwest University.

Lois Voigt | CFO Lois Voigt has been Vice President of Finance at Messiah College since 2002. She supervises all financial, accounting and investment activities for an institution with an $80 million operating budget, and $160 million in endowment, trust, and cash flow funds. She previously served as chief financial officer at the University of Sioux Falls and the North American Baptist Seminary, and worked in supervisory and accounting capacities at Georgia Pacific and Standard Oil of Indiana.

Commission for Chief Financial Officers

Duane Kilty | CFO Duane L. Kilty, PhD is Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer at Indiana Wesleyan University. Included in his responsibilities are management of IWU’s $190 million annual budget and oversight of accounting, investment management, human resources, risk management and compliance and legal issues. Kilty has more than 20 years of comprehensive experience in fiscal management, strategic planning, personnel management and administrative operations in Christian higher education, including multiple campus settings and turnaround initiatives. 25 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events

Jerry White | CFO Jerry White is the Vice President of Finance and Administration at Spring Arbor University. He oversees Accounting and Finance, Physical Plant, Human Resources, and Food and Nutrition. Prior to joining Spring Arbor University, Jerry was the Controller at Huntington University. He also received his CPA from the state of Indiana. He has served on several committees including IACUBO (Past President) and the Host Committee (facilities coordinator) for the 2008 CACUBO Annual Conference.

2010/2011 commission bios

Commission for Chief Institutional Advancement Officers

Bill Bigham | CIAO Bill Bigham began his service with Cedarville University as the Vice President for Advancement in July 2008. Before serving at Cedarville, Bill provided leadership at Roberts Wesleyan College/Northeastern Seminary in Rochester, NY, first as the director of donor relations and later as the advancement vice president. In 2005, the Rochester Business Journal named Bill one of its Top 40 Under 40.

Amy Bragg Carey | CIAO Amy Bragg Carey is the Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Northwestern College (MN). She serves on the national standards committee for the ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) and is the past chair of the CIAO (Chief Institution Advancement Officers) Commission for the CCCU.

Bennie Harris | CIAO Bennie L. Harris is vice president for development and alumni relations at Lipscomb University. Additionally, he manages his consulting business, BLH Associates, where he offers professional facilitation, fundraising, and capacity building consultation. He has held development leadership positions at DePaul University, University of Alabama at Birmingham and Washington State University. Harris has worked with a number of organizations in facilitating conversations and plans around healthcare and health equity.

Jim Krall | CIAO Jim Krall is the Vice President for University Advancement at John Brown University. He has served in this role for nine years. Former positions include Director of Planned Giving, Dean of Students at King College in Bristol, TN and Director of Residence Life and Resident Director at Northwestern College in IA. Jim is currently leading a $110 million Capital Campaign.

R. Mark Dillon | CIAO R. Mark Dillon is the Vice President of Advancement and Alumni Relations for Wheaton College. He oversees fundraising, public relations, alumni relations, and publications activities for the College. Prior to coming to Wheaton in November of 1994, Dr. Dillon served as Senior Vice President of Institutional Advancement at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Trinity College in Deerfield, Illinois. He has written numerous articles on development and fundraising for professional journals.

Commission for Campus Ministry Directors

Tracy Balzer | CMD Tracy Balzer is the Director of Christian Formation at John Brown University and chair of the CCCU Commission for Campus Ministers. She is the author of Thin Places: An Evangelical Journey into Celtic Christianity and A Listening Life (Spring 2011), and is a trained spiritual director. Tracy is married to Cary, a professor at JBU, and they have two daughters, one recently married and one in high school.

Gordon Flinn | CIAO Gordon Flinn has served as Simpson University’s chief development officer since 2002. His duties include providing administrative oversight of institutional advancement, marketing, and alumni and parent relations. He is the former VP of Finance and Operations for a nationwide third-party insurance administrator, a Simpson alumnus, and a former ASPIRE faculty member.

Louise Furrow | CIAO Louise Furrow has been the Executive Director of University Advancement for Azusa Pacific University since January 2007. She began working at APU in 1999, responsible for Foundation and Corporate Relations, and gradually took on additional responsibilities including Estate Planning, Major Gifts, Annual Giving, Events, Prospect Management and Research, Data Management, and Gift Processing. Highlights of the past four years include implementing Raiser’s Edge, which resulted in being able to move the operations to a data-driven by model.

