Latin American Studies Program

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LASP students complete an intensive Spanish language course, a seminar on Latin American history and contemporary issues, a study trip to the country of Nicaragua, and one of four academic concentrations: Latin American studies, advanced language and literature, international business or environmental science. In addition to the completion of coursework, you will immerse yourself in Latin American communities, learning from your hosts during the completion of a practicum experience related to your interests. Most practicum opportunities will invite you to live in a small community, removed from the noise and fast pace of city life. w w w. b e sts e m e st e r . c o m / l a s p/a c a d e m i c s /

l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o u r s e w o r k Spanish Language Latin American History and Contemporary Issues Academic Concentration Nicaragua Study Trip Total Credits

6 credits 3 credits 6 credits 1-3 credits 16-18 credits

The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16-18 hours of credits by their home institution.

As a student at the Latin American Studies Program, you will join a community of learners who share a passion for engaging Latin American realities. You will accompany fellow students and program faculty in the exploration of Latin America’s complexity. Recommended & Required Credits Students select one of four academic concentrations:

Cultural immersion, through homestay experiences, forms

1 . l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o n c e n t r at i o n Responses to Third World Reality Community Immersion Experience/Internship

3 credits 3 credits

Course content is adapted to changes in Latin American society. Pre-requisite: Equivalent of one year of college Spanish.

the backbone of your learning journey. Through the sharing of life with host families in several countries, you will experience

2 . a d va n c e d l a n g u a g e a n d l i t e r at u r e c o n c e n t r at i o n Language & Literature Seminar Community Immersion Experience/Internship

3 credits 3 credits

This concentration is designed for Spanish language majors with a minimum of one-year of college/university intermediate Spanish and one semester of advanced-Spanish conversation and/or composition.

3 . i n t e r n a t i o n a l b u s i n e ss c o n c e n t r a t i o n ( f a l l s e m e s t e r o n ly ) International Business Seminar Community Immersion Practicum

diverse faith expressions, the intensity of language acquisition and the flavors of daily life in Latin America. As an LASP student you will experience life on Latin American terms.

3 credits 3 credits


Business concentration students spend six weeks addressing the fundamentals and application of international business through coursework and a practicum experience.


Pre-requisite: Course background should include macro-/microeconomics and introductory-level management.

lati n a m erican studies progr am

4 . e n v i r o n m e n ta l s c i e n c e c o n c e n t r at i o n ( s p r i n g s e m e s t e r o n ly ) Environmental Science Seminar Field Research Practicum

4 credits 2 credits

alumni After engaging the culture, language and people of Latin America, many LASP students seek ways to integrate their experiences in Latin America with
their vocation. You will find LASP alumni working with NGOs, development organizations and the US State Department. Others enter graduate school, work as entrepreneurs or serve as educators. Some apply their experiences
in Latin America to their communities in the United States, where they serve in Spanish-speaking immigrant communities. In

Participants in this concentration explore the natural sciences in a tropical setting and study their influence on the process of sustainability.

whatever career they choose to
invest their talents, LASP alumni carry an important legacy of their learning experiences in Latin America to any future endeavor, domestic or international.

V i s i t w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

Still want to know more?

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002

a program of the asp/overview/

America, solutions to poverty and more. political movements, the church in Latin to discern their positions on contemporary leaders, historians and community activists will interact with political scientists, church Through your experiences with LASP, you to Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala and Cuba.

Studies Program. experience the Latin American to shape your worldview. Come own and allow new perspectives voices that tell a story not your with Latin Americans. Listen to laugh and learn side by side daily life in Latin America. Work, language and the texture of of worship, the nuances of will experience new styles

countries. Past student groups have journeyed

Latin American countries, you

expose you to the beauty and complexity of

relationship with the United

Latin American cultures, through learning

States? Through the sharing of

experiences in several Latin American

life with host families in several


the Latin American Studies Program will

program ican studies latin amer

Based in San José, Costa Rica,


Latin Americans view their religion? Ever wonder how about politics, ecology and with Latin Americans Spanish through conversations world? Interested in learning through action in a complex Eager to express your faith

