Purpose & Profit: Can Business Reform its Social Purpose?

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A N G L O - F R E N C H


FRENCH CHAMBER OF GREAT BRITAIN  www.frenchchamber.co.uk


Can business reform its social purpose? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE:

‘Five Minutes With’ Catherine Chardon Managing Director of RATP Dev London, an interview with Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of the RSA, the latest insight & analysis on Brexit trade negotiations and much more…


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EDITORIAL Fabienne Viala President, French Chamber of Great Britain Chairman of Bouygues UK and UK Country Director of Bouygues Construction


mportant shifts are underway in boardrooms and companies across the world. The social purposes of corporations, beyond their profitability, are being re-conceived to meet new expectations. This comes as pressure mounts from both outside and inside companies to reform the fundamental

principles of doing business in a responsible way. At the recent the 2020 World Economic Forum annual conference, corporate leaders were advised

that ‘the traditional focus on shareholder value is not fair or right’ and that ‘corporate purpose should be about producing solutions, not just profits.’ This followed a year in which both the US Business Roundtable, an association of the chief executives of America’s leading companies, and the Institute of Directors in the UK launched similar calls for businesses to adopt wider ranging and more public stances on their conduct, corporate governance and social purpose. This issue of INFO explores the topic of corporate purpose, and the shifting tides in corporate Britain, through a range of interviews and articles with leading commentators and business figures in the UK. The RSA’s chief executive Matthew Taylor speaks about the pressing need to empower and protect employees. Charles Wookey, founder of A Blueprint for Better Business, a charity working with companies to improve their social impact, reminds us that critical to establishing this credibility are values and cultures which create a shared identity around a common, forward-looking purpose. Analysis is provided by Chamber members, including Mike Hughes, Zone President UK of Schneider Electric, Rodolphe Durand, Professor of Strategy and Business Policy at HEC, Leigh Hughes, CSR Director at Bouygues UK, and many others, each offering their exclusive insights and expertise into what is rapidly becoming a global phenomenon. This issue is also brimming with news and reports from Chamber events and forums and clubs, as well as our regular Brexit pages, which offer information and analysis on the rapidly evolving trade negotiations. I hope that this issue provides you with some concrete insights that can help in the development of your businesses, and as always, I wish you a pleasant read. I


- winter 2020 - 5

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10 12 13 14 17 21 22 23 24 27 28

49 52 51 53

Five minutes with... Catherine Chardon, RATP Dev London Brexit: Analysis and look ahead Brexit: Trade Talks Aline Doussin, Hogan Lovells Brexit interview: François-Xavier Bellamy Business News Digital Transformation Johann Vaucanson, Edenred UK Financing your R&D Peter Azu, FI Group UK SME profile: Jaillon Studio Success Story: SEO.fr Education News Reports & research


30 Introduction 32 Corporate purpose now Six corporate case studies 34 From purpose to productivity Prof Rodolphe Durand, HEC 35 Interview: Matthew Taylor Chief Executive, RSA 36 The rise of purpose-led business Charles Wookey, Blueprint for Better Business 38 B-corps and social enterprises Joe Miemczyk, ESCP 39 Working with charities Eugenie Munakarmi, Children of the Mekong 40 Purpose and planet Robert Skinner & Lucie Brigham, UNOP 42 Our electrifying future Mike Hughes, Schneider Electric 44 Making change happen Leigh Hughes, Bouygues Construction UK 46 Harnessing AI for good Kate Rosenshine, Microsoft 47 Radical transparency Pendragon Stuart, Sancroft

Culture: What's on Book reviews by Institut Français Cluture news: Bell & Ross Wine Story by Thibault Lavergne







A N G L O - F R E N C H


FRENCH CHAMBER OF GREAT BRITAIN www.frenchchamber.co.uk



55 Introduction 56 Chamber News 58 New Members


Can business reform its social purpose? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE:


61 HR Forum Employment law update 62 HR Forum Leadership models 63 Finance Forum Customer Journey 64 Finance Forum The Future of Retail Banking 65 Digital Transformation & Innovation Forum Journey through the acquisition of a start-up 66 Retail Forum Future trends in the UK retail sector 67 Digital Transformation & Innovation Forum How to attract and retain talent in the digital world 68 Climate Change Forum Valuing environmental impacts using Market Data 69 Luxury Club A visit to Fortnum & Mason 70 Forthcoming Forums & Clubs CHAMBER EVENTS

71 72 74 76 77 78 79 80

Franco-British Business Awards 2019 LeBridge19 Annual Gala Dinner 2019 Seminar with Deloitte Seminar with Proximis Seminar with FTPA Past event highlights Say Cheese & Wine; Sotheby's Diamond Masterclass; Cocktail at Hotel Café Royal; Rendez-vous chez Caudalie ; Forthcoming events

‘Five Minutes With’ Catherine Chardon Managing Director of RATP Dev London, an interview with Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of the RSA, the latest insight & analysis on Brexit trade negotiations and much more…

Editor: Jakob von Baeyer Cover & Graphic Design: Katherine Millet Senior Content and Ad Sales Manager: Suzanne Lycett Publications Assistant: Marie Juillard Contributors: Neil Sherlock, Aline Doussin, Rodolphe Durand, Charles Wookey, Joe Miemczyk, Eugenie Munakarmi, Mike Hughes, Kate Rosenshine, Pendragon Stuart, Marie Juillard, Suzanne Lycett

Advertise in INFO: Please call our sales team on +44 (0)207 092 6651. Alternatively, please email: advertising@ccfgb.co.uk INFO is published every three months Printed by: CPI Colour Distribution: French Chamber members, Franco-British decision makers, Business Class lounges of Eurostar, Eurotunnel and Air France in London, Paris and Manchester

INFO is published by: French Chamber of Great Britain Lincoln House, 300 High Holborn London WC1V 7JH Tel: (020) 7092 6600 Fax: (020) 7092 6601 www.frenchchamber.co.uk


- winter 2020 - 7

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Five minutes with...

Catherine Chardon Managing Director, RATP Dev London As the world's fifth-largest transportation company, RATP Group runs and maintains tens of thousands of kilometres of subway, bus, tram, and urban or intercity rail lines around the globe. Managing Director Catherine Chardon reflects on her work with TfL in London, including the transformation of the capital’s buses to electric Could you tell us a bit about your background with the

employees who all need to understand the direction of the


company, and our purpose to bring people from A to B in a safe

I’ve been working for the RAPT DEV group for twenty-five years. I

manner. Commuters want to trust when the bus will come, and

have held many roles, but always in public transport, and always

they want to trust that the driver is a professional. It’s a daily

looking to provide service to people. Before I came to run the

effort to make sure we provide the best at the best price for TfL.

company in London, I was in charge of our operations in the

My main challenges are around keeping my competitiveness to

US, and of developing our activities in Canada. I was the CEO for

stay in the market.

North America for four years operating bus and street cars in roughly forty cities. Previous to that I held several roles for the

One of the priorities for the TfL is the sustainable transition

company in France, such as GM and MD, and in development

to greener buses. Where are we in that process?

and marketing. I was also in charge of the French business unit.

The official timeline is still a full electric fleet by 2037. But TfL doesn’t own its buses. Each operator owns their fleet and each

How do you compare your role in London to your

operator has its own electrification strategy. However, TfL

experience North America?

decides which route will be electrified first, and which will stay

It’s a very different role. In the US, I had forty different clients.

diesel until the fleet requires renewal. We don’t want to wait, we

Now I have only one, which is Transport for London (TfL). We

are here to make sure TfL follows their plan, so we price electric,

operate 1,200 buses on 75 routes, roughly 12 percent of the

diesel and hybrid buses, depending on the scope of work they

London market. My role is much more hands-on, which means

define. They really have the power to decide where and when

that I am really in charge of operations, which is a 24/7 service

they’re going electrify.

in London, from the north-west to the south-west of the city.

A critical issue is that an electric bus is between thirty-to-fifty percent more expensive than a diesel one.. You need to have a

What are the challenges in having only one client?

guarantee on your battery, which costs a fortune. This is really

In terms of leadership, I would say it makes life much easier,

challenging for the industry. You also have an issue around

because I have only one contract. I know exactly how our contract

the life of the battery – the capacity to run the bus for longer

is working and I can discuss any issues directly with the client.

periods – as well as its charging power. For some routes, we

What makes it more complex is that TfL is a big organisation

need more buses, because we need to recharge buses in the

and it’s a very mature public transport authority (PTA). There is

garage during the day. A six-hour charging is roughly equal to

a need for coordination, including with our competitors in the

130 miles per day.

market, who we need to work with to provide a consistent level of service across the network. We are completely aligned under

Who is responsible for building the charging points and

the branding and the service level that TfL has defined.


The complexity in our business is that we have 3,600 10 - info - winter 2020

We make sure the garages are equipped to charge our buses,

F I V E M I N U T E S W I T H . . . C AT H E R I N E C H A R D O N

A critical issue is that an electric bus is between thirty to fifty percent more expensive than a diesel one. You also have an issue around the life of the battery – a six-hour charging is roughly equal to 130 miles per day

and TfL is thinking about having some chargers in terminals – to

is here. We are very advanced concerning electrification. I will

have a fast charging during the day. There are other options

do what TfL wants, and I can be a leader and equip a garage in

to charge at a bus stop, to plug in when you stop. They do that

a few months – but of course, this has to be aligned with TfL’s

in China, but Londoners may feel differently. People may be


opposed to putting what some might consider ugly charging stations in the most beautiful streets of London. On our side,

What does being a Patron member of the Chamber mean

we are operational in terms of our outlook – we need power.

for RATP Dev London? I’m part of the advisory board, and I view my role as part for

In your leadership role, how do you get everyone on board

your mission to improve the relationship between France and

to meet your environemental targets?

England, as I represent a company based in France and which

We are a group which is really green – it’s in our DNA. RATP’s

works in England. I also want to bring to the Chamber some

mother company in Paris is transforming its entire fleet of 3,500

industrial experience. It’s about diversity of the members and

buses. By 2025, all their buses and garages will be either electric

their experience and expertise. In the next months I will propose

or gas. So RATP is already a leader in this kind of project. Of

the visit of one of my garages for the members of the Chamber.

course, we are in a very different market. Paris is not London,

One of your strengths is that you enable the understanding of

and our contract with TfL is not the same contract as in Paris

industries which may be different from your own. I

with the IDFM. It’s a very different context, but the experience

Interview by JvB

RATP DEV – BY THE NUMBERS • Number of UK employees: 3,600 • Number London routes: 75 • Number of buses: 1,200


- winter 2020 - 11

Analysis and look ahead INFO looks at the latest news on Brexit and its impact on the Franco-British community


rime Minister Johnson has now joined the elite group since

in these seats of Getting Brexit Done, fighting crime and ending

1974 of Thatcher and Blair of winning a serious majority at


an election. The expectation at the start of the campaign was

Voters may have ‘lent’ their votes to the Conservatives as the

that the result would range from a hung parliament to a small

Prime Minister said but in doing so the political landscape has

Conservative majority. This was changed by four factors in the

dramatically changed. In the first few weeks of Prime Minster

campaign. The Brexit Party pulling out of fighting seats being

Johnson he lost vote after vote and could get nothing through

defended by the Conservatives; the cut through of the ‘Get

Parliament, now he can get everything through Parliament.

Brexit Done’ message; the division on the Remain side of the

The changing of the political landscape is re-enforced as both

argument from revoke to neutrality in another referendum and

Labour and the Liberal Democrats are looking for new leaders. It

the collapse of the Corbyn appeal from the election in 2017.

is worth noting that the election also strengthened the SNP and

The majority of eighty is the biggest for the Conservatives

weakened the DUP, which business should not underestimate.

since 1987. This majority, this Johnson majority, consists of seats

Now the UK has left the EU, the UK Government and the

from Labour’s so called ‘Red Wall.’ These seats not won in my or

EU have outlined their negotiating positions for the trade talks.

my parent’s lifetime (just to help my Dad celebrated his 80th last

With clear red lines from both sides it will not be easy in a few

year). These included places like Blyth Valley, Newcastle under

months to negotiate even what might be called a 'Canada

Lyme, Don Valley, Bolsover, Workington and Tony Blair’s old seat

Minus' deal. As the clock continues to tick towards the end of

of Sedgefield to name but a few that returned Conservative

the year businesses on both sides of the channel will conclude

MPs. The research from the think-tank Onward was powerful in

that No Deal is back on the table and needs to be planned for.

identifying ‘Workington Man’ as receptive to the Johnson appeal

Neil Sherlock CBE, Co-Chair, Brexit Forum I

Key dates March 2020

June 2020

26 November 2020

Negotiations on the future

Summit for Britain and the EU27 to

Deadline for the trade deal to be sent

relationship begin

assess the progress of talks

to EU Parliament for ratification

Brexit is meant to be about 'Global Britain.' But, for us, frankly speaking, it is the EU that helps make member states more global. There is no way that any of our countries, alone, could have the same impact MICHEL BARNIER, EU Chief Brexit Negotiator, 28 January 2020

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Trade talks Aline Doussin, Trade Partner at the law firm Hogan Lovells, provides an outline of what we might expect from the Brexit trade negotiations

At the outset of trade negotiations, what are the priorities for both sides (UK & EU)? The UK and the EU start negotiations from a unique position, with convergence

We don't know if it will be single overarching agreement, or a series of separate agreements to be negotiated in parallel. The approach will have a big impact on the strategy in the negotiations

of rules. But it seems from Boris Johnson's vision for EU relations issued in the first

us the baseline for the negotiations. Both Parties envisage an

week of February, the UK government has said it would reject

ambitious, wide-ranging and balanced economic partnership.

any trade deal that includes ‘high alignment’ on rules, and any

This partnership will be comprehensive, encompassing a Free

role for the European Court of Justice.

Trade Agreement, with zero tariffs, fees, charges or quantitative

Ultimately, the UK will not be able to duck fundamental

restrictions across all goods sectors (including agri-food), and

choices on how close it wants to stay to the EU internal market

with appropriate and modern accompanying rules of origin. We

and the obligations it will have to accept as a consequence.

don't know if it will be single overarching agreement, or a series

The UK may be able to make the EU’s offer a bit less stark.

of separate agreements to be negotiated in parallel. There is no

But it needs to be prepared to make trade-offs. High access

clear-cut answer here, but the approach will have a big impact

and alignment can minimise disruption, but are likely to bring

on the strategy in the negotiations.

difficult political obligations in the form of free movement and a role for supranational institutions.

What is your sense of the feasibility of the December 2020 deadline?

What does the process look like at this stage?

This would be the fastest trade negotiation the EU would ever

The UK will have a ‘traditional’ trade agreements structure,

have concluded. The areas of the agreement for which the EU

with negotiation powers being given to the executive, and

has exclusive responsibility would be able to enter into force

draft agreements being approved by Parliament. There is no

once the Council concludes the trade agreement (‘provisional

indication at the moment as to how mandates or priorities for

application’). Therefore, the shape of the future relationship

trade agreements will be agreed – this will be clearer in the

between the UK and the EU past 2020 is still very much an

first weeks of February. We expect that the Department for

unknown at this stage, and the possibility of a no-deal Brexit

International Trade (DIT) will be playing a key role, but there will

should not be discarded in the context of this challenging

be a need for a centralised approach at No. 10 or the Cabinet

timetable. If the EU and the UK cannot agree to a deal by

Office. Each specialised sector (or chapter) of the negotiations

December 2020, the default position will remain a no-deal

will require significant input and leads for specialised

expiry of the transitional period and therefore resorting to the

government departments. For instance, the HM Treasury will

Northern Ireland protocol of two borders, and WTO terms for

need to weigh in on everything related to financial services.

the trading relationship with the EU. It is worth noting that trade is only one element of the upcoming negotiations, and other

What will the structure of the agreement look like?

issues such as citizens’ rights, defence and security cooperation

The Political Declaration (revised at the end of last year) gives

are also extremely important. I

The Chamber’s Brexit Forum met on 6 November 2019, welcoming Joe Twyman, one of Britain’s best known political pollsters, and Co-Founder and Director of Deltapoll. The session was co-chaired by Neil Sherlock CBE, Senior Adviser, PwC and Angela Hepworth, Corporate Policy and Regulation Director, EDF Energy. It was sponsored by ESCP Business School.


- winter 2020 - 13


François-Xavier Bellamy

INFO magazine speaks with the French philosopher, author and MEP on trade, negotiations, and his views on the future of Europe What is your message to the FrancoBritish business community? We are in a difficult period for economy in businesses because we bear the burden of uncertainty. For people who run businesses, they have fiscal uncertainty and uncertainty around customs. In this context, it’s very difficult to attract new talent and develop new projects. But we don’t have to eternally debate © Jean-Christophe MARMARA/Le Figaro

if Brexit was right or not. The question is how can we deal with the situation, and how can we offer to people who work in the UK and France a more transparent situation? It’s clear that we need to build a trade agreement. It won’t be easy because it’s the first time that this kind of agreement is made during a period in which our standards are not converging, but diverging – regulatorily speaking. Will the UK pay a price for leaving the EU?

I will be the EPP 'shadow rapporteur' for the negotiations on the European Defence Fund. It is the first time that Europe will have a common investment strategy in the defence industry, and I am in favour of the UK being part of this strategy

I’m totally opposed to the point of view of some European and French politicians saying that the UK has, in a way, to pay

know the intensity of the trade between

useful. On the question of defence, I feel

the price for leaving Europe. This is a

the two countries. When, for example,

it is tightly-linked between France and

wrong approach to the question. First, if

you go to the region Hauts de France,

the UK, but also between the EU and the

the EU wants to be liked by Europeans,

the companies you meet say that they

UK. I will be 'shadow rapporteur' for the

it cannot appear as a prison from which

sometimes have one third or a half of

negotiations on the European Defence

you need to pay in order to escape. We

their activity with the UK – for them it’s

Fund on behalf of the EPP group in

won’t make the EU more positive and we

a big question. From an administrative

the European Parliament. It is the first

won’t give Europe a future if we try to

point of view, France is going to bear

time that Europe will have a common

show Europeans that it is a hard to leave.

the burden of the customs issue at

investment strategy in the defence

The second reason is that the UK

the border. Therefore, we have a huge

industry, and I am in favour of the UK

is going to leave the EU, but it is not

interest in building a new agreement

being part of this strategy. It would be

going to leave Europe. Geography has

with the UK, and continuing to have this

a very useful way of continuing to share

a meaning; history has a meaning.

useful exchange.

our special partnership.

something to cherish, and to continue to

What do you see as the priorities

on the basis of which we can continue to

use as a foundation for our future.

going forward for the relationship?

share our vision of the world, in order that

On trade and the economy, we have

we can continue to have in our strategies,

Will France pay a price for Brexit?

to protect the interests of companies

political choices, and interventions in the

The impact of the UK leaving will not

from Europe working in the UK, and

rest of the world, a common ground to

be the same on all European nations.

of companies from the UK working in

keep on being a strong Europe – which

France could lose a lot in this situation.

Europe. We have to adapt our borders

does not necessarily need to be inside

As we share a border with the UK, we

and build a trade agreement which is

the EU. I

Our common cultural heritage is also

14 - info - winter 2020

We also need to create a platform


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Carbon off-setting in aviation Europe’s fifth largest airline group, easyJet, has gone carbon neutral


he first major airline has committed to net-zero carbon

emissions by 2020. Many have signed up to the carbon

flights across its network, by offsetting jet fuel emissions.

reduction scheme, CORSIA, as of January 2019. This scheme

The announcement by easyJet comes at a time of increased

requires all carriers to report their CO2 emissions on an

pressure on airlines to assess their carbon footprint in the

annual basis.

global context of the climate crisis. A recent study by the International Council on Clean

A growing trend

Transportation in 2018 highlights the reasons for concern,

Over and above an industry specific focus, the carbon

finding that CO2 emissions from commercial flights are rising

footprint of business and brands has quickly risen to the top

up to 70 percent faster than anticipated, due in part to a

of the policy agenda in many boardrooms. The net-zero 2050

growing demand for air travel in developing countries.

target, introduced by the UK government under Theresa

‘We recognise that offsetting is only an interim measure, but we want to take action on our carbon emissions now,’ says Johan Lundgren, CEO of easyJet. ‘Our priority is to

May, aims to end the UK’s contribution to global warming by 2050, and covers all industries, not least aerospace. Yet criticisms of some initiatives have led some

continue to work on reducing our carbon footprint in the

environmental groups to accuse firms of ‘greenwashing,’

short term, coupled with long-term work to support the

referring to the motive to promote environmental efforts to

development of new technology, including electric planes, to

retain or increase business with little action.

reinvent aviation.’

The initiatives

The increased pressure felt by airlines is also reflected in the changing attitude of travellers. Most recently climate activist Greta Thunberg took the decision to sail across the

The easyJet initiative will come at the cost of £25m in the

Atlantic, rather than fly, to attend the United Nations Climate

next financial year, as it invests research into hybrid and

Action Summit 2019, in the face of record levels of global

electric aircraft for short-haul flights, and similar clean tech


innovations. The company has also launched schemes to plant trees to offset carbon emissions. Other airlines, including Air France and BA have

As companies look to technology to improve their emissions, blue-sky thinking may in this instance actually lead to cleaner skies. I SL

announced similar plans to offset their domestic flight


- winter 2020 - 17

EDF acquires public sector energy contractor

Imtech, jointly owned by EDF Energy and Dalkia, one of the UK’s leading technical services engineering businesses, has acquired Breathe, a provider of Energy Performance Contracts (EPC). Established in 2010, the company delivers innovative engineering solutions to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, renew infrastructure, save operating costs and improve built environments.

