French Chamber of great Britain
Trade Delegation to
manchester wednesday 16 september 2015
french chamber Patron Members
Patron Members of the French Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain
Press Release
The French Chamber
Manchester City Council
Swinton Insurance
List of Participants
Places we will visit
Media City UK
National Graphene Institute
Press Release French trade delegation heads to Manchester on 16 September London, 7 September - The French Ambassador to the UK, HE Ms Sylvie Bermann, and the President of the French Chamber of Great Britain and Senior Executive Vice-President UK & Ireland of Veolia, Estelle Brachlianoff, are leading a delegation of French business leaders to Manchester on 16 September. A delegation of French Chamber member companies, together with representatives from the French Embassy and the French Chamber of Great Britain, will be meeting local authorities at the highest level with the aim of fostering relationships and finding out more about Manchester’s business and investment landscape. The companies represented include Altran, Banque Transatlantique, Capgemini, ENGIE, Crédit Agricole CIB, Frenger International, JCDecaux, Keolis, PwC, Swinton Insurance, Thales, Tikehau Investment Limited and Veolia. Some of these companies – namely Altran, Capgemini, ENGIE, JCDecaux, Keolis, PwC, Swinton Insurance, Thales and Veolia – already have a presence or are involved in projects in Manchester. The others are interested in meeting the local authorities and exploring opportunities for business and investment. Jointly organised by the French Chamber of Great Britain and Manchester City Council, the trip is sponsored by PwC and Swinton Insurance. The day’s programme, which was put together by Manchester City Council, begins with a courtesy call to Councillor Paul Murphy, Lord Mayor of Manchester, at the Town Hall. The delegation will then move on to Manchester Central Library for presentations on Greater Manchester devolution and the Northern Powerhouse, transport infrastructure in the North and how to do business in Manchester. Sir Richard Leese, Leader of the Council, will be accompanying the delegation for a lunch with French companies already established within Manchester. In the afternoon, the delegation will tour MediaCity UK, a new hub for creative, digital and media businesses, with the BBC as its main tenant, which will provide an overview of creative and digital development and opportunities. The day will conclude with a visit to the National Graphene Institute at the University of Manchester, where presentations will be made on this 2D form of carbon and other advanced materials, nuclear capabilities and links to French companies as well as overviews of the University and Manchester Business School. This trip to Manchester follows very successful trade delegations to Birmingham in 2011, Leeds in 2012 and Scotland in 2013 and forms part of the French Chamber’s strategy of developing relationships and business opportunities, not only in London but also on a countrywide basis, to help forge links of mutual benefit.
acknowledgements The French Chamber of Great Britain would like to thank Manchester City Council as well as MIDAS for all their help and support in setting up the programme for the Chamber’s Trade Delegation to Manchester on Wednesday 16 September 2015. We would like to express our gratitude to PwC and Swinton Insurance for sponsoring the Trade Delegation. We would also like to thank HE Ms Sylvie Bermann, for leading this delegation. Finally, we would like to thank all the participants for joining us on this occasion. We hope it will be a great opportunity for them to develop their business contacts in Manchester.
Contacts Florence Gomez
t: 079 000 55 140
CĂŠcilia Gonzalez
t: 078 028 66 209
Programme 7.20 Departure from London Euston Station 9.28 Arrival in Manchester Piccadilly Station and transfer to Manchester Town Hall Albert Square, Manchester M60 2LA (use M2 5DB for SatNav) 9.45 Courtesy call to the Lord Mayor of Manchester, Councillor Paul Murphy 10.30 Greater Manchester Devolution and the Northern Powerhouse Presentation by Jessica Bowles, Head of Policy, Partnerships and Research This will include background information on Greater Manchester (GM) in terms of population, economy, partnership working and governance. It will also provide details of the recent Devolution deals, Core Cities and the opportunities presented by the Northern Powerhouse. 11.00
Transport Infrastructure in the North Presentation by Dave Newton, Transport Strategy Director, Transport for Greater Manchester This will look at strategic transport investment in Manchester, GM and across the North of England. It will include information about One North and Transport for the North.
11.30 Doing Business in Manchester Presentation by Daniel Storer, Director of Business Development, MIDAS This will focus on the major sectors in GM and the growth opportunities for the future. It will also set out key locations and investment opportunities, e.g. Airport City. 12.00 Lunch hosted by Sir Richard Leese (Leader of the Council) at 47 King St West Local representatives from Alstom, Bouygues, MBDA, NuGen and Swinton Insurance will join us.
Transfer by coach to MediaCity UK, Salford Quays (Creative and Digital) Presentation by Stephen Wild, Managing Director, MediaCity UK Ltd This will provide an overview of creative and digital development including, the relocation of BBC, as well as smaller businesses, retail and leisure investments.
15.15 Transfer by coach to National Graphene Institute, Oxford Road Advanced Materials, Nuclear and Manchester Business School Prof Colin Bailey - Welcome & Introduction to University of Manchester Prof Melissa Denecke - Nuclear capabilities and links to French companies Prof Fiona Devine - Manchester Business School capabilities Prof Colin Bailey/James Baker-Graphene & Advanced Materials, National Graphene Institute Visit
Transfer by coach to Manchester Piccadilly Station
17.35 Departure from Manchester Piccadilly Station 19.43 Arrival in London Euston Station
manchester: situation économique information provided by the economic service of the french embassy
Troisième ville du pays après Londres et Birmingham, Manchester a connu un renouveau spectaculaire après avoir été touchée de plein fouet au XXe siècle par la désindustrialisation. La ville met désormais en avant son dynamisme économique, son attractivité touristique, et son rôle de pionnière en matière politique (transfert de compétences à la communauté du Greater Manchester créée en 2011, élection d’un maire à partir de 2017). La bonne dynamique récente ne doit toutefois pas faire oublier des difficultés structurelles: dépendance au secteur public, chômage plus élevé et revenu par habitant plus faibles que la moyenne britannique. I/ Berceau de la révolution industrielle, Manchester a connu un déclin prononcé au XXe siècle mais symbolise aujourd’hui la renaissance du Nord de l’Angleterre La ville de Manchester assoit au XIXe siècle sa prospérité économique sur la fabrication puis le négoce de coton, facilités par sa liaison avec le port de Liverpool1 : les manufactures textiles impressionnaient Alexis de Tocqueville lors de sa visite en 18352 et c’est un marchand de coton qui crée le Manchester Guardian en 1821. La population passe de 70 000 (début XIXe) à 550 000 personnes (début XXe). Dès la fin des années 1930, la ville subit néanmoins de plein fouet une désindustrialisation massive, qui atteint son paroxysme dans les années 1970, et n’amorce que tardivement la reconversion de son tissu économique. Pour autant, cette reconversion fait aujourd’hui figure de modèle : les politiques de renouvellement économique ont favorisé le développement du secteur tertiaire, à travers le développement des médias, de l’éducation supérieure, de la culture, du numérique et des services juridiques et financiers. Manchester a ainsi vu resurgir une véritable dynamique urbaine, et est désormais la deuxième métropole du Royaume-Uni, avec 2,7 millions d’habitants3 en 2014 (en hausse de 8,7 % depuis 2001). La seule ville de Manchester compte 520 215 habitants, ce qui en fait la 3e ville britannique après Londres et Birmingham (qui comptent respectivement 8,6 M et 1,1 M d’habitants). Troisième destination touristique du Royaume-Uni (après Londres et Édimbourg), la ville s’appuie sur un exécutif local puissant qui lui a permis de promouvoir d’importants investissements, notamment dans le domaine des transports : un fonds pour les infrastructures de transports doté de 1,5 Md£ et créé en 2009 a notamment permis l’extension du réseau de tramway Metrolink. Par ailleurs, la communauté urbaine du Grand Manchester (Greater Manchester Combined Authority), créée en 2011 et rassemblant 10 municipalités limitrophes, est un exemple réussi d’autorité locale porteuse de projets d’envergure4 . Depuis 2014, le gouvernement entend profiter de cette dynamique pour faire de Manchester un symbole du rééquilibrage entre le Nord et le Sud de l’Angleterre, la plaçant en fer de lance du projet « Northern Powerhouse » (cf. III). 1
