Scholars' Semester in Oxford

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the scholar’s semester in Oxford is for students who want to study intensively and to a high standard. Students develop their academic writing and research skills while exploring the disciplines and interests of their choice. Students can build a coherent program of study by selecting options within a concentration. SSO students enroll in a primary and secondary tutorial, an integrative seminar (or thesis in the case of second term students), and the British landscape course. SSO is designed for students interested in art history, classics, English language and literature, history, musicology, theology and the study of religion, modern languages, social sciences and philosophy — though all majors may apply. Applicants are generally honors and other very high-achieving students. Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA to be considered for the program. Tutorials » The tutorial is the heart of undergraduate teaching at Oxford. It is an hour long conversation between a tutor who is engaged in research and one student who has spent the week reading and writing an essay in answer to an assigned, searching question.


participate in

college activites

in the common room; join a sports team; sing in a choir or be in a play. Attend concerts, theatre productions or see original

works of Michelangelo at the Ashmolean. Read and relax in the gardens of the at the second residence, The Vines. And with London only an hour away, your

First Semester Courses

SSO first residence, Crick Road, or play football, croquet or ultimate Frisbee

Become part of Oxford University for a single semester or a full year.

Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Integrative Seminar The British Landscape Total Credits

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

opportunities are endless! There is an intentional focus on nurturing the student community that develops over the course of the semester. Every semester, SSO participants form life-long friendships with their fellow students. The opportunity to live

second Semester Courses

with like-minded people in one of the most beautiful cities in the world is

SSO staff welcomes students who want to spend a second semester in Oxford to build on the skills they have learned in their first term. The second semester (normally but not necessarily the spring semester) keeps tutorials at the heart of the program, allowing students to deepen their understanding of British culture and to pursue independent research. Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Thesis Further Studies in the British Landscape or alternative seminar Total Credits

exciting, profound, life changing and simply stated … fun. www.b e st s e m e st e r.c o m /s s o /stude nt _ l i f e /

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

The program offers 17 hours of credit and a transcript from Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford.

For more specific information download the prospectus:

Alumni of SSO have gone on to masters and doctoral level study in the humanities and social sciences, law school and medical school. Alums have secured places at top tier institutions including Oxford, Cambridge, University of London, St Andrews, University of Edinburgh, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, University of Texas and UCLA. Others have gone on to major seminaries including Princeton, Yale, Duke, Gordon-Conwell, Talbot, Fuller and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Others have gone into the Peace Corps, secondary education, mission field, government, military and many other professions.

www. b e sts e m e st e r .co m /SSO/ac a d e m i c s / D i r e c t e d by SCIO. . . S c h o l a r s h i p & C h r i st i a n i ty i n Ox fo r d, t h e U K su b s i d i a ry of Be stS e m e st e r a n d offe r e d u n d e r t h e au t h o r i ty o f Wyc l iffe H a l l , U n i v e r s i ty o f Oxfo r d, w h i c h e n r o l s stu d e n ts as R e g i st e r e d v i s i t i n g stu d e n ts .

a program of the

D o w n l o a d t h e S S O P r o sp e c t u s w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / ss o / o v e r v i e w/ pa g e / p r o sp e c t u s

Still want to know more?

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002

are given a question and have seven days to justify your answer in a one-on-one tutorial with a world expert in the field. For answers you have books: in Oxford there are over 11 million of them to help direct you, not to mention many of the best scholarly databases in the world with articles from countless journals. You start by reading a game-changing book on your question before getting to your lecture, perhaps given by that same author. You write and rewrite, and before you know it the moment arrives. You are sitting across from your tutor (with a cup of tea in hand) but will they agree with your position? You start to summarize different scholarly views but your tutor interrupts you. She wants to know what you think, what view you have, and how the other scholars have influenced your conclusion. You feel uncertain, but you do know that in 60 minutes you will be walking out knowing more than when you walked in.

www. b e sts e m e st e r .co m /ss o/ov e rv i e w/

Scholars’ Semester in Oxford

SSO the

more about how to think than you ever have before. Sharpen your thinking, focus your mind, hone your style and learn an elite academic community with access to unparalleled resources. Go to lectures with other students who, like you, have become part of John Wesley and John Wycliffe ... to name only a few! Penn, Dorothy Sayers, JRR Tolkien, William Tyndale, Charles and Hawking, Robert Hook, CS Lewis, John Locke, Iris Murdoch, William Burton, Charles Dodgson, John Donne, Edmund Haley, Stephen as Roger Bacon, Isaiah Berlin, Robert Boyle, Alan Bullock, Richard of history and let this city inspire you as it has done for such people 500 years old. You can become part of this tradition: become a part cobblestones and alleyways, you can find over 100 libraries, some over famous minds. Within its ancient walls, buried within a maze of halls and colleges have housed some of the world’s greatest and most most prestigious research centers in the world. The city’s medieval Oxford has been a center of academic excellence and is one of the