AXA UK partners with Brokerbility Academy for management training

Residential seminars, which aim to empower independent broker team leaders, cover the main issues that may affect teams, including the type of misconduct exposed by #MeToo revelations. The training programme is twofold, with a focus on prevention and intervention. The sessions are facilitated by members of the AXA Broker Development team and Brokerbility Learning & Development using two sector experts. I

Breathe is a leading Energy Services and Energy Performance Contracting organisation based in the UK

Ten companies selected for Equinor's Techstars Energy Accelerator

Through an intensive 13-week programme, ten start-up companies selected from hundreds of applicants across 42 countries, will seek to accelerate their solution by tapping into a global network of experts from Equinor and Techstars as well as the partnering companies Kongsberg and Capgemini. ‘The energy industry is changing fast, and these companies are at the forefront of that change,’ says Al Cook, Equinor’s executive vice president for Global Strategy and Business Development.

Veolia recognised for outstanding commitment to workplace training

Veolia has been recognised for outstanding commitment to workplace training by gaining a Princess Royal Training Award (PRTA) for its recent initiative: Respect at Work. The awards were presented by HRH Princess Anne, at a ceremony held at St James’s Palace in London.

18 - info - winter 2020

BNP Paribas ‘Clean Air Zones’ improve air quality BNP Paribas unveiled the next phase of its pioneering ‘clean air zones’ campaign at London Marylebone Station, working in partnership with JCDecaux UK, Airlabs and Chiltern Railways for a second year. The positive impact advertising solution, which incorporates air-cleaning technology within advertising structures, is supporting the global ‘BreatheLife’ campaign for clean air, reaching over 288 million people. I

Morgan Lewis advises Suriname on sovereign bond offering for electricity reform

Morgan Lewis advised the Republic of Suriname on a USD $125m sovereign bond offering. The proceeds of the offering were used to make a payment to Suriname Aluminum Company (Suralco), a subsidiary of Alcoa, in connection with the transfer by Suralco to the government of the Afobaka hydroelectric dam, which is the largest power station in the country. The transfer of the dam is part of a broader reform of the country’s electricity sector. I


©Welsh News

Bouygues UK delivers research facility for Cardiff University

Bouygues UK’s Rob Bradley was joined by Wales Education Minister Kirsty Williams and Cardiff University Vice-Chancellor Professor Colin Riordan to celebrate the Translational Research Facility, part of the Cardiff Innovation Campus Bouygues UK is delivering for Cardiff University. The new state-of-the-art campus will be a ‘Home of Innovation’ where staff and students build careers, businesses and social enterprises. I

Topping out at Cardiff Innovation Campus

Theodo acquires Nimble Ways in African expansion

Lord Barwell joins PwC as Strategic Advisor

Theodo, a leading player in the development of digital web and mobile solutions, announced its acquisition of a majority stake in Nimble Ways, a consultancy company based in Casablanca (Morocco) which helps companies to develop and design digital and artificial intelligence solutions on the African market. Created in 2017 by Noussaire Fdil, a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique, Nimble Ways was built on the model of Theodo. I

PwC, the professional services firm, has appointed Lord Gavin Barwell, former Number 10 Downing Street Chief of Staff, as a strategic adviser to the firm. Lord Barwell will work with PwC to provide insight on long-term geopolitical and macroeconomic trends and advise on large scale organisational and transformational change across the UK. I

Sanofi opens new UK headquarters Global pharmaceutical company Sanofi officially opened its new UK headquarters at Thames Valley Park in Reading, Berkshire. A ribbon cutting and plaque unveiling with Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP concluded the event. The new 70,000 sq. ft. office facility marks a £37m investment to Reading and will be the new base for 500 of the company’s 1,200 employees in the UK. I

Airbus Corporate Helicopters partners with Aston Martin Lagonda The ACH130 Aston Martin Edition, the first offering from the recently-announced partnership between Aston Martin Lagonda and Airbus Corporate Helicopters, was revealed today at Courchevel in the French Alps. This stylish special edition of the ACH130 helicopter comes equipped with a range of four interior and exterior designs generated by Aston Martin. I


- winter 2020 - 19


International SOS wins two awards for European expatriate management and mobility International SOS, the world’s leading medical and travel security risk services company, has won two awards at the annual FEM European Expatriate Management and Mobility Awards (EMMAs) for ‘Best Business Travel Framework’ and ‘International Healthcare & Risk Management Provider of the Year’. It also received a ‘highly commended’ mention for the coveted ‘Best Vendor Partnership (non RMC)’ award, jointly with its partner KPMG. I

Record year for watches at Sotheby’s

CBRE wins facilities management contract with Three Mobile

2019 saw the highest annual total for watch auctions in

CBRE Global Workplace Solutions (GWS) has been

the company’s history, with sales topping USD $109m. This

appointed to manage the Total Facilities Management for

represents a 22 percent increase on 2018, and was driven by

telecommunications and internet service provider, Three

record prices, including $4.6m for George Daniels’ legendary

Mobile. Following a competitive tender process, CBRE GWS is

‘Space Traveller I,’ and enthusiasm among international

now responsible for facilities management in the corporate,

collectors. I

data centre and retail spaces occupied by Three Mobile. I

GFG Alliance reaffirms commitment to Scottish industry at Fort William smelter Employees of the UK’s only remaining aluminium factory gathered in Fort William to mark the 90 th anniversary of the Lochaber hydro-electric plant and smelter – one of Scotland’s best-known industrial plants. The factory was acquired by GFG Alliance for €330m three years ago and produces up to 50,000 tonnes of aluminium annually, powered by renewable energy from fresh water running off the slopes of Ben Nevis, Scotland’s highest mountain. I

Thales cockpits achieve EASA certification The integrated touchscreen developed by Thales for Airbus A350 cockpits achieved certification by the European Union Air Safety Agency (EASA). It is the first screen of its type in the world to gain certification for use on board commercial aircraft. The new interface offers the same fluid, interactive experience as a latest-generation smartphone or tablet as well as an unprecedented degree of precision. I

Colas Rail shares inclusivity award The Wessex Capacity Alliance of Colas Rail, Network Rail, AECOM, Mott MacDonald and Skanska were awarded the Project Team of the Year award at the Construction News Talent Awards. The awards celebrate the people striving to make construction a more inclusive industry, and working to improve the construction industry’s reputation and employment practices. I

20 - info - winter 2020


Digital Transformation Johann Vaucanson, Managing Director of the prepaid corporate services company Edenred UK, reflects on the launch of new digital platforms and a programme of change management

What are your priorities for

One notable trend has been the interest from investors in HR-tech businesses: companies who use technology to improve employee experience

Edenred UK? I came here in July 2018, having spent time for Edenred in different geographies: France, Poland, Turkey and India. My brief was to equip the UK business with right products, technology and tools it needed to continue our sustainable and profitable growth. One of the big opportunities – in terms of what our clients and the broader market wanted – was in the

customer and market segments we

financial contribution to the wider

area of helping organisations deliver

serve. That means we can stay close to


rewards and recognition to the people

the evolving needs of our customers

that matter to them, so we needed to

and make changes and improvements

also important too. When I came here

be in a position to take advantage of

to our proposition much more quickly.

a year ago, I was struck not only by

No change programme is easy,

how competitive the UK is but also,

that with the right proposition. In the employee benefits area,

What happens in the market is

particularly one which relies on

when our clients talked to us about the

we wanted to evolve our business to

technology. We benefit on the wider

support they need for their employee

providing a unique employee benefits

worldwide group expertise, which is

engagement strategies, how advanced

platform which gave employers more

investing in technology every year. Our

their thinking is around how you

choice and flexibility in this area.

local team have shown resilience and

recognise, motivate and reward the

spirit in overcoming the obstacles and

people that matter to your business.

My brief was to lead a transformation programme which gave us the right proposition and

roadblocks and getting the job done. Perhaps the best way of judging

As a result, the ability to innovate, create new products and – critically

capability for the UK market at a time

success is through what our clients

in today’s environment – deploy

of substantial wider disruption and

tell us and the business we win. From

technology to serve those needs is key

competitive change.

that perspective, winning the right to

to success here. As a business we’ve

be sole supplier of employee benefits

got a good track record in doing that.

What changes have you made to

across the UK public sector – partly on

Our joint venture with Mastercard –

the UK business since you arrived

the strength of our technology platform

PrePay Solutions, a one-stop shop for

last year?

– was a proud moment. But equally

pre-paid programmes launched a few

The last 18 months have been a time

important to me is our ability to win

years ago – is based in the UK and

of incredible hard work, challenges and

and then deliver a great service to the

over recent years we’ve responded

change for the UK. We set ourselves the

smaller and medium-sized businesses

to the challenges passed to us by our

goal of having new digital platforms in

who, numerically, dominate the UK.

customers by creating new ways of

four key areas - flexible benefits, savings

delivering recognition, reward and

and discounts, employee recognition

What is special about the UK market

and sales/channel incentives – and

for the Edenred Group?

those have all been delivered.

The UK is important to Edenred on a

What kind of impact are digital

number of fronts. Although Edenred

start-ups and VC investors having

to rethink the way we organise

Group is listed on the French stock

in HR-tech?

ourselves. Coming out of this period

exchange, the UK is where a significant

London is one of the major tech

of change today, our commercial

number of our investors are based. The

hotspots globally, and one of the

teams are much better aligned to the

UK business also makes an important

most notable trends in the last

We have also seized the opportunity

employee benefits.


- winter 2020 - 21


Edenred UK - Digital Transformation (suite) couple of years has been the interest

users, but also operating and business

from investors in so-called HR tech


businesses: companies who want

As a group, Edenred has a strong

use technology to improve employee

history in investing and or partnering

experience. In fact, in all the markets

with start-ups across Europe so we

we operate, there are many other

continually develop and evolve our

established solution providers and a

thinking and approach through these

growing number of ‘disruptor’ start-ups.


I really welcome this competition. For a

In the UK, I, along with my Marketing

start, it shows what an exciting market

Director like to meet interesting start-

this is for us to operate in, with plenty

ups operating inside or adjacent to

of opportunity to disrupt and change

our industry. We like the way these

the way things are done. Disruption and

meetings challenge our thinking,

innovation also benefits our customers,

open our eyes to new ways of doing

keeping all of us focused and driving up

things and open opportunities for new

standards, particularly in area of digital

partnerships. I

EDENRED BY THE NUMBERS Countries: 46 • Employees: 10,000 • Corporate clients: 830,000 • Merchant partners: 1.7 million • End users: 47 million

user experience, for companies and

Financing your R&D Understanding the grant and tax relief schemes available to companies is crucial, says Peter Azu, Managing Director FI Group UK, which specialises in the financing of R&D and innovation What can a company do to

eligible for 70 percent funding (for business) and 100

improve their chances of

percent funding (for non-profits).

winning a funding grant? R&D grant funding is provided

Which aspects of R&D activity are eligible for tax

by the UK Government as


well as European Commission

Work done on developing new products, new processes

to support the commercial

and services, or enhancing existing products and

development of innovative

processes may be eligible for R&D tax relief. The main

products and services. They are very competitive

criteria are that you are making scientific or technological

schemes and have a finite pot, so it is crucial that

advances, and creating new solutions to scientific and

companies do their homework to understand the

technological challenges.

application process as well as what is on offer. How does this differ between SMEs and large Which areas of R&D are currently best for funding


opportunities in the UK?

The SME scheme is a more generous tax relief scheme

Industry sectors like technology and energy efficiency

and involves R&D tax credits for up to 33 percent of

are more likely to have funding opportunities than

expenditure of a loss-making company on R&D. Whilst

other crowded sectors. The Horizon 2020 programme

the qualifying activities are similar, SMEs can claim

focuses on excellence in science, industrial leadership

for expenditure on subcontracted activities. Large

and societal change with a budget of €79bn. It offers the

companies can claim R&D expenditure credits for 10p of

biggest single opportunity for innovative UK businesses.

every £1 spent on qualifying expenditure. They cannot

Organisations with projects close to market could be

claim for any work they have subcontracted. I

22 - info - winter 2020


Two heads, better than one Jaillon Studio brings together two sisters using a three-step interior design creative process, aiming for a ten out of ten design ood interior design can revitalise a company. When done

©Photo Nicolas Obery


correctly, marrying design with concept creation can reveal

something about the nature of the company itself and reflect its story, history and values. Jaillon Studio is an interior and concept design studio and a collaboration between twin sisters, Catherine Jaillon and Béatrice Jaillon-Bihan. They emphasise that the studio is about more than just the design. ‘Great design is a source of wellbeing and success – not only on a personal level, but also an economic level,’ says Catherine. ‘Beauty helps you connect to the here and now. This is not only for people but for business.’ The sisters deploy the tried and tested formula of the ‘3D’ creative process. A misnomer far removed from a tech solution, this process moves through three design steps: identity design, interior design, and experience design. ‘Normally these design elements are taught as a silo,’ says Beatrice. ‘We gather the three as a whole process to make the concept more unique and more powerful.’

Identity design ‘We don’t think about what is trendy at the moment. A person and an identity are unique,’ says Beatrice. ‘We try to understand the identity of the company, the architecture of the building, then the area that the company is based. Around these three identities we create a story and a concept because our interior design will have to reflect this three-layered identity.’ The three aspects align to create a sense of harmony in the

Experience design

story of the brand which then feeds into the overarching design

The sisters then emphasise the experiential aspect by


connecting the design with the local community.

Interior design

a connection between the space and its visitors,’ says Beatrice.

‘Art makes the concept more experiential. It creates more of

The company story reflected in the design concept is what

‘After we have finished the interior design, we have to make

attracts business; a picture is worth a thousand words, as the

it alive. We organise art animations, aligned with the concept.

saying goes.

We create participative shows to create interactions between

‘Interior design brings content to the brand […] Interior design

the collaborators and the visitors, to create an immersive

is a key factor of communication. For hospitality and retail,


great design can make great profit,’ says Beatrice. ‘It gives more visibility and more sense to their place.’

The style

Once a design has been envisioned, this imagery becomes a

Although following this set approach for all projects, businesses

key selling point for the business, placing it head and shoulders

across the Channel still follow certain characteristics inherent to

above the competition as its story becomes more palpable and

their respective cultures. ‘The French are elegant but don’t dare.

visually accessible to its clientele.

The English dare embracing a fusion of the best of everywhere’,

‘All hotels look nice. But you will stop on the one that is different, the one with something special, the one that talks to you,’ says Catherine.

she says. And as for Brexit? ‘There are no politics or borders in art!’ she emphasises. I SL


- winter 2020 - 23


Optimising your search An effective SEO strategy will vary depending on the cultural fit, says Franck Maquinay, Director of SEO.fr, who specialise in SEO and SEA strategies for the French and francophone market

How would you characterise the growing importance of SEO to business?

habits. When they try to enter the French market, they hit the wall of the French specificities, in

Companies are evolving and understand

semantics as well as in the buying behaviour.

more and more the importance of having a

We have the knowledge of the French market

digital strategy to gain leads and customers.

for more than 20 years and our SEO project

Studies show that a company that does not

managers have the expertise for it. This is our

improve its business with digitalisation will

winning asset to help British companies thrive

not evolve and therefore will fail.

in the francophone market.






strategy follow that trend and become more digital as well. And when we take a look at our client’s statistics, we can observe that the first channel

Do you see differences between the British and French markets? Of course, there are differences! The French market

of traffic acquisition is SEO, followed by Google Ads, then

is very specific in terms of semantics, of wording of search

social media and last, direct traffic. SEO generates most of

requests because the habits and the culture are different,

the qualified traffic and represents the method of acquisition

and for example, in France, consumers tend to be sceptical,

with the most rentability, so its importance is crucial in

they need to be reassured with security, legal mentions, etc.

web marketing.

They need to trust the website. To simply translate the English website into French may not be enough.

What were your motivations to expand in the UK?

It is the same for backlinks. It can be difficult for foreign

We are trying to answer to a growing need of companies in UK

companies to identify good quality partners for their links. We

that are willing to penetrate the French and francophone market

have many quality-guaranteed partners for link building to help

that represents more than 285m potential customers. Typically,

companies all around the world to have the right net-linking

these companies have a British culture and knowledge of British

strategy for the French market. I

SEO OPTIMISATION Content is still king: Content continues to be an important factor in SEO. It must be of high quality, unique and relevant to the theme of your site, and the more detailed your text, the better you will be ranked by Google. It’s also beneficial to use multimedia with visuals such as computer graphics, popular videos, or anything that can improve the length of visits to your website. The importance of mobile phones: In 2015, the number of mobile users surpassed the number of desktop Internet users. How can you optimise your SEO for mobile? Responsive design is Google’s preferred solution to make sites compatible on all screens. You can go further by adopting the AMP format: Accelerated Mobile Pages. This new standard, launched by Google and Twitter, aims to display pages instantly on mobile phones. Focus on user experience (UX): Google is increasingly focusing on the user in its positioning criteria. This means taking into account the bounce rate: the rate of people who visit only one page and leave the site, but also other indicators such as page-visit length. You must therefore put the user at the centre of your SEO strategy, and accurately track the behaviour of website visitors in order to make the most of your investments on Google Analytics. 24 - info - winter 2020


- winter 2020 - 25


Children of the Mekong welcome Cambodian students


hildren of the Mekong, the charity which assists children in Southeast Asia since 1958, announce the arrival of two Cambodian students in London for three months, as part of scholarship scheme. Chinda and Sreylang are from an extremely impoverished background in Cambodia. They recently graduated in biochemistry and tourism management. I

Javabot opens second London location


avabot, a roasting system that provides customers with the freshest roasted cup of coffee, will open a second London location on the Strand in March 2020. This follows the opening of their shop in London Bridge in January 2019. I

Verdier & Co. selected for London & Partners growth programme


erdier & Co., the independent corporate finance advisory, has been selected in the new cohort of the

Business Growth Programme of London & Partners, under the auspices of the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, and the European Commission, via its Regional Development fund. I

ApĂŠros Frenchies to launch in Amsterdam

La FrenchTech announce new strategy


a FrenchTech London President Raphael





pĂŠros Frenchies, a French startup




revamped Board and strategy at their

events in trendy venues in cities around

annual drinks reception in December.

the world, have announced expansion

They will focus on three main themes:

plans in Amsterdam, They are currently

Deep Tech, Tech4Good and Fintech

in Frankfurt, Munich, Paris, Bogota and

and have more than 20 events

London. I

planned for 2020. I

Smart Tribune opens London office


apitalising on growth opportunities internationally, Smart Tribune is opening its first overseas office in London at the start of 2020. The start-up has established itself as the expert in digital customer service and self-service support solutions across France. I

26 - info - winter 2020


EDHEC ranked 4th among Grande Ecoles The Challenges ranking measures excellence and power, both of which are fundamental to the success of the EDHEC programme. The school was also ranked third in France for international experience and first among French Grande Ecole (Master in Management) programmes for new-graduate salaries. I

HEC Incubator welcomes new entrepreneurs Thirty-four entrepreneurs of the new winter 2020 batch of the HEC Incubator began their training in January at Station F. These start-ups will boost their development over the coming months by relying on the HEC X Station F cross-ecosystem. The HEC incubator is currently supporting 65 start-ups at Station F. I

ESCP Business School celebrates bicentenary ESCP Business School's London Campus celebrated their bicentenary with alumni and special guests at the Marriott County Hall Westminster. Alumni of the School were joined by representatives of the French Chamber in Great Britain, accreditation bodies, and corporate partners. The event also welcomed the current Executive MBA group helping the School to close its bicentenary year. I

EM Normandie named in FT ranking Based on four FT rankings drawn up during 2019 (MBA – Executive MBA – Masters in Management – Executive Education), EM Normandie was ranked 81st out of the 95 Best Business Schools in Europe. In addition to the ranking of Best Masters in Management in the World released in October, in which the EM Normandie's Master in Management scored 74th, this new ranking establishes the recognition of the School as one of the best in Europe. I

L’Oréal partners with Neoma Business School As part of the Communication Fundamentals course, second-year Master in Management students performed a challenge in partnership with the L’Oréal Group and the Provalliance Group. Projects included the communication on a new Franck Provost hair salon concept and how to reintroduce value and prestige to the world of hairstyling, in a context where France experiences a loss of 10,000 stylists per year. I


- winter 2020 - 27


A selection of research papers and reports produced by Chamber member companies and partners

The British Academy: Principles for Purposeful Business The British Academy’s 2019 report outlines the changes needed to put people and planet at the heart of corporate capitalism, and highlights the need for leadership from business, investors and government to bring about the necessary changes via a number of pathways. The report is the second major study published by the British Academy’s Future of the Corporation programme, an independent initiative combining research, policy and business insights to reformulate the relationship between business and society. Principles for Purposeful Business - 2019 Available at: https://bit.ly/380JDuZ

Kantar: Purpose 2020 Kantar’s Purpose 2020 framework draws from work completed for Marketing 2020, but enriched with an array of additional work including over 100 company deep-dives on purpose. People are looking for purpose in brands, with the preferences of the next generation only enhancing this fact. Brands with purpose tend to enjoy stronger growth; those with a high sense of purpose have seen their brand valudation increase by 175% over the past 12 years against a growth rate of 70% for brands with a low sense of purpose. To become purpose led, brands must move from articulation, which carries a brand from tactics to promise; infusion, moving from promise to strategy; and finally, amplification, from strategy to movement. Purpose 2020: Igniting purpose-led growth Available at: https://bit.ly/2SldWWp

Verity London: Developing and Communicating your Social Purpose: A Practical Guide Verity London’s 2019 report dives into how to develop a meaningful brand, creating value for your company and society. They cite rising uncertainty, consumer cynicism, and social medias combined with instant mass communication as the reasons behind brands implementing ‘purpose’ to address market challenges. These cannot be superficial campaigns wrapped around ‘brand purpose’. Companies should aim for a ‘social purpose’; a positive impact on society through activities integrated and aligned with the core business of the company. Developing and Communicating your Social Purpose: A Practical Guide White Paper 2019 Available at: https://bit.ly/31q0yo6

28 - info - winter 2020


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Can business reform its social purpose?


orporate purpose is back on the agenda in a big way. Not only are major organisations, like the British Academy and the Institute of Directors, and media, like the Financial Times, calling for fundamental reforms to the way we do business, pressure from both inside and outside companies is raising questions about the social purpose of profit-making organisations – whose success was traditionally defined by making money. Some industry watchers point to defining issues of modern society as the catalyst for this change. Climate change, inequality, and diversity and inclusion have been on the corporate agenda for some time, but they are now being considered holistically at a time when public trust in institutions is at an all-time low and consumers are espousing more socially-conscious purchasing habits. This issue looks at the trend from multiple angles, with the aim to spread best-practice on the issue of corporate purpose, and to share the most up-to-date insight from experts and industry

30 - info - winter 2020

leaders. Our hope is that this issue provides your business with some concrete examples of how to implement a corporate purpose that is credible and effective – side-stepping in-authentic pledges, or what the CEO of Unilever recently called ‘woke-washing.’ The challenge for companies now is how to adapt their current business models and strategies to take on board the priorities of their employees and their impact on the economy, the environment and the communities in which they operate. In the words of a recent McKinsey & Company publication: ‘Corporate purpose is a commitment from the company to its stakeholders; its legitimacy derives from how the company embeds it and is seen to “live” it. To that end, purpose should guide everything else and be evident in all a company does. A fully embedded purpose should show up across all elements of the organization’s DNA.’ I


- winter 2020 - 31

Corporate Purpose Now Corporate Purpose is at the heart of the culture and priorities of many companies. But there are many approaches to take, to ensure it fits with each company’s activities. INFO spoke with a selection of member companies to hear about their own activities around Corporate Purpose.