Matt Benson | CMD Appointed as VP for Spiritual Formation in July of 2010, Matt Benson has served at Bryan College since 1997. He is a member of the President’s Executive Cabinet and holds an academic appointment as Assistant Professor of Christian Thought and Biblical Studies. Before coming to Bryan, Dr. Benson held pastoral positions in churches as well as served at the Center for Christian Leadership at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Greg Carmer | CMD Greg Carmer currently serves as the Dean of the A. J. Gordon Memorial Chapel at Gordon College, a position he has held since 2002. He also directs the Christian Vocation Institute, a collection of programs, including the Elijah Project, which help students explore the theological underpinnings and practical out-workings of vocation. Prior to assuming the responsibilities of Dean, he served as the Director of Service-Learning and Missions. 2010/2011 conferences & events :: 26

2010/2011 commission bios

Terry McGonigal | CMD Terry McGonigal has been the dean of spiritual life at Whitworth University for the past 15 years. He serves on the President’s Cabinet, carries on an active preaching and teaching ministry and is involved in the daily pastoral support of the campus community. He has served as the co-director of the Intercultural Relations Committee, to foster an atmosphere of respect for the dignity of every member of the Whitworth community. He is currently writing a manuscript on that subject entitled, If We Only Knew What Would Bring Peace: A Practical Introduction to Shalom Theology.

Jamie Noling | CMD Jamie Noling is the Associate Campus Pastor at Azusa Pacific University. Jamie comes from Gordon College, where she directed student ministries. A native Californian, Noling earned her Doctor of Ministry at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, her M. A. in theology from Fuller Theological Seminary and B. A. in communication from Pepperdine University.

David Whited | CMD David P. Whited serves as university chaplain at Trinity International University. Whited has experience in helping worship leaders and programmers thoughtfully examine historical and contemporary worship movements in light of a biblical theology of worship. Because of his strong interest in intentional communities of formation, he also frequently finds himself with a small group of students at the Taizé community in France.

Commission on Technology

Judy J. Dehle | COT Manager of Instructional Technology and Media Services and Senior Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Computer Science at Whitworth University in Spokane, WA.

William H. Doyle | COT Bill Doyle is the Vice President for IT Services at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN, and serves on the president’s executive leadership team. He is responsible for computing and telecommunications services for students, employees, and friends of the university. He joined the university team in 1981, serving as professor of mathematics and director of academic computing until the formation of IT Services in 2001.

27 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events

Paul Dupree | COT Paul Dupree is the CIO and assistant vice president of information services at Asbury College. He is the current chairperson of the CCCU Commission on Technology. The son of missionaries, Dupree spent his childhood in Japan. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Asbury College and a master’s degree in management of information systems (MIS) from the University of Phoenix.

Clark D. Hoopes | COT Clark D. Hoopes has served as Director of Information Technologies at Malone University since 1996. He graduated from Malone in 1975.

John C. Jones | COT John C. Jones currently serves as the Vice president for Information Technology / CIO at Indiana Wesleyan University, where he has served in this position since September 2005. Mr. Jones has served Indiana Wesleyan University in various capacities for over 18 years. He is also active in higher educational technology associations within the State of Indiana, having served on various committees with Independent Colleges of Indiana and Indiana Higher Educational Telecommunication System.

Greg Smith | COT Greg Smith is the Chief Greg Smith is the Chief Information Officer at George Fox University with responsibility for administrative and central computing services, networking telecommunications, user services, classroom/ multimedia support, institutional research, hybrid learning and event services. He came to the Northwest in 2004 from the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, where he served as the Director of IT for eight years. Prior to the IT career in Academia, he was a Systems Consultant with Hewlett-Packard.

Scott Tracy | COT Scott Tracy has been the senior technology leader at CBU since January 2001 with over 25 years experience in the implementation, management, and consulting of technology within both the private and public sectors. He earned his B.S. from CBC (CBU) and his M.S. from Golden Gate University. He is married with two daughters and resides in Riverside, CA.

2010/2011 commission bios

Rebecca Peeling | CPRO

Commission for Public Relations Officers

Gary Cantwell | CPRO Gary P. Cantwell is Vice President of Communications and Marketing at Trinity International University. He oversees all university publications, advertising, marketing, public relations, internal communications, and the Trinity website. He also consults with the other departments on effective communications and marketing strategies. Cantwell graduated with a BFA in Communications from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX, and has a broad background in ministry and business.