Liaison facilitée par l’ouverture Manchester Ship Canal en 1894. En 1835, Alexis de Tocqueville écrit : « À la tête des manufactures, la science, l’industrie, l’amour du grain, le capital anglais. […] Comment s’étonner que Manchester, qui a déjà 300 000 âmes, s’accroisse sans cesse avec une rapidité prodigieuse ? […] A Manchester, quelques grands capitalistes, des milliers de pauvres ouvriers, peu de classe moyenne. » 3 À la mi-2014 selon les estimations de l’ONS. 4 La communauté urbaine a soutenu l’extension en cours de l’aéroport de Manchester, 3ème hub du pays, dont le financement de 800 M£ est assuré par un fonds d’investissement chinois. 2
II/ Manchester affiche un fort dynamisme économique sur la période récente, mais les fondamentaux (chômage, revenu) restent moins favorables que la moyenne britannique L’économie de Manchester a relativement mieux résisté à la crise de 2007-2009 que le reste du Royaume-Uni : la production en valeur a augmenté de 2,5 % en moyenne par an 2008 et 2013, contre 2,2 % pour l’ensemble du Royaume-Uni. La ville s’affirme comme l’une des premières destinations pour les investissements internationaux : selon la dernière enquête d’EY sur l’attractivité de l’économie britannique, elle est devenue en 2014 la troisième ville la plus attractive du Royaume-Uni, après Londres et Belfast, en termes d’investissements directs étrangers, avec 57 projets recensés. Les fondamentaux économiques restent toutefois moins solides à Manchester qu’en moyenne au Royaume-Uni. Concentrant 2,7 M d’habitants (soit 4,2 % de la population britannique), la métropole ne représente que 3,7 % de la production britannique, et le revenu disponible par habitant y est inférieur à la moyenne du pays (£ 14 515 contre £ 17 559 en 2013). Le marché du travail reste également dégradé : le taux d’emploi du Grand Manchester atteint 62,2 % en moyenne en 2014 (contre 72,6 % au Royaume-Uni) et le taux de chômage y était de 9,2 % (contre 6,0 %). L’économie de Manchester se caractérise par l’importance du secteur public (25,7 % de la valeur ajoutée pour les activités liées à l’administration, la santé et l’éduction en 2012, contre 23,8 % pour le Royaume-Uni), et du secteur du transport et de l’hôtellerie-restauration (19,2 % contre 18,1 %), alors que la part de l’industrie manufacturière est similaire (10,2 %) à la moyenne du Royaume-Uni. III/ Le projet gouvernemental de « Northern Powerhouse » vise à étendre le modèle de développement de Manchester aux autres grandes agglomérations du Nord de l’Angleterre Le constat du retard économique du Nord de l’Angleterre a conduit en juin 2014 le gouvernement à introduire le concept de Northern Powerhouse, ayant pour objectif d’investir massivement au Nord de l’Angleterre dans les transports, l’économie numérique et les connexions très haut débit, les sciences et technologie et la culture. Le chancelier de l’Échiquier George Osborne a détaillé en mai 2015 les mesures institutionnelles visant à accompagner la mise en œuvre de ce projet. Les autorités locales gagneraient en autonomie politique via une décentralisation « à la carte ». Elles pourraient choisir parmi un certain nombre de nouvelles compétences (transport, logement, aménagement urbain, santé, services sociaux, sécurité et formation professionnelle) à condition de se doter d’un maire élu. Manchester fait figure de pionnière en la matière : elle avait accepté en novembre 2014 d’organiser l’élection d’un maire à partir de 2017, portant des responsabilités accrues, similaires à celles du maire de Londres (cf. annexe n°1) et a obtenu lors du budget présenté en mars 2015 de gérer en commun avec le NHS un budget de 6 Md£ de dépenses sociales, ainsi qu’une partie des budgets de transport et de formation (à hauteur de 1 Md£). Lors du discours de la Reine au Parlement le 27 mai 2015, le modèle de dévolution choisi par la communauté urbaine de Manchester est salué et son développement encouragé pour d’autres grandes villes anglaises.
the northern powerhouse information provided by fti conculting
organisers The French Chamber Established in 1883, our Chamber is part of a network of 113 French Chambers of Commerce Abroad (CCI France International) and is one of the top French Chambers worldwide. We are also the largest Foreign Chamber in the UK in terms of both turnover and range of services offered. The size of our network and its diversity – we have 600 members, ranging from SMEs to blue chip companies, with 40% non-French representatives – contribute significantly to our reputation and success. Our policies are guided by a Board of 18 Directors, responsible for all major decisions concerning the Chamber’s strategy, as well as an Advisory Council of 66 councillors, who help to increase the visibility and efficiency of the Chamber. Our main aims are to provide a platform for exchange and networking at the service of Franco-British firms in the UK, to promote our members’ interests to key decision makers and to help develop economic and commercial relations between France and the UK. Our Business Consultancy, Company Set up, Incubator and Recruitment services provide both British and French companies with a large range of bespoke professional services. The 60 events we organise every year, with personalities from the British and French political, academic and business worlds, offer great opportunities for our members to expand their network of contacts and develop their businesses. Additionally, our Forums and Clubs, focusing on issues or sectors such as Human Resources, Climate Change, Cross-Cultural Relations, Finance, Legal, Luxury, SMEs/Entrepreneurs and Women’s Business Network offer our members dedicated platforms to share experiences and best practice at the highest level of management. Finally, we take pride in the quality of our publications, including our magazine INFO, our members’ directory, The HR Guide: A practical approach to Human Resources in Great Britain, and a CrossCultural Relations Booklet as well as a wide range of e-newsletters. They all provide a wealth of information and help promote the interests of the Franco-British business community. More information :
Manchester City Council Manchester City Council is the local government authority for Manchester, covering a population of 522,000 people across a geographical area of 115km2. The Council is governed via a Leader (Sir Richard Leese) and Cabinet form of Executive. The Executive is the main decision making body of the Council, responsible for implementing the budgetary and policy framework of the Council. Each of the 9 members also has individual special responsibility for a particular area of the Council’s services and policies. In total, there are 96 councillors representing 32 wards. The Manchester Strategy will set out the city’s vision and strategy for the next 10 years and is currently out to public consultation. The draft strategy contains the following five spines which set out the aspirations for the city over the next 10 years. • A thriving and sustainable city • A highly skilled city • A progressive and equitable city • A liveable and low carbon city • A connected city Manchester lies at the heart of the wider Greater Manchester Metropolitan area, which has a population of over 2.7 million and generates approximately £55 billion GVA annually, making it the largest single economic area in the UK outside London and the south east. Manchester is widely regarded as Britain’s second city and arguably the most exciting, culturally diverse and forward-thinking. With a rich history and a unique blend of modern developments and historic spaces, Manchester is a fantastic place to live and work, with entertainment, dining, nightlife and leisure options to suit every type of person.