Sonia Wolsey-Cooper, Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer, AXA UK AND IRELAND


here is a noble purpose to the

Hugo Fry, Managing Director, SANOFI

insurance industry – we play a vital


anofi is dedicated to supporting

role in society, protecting what we

people through their health

all care about most: our homes, our

challenges. We are a global

health and our livelihoods.

biopharmaceutical company focused

AXA’s own purpose is to empower

on human health. We prevent illness

people to live better lives, not only

with vaccines, provide innovative

protecting people today but looking ahead at the problems

treatments to fight pain and ease

our society and customers might face tomorrow – or in years

suffering. We stand by the few who suffer from rare diseases

to come – and helping to mitigate these issues.

and the millions with long-term chronic conditions. With more

One example of how we do this across the world is the AXA

than 100,000 people in 100 countries, Sanofi is transforming

Research Fund, a scientific philanthropic initiative which

scientific innovation into healthcare solutions around the

supports research on some of the biggest challenges our


society faces. Since 2007, AXA has committed €250m to the

A shared and tangible purpose is critical to any organisation’s

Fund, supporting 597 projects across 36 countries – with

success. With the world changing at such a swift pace, it’s

France and the UK as the main beneficiaries.

often difficult to remember why we do what we do on a daily

Projects cover a wide range of challenges, from the

basis. At Sanofi, empowering lives is at the heart of what we

responsible development of AI technology (Southampton

do, and we can see the direct impact of our work on people,

University) to new innovative cell observation to understand

patients, and consumers. We help people live life to its full

Alzheimer’s disease (Université de Bordeaux) and the role of

potential—that is not only a shared purpose, but a rewarding

plankton in alleviating climate change (University of Bristol).

one for which we can be proud. I

Researchers must commit to sharing their findings with the general public, so we can all benefit. Alongside other efforts, such as divesting from fossil fuels and our involvement in trialling driverless cars, we hope this will help our customers today, and in the future, live better lives. I

Vanesha Kistoo, Director, BLICK ROTHENBERG


ur corporate purpose focuses on

volunteered to work alongside our management team to

promoting the wellbeing of our

act as a voice to represent and contribute constructively to

staff and to invest in our people to

management decisions relating to people’s wellbeing.

help them achieve their potential. As a

We set up a ‘Diversity and inclusion’ group to provide a

service provider, we recognise that our

forum for representatives from various part of the firm to

biggest asset is our people and our

discuss areas where the firm may need to improve to attract

ethos is to encourage our colleagues

a diverse talent pool and to ensure that we all feel we belong

to ‘do the right thing’ in any given situation and by anyone. We

irrespective of our differences.

do this by creating an environment where our colleagues feel

Our Future leaders’ program, launched just over a year ago, is

comfortable to share and discuss ideas but also to voice their

a structured program designed to prepare our future leaders


and equip them with the core skills. The ’Class of 2019’ has

Our initiatives include a ‘Great Place to Work’ group, where

helped create a sense of belonging and opportunities to

colleagues from various parts of our business and offices

network internally. I

32 - info - winter 2020


Elisabeth Maxwell, Partner, Head of Clients and Markets, serving on the UK Executive Board, MAZARS azars believes in the value of


value, Mazars regularly follows up to ensure that the funds are

sustainable business, which

being used appropriately, and to share expertise.

is encapsulated by its Mazars for

Environmental awareness continues to grow and all firms

Good (MfG) strategy. The approach

must play their part. Mazars has begun implementation of

encompasses behaviours, business

ISO14001 across the UK, reduced plastic usage and non-

operations and technical delivery

essential travel. Educating and engaging all areas of the

across a range of areas.

business is key to achieving ambitious reduction targets.

Using Mazars’ time and expertise to benefit the societies

Equality of opportunity benefits both the business and society,

in which it works is a central pillar of the strategy. Through

and Mazars is ranked #14 in the Social Mobility Employer

volunteering, individuals are given time to demonstrate their

Index. Mazars targets outreach work at schools with above

support. Partners donate 2% of the firm’s profits to the Mazars

average levels of free school meals, low attainment, or a lack

Charitable Trust each year, and staff throughout the UK are

of social mobility. The firm is an Access Accountancy signatory

invited to submit applications for charity partners. To add

and runs long-term mentoring programmes. I

Anne Marie Verstraeten, UK Country Head, BNP PARIBAS GROUP


ur future is full of opportunity. But it is also a future with

many risks, due principally to rising inequalities and climate change.

Herve Mottais, Director, BDO UK


ulture eats strategy for breakfast’

No country, business or individual can

but culture definitely gets its

win in a world that loses. BNP Paribas

appetite from purpose. When we

believes firmly that collective progress will be achieved only through growth that is both sustainable

introduced our Core Purpose –

and equitable.

‘Helping You Succeed’ – three years

As a major international company and financial services group,

ago, it unlocked something very powerful for our culture.

BNP Paribas has the human, technological and financial resources to push boundaries, to be part of the solution

Our ambition for a ‘Unifying Culture’ helps us to work better as

and to take a leading role. This is why we are working hard

a collective team. Sharing and applying knowledge and ideas

to strengthen our commitment not only to our clients, but

remains one of the most powerful things we do. It provides

also to society at large – in line with the UN's Sustainable

competitive advantage, and we need everyone to feel able

Development Goals.

to play their part. This requires a determined and perpetual

Our focus is on four core areas: Climate: working with our

investment in people.

clients and partners to drive forward the energy transition

This year, we promoted 1,500 people in the UK, recruited 14

Young people: taking an active role in promoting their

external partners, promoted a further 13 internal people to

inclusion in society. Entrepreneurs: encouraging people

partner and welcomed 300 new trainees – all on top of the

from diverse backgrounds to create and develop businesses,

merger. We recognise when our staff go the extra mile, we

and supporting social and entrepreneurial innovation. Local

celebrated 52 people across the firm at an annual event in

communities: working to improve the urban,social and cultural

London and gave more than 5,000 awards to our people to

environment in the regions where wedo business

thank them for going the extra mile.

Being the bank for a changing world means being a bank that

We want to preserve and build on the strengths and successes

is committed to changing the world for a better future. I

of our culture. Living by our values will help us achieve a place, where we can all be ourselves and be the best that we can be to help our clients succeed. I


- winter 2020 - 33

From purpose to productivity More work is needed to establish the link between corporate purpose and the productivity of employees, says Rodolphe Durand, Professor of Strategy at HEC Paris


he focus on corporate purpose

trends. Other may take their current

is widespread across corporate

mission statement and use that as the

and academic agendas, with

basis of their purpose without deep

the majority of literature on the topic

reflection generating frustration and

reinforcing the idea that performance


excellence and increased productivity

Moreover, positive benefits have

are linked to a company’s social purpose.

been observed when employees are

However, according to Rodolphe

empowered to carry out activities

Durand, Professor of Strategy and

beyond the profit maximisation of

Academic Director of the Society &


Organisations Centre at HEC, recent

than 500,000 reviews on the job site

academic work does not show a direct

Glassdoor, a clear purpose – one that

effect of purpose on productivity.

is clearly articulated and understood

‘There is a lot of anecdotal evidence in terms of research, from companies like Patagonia, Whole Foods and Best Buy, which can be used to argue that companies with great social awareness and purpose perform better than those who do not,’ says Durand. ‘But this is not scientific evidence, and more work on the topic is needed.’ Further




says, should take into consideration

Companies may create their purpose from nothing, because they feel they need to keep up with trends. Other may take their current mission statement and use that as the basis of their purpose without deep reflection





by employees – leads to better working environments. It is also documented in academic literature that a 6-to-10 percent increase in labour productivity can be reached through



related to CSR and other causes.

Three capitalisms One important factor for Durand, is the operation of companies in the context of recent arguments from within the

multiple factors, such as survival bias

business community in Europe and

– reaching conclusions based on the success or failure of a company – as

idea that some employees distinguish

America, that capitalism is in need of

well as observation bias, where links

the validity they give to purpose from

fundamental reform.

between the success of the company’s

what other members ascribe to it.

performance are wrongly attributed to its stated purpose.

Area of study

For corporate purpose, this means

‘The alignment between personal

new accounting principles, which include

values and the values that the corporate

social and environmental returns, and

purpose embodies is not something

that can be factored into the bottom line

that can be assumed, even with the best

along with financial performance.

In 2008, in the aftermath of the financial

intensions,’ says Durand. ‘Not only does

Global trade complicates this task,

crisis, Durand created a small centre

a company’s purpose needs to be clear,

as compnaies will be subject to different

at the business school HEC to study

it needs to be legitimate.’

trading regimes in China, UK-US, and

the connections between society and

Continental Europe, each with their own

the centre for Society & Organisations

Purpose-washing and positive benefits

now comprises three major research

Durand notes that simply because a

context, leadership must embody the

and teaching strands: social impact and

company extolls a purpose, it does not

changing values that are seen through

inequality, environmental transition, and

logically follow that it exists, or that

societies, and they should seek out

purposeful leadership.

there has been widespread adoption by

business on this basis.

organisations. More than ten years later,






presented at UC Berkeley, looked at the

distinct form of capitalism at work. It is clear to Durand that, in any

employees and other stakeholders. ‘Companies



‘It is powerful when an organisation


takes their purpose very seriously, and


that this reveals business opportunities

legitimacy of a company’s purpose in the


opinion of its employees. It explored the

they feel they need to keep up with

34 - info - winter 2020



and eliminates others.’ I


Q&A with...

Matthew Taylor Chief Executive of the RSA

Improving corporate culture means empowering and protecting employees and citizens You have said that businesses need

practices, and it will be interesting to

(in the phrase of the Brexit campaign)

to take greater responsibility for

see if this leads to a genuine culture-

‘giving them back control’ can be at

their social impact. Is this getting

shift, or whether the tech giants follow

odds with a master and servant view

better or worse?

the path of corporations in the past.

of the employment relationship. This is

There have been some improvements

why I am pleased to have persuaded

in business practices around

What was your reaction to the recent

the Government to make it much easier

social impact, but these can often

calls from the Financial Times for a

for employees to exercise the right to

seem skin-deep, or as attempts

new form of ‘responsible’ capitalism?

representation and consultation

at avoiding negative PR. Attempts

I think it was a welcome intervention

at work.

at seeming responsible can easily

from the FT: whether it will change

backfire, especially as consumers are

the behaviours and attitudes of their

You have argued that empowering

increasingly savvier on environmental,

audience is another matter.

employees with greater

social and political issues. Look at BP’s

independence can lead to growth in

recent attempts to launch a carbon

You have said that ‘enlightened

productivity (in the current context

calculator for individuals, or that terrible

enterprise’ in Britain, would require

of flat-lining UK productivity).

Pepsi advert from a few years ago.

a ‘shift in our national culture.’ What

What would this entail in terms of

needs to change?


What are the biggest challenges

In part this is about the role of business

It means a combination of a general

that companies face when seeking

in our national conversation. Too often

commitment to using a variety of levers

to align their commercial strategies

in the past, industry’s engagement

to improve the quality of work as part

with their social purpose? Can profit

with Government has been around

of our national industrial strategy

and purpose co-exist?

self-interested lobbying. We need to

together with strengthening regulation

We often look at this as shareholder

see industrial partnership as central

to protect the most vulnerable and

activism versus external activism –

to our economic and social strategy at

precarious workers. I

certain people have been arguing

every level from national government to

that these two forces are becoming

individual enterprises.

Prior to being named chief executive of the Royal Society of Arts in 2006,

increasingly aligned. I think it’s better to look at companies in terms of

Are our identities as employees and

Matthew Taylor was Chief Adviser on

their internal structures, institutional

citizens at odds with each other? Do

Political Strategy to Prime Minister Tony

culture and identity – how can that be

you feel that these should be more

Blair. In 2017, he led an independent

changed? In the world of tech, Google

closely aligned?

review of modern working practices on

and Amazon have faced revolts from

I do think the message we give to

behalf of the UK government.

the employees against certain business

citizens about respecting them and


- winter 2020 - 35

The rise of purpose-led business and board accountability As purpose-led businesses become mainstream there is a need for more comprehensive accountability and dialogue with employees, says Charles Wookey, CEO of Blueprint for Better Business


e are witnessing a

instituted across 35 US states over

are not only motivated by money.

remarkable shift in the role

the last decade. The new French law

They want to find meaning in their

people expect business

makes company boards and executives

work. They want to care and be

to play in society. The statement from

accountable for both profit and societal

cared for in an organisation that

US business leaders in September


values people and their relationships.

2019 was just the latest indication that

They want autonomy, mastery and

beyond simply making money for

Moving away from a narrow understanding of people and profit


These and other influences are all

people will willingly give their best if

helping to change behaviour. But for

they feel part of a shared worthwhile

want to work for organisations that

mainstream businesses in practice

endeavour. Businesses are human

are committed to benefitting society.

to really change the way they act

systems, and it is, in fact, the quality

Investors increasingly are looking for

habitually, two deeply held and

of their relationships - internally and

companies to have a clear purpose

powerful ideas have to be dislodged at

externally - which defines a purpose-led

and to focus on environmental and

the same time. One is that the purpose


social outcomes. Law and regulation

of business is to maximise profit. The

are also evolving. In the English-

other is that people are essentially

public announcement of its purpose

speaking business world, we've seen

self-interested. If companies think

last year. Antoine Frérot, Chairman and

this recognised in changes to the UK

differently both about why they exist,

Chief Executive Officer of Veolia, said:

Corporate Governance Code.

and also adopt a more realistic view

‘The more our business demonstrates

of people, and act accordingly, then

that it is working for all its stakeholders,

– ratified by the National Assembly

they have a huge agency to help build

the more it will be accepted and

in May 2019 - established a new

a better society through unleashing

recognised.’ Adding to this, the

corporate statute: the ‘mission-driven

the motivation of people to work for a

company made clear that stakeholder

corporation’ – similar to the idea of a

better world.

accountability is a crucial part of being

there is now a growing expectation that every business should have a purpose

Why is this? More young people

In France, the new law Loi Pacte

‘Benefit Corporation’ which has been

The truth is that most people

development. What leading businesses are rediscovering is they are first and foremost social organisations where

Veolia expressed this clearly in its

purpose-led and ensuring its practical application across the business. Understanding this, any businesses seeking to become more purpose-led face a twin challenge. They have to be clear on their purpose and ensure the strategy aligns to it. They also have to recognise that people are not just self-interested, and need to embed a culture that enables people to thrive in service of that purpose, and where all those touched by the business are engaged and involved. That places new demands on management and boards and requires new forms of dialogue and accountability.

36 - info - winter 2020


Businesses have to recognise that people are not just self-interested, and need to embed a culture that enables people to thrive in service of that purpose, and where all those touched by the business are engaged and involved

Change in the understanding of the role of the board

successfully despite initial challenges

Under the previous dominant ideas, the role of the board was defined in terms of solving the agency problem – that is,

Business Charter and independent

from the board, investors and other

Scrutiny Board in the UK, further

stakeholders about the viability of

underlining the company's commitment

the plan and the potential impact on

to operate to the highest economic,


social and environmental standards while building public trust. The Charter

of business is to increase its profits, the

Innovation in terms of accountability and dialogue

board's role is to monitor management

As purpose-led businesses become

ENGIE will be held to account for the

and incentivise them so that their

mainstream, the need for more

effective delivery of its Charter by an

interests align with shareholders.

comprehensive accountability will

independent Scrutiny Board.

However, as we know, company

require innovation in forms of dialogue

directors are not agents but fiduciaries,

with employees and many other

of what needs to happen much more

and they owe their duty in law not to

stakeholders to ensure the workplace

broadly. Large companies exercise

shareholders but the company.

of today and tomorrow respects

considerable power in society, and

people and benefits society, and that

their legitimacy depends on effective

for the company to become purpose-

the purpose lives at every level in the

accountability. At a time of rising

led, once the purpose and strategy are

business. There are, of course, already

inequality and environmental challenge,

aligned, the role of the Board shifts to

more structured forms of employee

and a lack of countervailing powers

become the trustee of the business's

engagement in continental Europe, but

limiting what companies can do, it

purpose, ensuring the quality of the

changes are now taking place in

needs boards who see their role as

relationships internally and externally

the UK.

guardians of the purpose, and the

to ensure the managers do what the shareholders want. If the sole purpose

If boards embrace the opportunity

on which the long-term pursuit of that

The UK Corporate governance code

supports the company purpose to improve lives through better working and living environments. Uniquely,

These are encouraging examples

relationships including with investors

purpose depends. Governance then

gives major companies an opportunity

on which the enduring success of the

is seen to be taking the company's

to lead by example and create

company depends. It also demands

existence as an institution in society

innovative and effective channels of

a willingness to engage and welcome

seriously, and on securing the

dialogue with employees. In a positive

dialogue, not as a way to manage

conditions for the sustained success of

signal of a desire to have an open and

reputation, but with a genuine desire

the business. Accountability becomes

honest dialogue with employees, this

to be open and to learn, recognising

much broader than to shareholders

year Capita, an IT-led business services

that business is just a part of society

alone; it embraces the contribution to

company, appointed two members staff

and that it is through the quality of

wider society.

onto its board. No publicly-listed British

relationships that it will be able to fulfil

company had made such appointments

its societal role of contributing to the

a B-corp and as such, made public

since the 1980s, and the new NEDs

wider common good through purpose-

commitments to shift its practices to

were selected from among its 53,000

be more purpose-led – recognising

UK employees and will also keep their

led business. I Blueprint for Better Business is an

the company's responsibility to

day jobs.

independent charity that acts as a

Danone, for example, has become

stakeholders – people and planet,

Another form of innovative

catalyst to help businesses be inspired

beyond shareholders. As part of this,

accountability can be seen by ENGIE's

and guided by a purpose that serves

CEO Emmanuel Faber has shifted the

establishment of a new Responsible


company's stance on GMO


- winter 2020 - 37

Purposeful-business, b-corps and social enterprises Whether it is climate crisis, different job roles through AI and automation, political upheavals driven by populism or youth movements, business will continue to be at the heart of the problems and, perhaps, on the leading edge of solutions, says Joe Miemczyk, professor of Supply Chain Management at ESCP Business School in London


recent report by the British Academy on the future of the corporation purports the idea that we have arrived in the era of purposeful business.

This means that companies are seeing their prime

motivation for existence being challenged. While paying dividends to shareholders and maintaining shareholder value continues as one, and often the key driver, ‘benefit’ corporations, ‘purposeful’ companies and social enterprises are emerging in greater numbers. This is nothing new. Bodyshop and Patagonia have made clear that their key objective is a social one - improving society - especially the most vulnerable parts of society. Yet, the scale is now increasing with the likes of Paul Polman’s widely admired shared value model originating in a global FMCG.

