www.cccu.org www.bestsemester.com
CCCU Mission To advance the cause of Christcentered higher education and to help our institutions transform lives by faithfully relating scholarship and service to biblical truth.
09-10 projected expenses
3% Conferences 2% Grants & Special Initiatives 6% Other Expenses
16% General & Administration
Full-time CCCU employees.
Formally appointed volunteer leaders.
Students in CCCU Best Semester programs, 2008-2009.
73% Student Programs
09-10 projected revenue
CCCU MEMBERS & AFFILIATES Spring 2009 Members Affiliates Totals
31 States
3 Provinces
20 States
5 Provinces
21 Countries
$13.3 Million
9% Membership Dues 7% Other Revenue 2% Donations, Grants & Special Initiatives 4% Conferences
33 States
6 Provinces
22 Countries
24 Countries
78% Student Programs
PROGRAMS & SERVICES The Council offers more than 100 programs, events and services to meet a wide variety of campus needs. For complete information, visit www.cccu.org. president’s OFFICE • Public Policy • Dellenback International Fellows • Institutes Presidents Governace • President’s Initiatives
Communications • Web sites www.cccu.org www.bestsemester.com • Publications CCCU Advance (twice annually) BestSemester (twice annually) eAdvance (monthly e-newsletter)
STUDENT PROGRAMS www.bestsemester.com
• Culture-Shaping Programs
• Advancing Intercultural Competencies
American Studies Program Washington, D.C.
• Professional Development — Faculty
Contemporary Music Center Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. Los Angeles Film Studies Center Los Angeles, Calif. Washington Journalism Center Washington, D.C. • Culture-Crossing Programs Australia Studies Centre Sydney, Australia China Studies Program Xiamen, China Latin American Studies Program San José, Costa Rica
Initiative Grants to Network Christian Scholars National New Faculty Workshops Disciplinary Workshops Leadership Development Institutes Emerging Scholars Network: in partnership with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship CCCU Supported Conferences • Professional Development — Administrators Chief Academic Officers Institute Peer Group Conferences CCCU Supported Conferences
Middle East Studies Program Cairo, Egypt
• Research
Russian Studies Program Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia
Compensation, Enrollment and Tuition Surveys
Scholars’ Semester in Oxford Oxford, England
Spiritual Formation Research
Oxford Summer Programme Oxford, England
• Tuition Waiver Exchange Program
Uganda Studies Program Mukono, Uganda
Comprehensive Assessment Project
• Career Center — www.cccu.org
Members at a glance 325,000
Number of faculty
1.6 million
• Strong commitment to Christ-centered higher education
Total student enrollment
Total graduates in 2007
Number of alumni
Denominational affiliations
374 to 32,123 Enrollment range
Total endowment market value
cccu MEMBERs
British Columbia Trinity Western University Langley, BC www.twu.ca Ontario Redeemer University College Ancaster, ON www.redeemer.on.ca
• Broad curricula rooted in the arts and sciences
$3.8 billion
Graduate majors offered
Alberta The King’s University College Edmonton, AB www.kingsu.ab.ca
$4.2 billion
Average operating budget
• Primarily four-year comprehensive colleges and universities
$39.8 million
Undergraduate majors offered
Complete member requirements can be found in the CCCU member application, which is available online at www.cccu.org/members.