w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

LASP students complete an intensive Spanish language course, a seminar on Latin American history and contemporary issues, a study trip to the country of Nicaragua, and one of four academic concentrations: Latin American studies, advanced language and literature, international business or environmental science. In addition to the completion of coursework, you will immerse yourself in Latin American communities, learning from your hosts during the completion of a practicum experience related to your interests. Most practicum opportunities will invite you to live in a small community, removed from the noise and fast pace of city life. w w w. b e sts e m e st e r . c o m / l a s p/a c a d e m i c s /

l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o u r s e w o r k Spanish Language Latin American History and Contemporary Issues Academic Concentration Nicaragua Study Trip Total Credits

6 credits 3 credits 6 credits 1-3 credits 16-18 credits

The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16-18 hours of credits by their home institution.

As a student at the Latin American Studies Program, you will join a community of learners who share a passion for engaging Latin American realities. You will accompany fellow students and program faculty in the exploration of Latin America’s complexity. Recommended & Required Credits Students select one of four academic concentrations:

Cultural immersion, through homestay experiences, forms

1 . l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o n c e n t r at i o n Responses to Third World Reality Community Immersion Experience/Internship

3 credits 3 credits

Course content is adapted to changes in Latin American society. Pre-requisite: Equivalent of one year of college Spanish.

the backbone of your learning journey. Through the sharing of life with host families in several countries, you will experience

2 . a d va n c e d l a n g u a g e a n d l i t e r at u r e c o n c e n t r at i o n Language & Literature Seminar Community Immersion Experience/Internship

3 credits 3 credits

This concentration is designed for Spanish language majors with a minimum of one-year of college/university intermediate Spanish and one semester of advanced-Spanish conversation and/or composition.

3 . i n t e r n a t i o n a l b u s i n e ss c o n c e n t r a t i o n ( f a l l s e m e s t e r o n ly ) International Business Seminar Community Immersion Practicum

diverse faith expressions, the intensity of language acquisition and the flavors of daily life in Latin America. As an LASP student you will experience life on Latin American terms.

3 credits 3 credits


Business concentration students spend six weeks addressing the fundamentals and application of international business through coursework and a practicum experience.


Pre-requisite: Course background should include macro-/microeconomics and introductory-level management.

lati n a m erican studies progr am

4 . e n v i r o n m e n ta l s c i e n c e c o n c e n t r at i o n ( s p r i n g s e m e s t e r o n ly ) Environmental Science Seminar Field Research Practicum

4 credits 2 credits

alumni After engaging the culture, language and people of Latin America, many LASP students seek ways to integrate their experiences in Latin America with
their vocation. You will find LASP alumni working with NGOs, development organizations and the US State Department. Others enter graduate school, work as entrepreneurs or serve as educators. Some apply their experiences
in Latin America to their communities in the United States, where they serve in Spanish-speaking immigrant communities. In

Participants in this concentration explore the natural sciences in a tropical setting and study their influence on the process of sustainability.

whatever career they choose to
invest their talents, LASP alumni carry an important legacy of their learning experiences in Latin America to any future endeavor, domestic or international.

V i s i t w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

Still want to know more?

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002

a program of the asp/overview/

America, solutions to poverty and more. political movements, the church in Latin to discern their positions on contemporary leaders, historians and community activists will interact with political scientists, church Through your experiences with LASP, you to Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala and Cuba.

Studies Program. experience the Latin American to shape your worldview. Come own and allow new perspectives voices that tell a story not your with Latin Americans. Listen to laugh and learn side by side daily life in Latin America. Work, language and the texture of of worship, the nuances of will experience new styles

countries. Past student groups have journeyed

Latin American countries, you

expose you to the beauty and complexity of

relationship with the United

Latin American cultures, through learning

States? Through the sharing of

experiences in several Latin American

life with host families in several


the Latin American Studies Program will

program ican studies latin amer

Based in San José, Costa Rica,


Latin Americans view their religion? Ever wonder how about politics, ecology and with Latin Americans Spanish through conversations world? Interested in learning through action in a complex Eager to express your faith

w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

LASP students complete an intensive Spanish language course, a seminar on Latin American history and contemporary issues, a study trip to the country of Nicaragua, and one of four academic concentrations: Latin American studies, advanced language and literature, international business or environmental science. In addition to the completion of coursework, you will immerse yourself in Latin American communities, learning from your hosts during the completion of a practicum experience related to your interests. Most practicum opportunities will invite you to live in a small community, removed from the noise and fast pace of city life. w w w. b e sts e m e st e r . c o m / l a s p/a c a d e m i c s /

l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o u r s e w o r k Spanish Language Latin American History and Contemporary Issues Academic Concentration Nicaragua Study Trip Total Credits