Minimising harm? In the past, businesses’ social objectives were to do the least harm, and they did so by simply providing ESG (environmental, social and governance) ratings and tinkering with transparent triple bottom line performance metrics. This is no longer enough. A fundamental rethink of the objectives is needed. We are now seeing companies seize the opportunity to create net zero impacts (typically linked to carbon emissions)

My research into change and transitions, particularly towards a circular economy, shows the need for strong leadership and vision as well as technological innovation

and, in some instances, to generate additional social value and natural capital. The recent statement by Drax Group is a

external landscape. Aside from strong leaders, young talent

case in point. What was once one of the UK’s dirtiest power

is a source of new values and behaviours and they need to

stations is now planning to become carbon negative by 2030

be nurtured. While business schools can provide this pipeline

(absorbing more than it emits).

of new values to companies they can also be a safe space

Can we imagine a future business that is based on carbon sequestration with energy production as a by-product? Making change happen isn’t easy. Small scale disruptors can lead with innovative business models, but global markets

to reflect on which values and skills are needed, how new business models can be developed and how can corporations manage the shift towards a more societally-centric model. At my school, while we are certainly not the first to do so,

and the need for economies of scale means that most sectors

we realise that embedding these new values and objectives

still rely on sprawling administrative and productive structures

across general management programmes, creating cross

often with a global footprint.

disciplinary linkages is vital. This is why we are reviewing our

My research into change and transitions, particularly towards a circular economy, shows the need for strong

core programmes to reflect this. When Greta Thunberg completes her masters at a

leadership and vision as well as technological innovation, but

business school near you, and wants to work in your company,

evolving values and cultures also need to reflect the changing

what will you do? I

38 - info - winter 2020


Working with charity sector partners Eugenie Munakarmi, COO of Children of the Mekong, explains how their charity develops education programmes and employee engagement with corporate partners


hildren of the Mekong works with local communities

‘Corporate and Social Responsibility is often what drives

in South East Asia to improve the access and quality

companies to get involved with charities. But the initiatives can’t

of education for children. Child sponsorship is at the

be a greenwash. They must make a real and sustainable impact

heart of what we do, and we have more than 22,500 sponsored

within communities, and this nearly always starts with a close

children in seven countries along the Mekong river.

collaborative relationship between NGO and corporate partner

We believe that the underprivileged children who call on us for help can be exemplary role models for their country. This

based on trust and friendship.'

is why it is necessary to accompany them and help them to

Employee engagement

build themselves up intellectually, emotionally and morally in

Another key principle that we have observed is employee

order to become responsible adults who are concerned with

engagement. A City-based boutique private bank gives

the common good.

a percentage of its annual profits to a range of charities. Employees of the company are invited to present the charities

Education programmes

they support and a selection is then made through a democratic

In order to run our education programmes, we partner with

process. The employee whose charity has been selected follows

many companies, ranging from start-ups to large multinational

the progress of the programmes and the strategic orientations

organisations. Each and every partnership that we develop and

of the charity closely.

nourish is tailor-made.

We have been developing a strong relationship with this

Corporate Social Responsibility is increasingly important for

partner over the past few years and we are delighted with

companies as employees and clients want to make a positive

the loyal support they have given to our education centres in

contribution to society. Every company has a unique DNA and

Cambodia. One of the reasons why they have chosen a small

culture, and their charitable commitments need to make sense

charity like ours is that they want their donation to go much

to them. This is the reason why we always aim at developing a

further and to have a lasting impact on people’s lives.

partnership hand-in-hand with the company.

There isn’t a single type of partnership. Some large

For instance, a large corporation like Credit Agricole sends

corporates have a Foundation, but many don’t, some want to

their employees to teach skill-transfer programmes in our

get involved in the nitty gritty of the programme they support,

University Centres in Cambodia and the Philippines. Credit

others are happy to simply receive an annual impact report. It is

Agricole has also funded a London Scholarship Programme

up to your organisation and the charity you choose to develop

which gives two outstanding students from Cambodia a

a trusted relationship and to be creative on how you want to

chance to come to London for three months to improve their

work together.

English and spend time in their offices on a work-shadowing experience.

I encourage you to go and meet the people working in charities, they are passionate about the causes they support,

Laure Lagrange, trustee of Children of the Mekong, says:

and their enthusiasm could be inspiring. I

CHARITIES PARTNER START-UPS & SMES Even though it can be very challenging to run a small business, we have seen many start-ups and entrepreneurs putting social and environmental impact as a priority on their agenda. Some provide pro bono skills, others run special sales campaigns a few times a year and donate the proceeds to their chosen charity. Some also choose to integrate social and environmental impact into their business model by donating a set percentage of profits from regular business to a charity of their choice. No donation is too small!


- winter 2020 - 39

Purpose and Planet Pushed by growing consumer demand, sustainability is a key driver in how companies are re-thinking their role in society, says Robert Skinner, Chief Executive, and Lucie Brigham, Chief of Office, at the United Nations Office for Partnerships


or companies looking to operate sustainably, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer a clear path to a healthier, more equal and more prosperous world.

system on ensuring that the planet is a better place by 2030.’ In 2018, fashion stakeholders worked to identify ways in which the broader textile, clothing and fashion industry could

But there are clear challenges for any company, not least the

move towards a holistic and ambitious commitment on climate

costs associated with doing business in a ‘greener’ way.

action and other SDGs. As a result, The Fashion Industry

For the UN agency responsible for nurturing partnerships

Charter for Climate Action was launched at UN Climate

and alliances between the private sector and the United

Conference in Katowice, Poland (COP 24) with the mission to

Nations system to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable

align the industry with the goals of the Paris Agreement and

Development, it is crucial that companies begin to collaborate

drive the Fashion Industry to net-zero emissions no later than

across their respective industries.

2050. Through the Award for Positive Change at The Fashion

Established in 2015, the SDGs incorporate 17 global development goals covering a host of different areas, such as climate action, poverty eradication, biodiversity protection, and equality and justice. ‘One of the things that we are trying to do in this office is to get companies that have traditionally been seen as competitors, to begin to work together on some of these

Awards 2019, the signatories were recognised on the opening day of COP25 in Madrid, Spain. ‘Our hope is that other fashion councils globally are looking at Britain for how they can best incorporate the SDGs into their activities, and plug this interest into a younger generation of designers and fashion influencers,’ says Brigham.

issues. And we are seeing some success in industries, whether

Core activities

it is on the investment side of things, mobile telephone

‘There is a positive move towards the mainstreaming of

operations, or the fashion industry,’ says Robert Skinner,

sustainability,’ says Skinner. ‘It is no longer being siloed

Chief Executive of the United Nations Office for Partnerships

in a department within a business. We are seeing Chief


Sustainability Officers being brought into the decision-

‘Companies are saying that they can learn from each other

making process at the C-Suite level. It is true of many of the

in this space. They are not competing, in this sense – they are

companies that we talk to that there is strong consideration

working together to do better as an industry. After that, they

for sustainability issues throughout the core of businesses.’

can compete on who can make a better sustainable product.’ UNOP delivers advice and engages with a wide spectrum

According to Skinner, a lot of this activity is driven by consumer demand, pushing companies to do better. ‘There

of partners from the private sector, civil society and other key

are innovators out there that are looking at these issues. They

stakeholders, to guide them and facilitate partnership events

see a new way of doing business rather than continuing to

and initiatives in support of the SDGs.

do things like we have always done them,’ he says. ‘I also see

Fashion forward

some of the bigger companies transforming the way they do business, because their customers, clients and employees

A recent partnership between the UNOP and The British

are demanding that they do things in a way that is better for

Fashion Council (BFC) launched an initiative to celebrate the

people and planet.’

signatories of The Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, convened and facilitated by UN Climate Change. ‘We are seeing a tipping point with the fashion and

New challenges

lifestyle industries, which are recognising the importance of

According to Skinner there is broad interest across all

the shift towards sustainability,’ says Lucie Brigham, Chief of

business sectors for making their businesses more

Office of the UNOP. ‘Many key players actively seek the path

sustainable, however they face key hurdles, including

of engagement and collaboration to demonstrate to their

identifying exactly what is happening through their supply

customer base that they are providing a service. They are

chains. For other organisations, there are struggles around

educating each other, providing information and tools, and

communicating about what they are doing and making their

working with other actors like our office and the wider UN

activities public facing in an authentic way.

40 - info - winter 2020


There are also challenges around costs to produce

next ten years. Addressing the SDG Summit in October 2019,

sustainable and more ethical services and products, for

UN Secretary General António Guterres issued a global call for

instance in the case of the fashion and textiles industry

a decade of action to deliver the SDGs by 2030.

moving to organic cotton or improving working conditions of those workers who are making garments. ‘It is very challenging to ensure the price of what we might call ‘SDG-friendly’ products or services, when compared to the price ranges for fast fashion,’ says Brigham. ‘There is lot

‘As we think of our engagement with the private sector it is about convening, sharing best practices, helping identify ways they can be more compliant or engage with the SDGs, and provide a space to talk about the good practices,’ says Skinner. ‘We provide a platform for those who are paying

of thinking about new technologies and where they can help

more attention to sustainability, the climate, and equality,

lower the price, but it is also important to manage this change

businesses who are working toward making the world a better

through the education of customers.’

place. They deserve a showcase for what they are doing.’

Skinner reinforces a core belief that sustainability is good

The cost of inaction is clear to Skinner and his team. ‘It’s

business, and advise that companies should be forward

going to become a necessity to engage around sustainability

thinking about telling their story around being sustainable,

in business, and there is an obvious sense that it is going to

often with the goal of educating their suppliers, partners and

increase in that direction,’ he says. ‘Companies that don’t get


on board with sustainable practices and working with the

This work is part of the mandate of the UNOP over the

SDGs are going to be left behind.’ I

SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION: ARCH & HOOK Founded in Amsterdam in 2015 by Sjoerd Fauser and Anne Bas, Arch & Hook are providing a game-changing innovation in the global hanger industry, which throws away tens of billions of plastic hangers destined for landfill and the oceans annually. The company creates a range of solutions, including wooden hangers, hangers made form recycled plastic, and ‘blue’ hangers made from upcycled marine plastic waste form the oceans – all of which are 100 percent recyclable after use. One important innovation was achieving these products at a minimal cost increase to consumers on traditional, nonrecyclable plastic hangers.


- winter 2020 - 41

Our Electrifying Future Mike Hughes, Zone President, Schneider Electric UK & Ireland, explores corporate purpose in the context of a transition to a zero-carbon future


limate change has never been higher on the public

the potential to revolutionise our relationship with energy, and

agenda nor has it been taken more seriously in the

change the way we plan and design buildings, industries and

boardroom. Our latest report ‘Rethink Energy’ found

entire cities.

that the majority of large businesses now have sustainability as a fundamental part of their business goals and one of their top priorities. However, energy waste continues to be largely overlooked by both consumers and businesses. More than 80 percent

There are three major changes that need to happen to curb emissions and address climate change: At Schneider, we’ve calculated that a 50 percent reduction in CO2 emissions could be achieved by 2040 if these three steps are taken.

of carbon dioxide emissions come from the production and consumption of energy. That’s from heating and cooling our homes and offices; food production and cooking; manufacturing; logistics; and transport. Our report also found that on average business decision

1. Stop wasting energy

makers estimated that 36 percent of the energy consumed by

For example, buildings and industry are huge emitters

their business is wasted. However, 44 percent reported that

of waste energy. Our research suggests that on average

their business hadn’t implemented any energy saving measures

82 percent of the energy consumed by buildings and

in the past 12 months (of didn’t know if it had).

58 percent of the energy consumed by industry has

When it comes to consumers, 12 percent say they have no

untapped potential for efficiencies.

intention of curbing their energy use, and 76 percent believe

If we reduce energy consumption by between thirty

they already do enough when it comes to saving energy,

and fifty percent in existing buildings and industry

recycling and curbing waste.

around the world we could reach zero growth in energy

Historically, the progress of civilisation, economic growth, increasing productivity, improved health have all been intrinsically linked to our ability to harness energy resources. It

demand by 2040, instead of the 40 percent increase currently predicted.

is expected that the global population will increase by 2 billion

2. Accelerate electrification

over the next 40 years. To support that level of population

There is no doubt that electricity plays an enormous

growth coupled with the demand to improve living standards

part in our future energy needs, whether that is in

will require at least an additional 40 percent growth in energy.

the form of electric vehicles or energy to the home.

This is the energy dilemma. Energy demand is dramatically

Electricity is, indisputably, the most energy efficient

increasing at a time when we need to drastically reduce carbon

vector in the final point of use and the only practical

emissions in order to halt rising global temperatures.

option to decarbonise energy and the economy.

What’s the solution? Shockingly, a staggering 60 percent of energy is currently lost

The share of electricity in the total energy mix (globally) must double by 2040.

or wasted. In the UK, around a quarter of all energy consumed

3. Decarbonise supply

is lost in the production and transmission of energy, or through

The carbon intensity of electricity can be cut by

inefficiencies in buildings (commercial and residential). That

seven times by 2040 using renewable and storage

equates to around 117m tonnes of CO2 emissions. Economies


with a higher reliance on fossil fuels to generate electricity have

Programme (UNEP) says that the past decade has seen

far higher production losses. We cannot accept a world where

a quadrupling of renewables capacity, from 414 GW

the end to end energy system is so inefficient. We must rethink

to about 1,650 GW. Solar capacity has increased to


more than 26 times the 2009 level — from 25 GW to an

Much of the technology already exists to help us make great in roads into limiting rising temperatures and achieve a net-zero carbon world. Digitisation has already disrupted and changed the way we manage much of our day to day lives. It also has 42 - info - winter 2020


estimated +660 GW.





What is Schneider Electric doing?

We run regular workshops with Schneider employees

Every business and individual needs to play their part in

from across all areas of the business to identify areas where

reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions, and

we can save energy and reduce waste.

Schneider Electric is no different.

workshops have resulted in a 9-12 percent reduction in

We established global sustainability goals over a decade

energy consumption per site. With around 16 energy saving

ago and we report on our progress towards





quarterly basis, in the same way we publish our financial results.


have created a Sustainability Impact Index with 21 goals that we measure our progress towards. This approach has meant that

On average these

opportunities identified per site.

My research into change and transitions, particularly towards a circular economy, shows the need for strong leadership and vision as well as technological innovation

we have been able to set specific and

For example, in Swindon we have replaced fluorescent lamps with a high efficiency intelligent lighting system which has resulted in a 90 percent reduction in energy consumption from lighting. We have introduced an ongoing programme to identify sites where

achievable goals towards creating a carbon neutral footprint.

we can create on-site power generation from renewables.

In September, we announced that we were accelerating these

As a result, we have installed solar panels on the roof of our

goals and we are now targeting carbon neutrality within the

Leeds factory which currently provide around 10 percent of the

extended Schneider Electric ecosystem by 2025. We want to

energy consumption at this site.

achieve net-zero operational emissions by 2030 and a net-zero supply chain by 2050.

What are some of the practical steps we are taking to achieve these goals?

And, we have switched our energy supplier and contractually stipulated that all electricity supplied to Schneider Electric sites in the UK is from renewable sources. We are also greening our fleet of cars and vans and working to eliminate the use of single-use plastics.

You can’t set a goal if you don’t have a baseline. In the UK, we

We aren’t limiting our efforts to our own business. We are

are using our EcoStruxureTM platform to measure our energy

committed to working with our partners and supply chain to

consumption, water usage and waste to landfill in every one of

reduce their emissions too. And perhaps most importantly

our 50+ sites. We have calculated the energy consumption per

we are designing our new products so that at the end of their

square foot by building type. Like most businesses, many of

lifespan their constituent parts can be easily recycled and

our sites are rented and the building stock ranges from super-


efficient, ultra-modern to aging spaces that quite frankly were never designed for a zero-carbon future. This has provided a baseline for measurement, but also helped us identify where we need to focus our efforts.

It will take concerted efforts from individuals, corporations and government to achieve our energy reduction goals. But bold action, strong leadership, and above all, the adoption of science and technology, means they are all achievable. I


- winter 2020 - 43

Making change happen Tasked with implementing a CSR strategy across Bouygues Construction UK, CSR Director Leigh Hughes explains the challenges and opportunities in improving the corporate impact on people, society and the planet

How important is CSR right now?

might think, and it is varied. Social prosperity in areas like

I think that CSR and the ethics around CSR activities are the

the Midlands, Wales, England, and parts of London are all at

building blocks of a successful company’s DNA. In a jobs

different stages.

market where you see a lot of movement, ultimately the ethos, the ethics and the values of the company are what keeps

Could you tell us a bit about your work in education?

employees engaged and helps retain them in the company. At

We work with schools from primary to secondary, colleges and

Bouygues Construction in the UK, where I am the CSR Director,

universities, and we take an active role in making people aware

that encompasses a portfolio of businesses and services with

that built environment and infrastructure are a place where

more than 4,400 staff. It’s a huge company, but in many ways,

they can have a rewarding career, and where they can use what

it is also a family.

they are learning in their lessons.

But crucially for CSR, it is not only internal factors which

A lot of young people in the education system can't connect

matter. You've got to look at how those complement and work

the subjects that they’re learning with the opportunities in

with external influences. The challenge then becomes to create

the world of work. When they're doing their trigonometry and

a common purpose for the company, without losing sight of

maths, it can be very motivating to them to understand the

your values.

applications this could have in the work that they pursue. Then, when you take them out onto a building site, you can interact

Where do you start when creating a CSR policy?

with them on these topics. Through an education program, you

With any big organisation, you need to do it in stages. The

can have a hugely positive impact on the community.

challenge is to first get everyone on a common ground, and to be clear about what you are trying to do. For us, this means

How do you work with the communities where your

project ABC. ‘A’ stands for awareness. That's with your staff,

projects take place?

your employees, your workforce, your customers, your clients,

We work with liaison officers to speak with local residents to

and your supply chain. Once you've got an awareness of the

understand their needs and what impact the project will have

issues in place, you move onto ‘B’, which is behaviours. This is

on them. We listen, we take on board, and we have compassion

the way that we act as employees and as a company. The way

and empathy with the communities that we are working in to

we behave reflects our ethics as a responsible and committed

minimize disruption, and to increase employment and skills in

employer. Once you've got your behaviours right, you move

the area.

onto ‘C’, which is culture. This means implementing the change into the company culture in a meaningful and lasting way.

Iin the communities where we are operating, there are often people out of work. As a socially responsible business, we explore how to help them. How can we train them? What

How do you decide on the areas where you focus your

opportunities can we offer? This is a theme across the social


and economic CSR pillars.

You need to take the three pillars of CSR: social, economic and environmental. You need to see what impact your activities have

What is included in the environmental pillar?

on these three areas. This should help guide you to identifying

You're looking at the whole life cycle of a project and its impact.

tangible areas where you can make positive contributions.

You're looking at using the right materials, and at all aspects

At Bouygues, we are part of a global company with a policy

of sustainable development and design. You’re looking at your

called ‘responsible and committed,’ which has twelve pillars

supply chains to ensure that you work with local people rather

to address social, economic and environmental issues. Our

than to import labour.

challenge in the UK is to make this global policy and locally specific, as standards and expectations in the UK may differ.

The environment also means going to carbon zero. Companies need to address questions about their strategy

And while the UK is relatively more prosperous than

and targets. There's a lot of consideration in terms of how you

many other countries in the world, it is important to note

approach the question and the speed at which you introduce

that that social prosperity in the UK is not as high as people

change. As a diversified business, we look at the whole life-

44 - info - winter 2020


cycle of a project in this context, from design, to the build and

CSR initiatives, underlying the importance of measurement and

operational maintenance.

transparency in all our actions.

What are some of the challenges that you face in your day-

What role do the United Nations Sustainable Development

to-day job?

Goals (SDGs) have in your work?

The two areas that I have to spend the most time on at the

We have conducted polling of our employees on which SDGs

moment are employee demand and customer demand. We

were important to them. The two that stood head and shoulders

work a lot with public sector bodies in the UK and the devolved

above everything else were number 13 – climate action – and 3

nations. To win work in the bidding process, you have to

– good health and wellbeing. This has driven internal initiatives,

demonstrate your policies, your actions, your commitments

like putting in place policies, strategies and action plans over

and give promises around social value related to the three

the next five years around good health and wellbeing. In terms

pillars I talked about earlier.

of climate, we have a ten-year plan with yearly targets, mapping out for employees how we are going to get there.

How important is transparency to achieving affective CSR engagement?

Can a business afford not to have a CSR strategy?

Part of my job here in the UK is to implement transparency

If your staff are your greatest asset – as they are at Bouygues

vertically in the organisation, because you have to make sure

and in any responsible company operating today – if you don’t

that staff can connect with everything you do. Vertical clarity

take on board these issues, you will lose your people. And if

is crucial for employee engagement, so that they can see that

you say that you are a responsible business, but don't act like

what we are doing is right for them, and that it fits with the

a responsible business, you will also lose staff, and it is likely

global vision of the company. We will be issuing an Annual Plan

that you will also lose custom. This will undoubtably put your

both internally and externally which shows our progress on our

business under stress. I

BOUYGUES UK: SPORT OUTREACH In late 2019, Bouygues UK has signed a three-year sponsorship deal for the Wizards’ League, in partnership with Aberavon Rugby Club to promote boys rubgy and girls netball as a means to developing a 'Healthy Heart, Healthy Mind.'. Bouygues UK has worked on education projects around Port Talbot, including building Ysgol Bae Baglan, Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Dur and Ysgol Cwm Brombil in Margam. These schools, as well as St Joseph’s Comprehensive and Ysgol Gyfun Cymer Afan, are taking part in the Bouygues Wizards’ League to increase sports participation and increase the health and wellbeing of their students.