Warner University Lake Wales, FL www.warner.edu
Wheaton College Wheaton, IL www.wheaton.edu
Sterling College Sterling, KS www.sterling.edu
Hope International University Fullerton, CA www.hiu.edu
Georgia Covenant College Lookout Mountain, GA www.covenant.edu
Indiana Anderson University Anderson, IN www.anderson.edu
Tabor College Hillsboro, KS www.tabor.edu
Shorter College Roma, GA www.shorter.edu
Bethel College Mishawaka, IN www.bethelcollege.edu
Toccoa Falls College Toccoa Falls, GA www.tfc.edu
Goshen College Goshen, IN www.goshen.edu
Idaho Northwest Nazarene University Nampa, ID www.nnu.edu
Grace College & Seminary Winona Lake, IN www.grace.edu
The Master’s College & Seminary Santa Clarita, CA www.masters.edu Point Loma Nazarene University San Diego, CA www.ptloma.edu
Alabama Judson College Marion, AL www.judson.edu
Simpson University Redding, CA www.simpsonuniversity.edu
California Azusa Pacific University Azusa, CA www.apu.edu
• Sound finances
Fresno Pacific University Fresno, CA www.fresno.edu
San Diego Christian College El Cajon, CA www.sdcc.edu
Williams Baptist College Walnut Ridge, AR www.wbcoll.edu
• Christians hired for all full-time faculty and administrative positions
updated 4-2010
Arkansas John Brown University Siloam Springs, AR www.jbu.edu
• Full regional accreditation (U.S. campuses)
Average U.S. tuition
Total operating budgets
• Located in the U.S. or Canada
Vanguard University of Southern California Costa Mesa, CA www.vanguard.edu Westmont College Santa Barbara, CA www.westmont.edu Colorado Colorado Christian University Lakewood, CO www.ccu.edu
Biola University La Mirada, CA www.biola.edu
Florida Palm Beach Atlantic University West Palm Beach, FL www.pba.edu
California Baptist University Riverside, CA www.calbaptist.edu
Southeastern University Lakeland, FL www.seuniversity.edu
Illinois Greenville College Greenville, IL www.greenville.edu Judson University Elgin, IL www.judsoncollege.edu North Park University Chicago, IL www.northpark.edu Olivet Nazarene University Bourbonnais, IL www.olivet.edu Trinity Christian College Palos Heights, IL www.trnty.edu Trinity International University Deerfield, IL www.tiu.edu
Huntington University Huntington, IN www.huntington.edu Indiana Wesleyan University Marion, IN www.indwes.edu Taylor University Upland, IN www.tayloru.edu Iowa Dordt College Sioux Center, IA www.dordt.edu Northwestern College Orange City, IA www.nwciowa.edu Kansas MidAmerica Nazarene University Olathe, KS www.mnu.edu
Kentucky Asbury University Wilmore, KY www.asbury.edu Campbellsville University Campbellsville, KY www.campbellsville.edu Kentucky Christian University Grayson, KY www.kcu.edu Louisiana Louisiana College Pineville, LA www.lacollege.edu Massachusetts Eastern Nazarene College Quincy, MA www.enc.edu Gordon College Wenham, MA www.gordon.edu Michigan Calvin College Grand Rapids, MI www.calvin.edu Cornerstone University Grand Rapids, MI www.cornerstone.edu Spring Arbor University Spring Arbor, MI www.arbor.edu
cccu MEMBERs Minnesota Bethel University Saint Paul, MN www.bethel.edu Crown College St. Bonifacius, MN www.crown.edu Northwestern College Saint Paul, MN www.nwc.edu Mississippi Belhaven University Jackson, MS www.belhaven.edu Mississippi College Clinton, MS www.mc.edu Missouri College of the Ozarks Point Lookout, MO www.CofO.edu Evangel University Springfield, MO www.evangel.edu Missouri Baptist University Saint Louis, MO www.mobap.edu Southwest Baptist University Bolivar, MO www.sbuniv.edu New Mexico University of the Southwest Hobbs, NM www.usw.edu New York Houghton College Houghton, NY www.houghton.edu Nyack College Nyack, NY www.nyack.edu Roberts Wesleyan College Rochester, NY www.roberts.edu North Carolina Montreat College Montreat, NC www.montreat.edu Ohio Bluffton University Bluffton, OH www.bluffton.edu Cedarville University Cedarville, OH www.cedarville.edu Malone University Canton, OH www.malone.edu Mount Vernon Nazarene University Mount Vernon, OH www.mvnu.edu Oklahoma Oklahoma Baptist University Shawnee, OK www.okbu.edu
Oklahoma Christian University Oklahoma City, OK www.oc.edu
Lipscomb University Nashville, TN www.lipscomb.edu
Oklahoma Wesleyan University Bartlesville, OK www.okwu.edu
Milligan College Milligan College, TN www.milligan.edu
Oral Roberts University Tulsa, OK www.oru.edu
Trevecca Nazarene University Nashville, TN www.trevecca.edu
Southern Nazarene University Bethany, OK www.snu.edu
Union University Jackson, TN www.uu.edu
Oregon Corban College & Graduate School Salem, OR www.corban.edu
Texas Abilene Christian University Abilene, TX www.acu.edu
George Fox University Newberg, OR www.georgefox.edu
Dallas Baptist University Dallas, TX www.dbu.edu
Northwest Christian University Eugene, OR www.nwcc.edu
East Texas Baptist University Marshall, TX www.etbu.edu
Warner Pacific College Portland, OR www.warnerpacific.edu
Hardin-Simmons University Abilene, TX www.hsutx.edu
Pennsylvania Eastern University St. Davids, PA www.eastern.edu
Houston Baptist University Houston, TX www.hbu.edu
Geneva College Beaver Falls, PA www.geneva.edu Messiah College Grantham, PA www.messiah.edu Waynesburg University Waynesburg, PA www.waynesburg.edu South Carolina Erskine College Due West, SC www.erskine.edu
Howard Payne University Brownwood, TX www.hputx.edu
Lee University Cleveland, TN www.leeuniversity.edu
• Strong commitment to Christ-centered higher education • Any level of postsecondary education • Located anywhere in the world Complete affiliate requirements can be found in the CCCU member application, which is available online at www.cccu.org/affiliates.