MIDAS MIDAS is Manchester’s inward investment agency and its role is to attract new investment and employment to the city region. MIDAS drives the global business marketing of Manchester as a world-class location for business and delivers an extensive package of expert, free and confidential advice for location consultants and potential investors. We provide after care to recent investors and work closely with those foreign-owned companies already located in Greater Manchester, creating new jobs and increasing productivity. The expertise that MIDAS has developed has directly contributed to Manchester being recognised as a top ten major global city (Financial Times FDI), the best UK city to locate a new headquarter (Cushman and Wakefield) and Europe’s top city for business competitiveness for three years running (KPMG International). Working in partnership with the ten local authorities of Greater Manchester, MIDAS provides services such as relocation support, assistance in finding property solutions and advice on recruitment and training as well as assistance with securing grants. 14
Sponsors PwC One firm - a powerhouse of a commercial enterprise that does the right thing for our clients, our people and our communities. PwC UK helps organisations and individuals create the value they’re looking for. We’re a member of the PwC network of firms in 157 countries with more than 184,000 people committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services. In the UK and Channel Islands we are one of the leading professional services firms, with nearly 18,000 employees in 31 offices. We nurture strong links with the global PwC network, through the operation of dedicated business groups around the world. We also have strategic alliances in the Middle East, CEE and Africa. Our France Business Group, with a network of over 375 like-minded individuals in the UK, provides services to a large number of French clients, from subsidiaries of CAC 40 companies to entrepreneurial businesses as well as French expatriates. It is our motivation to find the best solutions for the challenges of businesses with global operations, regardless of whether the matter at hand is an audit, advisory, or tax related issue. Our France Business Group is helping clients in relation to the key challenges they face today when operating between France and the UK. We have had links to the North West for over 200 years and over this time we are proud to have supported and seen the region develop into a leading business, retail and leisure destination. In Manchester we are one of the city’s leading professional services firms with over 700 staff working out of our Manchester office, servicing some of the city and region’s largest businesses. The city has the largest financial and professional services sector outside London, and PwC is proud to be part of that statistic. We also have regional specialists in the business services, financial services, manufacturing, property & construction, public sector and retail industries. It is an exciting time for Manchester. The unprecedented devolution of health, skills and transport powers has put Manchester in the national spotlight like never before. The region’s businesses are also putting the city on the map, nationally and internationally. Our involvement in our local community is very important to us and we have committed to a number of programmes supporting local theatre and music groups, as well as local charities and social enterprises.
Sponsors Swinton Insurance
Swinton Insurance is part of the Covea Group and has been helping people find insurance for over 50 years by using panels of insurers to find the right cover for individual needs without compromising on price. Swinton currently serves over 2 million people, handles over 4 million policies and employs over 4,500 dedicated people to help protect the things that matter most. The company offers a range of products from car to home, bike to van, commercial to taxi insurance, plus additional services like breakdown cover. Swinton combines online and telephone services with an extensive network of over 350 branches in high streets across the UK, enabling it to deliver a highly personal service.
List of Participants This delegation is led by: H.E. Ms Sylvie Bermann, French Ambassador to the UK Estelle Brachlianoff, President of the French Chamber of Great Britain and Senior Executive Vice-President UK & Ireland of Veolia (UK). Other participants are (by alphabetical order). Marc Bena
Partner, Assurance
Emmanuel Betry
Financial Consellor
French Embassy in the UK
Fabrice Bouillot
Key Account Manager
Olivier Carret
Vice President UK Nuclear Project
ENGIE Energy Europe
Alain de Cointet
Minister Counsellor for Economic and Financial Affairs
French Embassy in the UK
Keri Fuller
Head of Publications and Communications
French Chamber of Great Britain
Florence Gomez
Managing Director
French Chamber of Great Britain
Cécilia Gonzalez
Head of Events & Marketing
French Chamber of Great Britain
Iwan Griffiths
North West Regional Chairman
Ruud Haket
Chief Operating Officer
Pierre Jeanjean
Senior M&A Advisor
Frenger International
Helena Kavanagh
Managing Director
JCDecaux UK Ltd
Adrien Landreau
Senior Private Banker
Banque Transatlantique
Claire Legras
First Counsellor
French Embassy in the UK
Alistair McPhee
VP Ground Transportation Systems Business
Thales UK
Jean-Pierre Mustier
Tikehau Investment Limited
Gilles Normand
Chief Executive Officer
Swinton Insurance - Covéa UK
Wilfrid Petrie
Chief Executive Officer
Cofely UK
Executive Vice President
ENGIE Energy services business line
Bob Scott
Senior Vice President - Group Sales & Portfolio
Capgemini UK plc
Anne Toledano
Head of Real Estate & Hotel Group
Crédit Agricole CIB
Cyrille van Effenterre Science and Technology Counsellor
French Embassy in the UK
Welcoming/joining us in Manchester
Sir Richard Leese
Leader of the Council
Manchester City Council
Councillor Paul Murphy
Lord Mayor of Manchester
Manchester City Council
Professor Colin Bailey
Deputy President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
National Graphene Institute
Serge Bordonat
Managing Director
Jessica Bowles
Head of Policy, Partnerships and Research
Manchester City Council
Caroline Cain
Senior Business Development Manager
Professor Melissa Denecke Scientific Director of the Dalton Nuclear Institute National Graphene Institute Professor Fiona Devine
Head of Manchester Business School
National Graphene Institute
David Houliston
Principal Policy Officer
Manchester City Council
Eifion Jones
Senior Business Development Manager
Sylvie Morton
Head of Key Account Management
Dave Newton
Transport Strategy Director
Transport for Greater Manchester
Tom Samson
Chief Executive Officer
Daniel Storer
Director of Business Development
Fabienne Tardy
Managing Director
Hebble Law Ltd
Tony Tattersall
Head of Facilities
Swinton Insurance
Bernard Waldron
Managing Director
Lindsey Wickens
Director of Operations
Stephen Wild
Managing Director
MediaCityUK Ltd
Biographies Please find below the biographies of the French Ambassador and the President of the French Chamber, as well as our hosts, the Leader of the Council and the Lord Mayor. The biographies of the members of the trade delegation and other participating contacts based in Manchester will then follow in alphabetical order.
h.e. ms sYLVIE Bermann French Ambassador to the UK A graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Studies, the French Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations (Chinese) and the Beijing Language Institute, Ms Sylvie Bermann embarked on her diplomatic career in 1979. She was appointed French Ambassador to the United Kingdom in July 2014. Vice-Consul at the French Consulate in Hong Kong from 1979 to 1980, she became Second Secretary at the French Embassy in China between 1980 and 1982. She was subsequently responsible for policy relating to China at the Quai d’Orsay’s Asia and Oceania Directorate until 1986, when she became Second Counsellor at the French Embassy in Moscow. In 1989, Sylvie Bermann returned to Paris to take up the post of Head of the Southeast Asia Department. In 1992 she was appointed Second Counsellor at the French Permanent Mission to the United Nations. In 1996, she became Head of the Common Foreign and Security Policy Department at the French Foreign Ministry, before becoming Ambassador to the Western European Union and to the European Union’s Political and Security Committee in Brussels in 2002. She headed the French Foreign Ministry’s directorate for the UN and international organisations, human rights and Francophony, from 2005 to 2011. She was appointed Ambassador to China on 23 February 2011, becoming the first woman to hold the post of French Ambassador in a country which is a permanent member of the Security Council.
estelle brachlianoff President of the French Chamber of Great-Britain & Senior Executive Vice-President UK & Ireland, Veolia
Estelle Brachlianoff leads Veolia’s combined water, waste and energy business in the UK & Ireland. She was appointed to this role in September 2012 and also sits on the Veolia Executive Committee. Estelle joined the Veolia group in 2005 as Special Advisor to the CEO of Waste Management. Prior to her current position, she was in charge of Waste Management in the Greater Paris area and also the Facility Management and Cleaning Services branch. She started her career heading a team managing major infrastructure projects and constructing highways and tramways within the Val d’Oise region of Greater Paris. She was then appointed as Advisor to the regional government in Greater Paris responsible for transport and development. Estelle was elected as President of the French Chamber of Great Britain, the largest Foreign Chamber of Commerce in the UK in June 2015. She heads up the Environment Leadership Team for Business in the Community (BITC) and sits on the Infrastructure Board and President’s Committee of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI). Estelle was awarded the CBI’s `First Women` Business of the Year Award in 2014 and received the French National Order of Merit in 2015.