- winter 2020 - 45

Harnessing the power of AI for good Kate Rosenshine, Head of Azure Cloud Solution Architecture – Media, Telco & Professional Services at Microsoft, examines the real-life societal benefits of artificial intelligence


s we continue on the journey into

By training AI to track and analyse fishing

the fourth industrial revolution,

vessel movements across the world,

one thing is clear – AI is here and

OceanMind is tackling this problem head

shaping the world around us. Whether

on. With this technology, the organisation

that fills you with excitement, unease

is able to track up to three million vessels

or a combination of the two, AI is set to

to determine suspicious activity, allowing

have a tremendous impact on our future.

humans to quickly detect the activities

Already, It is enabling us to tackle some

that require action and work with global

of the major issues we face as a global

government authorities to take action to

society. From helping us to solve some of

protect our oceans.

the toughest environmental challenges,

As well as using technology to help

to empowering those with mobility

us live more sustainably, we can also use

impairments, AI is a vital component in

it to transform the lives of more than one

the solutions we are working to develop.

billion people that have a disability. A

As AI plays a bigger role in our lives,

great example is WeWALK's work which

the need to think about how it can be used as a force for good becomes even more important. To really harness its power, we must make sure that AI is accessible to those who want to use it in a way that benefits society and does not leave people behind. Through sharing AI and working with organisations of all sizes and expertise, we can make

To really harness its power, we must make sure that AI is accessible to those who want to use it in a way that benefits society and does not leave people behind

incredible progress, creating innovative

Empowering the people with the idea that can make a change

such as those with visual impairments or even the elderly. The organisation’s device attaches on top of a regular cane, transforming it into a smart cane that can pair with your phone to provide GPS navigation and a wealth of features. With AI, WeWALK is collecting and processing data to better understand how people use their cane to provide

solutions at a scale and speed that we’ve not been able to do before.

aims to increase people’s independence,

personalised support, helping users gain AI. Split into four key areas, AI for Earth;

the confidence to more easily navigate

AI for Accessibility; AI for Humanitarian

the world around them.

Action; and AI for Cultural Heritage, the

OceanMind and WeWALK are just

initiative gives those focused on solving

two examples of the hundreds of

our most pressing societal issues a

organisations working to use technology

At Microsoft, our mission is to empower

chance to accelerate it, scale it, and

for good and the most exciting part is

every person and organisation on the

ultimately make a change for the better.

that we are at the beginning of seeing

planet to achieve more. Inspired by

Take environmental challenges for

the full impact AI can really have. The

the genuine belief that we can create

example – unregulated fishing can cause

work being done today is giving us a

a better world through technology,

ocean populations to decline through

promising glimpse into how we can work

our aim is to equip people with the



together to build the future we want to

tools and skills they need to solve the

ecosystem, local food supplies and

see. Our responsibility is to ensure that

challenges we face. With AI for Good

slowing down the success of sustainable

the people who have ideas that can

initiatives we’re providing technology,

fisheries. Monitoring this illegal activity

make a real positive change in society,

resources, and support for purpose-

produces such vast amounts of data that

can also access the technology to make

driven organisations to make the most of

humans can’t process in traditional ways.

it a reality. I

46 - info - winter 2020




Radical transparency Staying competitive in the new decade means providing concrete evidence that your business is making a positive difference, says Pendragon Stuart, Consultant at the international sustainability consultancy Sancroft


usiness has long relied on secrets


as a source of competitive

This is where companies take


a proactive and bold approach to

For some like Coca Cola, it’s

reporting on their operations in detail

integral to the brand and product. A

and putting information and data about

secret formula, locked away in a safe,

suppliers, factories and supply chains

known only by a few people, ensures it

out into the open.

remains a premium soft drink.

For some businesses like John Lewis

For others, the way the product is

Partnership, this looks like publishing

built or sourced allows a company to

the details of every supplier for every

compete on cost, quality or ability to be

product category online, there for all

first to market – think the fast fashion

to see. Others like US clothing retailer

ecommerce titans who have emerged

Everlane show pictures and details

in recent years like prettylittlething in the UK. As we start a new decade, consumers are getting less comfortable with secrecy. While cost and quality will always be important, they are no longer

Supply chains should not just be seen as a secret asset to squeeze for cost reductions but recognised as jewel in the crown that can add value

enough – people have so many more good options and now care more about provenance. Stronger sustainability

of their workers and factories, while showcasing how their products are mainly made from sustainable fabrics that are recycled or recyclable. Even more innovative are French brand ‘C’est Qui Le Patron?’ who let consumers vote on the ethical standards, sourcing approach and

making up 17 percent of the market. For businesses, the working

amount paid to suppliers – a radically transparent and democratic approach.

stories increasingly become critical to

practices of the suppliers, the

And it is already proving successful:

standing out, communicating quality

conditions within their factories,

their milk is now the fourth most

and staying competitive.

their wages and the impact on the

popular brand in France and they

environment of their production are

are expanding into many other

enough for companies to get around

not only a risk to their reputation as

supermarket aisles.

this by saying they wanted to ‘do the

good corporate citizens but to market

right thing’ and have a CSR statement

share and ongoing viability.

In the past, it was just about

to prove it. This is no longer the case.

The walkouts by Google and Wayfair

If there is one thing for any business to take away from this it is that supply chains should not just be

Consumers are more discerning.

employees over responses to sexual

seen as a secret asset to squeeze for

They want to know their choices are

harassment allegations and links to

cost reductions but recognised as jewel

making a positive difference and they

US border detention centres herald

in the crown that can be showcased to

are paying more attention to clues

the emerging challenge of employee

add value in the eyes of consumers.

like where their products come from,

activism. This commercial risk which

how far they have travelled, how

80 percent of companies expect

embrace radical transparency before

they have been made, and by whom.

to increase over the coming years

you are left behind, because what’s

These factors are then changing the

according to law firm Herbert Smith

radical today becomes tomorrow’s

way people spend their money and


best practice. I

disrupting markets.

It’s time to think about how you can

Radical solutions

The full report New Shocks, Better

School of Business, between 2013-

A new response that we see to this

Solutions - Beating disruption with

2018 brands marketed as sustainable

consumer and business climate which

stronger, more responsible supply

accounted for half of all growth in

puts a premium on ethical business

chains, can be downloaded from

consumer-packaged goods despite only

and sustainability is called radical


In the US, according to NYU Stern


- winter 2020 - 47




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© Tate

© Tate

Young Bomberg and the Old Masters

Left: David Bomberg, The Mud Bath, 1914. Oil on canvas Right: David Bomberg, Study for 'Sappers at Work: A Canadian Tunnelling Company, Hill 60, St Eloi, about 1918-19. Oil on canvas

Marking just over a century since David Bomberg’s (1890–1957) first solo show at the onset of war in 1914, this exhibition displays some of his earliest paintings alongside the works that inspired him. From Botticelli to Michelangelo, the exhibition reveals how Bomberg’s rebellious, youthful works drew inspiration from the paintings he most admired in the Gallery. Far from inhibiting him, these Old Master paintings helped him leap forward and contribute to the language of early 20th-century modernist art at its most audacious. I 27 November – 1 March / Daily 10am-6pm / Free

TAT E M O D ERN, LO N D O N Dora Marr During the 1930s, Dora Maar’s provocative photomontages became celebrated icons of surrealism. Her eye for the unusual also translated to her commercial photography, including fashion and advertising, as well as to her social documentary projects. In Europe’s increasingly fraught

In middle and later life Maar withdrew from photography. She concentrated on painting and found stimulation and solace in poetry, religion, and philosophy, returning to her darkroom only in her seventies. This exhibition will explore the breadth of Maar's long career in the context of work by her contemporaries. I 20 November – 15 March / Daily / tickets £13

© ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2019

wing manifestos – a radical gesture for a woman at that time.

© Estate of Dora Maar / DACS 2019, All Rights Reserved

political climate, Maar signed her name to numerous left-

Left: Dora Maar, Untitled (Hand Shell), 1934. Photograph, gelatin silver print on paper Right: Dora Maar, Untitled (Fashion photograph, c. 1935. Photograph, gelatin silver print on paper


- winter 2020 - 49


Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (Musée national Picasso-Paris) / Béatrice Hatala ©Succession Picasso/DACS 2019

Picasso and Paper Picasso didn’t just draw on paper – he tore it, burnt it, and made it three-dimensional. From studies for ‘Guernica’ to a 4.8-metre-wide collage, this exhibition brings together more than 300 works on paper spanning the artist’s 80-year career. Immerse yourself in Picasso’s world of paper and discover how – with this everyday material we know so well – he found the means to explore the furthest reaches of his creativity. I 25 January — 13 April / Daily 10am-6pm (10pm Fridays) / tickets £18-22 Pablo Picasso, Head of a Woman, Mougins, 4 decembre 1962. Pencil and cut on folded wove paper

VI C TO RI A & A L B ERT M USEU M , LO N D O N Tim Walker: Wonderful Things

©Tim Walker Studio

Photo by Sarah Lloyd ©Tim Walker Studio

Experience the extraordinary creative process of one of the world's most inventive photographers through his pictures, films, photographic sets, and special installations – including ten new series of photographs influenced by the V&A's collections. I 21 September – 8 March / Daily: 10am – 3.45pm (10pm Fridays) / tickets £15

Left: Tim Walker, Radhika Nair, Pershore, Worcester, 2018 Right: Tim Walker at the V&A, London, 2019

T H E WA L L AC E CO L L EC T I O N, LO N D O N Forgotten Masters: Indian Painting for the East India Company This is the first UK exhibition of works by Indian master painters commissioned by East India Company officials in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, curated by renowned writer and historian William Dalrymple. It is an unprecedented opportunity to see these vivid and highly original paintings together for the first time, recognising them as among the greatest masterpieces of Indian painting. I 4 December – 19 April 2020 / Daily 10am-5pm / tickets £13.50

Arthur Bijl, Assistant Curator of Ottoman, Middle Eastern and Asian Arms and Armour, welcomed Patron members of the Chamber for an exclusive tour of the exhibit

50 - info - winter 2020


B E LL & ROSS - A Q U ESTION OF TI M E INFO talks to Bell & Ross Co-Founder and CEO, Carlos Rosillo, about standing out in the luxury watch industry


itting down with Carlos Rosillo, Co-Founder and CEO, of Bell & Ross, we start with the obvious question: where did the

iconic square shape of the Bell & Ross watch come from? He explains that it was taken from the emblematic design of timepieces in the dashboard of aircraft. Reimagined as a watch with the ‘soul of aviation’, Bell & Ross set itself apart with watches

We are not in competition with digital watches. We are not a quantitative business, we are qualitative. Our aim is not to produce too many watches

that nod to the heroic essence of pilots, formula one drivers, and astronauts. For Rosillo, his brand begs the questions: 'Where do

timepieces priced from £1,500 to £5,000 and high end watches

you want to go, and how do you want to get there?'

go up to £170,000.

Their recently launched BR-05 collection, an updated version of their iconic square dial BR-01, now looks to reach a

Digitalising a traditional industry

new audience. Here, a design which borrows from likeness of

Bell & Ross were early adopters in the digital arena of luxury

a jewel has made the historically male-facing brand accessible

watches, having launched their first website in 1997. They were

for the first time to the female market. ‘It’s not only men who

also ahead of the curve in terms of launching an online forum

appreciate this jewel of strength,’ says Rosillo.

and the first luxury watchmaker with an e-boutique.

The market landscape for luxury

'but digital has changed everything in communication, in the way

Looking further afield to their international presence, their Franco-Swiss creativity and know-how combine to create an offering to appeal across borders.

‘Watchmaking can be a very traditional industry,' says Rosillo. you speak to people, and the access you have to people.’ With the growing demand for smart watches, digital is also seen as a potential disruption. However, Rosillo explains

‘Since day one we have had a multi-cultural approach to

that they are not in competition with digital watches. 'We are

adapt to different markets,’ says Rosillo. ‘The point of view per

not a quantitative business, we are qualitative. Our aim is not

country can be different, but we think global and act local. We

to produce too many watches. We are a club, and we want to

don’t compromise on the brand, but we adapt the language and

remain a club.’

aim to understand the manners of each culture.’

On the invesment side, watches of higher value usually

‘In the luxury field, there is something that is transcendent.

ensure higher returns, especially with limited-edition watches.

There are values which, whatever the period, will stay important

This is not the case for digital watches, which depreciate in value

to watchmaking.’ For Bell & Ross, Rosillo explains that these are

rapidly. Smart watches, as opposed to horological classics, have

'readable, precise, reliable and functional,' across a range of

yet to cause a ripple at this high-end of the market. I SL

Bell & Ross co-Founder Carlos Rosillo

The BR05 collection brings together the design of modern sports watches with the Bell & Ross square case. The brand’s first timepieces were conceived as a wristwatch version of aircraft instrument gauges.


- winter 2020 - 51





by Agnès

by Sylvain

Gayraud Published by Urbanomic Translated by Daniel Miller & Nina Power Original title: Dialectique de la Pop


Published by Europa

Editions Katherine Original title: Berezina Translated by Gregor

Inseparable from the materiality of its technical media, indifferent

Take four friends, put them on two Ural motorcycles (complete

and intractable to the perspectives of high culture, pop subverts

with sidecars), send them off on a 2,500-mile odyssey retracing

notions of authenticity and inauthenticity, original and copy, aura

history’s most famous retreat, add what some might consider

and commodity, medium and message. Gayraud demonstrates

an excessive amount of Vodka, and you’ve got Sylvain Tesson’s

that, far from being the artless and trivial mass-produced

Berezina, a riotous and erudite book that combines travel,

pabulum denigrated by Adorno, pop is a rich, self-reflexive

history, comradery, and adventure. I

artform that recognises its own contradictions, incorporates its own productive negativity, and often flourishes by thinking ‘against itself.’ I



by Philippe

by Nathalie

Léger Fugitives Translated by Amanda Demarco Original title: L’Exposition

Lançon Published by Europa Editions Translated by Steven Rendall Original title: Le Lambeau

Published by Les

Paris, January 7, 2015.Two terrorists attack Charlie Hebdo.

The Countess of Castiglione was considered the most beautiful

Philippe Lançon is gravely wounded in the attack. As he attempts

woman in the world in the late-19th century, and she became the

to reconstruct his life on the page, Lançon rereads Proust,

most photographed woman of her time. A fascination with her life

Thomas Mann, Kafka, and others in search of guidance. I

and death led Nathalie Léger to weave together this inspired and imaginative biography of a woman who was over-exposed but misunderstood. I

52 - info - winter 2020


A SAVOI E WINE STORY Wine importer Thibault Lavergne enjoys the heights of wines produced in France’s alpine region


kiing holidays are popular amongst

slopes between 820 ft. and 1804ft.

the British, and the French Alps are

Despite their elevation, Savoie vineyards

by far a favourite destination. But there

enjoy a surprisingly warm microclimate

are no French holidays without the

due to the southern and southeastern

attraction of French cuisine and wine, so

sun exposure and the moderating

in these winter months, I am exploring

effects of nearby rivers and lakes.

the wine region of Savoie. Wines from Savoie have long been

There are twenty-three grape varieties planted in Savoie and of these,

perceived as simple ski chalet wines, but

a few varieties stand out. This includes

today the situation is changing. Local

Jacquère, the region’s most widely

producers don’t only produce white

planted grape variety, accounting for

wines (generally from the appellation

50 percent of all plantings. It produces

Apremont) to blend with warm, melted

early-drinking, low alcohol, lively dry

cheese for the famous local Raclette

wines, and is generally used as the main

dish. Thanks to the modernisation

grape for the following appellations:

of winemaking techniques and the

Abymes, Apremont, Chignin, Cruet, St-

enthusiasm of local vintners, Savoie


wines offer compelling flavour profiles

The main red grape varieties are the

and great aging potential. These are

Mondeuse, a native to Savoie cultivated

food-friendly, unusual wines for those of

by the Gallic tribe of Ancient Gaul

us who are bold enough to occasionally

since before to the Roman invasion.

venture off-piste.

Columella, the famous roman writer

As a wine region, Savoie consists of

My favourite is the Roussette de

on farming and agriculture, referred

Savoie AOP, white wines made from a

many isolated sub-regions and plots

to Mondeuse as ‘the grape variety that

hundred percent Altesse grapes.You

of vineyards scattered across four

ripens amidst the snow.’

can find four different Crus (Frangy,

French departments: Savoie, Haute-

Mondeuse strives on scree

Marestel, Monthoux and Monterminod).

Savoie, Isère and Ain. Savoie neighbours

slopes, marl and limestone soils. Its

Seyssel AOP could also be very

Switzerland to the East, Jura to the

best expression can be found in the

pleasant. It’s a dry white and sparkling

North, and the little-known Bugey

commune of Arbin. Flavors range from

wines made primarily from the Altesse

region, just west across the Rhône river.

red fruits (strawberry, redcurrant,

and Chasselas that come from the

All told, the region is under 5,000 acres

raspberry, sour plum) and flowers

communes of Seyssel and Corbonod.

and accounts for a mere 0.5 percent of

(violet). There is often a lot of acidity for

Remember to drink these great

French wines.

my personal taste, but Mondeuse have

wines with moderation on the ski slope! I Thibault Lavergne

A continental climate with alpine

an adoring fan base, so I keep tasting,

and Mediterranean influences, vines in

and they show great potential for ageing

Savoie are often planted on mountain

(+10 years).

TO ORDER THE ABOVE-MENTIONED WINES AND OTHERS, CONTACT: E: thibault@winestory.co.uk T: +44 (0)7921 770 691 W: www.winestory.co.uk

Producers to watch: • Domaine des Ardoisieres in IGP • Domaine G&G Bouvet with Roussette de Monterminot (cru de Savoie) • Domaine Giles Berlioz Chignin Bergeron Cuvee Les Filles

• Domaine Giachino in Savoie Mondeuse • White wines from Gringet grape by Dominique Belluard with the Cuvee le Feu • Château de La MAR in the Cru Marestel area


- winter 2020 - 53

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he publication of this issue comes on the heels of the 31st of January, the date when Britain left the EU, more than three years and three prime ministers after it voted out.

to be a platform for debate and insight sharing. Also on the agenda this year are two important conferences. On 19 March we will host our inaugural Diversity & Inclusion

And as we enter a new year of operation for the Chamber,

conference at Willis Towers Watson. The half-day event is the

with new challenges and opportunities, it is important to reflect

place to learn from industry leaders who are championing

on this moment in the shared history between France and the

innovative policies aimed at improving workplace wellbeing.

UK, and the role played by the Chamber.

On 6 May, we will host our annual French Chamber

The UK joining the European Community (EC) in 1973

conference, this year on the critical theme of The Road to

resulted in new activities for the Chamber, which then focused

Net Zero, where we will consider the key role of business in

increasingly on the assistance of French SMEs seeking to settle

achieving the UK's net zero target by 2050.

in the UK.

With a focus on leadership, collaboration and change

We subsequently developed into a successful networking

management, we aim to highlight the practical ways which can

platform for both British and French companies in the UK,

help businesses become carbon neutral, and bring together

as well as an efficient provider of business setting-up and

specialist speakers from a wide range of industries, supported

accountancy services, which continues today.

by the United Nations Office for Partnerships.

As we look ahead to the trade negotiations, we are

These initiatives, and many more, will frame our activity

committed to re-doubling our efforts around Brexit, to provide

in this important year for the Franco-British relationship. Stay

our members with the most up-to-date advice and support, and

tuned for more exciting developments. I


- winter 2020 - 55

Chamber launches LeBooster Londres


he French Chamber of Great Britain is pleased to announce the launch of LeBooster Londres, the new branding for

the range of tailor-made and à-la-carte services the Chamber offers to help businesses develop their commercial portfolio and set up in the UK. LeBooster is an initiative spearheaded by CCI France International, bringing together the Chamber’s existing services under one global brand and in line with French Chambers worldwide. On the set-up services side, this includes: Domiciliation and Hosting solutions; Recruitment; Payroll management; Accountancy





and promotion services. On the Business development side, services include: Organisation of study or research seminars; Creation of market studies; Lists of contacts; Contacting potential business partners and customers; Commercial assistance; and Commercial time-shared services. According to Irène Regnier, Business Support - Senior Account Manager: ‘We welcome the launch of LeBooster, as it creates a trusted brand for high quality products and makes it much easier for us to present our range of services to companies seeking to set-up in the UK. Not only does it establish a modern approach to one-stop shopping across French Chambers globally, it generates win-win cross-selling opportunities between CCIFEs under one attractive banner.' ‘Very often, companies contacting us from France to develop their business in the UK are also planning to export or settle in other European countries, typically the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and Germany. Now that our support services are part of a same brand, it is more seamless for these businesses to keep working with us across countries and markets,’ says Business Development Manager Christelle Bouquier. I For more information please contact: businesssupport@ccfgb.co.uk

Sylvie-Freund Pickavance named as new co-chair of the Chamber’s Luxury Club


ylvie Freund Pickavance is Group Strategy and Business Development for Value Retail, the developer and operator of The Bicester Village Shopping Collection comprising eleven Luxury Shopping destinations in Europe and China. She joins Luxury Club co-chair Tom Meggle, Founder and Director of Momentom 8 Ltd. A graduate of ESCP Europe Business School in Paris, Sylvie completed her training in business at Shenzhen University in 1989 gaining fluency in Mandarin, and honed her business skills at Cartier for 13 years, leading marketing and retail in Asia and North America. She moved to London in 2002 to join the De Beers-LVMH joint venture, creating a Jewellery brand for De Beers and establishing the brand in seven countries. She went on to become the CEO of Princesse tam•tam, a French lingerie brand based in Paris, before returning to the UK and joining Value Retail in 2009, to run Bicester Village. A passionate Retailer, Sylvie mentors young talents and organisations in Italy and the UK, and is part of the World Retail Congress organization to help foster Retail of the Future. I

56 - info - winter 2020


The Chamber announces partnership with Yurt Academy


n 2020, corporate training sessions will be delivered at the Chamber by the Yurt Academy, a corporate training company

which focuses on shifting mindsets and changing behaviours to bring real and purposeful benefit to an individual, a team and an organisation as a whole. As well as being open to Chamber members, The Yurt Academy will offer a certain number of seats to Chamber staff at every session. The partnership means Chamber members and staff can build their own personal development path throughout the year, selecting from a range of topics including

position for the changes ahead,’ says Bridget Rooth, Co-Director

developing agility & curiosity, strategic ‘doing,’ how to have a

and Corporate Trainer at the Yurt Academy.

difficult conversation, unlocking creative intelligence and more.