6 credits 3 credits 6 credits 1-3 credits 16-18 credits

The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16-18 hours of credits by their home institution.

As a student at the Latin American Studies Program, you will join a community of learners who share a passion for engaging Latin American realities. You will accompany fellow students and program faculty in the exploration of Latin America’s complexity. Recommended & Required Credits Students select one of four academic concentrations:

Cultural immersion, through homestay experiences, forms

1 . l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o n c e n t r at i o n Responses to Third World Reality Community Immersion Experience/Internship

3 credits 3 credits

Course content is adapted to changes in Latin American society. Pre-requisite: Equivalent of one year of college Spanish.

the backbone of your learning journey. Through the sharing of life with host families in several countries, you will experience

2 . a d va n c e d l a n g u a g e a n d l i t e r at u r e c o n c e n t r at i o n Language & Literature Seminar Community Immersion Experience/Internship

3 credits 3 credits

This concentration is designed for Spanish language majors with a minimum of one-year of college/university intermediate Spanish and one semester of advanced-Spanish conversation and/or composition.

3 . i n t e r n a t i o n a l b u s i n e ss c o n c e n t r a t i o n ( f a l l s e m e s t e r o n ly ) International Business Seminar Community Immersion Practicum

diverse faith expressions, the intensity of language acquisition and the flavors of daily life in Latin America. As an LASP student you will experience life on Latin American terms.

3 credits 3 credits


Business concentration students spend six weeks addressing the fundamentals and application of international business through coursework and a practicum experience.


Pre-requisite: Course background should include macro-/microeconomics and introductory-level management.

lati n a m erican studies progr am

4 . e n v i r o n m e n ta l s c i e n c e c o n c e n t r at i o n ( s p r i n g s e m e s t e r o n ly ) Environmental Science Seminar Field Research Practicum

4 credits 2 credits

alumni After engaging the culture, language and people of Latin America, many LASP students seek ways to integrate their experiences in Latin America with
their vocation. You will find LASP alumni working with NGOs, development organizations and the US State Department. Others enter graduate school, work as entrepreneurs or serve as educators. Some apply their experiences
in Latin America to their communities in the United States, where they serve in Spanish-speaking immigrant communities. In

Participants in this concentration explore the natural sciences in a tropical setting and study their influence on the process of sustainability.

whatever career they choose to
invest their talents, LASP alumni carry an important legacy of their learning experiences in Latin America to any future endeavor, domestic or international.

V i s i t w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

Still want to know more?

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002

a program of the asp/overview/

America, solutions to poverty and more. political movements, the church in Latin to discern their positions on contemporary leaders, historians and community activists will interact with political scientists, church Through your experiences with LASP, you to Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala and Cuba.

Studies Program. experience the Latin American to shape your worldview. Come own and allow new perspectives voices that tell a story not your with Latin Americans. Listen to laugh and learn side by side daily life in Latin America. Work, language and the texture of of worship, the nuances of will experience new styles

countries. Past student groups have journeyed

Latin American countries, you

expose you to the beauty and complexity of

relationship with the United

Latin American cultures, through learning

States? Through the sharing of

experiences in several Latin American

life with host families in several


the Latin American Studies Program will

program ican studies latin amer

Based in San José, Costa Rica,


Latin Americans view their religion? Ever wonder how about politics, ecology and with Latin Americans Spanish through conversations world? Interested in learning through action in a complex Eager to express your faith

w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

As a student at the Latin l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o u r s e w o r k

American Studies Program, you

Spanish Language Latin American History and Contemporary Issues Academic Concentration Nicaragua Study Trip Total Credits

will join a community of learners

6 credits 3 credits 6 credits 1-3 credits 16-18 credits

The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16-18 hours of credits by their home institution.

who share a passion for engaging Latin American realities. You will accompany fellow students and program faculty in the exploration of Latin America’s complexity.