About Veolia: Veolia, the UK resource management leader, provides a wide range of services in Manchester and the North West. These include: • Commercial recycling and waste management solutions • Energy services • Industrial services and water solutions • Hazardous waste services Veolia provides commercial and waste recycling services in Manchester for 1800 customers from small, independent retailers to large multinationals including Asda and Costa Coffee. Our Bury card and paper processing facility collects and processes recovered paper, cardboard and polythene and offers secure shredding. The facility processes 50,000 tpa and services circa 500 clients in the North. 20
Our Manchester energy hub provides Combined Heat & Power (CHP) and Industrial Steam solutions to eleven customers across the North West region. CHP plants provide electricity, heat and cooling from a single fuel source and are more than twice as efficient as conventional power stations. We also have five Total Waste Management (TWM) solutions in the Manchester area managing all waste related issues on client sites via a dedicated site team to blue-chip companies in the pharmaceutical and technology sectors including Procter & Gamble and Siemens. Veolia also deliver, operate and maintain industrial water and waste water solutions including industrial cleaning, jetting, contamination services and abrasive cutting, as well as maintenance and shutdown services. Finally, as the UK’s leading provider of hazardous waste services, Veolia collects and treats hazardous wastes safely, efficiently and compliantly in line with all legislation for customers across the North West. Materials handled range from small packaged wastes to regular drum and tanker collections and low level radioactive wastes which can be treated at our Ellesmere Port high temperature incinerator. Waste solvents can be processed at our Garston solvent recovery facility returning a high quality solvent product. The company has an extensive hazardous customer base in Manchester and its nearby Preston waste transfer station accepts a wide range of packaged hazardous wastes which are consolidated for transport to treatment sites. See or Tel: 0845 6060 460 for commercial recycling.
Sir richard leese Leader of the Council, Manchester City Council
Richard Leese was born and brought up in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. After graduating from the University of Warwick, he worked as a teacher in Coventry and as an exchange teacher in the USA before moving to Manchester to take up a post as a youth worker. He was employed variously in youth work, community work, and education research between 1979 and 1988, and was elected to Manchester City Council in 1984. He became Leader of the Council in 1996, having previously served as Deputy Leader (1990-1996), Chair of the Education Committee (1986-1990) and Chair of the Finance Committee (1990-1995). Richard’s political interests include devolution, place-based budgets and the links between economic development and social policy, developing open democracy and the community leadership role of local authorities; and the role of cities in creating a sustainable future. He has a number of additional responsibilities including Director of Manchester Airport Holdings Ltd, Vice Chair of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Chair of the North West Regional Leaders’ Board, Chair of the Core Cities Cabinet and Chair of the LGA City Regions Board. His interests outside politics include walking, cinema, music, and sport (as a spectator, principally Manchester City football and cricket). He is a regular runner and cycles to the Town Hall most days.
Councillor Paul Murphy OBE The Lord Mayor of Manchester
Councillor Paul Murphy was born and grew up in Manchester. He attended St Dunstan’s Primary/Secondary School and Moston College of Further Education, obtaining O Levels and Engineering technical qualifications, and later a Diploma in Supervisory Management. Councillor Murphy worked in the aerospace industry for 40 years. After securing a prestigious AVRO apprenticeship he progressed from craftsman to senior manager, holding a number of management positions, and latterly working between the UK and USA as senior programme manager for Boeing/UK contracts. A trade union activist for many years, Paul was awarded national recognition for his work in health and safety, winning the Bland Payne Award for outstanding contribution to workplace safety. Paul was first elected to Manchester City Council in 1979, representing Lightbowne Ward for nine years, during which he was Chair of Direct Works and a driving force behind the Association of Direct Labour Organisations, latterly APSE. He returned to the Council in 1999 and was appointed Deputy Chair Finance, Executive Member Direct Services. In 2001 he joined the Greater Manchester Police Authority, serving as Chair of Finance, Deputy Chair and Chairman of the Authority. He was Deputy Leader of the Labour Group at the National Association of Police Authorities and served on a number of national bodies including the Police Counter Terrorism Board. He was appointed an OBE in the New Year Honours List 2012 for his services to policing. In his leisure time Paul enjoys angling and is passionate about working people taking an interest in the arts, including community archaeology – a subject which Paul has driven at local and regional level – and is a board member of Dig Greater Manchester. During his year in office, Paul hopes to drive awareness of health and wellbeing, including physical and mental good health and the importance of early diagnosis, which relates to the experiences of family members.
professor colin bailey Deputy President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Colin Bailey is The University of Manchester’s Deputy President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, supporting the President and Vice-Chancellor across the full range of functions and responsibilities involved in the strategic leadership and operational management of the University. Colin joined The University of Manchester in 2002 as a Professor of Structural Engineering from industry. In 2007 he was Head of the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering. His main specialties are fire safety engineering of structures, membrane action, wind loading and steel-concrete composite systems. He is author of over 120 research papers and practical design guides, and has been awarded nine prizes for his research work. From May 2009 until December 2014, Colin was Vice-President of the University and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS). As Vice-President, he contributed to the strategic leadership and operational management of the University as a whole to deliver its mission of becoming one of the leading universities in the world while maintaining its distinctiveness. As Dean, Colin was responsible for the strategic leadership and operational management of EPS, with an income in excess of £270m, over 10,000 students and more than 1,900 academic and support staff.
marc bena Partner, Assurance, PwC
Marc has over 20 years experience with PwC. He spent 5 years with PwC Strasbourg before coming to London in 1999. He leads complex Assurance and Advisory projects on Technology and Business Risk and Controls. He has advised banking and commercial clients on IT Risks, implementation of IT control frameworks and review of complex systems implementation. Marc has worked with a wide range of internal and external audit clients in various industry sectors (banking, retail, technology and FMCG). Over the last few years, Marc has been the engagement leader responsible for the systems and controls audit of 8 different FTSE 100 including a major UK retail and investment bank. About PwC: see page 15
emmanuel bEtry Financial Counsellor
Emmanuel Bétry has been the Financial Counsellor at the Embassy of France in London since July 2013, reporting on the British financial sector and on macroeconomic issues (public finances, monetary policy, trade and investment). He previously worked for the Treasury in Paris, first as Deputy Head of the French Economic Forecasts unit (2009-2011), then as Deputy Head of the Public Finances Outlook unit (20112013). He is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris and a former student of the École nationale d’administration.
jessica bowles Head of Policy, Partnerships and Research, Manchester City Council
Jessica Bowles is Head of City Policy at Manchester City Council. Her team leads work on the economic strategy for the city including planning, transport and environmental issues, partnerships within the city and with other cities, in the UK and abroad. The team also runs the city’s European programme. She has taken a leading role in securing the recent Devolution Deal with Government including the innovative Earnback model. Before taking up posts in Manchester, Jessica worked for 15 years in central Government leading diverse policy areas such as road pricing, maritime security and rough sleeping and most recently leading the Department for Transport’s strategic engagement with the major cities across the north of England.
fabrice bouillot Key Account Manager, Altran Fabrice Bouillot is an engineer with specialisations in nuclear, marine engineering and oceanology. He spent ten years in the French Navy as an officer, mostly in the submarine forces being in charge of operations, ballistic missiles and nuclear safety. He then joined Bureau Veritas bringing naval expertise for severe industrial risk ships. Becoming a sales engineer he focused on the nuclear sector for CS and later Capgemini Group. Fabrice joined Altran in July 2015 as part of the strategic worldwide account teams, in charge of the energy business development in the United Kingdom. He graduated from the French Naval academy (Ecole Navale).
