Clark's Crossing Gazette - December 15, 2016

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Shawn Peters and Davis Czuy of the Warman Wolverines go all out in defending against a Bethlehem Stars opponent during semifinal action at the Wolverines’ senior boys home basketball tournament in Warman on Saturday, December 10. The Bethlehem Stars went on to win the tournament championship, downing the Clavet Cougars 70-57 in the gold medal game. The Wolverines earned the bronze medal, with a 52-39 victory over the Valley Christian Academy Lions. Story and more photos on page A7.

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Restless soul cracks Canada open in first book

By HILARY KLASSEN Where is the largest baseball bat in the country located? What is an ookpik? What’s the story on Hawkins Cheezies? If you think you know Canada, you might want to grab a copy of The Great Canadian Notebook. The book delves into a plethora of Canadianisms, some of which will no doubt be new to you. It is Dennis Rimmer’s first book. The longtime broadcaster and journalist is now retired and finally found the time to gather these pages. The book is a collection of stories from a ‘Canada Column’ he wrote for the Bellingham Herald over a 14 year period, along with a few extras. “I’ve always wanted to have a book or two or three with my name on it (or them) out there,” said Rimmer, who now calls Radisson home. He credits his wife Diane for making it happen. They gave themselves a six-week deadline over the summer, and she got it done. Essentially, Rimmer explained Canada to Americans in over 700 columns. “People liked it! I was amazed,” he said. The book is engaging, informative and doesn’t aspire to be a weighty historical tome. “It’s a great educator, but it’s not dry and boring.” You can read a chapter and come back later and read another one without missing a beat. The Notebook asks and answers questions, debunks myths, takes issue at times, discusses prominent Canadians (including Saskatchewanians), Canadian food, wildlife, towns, events, politics, etc. Pink Elephant Popcorn, Jim McCrory, Brian Cox, and Dan Murphy, a ‘sweet’ 97-year-old former Radisson resident all re-

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December 13 UPDATES AT


Traditions Elementary School Warman Elementary School

Kindergarten 2016-2017

Planning has begun for our fall classes Parents/Guardians of children born in 2012 are asked to contact the Warman Elementary School Office at 306-933-2066 to pre-register for both the Traditions Elementary & Warman Elementary schools.

Parents will be notified once it is known which school your child will be attending. Registration packages will be mailed in the spring to those who have contacted Warman Elementary School office. Once you’ve received your information package, it will be necessary to fully complete the forms and return them as soon as possible for your child to be enrolled at Traditions Elementary or Warman Elementary School.

FLYERS in this week’s


* Some flyers not available in all communities * HILARY KLASSEN | CLARK’S CROSSING GAZETTE

‘The Great Canadian Notebook’ is a collection of newspaper columns about Canada Dennis Rimmer wrote for the Bellingham Herald over a 14 year period tle, “Smells Like Maple Syrceive honourable mention. up,” didn’t make the cut, Rimmer grew up in Creslaughs Rimmer. One of his cent Beach, BC, completed high school in Saskatoon favourite stories is “The Cuand graduated from BCIT in rious Puzzle of Mr. Smith” 1969. He worked in radio un- and similarly intriguing recountings. til 2000 in places like Victo Rimmer ria, Vancouver, Bellingham I think there’s calls hima restless and Saskatoon, a lot of stories self soul and Difilling varithat we do ane concurs. ous roles like creative direc- not tell about He relocated a good bit over tor, copywritourselves as his career. He er, news guy, thought about program direcCanadians the tor, on air guy, that have to doing Canada Colwinning some be told. umn for four awards along years before the way. The book title is borrowed he pitched it. He has written non-fiction books previously from a regular radio signoff: “This is Dennis Rimmer but lost interest when revisions were requested. with another page in the With the Great Canadian Great Canadian Notebook.” Notebook, part of the motive The briefly considered ti-


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was simply to tell Canadian stories. “I think there’s a lot of stories that we do not tell about ourselves as Canadians that have to be told, otherwise we forget them,” said Rimmer. It’s about celebrating our national identity and preserving culture. “I would like to have this book in every school room and every library in the country, if possible.” He’s heard from a lot of people that the book “teases you to find out more.” It also includes clips from the past, such as what happened on a given day in Canadian history. There may be a second Great Canadian Notebook. Rimmer has not exhausted his material. You can find the first one at many of the usual haunts in Saskatoon as well as in Radisson.

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Crossmount seniors development offers blended care


By HILARY KLASSEN A new model of care for seniors is taking shape on a bucolic former grazing pasture just south of Saskatoon. Crossmount Village takes aging in place to a new level by offering blended services. “It’s not a housing development project, this is a health project with a housing component,” said developer Duncan McKercher. “We are trying to offer seniors a nice, attractive alternative to existing senior accommodation in this marketplace.” The far-reaching vision is designed to address all levels of care through independent living, condo style living, supportive care and full care. McKercher says Saskatchewan is 25 years behind when it comes to how they treat seniors. “The rest of the world is turning to blended.” Blended care allows seniors to stay in their community regardless of the health challenges they may encounter in the aging process. “Just because you get a diabetic shot once or twice a day does not mean you have to live in a care home,” he said. Blended care allows spouses to stay together instead of being separated when the care needs of one necessitates institutionalization. “The problem with the thinking

An apple orchard has 1500 trees nowadays typically is, ‘if I need When weather permits, physiorecently planted to serve the this higher level of services, I now therapy can be done outdoors. As Crossmount Cidery. It’s the first have to move into an institutional development progresses, the vilenvironment,’ which is a governlage will offer services to dementia hard cidery in the area. “The marketplace has been very receptive ment style of services,” said McKand Alzheimer’s patients as well. to what we’re bringing,” said McKercher. The multi-purpose Arts Barn ercher. Of four cider varieties pro Seniors don’t want a structured accommodates farmers markets, duced, only one is left. Production institutional lifestyle, he added. cider days, a coffee bar, games, will resume in January. Todays’ seniors are more progrescrafts and other activities. Its’ sive, more engaged, they’re living large, windowed garage doors can A portion of land has been prepared for a vineyard, to be planted longer, they’re healthier and more be opened on fair weather days. in spring. “Our Cider Master has active. In the attached greenhouse, open Current institutional models are year-round, “Grandma can get her his Masters in Horticulture but he’s also a plant breeder for grapes based on four graduated levels of hands dirty.” so we can decare. Many invelop our stitutions plan own variettheir business ies of wine. model around We don’t those funding want to imlevels. “We’re port grapes, just de-instituwe want to tionalizing the grown our thought proown,” said cess,” he said. McKercher, The nearly comadding that pleted Centre most of the for Healthy Agequipment ing at Crossfor the cidery mount will ofis the same fer consolidated as for wine services with a production.” preventative asOver the pect, including long-term, physiotherapy, the goal is massage theraTOP: The first buildings at Crossmount Village hold beautiful common ar- to incorpopy, yoga, fitness, eas. There’s an event venue, Glenlyon Hall, an Arts Barn and just out of rate food promedical and lab view, Crossmount Cidery. Saskatoon’s first hard cidery has caught the at- duction on site facilities onsite.

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Seniors development moves away from institutional approach

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and contribute to the local food movement. “People want to know where their food comes from.” An agri-tourism area is mapped into the longer-term design. Crossmount features many outdoor gardens with seating areas. Residents and visitors will be able to walk through the orchard and along trails, with many opportunities to enjoy the sunshine. Grandpa has opportunities to get his hands dirty as well. Roy’s Place is imagined as a three-car garage for motor mechanics, welding, repairs, woodworking and finishing with a huge coffee bar in centre. McKercher honours his Scottish family roots in various design elements. Crossmount is the name of his family’s manor house in Scotland. Glenlyon Hall, a generously windowed, high-ceilinged event venue, overlooks a small lake and has already hosted weddings, corporate and Christmas events. Next summer’s wedding season is completely booked. McKercher says the country setting, where he used to chase cows as a kid, appeals to older adults who have lived in a rural environment for many years and resist retiring to an urban setting. The site




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Carbon tax needs to be stopped before damage is done The fight over Ottawa’s plan to impose a nationwide carbon tax is just heating up and we in Saskatchewan have the best seats in the house to watch it unfold. And, as Premier Brad Wall has repeated over and over for the past several months, now is not the time for the feds to be dipping into the pockets of taxpayers. Commodity prices are depressed and thousands of workers in three of those sectors in particular – oil, potash and uranium – are out of a job. If pushed through in Saskatchewan, agricultural producers are next in the cross hairs. Not only is the economy hurting in many areas of the country, but it’s been revealed that a new carbon tax will “cascade” throughout all parts of the economy and cause prices to increase across the board. A carbon tax is not exactly an elixir for a struggling economy. While supporters would like to believe everything our prime minister has planned to fight climate change is the best thing since sliced bread, adding a tax to the cost of everyday living is not the answer. If it was, Australia would not have repealed their carbon tax long ago after that country realized it did nothing to lower emissions while causing massive job losses. Premier Wall is right on this one. For Canada to implement a pan-Canadian carbon tax is to put jobs and the economy at risk since our largest trading partner (not to mention competitor) has no intention of following suit. Canadian businesses that rely on trade with the United States will be at a significant disadvantage once a carbon tax is in effect on input necessities such as fuel and electricity. No one is really sure if it is arrogance or plain naivety on the part of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, but his statement is unsettling that regardless of who is in power in the United States, Canadians will set environmental policy in Canada. Simple economics says that other countries will seek out alternatives rather than pay higher prices for Canadian-made goods. The end result is closed manufacturing plants and more jobs lost in Canada. All in the name of what? Lowering our world’s emissions by a fraction of a percentage point? Those who can see through the Liberal rhetoric know that carbon taxes are nothing more than a plan to artificially shift wealth from province to province and country to country. Premier Wall has been the only premier to date to oppose this tax from the beginning and has indicated a court challenge is a possibility. Ring the bell, Premier Wall. Ring the bell.


Published Thursdays by Jenson

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MARTENSVILLE LOCATION Bay 4 - 301 Centennial Dr. North Martensville, SK S0K 2T0 Tel: 306.668.6100

VOL. 9 NO. 15

Old-school Christmas originals “It’s a classic of journalistic writing, granted. But no, you can’t run that worn-out old literary chestnut again this year,” grumped the Editorin-Chief, when I suggested we reprint Francis Pharcellus Church’s editorial entitled ‘Yes, Victoria, there is a Santa Claus’, in the Gazette’s Christmas edition. “That piece came out in the New York Sun in 1897, for Pete’s sake. It may be charming and insightful but it’s pretty dated and it’s not exactly local. “Besides, that’s what Uncle Google is for. Stuff like that you can look up on the internet,” he added, chugging back a swallow of cold coffee. “You’re supposed to be a professional writer. Can’t you come up with something original?” Well, okay, then. Let’s see. Children and Christmas. Original writing. By golly, come to think of it, this issue is chock full of original writing by children about Christmas. And

THE PEOPLE MAKING IT HAPPEN TERRY JENSON - Publisher ANGELA HEIDEL - Chief Financial Officer MARIE STRUMECKI - Account Manager MIKE COVEY - Account Manager JOY UNGER - Sales Co-ordinator TERRY PUGH - Reporter/Photographer HILARY KLASSEN - Reporter/Photographer

WAYNE SHIELS - Reporter/Photographer HOLLY LOEPPKY - Graphic Designer JOANNE URLACHER - Graphic Designer DISTRIBUTION Bill Rewuski Monica Ethier Linda Wiebe Tena Fehr Barb McLean Marlene Wiebe Mary Buhler Marge Thiessen Madison Whitehead Alexyn Stokalko Anika Skorupan


a lot of it is pretty entertaining. Our annual Christmas issue showcasing elementary school children’s short essays is a tradition that began in 2010 with a total of nine classes, and it’s grown every year. We invited students in 36 Grade 3 classes in schools throughout the Gazette coverage area to contribute short essays on a Christmas theme. The response was overwhelming, with 34 classes - a total of 684 students - sending in submissions. We extend our thanks to all those teachers and students who participated in this project. The children’s short essays cover the gamut from sweet and sentimental to unexpected and hilarious. When asked what they’d like to get their parents for


The Clark’s Crossing Gazette welcomes Letters to the Editor regarding topics of interest to our readers. The Gazette reserves the right to edit letters for brevity and clarity. Letters must be accompanied by the author’s name, signature and daytime telephone number for verification purposes (name and daytime telephone number in the case of emailed letters). Letters must be tastefully written and meet the Gazette’s legal standards in order to qualify for publishing. The Clark’s Crossing Gazette does not necessarily support or oppose the opinions, expressed or implied, in this newspaper. The Clark’s Crossing Gazette is independently owned and operated. Any reproduction for non-personal purposes, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of the Publisher is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.


The Gazette is distributed free of charge to residents in the area. Subscriptions outside the market area within Canada are available at an annual rate of $109.00+GST.


Christmas, some kids said a new car because their old one is messy, or old, or still has milk splattered on the roof from several years ago; or a new phone because their parents are always losing or breaking theirs; or a new TV because somebody in the family is always hogging the remote. One youngster wrote the best Christmas present ever would be a monster-size piece of bacon because his family never seems to have enough. Another young author showed a nice turn of phrase by noting her mother “loves fancy dresses and loves to dress fancy.” Still another thought her hockey-playing dad was deserving of a scholarship to the NHL. Several kids had lessflattering descriptions of the odours emanating from their fathers’ “stinky” hockey bags. Chocolate was a popular choice as a present for a lot of kids. One class devoted their efforts to celebrating the nativity and other religious aspects of the season.

But through all the students’ writings, there’s a common thread that emphasizes a child-like faith in strong family and community relationships, goodwill, friendship and love. And that, after all, pretty much sums up the true spirit of Christmas. As Francis Pharcellus Church put it: “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.” There. I snuck in at least a little chunk of that old chestnut. Merry Christmas.


The Clark’s Crossing Gazette welcomes the submission of news stories, photos, letters or any other information that would be of interest to the readers of this newspaper.


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Students embrace spirit of giving at Christmas By TERRY PUGH Ask a youngster what they like best about Christmas and they’re likely to say: “Presents!” But for two Grade 5 classes at Venture Heights School (VHS) in Martensville, the festive season provides an opportunity to focus on giving, rather than receiving. “We’ve adopted the theme of ‘12 Days of Christmas Kindness,’ and on each day leading up to the holidays, the students do something special for people in their community,” said Meagen Mitchell, a teacher at the school. “It’s a way of showing them that Christmas is about much more than getting new toys. It’s about generosity and caring for others.” She and fellow Grade 5 teacher Garett Soparlo are coordinating their classes’ efforts to bring Christmas cheer to others. The activities included a toy drive, writing letters to “hidden heroes” in the community, clothing donations for an inner-city school in Saskatoon, and donations to the annual Christmas food hamper campaign organized by the Martensville Fire Department. On Wednesday, December 7, the students brought home-baked treats for members of the Martensville Fire Department, as a way of showing their appreciation to the volunteer firefighters who keep their community safe. The youngsters also delivered a rousing rendition of the late Stompin’ Tom Connors’ classic, “The Good Old Hockey Game.” Firefighters Jason Matheson, Brendan Clancy, Brent Dupuis and Shane MacWhirter answered the students’ questions and gave the kids an opportunity to try on their turnout gear. The firefighters and volunteers are preparing Christmas hampers next week.



(Above) Martensville Fire Department members Jason Matheson and Brendan Clancy give a couple of Grade 5 students a chance to try on firefighters turnout gear during a classroom presentation at Venture Heights School on Wednesday, December 7. (Left) Students in Meagen Mitchell’s and Garett Soparlo’s Grade 5 classes belt out a rousing rendition of “The Good Old Hockey Game” prior to presenting firefighters with home-baked goodies as a way of saying “thank you” for protecting their homes and community.

Outdoor education class gaining traction

By TERRY PUGH The lure of the Great Outdoors is attracting growing numbers of students at Warman High School (WHS). Five years ago, an extracurricular club designed to give students an opportunity to experience outdoor activities like canoeing, camping and cross-country skiing was introduced at WHS. Since then, the Students of Warman Adventure Team (SWAT) has become one of the most popular clubs in the school, and includes students from Grades 8 through 12. Students who are really keen on the outdoors can also earn academic credits through the school’s Outdoor Education Program. Three years ago, an outdoor education class was introduced during the first semester of the school year.