Recommended & Required Credits Students select one of four academic concentrations:

LASP students complete an intensive Spanish language course, a seminar on Latin American history and contemporary issues, a study trip to the country of Nicaragua, and one of four academic concentrations: Latin American studies, advanced language and literature, international business or environmental science. In addition to the completion of coursework, you will immerse yourself in Latin American communities, learning from your hosts during the completion of a practicum experience related to your interests. Most practicum opportunities will invite you to live in a small community, removed from the noise and fast pace of city life. www. b ests em est er. com / la s p/a ca d emi cs /

Cultural immersion, through homestay experiences, forms

1 . l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o n c e n t r at i o n

the backbone of your learning

Responses to Third World Reality Community Immersion Experience/Internship

journey. Through the sharing of

3 credits 3 credits

Course content is adapted to changes in Latin American society. Pre-requisite: Equivalent of one year of college Spanish.

countries, you will experience

2 . a d va n c e d l a n g u a g e a n d l i t e r at u r e c o n c e n t r at i o n Language & Literature Seminar Community Immersion Experience/Internship

3 credits 3 credits

This concentration is designed for Spanish language majors with a minimum of one-year of college/university intermediate Spanish and one semester of advanced-Spanish conversation and/or composition.

3 . i n t e r n a t i o n a l b u s i n e ss c o n c e n t r a t i o n ( f a l l s e m e s t e r o n ly ) International Business Seminar Community Immersion Practicum

life with host families in several diverse faith expressions, the intensity of language acquisition and the flavors of daily life in Latin America. As an LASP student you will experience life on Latin American terms.

3 credits 3 credits


Business concentration students spend six weeks addressing the fundamentals and application of international business through coursework and a practicum experience.


Pre-requisite: Course background should include macro-/microeconomics and introductory-level management.

latin a merica n stud ies pro gram

4 . e n v i r o n m e n ta l s c i e n c e c o n c e n t r at i o n ( s p r i n g s e m e s t e r o n ly ) Environmental Science Seminar Field Research Practicum

alumni After engaging the culture, language and people of Latin America, many LASP students seek ways to integrate their experiences in Latin America with
their vocation. You will find LASP alumni working with NGOs, development organizations and the US State Department. Others enter graduate school, work as entrepreneurs or serve as educators. Some apply

4 credits 2 credits

their experiences
in Latin America to their communities in the United States, where they serve in Spanish-speaking immigrant communities. In

Participants in this concentration explore the natural sciences in a tropical setting and study their influence on the process of sustainability.

whatever career they choose to
invest their talents, LASP alumni carry an important legacy of their learning experiences in Latin America to any future endeavor, domestic or international.

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002 w w w.b e sts e m e st e r . c o m /l as p/o v e r v i e w/

America, solutions to poverty and more. political movements, the church in Latin to discern their positions on contemporary leaders, historians and community activists will interact with political scientists, church Through your experiences with LASP, you to Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala and Cuba.

a program of the

Still want to know more?

V i s i t w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

Studies Program. experience the Latin American to shape your worldview. Come own and allow new perspectives voices that tell a story not your with Latin Americans. Listen to laugh and learn side by side daily life in Latin America. Work, language and the texture of of worship, the nuances of will experience new styles

countries. Past student groups have journeyed

Latin American countries, you life with host families in several

experiences in several Latin American

States? Through the sharing of

Latin American cultures, through learning

relationship with the United

expose you to the beauty and complexity of the Latin American Studies Program will Based in San José, Costa Rica,

lasp program ican studies latin amer


w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

Latin Americans view their religion? Ever wonder how about politics, ecology and with Latin Americans Spanish through conversations world? Interested in learning through action in a complex Eager to express your faith

As a student at the Latin l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o u r s e w o r k

American Studies Program, you

Spanish Language Latin American History and Contemporary Issues Academic Concentration Nicaragua Study Trip Total Credits

will join a community of learners

6 credits 3 credits 6 credits 1-3 credits 16-18 credits

The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16-18 hours of credits by their home institution.

who share a passion for engaging Latin American realities. You will accompany fellow students and program faculty in the exploration of Latin America’s complexity.