About Altran: Altran is a leading global provider of innovation and high-tech engineering services. We add value by enabling our clients across industry sectors to: - Outsource their engineering and technology R&D activity - Develop and implement innovative solutions to engineering challenges - Optimise engineering and technology project delivery costs - Bring new products to market in the quickest time possible - Assure the safety, reliability and security of systems and technologies Altran provides its services through five integrated Group Solutions, international organisations with global delivery teams and centres of excellence in particular engineering disciplines: Intelligent Systems, Innovative Product Development, Lifecycle Experience, Mechanical Engineering and Information Systems. In the UK, Altran is active in the aerospace, defence, rail, automotive, energy and telecoms sectors. We have UK offices, including secure facilities, in Bath, Bristol, London, Slough and Warwick. Altran UK has recently acquired IJS Consultants, a specialist safety and risk management business providing consultancy services and solutions to clients throughout the UK’s civil and defence nuclear markets, such as Sellafield, EDF Energy and BAE Systems. The company, founded in 2003, has become established as a leading independent safety, environmental and risk management tier-two supplier. Based in Manchester, IJS Consultants also has offices in Glasgow, Reading and Penrith.
olivier carret Vice-President UK Nuclear Project, ENGIE Advisory Councillor of the French Chamber
Olivier Carret is Vice President UK Nuclear Project at ENGIE Energy Europe. From 2010 to 2013, he was Chief Operating Officer of NuGeneration Limited, the company in charge of developing the project of Moorside, in West Cumbria. He is now in charge of the relationship of ENGIE with the UK Government in support to that project. Olivier has over 34 years of experience in the Electricity and Gas Industry. He has held a number of senior management positions in international development, strategy and distribution, including 6 years in Washington DC, where he was involved in the development of a number of international projects, in close relationship with the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation. Olivier holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France. He was part of the World Bank Executive Development Program at Harvard Business School in 1998 and obtained a Finance Certificate from the HEC Paris Business School in 2009.
About ENGIE (Formely GDF Suez): ENGIE develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take on the major challenges of energy’s transition to a low-carbon economy: access to sustainable energy, climate-change mitigation and adaptation, security of supply and the rational use of resources. The Group provides individuals, cities and businesses with highly efficient and innovative solutions largely based on its expertise in four key sectors: renewable energy, energy efficiency, liquefied natural gas and digital technology. In the UK, ENGIE has a significant, established presence across the entire energy and services landscape, currently employing around 20,000 people. It generated UK revenues of circa £3.7 billion in 2014. GDF SUEZ is now ENGIE.
Alain de cointet Minister Counsellor for Economic and FInancial Affairs since 2014 Advisory Councillor of the French Chamber
Previous Assignments 2006- Sept 2014: Executive Director for France, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, based in London 2004-2006: Ministry of Economy and Finance Directorate General of the Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary Export Finance and Trade Promotion 1990-2004 Ministry of Economy and Finance Economic and Trade Department 1998-2004: Director for Financial Affairs 1992-1997: Director for Central and East Europe, CIS and Asia 1990-1991: Head of the Asian Affairs Bureau Education: Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA) Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris Law Degree, Université Panthéon Sorbonne HEC Business School, Masters in Management
professor Melissa denecke Scientific Director of the Dalton Nuclear Institute Professor Melissa A. Denecke is Scientific Director of the Dalton Nuclear Institute at The University of Manchester and holds a Chair in the University’s School of Chemistry. She has two decades experience in nuclear fuel cycle R&D, notably in disposal of radioactive waste and legacy clean-up. She is a world expert on studies of radioactive materials using synchrotron radiation. Melissa serves on a number of scientific advisory boards, including the DESY Photon Science Committee and the Institut de Chimie Séparative de Marcoule, and committees propagating gender balance, such as Women in Nuclear Global Executive Board representing Europe.
professor fiona devine Head of Manchester Business School
Professor Fiona Devine is Head of Manchester Business School. Fiona is a Professor of Sociology and was previously Head of the School of Social Sciences (2009-13). She was co-director of the Economic and Social Research Council’s (ERSC) Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC) between 2012-2014. Professor Devine was awarded an OBE in the 2010 New Year’s Honours list for services to social sciences. She was elected to the Academy of Social Sciences in 2011. She joined The University of Manchester in 1994, became a Professor in 2001 and was Head of Sociology from 2007-09. She is one of the country’s leading experts on social stratification and mobility with related interests in work and employment and politics and participation and has held visiting positions at the University of Chicago, Harvard University and the University of Queensland. Professor Devine is currently an Honorary Professor in the Institute for Social Science Research at The University of Queensland and Fellow of the Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality, Stanford University.
Florence Gomez Managing Director, French Chamber of Great Britain Florence Gomez has been the Managing Director of the French Chamber of Great Britain since 2007. Before moving to London, she spent 15 years in China, where she began her professional career. She is fluent in English and Mandarin with degrees in both languages. More than 20 years abroad have given Florence a wealth of experience in international affairs in both developed and emerging countries. She has had quite an unusual path, from launching a wine bar in Beijing in 1995, to teaching English at the French LycĂŠe of Beijing, before becoming the General Manager of a Franco-Chinese joint venture, while directing theatre plays and performing in a band on the side. She joined the French Chamber of Commerce in China as Managing Director in 2001 and within six years, had multiplied both staff and turnover by six, building the Chamber into a substantial and profitable organisation with over 40 staff. Florence Gomez is the Honorary Chairman of the Council of Foreign Chambers in the UK (CFCC). She was knighted from the French National Order of Merit in 2013.
iwan griffiths North West Regional Chairman, PwC Iwan is a Partner at PwC UK with 20 years experience, primarily in the Financial Services sector. He has lived and worked in London (1994-2005), Seoul (2005-2008), Tokyo (2008-2012) and Manchester (2012-present). He is the Chairman of PwC UK’s North West Region and is the Senior Partner for the Manchester office. He is also the leader of the Financial Services practice for PwC UK in the North. Iwan is the Non-Executive Chairman of Marketing Manchester, the organisation charged with promoting Manchester both nationally and internationally. He also sits on the board of the Manchester Growth Company, an organisation that supports the growth of the Greater Manchester economy, and chairs their International and Marketing Board. He graduated from the University of Warwick in Economics and Politics and attained a post graduate certificate in education from the Institute of Education, University of London. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. During his time in Seoul he was elected to the executive committee of the British Chamber of Commerce in Korea (2006-2008). About PwC: see page 15 30
ruud haket Chief Operating Officer, Keolis Ruud joined Keolis UK after more than 10 years of experience in the UK rail industry. Most recently, Ruud worked for Abellio’s Greater Anglia franchise, where he was Managing Director. He has also previously held Engineering Director positions at Northern Rail and NedRailways, as well as being a former chair of the Railway Industry Supplier Approval Scheme. Ruud joined Keolis UK in January 2014 in the newly created role, Chief Operating Officer.
Born in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht in the Netherlands, Haket began career with NedTrain, the maintenance arm of the Dutch state railway Nederlandse Spoorwegen in 1996, and in 2000 he was appointed director of purchasing and logistics for rolling stock.
When NS’s international arm, now called Abellio, began winning bids in the UK, Ruud relocated over here, initially working in the Northern Rail franchise. Following his tenure as engineering director for Northern that began in 2004, Haket became bid director at Abellio in 2009 and headed up the Greater Anglia team from the start of the franchise in February 2012. In January 2014 Ruud joined Keolis in the newly created role, Chief Operating Officer.