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This year, it’s being offered in both semesters. “It’s a great opportunity to learn about biology in the field, and to enjoy a lot of fun physical activities,” said Kale Fox-Zacharias, a Grade 11 student enrolled in both the SWAT club and the academic credit class. “It’s pretty different compared to regular academics because it’s hands-on learning about nature.” WHS teacher Peter Schmidt said there are close to 150 students involved in the program. “It’s becoming more popular all the time,” said Schmidt. “The outdoor gear, including the canoes, snowshoes and cross-country skis, are shared between the SWAT club and the academic class.” WHS teacher Sean Brandt said many students are drawn to the program because they learn skills like

camping and canoeing. “We take the students on canoe trips up north,” said Brandt. “Before we embark on those trips, though, they learn the basics of canoeing by practising on the stormwater reservoirs here in town.” Schmidt said the school has an excellent relationship with the city’s parks and community services department. ‘We use the facilities at Prairie Oasis Park and Lions Park, and also the Legends Golf Course with the cross-country ski trails in the winter,” said Schmidt. “The community has been there to help us grow the program, and were thankful to the city and the financial donations from the Warman Diamond Rodeo Committee, which have helped us engage the kids in activities that they Q3 can–doSEPTEMBER for the rest of their lives.”

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The popularity of the outdoor education class at Warman High School is growing every year Janice Germo, a volunteer with the Warman Diamond Rodeo Committee, said the outdoor education program is an excellent initiative. The committee provided funds to the school a few years ago for the initial –purchase 2016 – ofCANADA a fleet of canoes and a canoe trailer. The



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committee also provided an additional $500 donation this year to the program. Funds raised at the annual rodeo are distributed to nonprofit organizations and programs in Warman and area. Next June marks the 25th anniversary of the Warman Diamond Rodeo.




Langham wastewater lagoon gets funding from feds, province By TERRY PUGH The provincial and federal governments are kicking in a combined total of almost $4 million toward a planned $6 million wastewater treatment lagoon for the Town of Langham. Funding for the project through the New Building Canada Fund ProvincialTerritorial Infrastructure Component was announced at a news conference at the Langham town office on Monday, December 12. The provincial and federal governments are each contributing $1.948,100, or about onethird of the total $6,079,090 cost of the project. The municipality is responsible for the remaining $2,182,890 “This is a great day for the town,” said Langham Mayor John Hildebrand. “We are now one step closer to having this new facility built.” Hildebrand said the town recognized the need for a new, higher-capacity wastewater treatment lagoon several years ago, and it’s the number one priority for the community when it comes to capital projects in the coming year. “Langham’s current wastewater treatment lagoon facility is at capacity right now,” said Hildebrand. “That’s the big limiting factor when it comes to future expansion of the town. “This new project will allow future residential and commercial development to take place in Langham. Wastewater treatment capacity is an essential part of the town’s infrastructure, and

federal government and the town our government is continuing to make life better for our citizens by improving the reliability and performance of Langham’s wastewater treatment system. “Not only will this project provide increased capacity to serve residents, but it will also protect the environment and foster economic development by accommodating a

higher population.” The Town of Langham is looking to locate the new lagoon at a site northwest of the town in the RM of Corman Park. The RM council approved the town’s discretionary use application for the construction of the lagoon last fall. However, there are conditions attached to the approval that the town must comply with.

Hildebrand said the town is complying with the RM’s conditions through each step of the regulatory process. The town is also complying with provincial environmental and other regulations. Hildebrand said having funding commitments from the federal and provincial governments enables the town to begin work on a proposed detailed design for the wastewater lagoon.

TR Petroleum floats petition for Hague liquor license


Biggar-Sask Valley MLA Randy Weekes (left) and Langham Mayor John Hildebrand chat about the new Langham wastewater lagoon following the announcement of federal-provincial funding toward the project at the Langham Town office on Monday, December 12 we’re excited to move forward on this project.” Hildebrand said the town has a current population of about 1,500. The new facility will allow the town to grow to about 5,000 residents. “It will serve our needs for the foreseeable future,” he said, adding the funding partnership with senior levels of government makes the project a lot more affordable. “A project of this magnitude would be a lot more difficult without this cooperation by the federal and provincial governments,” said Hildebrand.

Biggar-Sask Valley MLA Randy Weekes made the funding announcement on behalf of Government Relations Minister Donna Harpauer and federal minister of public safety Ralph Goodale. Weekes said the provincial $1.9 million investment in the project recognizes the importance of modern infrastructure in communities. “The Langham administration and town council worked very hard to put this proposal together,” said Weekes. “By partnering with the

By HILARY KLASSEN TR Petroleum (TR) is circulating a petition calling for the provincial government to review the liquor license operator for Hague. “TR would like to be the location that ends up with the license because we are ready to go ASAP. But most of all, its about this being an opportunity for the Town of Hague,” says a December 6 Facebook post by the company. TR has locations in both Martensville and Hague, as well as Saskatoon, and would like to see the liquor license moved off Highway 11 and into the town of Hague. The province invited individuals to submit ‘Request for Proposal’ (RFP) applications back in July for liquor licenses being privatized. The Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Author-

ity (SLGA) announced last month that the successful proponent in Hague was the Hague Service Centre. “We stand by that decision,” said David Morris with SLGA. “There were criteria that were used to select the best proposals and that was done, so we’re looking forward to moving forward with the successful proponents as they go through the permit process and begin work on their new facilities.” Morris said SLGA actually received more proposals across the province than anticipated. “We evaluated them and selected the best ones in each community.” Evaluation criteria examined a number of different things like a business’s experience and qualifications, their financial capacity, their timelines and those sorts of

things. Federated Co-op made some noise after the SLGA decision awarded licenses to Sobeys and not the Coop. While the Co-op netted licenses in some smaller communities, they were shut out of Regina and Saskatoon, as well as places like Kindersley, Moose Jaw, Melville and Yorkton, which all went to Sobeys. TR underwent preparation for the retail license but was denied. “We want to encourage people to visit the town of Hague and keep liquor within the town and out of the hands of people cruising the highways,” said the Facebook post. Company representatives declined comment. Residents can add their names to petitions at TR’s Hague and Martensville locations until Monday evening.

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VCA Lions’ James Pruim and Warman Wolverines’ Mike Sydlowski battling for ball in Friday’s round robin game

Stars shine at WHS Senior Boys tournament

By WAYNE SHIELS The Saskatoon Bethlehem Stars used speed, great passing and laser accurate shooting to dominate the Warman Wolverines Senior Boys Home Tournament at Warman High School on December 9-10. After going undefeated in

round robin play, the Stars dominated the home squad Wolverines 69-27 in the semi-finals before overcoming a determined effort by the Clavet Cougars to win 70-57 in the championship game. Warman used great team defense and consistent shooting to beat the Osler

VCA Lions 52-39 in the third place game to claim theh bronze medal. The two teams also had a very competive round robin game on Friday, with Osler VCA winning that game 37-27. Other teams competing in the tournament included the PA Carlton Crusaders and the Lumsden Devils.



Sasakatoon Bethlehem Stars Jaylen Aranda attempts a successful jumper from three point land, going over top of guard Rory Quinn of the Clavet Cougars during the championship game at the Warman Wolverines Senior Boys Home Tournament last weekend. The Stars won 70-57, while the host Warman Wolverines beat Osler VCA 52-39 in the third place game.

Nancy Heppner

Randy Weekes

Bronwyn Eyre

Jim Reiter

MLA Martensville-Warman

MLA Biggar - Sask Valley

MLA Saskatoon Stonebridge - Dakota

MLA Rosetown - Elrose

Box 2270 Warman, SK S0K 4S0 Warman Plaza Tel: (306) 975-0284 Email:

Box 1413, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Satellite office (Thursdays): Hepburn Bethany College Tel: (306) 948-4880 Toll Free: 1-877-948-4880 Email:

18 - 102 Cope Crescent Saskatoon, SK S7T 0X2 Tel: (306) 477-4740 Fax: (306) 477-4744 Email:

Box 278, Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 Tel: (306) 882-4105 Toll Free: 1-855-762-2233 Fax: (306) 882-4108 Email:



20 Zero CAlorie FooDs to HelP You slim Down


Fitn ess ti

1. Celery…is a food that seems like you are eating water or a stringy mess and it doesn’t seem to fill you up. You will be surprised to know that total calories per 100g serving is 16. 2. Oranges…is known for its vitamin C but they are also low in calories compared to other fruits. Total calories per 100g serving is 47. 3. Cabbage…is consumed mainly for its ability to prevent cancer and heart disease but it also helps with weight loss. Total calories per 100g serving is 25. 4. Asparagus…eaten fresh on salad is a crunchy and satisfying treat, while grilling it or steaming it are the best cooking methods. Go easy on butter or oil as these will bring the calorie count up. •Fitness Assessments Total calories per 100g serving is 20. •Gift Certificates 5. Beets…if eaten should be steamed, boiled or grilled as the pickled versions add more calories. Beets also are •Discounts great for the body, as they contain betalains, an antioxidant that gives it its color and is only found in a few select foods. Total calories per 100g serving is 43 •Programs 6. Cucumbers…have so much water in them it isn’t surprising that they are low in calories. Total calories per 100g serving is 16 7. Lemons…are an alkalizing food and contain antioxidants to keep you healthy. Total calories per 100g serving is 29 8. Cauliflower…ranks as one of the lowest on the calorie chart. It’s also a cruciferous vegetable and has many health benefits to it, including being an anti-inflammatory food and helps the body’s cardiovascular and digestive systems. Total calories per 100g serving is 25 9. Mushrooms…these fungi don’t know how to be high in calories, so don’t worry when using them in a recipe. Even the big portabella mushroom is low in calories, having only 22 of them in a 100 gram serving. Total calories per 100g serving of Chanterelle mushrooms is 38 10. Watermelon…is the sweetest food on our list but still ranks considerably low in calories. Not only is it a crowd pleaser, watermelon has anti-oxidant properties and boosts your metabolism…don’t go overboard on portion sizes. Total calories per 100g serving is 30 Certified Personal Trainer/Aerobic Group Instructor


Phone. 306-227-3169 306-382-4226

Fax. 306-934-0132

Valerie Kirk

“Zero Calorie Foods“ continued in next month’s fit tips

Pike Lake diver competes at FINA World Jr Championships By HILARY KLASSEN Following his first experience at a world championship, Rylan Wiens of Pike Lake was a bit disappointed with his performance. He finished 16th, but was honoured to represent Saskatchewan at the FINA World Junior Diving Championships from November 28 to December 4 in Kazan, Russia. On December 2, the 14-year-old took to the 10-metre platform, his specialty event. “I didn’t do too great,” said Wiens. “I kind of screwed up a few of my dives. I was hoping for bet-

ter.” He was the only junior diver from Saskatchewan in the competition, representing the Saskatoon Diving Club (SDC). Only the top 12 divers move on to the finals. Wiens said he was a little stressed beforehand. “I was pretty nervous going into the competition. I tried to handle it but it kind of got the best of me.” Tayler Whitley served as manager for Team Canada in Russia. “Rylan hasn’t been at a big international competition in a long time, and he was able to stay calm and collected and get through all of his dives so we are proud of him. It was a great experience for him

and will help him in the future.” Wiens said his last dive was probably his best. “Once I got myself under control, it was a pretty good dive to finish off.” Wiens had helped Canada finish fourth in a mixed team event earlier in the championship on November 28. “Rylan performed the dive off the tower and did quite well,” said Whitley. “He performed 407C, which is an inward three-and-ahalf tuck. He was the last to dive in the competition, which led us to a strong fourth place finish.” Wiens started diving when he was six and at-

Fencing competition draws wide participation The 2016 Militia Trophy Open fencing tournament took place at the Cosmo Civic Centre in Saskatoon on November 26 and 27. It was the only major fencing tournament in the Saskatoon area this season and is one of two important competitions in the province, out of seven. The event drew competitors from the area and further afield. John Armitage from Warman participated as well as Mike Weaver from Dalmeny, Eli Stempien from the RM of Corman Park and about nine participants from the Asquith club. Beyond that, entries came from clubs in Saskatoon, two clubs in Regina, Prince Albert, and the University of Saskatchewan. The Provincial Open fencing championships take place in Regina, March 4 and 5, 2017.

Senior women’s epee action

Senior Men’s Epee Medalists

tends school in Saskatoon. He spends time in the pool seven days a week, and does some strength training in the gym as well. “It’s been a lot of hard training and injury rehab but I’m glad to

put the time and effort in, and I’m happy with how far I’ve come.” This was Wiens’ first trip to Russia and he found the weather similar to Canada. ‘But the food is not so good,”

he said. His parents were in Russia as well, but Wiens traveled with Team Canada. Now it’s back to training. “I want to do my best and then go to more international competitions like this.”

Holiday publishing dates Issue Date Deadline for Ads December 22 December 29 January 5 January 12

December 19 - 12 noon December 19 - 12 noon January 2 - 12 noon January 9 - 12 noon


December 19-22 8:30 am - 5:00 pm (closed from 12 - 1 pm) December 23 8:30 am - 12 noon December 24 - 27 inclusive - Closed December 28-29 8:30 am - 5:00 pm (closed from 12 - 1 pm) December 30 8:30 am - 12 noon December 31 - January 3 inclusive - Closed January 4 Resume regular hours 8:30 am - 5:00 pm (closed from 12 - 1 pm)



Wheelchair epee event





Hunter Mayo of the Martensville Marauders moves the puck up the ice during a game against the Saskatoon Thunder in Peewee AA action at the Martensville Arena on Monday, December 5. The Marauders won the game 7-3.

Trip a Month Raffle 12 CHANCES to WIN!

Plus… support innovative learning and change lives! The Prairie Spirit Schools Foundation is holding its second annual Trip a Month raffle, with proceeds supporting innovative programming in Prairie Spirit schools. Only 1000 tickets will be sold, with each $100 ticket in every draw for 12 trip vouchers (value: $2500 each). Option to allocate $30 from each ticket purchased to the school of your choice. Contact the Foundation at for more information or to buy a ticket. Tickets can also be purchased online: Draw date: Thursday, January 26, 2017 Lottery license number: RR16-0272 Registered Canadian charitable foundation: 81224 2170 RR0001

Report from the


Nancy Heppner MLA


Saskatchewan Attracting Energy Investment WAYNE SHIELS | CLARK’S CROSSING GAZETTE

Hockey Scoreboard Sk Bantam AA

December 10 Sask Valley 3 at Maniacs 2 December 11 Sask Valley 10 at Battlefords 2

Fort Carlton League December 9 Hague 5 at Wakaw 7 Prairie 9 at Dalmeny 6

December 10 Wakaw 7 at Prairie 5 Hague 7 at Dalmeny 4

Sask Valley League

December 9 Kenaston 3 at Delisle 3 December 10 Central Butte 4 at Delisle 7

Warman Midget AA

December 6 Beardy’s 2 at Warman 5 December 7 Warman 7 at Stoon Screaming Eagles 2

Warman Pee Wee Aa bye week

Martensville Pee Wee Aa

200 Saskatchewan Companies Now Part of P3 Builds

December 5 Stoon Thunder 3 at Martensville 7 December 9 Martensville 4 at Stoon Mission 2

Martensville Midget AA December 9 Stoon Steel 5 at Martensville 2 December 10 Stoon Icehawks 6 at Martensville 4

Prairie Junior League December 7 Quakers 6 at Delisle 3 December 10 Delisle 2 at Capitals 5 December 11 Delisle 5 at Assiniboia 4

Wheatland League

December 9 Janzen 5 at Dundurn 2 December 10 Dundurn 3 at Allan 11

Sask Prairie League

December 9 Radisson 2 at Shellbrooke 14

Twin rivers League

December 9 Clavet 4 at Birch Hills 11 December 10 St. Louis 3 at Rosthern 7 December 11 Vonda 2 at Birch Hills 22 Cudworth 4 at Dalmeny 6 St. Loius at Clavet N/A

According to an annual global survey of energy-sector executives, Saskatchewan is increasingly becoming an attractive place for energy investment. Saskatchewan ranks as the 4th best jurisdiction in the world to invest in petroleum exploration and production – behind only Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas. Saskatchewan’s position is thanks in large part to a stable taxation and regulatory environment. Due to resource taxation and an efficient regulatory environment, Saskatchewan leads Canadian oil rig activity, a trend that is expected to continue in 2017. Calgary-based Crescent Point Energy is boosting their 2017 capital budget to $1.45 billion. Nearly 80%, or $1.1 billion, will be invested in Saskatchewan. They also plan to drill 600 new wells in Saskatchewan. We thank Crescent Point Energy for a strong vote of confidence in our province that will create jobs in our energy sector and support economic growth. A forced federal carbon tax would significantly harm our competitiveness in this sector and export our jobs to the U.S., our closest competitor in the industry.