for over 900 years


w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / S S O

the scholar’s semester in Oxford is for students who want to study intensively and to a high standard. Students develop their academic writing and research skills while exploring the disciplines and interests of their choice. Students can build a coherent program of study by selecting options within a concentration. SSO students enroll in a primary and secondary tutorial, an integrative seminar (or thesis in the case of second term students), and the British landscape course. SSO is designed for students interested in art history, classics, English language and literature, history, musicology, theology and the study of religion, modern languages, social sciences and philosophy — though all majors may apply. Applicants are generally honors and other very high-achieving students. Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA to be considered for the program. Tutorials » The tutorial is the heart of undergraduate teaching at Oxford. It is an hour long conversation between a tutor who is engaged in research and one student who has spent the week reading and writing an essay in answer to an assigned, searching question.


participate in

college activites

in the common room; join a sports team; sing in a choir or be in a play. Attend concerts, theatre productions or see original

works of Michelangelo at the Ashmolean. Read and relax in the gardens of the at the second residence, The Vines. And with London only an hour away, your

First Semester Courses

SSO first residence, Crick Road, or play football, croquet or ultimate Frisbee

Become part of Oxford University for a single semester or a full year.

Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Integrative Seminar The British Landscape Total Credits

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

opportunities are endless! There is an intentional focus on nurturing the student community that develops over the course of the semester. Every semester, SSO participants form life-long friendships with their fellow students. The opportunity to live

second Semester Courses

with like-minded people in one of the most beautiful cities in the world is

SSO staff welcomes students who want to spend a second semester in Oxford to build on the skills they have learned in their first term. The second semester (normally but not necessarily the spring semester) keeps tutorials at the heart of the program, allowing students to deepen their understanding of British culture and to pursue independent research. Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Thesis Further Studies in the British Landscape or alternative seminar Total Credits

exciting, profound, life changing and simply stated … fun. www.b e st s e m e st e r.c o m /s s o /stude nt _ l i f e /

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

The program offers 17 hours of credit and a transcript from Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford.

For more specific information download the prospectus:

Alumni of SSO have gone on to masters and doctoral level study in the humanities and social sciences, law school and medical school. Alums have secured places at top tier institutions including Oxford, Cambridge, University of London, St Andrews, University of Edinburgh, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, University of Texas and UCLA. Others have gone on to major seminaries including Princeton, Yale, Duke, Gordon-Conwell, Talbot, Fuller and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Others have gone into the Peace Corps, secondary education, mission field, government, military and many other professions.

www. b e sts e m e st e r .co m /SSO/ac a d e m i c s / D i r e c t e d by SCIO. . . S c h o l a r s h i p & C h r i st i a n i ty i n Ox fo r d, t h e U K su b s i d i a ry of Be stS e m e st e r a n d offe r e d u n d e r t h e au t h o r i ty o f Wyc l iffe H a l l , U n i v e r s i ty o f Oxfo r d, w h i c h e n r o l s stu d e n ts as R e g i st e r e d v i s i t i n g stu d e n ts .

a program of the

D o w n l o a d t h e S S O P r o sp e c t u s w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / ss o / o v e r v i e w/ pa g e / p r o sp e c t u s

Still want to know more?

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002

are given a question and have seven days to justify your answer in a one-on-one tutorial with a world expert in the field. For answers you have books: in Oxford there are over 11 million of them to help direct you, not to mention many of the best scholarly databases in the world with articles from countless journals. You start by reading a game-changing book on your question before getting to your lecture, perhaps given by that same author. You write and rewrite, and before you know it the moment arrives. You are sitting across from your tutor (with a cup of tea in hand) but will they agree with your position? You start to summarize different scholarly views but your tutor interrupts you. She wants to know what you think, what view you have, and how the other scholars have influenced your conclusion. You feel uncertain, but you do know that in 60 minutes you will be walking out knowing more than when you walked in.

www. b e sts e m e st e r .co m /ss o/ov e rv i e w/

Scholars’ Semester in Oxford

SSO the

more about how to think than you ever have before. Sharpen your thinking, focus your mind, hone your style and learn an elite academic community with access to unparalleled resources. Go to lectures with other students who, like you, have become part of John Wesley and John Wycliffe ... to name only a few! Penn, Dorothy Sayers, JRR Tolkien, William Tyndale, Charles and Hawking, Robert Hook, CS Lewis, John Locke, Iris Murdoch, William Burton, Charles Dodgson, John Donne, Edmund Haley, Stephen as Roger Bacon, Isaiah Berlin, Robert Boyle, Alan Bullock, Richard of history and let this city inspire you as it has done for such people 500 years old. You can become part of this tradition: become a part cobblestones and alleyways, you can find over 100 libraries, some over famous minds. Within its ancient walls, buried within a maze of halls and colleges have housed some of the world’s greatest and most most prestigious research centers in the world. The city’s medieval Oxford has been a center of academic excellence and is one of the