About Keolis: Keolis is a leading international public transport operator and is present in 15 countries around the world. Keolis has been in the UK since 1996 and continues to operate some of its busiest rail franchises (delivering one in three rail journeys and employing over 14,000 people). In a joint venture with the Go-Ahead Group, Keolis UK runs three rail franchises; Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR), Southeastern and London Midland. GTR is the largest train operating company in the UK and was created following the merger of Great Northern, Thameslink, Southern and Gatwick Express in July 2015. Southeastern provides commuter and regional rail services across South East London, Kent and parts of East Sussex. It also has the UK’s only high speed rail service. London Midland provides regional services from London to Birmingham and on to Liverpool. Keolis UK is also in a joint venture on the TransPennine Express (TPE) rail franchise (with First Group). TPE services run across the Pennines between Manchester and York, through the Lake District and into Scotland. In July 2014 Keolis UK was awarded, in partnership with Amey, a seven-year franchise to operate and maintain the iconic Docklands Light Railway in London. The company’s other light rail operation is in Nottingham, as part of the Tramlink consortium. Keolis UK is responsible for operation and maintenance, as well as providing essential support for the current expansion of the tram network. 31
pierre jeanjean Senior M&A Advisor, Frenger International
Pierre Jeanjean joined the M&A team of Frenger International as a Senior M&A Advisor in 2013. Pierre was previously Managing Director at JCDecaux UK, world leader in out-of-home (OOH) advertising, where he contributed to the significant growth of JCDecaux both organically and through acquisitions, resulting in the group becoming the largest OOH player in the UK. JCDecaux UK then experienced a considerable expansion with an aggregate UK turnover increasing from £6m in 1992 to £200m in 2012. He has a great understanding of business culture both in France and in the UK, having lived in London for over 20 years. He has been actively involved in the French Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain for more than 10 years.
About Frenger: Frenger International has been a driving force in developing businesses internationally for over 30 years. Today we are one of the leading specialists in this arena, with a valuable portfolio of clients of all sizes and across all sectors. Our Head Office is located in London. We also have an office in France and a far-reaching network of partners throughout Europe, Americas and Asia. We have stayed true to our focus on international business development with dedicated professionals across each of our four divisions. When it meets the needs of clients, our specialist teams coordinate to provide integrated advisory and execution support. Clients come back to us time and again, because we deliver results. They also value our ethical approach to doing business and our team’s approachable, collaborative way of working. We specialise in four areas of business and have a dedicated team of multi-lingual experts in each division: - Cross Border M&A - FDI & Lead Generation Consulting - Foreign Subsidiaries - International Strategy Development
helena kavanagh Managing Director, JCDecaux UK Ltd Board Member of the French Chamber Helena Kavanagh joined the Executive Board at JCDecaux UK as Managing Director – Street Furniture in August 2012 and oversees the running of our street furniture business across roadside and retail environments. Helena has a wealth of experience, latterly as Franchise Director – London Rail and Retail for CBS Outdoor responsible for managing all London rail advertising contracts including the London Underground. Helena was also responsible for the launch and management of CBS Outdoor’s retail presence in the UK. Prior to this she was Commercial Director - London Rail, also for CBS having joined in 2007 from Titan Outdoor (formerly Maiden Group) where she was Development Director.
About JCDecaux: JCDecaux is the number 1 Outdoor advertising company in the world, playing a major part in transforming urban landscapes across the world. As the premium broadcast supplier in Out-of-Home media; JCDecaux is the only pure-play Outdoor media owner worldwide, delivering high-quality and innovative advertising solutions. It all started in 1964 when Jean-Claude Decaux - Chairman of JCDecaux’s Supervisory Board - installed the first advertising bus shelters in Lyon, driven by his vision of city beautification financed through advertising revenues at no cost to the municipalities and taxpayers. A new advertising medium was born and, since then, the JCDecaux team has successfully transformed a French local Outdoor media company into one of the few global media owners, now in over 75 countries worldwide. In the UK, JCDecaux is the number one supplier of advertising opportunities across Rail, Retail, Roadside and Airport environments, placing media where it matters. JCDecaux’s expertise and quality portfolios are industry-recognised as the company continues to invest and evolve the Out-of-Home market. At the forefront of Digital Out-of-Home, JCDecaux’s expanding portfolio provides advertisers with enormous creative opportunities and greater flexibility, allowing campaigns to be tailored and topical. At the present time JCDecaux UK Ltd is working on a couple of specific projects in Manchester. Firstly, JCDecaux UK Ltd is working with Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) to develop a concept bus shelter in the heart of the city centre. Secondly, JCDecaux UK Ltd is also working with Manchester City Council on a programme to install digital information panels in the city centre. 33
Adrien LANDREAU Senior Private Banker Senior Private Banker for Banque Transatlantique London since September 2007. Prior to working for Banque Transatlantique, Adrien was Head of Credit Industriel et Commercial London’s representative office which he joined in 2001. During several years he helped French companies set up and expand in the UK, industries ranged from the food and drink industry to retail outlets. Nearly 70 companies set up their offices through CIC’s assistance in that time. Adrien started his career with Accor where he worked both in Paris and London in 1999 and 2000, primarily in the group IT and internal audit. Adrien graduated from Normandy Business School, where he was the first promotion of HEC Entrepreneur in 2001. Previously, Adrien studied Mathematics and Physics in Math Sup/Spe in Evreux after a scientific baccalaureate in Rouen, Normandy. Adrien speaks English and French and has strong interests in sports and technology.
About Banque Transatlantique: Established in 1881, Banque Transatlantique is one of the oldest private banking institutions in France. Thanks to its entrepreneurial culture which goes back to its founding fathers, the French industrialists Péreire brothers, Banque Transatlantique has for over 130 years serviced generations of entrepreneurs and international executives with a comprehensive and personalised approach. A subsidiary of the CM-CIC Group, one of the major French banking groups, which benefits from an excellent and stable A+ rating (Fitch and SP), Aa3 Moody’s and 13.87% core tier one ratio, Banque Transatlantique specialises in Private Banking, International Private Wealth Planning and Executive Compensation Administration in France and globally. Present in the UK for 30 years, Banque Transatlantique offers tailor-made services to UK residents ‘dom’ and ‘non-dom’, providing them with a line of services designed specifically to meet their needs. A team of personal advisors and specialists is ready to meet you and your family.
Claire legras First Counsellor, French Ambassy in the UK I am a Justice in the French Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d’Etat), a member of the French National Committee on Bioethics (Comité consultatif national d’éthique), a former advisor to the French Prime Minister, Dominique de Villepin, and to the Minister of Health and Welfare, and am presently serving as First Counsellor at the French Embassy in the UK, in charge of bilateral relations, domestic affairs, legal issues and the preparation of COP 21
alistair mcphee VP Ground Transportation Systems Business, Thales UK Alistair joined Thales in September 2010 and leads the company’s Ground Transportation business in the UK. Under his leadership, the company has developed an excellent reputation for safety & delivery having successfully upgraded the Jubilee & Northern Lines, delivered the Stratford Extension on the DLR, completed numerous new lines on the Manchester Metrolink tram network, and more recently, successfully delivered a Traffic Management System Prototype for NR as part of their strategic TMS programme. Current projects include delivery of two Traffic Management Systems for the Wales & Romford Regional Operating Centres and the Sub Surface Railway programme which will transform the tube in London. Prior to his appointment at Thales, Alistair was Managing Director of Invensys Rail Systems in the UK, having joined the transportation sector in 2002. Earlier in his career, he worked in Defence and held various senior roles in BAE SYSTEMS Marine and Pilkington Optronics, a defence Electro-Optics contractor, which is now part of Thales. About Thales: Thales Ground Transportation Systems employs over 1,300 employees in the UK with headquarters in St Katherine’s Dock, London and six regional offices across the UK. Transport networks around the world rely on technology and systems expertise from Thales for safety, reliability and optimised capacity. Its main markets in the UK are urban and mainline rail, where solutions include signalling (automatic train control, interlockings, ETCS, TPWS, axle counters), traffic management, integrated communications, security systems, intelligent asset management, information management, training and in life support services. Major clients include Transport for London, Network Rail, Transport for Greater Manchester, Highways Agency, the Association of Train Operating Companies and a significant number of train operating companies. Thales is currently involved in two major programmes with Network Rail – Traffic Management and Train OBUs (On Board Units) as part of the national roll-out of ERTMS. Thales was successful in winning the Traffic Management First Deployment Contracts for Romford & Wales. The company is also a key partner in developing NR’s intelligent infrastructure capability. With four new lines tripling the size of the original network, the Manchester Metrolink is the largest overground light rail system operating in the UK and one of the largest urban tramways in Europe. It currently covers 76.8 kilometres and serves 73 stops, offering Greater Manchester a sustainable transport alternative for growing numbers of commuters and families. Thales is the technology behind the Manchester Metrolink. Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) selected the Thales Tram Management System for the five-year upgrade programme. In 2013, we celebrated the launch of the new Greater Manchester Metrolink line to Ashton-underLyne, once again, delivered ahead of schedule. 36
jean-pierre mustier Partner, Tikehau Investment Limited Advisory Councillor of the French Chamber Jean Pierre Mustier was born in Chamalieres, France, on 18 January 1961. After graduating from the French École Polytechnique and École des Mines de Paris, he started and developed his career in Société Générale, where he worked from 1987 until 2009. His career with Société Générale was focused on Corporate & Investment Banking, having held numerous positions in various markets and financing activities, in Europe, but also in Asia and the US. He headed Société Générale’s Corporate & Investment Banking Division from 2003, and was also a member of the bank’s Executive Committee. In September 2008, he took over the responsibility for Asset Management, Private Banking and Securities Services. Since the end of 2009, when he left Société Générale, he has advised various financial institutions and completed large amounts of fundraising for various non-profit institutions and social enterprises. In early 2011 he joined UniCredit as Deputy General Manager in charge of the Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB) Division. He was a member of the UniCredit Executive Management Committee. He has left Unicredit at the end of December 2014, but joined the bank’s international advisory board. In January 2015, he joined Tikehau Capital, an investment management group, as one of its partners, to focus mostly on its international expansion from London.