‘Creativity is the engine of innovation. With our facilitation,

‘Organisations are looking to build agile, resilient, innovative

teams explore self-imposed barriers to tap into their creative

and engaged teams to successfully navigate the coming

potential. The outcome is a fresh perspective on how to improve

changes. We consider these as fundamentally Human Skills –

personal and team creative output bringing real value to team

and that’s what we specialise in.'

performance and organisations,’ she says.

'By mastering, and making habitual, the human intelligences

‘We also help teams cultivate their connectedness,

of curiosity, creativity and connectedness, our clients learn

embedding skills such as empathy, authentic communication

essential personal and team skills that put organisations in pole

and self-care to build resilience in a workforce.’ I

INFO magazine at the printers: CPI Colour


ate last year, members of the Chamber’s publication team

manufacturing space, with pre-press, digital and lithographic

visited the facilities of CPI Colour, one of the UK’s leading

printing, finishing and binding facilities. Their extensive in-house

printing companies, to see the magazine in print production.

facilities enable them to keep tight control at every stage of

INFO magazine has been printed by CPI Colour since 2014.

the manufacturing process. They also have the environmental

Their Croydon location offers over 120,000 sq. ft of

management system 14001, and they are Carbon Neutral. I

From left to right: Suzanne Lycett, Jakob von Baeyer, Katherine Millet, Kenny-Jean Kikamba and Marie Juillard


- winter 2020 - 57

NEW MEMBERS 7 NEW CORPORATE MEMBERS LAND SECURITIES PROPERTIES LTD Commercial Property Development and Investment Company Represented by Muriel Zingraff, Leasing Strategy Consultant As one of the largest real estate companies in Europe, our 13.8 billion pounds portfolio spans 24 million square ft of well-connected, experience-led retail, leisure, workspace and residential hubs, with a growing focus on London. From the iconic Piccadilly Lights in the West End and the regeneration of London's Victoria, to the creation of retail destinations at Westgate Oxford and Trinity Leeds, we own and manage some of the most successful and memorable real estate in the UK. landsec.com

FENDI UK Retailer in high-end segment Represented by Aude Appolinaire, General Manager Fendi UK is a distributor of high-end 'ready to wear' fashion, leather goods, shoes, fur and accessories in the luxury segment. www.fendi.com

PROXIMITY INSIGHT Helping brands to connect with customers Represented by Cathy McCabe, CEO Proximity Insight partners with brands to provide an innovative and customer centric tool which enables the retail teams to deliver efficient, consistent and exceptional service. Our solution supports retailers to remain relevant by empowering teams to be able to clientel with our platform combining task management, 360 customer profile, customer engagement, appointment booking, event management, product recommendations and learning and communication in a single application. We make it easy to connect, inspire and nurture new and existing customers at scale, globally. proximityinsight.com

TRUE SEARCH Executive Search practice - Fashion, Beauty and Retail Represented by Kristyna Smetanova, Partner True Search creates value for the global economy by placing outstanding board members, c-suite executives, VPs, directors, and other strategic talent. Our clients include tech-focused brands private and public - and established organizations. We were recently named the 8th largest in North America and continue to expand internationally via our presence across Europe, as well as Dubai and Singapore. www.trueplatform.com

PEAKON LTD Peakon is the leading employee engagement and retention solution Represented by Coralie de Robert, Account Executive Peakon is the leading employee engagement and retention solution. Our data-driven methodology is trusted by hundreds of the world's best workplaces, such as Capgemini, Verizon, BMW, and EasyJet. Peakon gathers employee feedback, analyses it, and provides businesses with the insights they need to improve employee engagement, develop leadership talent, and reduce employee turnover - in real time. peakon.com

58 - info - winter 2020


ROASTING PLANT UK Roasting Plant Coffee is a tech driven disruptive concept in the Specialty Fresh Roasted Coffee Category offer customers a choice of just-roasted specialty coffee brewed by quickly and memorably Represented by Jamie Robertson, CEO Established 2007, Roasting Plant Coffee is a US tech driven disruptive concept in the Specialty Fresh Roasted Coffee Category offer customers a choice of just-roasted specialty coffee brewed by quickly and memorably. We achieve this using automation, effectively manufacturing a cup of coffee from green bean to cup in every store. Our patented technology, Javabot, is at the core of the customer experience and automation. Roasting Plant has 5 stores in the US – New York, Detroit, Minneapolis, Denver, San Francisco and 2 stores in London, UK. www.roastingplant.co.uk

SWEDISH FIT Expert in group exercise classes (training provider) Represented by Daniel Coury, Director Brought from Sweden to Paris in the 90's, Swedish fit - "Gym Suédoise" is extremely successful in France with more than 500 weekly classes / 25000 members. Working on our expansion in London, we believe it can meet the same success in the UK. Swedish Fit is a brand offering several alternative group exercise classes (full-body workout, core training, yoga, HIIT...). www.swedishfit.co.uk

29 NEW ACTIVE MEMBERS Isigny Sainte Mere UK – French Dairy Cooperative - www.isigny-ste-mere.com Represented by Ludovic Moulard, Commercial Manager UK & ROI Central Mailing Services – Direct Mailing House - centralmailing.co.uk Represented by Richard Chalmers, Account Director Jaillon Studio – Interior Design Studio for Hospitality Businesses - www.jaillonstudio.com Represented by Catherine Jaillon, President TC Partners – Coaching, Training, Professional Development Management & Leadership - www.tcpartners.coach Represented by Fabienne Perreux, Founder Seo.fr- Societe d'exploitation des etablissements Maquinay – Web referencing & Web designing Agency - www.seo.fr Represented by Julia Bazzi, International e-Business Consultant Collyer Bristow LLP – Legal services for businesses and individuals - www.collyerbristow.com Represented by Cecile de Lagarde, Associate Daniel Moquet – Le developpement d'un reseau de franchise pour la promotion et l'harmonie des allees ; Le conseil et la formation a destination des franchises - www.daniel-moquet.com Represented by Simon Dejoie, Business Development Manager (UK) 01 Accounting Services – Franco-British-Irish certified chartered accountancy firm - www.01accountingservices.com Represented by Tim Craye, Founder, Expert-Comptable and FCCA HR Bridge Consulting – Human Resources and Management Consultancy - www.hrbridgeconsulting.com Represented by Lydik Grynfeltt, Founder & Director


- winter 2020 - 59

Humanida Ltd – Consulting - Coaching - Human Resources Represented by Laurence Hollobon Beau Nuage – The French rain accessories brand - www.beau-nuage.com Represented by Aurelien Rinaldi, Co-founder - DG/Director JJX Logistics – Own asset operated time critical logistics - www.jjxlogistics.co.uk Represented by Adam Bull, Commercial Director Sellier Patrimoine – Real estate - Agent concierge - Real estate - Appraisal Investment - www.sellier-patrimonie.com Represented by Denis Sellier, CEO Novade Solutions – Enterprise Platform for Building & Construction Industry - www.novade.net Represented by Pierre Megret, Europe Business Development Director Davron Translations – All-in-one translation company for all fields in all languages: legal, business, marketing, medical www.davrontranslations.com Represented by Anne-Cecile Bourget-Davron, CEO & Manager Cojean – Health Fast Food Brand - www.cojean.co.uk Represented by Benedict MacDonald, CEO JCS Web (Smart Tribune) – Software developer - digital customer service solutions - www.smart-tribune.com Represented by Jeremy Gallemard, CEO Uptale – Immersive Learning solution for Businesses undergoing Transformation - www.uptale.io Represented by David Ristagno, Co-founder & CEO Decathlon UK – Make sports benefits accessible to all British people - www.decathlon.co.uk Represented by Eric Mazillier, CEO HL Healthy Life – Nutritionist specialised in realistic and long-term lifestyle changes - huguettelelonghealthylife.com Represented by Huguette Lelong, Founder Inetys – IT specialist – Cloud deployment - Security - www.inetys.com Represented by Philippe Mackowiak, CTO Sharp TX Limited – Digital therapeutics for dementia risk reduction - www.sharptx.life Represented by Sylvain Piquet, COO and Co-Founder Aperos Frenchies – aperosfrenchies-lifestyle.com Represented by Elisabeth You, Co-Founder Nexus Frontier – AI & Intelligent Automation company specialising in compliance processes - www.nexusfrontier.tech Represented by Terence Tse, Co-founder & Executive Director Le Hérisson – French and Bilingual Early Years Education - www.leherissonschool.co.uk Represented by Maria Frost, Proprietor / Director Lille Metropole – Greater Lille Authority - www.lillemetropole.fr/en/your-daily Represented by Angelina Boulard, Permanent Representative of Lille Metropole in London 66 PAH – Tax advisors, Accountants and Fund administrators - www.66pah.com Represented by Patrice Hugon, Partner La Compagnie des desserts – Desserts distribution to catering industry - www.compagniedesdesserts.com/en Represented by Fermin Ribes, CEO Folan – Optic fiber - www.folan.net Represented by Christine Desitter, HR Director

60 - info - winter 2020


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Employment law update

The latest intricacies and developments in employment in the context of Brexit were discussed at the HR Forum


mployment encompasses many rights


employee with full rights, worker, and

but also restrictions of which both

For those who arrive after ‘B-Day’,

employees and employers should be

there will be a 3-month permission to

aware, only enhanced by Brexit. Melanie

enter, leading to an eventual European

IR35 therefore only applies in certain

Stancliffe, Employment Partner, Cripps

temporary leave to remain after this

cases: 1. Where the service provider

Pemberton Greenish, and Tim Hayes,

period, with identity, criminality, and

cannot ask anyone else to cover their

Legal Director, Bircham Dyson Bell LLP,

security checks. The conditions of stay

work; 2. Where the employer is obliged

updated attendees on key considerations

will remain largely the same as today, for

to give them work and the provider must

and recent changes to employment law.

a period of up to 36 months from date

carry this out; and 3. Where the company

of application. This will be temporary

has control over when they work, what

and non-extendable, and will not lead

and how they do it, etc. If applicable, the

Tim Hayes explains that, upon reaching

to indefinite leave to remain or status to

provider could have employee status.

a Withdrawal Agreement with the EU, a

settlement scheme.


self-employed), HMRC only recognises employee or self-employed.

The organisation must audit to

transition period to negotiate the future

This system contains a number of

determine the status of each worker,

relationship will be implemented. Free

flaws. EU nationals may not be aware that

with no blanket determinations made,

movement will continue until end of

they will have to apply, and neither will

and pass this along in writing. Businesses


the employer, as it is difficult to monitor.

cannot assume that the employee has

A new points-based immigration

The system is also not applicable for

received the determination and is happy

system will then come into effect after

UK nationals in Europe; there is no

with it - they may receive notification of

this date, with a minimum salary and

guarantee that EU member states would

a grievance at a later date as the service

skill set to be sponsored for a UK work

continue to allow free movement.

provider has 45 days to respond. are

short-term visa of 12 months. This will

Tax and definitions of employment status

be quite restrictive, with no access to

Melanie Stancliffe commented on the

in a protracted dispute process. This

benefits, and no permission to bring

changes to IR35, whereby any public,

can play to the employer’s advantage

family members to the UK or to switch to

private or charitable organisation has

as, tactically, the company can bear

other immigration categories.

to analyse the relationship it has with

the burden of the legal fees, while the

In a 'no deal' scenario, EU law will stop

certain service providers and determine

individual cannot afford to fund their

applying to the UK. EU nationals who

if they are employees, for tax purposes.

case over an extended period. Therefore,

arrive before the cut off date will have

Although there are three types of

the company can offer settlement for

their rights to stay and access services

recognised employment statuses (an

commercial or reputational reasons. I SL

VISA, for example. There will also be a low-skilled workers category, with a

Stancliffe currently




tribunals by


number of claims being made, resulting

Good Work plan The UK government response to the Taylor Review lists a number of recommendations to be implemented in April 2020: • All workers will have the right to a written statement of terms, from day 1 rather than just in the first 2 months. • 52-week reference period for calculating a week’s pay, so employees are not discouraged to take holiday. • Abolition of the Swedish derogation, whereby encouraging more employers to take on permanent employees, with a greater level of certainty and security. • Agency workers to be provided full information, including type of contract, minimum pay, how you will be paid • Increased tribunal penalties - (eg. the maximum aggravated breach of employment will rise from £5000 to £20000) source: Tim Hayes, Legal Director, Bircham Dyson Bell LLP


- winter 2020 - 61


Leadership models

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In the last session of 2019, members of the HR Forum gathered to hear about new leadership models, with a focus on diversity and inclusivity


ocusing on diversity and inclusion in new leadership models,

should be encouraged; and Respect, where all should be

presentations were given by Cassandra Pittman, Director,

included in decision-making to ensure engagement from all

UK & Ireland, EDHEC Business School, and Anne Roques, Founder and Director, Evolution Coaching Europe LTD.


The session was chaired by Pia Dekkers, Human Resources

Diversity, inclusion & Leadership

Director, Chanel and Melanie Stancliffe, Employment Partner,

This model was proposed in a 2018 study into diversity, inclusion

Cripps Pemberton Greenish..

& leadership. It found that although perceptions around diversity, inclusion and gender equality were fairly average

A new leadership model

across all companies (although all with room for improvement),

Cassandra Pittman presented new research undertaken by

perceptions differed between men and women.

EDHEC Business School. There are four recognised leadership

Men perceived their organisations to be more diverse,

models in academic literature:

inclusive and equal then the women in their organisations.

1. Transactional: orders given and followed, hierarchical

Similarly, perceptions shift when a woman is in a leadership

position in an organisation. The company can then be perceived

structure, individuals have own objectives.

2. Servant: creation of a sense of common interest and

as more equal at all levels.

community, with teams who share the same values.

When questioned on leadership traits, participants focused

3. Transformational: aims to revolutionise the organisation

on key words linked with the traditional model of leadership,


such as ‘vision’ and ‘charisma’. According to Pittman, character

transformation and innovation.








4. Authentic: acts in accordance with their own values, but

also ensures that employees can express themselves as

individuals, with complete transparency.

traits tended to be socially associated with masculinity e.g. strong, energetic, risk-taker, authoritative. However, when asked what respondents would want from their direct superior, the answers differed from the traditional

Pittman explained that EDHEC has proposed a new model:

perceptions. Integrity, clarity, and consideration were high on

Inclusive Leadership. This places value in the diversity of teams

the list. In other words, ‘we want leaders that we can relate to as

to motivate and enhance performance.

a human,' says Pittman.

Leaders in this model focus on promoting four areas.

Therefore, there is a disconnect between our expectations,

Diversity, not just in terms of the background of the employee

and what we actually want from a leader, says Pittman. This can

but also in the skills that they can bring to the company;

lead to standardisation of management profiles, silos created in

Authenticity, allowing everyone to be themselves; Honesty, an

teams, a decrease in satisfaction and motivation, and a decline

acceptance that a level of dissent is ok and open communication

in the overall performance. I SL

Two Models for Leadership VUCA:

• Ambiguity: lack of clarity on causal relationships

• Volatility: a high rate of change and unstable challenges

- Solution: let go of things you can’t control, but reassure your team

Leadership: A stance, a mindset

• Uncertainty: lack of predictability

- Solution: seek multiple points of view

• Complexity: multiplicity of interconnected parts

- Solution: stay humble but show decisiveness

Source: Anne Roques, Evolution Coaching Europe LTD 62 - info - winter 2020

- Solution: accept that things aren’t black or white

• Open mind: suspend judgement on yourself and colleagues – you listen less when judging! • Open heart: share your feelings and name your fears • Open will: once more present, can move towards working, where ideas can emerge


Customer Journey

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The latest Finance Forum session highlighted the importance of data collection and measurability in any business


he Finance Forum on 13 November heard from Jan Eldenmalm, Global Head of Operations, Financial Services,

Capgemini Consulting on the topic of data measures. The

session was co-chaired by John Peachey, Managing Director CFO Global Markets, HSBC and David Strong, Digital Head of Cloud Transformation, Sopra Steria.

Customer at the centre ‘How many of you have stood in a queue trying to check in to a hotel or trying to pick up a bank loan and thought “they aren’t getting this right, it could have been so much better”?’ asks Jan Eldenmalm to open the session. The Customer Journey is about businesses trying to make customers buy something from them. But how do we measure and optimise that? Eldenmalm explains that his first encounter with the Customer Journey was when he worked for a company building hotspot solutions in the early 2000’s. The company built an interface for connecting to Wifi but received a lot of complaints. So the firm introduced a telephone line the equivalent of the contemporary and very common chatbot - to assist people when the system did not work. After improving their system, they realised that no one used the line anymore. The fact that the line exists shows

the morning. We need to therefore ‘let the data speak,’ says Eldenmalm.

that the customer is part of the process. Whether companies

Measurability for efficiency

manage an app, a call centre or a chatbot, they should always

Eldenmalm then explains the concept of Organisational

put the customer at the centre of their activities.

Network Analytics (ONA), a methodology that highlights

Let the data speak For Eldenmalm, measurability is key to performance.

information and communication flows through an organisation, using measurability to improve work efficiency. For example, a European bank analysed communication

Measurements are usually made from the client perspective,

across its branches. The report found that there was a direct

external to the company. ‘Intra-human interactions are

correlation between whether the branch had two floors or just

important too, but also much harder to measure’, he says.

one; one floor allowed better communication.

Eldenmalm defines the three major steps of data

Eldenmalm says that analysing internal data in this

collection and analysis: the choice of and connection to

manner requires care, as the question of privacy is crucial. The

different data sources; the application of scientific metrics;

collection of internal data could very easily be seen as a way of

and the development of quantitative analysis and operational

monitoring activities.


The effect of measuring is massive once you learn how to

People tend to have an opinion on what the outcome of

implement and use it on a daily basis. Eldenmalm concludes

the analytics will be. The illusion of knowledge regularly creates

that spending millions on transformation and improvement

bias and indicators on the analytics side can sometimes be

is not everything. Quantitative analysis tells you things that


you do not necessarily know. ‘Let the data talk, don’t make too

For example, the most important indicator of whether a

many assumptions, and benchmark your data with others,’

loan will be repaid or not is the time of day that the decision

he says. Measuring is definitely key for your business to reach

is made. A loan application at midnight tends to be taken in

its full potential. I

a completely differently state of mind than if it is taken at 8 in


- winter 2020 - 63


The Future of Retail Banking

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The session heard that retail banking is changing in line with wider changes in digital technology, behaviour and consumer expectations


meeting of the Finance Forum on 9 October welcomed as its guest

speaker Keith Richardson, Director of Corporate Relations, Econocom Ltd. The meeting was chaired by John Peachey, Managing Director - CFO Global Markets, HSBC Bank Plc. Richardson began his presentation by sketching out the technology usage of the average six-year-old – who he noted is also the banking consumer of the future. This child now uses a smartphone or tablet, watches movies and plays videos games on-demand, and attends school where teachers use digital whiteboards and search the internet to help solve questions. ‘With technology as an enabler, in ten years’ time, we could be seeing the regular use of driverless cars and private space travel. Some futurists say that it will be a cashless society. There are questions about the uptake of cryptocurrencies and blockchain tech,

Some futurists say that it will be a cashless society. There are questions about the uptake of cryptocurrencies and blockchain tech, and if there will be more or fewer banks than there are today

and if there will be more or fewer banks than there are today,’ says Richardson. Just over ten years ago, the launch

has resulted in a lower barrier to entry

Traditional banks can help and support

for disruptors in the banking market.

these new entrants – this is a new role

of the iPhone and smart technology

There has also been a convergence

of the traditional big banks. They have

enabled consumers in new and powerful

in retail and retail banking, and the

data that is hugely valuable to the new

ways. And now that consumers have the

banking market is moving to cloud-

entrants, and in return they aim to be

power at their fingertips, it is clear that

based solutions.

better connected to their customers

companies needed to be both investors and developers in technology.

New entrants to the market





through new and improved touch points.

despite these changes, loyalty, brand

Richardson concluded by noting that

and trust are still key in the retail and

it is largely customers who are driving an

retail banking sector.

agenda of digital transformation in retail

In terms of retail banking, physical and

In this context it is also clear that

banking. ‘This means that banks need to

digital disruptors have joined the market,

the regulatory environment must catch

pay attention and to adapt,’ he says. ‘The

large retailers have created banking

up, as there are many new entrants that

way people talk about and interact with

offerings, and traditional banks have cut

need to be regulated, and who would

banking is changing.’ I

their costs and invested in technology.

benefit from regulatory environments

This focus on investment in technology,

in terms of trust and brand-building.

64 - info - winter 2020


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Journey through the acquisition of a start-up

A recent meeting of the Digital Transformation & Innovation Forum heard a case study of ENGIE's acquisition from the point of view the start-up


he session welcomed Richard

commercial factors, including ENGIE’s


Chant, Head of Digital Services,

key drivers and pain points, and how

There is a view that the moment

ENGIE UK & Ireland, as its guest

they could meet these; and how to build

you have successfully been acquire,

speaker. The meeting was co-chaired by

a string proposition with financial and

that the job is done, but in fact this

Fabrice Bernhard, Founder, Theodo,

technical potential

is when the hard work really begins.

and Holly Stockbridge, Innovation

They also di their due diligence to

This is due to a number of factors.