for over 900 years


w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / S S O

the scholar’s semester in Oxford is for students who want to study intensively and to a high standard. Students develop their academic writing and research skills while exploring the disciplines and interests of their choice. Students can build a coherent program of study by selecting options within a concentration. SSO students enroll in a primary and secondary tutorial, an integrative seminar (or thesis in the case of second term students), and the British landscape course. SSO is designed for students interested in art history, classics, English language and literature, history, musicology, theology and the study of religion, modern languages, social sciences and philosophy — though all majors may apply. Applicants are generally honors and other very high-achieving students. Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA to be considered for the program. Tutorials » The tutorial is the heart of undergraduate teaching at Oxford. It is an hour long conversation between a tutor who is engaged in research and one student who has spent the week reading and writing an essay in answer to an assigned, searching question.


participate in

college activites

in the common room; join a sports team; sing in a choir or be in a play. Attend concerts, theatre productions or see original

works of Michelangelo at the Ashmolean. Read and relax in the gardens of the at the second residence, The Vines. And with London only an hour away, your

First Semester Courses

SSO first residence, Crick Road, or play football, croquet or ultimate Frisbee

Become part of Oxford University for a single semester or a full year.

Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Integrative Seminar The British Landscape Total Credits

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

opportunities are endless! There is an intentional focus on nurturing the student community that develops over the course of the semester. Every semester, SSO participants form life-long friendships with their fellow students. The opportunity to live

second Semester Courses

with like-minded people in one of the most beautiful cities in the world is

SSO staff welcomes students who want to spend a second semester in Oxford to build on the skills they have learned in their first term. The second semester (normally but not necessarily the spring semester) keeps tutorials at the heart of the program, allowing students to deepen their understanding of British culture and to pursue independent research. Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Thesis Further Studies in the British Landscape or alternative seminar Total Credits

exciting, profound, life changing and simply stated … fun. www.b e st s e m e st e r.c o m /s s o /stude nt _ l i f e /

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

The program offers 17 hours of credit and a transcript from Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford.

For more specific information download the prospectus:

Alumni of SSO have gone on to masters and doctoral level study in the humanities and social sciences, law school and medical school. Alums have secured places at top tier institutions including Oxford, Cambridge, University of London, St Andrews, University of Edinburgh, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, University of Texas and UCLA. Others have gone on to major seminaries including Princeton, Yale, Duke, Gordon-Conwell, Talbot, Fuller and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Others have gone into the Peace Corps, secondary education, mission field, government, military and many other professions.

www. b e sts e m e st e r .co m /SSO/ac a d e m i c s / D i r e c t e d by SCIO. . . S c h o l a r s h i p & C h r i st i a n i ty i n Ox fo r d, t h e U K su b s i d i a ry of Be stS e m e st e r a n d offe r e d u n d e r t h e au t h o r i ty o f Wyc l iffe H a l l , U n i v e r s i ty o f Oxfo r d, w h i c h e n r o l s stu d e n ts as R e g i st e r e d v i s i t i n g stu d e n ts .

a program of the

D o w n l o a d t h e S S O P r o sp e c t u s w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / ss o / o v e r v i e w/ pa g e / p r o sp e c t u s

Still want to know more?

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002

are given a question and have seven days to justify your answer in a one-on-one tutorial with a world expert in the field. For answers you have books: in Oxford there are over 11 million of them to help direct you, not to mention many of the best scholarly databases in the world with articles from countless journals. You start by reading a game-changing book on your question before getting to your lecture, perhaps given by that same author. You write and rewrite, and before you know it the moment arrives. You are sitting across from your tutor (with a cup of tea in hand) but will they agree with your position? You start to summarize different scholarly views but your tutor interrupts you. She wants to know what you think, what view you have, and how the other scholars have influenced your conclusion. You feel uncertain, but you do know that in 60 minutes you will be walking out knowing more than when you walked in.

www. b e sts e m e st e r .co m /ss o/ov e rv i e w/

Scholars’ Semester in Oxford

SSO the

more about how to think than you ever have before. Sharpen your thinking, focus your mind, hone your style and learn an elite academic community with access to unparalleled resources. Go to lectures with other students who, like you, have become part of John Wesley and John Wycliffe ... to name only a few! Penn, Dorothy Sayers, JRR Tolkien, William Tyndale, Charles and Hawking, Robert Hook, CS Lewis, John Locke, Iris Murdoch, William Burton, Charles Dodgson, John Donne, Edmund Haley, Stephen as Roger Bacon, Isaiah Berlin, Robert Boyle, Alan Bullock, Richard of history and let this city inspire you as it has done for such people 500 years old. You can become part of this tradition: become a part cobblestones and alleyways, you can find over 100 libraries, some over famous minds. Within its ancient walls, buried within a maze of halls and colleges have housed some of the world’s greatest and most most prestigious research centers in the world. The city’s medieval Oxford has been a center of academic excellence and is one of the

for over 900 years


w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / S S O

the scholar’s semester in Oxford is for students who want to study intensively and to a high standard. Students develop their academic writing and research skills while exploring the disciplines and interests of their choice. Students can build a coherent program of study by selecting options within a concentration. SSO students enroll in a primary and secondary tutorial, an integrative seminar (or thesis in the case of second term students), and the British landscape course. SSO is designed for students interested in art history, classics, English language and literature, history, musicology, theology and the study of religion, modern languages, social sciences and philosophy — though all majors may apply. Applicants are generally honors and other very high-achieving students. Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA to be considered for the program. Tutorials » The tutorial is the heart of undergraduate teaching at Oxford. It is an hour long conversation between a tutor who is engaged in research and one student who has spent the week reading and writing an essay in answer to an assigned, searching question.