Recommended & Required Credits Students select one of four academic concentrations:

LASP students complete an intensive Spanish language course, a seminar on Latin American history and contemporary issues, a study trip to the country of Nicaragua, and one of four academic concentrations: Latin American studies, advanced language and literature, international business or environmental science. In addition to the completion of coursework, you will immerse yourself in Latin American communities, learning from your hosts during the completion of a practicum experience related to your interests. Most practicum opportunities will invite you to live in a small community, removed from the noise and fast pace of city life. www. b ests em est er. com / la s p/a ca d emi cs /

Cultural immersion, through homestay experiences, forms

1 . l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o n c e n t r at i o n

the backbone of your learning

Responses to Third World Reality Community Immersion Experience/Internship

journey. Through the sharing of

3 credits 3 credits

Course content is adapted to changes in Latin American society. Pre-requisite: Equivalent of one year of college Spanish.

countries, you will experience

2 . a d va n c e d l a n g u a g e a n d l i t e r at u r e c o n c e n t r at i o n Language & Literature Seminar Community Immersion Experience/Internship

3 credits 3 credits

This concentration is designed for Spanish language majors with a minimum of one-year of college/university intermediate Spanish and one semester of advanced-Spanish conversation and/or composition.

3 . i n t e r n a t i o n a l b u s i n e ss c o n c e n t r a t i o n ( f a l l s e m e s t e r o n ly ) International Business Seminar Community Immersion Practicum

life with host families in several diverse faith expressions, the intensity of language acquisition and the flavors of daily life in Latin America. As an LASP student you will experience life on Latin American terms.

3 credits 3 credits


Business concentration students spend six weeks addressing the fundamentals and application of international business through coursework and a practicum experience.


Pre-requisite: Course background should include macro-/microeconomics and introductory-level management.

latin a merica n stud ies pro gram

4 . e n v i r o n m e n ta l s c i e n c e c o n c e n t r at i o n ( s p r i n g s e m e s t e r o n ly ) Environmental Science Seminar Field Research Practicum

alumni After engaging the culture, language and people of Latin America, many LASP students seek ways to integrate their experiences in Latin America with
their vocation. You will find LASP alumni working with NGOs, development organizations and the US State Department. Others enter graduate school, work as entrepreneurs or serve as educators. Some apply

4 credits 2 credits

their experiences
in Latin America to their communities in the United States, where they serve in Spanish-speaking immigrant communities. In

Participants in this concentration explore the natural sciences in a tropical setting and study their influence on the process of sustainability.

whatever career they choose to
invest their talents, LASP alumni carry an important legacy of their learning experiences in Latin America to any future endeavor, domestic or international.

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002 w w w.b e sts e m e st e r . c o m /l as p/o v e r v i e w/

America, solutions to poverty and more. political movements, the church in Latin to discern their positions on contemporary leaders, historians and community activists will interact with political scientists, church Through your experiences with LASP, you to Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala and Cuba.

a program of the

Still want to know more?

V i s i t w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

Studies Program. experience the Latin American to shape your worldview. Come own and allow new perspectives voices that tell a story not your with Latin Americans. Listen to laugh and learn side by side daily life in Latin America. Work, language and the texture of of worship, the nuances of will experience new styles

countries. Past student groups have journeyed

Latin American countries, you life with host families in several

experiences in several Latin American

States? Through the sharing of

Latin American cultures, through learning

relationship with the United

expose you to the beauty and complexity of the Latin American Studies Program will Based in San José, Costa Rica,

lasp program ican studies latin amer


w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

Latin Americans view their religion? Ever wonder how about politics, ecology and with Latin Americans Spanish through conversations world? Interested in learning through action in a complex Eager to express your faith

As a student at the Latin l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o u r s e w o r k

American Studies Program, you

Spanish Language Latin American History and Contemporary Issues Academic Concentration Nicaragua Study Trip Total Credits

will join a community of learners

6 credits 3 credits 6 credits 1-3 credits 16-18 credits

The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16-18 hours of credits by their home institution.

who share a passion for engaging Latin American realities. You will accompany fellow students and program faculty in the exploration of Latin America’s complexity.