Manager, ENGIE UK&I. The session was

understand is ENGIE met their desires

The original promises can change, and

sponsored by ESCP Business School.

and ethical alignment, and sought to

there is a important job to be done to

Richard Chant was one of the

improve the aesthetic presentation of

management expectations on all sides.

founders of C3Resources, a small

their software.

energy management company launched

On the human side, it was important

Chant advises any would be start-up to be prepared to be drowned in work

in 2007 and based in Plymouth. The

that they identify and interact with the

at this moment of acquisition. In may

primary asset of the business was the

right champions and stakeholders in the

ways the selling continues at this stage

C3ENTINEL software, which analysed

company. While ENGIE were primarily

and it can be a battle to demonstrate

energy usage data from installed

buying the software, the reality was that

your value.

meters, and its staff of eight people.

the human assets of the company were

In 2015, the company was acquired

more important.

by ENGIE, a multinational operating in

The process was not without

Reflect on the process four years on, Chant reported that the acquisition completed successfully and the software

74 countries worldwide and more than

its underlying risk. As Chant put it:

is not fully integrated in a number of

20,000 employees.

‘Sometimes you can sit in fourteen

ENGIE’s business areas, growing their

meetings of people saying ‘yes,’ before

data points by 2,200 percent. However,

anything happens, and only one

one of his proudest achievements is

Chant told the group that in order

meeting of someone saying ‘no’ before

that six of the eight original employees

to position themselves as a relevant

the idea gets canned.’

of C3Resources are employees at ENGIE

Build-up to acquisition

acquisition for ENGIE, they needed to

working in the team. I

fundamentally understand a range of

How to do it right • Due diligence is essential – use it not to just check the value of the prospect, but also to understand the early years investment requirement • Protect and incentivise the key people • The small company is probably working at capacity at point of acquisition, they will need more resource to support education, integration, growth • Ensure an Integration Manager has clear targets and understands the business case • Minimise distractions from the core service, allowing 3 months for the integration of the support functions before Sales • Communicate a clear vision, but remain flexible


- winter 2020 - 65


Future trends in the UK retail sector

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The latest Retail Forum session explored the transformation and new challenges at stake in the retail sector


he Retail Forum on 6 December welcomed as guest

many businesses are trying to get to a different model. ‘Many

speaker Helen Dickinson OBE, Chief Executive, British

businesses are trying to navigate their way through a different

Retail Consortium, and was hosted in the offices of Browne

and new retail environment’, says Dickinson.

Jacobson LLP. The session was co-chaired by Catherine

In the context of emerging technologies, the common

Palmer and Alain Harfouche, DUOLAB Managing Director,

opinion is that the physical store is dead, but this view has been

L’Occitane Group.

changing over the last five years. ‘What we are now thinking,

Helen leads the team and sets the strategic direction of the

or what is the recognized wisdom, is that the store is not

BRC. She joined in January 2013 and has been working with

dead, it’s just going to be different’, she says. The way people

retailers for over 25 years. She is also a judge of the Everywoman

shop has changed. But we have also seen that a store can be

Retail Ambassadors Programme and was previously Chair

used in different ways, and is no longer just a place where you

of Working Chance, a charity helping women offenders find

undertake a transaction. Dickinson adds that we need to think

employment between 2012 and 2016. Helen was previously

differently about the High Street, about place and community.

UK Head of Retail at KPMG, driving and developing the retail

Placemaking is key, as we have to think of more flexible

practice and leading relationships and audits for many clients.

working spaces, in order to continue to create communities to

Helen was awarded the OBE in 2016 for Services to Retail.

reinvigorate the High Street.

Overview of the sector

The new shopping journey

Helen Dickinson opened the session by reporting that retail

The shopping journey is being disrupted by technology

constitutes 8.9 percent of employment and 5.1 percent of GDP,

transformation. Historically, shopping was just about buying

and is therefore a significant contributor to the economy. But

something, whereas now there is also the connection with a

2019 has been a challenging year for the retail sector, she says,

brand, and an expected social interaction.

as the year was marked by the loss of thousands of jobs across the industry.

Indeed, the historical KPIs used to measure success should also be rethought. The expectations in the retail sector are

Indeed, on the economy, the UK has been falling behind

now quite different, mostly because of the changing consumer

G7, since the referendum. As Brexit continues to be a factor in

expectations and demand. Dickinson outlines that another

the performance of the retail sector, so does its current digital

growing trend is emerging: the idea of ethical consumption,


which more businesses tend to include in their DNA.

A perfect storm of retail risks

how retailers build their brands, and there is a big role for new

Dickinson referred to the situation as ‘a perfect storm of

technology. What is clear, is that Information and transparency

retail risks.’ As such, reinvention and innovation are key as

are key for the customer. I

66 - info - winter 2020

Sustainability and purpose will pay an increasing role in


How to attract and retain talent in the digital world

Sponsored by

A joint HR and Digital Transformation & Innovation Forum session discussed the impact on people of business digitalisation and automation


ey themes in the Chamber’s forums often intersect. Such was the case

for the joint Digital Transformation & Innovation and HR Forum session on 15 October, on the topic of attracting and retaining talent in the digital world. The session took place at The Senator Group, with a tour by Opus 4 showing how furnishings and design can enhance a workspace. The topic was addressed by speakers Stephanie Rudbeck, Senior

Director, Talent & Reward, Willis Towers Watson, and Leo Hawkins, Head of Talent, Virgin Media. The session was co-chaired by Fabrice Bernhard, Founder, Theodo, Holly

One in four companies, those that are more advanced in their digitalisation, have a Chief Digital Officer

Stockbridge, Innovation Manager, ENGIE UK&I, and Melanie Stancliffe. ‘A lot of organisations are on a digital journey, but are at different stages,’ says Stephanie Rudbeck. ‘Our research

change in an organisation, rather than

professionals to manage. This can lead

fulfilling a technical role.

to job cuts, but also new jobs created in

Secondly, Rudbeck says that ‘Within

other areas.

shows that around three quarters of

three years, around ninety percent of

organisations are focused on expanding

organisations will use automation to

their relationship with the organisations

their digital capabilities.’

get work done but the proportion of

will shift, from being employees to being

work completed by automation will be

non-employee talent.’ The proportion of

around a third.’

total workforce employed will decrease

The survey by Willis Towers Watson entitled ‘Becoming Digital: 2019 Pathways to Digital Enablement Survey’

However, automation will not

Fourthly, Rudbeck says ‘the nature of

but talent platforms such as agencies,

depicts six key findings revolving around

replace but will support people to work

consultants, part time workers etc will

the people consequences of going

more efficiently, in a higher skill and



value capacity, with lower personal

Becoming Digital

The fifth finding demonstrates that

risk. One case study showed that

two in five employees are fearful that

performance variance shifted from forty

their job will be replaced, but they will

Firstly, organisations are taking different

percent to less than one percent so

be reskilled. The responsibility falls to

paths to becoming digital. Companies

moving to a higher skilled workforce was

employers to invest in training in order

may choose to start by contracting with

a self-paying transition.

to achieve this.

third parties or developing capabilities

Thirdly, the impact of automation

The sixth and final key element

in house. However, other ‘up-and-

on the current workforce was analysed,

shows that leadership development is

coming’ organisations are partnering

as well as future expectations. Findings

the priority for most organisations in

with start-ups, setting up incubators,

show that automation will allow the use

preparing for digitalisation. Rudbeck

acquiring digital start-ups. Around one

of more non-employee talent and also

explains that this requires ‘leaders truly

in four companies, those that are more

fewer employees. There will be jobs

critically understanding the new world

advanced in their digitalisation, have a

created that require both high and low

of work and building a compelling talent

Chief Digital Officer, prioritising strategic

skillsets, which will be a challenge for HR

experience for their people.’ I SL


- winter 2020 - 67


Valuing environmental impacts using Market Data

Sponsored by

Members of the Climate Change & Sustainability Forum heard about the monetary value of environmental impact in business9


ack in 2011, Puma became the first major company to implement

an economic valuation of the environmental impacts caused by greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and water consumption along its entire supply chain. It found that the direct ecological impact of its operations equates to £6.2m but an additional £74.7m falls upon its entire supply chain, according to the Guardian. In 2019, Henrik Andersson,

Associate Professor, Toulouse School of Economics undertook research into the value of non-market goods, to ensure the impact on the environment

more practical understanding of their

of business is attributed the appropriate

economic impact for the creation of

level of importance. He presented on

governmental policies or attributing tax,

environmental goods and services. For

this topic, in a session co-chaired by

for example.

example, property pricing: how is this

Nidhi Baiswar, Head of Sustainability,

To do this, an equation can be used,

value. Market data can help to assess

affected by quality of air in the area? In

Head of Sustainable Design and

balancing the costs and benefits in a

order to obtain the air pollution levels

Construction, Bouygues Construction,

quantifiable way, to then give a ‘net

of a location alongside the pricing

and Jean-Philippe Verdier, Founding

present value’. This can also attribute a

statistics, partnerships are required, so

Partner, Verdier & Co. Corporate

social value to externalities, such as how

that both data sets can be combined to


we should tax the use of fossil fuels, or

make a more informed assessment.

A question of perception Andersson explains that there is

the costs when considering damage compensation.

Current technological developments provide many opportunities to collect data. Apps and loyalty cards for

scepticism around the value of non-

Obtaining the data

market goods, as it is considered

Andersson explains that different

backed up by surveys, questioning why

an abstract concept and difficult to

methods can be deployed to obtain the

respondents made the choices that they

measure. Some non-market goods

relevant information. Questionnaires

did to gain a full insight.

are seen as ‘priceless’, such as nature

can be used, in the form of surveys for

Access to this data could elicit

and health. His method attempts to

individuals. Although this gives a good

integrity issues but contracts in place

attribute monetary value to normally

range of individual data sets, this has

can ensure a neutral and ethical use of

immeasurable quantities or necessities,


the information. Issues can arise around

such as a life or a unit of water.

For example, the responses may not

example collect data, which can then be

access to data, as well as the quality of

reflect the reality of how people would

the date and whether it’s the right data

no monetary value easily available

react or give the full reasons as to why

to be used in the given context.

especially pertain to those things that

behind the choices. It also assumes that

we care about, such as the environment

the respondents and analysts are well

sources from which to gain insight to

or endangered animals, says Andersson.

informed. Due to these restrictions, this

evaluate the economic importance of

It is therefore important to attribute a

format is useful to give a background

the environmental impact of business

direct value to these in order to have a

but not to directly inform the market

on planet earth. I SL

The goods and services which have

68 - info - winter 2020

Despite the issues, it is a wealth of


A visit to Fortnum & Mason A recent meeting of the Chamber’s Luxury Club was held at the famed London department store


he Chamber’s Luxury Club was welcomed at an exclusive

Venters also noted the importance that consumers today

breakfast and presentation, hosted by the department

place on innovation and on having new experiences in retail,

store’s CEO, Ewan Venters. The session was chaired by Tom

both online and off. He addressed the growth and importance of

Meggle, Founder and Director, Momentom 8 Ltd.

Gen Z, and how this influential cohort of consumers are seeking

Venters gave a presentation on how his British heritage

out authenticity and story-telling in their shopping experiences

brand was innovating and modernising in the digital age, and

and products. They are looking for a physical experience, to

in the context of globalisation. He spoke to delegates from the

complement a very efficient digital experience.

Chamber and businesses in the luxury and retail sector about

He spoke about the heritage of the brand in the context of

the growth ambitions of Fortnum & Mason, and how they saw

their current approaches to innovation, noting that Fortnum &

the challenges for supporting future growth.

Mason is a store that has been innovating for more than three-

The 312-year-old British retailer opened a new restaurant

hundred years, from the scotch egg to their world-famous

and shop in Hong Kong late last year. Part of their offering

hampers. Innovation, he said, continues to be in the life-blood

includes product personalisation, allowing customers to create

of any successful retail business.

their own bespoke tea blend and caddy label. They can also add personal messages to Champagne labels from Billecart-Salmon

The Chamber would like to thank Mr Venters and Fortnum & Mason for their hospitality. I

to Hostomme houses.

Venters addressed the growth and importance of Gen Z, and how this influential cohort of consumers are seeking out authenticity and story-telling in their shopping experiences and products

Luxury Club co-Chair Tom Meggle speaks with Fortnum & Mason CEO Ewan Venters


- winter 2020 - 69

FORTHCOMING FORUMS & CLUBS By application only


Februray 08.30 - 10.30


February 08.30 - 10.30


Digital Ethics Guest speaker: Jen Rodvold, Head of Digital Portfolio & Tech for Good, Sopra Steria Venue: Deloitte LLP

CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABILIT Y FORUM Urbanisation – Smart building/city Venue: Blick Rothenberg


March 08.30 - 10.30

26 March


How to solve innovation dilemma Guest speaker: : John Lawrence, Director, SGK Consultancy Venue: DUOLAB By L’Occitane

LUXURY CLUB Breakfast at Harrods Beauty Hall in partnership with Walpole

08.00 - 10.00


February 08.30 - 10.30


March 08.30 - 10.30


Brexit Update Venue: Hogan Lovells


Employment law update Venue: Willis Towers Watson

22 April

Conductor: Karen Kamensek Venue: London Philharmonic Orchestra

12.30 - 14.30

29 April

08.30 - 10.30

For more information, please contact: Ophélie Martinel at: forumsandclubs@ccfgb.co.uk or 0207 092 6634

Sessions are accredited by the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certification Service

70 - info - winter 2020



Brexit Update Venue: Irwin Mitchell



Franco-British Business Awards The Franco-British Business Awards 2019 returned to the 5-star surroundings of the May Fair Hotel’s Crystal Ballroom to celebrate the achievements of both British and French companies.


Under the high patronage of the French Ambassador to the UK and the British Ambassador to France, the Franco-British Business Awards 2019

saw a deserving group of forward-thinking companies recognised for innovative


initiatives and dedication, across the categories of sustainability, CSR and Start-

Start-Up & SME Award: BEAU NUAGE

Up & SME.

Beau Nuage is a French rain accessories

Following a welcome address by Fabienne Viala, President of the French

brand, with an innovative microfibre self-

Chamber and Chairman of Bouygues UK, Jean-Christophe Donnellier spoke

drying umbrella cover to absorb the water

on behalf of the French Embassy, highlighting the important role of the UK and

from the canopy.

French authorities to support companies through the uncertainty of coming years. The Chamber would like to thank the supporting sponsors of this year’s

Sustainability Award: GFG ALLIANCE GFG Alliance deploys Greensteel and

awards: Cripps Pemberton Greenish, Dassault Systemes, EDF Energy, and

Green Aluminium strategies to promote

Mazars. We would also extend a thank you to the members of the jury.

industrial revival based on low-carbon and

Many thanks also go to our prize donors: Bateaux London, Chivas

sustainable production methods.

Brothers, Evolution Coaching, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Serge Betsen Consulting, Verdier & Co, Vranken Pommery & The Yurt Academy. Finally, many thanks to Vranken Pommery UK for contributing the English sparkling wine on this occasion. I

CSR Award: L’ORÉAL UK & IRELAND Aneta Jajkowska, ENORTH Director, People & Organisation System, Dassault Systemes, presented the award, highlighting L’Oréal’s engagement across their ecosystem, from design to distribution, as well as their Beauty for All initative.

Coup de Coeur: BLANC Olivier Morel, Partner and Head of International at Cripps Pemberton Greenish, highlighted that this category recognises a company that has gone beyond the call of duty. In this instance, Founder Ludovic Blanc is, according to Morel, the ‘definition of a disruptor.’

French Chamber Award: VRANKEN-POMMERY UK From left to right: Aurélien Rinaldi, BEAU NUAGE; Bridget Rooth, THE YURT ACADEMY; Geoff Skingsley, L'ORÉAL UK & IRELAND; Jonathan Levy, GFG ALLIANCE; Aneta Jajkowska, DASSAULT SYSTEMES; Olivier Morel, CRIPPS PEMBERTON GREENISH; Elisabeth Maxwell, MAZARS; Clara Auricoste, BLANC; Philippe Commaret, EDF ENERGY; Hélène Hamansen, BLANC; Jean-Philippe Verdier, VERDIER & CO. CORPORATE ADVISORY; Séverine Trouillet, DASSAULT SYSTEMES; Gaylord Sequeira, VRANKEN-POMMERY UK; Fabienne Viala, FRENCH CHAMBER OF GREAT BRITAIN.


Vranken Pommery has been a long-term Champagne and English sparkling wine partner for Chamber events, such as the Gala and Summer Champagne reception.



- winter 2020 - 71




72 - info - winter 2020


BUILDING BRIDGES: insight and matchmaking This new edition of the event continued to bridge the start-up and corporate gap, matchmaking large companies with promising start-ups, and making collaboration happen


EBRIDGE19, hosted at Microsoft Reactor on November

According to Antoine Baschiera, CEO & Co-founder,

25th, saw the return of the hugely-popular matchmaking

EarlyMetrics, finding a start-up partner can be like finding a

event organised by the French Chamber of Great Britain.

needle in a haystack, as matching a particular solution with

The one day-event allowed large corporations to meet

the requirements of a large corporate can be a minefield of

innovative start-ups offering the solutions and tech they need, and allowed start-ups to speak directly to the key decision makers at the participating corporations.

potential difficulties. He offered a case study to show that collaborations take time to reach fruition. It can take a company ten start-ups to

This year the Chamber welcomed sponsors Browne

generate six pilot projects, which then on average delivers only

Jacobson, FI Group, Theodo and Pitchy. The co-organising

one product deployment. The value for the corporation and the

partners were Early Metrics, Microsoft for Start-ups and The

start-up stands on this deployment, which currently has only a

Bakery. French Morning London returned as a media partner,

10 percent success rate.

alongside Maddyness, the French media brand which recently launched a UK office.

Presentations were also given by Amali de Alwis MBE, Managing Director - Microsoft for Start-ups UK, Sadiq

Other partners of the event included the creative design

Damani, CEO of Theodo, and Holly Stockbridge, Business

agency Creaman, the mobile app builder GoodBarber, and

Change Consultant at ENGIE and co-chair of the Chamber’s

Michel et Augustin, who provided the breakfast.

Digital Transformation & Innovation Forum.

The event featured a series of inspirational key notes, networking






For the matchmaking portion of the event, fourteen


corporates were present, representing some of the most

companies. Michael Niddam, Entrepreneur, Angel Investor and

important employers in the UK. More than fifty start-ups were

co-Founder of Kamet Ventures, an InsurTech start-up factory,

vetted and selected for participation in the event, and each

offered advice to start-ups and corporations alike on the perils

networking session was tailor-made creating a platform for

of reaching successful innovation and collaboration.

meaningful conversations and a dedicated slot in which new

Andrew Humphries, Co-Founder at The Bakery, outlined the

business opportunities could be discussed.

primary ways that start-ups and corporates can work together:

The Chamber would like to thank all of the participating

partner, build or buy. ‘The reason you need to do all of these

companies, partners and sponsors for making the second

three things are that there are different types of problems that

edition of LEBRIDGE a success. The Chamber will look to build

you need to solve, different opportunities for innovation inside

on the platform in 2020, and deliver new opportunities for

your organisation.’

curated corporate-start-up matchmaking. I

The primary ways that start-ups and corporates can work together are partner, build and buy. The reason you need to do all of these three things are that there are different types of problems that you need to solve, and different opportunities for innovation inside your organisation




- winter 2020 - 73


Three hundred guests, a scattering of palm trees, music, auction bids and food & drink – the tradition of the Annual Gala Dinner continues


he majestic Winter Garden in the





An inclusive and fair society

markets in Europe and beyond. So we will go on, whatever happens.’

soaring ceilings and open-spaced

The Ambassador commented on the

Each year, the Gala Dinner supports

courtyard welcomed 300 guests on

choice of Humanity & Inclusion as charity

a charity, raising funds via live and silent

8 October for the French Chamber’s

partner this year, saying that inclusiveness

auctions. This year’s charity partner was

Annual Gala Dinner.

is key to achieving ‘a solid and sustainable

Humanity and Inclusion, represented

Guests kicked off the evening sipping

growth.’ She also commented on the

by Aleema Shivji, Executive Director,

Champagne kindly provided by Vranken

close economic ties between the UK and

who spoke about their activities. With a

Pommery to the sound of live piano

France, highlighting the 3,000 French

presence in 60 countries worldwide and

music in the Mezzanine area. Cameras

companies in the UK which are investing

having reached 10 million people in 2016,

flashed and conversation flowed as

and delivering around 400,000 jobs.

Shivji says that ‘Inclusion is at the heart of

Colonna emphasised that ‘the quality

our values and is our core purpose. We

of this relationship is largely linked to the

fundamentally believe that the world is a

Moving to the ballroom to find their

sophistication and openness of the UK

better place when the most marginalised

tables and seats for the main event,

market.’ She advises companies to ‘be

are included in society.’

guests were welcomed by Fabienne Viala,

innovative, both in their products and

Following the starter, the guest of

President of the French Chamber of

their processes’ in order to survive in

honour was welcomed onto the stage,

Great Britain and Chairman of Bouygues

these conditions.

to present his speech. John Allan CBE,

guests networked for the premier blacktie event in the Chamber’s calendar.

UK, who then introduced HE Mrs

Colonna ended on a positive note.