participate in


college activites

in the common room; join a sports team; sing in a choir or be in a play. Attend concerts, theatre productions or see original

works of Michelangelo at the Ashmolean. Read and relax in the gardens of the

Become part of Oxford University for a single semester or a full year.

SSO first residence, Crick Road, or play football, croquet or ultimate Frisbee

First Semester Courses

at the second residence, The Vines. And with London only an hour away, your

Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Integrative Seminar The British Landscape Total Credits

opportunities are endless!

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

There is an intentional focus on nurturing the student community that develops over the course of the semester. Every semester, SSO participants form life-long friendships with their fellow students. The opportunity to live

second Semester Courses

with like-minded people in one of the most beautiful cities in the world is

SSO staff welcomes students who want to spend a second semester in Oxford to build on the skills they have learned in their first term. The second semester (normally but not necessarily the spring semester) keeps tutorials at the heart of the program, allowing students to deepen their understanding of British culture and to pursue independent research. Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Thesis Further Studies in the British Landscape or alternative seminar Total Credits

exciting, profound, life changing and simply stated … fun. www.b e st se m e st e r.c o m /s s o /stude nt _ l i f e /

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

The program offers 17 hours of credit and a transcript from Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford.

For more specific information download the prospectus:

Alumni of SSO have gone on to masters and doctoral level study in the humanities and social sciences, law school and medical school. Alums have secured places at top tier institutions including Oxford, Cambridge, University of London, St Andrews, University of Edinburgh, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, University of Texas and UCLA. Others have gone on to major seminaries including Princeton, Yale, Duke, Gordon-Conwell, Talbot, Fuller and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Others have gone into the Peace Corps, secondary education, mission field, government, military and many other professions.

www. b e sts e m e st e m /SSO/aca de m i cs / D i re ct e d by SCIO. . . S cho l a rs hi p & C hri st i a n i ty i n Ox fo rd, t he U K su b s i di a ry of Be stS e m e st e r a n d offe re d u n de r t he au t ho ri ty o f Wycl iffe H a l l , U n i v e rs i ty o f Oxfo rd, whi ch e n ro l s stu de n ts as R e g i st e re d v i s i t i n g stu de n ts . sts em est er .co m /ss o/ov ervi ew/

a program of the

are given a question and have seven days to justify your answer in a one-on-one tutorial with a world expert in the field. For answers you have books: in Oxford there are over 11 million of them to help direct you, not to mention many of the best scholarly databases in the world with articles from countless journals. You start by reading a game-changing book on your question before getting to your lecture, perhaps given by that same author. You write and rewrite, and before you know it the moment arrives. You are sitting across from your tutor (with a cup of tea in hand) but will they agree with your position? You start to summarize different scholarly views but your tutor interrupts you. She wants to know what you think, what view you have, and how the other scholars have influenced your conclusion. You feel uncertain, but you do know that in 60 minutes you will be walking out knowing more than when you walked in.

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002

Still want to know more?

D o w n l o a d t h e S S O P r o sp e c t u s w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / ss o / o v e r v i e w/ pa g e / p r o sp e c t u s

www. b e sts e m e st e m /ss o/ov e rv i e w/

Scholars’ Semester in Oxford

SSO the

more about how to think than you ever have before. Sharpen your thinking, focus your mind, hone your style and learn an elite academic community with access to unparalleled resources. Go to lectures with other students who, like you, have become part of John Wesley and John Wycliffe ... to name only a few! Penn, Dorothy Sayers, JRR Tolkien, William Tyndale, Charles and Hawking, Robert Hook, CS Lewis, John Locke, Iris Murdoch, William Burton, Charles Dodgson, John Donne, Edmund Haley, Stephen as Roger Bacon, Isaiah Berlin, Robert Boyle, Alan Bullock, Richard of history and let this city inspire you as it has done for such people 500 years old. You can become part of this tradition: become a part cobblestones and alleyways, you can find over 100 libraries, some over famous minds. Within its ancient walls, buried within a maze of halls and colleges have housed some of the world’s greatest and most most prestigious research centers in the world. The city’s medieval Oxford has been a center of academic excellence and is one of the

for over 900 years


w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / S S O

the scholar’s semester in Oxford is for students who want to study intensively and to a high standard. Students develop their academic writing and research skills while exploring the disciplines and interests of their choice. Students can build a coherent program of study by selecting options within a concentration. SSO students enroll in a primary and secondary tutorial, an integrative seminar (or thesis in the case of second term students), and the British landscape course. SSO is designed for students interested in art history, classics, English language and literature, history, musicology, theology and the study of religion, modern languages, social sciences and philosophy — though all majors may apply. Applicants are generally honors and other very high-achieving students. Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA to be considered for the program. Tutorials » The tutorial is the heart of undergraduate teaching at Oxford. It is an hour long conversation between a tutor who is engaged in research and one student who has spent the week reading and writing an essay in answer to an assigned, searching question.