Recommended & Required Credits Students select one of four academic concentrations:

LASP students complete an intensive Spanish language course, a seminar on Latin American history and contemporary issues, a study trip to the country of Nicaragua, and one of four academic concentrations: Latin American studies, advanced language and literature, international business or environmental science. In addition to the completion of coursework, you will immerse yourself in Latin American communities, learning from your hosts during the completion of a practicum experience related to your interests. Most practicum opportunities will invite you to live in a small community, removed from the noise and fast pace of city life. www. b ests em est er. com / la s p/a ca d emi cs /

Cultural immersion, through homestay experiences, forms

1 . l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o n c e n t r at i o n

the backbone of your learning

Responses to Third World Reality Community Immersion Experience/Internship

journey. Through the sharing of

3 credits 3 credits

Course content is adapted to changes in Latin American society. Pre-requisite: Equivalent of one year of college Spanish.

countries, you will experience

2 . a d va n c e d l a n g u a g e a n d l i t e r at u r e c o n c e n t r at i o n Language & Literature Seminar Community Immersion Experience/Internship

3 credits 3 credits

This concentration is designed for Spanish language majors with a minimum of one-year of college/university intermediate Spanish and one semester of advanced-Spanish conversation and/or composition.

3 . i n t e r n a t i o n a l b u s i n e ss c o n c e n t r a t i o n ( f a l l s e m e s t e r o n ly ) International Business Seminar Community Immersion Practicum

life with host families in several diverse faith expressions, the intensity of language acquisition and the flavors of daily life in Latin America. As an LASP student you will experience life on Latin American terms.

3 credits 3 credits


Business concentration students spend six weeks addressing the fundamentals and application of international business through coursework and a practicum experience.


Pre-requisite: Course background should include macro-/microeconomics and introductory-level management.

latin a merica n stud ies pro gram

4 . e n v i r o n m e n ta l s c i e n c e c o n c e n t r at i o n ( s p r i n g s e m e s t e r o n ly ) Environmental Science Seminar Field Research Practicum

alumni After engaging the culture, language and people of Latin America, many LASP students seek ways to integrate their experiences in Latin America with
their vocation. You will find LASP alumni working with NGOs, development organizations and the US State Department. Others enter graduate school, work as entrepreneurs or serve as educators. Some apply

4 credits 2 credits

their experiences
in Latin America to their communities in the United States, where they serve in Spanish-speaking immigrant communities. In

Participants in this concentration explore the natural sciences in a tropical setting and study their influence on the process of sustainability.

whatever career they choose to
invest their talents, LASP alumni carry an important legacy of their learning experiences in Latin America to any future endeavor, domestic or international.

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002 w w w.b e sts e m e st e r . c o m /l as p/o v e r v i e w/

America, solutions to poverty and more. political movements, the church in Latin to discern their positions on contemporary leaders, historians and community activists will interact with political scientists, church Through your experiences with LASP, you to Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala and Cuba.

a program of the

Still want to know more?

V i s i t w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

Studies Program. experience the Latin American to shape your worldview. Come own and allow new perspectives voices that tell a story not your with Latin Americans. Listen to laugh and learn side by side daily life in Latin America. Work, language and the texture of of worship, the nuances of will experience new styles

countries. Past student groups have journeyed

Latin American countries, you life with host families in several

experiences in several Latin American

States? Through the sharing of

Latin American cultures, through learning

relationship with the United

expose you to the beauty and complexity of the Latin American Studies Program will Based in San José, Costa Rica,

lasp program ican studies latin amer


w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

Latin Americans view their religion? Ever wonder how about politics, ecology and with Latin Americans Spanish through conversations world? Interested in learning through action in a complex Eager to express your faith

As a student at the Latin l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o u r s e w o r k

American Studies Program, you

Spanish Language Latin American History and Contemporary Issues Academic Concentration Nicaragua Study Trip Total Credits

will join a community of learners

6 credits 3 credits 6 credits 1-3 credits 16-18 credits

The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16-18 hours of credits by their home institution.

who share a passion for engaging Latin American realities. You will accompany fellow students and program faculty in the exploration of Latin America’s complexity.