About Tikehau Capital: Tikehau Capital is a 6 billion euros investment management company, mostly focused in providing credit or equity capital to mid market companies. Its activities cover regulated credit and real estate funds, overseen by Tikehau Investment Management, and private equity, with Duke Street, a U.K. based private equity firm. In addition, the permanent capital of the group, close to 1 billion euros, managed in Tikehau Capital Partners, and Salvepar, a listed vehicle, allows the group to take a long term view on some investments in credit and minority equity participations, as well as invest in all of its strategies, which creates a very strong alignment of interest with all its investors
dave newton Transport Strategy Director, Transport of Great Manchester
Dave Newton has responsibility for strategy, policy, research, analysis and transport planning and solutions development in his role as TfGM’s Transport Strategy Director. Dave has played a significant role working with Government, the national agencies and Northern cities on Transport for the North, leading to the publication, in March 2015, of the ‘Northern Powerhouse : One Agenda, One Economy, One North’ report. Dave has also enjoyed significant roles in Greater Manchester’s HS2 proposals, Growth Deal, the delivery of the 2002 Commonwealth Games and the redevelopment of Manchester city centre in the aftermath of the 1996 bomb.
gilles normand Chief Executive Officer, Swinton Insurance Advisory Councillor of the French Chamber
Born in Paris in 1968 and moved to Hale in 2012. Married, three children who are enrolled in a British college in Manchester. Present: - CEO of Swinton Insurance (Manchester) since January 2015, a subsidiary of Covéa. Swinton is the largest high street personal and small business insurance broker in GB, with 2 million customers served through contact centres, 350 branches and 4,700 staff. - Chairman of Medical Insurance Company (Dublin) a subsidiary of Covéa which provides liability cover to surgeons since 2002 in France, Switzerland and Spain. - Foreign trade advisor for the French government. - Advisory Councillor of the French Chamber of GB. Past: - CEO of MMA Holdings (Reading), the parent company of Covéa subsidiaries in GB (6,000 staff in total, 4 million customers). As such, has overviewed the completion of the merger of MMA and Provident in 2012, now Covéa Insurance, the acquisition of Sterling Insurance in 2014 and the setting up of Hebble Law in 2015. - Marketing and CRM executive director at MAAF (Niort), subsidiary of Covéa. Gilles NORMAND graduated in MS both from ESSEC business school and Sciences Po Paris and is a former reserve officer of the French army. About Swinton Insurance: see page 16
wilfrid petrie CEO, Cofely UK and Executive Vice President, ENGIE Energy sevices business line Wilfrid Petrie is the CEO of Cofely in the UK and supervises all International Facility Management Businesses within ENGIE. He is also a member of the Executive Board and Executive Vice President of ENGIE’s Energy Services business line. Born in 1965, Wilfrid is a graduate from the Ecole Polytechnique of France and has had various management positions in France, the United States and in the UK prior to his present position. He joined the Group in 1999.
About ENGIE (formely GDF Suez): ENGIE develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take on the major challenges of energy’s transition to a low-carbon economy: access to sustainable energy, climate-change mitigation and adaptation, security of supply and the rational use of resources. The Group provides individuals, cities and businesses with highly efficient and innovative solutions largely based on its expertise in four key sectors: renewable energy, energy efficiency, liquefied natural gas and digital technology. In the UK, ENGIE has a significant, established presence across the entire energy and services landscape, currently employing around 20,000 people, making it the 8th largest company in the UK. It generated UK revenues of circa £3.7 billion in 2014.
Tom Samson CEO, NuGen Tom Samson joined NuGeneration as CEO in June and leads the company’s Moorside Project to build three AP1000 reactors in West Cumbria. He is a renowned infrastructure development specialist, with global experience in developing: organisational structures; corporate governance; and Joint Venture partnership relations. Tom joined NuGen from Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation where, as COO, he helped develop a programme to deliver new nuclear units at Barakah, in Abu Dhabi. Tom completed his Bachelor of Engineering at Edinburgh’s Napier University in 1990 and began his career at GEC Alstom as a design engineer before joining Marubeni Corporation, where over the years he has worked on energy and infrastructure projects in the USA, Caribbean, UAE and Europe.’
About NuGen: NuGen, a UK nuclear company, is a joint venture between Toshiba and ENGIE (formerly GDF SUEZ). NuGen’s Moorside project aims to develop a new generation nuclear power station of up to 3.4 GW on land in West Cumbria, North West England. NuGen recognises that major investment is required in the UK to respond to the dual challenges of securing future energy supplies and achieving reductions in CO2 emissions. NuGen believes that nuclear energy has a vital role to play in helping secure the UK’s future energy supplies, and in delivering clean, affordable, low-carbon electricity, as part of a balanced mix. NuGen combines the strengths of its two parent companies – established financial robustness and proven operating experience – with world-leading AP1000® nuclear reactor technology provided by Westinghouse Electric Company, a group company of Toshiba. NuGen’s approach to localisation will help develop strong industrial partnerships with local companies, leading to up to 60% of the project being supplied by UK companies.
bob scott Senior Vice President Group Sales & Portfolio, Capgemini UK plc Advisory Councillor of the French Chamber Bob has over 23 years experience working for the Capgemini Group within the Consulting, Technology and Outsourcing businesses and recently returned to work in the Public Sector in the UK. Prior to this he was the Group Marketing Director, based in Paris, and previously held a number of other Global roles as the Head of the BPM business and Business Devt leader for the Global Testing business. Earlier experience includes Vice President of Public Sector Outsourcing at Capgemini UK and as Board Member of Capgemini UK Outsourcing Services. He is also a Council Member of the French Chamber of GB and has been actively involved in Capgemini’s Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, with the Princes Trust and as a Vice President of Crimestoppers UK. As a Vice President of Global Outsourcing, he led teams that shaped Capgemini’s outsourcing service offers, marketing and communications and analyst relationships. Bob was personally responsible for much of the innovative thinking that generated new business propositions. In 2005 he led the team that successfully won the multi-year Metropolitan Police Outsourcing contract worth over £350m. Bob joined Capgemini from the energy industry in 1992 via an outsourcing deal, becoming Head of the 100-strong Operational Research Consulting team in 1994 and subsequently, while based in Paris, spearheading Capgemini’s global move into Internet, eCommerce and CRM offerings. He also worked with some of the company’s key global technology partners to create alliance partnerships that continue to generate significant commercial success. He holds an honours degree in engineering from the University of Nottingham and an MSc in Operational Research from the London School of Economics.