cccu international affiliates Australia
Avondale College Cooranbong, NSW, Australia www.avondale.edu.au
Virginia Bluefield College Bluefield, VA www.bluefield.edu
Wesley Institute Drummoyne NSW, Australia www.wima.edu.au
Washington Northwest University Kirkland, WA www.northwestu.edu
King College Bristol, TN www.king.edu
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Belton, TX www.umhb.edu
Southern Wesleyan University Central, SC www.swu.edu
Carson-Newman College Jefferson City, TN www.cn.edu
35 Nations
Alphacrucis College Chester Hill NSW, Australia www.alphacrucis.edu.au
Eastern Mennonite University Harrisonburg, VA www.emu.edu
Tennessee Bryan College Dayton, TN www.bryan.edu
100,000+ Total students
LeTourneau University Longview, TX www.letu.edu
North Greenville College Tigerville, SC www.ngc.edu
South Dakota University of Sioux Falls Sioux Falls, SD www.usiouxfalls.edu
Affiliates at a Glance
Seattle Pacific University Seattle, WA www.spu.edu Whitworth University Spokane, WA www.whitworth.edu
Austria The International University Vienna, Austria www.iuvienna.edu
Bolivia Universidad Evangelica Boliviana Santa Cruz, Bolivia www.ueb.edu.bo
Canada Alberta Ambrose University College Calgary, AB www.ambrose.edu Prairie Bible Institute Three Hills, AB www.prairie.edu
William & Catherine Booth College Winnepeg, MB www.boothcollege.ca New Brunswick Atlantic Baptist University Moncton, NB www.abu.nb.ca Ontario McMaster Divinity College Hamilton, ON www.macdiv.ca Tyndale University College & Seminary Toronto, ON www.tyndale.ca Saskatchewan Briercrest College and Seminary Caronport, SK www.briercrest.ca
Ecuador Universidad Cristiana Latinoamericana Casilla deCorreo, Quito www.ucristiana.com
Ghana Central University College Dansoman, Accra www.centraluniversity.org
Manitoba Providence College & Seminary Otterburne, MB www.prov.ca
cccu international affiliates (continued) Haiti
North Haiti Christian University Limbe Nord, Haiti www.ucnh.info
Norwegian Teacher Academy Bergen, Norway www.nla.no
Queensland University Port-au-Prince, Haiti www.uqhaiti.org
Hungary John Wesley Theological College Budapest, Hungary www.wesley.hu
India Bishop Appasamy College Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Indonesia Maranatha Christian University West Java, Indonesia www.marantha.edu Universitas Pelita Harapan Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia www.uph.edu
Israel Jerusalem University College Jerusalem, Israel www.juc.edu
Japan Tokyo Christian University Chiba Ken, Japan www.tci.ac.jp/english
Kenya Africa Nazarene University Nairobi, Kenya www.anu.ac.ke Daystar University Nairobi, Kenya www.daystar.ac.ke Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology Nairobi, Kenya www.negst.edu
Lithuania LCC International University Klaipeda, Lithuania www.lccbc.org
Netherlands Christelijke Hogeschool Ede EDE Gelderland, Netherlands www.topshare.che.nl/english Gereformeerde Hogeschool Zwolle, Netherlands www.gh-gpc.nl
New Zealand Laidlaw College Auckland, New Zealand www.laidlaw.ac.nz
Russian-American Christian University Moscow, Russia www.racu.org St. Petersburg Christian University St. Petersburg, Russia www.spcu.spb.ru
South Africa Cornerstone Christian College Cape Town, South Africa www.cornerstone.org.za
South Korea Baekseok University Seoul, Korea www.bu.ac.kr Chongshin University & Theological Seminary Seoul, Korea www.chongshin.ac.kr Handong Global University Pohang, Korea www.handong.edu Hannam University Daejeon, Korea www.hannam.ac.kr Korea Nazarene University Chonan City, Korea www.kornu.ac.kr Myongji University Seoul, Korea www.mju.ac.kr
