"Master Church in the Americas"

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History of the Church in the Americas Specialist Master &

Specialist Diploma

ROM A, 2014

One of the most memorable aspects of my Pastoral Visit to the United States was the opportunity it afforded me to reflect on America’s historical experience of religious freedom, and specifically the relationship between religion and culture. BENEDICT XVI, Speech, January 19, 2012 At this time, as various parts of Latin America are commemorating the bicentenary of their Independence, the process of integration in this beloved continent is progressing, while at the same time it is playing a new role on the world scene. In these circumstances it is important that its diverse people can safeguard the rich treasure of faith and their historical-cultural dynamism. BENEDICT XVI, Homily, December 12, 2011

A MASTER: For becoming a teacher, researcher, and writer of American Church history For overcoming a narrow-visioned, nationalistic historiography and opening up to a regional and global point of view For delving deeper into the Christian roots of the American cultures from within a point of view that is pluralistic and open to dialogue with different religious and cultural traditions For enlightening critique of some of the “black legends” of the Church in America, and transferring them from ideology to the scientific field For understanding the beginning of the present challenges of the new evangelization of the continent For favoring collaboration between North and South America


Scientific Committee: Rev.mo P. Bernard Ardura, O. Praem., President of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences (Holy See) Professor José Antonio Benito Rodríguez, Peruvian Academy of Ecclesiastical History, Sedes Sapientiae Catholic University (Perú) Professor Guzmán Carriquiry Lecour, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America (Holy See) Professor Luca Codignola, University of Genoa (Italy), Saint Mary's University (Canada) Professor Marta Eugenia García Ugarte, National Autonomous University of Mexico Professor Álvaro Góngora Escobedo, Chilean Academy of History, Director of the School of History at Finis Terrae University (Chile) Professor P. Fidel González Fernández, mccj, Pontifical Gregorian University, Pontifical Urbaniana University, Consultor to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (Holy See) Professor Mario Hernández Sánchez-Barba, Complutense University of Madrid, Director of the Forum Hispanoamericano Francisco de Vitoria (Spain)

KNOWLEDGE Comprehensive view of the ecclesiastical history of the Americas Relations between faith and culture, Church and society, Christian roots and secularization Contributions of various Christian confessions and other religions present on the continent ABILITIES Critically adding the contributions of one’s own investigation within the broad horizon of continental history and learning how to communicate these results Making critical historical judgments Using archives and research centers Qualification for teaching American Church history

Joint Title Theology Faculty of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum

Consultation Department of the University Francisco de Vitoria

In collaboration with the Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea (ISEM) of the Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy) and with the Forum Hispanoamericano Francisco de Vitoria (Spain)




History of the Americas Ecclesiology and Canon Law for Historians


History of the Roman Curia and Church Institutions


Contemporary Papal History (from 1831) Methodology

Methodology, Sources, and Archives for American Church Historiography


Teaching Church History

American Ecclesiastical History

Ecclesiastical History of Spanish America (Modern) Ecclesiastical History of Latin America (Contemporary) History of Church-State Relations in Hispanic America Cultural and Ecclesiastical History of Brazil


Church History in the United States of America Church History in French America and Canada Hagiography of Latin America

American Cultural and Religious History

History of the First Evangelization of the Americas Cultural and Religious History of Anglosaxon America Cultural History of Hispanic America


History of Latin American Theology from Vatican II to Today Protestantism and New Religious Movements in Latin America


Final Exam of the Master

Náhuatl Language and Culture


Quechua Language and Culture


Discussion on Written Work


Analysis of Central Works of Field of Specialization

Analysis of Documents of Church Magisterium


Total for Master: 60 ECTS Total for Diploma: 50 ECTS To attain only the Diploma, the “Final Exam of the Master” is not required

Lessons: From January 9th - July 11th 2014 Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Hours: 15:30 to 19:30 Total lesson hours: 300 hours Exams: Two exams before April 30th 2014 Two exams before July 25th 2014

Faculty: More than twenty specialist teachers of several nationalities from over fifteen universities and research institutions, two departments of the Holy See and one institution connected with it

Final exam of the master: Before October 23rd 2014

Coordinator: Dr. Emilio Martínez Albesa

Fees: Application fee: €200 Master Tuition fee: €1,800 in two installments Diploma Tuition fee: €900 in two installments

Admission Requirements: Graduate degree (second cycle) Understanding the Italian language and one of these languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese or French

There will be a 10% discount for the persons whom pay the hole fee at the time of registration

The classes are taught in Italian

masteramerica@upra.org Information for scholarships may be requested at the Athenaeum before October 30th 2013.


Before November 15th 2013

P. 643 of Ms. GKS 2232 4to, Guaman Poma, Nueva corónica (1615). Courtesy of The Royal Library, Copenhagen

Registration and information:

masteramerica@upra.org Registration: September 1 – November 15 2013 http://msca.jimdo.com Theology Faculty Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum Via degli Aldobrandeschi, 190 00163 Roma (Italia) Tel: (+39) 06916891 www.upra.org Postgraduate and Consultation Department University Francisco de Vitoria www.ufv.es/postgrado-y-consultoria

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