Ron Frost | CPRO Ron Frost, Vice President for Communications at Oklahoma Christian University, has more than 30 years of senior-level communications management experience with Fortune 50 companies, government and higher education. He has won more than 50 national, regional and local awards for writing, editing and photography. While serving as a U.S. Army Public Information Officer in Washington, D.C., during the Vietnam War, he assisted with media relations for the military’s participation in President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s funeral, Robert Kennedy’s funeral, President Richard Nixon’s Inaugural Parade and Medal of Honor ceremonies at the White House.

Irene Neller | CPRO Irene Neller serves Biola University as Senior Director of Integrated Marketing Communications and Senior Advisor to President for Communications. She directs, plans and implements comprehensive university plans, and manages the university’s brand and that of its seven schools. Irene has been recognized with various awards by industry groups and higher education agencies, such as Admissions Marketing Report, CASE, President’s Awards for Excellence and Exceptional Performance and the Public Relations Society of America. Irene spends her personal time volunteering with various non-profit organizations, and mentoring young women.

Tracy Norlen | CPRO Since 1992, Tracy Norlen has been the news and media relations manager for Seattle Pacific University. She serves on the leadership team for the Office of University Communications. In addition to working with the media, she writes and publishes news on the SPU home page, edits and produces an online, weekly newsletter for faculty and staff, coordinates various photography and video assignments, and tries to keep up with social media. She also serves on the university’s

Becky Peeling is assistant vice president for University Relations and Marketing for Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, FL. She is a 24-year veteran in the public relations and marketing fields, having lent her expertise to a variety of non-profit agencies, including Good Samaritan Medical Center, Bethesda Memorial Hospital, Hospice of Palm Beach County, Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County, and Palm Beach Atlantic. In addition, she is accredited in public relations (APR) by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA.)

Janet Ragland | CPRO Janet Ragland is the Director of University Relations at LeTourneau University in Longview, TX, where students learn to claim every workplace in every nation for Christ. At LETU, she serves as media liaison and as editor of the university’s NOW news magazineHer writing has won awards from the Texas Press Association, the Dallas Press Club and the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education.

Joyce A. Wood | CPRO Joyce A. Wood has served as the Associate Vice President for University Relations and Marketing at Taylor University since 2001. Her role involves responsibility for oversight of print and Web communications for the University, media relations, community relations, conference services and special event planning. Prior to that appointment, she was Director of Conferences and Special Events and served in various other capacities at Taylor University since 1979.

Commission for Chief Student Development Officers

Bettie Ann Brigham | CSDO Bettie Ann Brigham, Vice President for Student Development at Eastern University, is in her seventh year as VP at Eastern and in her 35th year of work in just about every aspect of Student Affairs. Her research interests are in first generation college student success (her dissertation topic) and the growth and development of students of all ages.

sustainability and wellness committees.

2010/2011 conferences & events :: 28

2010/2011 commission bios

Ginny Carpenter | CSDO Ginny Carpenter serves as the Vice President for Student Development at Trinity Christian College. Though her professional career began as a teacher for hearing impaired children, the opportunity to join the residence life staff at Trinity Christian College in 1984 has had a longterm outcome. She’s had the privilege of teaching for several summers in Geneva College’s Masters in Higher Education program, and has also been a member of the Association for Christians in Student Development for many years and in the past has served as a facilitator for the new professionals retreat.

Jane Higa | CSDO As Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students, Jane Hideko Higa oversees all of the Student Life programs and personnel at Westmont College. She has held several leadership roles in the student development profession, including VP and President Elect for the Association of Christians in Student Development (ACSD). She has either chaired or served as a member of various audits and program reviews in Christian colleges across the nation. She has also served as a member of an accreditation site visit under the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

Carl A. Ruby | CSDO Carl Ruby has been working in student life for over 20 years and currently serves as Vice President for Student Life at Cedarville University. Ruby holds membership in the Association for Christians in Student Development and has been published in The Leadership Journal, the Journal of Student Affairs Administration, Research and Practice and The NASPA Journal.