Taiwan Christ’s College Taipei, Taiwan www.christc.org.tw Sheng-te Christian College Chungli, Taiwan www.shengte.org.tw
Uganda Uganda Christian University Mukono, Uganda www.ucu.ac.ug
United Kingdom Wycliffe Hall Oxford, England www.wycliffe.ox.ac.uk
cccu U.S. affiliates Alabama
Samford University Birmingham, AL www.samford.edu
Asbury Theological Seminary Wilmore, KY www.asburyseminary.edu
Southwestern College Phoenix, AZ www.southwesterncollege.edu
Kuyper College Grand Rapids, MI www.kuyper.edu
Bethany University Scotts Valley, CA www.bethany.edu
North Central University Minneapolis, MN www.northcentral.edu
Crestmont College Rancho Palos Verdes, CA www.crestmontcollege.edu
North Carolina
Fuller Theological Seminary Pasadena, CA www.fuller.edu William Jessup University Rocklin, CA www.jessup.edu Georgia Atlanta Christian College East Point, GA www.acc.edu Emmanuel College Franklin Springs, GA www.emmanuelcollege.edu Illinois Lincoln Christian College & Seminary Lincoln, IL www.lccs.edu Moody Bible Institute Chicago, IL www.moody.edu Kansas Central Christian College McPherson, KS www.centralchristian.edu
Campbell University Buies Creek, NC www.campbell.edu Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Wake Forest, NC www.sebts.edu Ohio Franciscan University of Steubenville Steubenville, OH www.franciscan.edu Oklahoma
Philadelphia Biblical University Langhorne, PA www.pbu.edu Valley Forge Christian College Phoenixville, PA www.vfcc.edu South Carolina Charleston Southern University Charleston, SC www.csuniv.edu Columbia International University Columbia, SC www.ciu.edu Tennessee Johnson Bible College Knoxville, TN www.jbc.edu Texas Baylor University Waco, TX www.baylor.edu Dallas Theological Seminary Dallas, TX www.dts.edu
Mid-America Christian University Oklahoma City, OK www.macu.edu
Virginia Regent University Virginia Beach, VA www.regent.edu
Washington Walla Walla University College Place, WA www.wwc.edu
Multnomah Bible College Portland, OR www.multnomah.edu Pennsylvania Lancaster Bible College Lancaster, PA www.lbc.edu
West Virginia Ohio Valley University Vienna, WV www.ovu.edu Alderson Broaddus College Philippi, W.V. www.ab.edu
<< CCCU DC Headquarters
Dr. Paul R. Corts President
• American Council on Education
Dr. Mimi Barnard Vice President for Professional Development & Research Dr. Ken Bussema Vice President for Student Programs
• Council of Independent Colleges • International Council for Higher Education • National Association of Independent Colleges & Universities
Mr. Nate Mouttet Vice President for Communications
• Washington Higher Education Secretariat
Mr. Kyle Royer Vice President for Finance & Administration
CCCU BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. Carl E. Zylstra, Chair President, Dordt College
Dr. Bob Brower President, Point Loma Nazarene University
Dr. Charles Pollard President, John Brown University
Dr. Kim S. Phipps, Vice Chair President, Messiah College
Dr. Barry H. Corey President, Biola University
Dr. Pat Taylor President, Southwest Baptist University
Dr. Mike O’Neal, Secretary/Treasurer President, Oklahoma Christian University
Dr. Sandra Gray President, Asbury College
Mr. Scott Whitaker Chief Operating Officer, Biotechnology Industry Organization
Dr. Gayle Beebe President, Westmont College Dr. Edward Blews Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Michigan
Dr. Ronald Manahan President, Grace College & Seminary
Dr. Paul R. Corts, ex officio CCCU President
Dr. Roger Parrott President, Belhaven University
321 Eighth St, NE | Washington, DC 20002 202.546.8713 | f: 202.546.8913 | www.cccu.org | www.bestsemester.com
Revised 2-10