participate in


college activites

in the common room; join a sports team; sing in a choir or be in a play. Attend concerts, theatre productions or see original

works of Michelangelo at the Ashmolean. Read and relax in the gardens of the

Become part of Oxford University for a single semester or a full year.

SSO first residence, Crick Road, or play football, croquet or ultimate Frisbee

First Semester Courses

at the second residence, The Vines. And with London only an hour away, your

Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Integrative Seminar The British Landscape Total Credits

opportunities are endless!

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

There is an intentional focus on nurturing the student community that develops over the course of the semester. Every semester, SSO participants form life-long friendships with their fellow students. The opportunity to live

second Semester Courses

with like-minded people in one of the most beautiful cities in the world is

SSO staff welcomes students who want to spend a second semester in Oxford to build on the skills they have learned in their first term. The second semester (normally but not necessarily the spring semester) keeps tutorials at the heart of the program, allowing students to deepen their understanding of British culture and to pursue independent research. Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Thesis Further Studies in the British Landscape or alternative seminar Total Credits

exciting, profound, life changing and simply stated … fun. www.b e st se m e st e r.c o m /s s o /stude nt _ l i f e /

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

The program offers 17 hours of credit and a transcript from Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford.

For more specific information download the prospectus:

Alumni of SSO have gone on to masters and doctoral level study in the humanities and social sciences, law school and medical school. Alums have secured places at top tier institutions including Oxford, Cambridge, University of London, St Andrews, University of Edinburgh, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, University of Texas and UCLA. Others have gone on to major seminaries including Princeton, Yale, Duke, Gordon-Conwell, Talbot, Fuller and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Others have gone into the Peace Corps, secondary education, mission field, government, military and many other professions.

www. b e sts e m e st e m /SSO/aca de m i cs / D i re ct e d by SCIO. . . S cho l a rs hi p & C hri st i a n i ty i n Ox fo rd, t he U K su b s i di a ry of Be stS e m e st e r a n d offe re d u n de r t he au t ho ri ty o f Wycl iffe H a l l , U n i v e rs i ty o f Oxfo rd, whi ch e n ro l s stu de n ts as R e g i st e re d v i s i t i n g stu de n ts . sts em est er .co m /ss o/ov ervi ew/

a program of the

are given a question and have seven days to justify your answer in a one-on-one tutorial with a world expert in the field. For answers you have books: in Oxford there are over 11 million of them to help direct you, not to mention many of the best scholarly databases in the world with articles from countless journals. You start by reading a game-changing book on your question before getting to your lecture, perhaps given by that same author. You write and rewrite, and before you know it the moment arrives. You are sitting across from your tutor (with a cup of tea in hand) but will they agree with your position? You start to summarize different scholarly views but your tutor interrupts you. She wants to know what you think, what view you have, and how the other scholars have influenced your conclusion. You feel uncertain, but you do know that in 60 minutes you will be walking out knowing more than when you walked in.

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002

Still want to know more?

D o w n l o a d t h e S S O P r o sp e c t u s w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / ss o / o v e r v i e w/ pa g e / p r o sp e c t u s

www. b e sts e m e st e m /ss o/ov e rv i e w/

Scholars’ Semester in Oxford

SSO the

more about how to think than you ever have before. Sharpen your thinking, focus your mind, hone your style and learn an elite academic community with access to unparalleled resources. Go to lectures with other students who, like you, have become part of John Wesley and John Wycliffe ... to name only a few! Penn, Dorothy Sayers, JRR Tolkien, William Tyndale, Charles and Hawking, Robert Hook, CS Lewis, John Locke, Iris Murdoch, William Burton, Charles Dodgson, John Donne, Edmund Haley, Stephen as Roger Bacon, Isaiah Berlin, Robert Boyle, Alan Bullock, Richard of history and let this city inspire you as it has done for such people 500 years old. You can become part of this tradition: become a part cobblestones and alleyways, you can find over 100 libraries, some over famous minds. Within its ancient walls, buried within a maze of halls and colleges have housed some of the world’s greatest and most most prestigious research centers in the world. The city’s medieval Oxford has been a center of academic excellence and is one of the

for over 900 years


w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / S S O

the scholar’s semester in Oxford is for students who want to study intensively and to a high standard. Students develop their academic writing and research skills while exploring the disciplines and interests of their choice. Students can build a coherent program of study by selecting options within a concentration. SSO students enroll in a primary and secondary tutorial, an integrative seminar (or thesis in the case of second term students), and the British landscape course. SSO is designed for students interested in art history, classics, English language and literature, history, musicology, theology and the study of religion, modern languages, social sciences and philosophy — though all majors may apply. Applicants are generally honors and other very high-achieving students. Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA to be considered for the program. Tutorials » The tutorial is the heart of undergraduate teaching at Oxford. It is an hour long conversation between a tutor who is engaged in research and one student who has spent the week reading and writing an essay in answer to an assigned, searching question.