Edee Schulze | CSDO Edee Schulze serves as Vice President for Student Life at Bethel University (MN) where she leads of team of professionals to create environments that foster and promote holistic development in students. Her research interests include gender dynamics for female students and spiritual formation in co-curricular programs. Edee also works with a ministry in Latin America (Casa Viva) that equips local church families to provide hope and homes for children who are separated from their biological families.

29 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events

Scott Strawn | CSDO Scott W. Strawn was appointed the Vice President for Student Development at Southern Nazarene University in 2008. Scott previously held roles in student affairs at Santa Clara University, Seattle Pacific University, The University of Kansas, and Sterling College. Scott is a graduate of Anderson University (IN) and holds a Masters degree from Ball State University and a doctorate in Higher Education from The University of Kansas.

Commission for Financial Aid administrators

Troy Martin | FAA Troy currently serves as the Director of Student Financial Services at Houghton College in Houghton, NY. As the Director of SFS, Troy oversees the financial aid and student accounts areas for Houghton’s 1400 undergraduate and graduate students. He has previously worked as the Director of Financial Aid at Asbury College in Wilmore, KY, and has also been a consultant for numerous Bible colleges regarding their financial aid operations.

Jeff Olson | FAA Jeff Olson currently serves as director of financial aid at Bethel University in Saint Paul, Minn. He has 20 years of experience working in admissions and financial aid. Olson has collaborated with Dan Nelson (vice president of admissions, financial aid and retention at Bethel University) for ten years on the Financial Aid Survey of CCCU Institutions.

sponsors Sponsorship categories

Platinum level ::

Event Sponsor: $5,500

Opportunity to present during the event program Logo placement on cover of conference program Premium logo placement on event website and email blasts One (1) Complimentary exhibit setup Two (2) Complimentary registrations Listing of all attendees

Gold level ::

Registration Sponsor: $4,000

Introduction during the event program Logo placement on registration materials Logo placement on a registration promotional item Logo placement on registration section of event website and email blasts One (1) Complimentary exhibit setup Two (2) Complimentary registrations Listing of all attendees

Silver level ::

program Sponsor: $3,000

Introduction by conference chair during the event program Logo placement in conference program Logo placement on event website One (1) Complimentary exhibit setup One (1) Complimentary registration Listing of all attendees

Bronze level ::

program exhibitor: $1,000

Logo placement in conference program Logo placement on event website Listing of all attendees One (1) complimentary registration *Limited space available

2010/2011 conferences & events :: 30

sponsors Ways to Reach the CCCU Community

Conferences CCCU sponsored conferences are a great way to reach the CCCU membership at-large. Each year hundreds of members of the CCCU community attend various conferences across the country. One of the primary reasons for deciding to sponsor an event is the ability to network with key administrators and faculty of our member institutions. Sponsorships of these events give your company significant promotion and presence to the CCCU community. • • • • •

Gives companies optimum exposure with our members. Conference attendees can meet your key staff and find out more about your organization. Increases company visibility before a national audience. Enhances corporate images. Reaches an influential, exclusive audience.

CCCU Advance Magazine Let readers know which at CCCU events they can find your representatives. CCCU Advance Magazine readers are active in leadership within the campus structure and within their peer groups among other institutions. With a circulation of nearly 10,000, the CCCU Advance presents a unique way for your organization to connect with these campus leaders and tell them about the services you can provide. Administrators and campus leaders frequently ask the CCCU for information regarding key product and service vendors who provide services and the Advance allows those vendors to be visible on our campuses.

CCCU Vendor Directory The Vendor Directory is a great way to acquire leads for companies new to the CCCU. The majority of companies listed in the directory are highly recommended by members of the CCCU community. A small annual fee garners access to a wide range of member campuses both domestically and internationally.