At the Wireless Age we’re here to listen to you. We call it...

“unplugged and all in”

Our government is using innovative public-private partnerships (P3s) to build 18 new schools, The Regina Bypass and a new mental health hospital in North Battleford. Our first P3, an award-winning long-term care home in Swift Current, finished on-time and on-budget this spring. 200 Saskatchewan companies represent more than 70% of businesses on the projects. The majority are located in Regina or Saskatoon with others coming from Estevan, Martensville, Moose Jaw, North Battleford, Prince Albert, Swift Current, seven small towns and three First Nations. Job creation was a top priority when our government launched P3 projects in Saskatchewan. Together these projects are responsible for supporting 12,500 construction jobs in the province. For more information on the projects, visit

Slow Down, Stay Back and Stay Safe in the Snow Zone

The return of winter weather brings reminders to slow down, stay back and stay safe when approaching snowplows. Snowplows create mini blizzards when plowing, called the Snow Zone, which can impact visibility. Drivers are asked to be patient and remember that snowplows pull over every 10 kms or so, providing an opportunity to pass. It is illegal to pass snow removal equipment at more than 60 km/hr when its lights are flashing. A new blue and amber lighting sequence was introduced last winter to distinguish snow removal equipment in operation from other vehicles also using amber lights. The latest available road condition information can be found online at with links to interactive maps for desktop computers and mobile devices.







Logan Campbell of the Warman Wildcats forechecks hard in a Midget AA game against the Beardy’s BlackHawks at the Legends Centre in Warman on Tuesday, December 6.

ROYALS AND FURY GO HEAD-TO-HEAD (Above) Sean Aschim of the Hague Royals opens the scoring in a Fort Carlton Hockey League (FCHL) game on Saturday, December 10 in Dalmeny, as he moves in from the right wing and roofs a backhand shot into the Dalmeny Fury’s net. (Left) Hague’s Sean Aschim hustles to gain control of the puck against Cody Jaracki of the Dalmeny Fury. The Hague Royals won the game by a score of 7-4. WAYNE SHIELS | CLARK’S CROSSING GAZETTE



Max Hildebrandt of the Martensville Marauders makes a stick save during a Peewee AA game against the Saskatoon Thunder at the Martensville Arena on Monday, December 5.


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Blaine Lake



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Clavet Pike Lake


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The Legends Golf Club is requesting proposals from accounting firms and qualified individuals to perform accounting and bookkeeping services beginning February 1, 2017, with an annual contract agreement. Options to extend the contract for subsequent periods may be presented based on performance. The RFP is available by request or by visiting Proposal to the RFP should be received no later than Fri, January 13, 2017 at 4 p.m. by email to Craig Prentice at Any questions about the proposal, the organization, or any matter contained within this RFP can also be sent via email to Craig. Questions submitted after 4 p.m. Wednesday, January 11, 2017, will not be answered. 1090


Swanson Ardath


how to PLACE your Ad In-person 109 Klassen Street West Cash | Cheque | Money Order Warman, SK

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Duck Lake







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Services ALL-SAVE MOVING SERVICES INC. "Down Sizing Seniors" Packing, unpacking, set up auction and disposal of items. Contact John Stuart, Rosthern, 306-232-6683.



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PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS reach over 550,000 readers weekly. Call The Gazette at 306-668-0575 or email for details. SASKATOON BERRIES Handpicked and sorted, individually frozen in 20 pound bags @ $3.50/pound. Discount available for bulk orders. Springside Farms 306945-4809.


Farm Equipment Selling 357 New Holland Mix-Mill with power bale feeder, always shedded, $4000. Harry Martens, Osler. Phone 306-239-4902 or cell 306-222-0322


Feed And Seed NORTH EAST PRAIRIE GRAIN INC. Currently Buying: Soybeans, Feed Barley, Wheat and Oats. OFFERING: Competitive Prices, On Farm Pickup & Prompt Payment! CALL: 1-306-873-3551, WEBSITE: NutraSun Foods Ltd. of Regina wants to buy your Organic Hard Red Spring and Conventional Hard White Wheat. Please contact Abe Ens at 306-751-2440.

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Feed And Seed



Homes/Condos For Sale HAVE SOME STUFF to sell? Advertise them in the Classifieds and watch it disappear quick! Call The Gazette (306) 668-0575. One Bedroom Condo For Sale in Warman 700 square foot, 1 bathroom, $125,000 obo. Call 306-222-0036


FOR RENT 2 Bedroom Suite in Warman Includes Fridge, Stove, Heat & Water, Laundry Access. Smoke & Pet Free. $825 Phone/text 306-229-6629 or email Elite Property Management Ltd. Properties available for rent in Saskatoon and surrounding area. Warman: 212 Nicklaus Drive available immediately. Recently built 1336 sq. ft 3 bedroom 2storey house with high-end kitchen, spacious rooms, and central air. Amazing location with double attached garage. F/S, D/W, W/D, pet friendly. $1700.00/Month + utilities. Langham: 303 Main Street available immediately. Spacious 2 bedroom condominium is conveniently located near all of Langham’s amenities and is just minutes from Saskatoon. Many recent updates. F/S, D/W, W/D, small pet friendly. $895.00/Month + electricity. Osler: 328 Pauls Crescent available immediately. This updated duplex offers 1040 sq. ft with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Easy access to amenities and minutes from Saskatoon. F/S, D/W, W/D. $1100.00/Month + utilities. Visit our website or call 306-956-0044 for more information on these rentals and many more. Elite Property Management Ltd.


Apartments For Rent For rent - New Basement suite in Warman 5 appliances Call 306-229-5419


ACREAGE FOR SALE south of Blaine Lake on Hwy #12. 77 Acre hobby acreage features a 6 year old 2,151 sq ft custom built 2 storey home. Heated garage, pole shed, corrals, outdoor riding arena, cross-fenced pastures. View this great property MLS® 589188. Value priced at $419,900. Call Ed 306222-7770 with RE/MAX Saskatoon. Corner lot at Smuts 46x46 metres, city water, natural gas, 3 phase power, telephone, good road off HWY #41. Close to french/english schools. $199,900.00 + tax. Call or text James at (306) 933-2625


Homes/Condos For Rent


Land For Sale 10 acres. Smuts - Alvena Area, 3/4 mile off Highway #41, newly built homes in area. $199,900 + tax with utilities (T/P/G/W) OR $149,900 + tax with NO utilities. City water available. Call or text James at (306) 933-2625

SUMMARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES North - 10 1/4’s North East - 14 1/4’s North West - 12 1/4’s East - 57 1/4’s West - 50 1/4’s Central - 219 1/4’s South - 100 1/4’s South East - 46 1/4’s South West - 65 1/4’s PURCHASING: SINGLE TO LARGE BLOCKS OF LAND. RENT BACK AVAILABLE Call DOUG 306-955-2266 Thinking Of Selling Farm Or Ranch Land? ° All sizes of parcels ° Professional advice & representation to get the most money for your land ° Extensive marketing for maximum exposure of your land to investors & local farmers ° Have investor buyers ° Leaseback option “Our family team has you covered every acre of the way” Harry Sheppard C: 306-530-8035

Regina, SK


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In-person: 109 Klassen St. W, Warman Telephone: 306.668.0575 Fax: 306.668.3997 E-mail: Postal Mail: P.O. Box 1419, Warman SK S0K 4S0


Auto Parts

We accept Visa/Mastercard over the phone Do not send credit card information by email. Send your ad by email and call us at 668-0575 during regular business hours and we will process payment to your credit card.



Wrecking over 250 units. Cars and trucks. Lots of trucks: Dodge, GMC, Ford, Imports, 1/2 ton to 3 tons. We ship anywhere. Call or text 306-821-0260. Lloydminster.


Business Opportunities Spare and regular route Bus Drivers are urgently needed for the communities of:


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Careers Apiary Worker required for May 2017 - Oct 2017 Inspecting hives, making nucs, supering, pulling and extracting honey; feeding and wrapping hives. Must be able to carry 50 to 70 lbs for extended periods of time. No allergy to bee stings. Contact (306)934-2460, send resume to


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10. Contended 11. Pear-shaped fruit 12. Parks cars 14. Killing oneself 17. Austrian river 18. Older brothers 20. Home hemodialysis 23. One who is self-absorbed 24. Yellow fever mosquitos 25. Pepper or Oz 26. Soviet Socialist Republic 29. Tellurium 30. Pens are filled with it 31. Use this at dinner

32. Thin fibrous cartilage (pl.) 35. When you were born 36. Oohed and __ 38. Small freshwater fishes 40. Religion in China 41. Twitches 42. Cape near Lisbon 43. Management software 44. Game for kids 45. Ed Murrow’s home 46. They __ 47. Part of the foot


1. Greenish-blue 2. Having sufficient skill, knowledge, etc. 3. Dirt 4. New Zealand mountain parrot 5. Back muscle 6. Supplement with difficulty 7. Kate and Rooney 8. How Amazon identifies its products (abbr.) 9. Emirati island

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Apiary workers required for Spring/Summer 2017 Duties to include unwrapping & feeding bees, building & repairing equipment, making nucs, supering hives, pulling honey, extracting, winter preparations, wrapping hives. Wages: $12-$18 depending on experience. Send resume to: tonylalondesales@ or Lalonde Honey Farms, Box 42, Clavet, SK S0K 0Y0 Attn: Dan Lalonde

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DeaDline Monday at 12 p.m. for placing Classified Ads

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CAPRICORN December 22– January 19

Capricorn, do not overlook information that is right in front of you. This info can help you get through a tricky situation at work that pops up unexpectedly.

AQUARIUS January 20– February 18

Aquarius, try to schedule a fun diversion that takes you away from the daily grind. A brief getaway may be ideal, or even a night out with friends.

PISCES February 19– March 20

Pisces, take a step back and reassess a situation that has frustrated you thus far. A new perspective might do the trick.

ARIES March 21– April 19

Aries, no one can fool you this week and this is quite an advantage. Make the most of your renewed sense of awareness and use it to make some important decisions.

Built to resemble a farm house, the Centre for Healthy Aging will offer a range of paramedical and medical services. A massive chandelier, comfy sofas and a generous fireplace in the foyer provide ambience if anyone has to wait to see their practitioner. Continued from page 19

Seniors development moves away from institutional approach retains a country feel where hawks soar overhead and spectacular sunsets paint the sky. All the buildings continue that connection to nature with large view windows that bring in plenty of natural light. A cluster of 15 new homes on the land is part of the first phase of the project. Residences are fully wheelchair accessible and customized to the resident’s needs. Crossmount is gradually becoming a village and a community. When McKercher has marketing discussions with prospective residents they often ask, who will be my neighbours. “I tell them, my job is to build the bones, your job is to Homes range from 1276 to 1900 square feet build the community.”

TAURUS April 20– May 20

A change of scenery could be just what you need, Taurus. Get out of town for a few days and recharge your personal batteries. This respite can do wonders.

GEMINI May 21– June 21

Work in conjunction with a coworker to accomplish a difficult task, Gemini. Embracing your cooperative, team-first side is the right approach in the week ahead.


CANCER June 22– July 22

Big changes are ahead for you, Cancer. Are you ready to turn your schedule on its head for the time being? You will have to make a series of changes in the coming weeks.

LEO July 23– August 22

Leo, a hectic schedule on the horizon has you feeling some pressure to get everything done. It’s understandable, but afford yourself some time to have fun as well.

VIRGO August 23– September 22

Virgo, uncertainty has you considering some options you never gave much thought in the past. Be open to new experiences and embrace this chance to start anew.

LIBRA September 23– October 22

Libra, think about exploring your creative side and find out ways to make the most of that exploration. The reward will be well worth the investment.

SCORPIO October 23– November 21

Scorpio, just when you think some miscommunication has been smoothed over, you find yourself needing to explain a situation all over again. Remain patient.

SAGITTARIUS November 22– December 21

Sagittarius, now is a great time to make some healthy resolutions. Changes to your diet or exercise regimen may be just what the doctor ordered.




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WARMAN ELEMENTARY School TASHA LUCIUK’S CLASS If I could get my parents anything for Christmas it would be... Note: Spelling and grammar were left unchanged from the children’s written submissions in order to preserve the original charm and character. I would buy my mom a vase of flowers because I love her. I would buy my dad a brand new fishing rod because he likes fishing. - Taren E I would buy my mom a pedicure so she can get her nails done. I would get my dad a lamborghi and a computer because he loves it. - Reese D For Christmas I would buy some nice dresses and jewellery for my mom. And for dad I would get him a cool type of gun and some camofloge clothes. And for my other mom I would by her a sweet tattoo gun and a free pass for 5 years and 19 people to a hotel made of glass. - Laycie E I would buy my dad a quad because he likes quading. I would buy my mom a beautiful house because our old one is really really old. - Nash D

cause of all her hard work. I would get my dad a long long long long break from RBC so when he wanted to use some of it he could and he doesn’t have to use all of it at the same time. Because he spends all of his day doing - Seth Ba work at RBC. I would buy my mommy a sewing machine because she really likes to sew. I would get my daddy an arcade machine because he likes to play video games. - Payton H If I could buy my mom a Christmas present it would be a subway card for free because she loves free stuff. If I could buy my dad a Christmas present it would be a new mini stick because he likes to play hockey. - Kaleb C I would buy my parents a car because they could give their old cars to me and my brother. I would give my dad a Lamborghini. I would get my mom a limo. - Katelyn H If I could by anything for my parents I would by my dad a Lamgorginiga formula1 race track and 300,000 newspapers because he loves to read and drive. I would by my mom 30000,0000 gift cards to nail spas and 100,100 earrings. - Jaxon R

I would get my mom a bike because she does not have a bike. I would get my dad a dog because he really likes dogs. - Emerson K

I would get my dad a RC car so he could play with his new toy. I would get my mom an indigo card then she could get some books. - Seth Be

I would get my mom a robot that would cook and do some other things for her be-

I would get my dad a Ferrari because him and me both love cars and I would get my

him a blue semi because his favourite color is blue. - Sophia W

mom a brand new Christmas tree because ours is old. I would buy my mom - Malachi D makeup because she wants a new one. I will get my dad a I would buy my mom a candy bag because he loves comic book because she candy. - Cadence M loves comic books and I would give her a funny com I would get my mom a tank ic book. I would get my dad of dolphins werth two mila map of Canada because lion dollars because she when ever we go to Calgary loves dolphins. I would get we always need to use his my dad a new mustang. phone. - Livia T That’s orange because he likes them and because his I would buy my mom a cof- favorit coller is orange. fee cup because she loves cof- Ayla H fee and I would get my Dad a new truck because he has a I would buy mom a trip to old truck so I would get him Disney World because she rea brand new truck. ally likes roller coasters. I - Kaiden I would get my dad a tesla because my dad does not like I would get my mom a his car that he has now. gift card to Claires because - Kayson T I think she would like it. I would get my dad a new fish- I would buy my mom a priing rod so we can go fishing vate jet because they didn’t together. - Kyhra M need to drive ever again. I would get dad a life supply I am going to get my dad of pop so he won’t go to the a fishing boxe so we can go store. - Brandon Y fishing and cech big fish. The next thing that I am go I would buy my mom a lip ing to get him is a snowchap because she likes it board because I am going to very much. I would by my get a snowboard when it is dad a telescope because he going to one for Christmas. loves them so much. I am going to get my mom - Logan T some fancy plates so when it is Christmas sometimes we I would buy dad a private have breakfist we can eat on jet so he could go anywhere these pieces and she is going in the world. I would buy my to love it. Ryan K mom a mansion where she could do anything she want I would buy my mom a ed to do because I love her. stuffie that is a panda and - Drew B a baby panda because my mom is getting my ant a big I would buy my mom a dog panda with it’s baby panor a cat or a bird because she da in the front of the moma loves animals. I would buy panda. I would buy my dad a my dad a new PS$ game benew semi because he works cause he love video games. at RDK and he drives a semi - Lily P.H. and the color I would buy

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WARMAN ELEMENTARY School Taylor Mui’s class