participate in


college activites

in the common room; join a sports team; sing in a choir or be in a play. Attend concerts, theatre productions or see original

works of Michelangelo at the Ashmolean. Read and relax in the gardens of the

Become part of Oxford University for a single semester or a full year.

SSO first residence, Crick Road, or play football, croquet or ultimate Frisbee

First Semester Courses

at the second residence, The Vines. And with London only an hour away, your

Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Integrative Seminar The British Landscape Total Credits

opportunities are endless!

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

There is an intentional focus on nurturing the student community that develops over the course of the semester. Every semester, SSO participants form life-long friendships with their fellow students. The opportunity to live

second Semester Courses

with like-minded people in one of the most beautiful cities in the world is

SSO staff welcomes students who want to spend a second semester in Oxford to build on the skills they have learned in their first term. The second semester (normally but not necessarily the spring semester) keeps tutorials at the heart of the program, allowing students to deepen their understanding of British culture and to pursue independent research. Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Thesis Further Studies in the British Landscape or alternative seminar Total Credits

exciting, profound, life changing and simply stated … fun. www.b e st se m e st e r.c o m /s s o /stude nt _ l i f e /

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

The program offers 17 hours of credit and a transcript from Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford.

For more specific information download the prospectus:

Alumni of SSO have gone on to masters and doctoral level study in the humanities and social sciences, law school and medical school. Alums have secured places at top tier institutions including Oxford, Cambridge, University of London, St Andrews, University of Edinburgh, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, University of Texas and UCLA. Others have gone on to major seminaries including Princeton, Yale, Duke, Gordon-Conwell, Talbot, Fuller and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Others have gone into the Peace Corps, secondary education, mission field, government, military and many other professions.

www. b e sts e m e st e m /SSO/aca de m i cs / D i re ct e d by SCIO. . . S cho l a rs hi p & C hri st i a n i ty i n Ox fo rd, t he U K su b s i di a ry of Be stS e m e st e r a n d offe re d u n de r t he au t ho ri ty o f Wycl iffe H a l l , U n i v e rs i ty o f Oxfo rd, whi ch e n ro l s stu de n ts as R e g i st e re d v i s i t i n g stu de n ts . sts em est er .co m /ss o/ov ervi ew/

a program of the

are given a question and have seven days to justify your answer in a one-on-one tutorial with a world expert in the field. For answers you have books: in Oxford there are over 11 million of them to help direct you, not to mention many of the best scholarly databases in the world with articles from countless journals. You start by reading a game-changing book on your question before getting to your lecture, perhaps given by that same author. You write and rewrite, and before you know it the moment arrives. You are sitting across from your tutor (with a cup of tea in hand) but will they agree with your position? You start to summarize different scholarly views but your tutor interrupts you. She wants to know what you think, what view you have, and how the other scholars have influenced your conclusion. You feel uncertain, but you do know that in 60 minutes you will be walking out knowing more than when you walked in.

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002

Still want to know more?

D o w n l o a d t h e S S O P r o sp e c t u s w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / ss o / o v e r v i e w/ pa g e / p r o sp e c t u s

www. b e sts e m e st e m /ss o/ov e rv i e w/

Scholars’ Semester in Oxford

SSO the

more about how to think than you ever have before. Sharpen your thinking, focus your mind, hone your style and learn an elite academic community with access to unparalleled resources. Go to lectures with other students who, like you, have become part of John Wesley and John Wycliffe ... to name only a few! Penn, Dorothy Sayers, JRR Tolkien, William Tyndale, Charles and Hawking, Robert Hook, CS Lewis, John Locke, Iris Murdoch, William Burton, Charles Dodgson, John Donne, Edmund Haley, Stephen as Roger Bacon, Isaiah Berlin, Robert Boyle, Alan Bullock, Richard of history and let this city inspire you as it has done for such people 500 years old. You can become part of this tradition: become a part cobblestones and alleyways, you can find over 100 libraries, some over famous minds. Within its ancient walls, buried within a maze of halls and colleges have housed some of the world’s greatest and most most prestigious research centers in the world. The city’s medieval Oxford has been a center of academic excellence and is one of the

for over 900 years


w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / S S O

the scholar’s semester in Oxford is for students who want to study intensively and to a high standard. Students develop their academic writing and research skills while exploring the disciplines and interests of their choice. Students can build a coherent program of study by selecting options within a concentration. SSO students enroll in a primary and secondary tutorial, an integrative seminar (or thesis in the case of second term students), and the British landscape course. SSO is designed for students interested in art history, classics, English language and literature, history, musicology, theology and the study of religion, modern languages, social sciences and philosophy — though all majors may apply. Applicants are generally honors and other very high-achieving students. Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA to be considered for the program. Tutorials » The tutorial is the heart of undergraduate teaching at Oxford. It is an hour long conversation between a tutor who is engaged in research and one student who has spent the week reading and writing an essay in answer to an assigned, searching question.