Sponsor a CCCU Conference

Purchase One (1) Vendor Directory Listing

Purchase One (1) Half Page Ad in CCCU Advance Magazine

Purchase One (1) Full Page Ad in CCCU Advance Magazine




• $200 discount on your next ad

• $300 discount on your next ad purchase

purchase in CCCU Advance Magazine

in CCCU Advance Magazine

• $500 discount on your next ad purchase in CCCU Advance Magazine

• One (1) Complimentary logo placement

• One (1) Complimentary registration to an upcoming conference

• Two (2) Complimentary registrations

• One (1) Complimentary logo placement

• One (1) Complimentary logo placement

in quarterly conference guide email

in quarterly conference guide email

31 :: 2010/2011 conferences & events

to an upcoming conference in quarterly conference guide email

commitment form commitment form

Please fax the completed form to (202) 546-8913 or email to conferences@cccu.org. Contact Information Company: Contact Name: Division: Phone: Email: Conference Selection Conference Code



GENDER Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2010 Abilene, TX  2010 Changing Faces  2010 Online Post-Forum Speaker Series FORUM October 25-28, 2010 Online  2010 The Dos and Don’ts of Hiring for Religious Org HRO Nov.2 | Dec. 7, 2010 Online  2011 Chief Enrollment Officers Conference CEO January 6-8, 2011 Ponte Vedra, FL  2011 Financial Aid Administrators Conference FAA January 6-8, 2011 Ponte Vedra, FL  2011 Presidents Conference PRES January 27-29, 2011 Washington, DC  2011 Campus Ministry Directors Conference CMD February 15-18, 2011 New Orleans, LA  2011 Chief Institutional Advancement CIAO February 23-25, 2011 Marco Island, FL Officers Conference  2011 Chief Student Development CSDO March 2-4, 2011 New York, NY Officers Conference  2011 Chief Academic Officers Conference CAO March 24-26, 2011 The Woodlands, TX  2011 CCCU/IJ M Student Learning and Global Justice IJM April 7-8, 2011 Vienna, VA  2011 Commission on Technology Conference COT May 31-June 1, 2011 Newburg, OR  2011 Doubting Darwin: Science, Faith & Knowledge DAR June 8-10, 2011 La Mirada, CA  2011 PR/Communications Officers Conference CPRO June 15-18, 2011 St. Paul, MN  2011 Chief Financial Officers Conference CFO June 1-3, 2011 Shawnee, OK  2011 New Presidents Institute NPI July 9-12, 2011 Breckenridge, CO  2011 Governance Institute


July 14-16, 2011

Breckenridge, CO

Sponsorship Information

1. Conference Code: ___________ Sponsorship Level:  Platinum  Gold  Silver  Bronze Amount: $ __________

2. Conference Code: ___________ Sponsorship Level:  Platinum  Gold  Silver  Bronze Amount: $ __________

3. Conference Code: ___________ Sponsorship Level:  Platinum  Gold  Silver  Bronze Amount: $ __________

4. Conference Code: ___________ Sponsorship Level:  Platinum  Gold  Silver  Bronze Amount: $ __________

5. Conference Code: ___________ Sponsorship Level:  Platinum  Gold  Silver  Bronze Amount: $ __________

Payment Information

Card Number

Card Type Exp. Date Security Code

Name on Card

Billing Zip Code Total Charge Amount

Signature  I agree to allow the CCCU to charge my card for this payment. * If paying by check or money order, please note that your sponsorship will not be confirmed until the payment is received.

Exhibitor Opportunities

Your exhibit package includes: • A free 25-word description of your organization in the conference program • Registration for one (1) representative from your institution or company (all conference meals included) • 6’ skirted table • One (1) free additional table (if requested). There will be a $25 charge for each additional table after the first two tables. • Chairs • Waste basket • The attendee listing

(5) EXHIBIT RESTRICTIONS: No exhibitor or part of an exhibit will be admitted to any space until rental of that space has been paid in full. It is the duty and the responsibility of the exhibitors to install their exhibit before the opening of the event and to dismantle their exhibit immediately after the close of the meeting. (6) PRIZE DRAWINGS & GIVEAWAYS: Exhibitors planning to hold drawings or raffles must submit, in writing, to CCCU, a complete description of the items to be raffled, the methods by which winners will be selected, and the manner in which the winners will be announced. Such drawings will not be permitted if they conflict in any way with the event or local laws. (7) GENERAL SHOW POLICIES: Noisy or offensive exhibits are prohibited. Distribution of literature or samples must be related to exhibit and distribution to within exhibitor’s space. No food products or beverages may be distributed