Note: Spelling and grammar were left unchanged from the children’s written submissions in order to preserve the original charm and character. If I could get any Cristmas present for my mom and dad I would get a new chapter book for my mom because she loves to read. And for my dad I would get him a new work kit because he works in his shop a lot. I would also get my brother a new book because he likes to flip them. - Bailee P If I could get anything I get my dad a new computer and my mom a new salad container a new purse and my sistr a new cat. - Paige K If I could get my dad any Christmas present I would get him more time to spend with me, Because I don’t get enuf time to spend with him. I will get my mom a diamond neclis Because she likes jewelry. - Noah L If I could get my Mom any Chrismas present I would get her some tickets to Germany. It is because she has Grand-parents there. If I could get my Dad any Chrismas present I would get him some new work boots. It’s because he has really old ones. I could my other Dad some new braclets. It’s because he really like cool braclets. - Alexis M If I could get my mom any Christmas present I would get her: a big pack of makup and some dimond earings because she loves them. If I could get my dad a present I would get him a free ticket to see the riders because he’s a big fan. - Ashlynn J

one. If I could get my dad something I would get him hokey stuff because he loves hockey stuff. - Paisley M

buys me lot of nice stuff. I would buy my mom a nice neckleaes because she is vary nice. - Kristle M

lace as red as the redest rose because she likes gems. If I could get my dad any Christmas present I would get him more time to spend with me because he likes to spend time with me. - Nate F

If I could get my mom any Christmas present I would get her a nice Cristmas because I like spening time with her. And my dad I would get him a nice Cristmas because I like spening time with him. - Presley S

If I could give my mom and dad any Christmas present it would be a free trip to Brampton because they wants to go there. They want to go there because before we lived there and we have lots of friends there. - Dilshawn S

If I could get any Christmas present for my mom and dad I would get them a new car that was as cool as an eagle wearing sunglasses. I would get them that kind of car because our old car’s door is not working. - Zoe S

If I could get my mom any Christmas present I would get her 1000000 Diamonds because she could buy anything. If I could get my dad eny Christmas present I would get him time with me because he is away for 7 days. - Liam B

If I could get my mom a gift I would get her a Chrismas brand new pair of slippers. My mom got slippers last year but they did not fit. I would also give her the money to go on a cruise because she never goes on cruises. They’re so exspensive. The slippers are as ripped up as a dogs chew toy. I hope you have a fantastic Christmas! - Ben W

If I could get my mom and dad a x-mas present I would get my mom new slippers and a housecote. Because all of her house cotes are riped or lost. I would buy my dad a new tv because the tv at home is broken. The last thing I would get my family is four tickets to hawiyi because we have never been on a plane before. - Claire G If I could get my mom and dad any Christmas present I would get them a dog. I want a dog becasuse my mom and dad love dogs. - Aisha S For Chrismas I would get my mom a dimond nekalase because she rilly likes julary. For my dad I would get him some rilly nice pontune because we do not have a boat. For my brother a itunes card because my brother he rilly cers about vidyo games. And for the hole family I would buy a ticket to Jamaca! - Rylan O If I could buy a Christmas present for my dad I would get him a new cool wach and sunglasses because he

If I could get my mom any chrismas precent I would get her a MEGA TOOTH CLEANER MACHINE and a butiefull rings made out of emerald. If I could get my dad anything for Chrismas it would be a new raceing BMX bike and a pro Elite nerf gun so he will destroy us in a battle. I would get them that stuff because I love them with all my hoart. - Eric N If I could get any thing for my mom and dad I would get my mom a new car with dimond rims because we need one. And I would get a pontoon because my dad onle has a canew. - Gage H If I could get my mom any Christmas present I would get her a ruby neck-

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If I could get my mom any Christmas present I would get her a new car because she needs one. If I could get my dad a tool box he has lots of tools. - D’Shawn L

Thanks for warming our hearts with your friendship and kind support this year. Neighbours like you make us especially proud to call this fine community home. Merry Christmas!

If I could get my Mom and Christmas present I would get her Wifi and a new fone and money. I would get it because my mom loves it. - Deagan S

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season. Thank you for the privilege of serving you this year.

If I could get my mom any Christmas present I would get her a new car and a new house and a new 200.00 donuts and money and also a new fhone. - Bluesky M

Home is where the heart is

If I could get my mom any Christmas present I would get her a new jewelry box. For my dad I would get him call of Duty Infinite warfare and a new shot gun for hunting. And I would get my mom the jewlry box because she does not have one. - Kohl L

If I could get any christmas present for my mom it would be a mug and compyter because she relly need

If I could get my mom any Christmas gift it would be slippers! So they could keep her feet warm. I would get my dad tickiets to a Toronto maple leafs game because that is his favorite hockey team. - Carson O

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Christmas Greetings





Note: Spelling and grammar were left unchanged from the children’s written submissions in order to preserve the original charm and character. If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom, it would be a mom’s calendar because she gets one every year. I would get a fishing rod for my dad because he likes to go fishing! - Jorja N If I could get any Christmas present for my mom and dad, it would be Blades tickets because they like to watch hockey. I would also buy my mom jewellry because she like jewelry. - Jack G If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom and dad, it would be convertiball for my mom! For my dad it would be a Oilers Mustang because my mom has allways wanted a convertiball. And my dad’s favorite hockey team is the oilers. - Dawson B If I could by any Christmas present for my mom and dad it would be a vault of money because they would love it and they deserve it and I could get myself a meden bike. It would be fun with a vault of money my dad would buy lots of things. My mom and dad’s life would be awesome! - London B If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom and dad I would buy a bottle of wine with a picture of our family on it for my mom

because she loves her family and wine! I would get my dad a coopon booklet because he loves staying home with his kids and snuggle with them! Merry Christmas mom and dad. - Ainsley H If I could buy any Chrismas present for my mom and dad, it would be …. A purse because she wants a new purse. My dad want a new jacket because he has old jackets. I thince he got thime frome Bilivea. I wish I gould get thime a present bat I cen gist get my sister one because we pict a name than I got my sister. - Eva G If I could buy any present for my mom it would be jewelry because she loves jewelry. For my dad it would be a cunstrution Building that could brack and reabild agan. Because my dad loves to bild roads and buildings. - Ahlem F If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom and dad, it would be PJs, slippers and a new bed because their bed is breaking. - Kiara F Dear mom and dad. For mom I would probably get you a new iphone because your phone is junck and for dad I would get him a new truck because his is 11 years old. - Kash B If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom and dad, it would be a oilers jursy, and a cupon to sport check because he likes the oilers team and he likes sport stores. For my mom I

would get her a family picture with a frame made by me because she likes things made by me and because she likes the family a lot. - Mady A If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom and dad, it would be a Chrismas necklace for my mom, and some new socks for my dad. I would get then those presents because my mom likes jewelry and my dad needs new socks. - Kolten L If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom and dad, it would be a Camaro because my dad likes fast cars. - Alex W If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom and dad, it would be a snowbloarer because it is quiker. Then we have more time to play. - Keatan T If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom and dad…It woud be a phone and a car and a theater room. A flat screen tv. A dance room. A puppet theater room. A new computer and last of all a book room full of books. - Ayman D If I could buy any gift for my mom and dad it woud be a ringbot because my mom and dad like it. - Paveldeep G If I coud by any gift for my mom and dad it would be a wreath because they would like it. - Abriele O If I could buy my mom and dad any present for Christmas it would be a white

CLARK’S CROSSING GAZETTE • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2016 horse for my mom because she misses her white horse she had a long time ago. I would get my dad a really big sized Elmo because my dad likes the way he talks. - Jayce L I could buy any present for my mom and dad it would be a house because she wants a house. For my dad, I would get him a car because he likes cars. - Salman G If I could buy my mom and dad any present it would be video games. I would give my mom plants v. zombies and I’d give my dad a hockey game. I think they’ll like those games. - Lucas R If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom it would be slippers because she likes to be comfy. I would get my dad some more work stuff. Because he wants to build a skating rink in the back urd. - Mya G

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If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom and dad it would be a coffy mug because they love coffy. - Ava P If I could buy any gift for my mon and dad it would be a lamborgini. They would love it. - Brendan J If I could buy any Christmas present for my parents, it would be tools for my dad and ticket for a vacation for my mom. - Miley S If I could buy any Christmas present for my parents it would be tools for my dad and for my mom fuzzy slippers to wear in the house. - Jayda P

happy holidays and warm wishes for the New Year! From the Reeve, Council & Staff

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We at Pharmasave in Martensville take personal interest in your health because you’re not just our customers, you are our friends! We care about our community, which is why we strive to support our community through sponsorships and involvement with community events. We look forward to continuing this local support in 2017! We would like to offer our warmest wishes for this Christmas season and a happy, prosperous New Year! Sincerely, Karla, Lori, Nicole, Sara, Lav, Kirra, Vanessa, Danielle, Jan, Cheryl, Brittany, Michelle, Dani, Justine, Kelsey, Paige, Laurie, Madison, Cherie, Calvin, Shayla, Annette, Kristine & Emma.




I would give my dad a hockey jersey because he loves playing hockey. I would give my mom a BIG HUG because I super duper love her!!! - Jax F I would give my mom a metal band tiket because she likes metal bands. My mom likes Siko Soshol by Slipnot. I would give my dad a new phon. Because he has two and I want to give him a new phone. - Hunter R I would buy my dad a ticket to the Flyers game to drop the puck for Claude Direaut because he realy likes the Flyers. I would get my mom a day at the spa because I think she would realy like it. - Wesley B

I would buy my dad a new quad because he always wanted a quad. I would buy my mom a new hot tub because my mom wishes she - Hudson Z had won.

I would like to give my mom a new car because my mom needs a new car. My mom’s car is messy. I would like to give my dad a hot tub because my dad really wants one. Me and my brother wants one to my - oJosh mom does not care. J appy H li s


still thinks that he shod get a biger car. - Eden S I would buy my mom a new ipphone 7 because my mom wants a new phone. I would buy my dad a new combine because my dad farmes and it would be nice. I would buy my mom a new car because she would like it. I would buy my dad a new iphone 7 because it would be nice. - Deegan C

I would buy my mom tickits to go to Hawaii because it would be nice for her and the family. I would buy my mom $100,000 dollars to pay the bills (for the house). I would buy my mom a tun of flowers because she would like them. I would buy my dad a storm trooper helmet because he has bin wanting one for years. I would by my dad a new car because he could give the old one to my sister because she has her learners. I would buy my dad a new bike for on the summer because his is destroyed. - Cooper O I would buy my mom a coffee maker because she likes coffee. It would be the best coffee maker in the world. I would buy my dad a xbox one because he likes video games. He would start play- Ben P ing it instantly. I would buy my mom a kitten because she really whants a kitten. She loves animals she likes cats the best. I would buy my dad

da ys

I would get my mom a huge picture of a dragonfly to put over her bed because her favorite insect is a dragonfly. She likes dragonflys so much that she has a tattoo on her foot of one. I would get my dad a biger car because his car is really tiny and he wants one. My dad likes his car but he

I would give my mom a motorbike because I used to put my cars down her exhaust pipe. She sold it because I put my cars down her pipe. I feel like giving her a new motorbike. I would give my dad a SK47 because he love to hunt. I do to I shot one his guns. He loves to go hunting. - Kaden O

huge fan of Star Wars. Also I would give my dad love because I love him very much.

I’ll love my mom and dad for my whole life. - Ella S

Happy Holidays From Mark, Anita & Staff

102 6th St. S. Martensville 933-WASH (9274)

I would give my mom money so she could get a dimend ring so she could get married. I would give my dad me for Christmas, I love him. - Simona S I would give my mom a relly nice ring with dimens. (world nicest ring). I would give my dad a skalership to - Kamryn E the NHL. I would give my mom hugs and kisses because I love her. She also really likes hugs and kisses. I would give my dad hugs and kisses too because you do not have to buy presents. He also loves me. The best present in the world is love. - Aubrey K

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I would buy my mom a vase full of flowers because she really loves flowers. Also I would give my mom love because love is were we love each other and our family. I would buy my dad one of those big Star Wars figer witch is usely as tall as a tall toddler because he’s a


For Christmas I would buy my mom a new necklace and bracelet. It would have beutaful gems on it for Christmas. I would give my dad a new set of pans for cooking. We need new ones. - Natalie B

son’s Grea Sea tin

I would buy my mom a big bunch of flowers because she loves flowers and I love her so much. I would do almost anything for her. I think I have the bestest mom in the world. I would give my dad a bunch of hugs because I want to show him how much I love him. I love my dad so much. My dad is super cool. - Emma L

I would buy my mom some lotion and a bottle of bubblebath because she wants to put it on her body so that her skin dosent get to dry. I would buy my dad some new clothes because he needs some new clothes. That is what I would buy my mom and dad for Christmas! - Rylee P

Merry Christm a

I would buy my mom a samsun 10 because I nose she will llike it. I will buy my dad a new car. I will buy my dad super fishing rod, because he likes to fish. - Harvey W

I would buy my mom a microphone because my mom likes to sing. I would also buy my mom a piano book because my mom plays piano. I would buy my dad a bace ball because my dad playes bace ball. I would also buy my dad a foot ball because me and my dad play cech. - Hawkley D


I would buy my mom make up because she likes make up. She likes to where makeup pretty much every day. She does not where lipstick that much. I would buy my dad hockey cards because he likes to collect them. He has like 20K. He loves getting rare cards. - Linden H

Happy Holid ay

Note: Spelling and grammar were left unchanged from the children’s written submissions in order to preserve the original charm and character.

I would give my mom a big flower pot of roses because she likes roses and that she deserves it more than any other mom in the world. I would give my dad a new Stephen Kings chapter book because he likes Stephen King books and that he is a great dad that should always be thanked from everyone in the world. My parents are so amazing and thoughtful. They should both be getting a award for being the best parents on the planet. - Sofia T



a quad because he whants one. He really likes quads he thinks that he’d use it all the time. - Katie S

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Note: Spelling and grammar were left unchanged from the children’s written submissions in order to preserve the original charm and character. Dear Santa, I would like if you can give my mom a dog. My dad wants for xmas coke. - Rocco M Dear Santa, How good is Mrs. Claws cookies and milk? For Christmas could you get chocolate and oranges and a lot of money so we can buy stuff for our house? We are going to build a swimming pool in our back yard and some blankets and sweaters. Could we have a zillion dollars!!! And some food. - Graedin M Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? Could you get Christmas sweaters for my mom and dad? Could you please get my mom new bed sheets for my mom and spare head lights for my dad. Thank you. Sincerely, - Kolton W Dear Santa, How are you doing? I would like it if you could give my mom a back massager. Can you get my dad his very own Ipad? Thank you so much! Love, - Danielle G Dear Santa, How are you doing is roodof doing well? Can you give my mom a ticket to the beach and can you give my dad a Hocky ticket to see the Oilers game because he loves them and he would love to see then play at the rink. Thank you Santa. Love your friend, - Brooke M Dear Santa, How are the reindeer Santa? My dad wants a new, huge boat with a big water slide. My mom lilkes reading, can you give the best chapter book to her. Thank you Santa. Love, - Reed W Dear Santa, How are things going at the north pole? I would like

if you could give my mom a heated blanket to keep her warm. I would like if you would give my dad a new ipad and laptop because his computer doesn’t always work. Thank you Santa! Your friend, - Gabbi S Dear Santa, How are things going in the north pole? Are the elves good? I would like if you would give my mom new gym clothes, end a new neclase. Could you give my dad some minarals from the earth. He really likes that stuff. Thank you. From your friend, - Emerson M Dear Santa, How are you doing? Can you please get my mom and dad a swimming pool? Can you please get my mom a card to go on vacation? Can you please get my dad a hundred dollars? Thank you. Love, - Taylor F Dear Santa, Can you please get my mom and dad a gift card to Disney park and Disney World and a train ride.and a new fons and a new ipad. Love, - Leslie H Dear Santa, How is the toy making going on? Can you get my mom a fuzzy blanket? Also can you get a tool box for my dad? For my mom can you get a make up box? If you can, thank you. Love, - Liv Dear Santa, How are things going at the north pole? Do you have a dog? My mom and dad would like one million dollars and a vacation. My mom would like a dog to snuggle with. My dad would like his old truck fixed with magic. Thank you Santa, Love, - Liam H Dear Santa, How are things going in the north pole? Is Rudolph still sick? I would like you to get my parents something special this year. Can you get my Dad a new phone and can you get my mom a vacation to Vancouver? My mom would realy like a few days

off of work. I hope you have a great Christmas Santa. - Chase O

dad a lava lamp. Please give my mom more make up. Thank you Santa. Sincerely, - Gavin M

Dear Santa, How are things going up there in the North Pole? Can you please give my mom a heated blanket? Can you please get my dad a robot that looks like him? Can you please get my mom and dad a Bostin Borins table cloth? Can you please get my dad a ticket for hockey? Can you please get my mom a shop for herself? Thank you Santa. Love, - Alexis K

Dear Santa, How are Mrs. Claus’ cookies? Can you make a heated blanket for my mom and dad? Can you get my mom some makeup? Love, - Mason S Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? For my mom for Christmas she would like some special jewellery please, and my mom would love a beautiful Christmas sweater please. For my dad he would like a huge grill! My dad also wants some clothes (mens extra large) and thak you so very much Santa. From your great friend, - Meghan D

Dear Santa, How are your elves doing? I really want to get a new house for my dad. I really want to get 15 billion dollars for my dad. I really want to get a puppy for my mom. I really want to get a new iphone for my mom. Thanks, Santa for doing this. Have a very good Christmas! Love, - Brock B

Dear Santa, How are you Santa? Can you please get my mom $10,000? Can you get my dad hockey skates? Also can you get 4 first class tickets for a family trip? Thank you Santa. Love, - Hailey S

Dear Santa, How is the toy making going on? Can you get my mom 2 new robots, if you can? Can you get my dad a new car? Can you get my mom a new sewing machine? Can you get my dad some new work tools? Thank you Santa! Love, - Owen J

Dear Santa, How are all of the reindeer up there? For Christmas can you please get my mom and dad something. For my mom can you get her a heated blanket and 200 boxes of jewelry? She would also like lots of shoes and 100 tickets for a vacation. My dad would like a deer head and a moose head, a camo jacket and a really nice car and he would like a really big party boat and a skeado and he would like a really nice cumfy cool bed. And they would like lots of days off of there work. Thanks Santa. Your friend, - Olivia D

Dear Santa, Can you please give mom flowers and a super pillow? I love my mom and I want my mom to have nice flowers because they smell pretty! I want her to half a soft pillow to sleep on every day. Love, - Darius G Dear Santa, How are you in the North pole? I’d like you to give my

Cue the Lights: It’s Christmas!