Recommended & Required Credits Students select one of four academic concentrations:

LASP students complete an intensive Spanish language course, a seminar on Latin American history and contemporary issues, a study trip to the country of Nicaragua, and one of four academic concentrations: Latin American studies, advanced language and literature, international business or environmental science. In addition to the completion of coursework, you will immerse yourself in Latin American communities, learning from your hosts during the completion of a practicum experience related to your interests. Most practicum opportunities will invite you to live in a small community, removed from the noise and fast pace of city life. www. b ests em est er. com / la s p/a ca d emi cs /

Cultural immersion, through homestay experiences, forms

1 . l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o n c e n t r at i o n

the backbone of your learning

Responses to Third World Reality Community Immersion Experience/Internship

journey. Through the sharing of

3 credits 3 credits

Course content is adapted to changes in Latin American society. Pre-requisite: Equivalent of one year of college Spanish.

countries, you will experience

2 . a d va n c e d l a n g u a g e a n d l i t e r at u r e c o n c e n t r at i o n Language & Literature Seminar Community Immersion Experience/Internship

3 credits 3 credits

This concentration is designed for Spanish language majors with a minimum of one-year of college/university intermediate Spanish and one semester of advanced-Spanish conversation and/or composition.

3 . i n t e r n a t i o n a l b u s i n e ss c o n c e n t r a t i o n ( f a l l s e m e s t e r o n ly ) International Business Seminar Community Immersion Practicum

life with host families in several diverse faith expressions, the intensity of language acquisition and the flavors of daily life in Latin America. As an LASP student you will experience life on Latin American terms.

3 credits 3 credits


Business concentration students spend six weeks addressing the fundamentals and application of international business through coursework and a practicum experience.


Pre-requisite: Course background should include macro-/microeconomics and introductory-level management.

latin a merica n stud ies pro gram

4 . e n v i r o n m e n ta l s c i e n c e c o n c e n t r at i o n ( s p r i n g s e m e s t e r o n ly ) Environmental Science Seminar Field Research Practicum

alumni After engaging the culture, language and people of Latin America, many LASP students seek ways to integrate their experiences in Latin America with
their vocation. You will find LASP alumni working with NGOs, development organizations and the US State Department. Others enter graduate school, work as entrepreneurs or serve as educators. Some apply

4 credits 2 credits

their experiences
in Latin America to their communities in the United States, where they serve in Spanish-speaking immigrant communities. In

Participants in this concentration explore the natural sciences in a tropical setting and study their influence on the process of sustainability.

whatever career they choose to
invest their talents, LASP alumni carry an important legacy of their learning experiences in Latin America to any future endeavor, domestic or international.

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002 w w w.b e sts e m e st e r . c o m /l as p/o v e r v i e w/

America, solutions to poverty and more. political movements, the church in Latin to discern their positions on contemporary leaders, historians and community activists will interact with political scientists, church Through your experiences with LASP, you to Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala and Cuba.

a program of the

Still want to know more?

V i s i t w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

Studies Program. experience the Latin American to shape your worldview. Come own and allow new perspectives voices that tell a story not your with Latin Americans. Listen to laugh and learn side by side daily life in Latin America. Work, language and the texture of of worship, the nuances of will experience new styles

countries. Past student groups have journeyed

Latin American countries, you life with host families in several

experiences in several Latin American

States? Through the sharing of

Latin American cultures, through learning

relationship with the United

expose you to the beauty and complexity of the Latin American Studies Program will Based in San José, Costa Rica,

lasp program ican studies latin amer


w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

Latin Americans view their religion? Ever wonder how about politics, ecology and with Latin Americans Spanish through conversations world? Interested in learning through action in a complex Eager to express your faith