participate in


college activites

in the common room; join a sports team; sing in a choir or be in a play. Attend concerts, theatre productions or see original

works of Michelangelo at the Ashmolean. Read and relax in the gardens of the

Become part of Oxford University for a single semester or a full year.

SSO first residence, Crick Road, or play football, croquet or ultimate Frisbee

First Semester Courses

at the second residence, The Vines. And with London only an hour away, your

Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Integrative Seminar The British Landscape Total Credits

opportunities are endless!

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

There is an intentional focus on nurturing the student community that develops over the course of the semester. Every semester, SSO participants form life-long friendships with their fellow students. The opportunity to live

second Semester Courses

with like-minded people in one of the most beautiful cities in the world is

SSO staff welcomes students who want to spend a second semester in Oxford to build on the skills they have learned in their first term. The second semester (normally but not necessarily the spring semester) keeps tutorials at the heart of the program, allowing students to deepen their understanding of British culture and to pursue independent research. Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Thesis Further Studies in the British Landscape or alternative seminar Total Credits

exciting, profound, life changing and simply stated … fun. www.b e st se m e st e r.c o m /s s o /stude nt _ l i f e /

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

The program offers 17 hours of credit and a transcript from Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford.

For more specific information download the prospectus:

Alumni of SSO have gone on to masters and doctoral level study in the humanities and social sciences, law school and medical school. Alums have secured places at top tier institutions including Oxford, Cambridge, University of London, St Andrews, University of Edinburgh, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, University of Texas and UCLA. Others have gone on to major seminaries including Princeton, Yale, Duke, Gordon-Conwell, Talbot, Fuller and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Others have gone into the Peace Corps, secondary education, mission field, government, military and many other professions.

www. b e sts e m e st e m /SSO/aca de m i cs / D i re ct e d by SCIO. . . S cho l a rs hi p & C hri st i a n i ty i n Ox fo rd, t he U K su b s i di a ry of Be stS e m e st e r a n d offe re d u n de r t he au t ho ri ty o f Wycl iffe H a l l , U n i v e rs i ty o f Oxfo rd, whi ch e n ro l s stu de n ts as R e g i st e re d v i s i t i n g stu de n ts . sts em est er .co m /ss o/ov ervi ew/

a program of the

are given a question and have seven days to justify your answer in a one-on-one tutorial with a world expert in the field. For answers you have books: in Oxford there are over 11 million of them to help direct you, not to mention many of the best scholarly databases in the world with articles from countless journals. You start by reading a game-changing book on your question before getting to your lecture, perhaps given by that same author. You write and rewrite, and before you know it the moment arrives. You are sitting across from your tutor (with a cup of tea in hand) but will they agree with your position? You start to summarize different scholarly views but your tutor interrupts you. She wants to know what you think, what view you have, and how the other scholars have influenced your conclusion. You feel uncertain, but you do know that in 60 minutes you will be walking out knowing more than when you walked in.

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002

Still want to know more?

D o w n l o a d t h e S S O P r o sp e c t u s w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / ss o / o v e r v i e w/ pa g e / p r o sp e c t u s

www. b e sts e m e st e m /ss o/ov e rv i e w/

Scholars’ Semester in Oxford

SSO the

more about how to think than you ever have before. Sharpen your thinking, focus your mind, hone your style and learn an elite academic community with access to unparalleled resources. Go to lectures with other students who, like you, have become part of John Wesley and John Wycliffe ... to name only a few! Penn, Dorothy Sayers, JRR Tolkien, William Tyndale, Charles and Hawking, Robert Hook, CS Lewis, John Locke, Iris Murdoch, William Burton, Charles Dodgson, John Donne, Edmund Haley, Stephen as Roger Bacon, Isaiah Berlin, Robert Boyle, Alan Bullock, Richard of history and let this city inspire you as it has done for such people 500 years old. You can become part of this tradition: become a part cobblestones and alleyways, you can find over 100 libraries, some over famous minds. Within its ancient walls, buried within a maze of halls and colleges have housed some of the world’s greatest and most most prestigious research centers in the world. The city’s medieval Oxford has been a center of academic excellence and is one of the

for over 900 years


w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / S S O

the scholar’s semester in Oxford is for students who want to study intensively and to a high standard. Students develop their academic writing and research skills while exploring the disciplines and interests of their choice. Students can build a coherent program of study by selecting options within a concentration. SSO students enroll in a primary and secondary tutorial, an integrative seminar (or thesis in the case of second term students), and the British landscape course. SSO is designed for students interested in art history, classics, English language and literature, history, musicology, theology and the study of religion, modern languages, social sciences and philosophy — though all majors may apply. Applicants are generally honors and other very high-achieving students. Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA to be considered for the program. Tutorials » The tutorial is the heart of undergraduate teaching at Oxford. It is an hour long conversation between a tutor who is engaged in research and one student who has spent the week reading and writing an essay in answer to an assigned, searching question.