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Wishing all my customers a Merry Christmas! It was a pleasure working with you this past year. Thank You! • Brakes • struts • shocks • exhaust • engine work 707 Centennial Dr. N. Martensville 306-371-5589

Sani-Sewer Ray & Mary

(306) 239-2020 (306) 221-4902





Note: Spelling and grammar were left unchanged from the children’s written submissions in order to preserve the original charm and character. If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would get them a calender with pictures of my family on it. I would get them a calender because they don’t have one. If I could get anything for my mom I would get her a really nice store because she really likes to shop. If I could get anything for my dad I would get him tickets to meet the Blue Jays because he cheers for them. - Sofia L If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I would get her a necklas with me and my sister’s finger prints on it because she really loves to wear gulery and she loves me and my sister. If I could get my dad anything for Christmas I would get him an awesome hockey rink of his own because he loves to play hockey and he loves when me my mom and my sister come and watch him. - Isabella P.M. MOM – If I could get my mom anything for Christmas it would be a free movie to fantastic beasts. Beacose she realy likes Hary Potter. DAD – If I could get my dad anything for Christmas it would be ten magix the gathering packs. Beacose he plays Magic the gathering. - Isaac B If I could get anything for my mom and dad. I would get them flour’s, cooke’s hot chochalat, a new perse for my mom a new coffee masher for my dad. I would get my dad a new Random Land hat and teeshert and mug. I would get my mom a new mug with our hole family on it I would also get her a new out fit and give her breakfast in bed. I would get both of them a new suitcase with a toul and new bathing suit and sun screen and everything for the beach and I would throw them a surprise party and decorate the hole house and invite thiere friends and every body they now and they will have so much fun and they’ll be so surprised! Wo ho! Ha! I would also get money for DisneyLand, Disney World,

Legoi Land and sea World it will be so much fun ha! - Catherine D If I could get anything at all for my mom it would be a Viper car. Her old car is losing parts so she needs a new car. Also a heart shaped ring is what she really wants. - Jeremy H I will give my gifts to my mom Christmas is. A buatiful red roses, a red car, buatiful earings a big hug from my mom, a buatiful red car. Why I would give this gifts for my mom in Christmas because she’s favorit most favorit color is red and she wanted a red car all read a buatiful earings to. That’s why I want to give that gift for my mom. I will give my dad a gift for my mom. I will give my dad for a gift for my dad is going out to gether like trying to catch a big fish, exercising to gether, helping together, racing with my dad, doing reseling together, wathing together laghing to gether, having a huge hug, playing baseball together, climing a wall together, eating huge food together, that’s why I will give my gift to my dad. To be countin you on the back. The end. - Charlie A If I could get enething for my mom for Christmas I wode get her a hocky equipment, because she wants to play hockey and thinks it would be fun! I would get my dad lacrosse equipment because he wans to try the sport. - Josh B What would you get your mom and Dad for Cristmast? If I could get anything for my mom and Dad I would get my mom and my dad two new soucases one for my mom and one for my dad because we are going to Disneieland. They would pick out what they wanted and I won’t tell them. - Haley H If I could get aney thing for my parens. I would get my dad a new car or a new boat. For my mom I would get her a new wach or tv. I would get my mom a wach or tv because then she would have two waches and a new tv would make her happy. I would get my dad a new car because he would be happy if I got him a new

car and he would be very happy if I got him a new boat. - Evalyn E If I could get anything for my mom and dad for Christmas it would be? Two big scoodoo and I would put them in are garage and make them find there Christmas present. Why I would get them scoodoos is cause they love going scoodooing on the tralles to the Ice shacks. We have a big tent to go ice fishing and We go in there to warm up in the winter. - Austyn S If I could get my dad a blue jays ticit for Christmas he will be so happy. And he will love me More. Why because he wants to see them. If I could get anything for my mom at Christmas it would be a tv for her bedroom. Why because She doesn’t have one. - Bryn C If I could get anything for my mom and Dad for Christmas I would get a new car because are car is old and kind of broken. It also has milk splatters on the roof from when I was little. And my mom and Dad also want one. I would Also get my Dad new tools for work because it would be nice sence his tools are old and dirty. - Kieran M If I could get anything for my mom I would get her a Christmas tree statue that is very pretty. My dad likes a band. I want to give him money to go see the band play. - D.K. For Mom: If I could give my mom something for cirismas I would get her a nice neckless. Why: she likes joolery. And makeup. For Dad: If I could five my Dad something for cirismas I would get him a nice warm blackite. Why: he likes to

stay nice and warm. - Olivia T If I could get anything for my mom and dad for chrismas I would get a flat screen tv for my mom and dad and I would get a pergecter for my mom and dad. I would get a pergecter and a flat screen movies. - Jackson W

merry christmas aND happy New year!

What to get mom and Dad – If I could get my mom and Dad anything for Chrismas it wood Be. Dimnad neclkes and earings and a braslet for my mom. For my Dad I wood get him a new office. I wood get my mom damonds because she sparcks like one. I would get my Dad a new office Because he could stay home. - Mina K If I could get anything for my mom or dad for Christmas it would be pool supplies for my dad. Me and him are building a pool in our backyard. My mom would like a plane tikit to France. So she can take a picture of the ifl towre. Merry Christmas Mom and Dad. Love, - Ethan P If I coud get my mom and dad anything for Christmas it woud be a large piece of love because I love them to the moon and back. - Tye C If I cood get eney thing for mi mom it wud be cofey becus she luves cofey. If I cud get eneything for mi dad it wud be a drt bice soe we cud drt bice together. - Logan M For Christmas I am going to get my mom a necklace with a picture of a dog and a cat or a picture frame with me and my sister and my dad or a video of me my sister and my dad and my mom and put it in a tape and give it to her. I am going to bet my dad a shert or a Steelers hat. - Sarah L

Happy Holidays

From Lorne, Family & Staff at


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Martensville, SK


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At The Holiday Season It may be cold outside, but our hearts are warmed as we recall the many kind people who’ve visited us this year. We’re deeply grateful for your support and wish you all a very merry season.


Hours: December 24 9am-5pm December 25 & 26 Closed December 27 1pm-6pm January 1 Closed January 2 1pm-6pm

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If I could buy a present for my mom and dad I would buy them a Toronto Blue Jays jersey. They are both Blue Jays fans. They would like any player for a jersey. - Mavrik M If I could buy a present for my mom and dad it would be pretty boots for my mom and one hundred pizzas for my dad. I want boots for my mom because she always goes to stores and asks for boots. I want to buy one hundred pizzas for my dad because he steals all of my pizzas. - Aaliyah H If I could buy a present for my mom and dad I would buy my mom a coffee mug that says “best mom in the world” on it. I would buy my dad a philadelphia flyers flag. I would get my mom that mug because my mom is the best mom in the world. I would get my dad a Philadelphia flyers flag because he is obsessed with the flyers. - Kalleigh G If I could buy a present for my mom and dad. I would get a new TV! Because our TV downstairs is 20 to 30 years old! - Keegan M If I could buy a present for my Dad I would buy a coat that you push a button to warm it up so he is warm. If I could buy a gift for my mom I would buy her a fluffy blanket. She wants one soooo bad. - Ashton E If I could buy a present for my mom and dad I would give my mom an iphone 7. I will give my dad a new tablet and a zombie game and a x-box 3. Also I will give my mom chocolate heart and a new fore runner. I will give all of this because they like all of the stuff and they need it. - Sailo R If I could by a present for my mom or dad I would get my mom a trip to anywhere she wants to go! If I could get a present to my mom or dad I would get my dad a robot that will do his chores! I would get my mom a trip anywhere because she likes going on trips! I would get my dad a robot that does his work so he can have a break! - Jesse W If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom it

would be chocolate, because my mom eats chocolate every morning, but not when she has work. If I could buy any Christmas present for my Dad, it would be traps, because he always wants to buy traps. - Abigail F If I could buy a present for my mom, I would buy her a Calgary Flames pillow because she likes the Calgary Flames. - Gaige G If I could buy anything for my mom I would buy a really big mansion because I love her and because she wants a new house. If I could buy anything for my dad I would buy a old Jeep for him because he loves old cars and Jeeps. If I could not get my mom a mansion I would get her a billion trillion dollars! If I could not get my dad a old Jeep I would get him and old convertible. I love you mom and dad. - Aubree O If I could buy a present for my mom and dad I would get my mom a new bike. I would get my dad a new bike to because his bike is very rusty. - Drake E If I could buy a present for my mom and dad it would be an electric mixer for my mom. For my dad an x-box one. For my dad because my mom and dad even made a Christmas list and those were on it so I thought of getting them those before I wrote this. - Alexis P If I could buy a present for my mom I would buy a really big mansion.And a new car and its going to be a truck. And so we can have a nice house and because I love her so much and I really want her to have a better car. If I could buy a present for my dad a new hockey stick and new gear and a new Flyers Jersey and a hockey game and I will buy him a new car and it will be a fast car. The fastest car and a Flyers game. - Christian M If I could buy a present for my mom and dad, I would get my dad a bag of caramel popcorn. I’d give it to him because he usually gets a bag every year but we eat a lot of it. For my present to my mom I’d get her some fancy jewellery and a very

good book. I’d give her jewellery because my mom looks pretty in jewellery. I’d give her a good book because my mom loves reading with us - Sydney S every night.

And I would buy a quad for my dad. And I would give my dad a truck and I would give my mom a Jeep. And I will buy hunting stuff for - Miley S my dad.

If I could buy a present for my mom it would be a gift card and a new scarf. I would get my mom that because she likes shopping and she likes scarves. If I could buy a present for my step dad it would be some hockey cards and a coffee mug. I would get him that because he likes hockey cards and he likes coffee. If I could buy a present for my dad it would be a new cap and a coffee mug. I would get him that because he likes wearing caps and he likes coffee. - Samantha B

If I could buy a present for my mom and dad I would buy my mom shoes because she loves shoes so so much. I would buy my dad hunting stuff because he loves to hunt a lot. I would buy my mom gift cards., a lot of them. I would buy my dad gift cards too. I would buy my mom and dad a new phone. I would buy them all that because I love them so much. - Ashlynn C

If I could buy a present for my mom I would buy her a gift card to Home Sense. My mom likes to shop at Home Sense. She likes to shop for fancy pillows. If I could buy a present for my dad it would be a horror movie. My dad likes to watch horror movies. - Meadow D If I could buy a present for my dad I would buy him lots of food because he gets really really hungry all the time. If I could buy a present for my mom I would buy her a watch because she bought me a watch and I lost it. - Gabby D If I could buy a present for my mom I would get her perfume and my dad a radio. I will get my mom a perfume because she really want only one kind of perfume. And I will get my dad a radio because he really likes music. - Sena H If I could buy a present for my mom or dad I would buy Young Living for my mom.

If I could buy a present for my mom I would buy her some lipstick. If I could buy a present for my dad I would get him a treadmill. I would buy my mom lipstick because my mom likes to look cool. I would buy my dad a treadmill because he likes to work out. - Austin M If I could buy a gift for my mom I would get her a tv for her room. Because she really, really wants a tv in her room. If I could buy a gift for my dad I would get him a Cabelas gift card and a Cabelas jacket because he wants a lot of stuff from Cabelas. - Lexie R If I could buy a present for my mom I will buy her a necklace. Why because she loves necklaces and she loves being really pretty. If I could buy a present for my dad it will be a Lamborghini because he loves driving. And he really loves cars. - Summer W

Best wishes to all of our clients & friends this Holiday season! 27 - 810 Centennial Blvd. Warman SK

Extended Hours!

Wed & Thurs: Closed at 8pm Saturday: 9am - 4pm

We Wish You a Merry Christmas from our family & staff to yours (306) 934-0688

511 Centennial Dr. N.

Season’s Greetings

If I could buy a present for my mom and dad I would get a dress for my mom and new shoes for dad. Why because dad has old shoes and mom likes to have dresses. - Dan T



Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and an amazing 2016


Seasons Greetings from your

Discovery Co-op Serving your local Battlefords, Radisson, Cut Knife & Glaslyn communities

Delivering our best to you

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All of us at Valley Ford Sales would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your business and support. May your holiday season and the new year be filled with lots of joy, peace, health, happiness and much success! We look forward to seeing you in the coming year. Season's Greetings from the Team at





Note: Spelling and grammar were left unchanged from the children’s written submissions in order to preserve the original charm and character.


I would get my dad a new bike. Happy holidays, Dad! - Danny S

I’ll get my dad a toolbox because he works a lot. I’ll get my mon a new iphone 7s because her phone is cliché. - Corben W

I think my dad would like a new truck for Christmas. He would love his dirt bike back. - Keegan W If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom and dad I would get dad a Hockey Jerzy. - Ben P If I could buy any Christmas present for my dad I would get a Lamborginhi. It would be a great present for my mom. I would get him a coffee mug. - Charlie E If I could buy anything for my mom and dad? I would get all the super hero comex for my dad. A wooden hart for my mom. A news for grandma. - Hudson N If I could buy any Christmas present for my dad, I would get my dad a Lamborghini it’s a really cool car and for my mom money to go and visit her family in li-

- Janjay B

If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom I would get her chocolate. A LOT of chocolate. - Caden F

If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom I would get her a alpaca. I would get her a alpaca because she loves alpacas and I want to show her that I love her. I would give an alpaca to show her. I care and that’s for all parents we appreciate you. - Magdalyn F

Mom, I want to buy you a frying pan. Dad, I want to buy you new jeans. - Katelyn J If I could buy any present in the world for my dad for Christmas it would be a giant tool box and new car. For Christmas I would buy tickets for a concert and a

If I could buy a Christmas present for my dad a hockey hat and because he would love one. - Asia R If I could buy any Christmas present for my dad I would buy a corvette because my dad wants a corvette so much that he’s bragging about it so much. - Gloria A

If I could get my mom and dad a Christmas present I would make a craft for them. - Emily D

If I coud by any present for my mom and dad. I wud get them a plane ride to bora bora. - Garrett C

If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom and dad I would get my dad a fitbit. My dad had a fitbit and it broke so I think my mom would like a fitbit too. - Sawyer S

I would purchase a new iphone 7. They love a iphone 7 so if we’re on our boat they would be able to not get water drops on it. It would be the perfect gift for them. - Ben S

If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom I would get her a makeup kit. - Ryder C

If I could I would buy my dad a white car and a coffee mug because my dad needs a new car and he likes hot

If I could buy any present for my mom & dad, I would buy a nice new car for my mom and a cool, nice, new phone because his old phone has on internet. Thats what I want to buy for my mom and dad for Christmas. - Marie H

of pizza for Christmas. - Carl H

would buy my dad a tractor. - Nic H

For Christmas I want to buy my mom a mansion! For Christmas I want to get my dad a new gun. - J.D F

For Christmas I want to buy my mom a box of chocolates. I want to buy my dad a large candy cane. - Haily M

giant bed for my mom. For Christmas I would buy my step dad a shelf for his antiques and more antiques. For my step mom I would get new hair scissors and a new hair desk. - Ashlynn W For Christmas I want to buy my mom a new kitchen. For Christmas I want to buy dad a new gun. - Larissa H

I want to buy my dad a new toolbox and I am buying my mom a new pair of glasses she wants. For both of them I want to buy a new lamp and my love for them and my heart! - Enna M

For Christmas I am going to buy a cummins truck for my dad. For Christmas I am going to buy a mansion for - Marc S my mom!