About Capgemini: With almost 140,000 people in over 40 countries, Capgemini is one of the world’s foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services. The Group reported 2013 global revenues of EUR 10.1 billion. Together with its clients, Capgemini creates and delivers business and technology solutions that fit their needs and drive the results they want. A deeply multicultural organisation, Capgemini has developed its own way of working, the Collaborative Business ExperienceTM, and draws on Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery model.
daniel storer Director of Business Development, MIDAS Dan is Business Development Director at MIDAS, Greater Manchester’s inward investment agency. Dan is responsible for leading the Life Science, Energy & Environment, Advanced Manufacturing and Logistics segments. Dan is also responsible for shaping MIDAS strategy in relation to fast growth international economies, including both China and India. Prior to MIDAS Dan spent five years working a Sales Director within Rolls-Royce Civil Aerospace Division, where he was responsible for leading sales campaigns in Europe, Middle East and Asia. Previous to Rolls-Royce Dan spent ten years working for Royal P&O Nedlloyd in a broad range of international operational and commercial leadership roles based in Latin America, Europe and Asia. Dan has a BScEcon International Politics and a MSc in International Transport from The University of Wales, as well as a MBA from Cranfield School of Management.
Fabienne Tardy Managing Director, Hebble Claims and Legal Services 2/2013 - present Managing Director Hebble Claims and Legal Services, a Covea Group English subsidiary based in Manchester and Halifax 2009-1/2013 Head of Legal Department, (in-house lawyer), Claims Department and Client relationships Fidelia Assistance, Saint Cloud, France, a Covea Group Insurance and Assistance company (breakdown, motor accidents and travel insurance)
2006-2009 HR Director (compensation and benefits-HR development) GMF, Levallois, France, a Covea Insurance Company 1993-2006 Head of HR, Legal Department and Quality Director Fidelia Assistance
1990-1993 Company Secretary and Commercial lawyer Assistance Multiservices Internationale, Paris, France. Responsible for French and International subsidiaries (EU, USA, Asia)
1988-1990 Legal Advisor (individuals and small businesses) Civis, a Legal Expenses Insurance Company in Paris, France
anne toledano Head of Real Estate & Hotel Group, Crédit Agricole CIB Anne Toledano was appointed Head of the UK Real Estate & Hotel Group in London in September 2013. She is responsible for heading and developing Credit Agricole CIB’s commercial property lending activities in London and the regions. Prior to this assignment, Anne was a team leader in the Real Estate & Hotel Group in Paris where she spent 9 years originating, structuring and managing real estate financings in France. She has been with the Bank for over 15 years and, amongst others, held positions in the Capital Markets / securitisation divisions of Credit Lyonnais both in the New York and Paris offices. Anne also co-founded a start-up venture in the online music industry in the late 90’s which was later sold to a digital media group. She is a graduate of the Centrale Lyon Engineering School and holds an MBA from Columbia University. She is a member of the Paris based “Cercle des Femmes de l’Immobilier”. Her interests include music, contemporary art and skiing.
About Credit Agricole: Crédit Agricole CIB is the Corporate and Investment Banking arm of the Crédit Agricole Group, the world’s No. 8 largest bank by total assets (The Banker, July 2014). The Bank offers its clients a comprehensive range of products and services structured around five major divisions: • Client Coverage & International Network • Global Investment Banking • Structured Finance • Global Markets • Debt Optimisation & Distribution The Bank provides support to clients in large international markets through its network with a presence in major countries in Europe, America, Asia Pacific and the Middle East. For more information, please visit its website at
cyrille van effenterre Science and Technology Counsellor Cyrille van Effenterre was appointed as Science and technology Counsellor at the French Embassy in London in September 2012. He spent the first part of his career in water and forestry, working as a research engineer at CEMAGREF (national institute focusing on land management) in Grenoble (1979-1984), then directing the mountain terrain restoration and soil conservation service at the ONF (national forestry office) in Gap (1984-1989). In 1989, he joined the French Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Moving from a post managing the forest protection office to Technical Advisor to the Cabinet from 1991 to 1993, then Director of agriculture and forestry for the Savoie area (1993-98), he was ultimately nominated Director of rural areas and forestry at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Cyrille van Effenterre was then invited to take up management positions in academia and research. He was Director of Engref from 2000 to 2007, and contributed to the launch of the new ParisTech consortium, an official body gathering twelve of the most re-known French engineering and management schools. He was elected as chairman of ParisTech (Paris Institute of Technology) at its creation in 2007, and assumed three terms of office until July 2012. He also chaired the European academic network Idea League, during the years 2010-2011. Cyrille was born in 1955 and holds diplomas from École Polytechnique and Engref (national French high education institute for rural engineering, environment, water and forests). Decoration: Officier du MÊrite Agricole (officer of agricultural merit).
stephen wild Managing Director, MediaCityUK Ltd Stephen is Managing Director at MediaCityUK and leads the Executive Board with responsibility for all aspects of MediaCityUK including strategic positioning, commercial and operational strategies, together with relationships with the major occupiers and the wider stakeholders (both public and private sector) in MediaCityUK. Stephen leads the team delivering the asset and facilities management services to MediaCityUK. A qualified Chartered Surveyor (RICS) by background, Stephen has been heavily involved in many of the major redevelopments/ joint ventures which have seen the redevelopment of Manchester City Centre, Liverpool One and a number of other centres across the North. Prior to joining Peel in 2006, Stephen was a partner at GVA Grimley with responsibility for development across the North of England. Stephen is also a member of the Peel Land & Property Board and the Peel Group Supervisory Board.
places we will visit mediaCity uk
MediaCityUK is Manchester’s newest destination and a pleasant one, located at Salford Quays. The Quays is Greater Manchester’s unique waterfront destination. Shopping, sport, art, drama, history and truly world-class architecture, you name it and you’ll find it at The Quays. MediaCityUK is an exciting new home for creative, digital and media businesses. The site has been developed by Peel Media, together with construction partners Bovis, and public sector partner support from the Northwest Regional Development Agency, Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company and Salford City Council. The main tenant is the BBC who has over 2500 employees based at MediaCityUK. Other tenants are the University of Salford and Northwest Vision and Media. The BBC signalled its intention to move jobs to Manchester in 2004, and the Salford Quays site was chosen in 2006. The Peel Group was granted planning permission to develop the site in 2007, and construction of the development, with its own energy generation plant and communications network, began the same year. This vision for a shared creative community proved compelling to the BBC, who selected MediaCityUK as their preferred site in July 2006. Our management contractor, Bovis Lend Lease started the construction of Phase One in summer 2007. There is never a dull day at MediaCityUK. Atmosphere is central to the MediaCityUK ethos and with a host of cultural and sporting attractions, cinemas, world class events, shopping, an abundance of bars and restaurants and a diversity of people living and working here – atmosphere is certainly something that is never lacking.
National graphene institute The £61m National Graphene Institute (NGI) is the national centre for graphene research in the UK, drawing in specialists from across the globe. It houses state-of-the-art cleanrooms, plus laser, optical, metrology and chemical labs and equipment - the ideal environment for world-class graphene research. Industry has a vital role to play in just how the world’s first 2D material will be used. The NGI will not only house academics carrying out fundamental research but also industrial partners. The NGI is focused on collaboration between The University of Manchester and its partners to develop graphene applications of the future. The 7,825 square metre, five-storey building has been designed using pioneering techniques to incorporate the ultra-high specification facilities throughout to create a world-leading research hub. The NGI boasts 1,500 square metres of class 100 and 1000 cleanrooms - the largest academic space of its kind in the world dedicated to graphene research. The Institute also houses £13m worth of state-of-the-art equipment to enable academics and industry partners to conduct ground-breaking research. Funding for the NGI includes £38m from the Government. The remaining £23m was awarded to the University by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).