participate in

college activites

in the common room; join a sports team; sing in a choir or be in a play. Attend concerts, theatre productions or see original

works of Michelangelo at the Ashmolean. Read and relax in the gardens of the at the second residence, The Vines. And with London only an hour away, your

First Semester Courses

SSO first residence, Crick Road, or play football, croquet or ultimate Frisbee

Become part of Oxford University for a single semester or a full year.

Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Integrative Seminar The British Landscape Total Credits

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

opportunities are endless! There is an intentional focus on nurturing the student community that develops over the course of the semester. Every semester, SSO participants form life-long friendships with their fellow students. The opportunity to live

second Semester Courses

with like-minded people in one of the most beautiful cities in the world is

SSO staff welcomes students who want to spend a second semester in Oxford to build on the skills they have learned in their first term. The second semester (normally but not necessarily the spring semester) keeps tutorials at the heart of the program, allowing students to deepen their understanding of British culture and to pursue independent research. Primary Tutorial Secondary Tutorial Thesis Further Studies in the British Landscape or alternative seminar Total Credits

exciting, profound, life changing and simply stated … fun. www.b e st s e m e st e r.c o m /s s o /stude nt _ l i f e /

6 credits 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits 17 credits

The program offers 17 hours of credit and a transcript from Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford.

For more specific information download the prospectus:

Alumni of SSO have gone on to masters and doctoral level study in the humanities and social sciences, law school and medical school. Alums have secured places at top tier institutions including Oxford, Cambridge, University of London, St Andrews, University of Edinburgh, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, University of Texas and UCLA. Others have gone on to major seminaries including Princeton, Yale, Duke, Gordon-Conwell, Talbot, Fuller and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Others have gone into the Peace Corps, secondary education, mission field, government, military and many other professions.

www. b e sts e m e st e r .co m /SSO/ac a d e m i c s / D i r e c t e d by SCIO. . . S c h o l a r s h i p & C h r i st i a n i ty i n Ox fo r d, t h e U K su b s i d i a ry of Be stS e m e st e r a n d offe r e d u n d e r t h e au t h o r i ty o f Wyc l iffe H a l l , U n i v e r s i ty o f Oxfo r d, w h i c h e n r o l s stu d e n ts as R e g i st e r e d v i s i t i n g stu d e n ts .

a program of the

D o w n l o a d t h e S S O P r o sp e c t u s w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / ss o / o v e r v i e w/ pa g e / p r o sp e c t u s

Still want to know more?

BestSemester 321 8th St. NE Washington DC 20002

are given a question and have seven days to justify your answer in a one-on-one tutorial with a world expert in the field. For answers you have books: in Oxford there are over 11 million of them to help direct you, not to mention many of the best scholarly databases in the world with articles from countless journals. You start by reading a game-changing book on your question before getting to your lecture, perhaps given by that same author. You write and rewrite, and before you know it the moment arrives. You are sitting across from your tutor (with a cup of tea in hand) but will they agree with your position? You start to summarize different scholarly views but your tutor interrupts you. She wants to know what you think, what view you have, and how the other scholars have influenced your conclusion. You feel uncertain, but you do know that in 60 minutes you will be walking out knowing more than when you walked in.

www. b e sts e m e st e r .co m /ss o/ov e rv i e w/

Scholars’ Semester in Oxford

SSO the

more about how to think than you ever have before. Sharpen your thinking, focus your mind, hone your style and learn an elite academic community with access to unparalleled resources. Go to lectures with other students who, like you, have become part of John Wesley and John Wycliffe ... to name only a few! Penn, Dorothy Sayers, JRR Tolkien, William Tyndale, Charles and Hawking, Robert Hook, CS Lewis, John Locke, Iris Murdoch, William Burton, Charles Dodgson, John Donne, Edmund Haley, Stephen as Roger Bacon, Isaiah Berlin, Robert Boyle, Alan Bullock, Richard of history and let this city inspire you as it has done for such people 500 years old. You can become part of this tradition: become a part cobblestones and alleyways, you can find over 100 libraries, some over famous minds. Within its ancient walls, buried within a maze of halls and colleges have housed some of the world’s greatest and most most prestigious research centers in the world. The city’s medieval Oxford has been a center of academic excellence and is one of the

for over 900 years


w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / S S O

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