I want to buy my mom some new cutlery for Christmas. I want to buy my dad a new bobcat for Christmas. - Daniel H

I want to buy my dad a hammer and a toolbox. I want to buy my mom a box

For Christmas I would buy my mom a lunch. The lunch will be from DQ. I

Smile...It’s Christmas!

Wishing a very happy holiday season to all our patients and their families. We’re deeply grateful for your vote of confidence.

Warman Dental Centre Office Closed December 24 - January 1

From all of us at the Town of Aberdeen we wish you safe & enjoyable holidays & all the best in the new year!

If I could get my mom and dad a Christmas present I wold get my mom a horse pictures because she loves horses. I would get my dad a video game set because he loves playing video games. That’s what I wold get my mom and dad. - Ella S

I would get my mom and dad some vitamin C. I would get my mom a vaccum. - DA


For Christmas I want to buy my mom a purse. I want to buy my dad a toy truck that comes with a remote. - Tatum W

I would get my mom a makeup set and I would get my dad a car that’s what I would get a parent for Chrismas. - Eman D

chocolate. If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom I would get her tikets to a concert because she loves listening to music. - Ayla M

I am going to get my mom Braslist and my dad a watter bottle that is red. - Sara K

HEPBURN School For Christmas I want to buy a big truck for my dad. For Christmas I want to buy a back massager. - Connor N

If I could get my mom and dad I would get my dad a realy big truck and I would get my mom a lot of pushen the cat plush. - Kinsley O

May Christ be with you always.

If I could buy any Christmas present in the world it would be a new house. Because we really want to move. - Julianna H

For Christmas I would like to get my mom and dad. My dad would get a new toolbox. My mom would get a new car. My step mom would get a hundred scissors for cutting people’s - Jaxon M hair. For a Christmas present for my dad I really want to get him a fishfinder. For my mom I want to get a new kitchen with supplies. I think it has to be perfect! - Alexis H


To The World! And many thanks to you, our friends & neighbours!


Service center 306-225-2272

Jake’s Burger 306-225-5005

Highway 11, Hague

Merry Christmas Thank you for counting on us for your insurance needs. We wish all our patrons a safe holiday season.


We’d like to join you and your family as we give thanks for our many blessings, including your patronage.

Merry ChristMas! Corny, Judy, Justin, Dan & anthony

insurance 110B Main St. Maymont • (306) 389-2444 304 Main St. Radisson • (306) 827-2134

306.239.2053 206 1st St. Osler




For Christmas, I would buy my Mom some shampoo and conditioner. I would buy my Dad a new car and Minecraft. - Freya L. If I could get my parents one present I would get my Mom a homemade blanket that I would make her but I may need some help with it. The reason I’d think that she’ll love it is because she loves blankets and she has a whole bunch of them. I would make it with lots of LOVE. I would get my Dad a picture frame that I would make of me, my Mom, and my sister and brother. - Kennedi P. If I could get my Mom anything in the world it would be a new car (a Ferrari). - Brooklyn H. If I could by a present for my Dad, I would buy him a Star Wars C-3P-O watch because he is a big fan of Star Wars. I saw one once and it was cool! - Emiliano S. If I could buy something for my Mom and Dad, I would buy my Dad lots of chocolate and my Mom a toy panda. - Kasey M. I would buy my Mom a curling iron because she loves to curl her hair and hers doesn’t work. I would buy my Dad something that says “World’s Best Dad” because I think he is the world’s best Dad! - Ava-Rose P. I would buy my Dad a race track because he loves race cars. I would get my Mom a pair of onesies because she wants them so bad. I would get my step-Dad a bunch of go carts. - Alexandra S. I would get my Mom all the Ninja Turtles discs because me and my Mom went to the stores and she went crazy when she saw it. - Clara S. I would get my Dad a new Wii set and my Mom a massage. - Kaspar S. I would buy my Mom a heating blanket because I keep on taking her heating pad because it is cozy. - Logan H. If I could get my Mom something for Christmas it would be a necklace that

says Ryan, Jessica, and Alyssa so she can feel all our love when she wears it. I would get my step-Dad a Christmas card that sings. - Jessica M. If I could get my parents something they love I would get my Mom some little mermaids because she loves them. Same with my Dad but he loves Avengers and Tsum Tsums. - Avery P. If I could get my parents anything for Christmas, I would get my Mom some stickers because she has a planner and she loves putting stickers in her planner. I would get my Dad a desk because he has lots of things like paper and rulers and things like that. - Cadyn N. If I could get my parents anything, I would get my Mom a new computer because my Mom buys me stuff all the time and I never get to buy her anything because I do not have the money to do it. I would get my Dad a bunch of Lego sets because my Dad likes Lego a lot! - Lucy W. If I was going to buy my Mom and Dad a Christmas present, I would get my Dad lots of smarties because one day we were going to get some food out of the pantry and we found lots of smarty boxes! I would get my Mom flowers because she loves their smell and how they look. She gets lots of flowers in lots of different colors. I like them as well. -Teysen B. If I could buy a present for my Dad it would be a set of harmonicas because my Dad takes harmonica lessons for 8 hours a day. I would by my Mom an arts and crafts kit because my Mom has a bunch of daycare kids at home for a long time and she likes to do crafts with the daycare kids. - Maddox S. I would buy my Mom a cat shirt or a cat purse. I think my Mom will like it very much. I would get her a bigger car. I would get my Dad some work tools for his work and a diesel Ram 15000 Truck. - Tyler K. If I could get my parents something for Christmas, I would get my Mom Hilberg and Birk earrings because she loves sparkle balls. I would get her some of her fa-


vorite candy and a gift card for her for tea. I would get my Dad lots of Lego, lots and lots of chocolate bars, and a gift card for Tim Horton’s. - Kassidy P. If I could get my parents anything in the world for Christmas, it would be love! I would give as much love as I can because they love me and they do so much for me. My Mom cleans and my Dad helped me get my back handspring. They both take me to gymnastics and pay for it. That is really all I could afford because it’s free and it’s from my heart. I would give love by saying it and doing nice things. - Elena B. If I could get my parents a present it would be some jewellery. My Mom always wears jewellery and her friends always show her jewellery. They let her borrow jewellery too. - Carson K. If I could get my Mom a Christmas present, I would get her a lunch kit. She would be so happy because she could put her food in it. She would like a lunch kit because she doesn’t have one. She would always put her lunch in her backpack. I would get that for her because I want to be nice and kind to my Mom. I love her very much! - Codie B. I would get my Mom a teacup. She would like flow-

ers on the teacup. My Mom likes roses so I want to get a teacup with roses. I love my Mom and I really want her to have the teacup she wants. She drinks tea a lot! I would get my Dad a new wallet. His wallet is really old. My Dad likes black and I really want to get him a black wallet. He has lots of cash so he needs a new one. - Rylan K.

Oh, Joy!

It’s Christmastime again, and we couldn’t wait to share our best wishes with all of you!

MerryChristmas From the Council & Staff

Town of Dalmeny

Offices close at noon December 23rd & 30th

I would give my parents a million dollars so they could buy a mansion in Paris. - Hunter D. I would get my Mom a pair of earrings or some jewellery because she likes looking fancy for special occasions. I would get my Dad a new wallet because I think it’s time for a new one or I would give him a big hug because I love him so much. I love both my parents very, very much! - Anika M. I would buy my Mom a necklace that has pretty rocks on it. My Mom has a lot of jewellery. I would buy my Dad an 1800cc Polaris Skidoo. It would by orange, yellow, and black. My Dad really likes skidoos. - Nykomis S. I would buy my Dad a black Toyota car. He was going to buy one and keep his truck too and he really loves me. For my Mom, I would buy her a blue cell phone because she is nice and I love her. - Tristan R.


Share with us the birth of Jesus Christ this Christmas Season!

ThrifT Shop

115 Klassen St. | 306.933.3293


a very merry


h During t is

Christmas season

we wish to say thank you to all of our friends and customers for their generous support this past year


rm of DunDurn

Peace & Prosperity

501 Main St. Warman (306) 249-1231

Christmas Wishes

At the holidays and all year, we are grateful for your trust and friendship. Thanks for doing business with us. Best wishes from our entire team!

Blessings to you and your family this holiday season.

From The Staff & Management at

Hague (306) 225-2254

From the CounCil & StaFF

208 GLENWOOD TERRACE MARTENSVILLE 306-280-6572 306-384-3835


Believe... May the true spirit of Christmas fill your heart with warmth, love, peace & joy!

Brad Hyde 306.270.6495

Helen Hyde 306.229.8787

Allan Jungman 306.221.1529

In the magIc of the season! many blessIngs to you and yours.

May the warmth of family and friends bring love to your home and joy to your heart this holiday season. From the Management & Staff at

Dr. Kirby Cadman 200-3502 Taylor St. E. (306)955-3677




If I could get my mom a present for Christmas I would get her a purse. Why because the stores do not sell the purse that my mom wants. If I could get my dad a present for Christmas I would get him a brand new boat and a cool ski doo. Why because he sold his boat and he wants it back. - Cooper E. I would like to give my mom and dad for Christmas is a trip to Hawaii because we like to travel. - Myles K. If I could buy my parents anything in the world I would buy my mom a pet owl because she loves animals. If I could buy my parents anything in the world I would buy my dad fishing hooks because he loves fishing. - Lacey G. I’d like to give dad a sweater because it’s getting cold for Christmas. I’d like to give my mom a plant because my mom likes plants. - Gian A. If I could buy my mom anything in the world I would buy her her surgery because she kind of needs it. If I could buy my dad anything in the world I would buy him the biggest oil company in the world so he could make money. -Holly K. I would like to give my parents for Christmas is a brand new camper because they like camping. - Nicholas Z. I would like to give my dad for Christmas is some weights, fishing hooks, and I would give him a nice football and a nice baseball glove and a sniper so then he can get bears. I would like to give my mom for Christmas is a new nice mug and coffee and flowers and a new jacket and a painting kit or set and earrings. That is what I want to give them. - Cash K. If I could buy my parents anything for Christmas I would buy them a trip on a

cruise because I think that they want a break from me. Emily H. If I could buy my mom anything in the world I would buy her a pet owl because she loves owls. If I could buy my mom’s boyfriend anything in the world I would buy him a trip to a Dallas Cowboys Superbowl. - Ty R. I would like to give my mom for Christmas is a swell water bottle because she wants a water bottle that keeps the water cold. I would like to give my dad for Christmas is a new truck because he loves trucks! - Reis J. If I could give my mom and dad something for Christmas I would give my mom and dad a new car because they would be super - Brody C. super happy. If I can buy my parents anything in the world for Christmas I would buy them a trip to Mexico because they like Mexico. - Alexa G. I would like to give my parents a present for Christmas. I would love to give my mom a lipstick that turns your lips blue because I love her with makeup. I would love to give my dad a bird gun or shotgun because he loves to hunt a lot. - Katie E. If I could get anything in the world for my mom for Christmas I would get her a new jacket because she really wants one. If I could get anything in the world for my dad and his girl friend Melonie I would give them a bigger house because their house is small. - Rylee A. I would like to get my mom for Christmas is a sewing kit because she needs one and wants one. I would like to get my dad a new shiny car because he really likes cars and he needs one. - Ava M. I would like to give my mom and dad a present for Christmas, I would give my mom slippers because she complains that the floors

are cold. I would give my dad a plane because he likes to travel. - Kye W. I would like to give my mom and dad a present for Christmas. I would give my mom a mug from Starbucks because she told me for Christmas she would like a mug. I would like to buy my dad a ticket to an Oilers game. - Leah D. If I could buy my mom and dad anything in the world I would buy them a trip to Hawaii because they like to travel to warm places. - Anika E. I would buy my mom and dad for Christmas is a Lamborghini because my dad loves cars and my mom loves cars. - Keoni B. If I could buy anything in the world for my mom and dad it would be an RV because they love going camping. - Ryder R. I would like to give my dad for Christmas is fishing hooks because he likes fishing in the summer. I would like to give my mom for Christmas is a new camper so we can go to the lake next year. - Jessica G.




Happy Holidays The Staff & Council wishes you a season that’s merry & bright

If I could give my mom and dad anything for Christmas, first I would get dad a new house. We would put it at the lake. I would get mom a new iPad. She could take pictures with it, read books and watch movies. - Ethan R.

If I could give my parents anything in the world for Christmas I would buy my mom a bunch of daisy flowers because she loves daisy flowers. I would buy my dad a Lamborghini because he loves fancy cars. - Julia B. What I would like to buy my dad is a working kit and construction pants, because he likes working and he doesn’t have that stuff to work with. What I would like to buy my mom is earrings because she doesn’t wear any but she did when she was a kid. For both I would like to buy them a trip to Disneyland. - Jakov P.

117 Haichert Street, Warman



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Let the merry making & memory making begin.

See you in the Spring!

Merr y Christmas

Pet Emergencies

Pet food & Supplies

Routine Annual Exams

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Pre Vet Club

Dental Care

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Dr. Neudorf and staff wish you & your pets a very

Dieter Martin Greenh use Ltd.

Merry ChristMas!

Monday, Tuesday, Friday: 7:30am-5:30pm Wednesday, Thursday: 9:00am-8:00pm Saturday: 8:30am-2:00pm

(closed long weekend Saturdays)

Sunday: closed

Where every pet is


Warm wishes for a bright and beautiful holiday season to everyone we know. From the mayor, CounCil & StaFF

VillaGe oF BorDen

A Christmas Message from Warman Elementary School, Warman community Middle School & Warman high School As the days wind down before Christmas the excitement of the students increases each day in anticipation of the Christmas break. In the midst of our preparation for Christmas, we sometimes overlook the true value of the Season. Christmas is a time when families and friends can be together to support and brighten the lives of each other. It is a time to renew our love and affection for those who are near and dear to us. We would like to extend to the parents and the members of our community our sincere thanks for the support and contributions you have made toward our schools. It is this kind of commitment that helps make Warman schools the special places they are.

On behalf of the Warman Schools, we wish all of you and your loved ones Peace and Joy this Christmas and may the true Spirit of Christmas carry you throughout the New Year!


Mr. Scott Dyck, Mr. GrEG tEBAy, Mr. DEAn BrouGhton


Mr. orlAnDo PAulS, MS. AMy orth, MS. lISA MASon, Mr. GAry PhIlIPchuk & Mr. ruSSEll Dyck


I would like to give my mom for Christmas is a Harry Potter book because she likes reading. I would like to give my dad video games because he plays them. - Marleigh W.


#2-205 Central Street Warman, SK (306) 384-WSAH (9724)

Behold , the virgin shall conceive and bear a


and they shall name him


which means

“God is with us.”

Merry Christmas!