LASP students complete an intensive Spanish language course, a seminar on Latin American history and contemporary issues, a study trip to the country of Nicaragua, and one of four academic concentrations: Latin American studies, advanced language and literature, international business or environmental science. In addition to the completion of coursework, you will immerse yourself in Latin American communities, learning from your hosts during the completion of a practicum experience related to your interests. Most practicum opportunities will invite you to live in a small community, removed from the noise and fast pace of city life. w w w. b e sts e m e st e r . c o m / l a s p/a c a d e m i c s /

l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o u r s e w o r k Spanish Language Latin American History and Contemporary Issues Academic Concentration Nicaragua Study Trip Total Credits

6 credits 3 credits 6 credits 1-3 credits 16-18 credits

The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16-18 hours of credits by their home institution.

As a student at the Latin American Studies Program, you will join a community of learners who share a passion for engaging Latin American realities. You will accompany fellow students and program faculty in the exploration of Latin America’s complexity. Recommended & Required Credits Students select one of four academic concentrations:

Cultural immersion, through homestay experiences, forms

1 . l at i n a m e r i c a n S t u d i e s c o n c e n t r at i o n Responses to Third World Reality Community Immersion Experience/Internship

3 credits 3 credits

Course content is adapted to changes in Latin American society. Pre-requisite: Equivalent of one year of college Spanish.

the backbone of your learning journey. Through the sharing of life with host families in several countries, you will experience

2 . a d va n c e d l a n g u a g e a n d l i t e r at u r e c o n c e n t r at i o n Language & Literature Seminar Community Immersion Experience/Internship

3 credits 3 credits

This concentration is designed for Spanish language majors with a minimum of one-year of college/university intermediate Spanish and one semester of advanced-Spanish conversation and/or composition.

3 . i n t e r n a t i o n a l b u s i n e ss c o n c e n t r a t i o n ( f a l l s e m e s t e r o n ly ) International Business Seminar Community Immersion Practicum

diverse faith expressions, the intensity of language acquisition and the flavors of daily life in Latin America. As an LASP student you will experience life on Latin American terms.

3 credits 3 credits


Business concentration students spend six weeks addressing the fundamentals and application of international business through coursework and a practicum experience.


Pre-requisite: Course background should include macro-/microeconomics and introductory-level management.

lati n a m erican studies progr am

4 . e n v i r o n m e n ta l s c i e n c e c o n c e n t r at i o n ( s p r i n g s e m e s t e r o n ly ) Environmental Science Seminar Field Research Practicum

4 credits 2 credits

alumni After engaging the culture, language and people of Latin America, many LASP students seek ways to integrate their experiences in Latin America with
their vocation. You will find LASP alumni working with NGOs, development organizations and the US State Department. Others enter graduate school, work as entrepreneurs or serve as educators. Some apply their experiences
in Latin America to their communities in the United States, where they serve in Spanish-speaking immigrant communities. In

Participants in this concentration explore the natural sciences in a tropical setting and study their influence on the process of sustainability.

whatever career they choose to
invest their talents, LASP alumni carry an important legacy of their learning experiences in Latin America to any future endeavor, domestic or international.

V i s i t w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

Still want to know more?

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002

a program of the asp/overview/

America, solutions to poverty and more. political movements, the church in Latin to discern their positions on contemporary leaders, historians and community activists will interact with political scientists, church Through your experiences with LASP, you to Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala and Cuba.

Studies Program. experience the Latin American to shape your worldview. Come own and allow new perspectives voices that tell a story not your with Latin Americans. Listen to laugh and learn side by side daily life in Latin America. Work, language and the texture of of worship, the nuances of will experience new styles

countries. Past student groups have journeyed

Latin American countries, you

expose you to the beauty and complexity of

relationship with the United

Latin American cultures, through learning

States? Through the sharing of

experiences in several Latin American

life with host families in several


the Latin American Studies Program will

program ican studies latin amer

Based in San José, Costa Rica,


Latin Americans view their religion? Ever wonder how about politics, ecology and with Latin Americans Spanish through conversations world? Interested in learning through action in a complex Eager to express your faith

w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / l a s p

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