Information and Regulations for Exhibitors (1) ELIGIBLE EXHIBITS: The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (hereafter referred to as “CCCU”) reserves the right to refuse exhibit space to any applicant for any reason. In addition, CCCU reserves the right to refuse exhibit

from exhibitor’s space without approval from CCCU. Assignment or subletting of assigned space by exhibitor is not permitted for any reason without approval of CCCU. Exhibitor must comply with all local laws, rules, regulations and ordinances in force. The exhibitor may not display signs that are not professionally prepared or in the opinion of CCCU detract from the appearance of the event. Smoking and alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the exhibit floor.

space to any Exhibitor if, after the acceptance of the application and contract,


information should come to the attention of CCCU which, in the reasonable

event and exhibition, all demonstrations, promotional activities, and distribution

judgment of CCCU, demonstrates that the proposed exhibit would be inconsistent

of materials must be confined within the limits of the exhibit spaces(s) in the

with the principles espoused by CCCU or unfavorable to the reputation of CCCU.

exhibit area. The playing of loud music, videos, films or the like, or any other

In the event that CCCU should exercise this right, any deposit and exhibit fees

loud or distracting activity that could be objectionable to neighboring exhibitors

paid to CCCU shall be refunded, except that if the denial of exhibit space shall

is prohibited. Exhibitor warrants that all copyrighted material to be performed

be for the failure or refusal of the Exhibitor to comply with the terms set forth

or played has been duly authorized or licensed by the copyright owners or their

elsewhere in the contract, the denial of exhibit space shall be treated as a

representatives and agrees to indemnify and hold CCCU harmless from any and

cancellation by the Exhibitor.

all claims, expenses, including legal fees, which might arise from questions of use

(2) LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The exhibitor agrees to make no claim for any

of any such material described above.

reason whatsoever against CCCU, its employees, the hotel or the city and/or state

(9) VISITORS: The CCCU event is not open to the public. CCCU shall have sole

wherein the event is held for loss, theft, damage, destruction of goods, nor for

control over all admissions. All persons entering the exhibit area will be admitted

any injury to himself or employees while the event is in progress, being set up or

according to the rules and regulations of the event and exhibition as issued or

being taken down. Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless CCCU and its

amended by the authorized representatives of CCCU.

employees against any and all claims of any person arising out of acts, omissions,

(10) DECORATOR RULES AND REGULATIONS: Exhibitor agrees to conform to

or negligence of exhibitor, its agents or its employees. Further, neither CCCU,

all rules and regulations of the event’s official decorator as detailed in the official

its employees, officers, volunteers, nor directors shall be liable for failure of the

service kit provided by that company. Where union personnel are required by the

scheduled exhibition to be held due to fire, water damage, public emergency,

decorator and/or the hotel, the exhibitor must comply with union requirements.

strikes, other labor disputes, boycotts, cancellation of facility contracts,

CCCU is not responsible for decorator and/or hotel personnel, nor can CCCU

or acts of God beyond the power or control of CCCU to prevent.

guarantee that the services and/or utilities promised by the decorator and/or hotel

Exhibitor’s acknowledge that it is their sole responsibility of to obtain the

shall be available during the exhibition.

necessary insurance.

(11) SECURITY: While CCCU seeks to arrange for security personnel to maintain

(3) CANCELLATION OR WITHDRAWAL: No refund will be made if the exhibitor

a watch before and after the exhibition, neither CCCU nor the security company

cancels the contracted space within 90 days of the event. If written or faxed

personnel shall be liable for any damage or theft to the exhibitor’s display or

notification is received by CCCU before 90 days, the deposit and Exhibitor fees

property. The security that CCCU is providing is for the event and its guests and

paid to CCCU will be refunded.

not for the protection of exhibitor, exhibitor property, or exhibitor’s workers. The

(4) PAYMENT: Failure to pay the exhibit space within 60 days of the event entitles

exhibitor should not rely on CCCU provided security for any reason.

CCCU to cancel the sponsorship and retain the nonrefundable deposit. No

(12) ORDER-TAKING & ON-SITE SALES: Cash and credit sales are permitted.

exhibitor or his/her display materials will be allowed into the exhibit area until he/

Licenses, taxes to sale, payment of sales tax, and other legal business

she has made full payment to CCCU.

requirements are the responsibility of the exhibitor. Purchasers of goods must be furnished with a bill of sale or receipt.

321 Eighth St, NE | Washington, DC 20002 202.546.8713 | f: 202.546.8913 www.cccu.org | www.bestsemester.com

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