VALLEY MANOR School Danielle Briske and Jessica Kozak’s class Note: Spelling and grammar were left unchanged from the children’s written submissions in order to preserve the original charm and character. I wood give my mom some earrings. I wood give my dad some tools because my mom and dad love those things so much. - Ruby D. I am getting mom a candy carosol that holds choclets because my mom riley loves choclets. - Derek D I would get my mom and dad a coffee mug. So they can DRINK COFFEE! - D.G. I wud by my mom a necklis. Becas my mom wud love it. - William S. I would buy a heart sighn for my mom and dad because I love them. - Landon M. If I could give my mom a Christmas gift it would be

a dolphin picture because she loves dolphins. If I could give my dad a Christmas gift it wuld be new socks because all of his socks have holes. - Jordynn P. For mom I would give her new earings becuse her old ones are rusty. For dad I would give him a electric gitar becuse he likes rock music. - Isaiah W. I wold like to buy my dad some weahts becuse he loves working out and gtting strong. - Gracie N. I am going to get a pressent for my mom. I am going to get her some gift cards. I am going to get my dad a coffee cup for him. Because my dad likes coffee. Because so my mom can go shoping. - Broden W. If I could get my parents a gift for Christmas it would be a phone case with lots of rhinestones, glitter and color for my mom because she loves crafty things, and


rhinestones. For my dad I would give him a new set of tools because he likes to build things. - Ophelia K. I would get my dad feet loshon cause his feet STINK!. I would get my mom breakfast cause she is hungry in the morning. - Blake F. I would give my mom a back massager because her back is allways sore. I would give my dad a new car because our car is realy dirty in the inside. And because he just realy wants one. - Beatrix S. I would buy my dad shaving cream for Chrismas because his berd is echy. - McLaren H. For Christmas I’m going to give my mom and dad. I’m going to gite a bathbome for my mom becuse she loves bathbomes. I’m going to gite my dad a gun magaizin becuse he likes to reed them a lot. - Tristan L. I wod get my mommy some flowers. Becose my mom love flowers. I wod buy and they’re all wrecked. - Easton K

VALLEY MANOR School Glenna Pellerin’s class

If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would get my mom a car cleaning from me. I would do that for her because her car is messy from different things. I would get my dad a car cleaning as well because his car is super messy. - Jaegar D If I could get anything for my dad I would get him an airhog that is camo coloured and it shoots little bullets. The front is plastic and the back is foam. - Jayden J

If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas it would be a craft because she loves to make crafts so that’s why I want to give it to her. If I could get my dad something it would be for his back to stop hurting. - Damien R If I had a secret gift for my dad and for my mom I’d get a card for my mom and a watch for my dad. I’ll make a card for my mom. - Jaiden C If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would get them a new pair of moccasins each. I would get them a new pair because their old ones are ripped

If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I would get her a picture because she loves when I make her stuff. If I could get my dad something I would draw him a picture too and get both of them breakfast. - Ashlyn B If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I would get her a new TV for her room because my mom’s old TV broke so I decided to get her a new one. I hope she would like it for Christmas. - Tyson J If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I would make her a picture of the family with glitter and bright colours because she likes pictures a lot. If I could get my dad anything I would get him an Oilers jersey. - Kenzie M If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas

I want to by my mom a diemond ring because she wanted a diemond ring. I will by my dad a new bed because he wanted a new bed. - Siya P.

Season’s Greetings From Richard, Bev and all the staff from Martensville Subway

I woud get my mom sum flowers because my mom woud poot it on the table. - Lucas R. For Christmas I would get my mom some cooking stuff. I would pick that gift because my mom loves to cook stuff. For Christmas I would get my dad a catilack because he wants one really bad. - Addison W. I would get my mom a body lotion and some lipglos. I would get my dad a pack of cigars and a new cofie maker for Christmas because they are Awesome!! Jadzia M. I would get my mom a new book and my dad a new hockey stick for when we play hockey on the driveway and for my little brother. Nolan W. I would get them something I made. I would get my mom some jewelry and some candles. I made her jewelry last year. I would make two bracelets and one necklace. The candles I would make them with wax. I would give my dad a rub on his back so my mom would not have to do it. Merry Christmas! - Sierra R If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would get them a trip because they want to go on a trip again. - Nixson H If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would give them each a million dollars because they need money. - Avica R If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I would get her a trip to Hawaii with the family. My mom loves to lay in the sun and she loves to spend time with family. She is nice and kind and I think everyone will have fun. - Kennedy P If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would get them a picture of them and why I’d get them that is because I love them and because it’s not money. - Marissa M

And many magical moments to you and yours this holiday season.

New Vision Agro Tel: (306) 225-2226 Hague, SK

New Vision Pet Food Etc. Tel: (306) 978-4032 Corner of 6th Ave. and Main St. Warman, SK

s a m t s f i r h C d y r er



If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would get them a family vacation. Why, because my mom and dad really want to go on a family vacation. I think it would be good if we went to Disneyworld or Disneyland. - Raina R

If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would get them a dog. A German Shepherd because my mom always wanted a German Shepherd. - Noah H

If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would make a craft for my mom and dad because I love them and they love my pictures and they love me too. - Ashley H

my daddy a new desx becuse my daddy has a small desx. - Kalenna P.K.

e in the pleasur ures. t a e r g s u take ul trea May yo ost wonderf ’s m season



Centennial Dr. North, Martensville 306.382.4500

Affinity Animal Hospital

Our Holiday Prescription As we reflect on the past year and all the things for which we are grateful, your kind support and friendship come to mind. It’s been a pleasure & privilege serving you and we look forward to seeing you again in the coming year.

the management and staff thank you for your patronage and wish you all the best in


Dec. 24 & 25: CLOSED Dec. 26: 9am - 5pm Dec. 31: 9am - 5pm Jan. 1: 12pm - 5pm

(306) 931-7800

102 Central St. W. WARMAN

North Corman Industrial Park

(306) 668-5675


Time to say thanks to all of you who have made this past year a joy for us! sMall aniMal veterinary CliniC offerinG the followinG serviCes:

hoUrs M-F 8:30 am - 6:30 pm Sat. 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

EMErgEncy ExaMS conSultationS WEllnESS ExaMS DEntalS HouSE callS

DiagnoSticS raDiology SurgEriES DiEt ManagEMEnt

eMerGenCies EVEry Day until 10:00 PM


#7 - 239 Centennial Drive north, Martensville aCross froM CanaDian tire




Note: Spelling and grammar were left unchanged from the children’s written submissions in order to preserve the original charm and character. If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I would get her a cooking set because my mom loves to cook. And if I could get my dad anything for Christmas I would get him a board game because my dad loves to play board games. - Anaya T If I could get my mom anything for Christmas would get her some new slippers and pjs and new slippers. If I could get my dad anything for Christmas I would get him a new winter coat a pair of shoes. - Ashlyn N if I could buy my mom anything for Christmas it would be a pair of slipper a nice pear of earrings and pajamas because she is so special to me. If I could buy my dad anything for Christmas it would be a pair of jeans socks and a jacket because he is so special. If I could buy my sister anything it would be makeup and stuff from the pink store because she is so special to me my whole family is special to me - Carly L If I could get my dad a new hockey stick I would and if I could get my mom a box of chocolates I would do lt. I would get my dad a new

hockey stick because my dad had his rest for a while. I would get my mom a box of chocolates because she loves eating chocolates. - Cohen K If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I would get her A necklace because she really likes jewelry, and if I could get my dad anything for Christmas I would get him a hat because he gets them dirty. - Dallas S If I could get my dad anything for Christmas I would get him a new trailer and I would get my mom a new - Denver S pair of shoes If I could get my mom a present get her some fancy clothes and would get my dad a collection of wolves. - Dominic Y If I could get my parents anything for Christmas I world get them an outside game because so we can play game at our lake on the field. - Emerson R If I could get my parents and my bother anything for Christmas I would get my mom I would get her some new cloths because she needs them if I could get my dad anything for Christmas I would get him some new hockey cards because my cousin stole them if I could get my brother anything for Christmas I would get him some new Lego. - Gabby S

she needs them badly - Mackenzie T

If I could get my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would get them a gaming system because they want it. - Hannah T If I could get my parents anything for Christmas would get them some shoes and a blanket and new pajamas and I will get my brother more Lego and more cars I wont to get my cousins a blanket and Barbie’s and my aunty I will get my aunty new games. - Harleigh H If I could get my dad anything for Christmas I would get him a new hockey stick because he needs a new one. If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I would get her a gift card to Starbucks because she likes - Josh G there coffee. If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I would get her a coffee maker because she likes drinking coffee. If I could get anything for my dad I would get him a tablet because he likes going - Kael Z on the internet.

I would buy my dad a car because he is the best dad. I would buy my mom a car because she is good. - Katy S. I would buy my dad a big screen TV because his big TV broke. I would buy my mom a Chihuahua because she always wanted one. - Callie R. I would buy my dad a new car because he is special. I would buy my step dad hunting guns because he is awesome. I would buy my mom some nail polish because I love her. I would buy my step mom a trip to Mexico because she would like to have a trip away from Canada. - Kerrigan B. I would like to buy my dad a corvette with a mansion because he needs one. I would like to buy my mom a lot of necklaces because she needs more. - Daysen G. I would buy my dad a Lamborghini Aventador because I think he would like it. I would buy my mom some jewelry because she - Dalton S. would like it. I would buy my dad a new car because his old car is broken. I would buy my mom a new phone because her phone keeps glitching. - Peyton S. I would buy my dad a new truck because his truck is dirty. I would buy my mom a mansion because my mom wants more room in her house. - Cooper C. I would buy my dad a new

phone because he wants one. I would buy my mom jewelry because she likes it. - Blake C. I would buy my dad a dog and a mansion because my dad likes dogs and mansions. I would buy my mom a car because she likes cars. - Matthew B.S. I would buy my dad a hockey stick because he likes hockey. I would buy my mom a ring because she - Kaleb P. likes rings. I would buy my dad a dog because he really ones one. I would buy my mom jewelry because she likes it. - Easton W. I would buy my dad a Lamborghini because he is awesome. I would buy my mom a mansion because I - Dylan G. love her.

I would buy my dad clothes because he needs some. I would buy my mom a necklace because she likes them. - Jordyn J. I would buy my dad a new game because I want to. I would buy my mom love because I love her. - Xander K. I would buy my dad a fish-

If I could get my parents anything for Christmas I would get them a new truck because they really need one. - Regan P If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I would get her a new IPhone , because she accidentally put her phone in bubbles and does not hold a charge. If I could get my dad anything for Christmas I would get him a new quad, because in the spring he likes to go quadding with me. - Sierra S If I could get my dad anything for Christmas I would get him a German Shepherd because he told me that he always wanted a German Shepherd. - Stanley H. If I could get my aunty anything for Christmas I would get her a new computer for Christmas because it’s nice - Teagen R

If I can get my Mom anything Christmas I would get my Mom Six pots because

If I could get my mom anything for Christmas l would get her a cooking set because she loves to cook

ing hook because he loves fishing. I would buy my mom a baby Christmas tree because our big tree does - Emery M. not work. I would buy my dad a deck of hockey cards because he always opens them with my brother. I would buy my mom a phone because she needs one. - Kinley M. I would buy my dad a T.V. because he hogs the T.V. upstairs. I would buy my mom make up because she has none. - Emiley N. I would buy my dad an awesome skidoo because he likes skidoos. I would buy my mom a necklace because she loves necklaces. - Lindsay M.

I would like to buy my dad a corvette because he really wants one. I would like to buy my mom a book because she really likes books. - Jakob J. I would like to buy my dad a speed boat because he likes them. I would buy my mom a hair brush because she likes brushing her hair. - Owen T.

If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I would get her a now phone because her phone is super old. - Parker L

If I could get my Dad anything for Christmas I would get him a mug that says BEST DAD EVER because he’s awesome and cool!!!!!!!! - Kolbie T


If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I would get her a necklace because my mom loves necklaces - Megan H

A Heart Felt

SeaSonS GreetinGS CLoSeD

Dec. 23-27, 2016 Jan. 2, 2017 Sincerely.. the town of


I would buy my dad a new motorcycle because he likes them. I would buy my mom a necklace because she likes them. - Scott H. I would buy my dad a house because he needs one really bad. I would buy my mom a hot tub because she really wants one. I would buy my step dad a big dog because he wants a dog to like him. Danica D. I would buy my mom a canvas and paint because she loves painting and I would give her a ticket to Toronto. I would buy my dad an action figure because he loves painting them and I would buy him a video game because he likes playing them. Chloe D.


If I can get my Dad and Mom anything for Christmas I would get my Dad a trailer and my Mom a washing machine because they need that stuff. - Wyley L

brownies and cookies and if I could buy my dad anything for Christmas I would buy him a hockey stick because he loves to play hockey - Ty L

from management & staff at

306.253.4654 As another holiday season comes swirling in, we’d like to extend our very best wishes for a blessed and happy Christmas. May all of your dreams and wishes come true! We’re grateful for all your support in 2016. We owe our success to kind customers and friends like you.

Thanks & Happy Holidays


522 Boehr Ave. Warman

O Happy Day! There’s joy in the air and much fun to share! Happy Holidays! From all our staff & management

305 Main St. • (306) 225-2024 Hague



VENTURE HEIGHTS School Cari-Lyn Issitt’s CLASS

A present I would get for my mom from me is a hockey stick because she hasn’t played before. - Gregory B. If I could get any Christmas present for my dad it would be a new blender because he likes to make smoothies with my sister. Sometimes I wake up and he is making smoothies. - Hayden B. If I could get my parents anything for Christmas it would be Star Warz things because they love Star Warz. - Avery M. If I could get anything for my parents for Christmas I would give them a robot that cleans the house. I would give them that because our house is sometimes dirty. - Zoe W. If I could get my parents anything for Christmas I

would get them a trip to a country because I think they need to explore the world more. I also think they would have fun and - Blake H. love it. If I could get anything for the people in my family it would be my sister. She would get a stuffy from me because I love her. - Jade C.

If I could give my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would give them an automatic food maker because my mom is tired of making supper when my dad’s not home. - Ryland M. If I had to give my mom a Christmas gift I would give her a dog that is a golden retriever to help her. - Tanyka O. I would get my mom a new cat for Christmas because we will love him forever and that would be the best. - Austin R.


If I could give anything to my parents, I would give my mom a new ornament because she would like a new ornament. I would give my dad some candy because my brothers ate his. - Aidan B. Mom wants a nightgown for Christmas because she wants more nightgowns to sleep in and she wants a new brush. Dad wants a new hammer because he likes making wood stuff and a new tool box because he likes to carry his tools around. - Mason U. If I could get my parents anything in the world I would get them 5 tickets to Hawaii because they really wanted to go but we did not have enough money at the time. I’d also give them all my love. - Domanik W. If I could get my Mom and Dad anything in the world I would get them a new TV. I think they would like a new TV because our TV is small and so they want a new one, like the one we have in the

basement. I also think my Mom would like some new baking material because she loves to bake. I think my Dad would like a new pair of work boots because his are all worn-out. - Camryn S.

If I could buy my parents anything, I would buy my Dad tools for his shop. I would buy my Mom the Holy Bible because she’s Christian. I would buy my parents a really big house because things are breaking. I’d buy my Dad another semi-truck because he likes trucks. I’d buy my Mom the coziest bed ever because my little brother is keeping her awake. - Jakob B. If I could get my parents anything for Christmas, I would get them each a bridle for horses because they love to ride horses. Lots of our bridles are broke and we don’t have very many. I would also get my dad some tools because he loves to fix things and he doesn’t have very many tools. I would get my mom some slippers and a robe because she loves to be comfy and she also


If I could get my parents anything for Christmas I would get them the world! Because then they could get anything and could give me anything I want. - Jenny A. For Christmas I would get my mom a new computer, watch and ring. I would get my dad a new truck. I would get them those things so they would stop complaining. - Braelyn B. I would give my parents love. I would love my parents because Christmas is not always about presents. Christmas is about giving and love. - Caelen B I would get my mom and dad an iPhone7 I would get them an iPhone7 because it is too much money and because I love them. - Piper L. If I could give anything to my parents for Christmas I would give my dad a new phone because he likes to play games. If I could give my mom anything for

Christmas I would give her a great big hug because she likes them. - Axel E If I got my dad something I would get him a pack of hockey cards. I know he loves hockey cards and he already has somewhere around 800 cards. - Cameron T. If I could get my parents anything for Christmas I would bake them Christmas cookies. I would bake them cookies because I love them. - Carter U. I would get my mom a salt lamp because she loves them. I would get my dad a truck because his truck is garbage. - Emily F. I would get my mom ornaments that we broke. I would get my dad a body pillow because his is old. - Jaeva C I would give my parents a holiday so they could relax. - Danica H.

doesn’t have a robe. - Aubrey T. If I could get something for Mom and Dad, I would get them a board game, minty gum, a movie, a Tim Hortons gift card for Mom, and some tools for Dad. I would get them a board game because they like play-

ing board games. I would like to get them minty gum because they like to have gum. I would like to get them a movie because they like watching movies before they go to bed. Mom likes Tim Hortons coffee so that’s why I would get it for her and Dad likes new tools. - Makayla B.