President of the CBI and Chairman of

Catherine Colonna, recently appointed

‘We still see French companies entering

Tesco Plc, had a wealth of knowledge

French Ambassador to the UK, for her

the UK market, and I see this as a sign of

and insights to impart, through his role in

first official appearance at a French

confidence about the future and the fact

both organisations.

Chamber event.

that the UK will remain one of our major

First, Brexit, the ‘biggest shake-up to the rules that govern immigration, regulation and trade for a generation.’ Allan says that, with France as the UK’s fourth largest customer and fifth largest supplier,





relationship should remain strong.’ ‘[The CBI] wants to see and support a thriving EU in the years ahead,’ says Allan. ‘Of course, many of us would prefer to be in it, but if we’re not we want it to be successful without us. The challenges are too big, too global, to allow our relationship to fall into a state of disrepair. […] Business will have and should have as big a role as anyone to dampen these fires by delivering economies that better create and share prosperity.’ Allan then commented on the role 74 - info - winter 2020

Many of us would prefer to be in the EU, but if we’re not we want it to be successful without us. The challenges are too big, too global, to allow our relationship to fall into a state of disrepair






in society. ‘What is the purpose of business?’ asks Allan. ‘The purpose of business can no longer just be growth, and growth alone. The challenge now is how we make this growth truly inclusive. Part of that journey is how we prepare the next generation as a society for the world of work. ‘We know that change has to start early. Soundly researched evidence in the UK suggests that if a young person has four interactions with business while at school, they are five times less likely to be unemployed as adults. At the CBI, we

songs: ‘Stranded’, ‘Me’, and ‘Wait’, as well

are leading and launching a campaign

as Aretha Franklin’s ‘Say a Little Prayer’.

Post dessert and coffee, the results of the silent and live auctions combined

to help more schools connect with

Following this entertainment, the

were announced, at £14,000 raised

businesses and vice versa. I want every

theatrical flourish of a live auction.

in total for Humanity & Inclusion. The

single business in the UK to get involved

Isabelle Paagman, Senior Director and

winning bidders collected their lots, and

in some way in this work.’

European Head of Private Sales at

the room slowly emptied, with guests

‘Business cannot be a bystander in

Sotheby’s, led proceedings with energy

departing clutching perfumes kindly

the society that sustains it,’ concludes

and humour, enticing the bidders to

offered by Chanel. The lights came

Allan. An emphatic message.

spar for the five top lots of: a Club Med

up, and the Gala 2019 was over. But

and Air France one-week holiday for two

the positive messages of the evening

to Mauritus; a spa experience at the

demonstrate that, regardless of the

The main course was then served,

Bvlgari; an afternoon tea experience at

path taken for Brexit, the Franco-British

accompanied by a variety of wines, kindly

the Langham; a concert experience at

community will come together for the

provided by Sud de France. Once plates

the London Philharmonic Orchestra;

Gala 2020 to once again celebrate our

were cleared, the room was treated to

and a magnum of Champagne offered

enduring close relationship. I SL

the powerful vocals of Grace Ackerman,

by Vranken Pommery, with the box

who gave renditions of three original

personalised by Graphiplus.

Music and philanthropy

Gold sponsors

Silver sponsors


- winter 2020 - 75



Automation and its impact on HR Chamber members were welcomed in the offices of Deloitte for a presentation on reimagining the organisation in the age of automation: HR's unique opportunity to future-proof the business and drive organisational value


he session began with a welcome

put cognitive services on the web, that

address by Ross James, Partner

interpret natural language or interpret

who have not experience that level of

- French Market Leader at Deloitte.

images, or that can do a range of things

automation, and do not want to adopt it

Panellists who took part in the

– and these can now be used in HR

in their work. From an HR point of view,

presentation include David Wright,


the biggest challenge is understanding

Intelligent Automation Lead at Deloitte;

‘You also have older generations

how to implement technology and

John Bailey, International Partner

Applications to HR

Solutions Consultant at Blue Prism;

‘The issue today, is that workplaces need

Lauren Coe, Future of Work CoE Lead

to change, because the way that they

at Deloitte; Vikki Sly, Chief People

work no long fit with the way that we

Impact on jobs

Officer at Blue Prism.

work or the way that we live our lives,’

‘We did some work with academics at

says Lauren Coe. ‘Automation is only

Oxford University, the figure was 35

moderated by Cassandra Pittman,

part of creating a different kind of work

percent of UK jobs in the next ten-to-

Director UK & Ireland at EDHEC, and


twenty years are at high risk due to

The panel discussion was

was followed by a networking session

‘What we have got to do is look at our

automation across a multi-generational workforce.’

automation. Other studies from 2001 to

workplaces from the point of view of the

2015 show that technology has either

The discussion kicked off with

human being, and work out what does

destroyed jobs or been influential in

comments about preconceptions that

that experience need to be, and create

destroying jobs – and the figure was

exist around AI and its application

the technology framework that creates

800,000 jobs reduced over that period,’

to business. One such area was the

the careers that people want.’

says David Wright.

that a better word to use would be

Generational divides

technology has been instrumental in

‘automation’ to described the kind of

‘We now have five generations in the

creating new jobs, or new jobs have

functionality that AI can bring to an HR

workforce, and there are very different

come online that are at low risk due to

function within a company.

perceptions of robots and automation.

automation – and that figure was 3.8

You have people joining the workforce

million jobs over that same period.’

over a selection of drinks and canapés.

use of the word ‘robot.’ It was agreed

‘Automation is really replacing a lot

‘But then we also looked at where

of integration that has, or hasn’t been

that use these technologies in their daily

happening,’ says John Bailey. ‘What

lives and have an expectation of having

technology would contribute to a

we are finding now, companies like

that technology available in their jobs,’

reduction of roles, but it is also likely to

Google, Microsoft and IBM, are able to

says Vikki Sly.

help more roles be created’. I

‘Our conclusion was that, in general,

Our conclusion was that technology would contribute to a reduction of roles. But it is also likely to help more roles be created 76 - info - winter 2020



New retail for the new consumer On 5 November thirty-five members of the Chamber gathered at the Radisson Blu Hampshire for the Seminar with Proximis, to learn about new retail and its impact on retailers


nais Veerapatren, Business Manager UK at Proximis introduced Proximis as ‘a French based software provider

that is very active in its international rollout, with the mission to demystify unified commerce.’

The web and the stores are in competition, and this is not natural. Something is wrong in this space and we need to fix that

Eric Chemouny, COO of Proximis, expanded upon this explanation, stating the importance of a ‘frictionless journey’ for

This all-encompassing approach is key, says Zakkour.

the consumer. Consumers want to buy, but they want to buy

‘E-commerce is one small tool and destination you can use

easily, with the ability to mix different products, across different

to engage consumers and complete transactions. Digital

means of delivery, he says.

commerce is the complete digitisation of every aspect of the

‘The web and the stores are in competition, and this is not natural,’ says Chemouny. ‘Something is wrong in this space and we need to fix that.’

process.’ ‘The companies that are going to live are those that are willing and able to transform – not just grow or improve,’ says

Previously, the omnichannel approach was considered

Zakkour. Amazon and Walmart have both done so - in 2016,

paramount to the survival of retailers. Proximis aims to now

they bought WholeFoods and Jet.com, demonstrating that

connect the different channels. ‘We consider Omnichannel is

event huge retailers are choosing to transverse their respective

dead […] Omnichannel is about mixing different sales channels.

traditional retail channels.

E-commerce should bring more traffic in store, and not be in competition with stores,’ says Chemouny.

New Retail Michael Zakkour, Founder & Chief Strategist at 5 New Digital,

These successful companies built ‘ecosystems’ with ‘habitats’, different environments in which to access the products and services, explains Zakkour. He therefore warns again restrictive terminology encouraging retailers to think of different aspects of the customer journey in silos.

says, ‘the major disruption that changed everything about

‘We need to stop using the words e-commerce and channel.

business today, and the way we talk, live and communicate, was

That’s where omnichannel went wrong. This was a recognition

the re-emergence of China as a global power.’

that there were multiple channels that needed tending to. But

Zakkour says that in 2016, the CEO of Alibaba declared his

they were never connected.’

vision for the new retail, which involved the complete integration

Once this has been accepted, companies can start to

of online and offline technologies, media and logistics which

build their own ecosystems, to fully integrate the physical

would ‘redefine every part of how we make, move, buy and sell

experience with the online experience, alongside incorporating


customer data. And there is a lot of potential once this has been

China had no legacy banking system, no legacy personal


technology (e.g. phones, laptops, etc), and it lacked a legacy

‘We have a store apocalypse happening in Europe and

retail infrastructure. From the get-go, it could therefore aim to

the US, not a retail apocalypse. We are in a period of a retail

‘marry digital payments with a digital retail infrastructure and

renaissance,’ says Zakkour.

give people mobile devices,’ says Zakkour.

A positive outlook - for the companies willing to adapt. I SL

Spoiling the consumer: the four Cs of Retail 1. Consumer Centricity: making it all about the consumer. Your entire mission should be to spoil your consumer. 2. Convenience: the consumer demands to be spoiled or they will find somebody else who does. The consumer wants to buy anything when they want and how they want. 3. Customisation: the younger generation don’t want to feel like they are just being mass-marketed to ad nauseum and technology allows you to personalise your offering. 4. Consumer contribution: allowing the consumer to contribute to your brand and mission.


- winter 2020 - 77



The business of blockchain The fourth edition of the Seminar with FTPA focused on blockchain and its business potential


lockchain is fast growing and

Improved efficiencies

of a piece of intellectual property,

extending its influence across all

The instantaneous way of sharing

trademarks, or design, for example.

sectors, with legal ramifications. This

data on the blockchain enhances

On blockchain, timestamping dates

fourth edition of the Seminar with FTPA

efficiencies, with complete transparency

the proof and confirms its author. This

examined the potential of blockchain

across networks while respecting

data can then not be violated, and it is

and its ability to create efficiencies in

confidentiality, says Le Floch. Similarly,

stored securely in a confidential format,


for transactions and for recording the

which can then be accepted in litigation

existence of assets or specific data sets,


Guests were once again treated to spectacular views of St. Paul’s

all transactions made or information

Cathedral and Ladurée delicacies,

registered can be assumed reliable.

example of simplification of the legal

Bilal El Alamy expands on the

process. Flight data is monitored and,

before hearing from speakers: Bilal

A ‘fizzy’ contract is another concrete

El Alamy at EQUISAFE, Didier Le

importance of blockchain in improving

when a delay of the appropriate length

Floch, Partner Trade & Supply Chain

efficiencies. ‘It allows more efficient

is registered, an insurance policy

at ConsenSys, Boriana Guimberteau,

collaborative work. It’s back office and

payment is triggered via the blockchain.

Partner at FTPA, and Coralie Oger,

middle office improvements,’ he says.

‘This relies on the execution of code,

El Alamy gives the example of

and the settlement is immediate and

Partner, M&A Practice at FTPA. Rajeev Sharma Fokeer, Avocat Associé at FTPA

third parties working together in

moderated the event.

real estate, such as notaries and

automated,’ says El Alamy. ‘In this situation there is almost no

lawyers. ‘When building a collaborative

place for debate,’ says Guimberteau.

product on blockchain, you go from

The obligation and execution of the

Didier Le Floch first described

data silos where you have all those

insurance contract are clearly defined.

blockchain as an economic system or

parties working individually to a more

But this is not normally the case. ‘As

distributed database, which can be

collaborative approach. People become

lawyers, we know that usually contracts

tolerant of some malicious behaviour as

more efficient as they will know that

are debated and their execution is

the majority will overrule any malicious

they are working on the most recent

always debated,’ says Guimberteau.

intent. Incentives ensure the outcome

version of the document and who

She highlights the importance of

can be trusted without having to trust

worked on it last with timestamped

how lawyers will handle the nuances of

the individuals who input the data.


human interpretation in code, and in

The basics of blockchain

The system relies on a large number

the encryption of the obligation and the

of people using blockchain to assign

Implications for law practices

it a value. ‘If there are enough people

Boriana Guimberteau explains that, for

third party that all parties agree upon

believing in the value of the asset, and

lawyers, this transparency is a boon.

could be introduced where this is a

you can exchange it, then it has a value,’

Proof of creation can be a headache

concern to monitor the outcome. I SL

says Le Floch.

for lawyers when assessing the rights

performance of execution. A trusted

Tokenisation: digitising something on the blockchain To tokenise a financial instrument (for example the shares or stocks of a company) you need three elements:

1. The share’s ledger referencing the history of the transactions of the stocks on blockchain

2. A signed shareholders agreement with rights, such as for dividends, encoded in the contract

3. Restriction of the distribution method, such as the IPO

Encoding this information on the blockchain autoregulates a market with no risk of non-compliant trade. srouce: Bilal El Alamy, EQUISAFE

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Say Cheese and Wine

Diamonds and breakfast



n 14 October, thirty participants gathered in the cosy Kensington La Cave à Fromage for informal networking.

breakfast event with diamonds: an unusual yet compelling combination experienced by a dozen of the

A mainstay in the Chamber’s busy event calendar for good

French Chamber’s member representatives on 23 October.

reason, ‘Say cheese and Wine’ still always sells out as

In the form of a Diamond Masterclass led by Alessandro

members vie for a slice of the action – and the cheese.

Borruso, Deputy Director at Sotheby’s Diamonds Europe,

For the French, a love of cheese and wine go hand in

the presentation guided participants through the incredible

hand, but on this occasion, a wildcard: a cider was available

journey of the diamond, from the centre of the Earth to its

for tasting, against convention and the title of the event (a full

setting in a piece of jewellery, highlighting the beauty and

review of this Normandy cider can be found in the last edition

rarity of the stones.

of INFO magazine).

Borruso shared his expertise with humour and interesting

The remainder of the produce followed, with the

anecdotes, depicting the high precision work that goes into

selection of wines and cheeses each carefully explained by

creating the beautiful diamonds sold at Sotheby’s, both in

representatives from La Cave à Fromage & Wine Story: David

assessing the quality of raw diamonds and in devising the

Deaves, General Manager and Thibault Lavergne, Director,

mathematics behind the perfect cut.

respectively. I SL

At the end of the Masterclass, the group was taken to the Sotheby’s Diamond boutique, where they were able to not only admire some of the diamonds up close, but also to try on some of the stunning jewellery themselves. We would like to thank Sotheby’s for kindly hosting this exclusive masterclass for the members of the French Chamber of Great Britain. I SL


A royal welcome


he Hotel Café Royal has seen a lot in its 165 years of existence. From rock stars to royalty, its guests number

amongst the upper echelons of culture and society. And on 16 October, this tradition continued as fifty Corporate and Patron members of the Chamber attended an evening of cocktails under the sumptuously designed ceiling of the Pompadour Ballroom. With only informal welcome speeches given by Peter


Rendez-vous chez Caudalie


n intimate setting for an intimate gathering, the Caudalie boutique at the heart of Convent Garden offered a

Alfandary, Senior Vice President of the French Chamber,

relaxed environment in which to network for the 20 Chamber

and Guillaume Marly, Managing Director of Hotel Café Royal,

members lucky enough to nab tickets to the sold-out event.

guests were free to mingle over a G&T, with Thoedore Gin

Welcomed by Jean-Axel Pain, Boutique Manager and with

provided by Greenwood Distillers, and wine and canapés

Christmas lights twinkling outside and in, guests were treated

from the Hotel itself. The weather even permitted members

to hand massages using a selection of Caudalie eco-friendly

to relax on the balcony, with a splendid view overlooking the

products on the evening.

pedestrians and shoppers of Regent Street.

And to round off the night, guests were treated to a 20

A luxurious oasis of tranquillity for an evening above the

percent discount on purchases, and a goodie bag with a

hustle and bustle of London life. I SL

selection of products. Merry Christmas indeed! I SL


- winter 2020 - 79

FORTHCOMING EVENTS Supporting sponsor



DIVERSITY & INCLUSION: WORKPLACE WELLBEING CONFERENCE Willis Towers Watson, 51 Lime Street, London EC3M 2DQ Cost: Members: £70+VAT; non-members: £110+VAT

13.30 - 19.30

The French Chamber of Great Britain is delighted to announce its inaugural Diversity & Inclusion conference. This event is the place to learn from industry leaders who are championing innovative policies aimed at improving workplace wellbeing.

WHAT TO EXPEC T FROM THIS CONFERENCE: A half-day event of panel discussions and keynote speeches, aimed at building awareness around workplace wellbeing and providing practical tips on how to improve practices. You will get to hear from Diversity & Inclusion leaders on:

• • • •

The benefits and importance of a diverse and inclusive work environment Mental health in the workplace Flexible and agile working practices Unconscious biases and how to tackle them


You work in Human Resources, whether in a company or in an agency You work in a managerial position, regardless of your level of seniority and the number of people you manage You have an interest in learning how your work environment can encourage diversity, inclusion and wellbeing, and how that can benefit you and your organisation

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact: Lauriane Véron on 0207 092 6641 or lveron@ccfgb.co.uk


This conference is accredited by the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certification Service

80 - info - winter 2020

Host partner

23 March

SIR RICHARD WALLACE’S CABINET OF CURIOSITIES At The Wallace Collection, London W1U 3BN Open to Patron and Corporate members main representatives – Free of charge


18.15 - 20.30

The private tour, led by Ada de Wit, Curator of Works of Art at The Wallace Collection, will be the opportunity for our Patron and Corporate members to discover the Sixteenth century pieces from the permanent collection. It will be followed by a networking cocktail reception. For further information, contact Leïla Hafez at: lhafez@ccfgb.co.uk or 020 7092 6644

29 April

'RAISING THE ROOF' - AN EVENING AT THE LPO At the Royal Festival Hall, London SEI 8XX Open to Patron member main representatives – Free of charge


18.30 - 20.30

The participants will have the opportunity to enjoy a reception at the Beecham Bar, followed by the concert ‘Raising the Roof’ conducted by Yan Pascal Tortelier, featuring Ravel, Saint-Saëns and Gibbons.

© Benjamin Ealovega

For further information, contact: Leïla Hafez at: lhafez@ccfgb.co.uk or 020 7092 6644

06 May

THE ROAD TO NET ZERO CONFERENCE At America Square Conference Centre London EC3N 2LB

Supported by

08.30 - 14.30

This half-day conference will consider the key role of business in achieving the net zero target by 2050. With a focus on leadership, collaboration and change management, we aim to highlight the practical ways which can help businesses become carbon neutral. These topics will be addressed by specialist speakers from a wide range of industries, through varied formats. More information will be communicated soon. For sponsorship opportunities, please contact: Lauriane Véron on 0207 092 6641 or lveron@ccfgb.co.uk


- winter 2020 - 81


Euronext London Ltd


AGS360° Solutions

Fendi UK Ltd

Peakon Ltd

Air France - KLM

French Touch Properties Ltd


Air Liquide UK


Pinsent Masons LLP

Alstom Transport UK & Ireland

Galeries Bartoux London

Port Boulogne Calais

Andros UK LTD

Getlink - (Eurotunnel Group)

Proximity Insight

Atout France / France Tourism

Guerlain Ltd

PSA Finance UK Ltd

Development Agency

Hauts-de-France Region

Publicis UK

Baker & McKenzie LLP



Banque Internationale à Luxembourg


Groupe Renault UK & Ireland

Barjane International Group Limited

Home Grown

Rimilia Holdings Ltd

Barnes Roffe LLP

Home House

RMP Advertising

Bateaux London

HURR Collective

Bel UK

Hyatt Hotels Corporation

Belmond Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons

INSEEC U. London

Blick Rothenberg Limited

Jardin Blanc – Official Hospitality at RHS

Brioche Pasquier UK Ltd Bristows LLP Brittany Ferries Browne Jacobson LLP Bvlgari Hotel London Bvlgari UK Ltd Chappuis Halder & Co. Christian Dior Couture UK Ltd Coorpacademy Ltd Cripps Pemberton Greenish LLP De Beers Jewellers Limited

Chelsea Flower Show Jean Paul Viguier UK Ltd Joffe & Associes Julius Baer International KPMG Lagardère Travel Retail Land Securities Properties Ltd Laurent Perrier UK Ltd Legrand Electric Ltd L'Occitane LTD London & Partners

Roasting Plant (UK) Limited Rubicon Commercial Ltd Saint Laurent Savencia Fromage & Dairy Serge Betsen Consulting Ltd Sherrards Solicitors LLP Spring Studios Swedish Fit Sybarite Limited Taylor Wessing LLP The Landmark London The Langham, London The Yurt Academy Theodo

London Chamber of Commerce and

Thomas Pink

Early Metrics

Industry (LCCI)

Tiffany & Co.

Econocom Ltd


True Search

Edenred (UK Group) Limited

L'Oréal UK Ltd

Vacheron Constantin

EDHEC Business School


Value Retail

Edwardian Hotels London

Matter Of Form Group

Verisure Services UK Ltd

EIFA - International School of London

Microsoft for Startups

VINCI Construction Grands Projets

Ekimetrics UK Ltd

Newhaven Port & Properties Ltd


Emperor Design Consultant Ltd

Nicholas Kirkwood

Waddington Custot

Entrepreneurs Partners LLP

NoveltyGroup Ltd

Willis Towers Watson

ESCP Europe Business School

Orange Brand Services Limited

Estée Lauder Companies

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe (UK) LLP

PATRON MEMBERS OF THE FRENCH CHAMBER Patron Members of the French Chamber in Great Britain

CAPITALISM. TIME FOR A RESET. Business must make a profit but should serve a purpose too. Visit FT.com/NewAgenda

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