If I could get my parents anything for Christmas I would get them a cat because they like cats. - Keegan S. I would get my dad a car piece that he always wanted because he lost one. I would get my mom another purse because she has 100 and she loves purses. - Mataya S.

Season’s Greetings!

from the Council & Staff

Town of Hepburn

(306) 947-2170


As we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, we are filled with gratitude and joy for all of the blessings we have the good fortune to enjoy, including the gift of your friendship. Thank you, and Merry Christmas! Residents, staff, management and board

Thank you & wishing you and your family all the best for 2017!

Hardware & Var ety

If I could get something for my mom and dad I would get mom a bracelet because she likes bracelets. I would get my dad green and blue

shoes because he likes those colours. - Saxon H.

Spruce Manor Special Care Home

Blaine Lake L quor

If I could get my parents anything for Christmas I would get them a robot that could do anything so my mom and dad would not have to drive the car and so the robot would cook and pick up garbage for them. - Ava M.

Dalmeny, SK

In this season of wishes and dreams, it is our hope that peace will prevail throughout the world and that happiness, health and good fortune will visit many good friends and neighbours this Christmas. 591 Centennial Dr. N., Martensville, SK

(306) 242-7888

Krystal & Ryan Thorhaug

/blvariety 113 Main Street 306-497-2461

Rejoice! Merry Christmas, Friends!


As we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, we hope your hearts are filled with the same wonderful feeling of abundant joy.

Happy Holidays and all the best in the New Year! Christmas Store Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30am - 5:30pm Saturday 9am - 4pm Sunday CLOSED Hague, SK P: 306.225.2288 • F: 306.225.4438



PRAIRIE VIEW School Kari-Lyn Boyko & Bonnie Cote’S CLASS

If I could get my parents anything for Christmas, I would get my mom an apple watch and body wash because she uses her phone a lot and she loves body wash. I would get my dad new tools and a new car from mini because he needs more tools and he needs a new car. - Toby N. If I could get my mom something special it would be garden gloves because she has a garden. If I could get my dad something special it would be a hunting license because he can go hunting. If I can get Ryan something special it would be car parts because so he can work on my go-cart. I love my mom and dad. - Riley If I could get my mom something for Christmas it would be her favourite chocolate because she likes those chocolates. If I could get my dad something for Christmas it will be a 2016 Honda Civic and an Apple watch because he loves Hondas since I was a kid and he saw an Apple watch and wanted it. I love my parents. - Sameer If I could get my mom something special for Christmas it would be a snow globe because my mom likes snow globes. If I could get my dad something special for Christmas it

would be earmuffs because my dad needs something to cover his ears. My mom and dad are really special. - Lucy If I could get my mom something for Christmas it would be love because I love her. If I could get my dad something for Christmas it would be love because I love him. They are the best. - Shayden If I could get my mom something special it would be a book because she loves reading and she reads every day. If I could get my dad something for Christmas it would be a Volkswagen van because he loves them. I - Quin love my parents.

Besides presents, what is the best part of Christmas? The best thing about Christmas is that Jesus Christ was born and that we could sing Christmas songs. My family usually has gatherings in Osler. My sisters and brother and me usually decorate the tree. - Grayson M. The best part of Christmas for me is giving. Whenever my family goes Christmas shopping I beg my mom for money to give to the Salvation Army. I like decorating trees too. The most important part of Christmas is Jesus’ birth. - Seraya B. The best part of Christmas is going skiing with my family and friends from Alberta. Christmas is special because Jesus was born. I like making a gingerbread house and gingerbread men. - Matéus L. The whole reason about Christmas is that Jesus was born on that day and that’s His birthday. My favorite part about Christmas is to sing songs and have gatherings. I like having hot chocolate after we play outside and setting the Christmas tree up. - Emma N. Some of my favorite things I like about Christmas are going to gatherings, going skating and sledding and doing crafts. I also like reading the bible story of Jesus. I also like helping my dad build Katie’s desk for Christmas. When I go to Christmas gatherings, the food is good. Benjamin J.

something speicial for Christmas it would be a kiss because I love my mom. If I could get my dad something special for Christmas it would be a ring because he lost his wedding ring. - Berkeley

If I could get my mom something special for Christmas it would be hugs and kisses because I love them so much. If I could get my dad something special for Christmas it would be a quad because he is special to me. I love you mom and dad. - Olivia

If I could get my mom something special it would be a book and a chocolate bar because when I wake up my mom would be reading something. If I could get my dad something it would be a quad because he could go with my brother. I love my parents. - Tia B.

If I could get my mom something for Christmas it would be nail polish. If I could get my dad something for Christmas it would be a hunting knife or a hunting gun. - Lucas

If I could get my mom something special for Christmas it would be a maid because she doesn’t always like to clean. If I could get my dad something special for Christmas it would be family time because he - Madi loves us.

If I could get my mom something special it would be hugs and kisses because she loves hugs and kisses. If I could get my dad something special it would be hugs and kissses because my dad loves hugs and kisses. I love my parents. - William

If I could get my mom something special it would be Bean Boozled. If I could get my mom something special it would be a bunny hug. If I could get my dad something special it would be a gun. If I could get my dad something special it - Ella would be a book.

If I could get my mom something for Christmas it would be a mansion in Germany because my mom loves and loves and clean house and Germany. If I could get my dad something for Christmas it would be a boat because he loves fishing. I love my parents. - Connor

If I could get my mom something special for Christmas it would be a car because my mom misses her Honda. If I could get my dad something special for Christmas it would be a skidoo because my dad likes to ski-doo with me and my brother. I love my mom and dad. - Hannah

If I could get my mom something for Christmas it

If I could get my mom


would be an SUV because she likes SUVs. If I could get my dad something for Christmas it would be Tenacious D the Pick of Destiny because he likes that movie. I love my parents. - Kaleb

The best part of Christmas is hanging lights on our house and listening to music while decorating our tree. We also go skating every year. I love decorating Christmas cookies. I like making Christmas bookmarks for everybody in my family to give on Christmas. Every year me and my brother have an advent calendar. - Amorelle F.

Jesus is the best thing to happen to me. At Christmas, the music and trees are fun too. The gatherings and food are good too and the crafts are awesome. - Jordan J. The best part of Christmas is when Jesus Christ was born. I like having hot chocolate after skiing from the field. I like listening to Christmas songs in the basement. I also like skating on our rink at home. - Owen B. My favorite part about Christmas is the gatherings. I like decorating the tree. I like spending time with my family. I like skating, too. - Seth N. Christmas is the best time of year because Jesus was born. We stand around the tree singing. I like the snow falling and snowmen, toques and mitts. It is cold. - Joshua D. The most important part of Christmas is Jesus’ birth. Every Christmas morning, we go to church services. I get to read the first Christmas story to my family. This year Buddy gets to come inside for Christmas. Abby P. The best part about

If I could get my mom something special for Christmas it would be a diamond ring because she loves rings. If I could get my dad something special for Christmas it would be a Cabela’s gift card because he loves to go hunting. I love my mom and dad. - Brynnlee If I could get my mom something special for Christmas it would be love because I love my mom and she loves me. If I could get my dad something for Christmas it would be love because my dad is special like my mom. I love both of them. They are special to

One of the best things about Christmas is that you get together with your family! I really like the Carol-fest at the Brian King Center. I also love the beautiful Christmas lights. This year our church is doing a play. I like how it’s dark in the morning and the lights shine. But the whole point of Christmas is that Jesus was born! - Sierra S.

My favorite parts about Christmas are having hot chocolate, getting together and setting up the Christmas tree. But my best part is remembering that Jesus was born. - Adelaide W.

The best part of Christmas is all about Jesus. I like to help my dad put the lights up. I like the Enchanted Forest. - Dawson L.

The best part of Christmas is Jesus Christ. I like the gatherings, the nativity scene and the decorations. I love to be with my family. - Joel W.

The best part is reading the Christmas story on Christmas morning. I like to play outside at Christmas. - Liam E. The best part of Christmas is decorating the house and tree. Sometimes me and the whole Enns family has a gathering. - Marissa E. We celebrate Jesus’ birthday! I love decorating the tree. I love the music that plays at Christmas time. I like making crafts. I love going to grandma’s house for Christmas. I love the food!

me. - Reinis

cial to me.

If I could get my mom something special for Christmas it would be hand sanitizer because she really likes hand sanitizer. if I could get my dad something special for Christmas it would be a new football shirt because he loves football. My family is very spe-

If I could give my mom anything for Christmas I would give her a new cookbook because she loves cooking. If I could give my dad anything for Christmas it would be a new quad because he like to go on vacation. I love my parents. - Noah

- Aidyn


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Proud to serve our community! AGRO • CARDLOCK • GROCERY

Season’s Greetings From the Mayor, Council and Staff

of the

Village of Clavet We’re All Smiles at Christmas

Christmas is when Jesus was born because Jesus is Christ! The second best part of Christmas is doing crafts and singing Christmas songs and decorating the lights on the house. - Judson M.

Christmas is about when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Some of my other favorite things are baking cookies for cousins, neighbors and families and decorating the tree with lights. But the best part is singing Christmas songs for people. - Danica J.


- Channah D.

We celebrate Jesus’ birth. I like to listen to Christmas music. We can decorate our Christmas tree. I like to help dad put up the tree lights. - Casey H.

I like doing family crafts. We play a game that is trying to draw a Christmas tree on a paper on your head without looking. - Bianca S.

The best part of Christmas is that we get to skate on the lake. We always have a Christmas concert at school. I like it when we go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house and when we light the candles. But the reason we celebrate Christmas is because Jesus was born on the silent night. - Madelyn G. My favorite part about Christmas is going to the Enchanted Forest. I like setting up the Christmas tree. I like doing the advent calendar. Christmas is about when Jesus was born. - Addison D.

We hope you have a merry and bright Christmas and a dazzling New Year. Best wishes to you and yours! Dentists Dr. Hui , Dr. Hartl, Dr. Mills and Staff

Rosthern Dental Clinic

December 24th.....................................10am - 6pm December 25th ....................................closeD December 26th ....................................12noon - 9pm December 31st .....................................10am - 10pm January 1st .............................................12noon - 9pm From the Management & Staff at

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y Located Convenientl

Corner of Central St. W & 2nd Ave, Warman

Merry Christmas! As we reflect on the past year, we desire to say


to all of those who have supported us and Best Wishes of the holiday season!

My favorite parts about Christmas are doing a play, that Jesus was born and getCO ting together. At school we sing for people. Decorating the tree brings me joy. I like doing Christmas crafts. CONSTRUCTION Janae K.


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If I could buy my mom and dad a gift, I would get my dad a new camper because we sold our camper so I want to get him a new one. I want to get my mom a new sewing machine because hers is not working that well. That’s what I would get my mom and dad. Seth B. If I could buy my dad a gift, it would be a new drill and for my mom, I want to buy her a new pan because her old one got burned. - Dominic K. What my mom and dad really need is a new vacuum cleaner for Christmas this year. My mom and dad really need a pair of new shoes for Christmas, too. My mom also really needs a new shirt and my dad really needs a lot of new pants for Christmas. - Aiden L. If I could buy my mom and dad a gift I would buy my dad a sledge hammer because he works a lot at people’s houses. I would buy my mom a note in a box with a paper heart in it. I would buy my dad a candy cane. I would get my mom a sleigh ornament. I would get my dad a box of cookies. I love my mom and dad! - Blake R. If I had enough money to buy my mom and dad a gift, it would be a horse for my mom and a new tool belt for my dad. My mom’s horse would be gray and the tool belt would be able to hold - Cole S. lots of tools. I think my mom needs a new house because she needs more space. With more space, she can have a bigger closet. With it, she can have a new sewing machine room. She sews new quilts for the family. That’s what I would get for my mom. - Vivian W.

This is what I would buy for my mom and dad. I would buy my mom a new coffee maker. She needs one because she needs it to make enough cups for when company comes. I would buy my dad a puppy. He needs a puppy so he has someone to run with. That’s what I would buy my parents! - Gabriella B. If I could buy my mom and dad a gift, I would buy my mom a new vacuum cleaner because my mom’s vacuum is not working well. I would buy my dad a new backup camera because he bought a camera but it was glitchy! - Logan D. If I could buy any gift for my mom it would be a ring. I would buy a ring because she likes jewelry. I would buy my dad a new motorbike. My dad loves driving on motorbikes. These are the gifts I would buy. - Hudson D. If I could buy my mom and dad a gift, I would buy my mom and dad a new cow. I would buy it because my dad is a farmer. I would buy my mom a new camera. I would buy it for her because she is a photographer. This is what I would buy for my mom and dad. - Alivia E. If I could buy my mom and dad a gift, I would buy my dad a puppet because he could use it to tell me stories. I would get my mom a picture of flowers because she likes flowers. I like giving presents to my family. - Vincent F. I like to buy presents! If I had enough money to get a gift for my mom and dad, I would get my dad new skis and my mom a white Christmas tree. I would get my dad new skis because he likes skiing and I would get

my mom a white Christmas tree because she wants one. I would make a card for my mom and dad because it is easy to make a card and it would be nice, too. The gifts would be awesome! - Jaelynn F. If I could buy my mom and dad a gift, I would give my mom a new car and a trip to Las Vegas. My dad probably would like a king size bed and a trip to Las Vegas. For both of them, I wish I had a million dollars to give. Everyone can always use some money. I think these would be awesome gifts! - Carmen G. I think I would buy my mommy a new tea set because my mommy likes coffee and tea. I think I would buy my daddy some new sports equipment because my daddy loves to play sports. I think my mommy and daddy would like their presents if I could buy these for them. - Presley M. If I could buy my mom and dad a gift, I would buy them a new bed so that my mom and dad can have a better sleep. My mom and dad love to sleep in. I love giving my mom and dad gifts! -Owen P. If I could buy my mom and dad a gift, I would buy my mom a cooking set because I love baking and cooking with my mom. I would buy my dad a fixing set because he likes to fix cars. That’s what I would buy my mom and dad it I had enough money. I love my mom and dad! - Bronwyn P. If I could buy my mom and dad a gift, I would buy my mom an adult colouring book because my mom likes colouring. I would buy my dad some new tools. My dad helps build houses. I’ve seen my mom colour in her book. I’ve also seen my dad put in flooring. That’s why I would buy my mom and dad this I would get my Mom and Dad a coffee mug with a chocolate spoon. I would get them that because my Mom and Dad drink lots of coffee. - Trinity B.


If you could buy any Christmas present for your Mom and Dad, what would you get them? Why would you pick that present? I would get them a bike. Why I picked that present is because they do not have one. - Cassidy A. I would get them chocolate. I would give them that because they love chocolate. - Austyn W. I would buy chocolate. I would pick that present because my mom and dad really like chocolate. - Grady R. I would get my dad a new hat and my mom a speaker. I would pick these presents because my dad likes hats and my mom loves music. - Lily N. I would get them a pair of warm mittens. I would pick that present because they need something warm to

wear. - Aubrie H. If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything I would buy them a robot that would do all the hard work they normally do. That way they wouldn’t have to work so hard. - Karter G. I would get them a plane ticket to Hawaii. I would pick that present because my Mom and Dad don’t like winter. - Gabrielle H. I would buy some cutlery. I would buy cutlery because my Mom and Dad asked for cutlery for Christmas. - Kalli B. I would buy them Christmas socks and then I would buy the Christmas wrapping paper. - Jeremy S. I would buy them a quad. I would pick that present because we go quading a lot. - Scott G.

I would get a big black chocolate bar. I would pick that present because they like chocolate. - Timothy T. I would get them a nice ornament. I would pick that present because they might want a new ornament for their Christmas tree. - Seth U. I would get my Mom a Coffee Crisp chocolate bar. I would get my Dad a new pair of rubber boots hard toe. My Mom really likes Coffee Crisp and my Dad needs new boots. I would get them a present for Christmas. I would get my Mom and Dad a good present. - Niko G.

CLARK’S CROSSING GAZETTE • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2016 stuff. - Jordan Q. If I could give my mom and dad a gift, I would give them lots of work. I don’t want to give them too much so that they can’t spend time with us kids though. I want to give them just enough that they can get paid so that my family can buy a new house. There are lots of other choices but this is the number one thing. I would buy my mom and dad each a separate gift, too. For my mom, I would buy a studio for taking pictures. For my dad, I would buy him a surprise dog or a cat just to do a trick on him. I love giving gifts to my parents! - Kamryn W. If I could buy my mom and dad a gift for Christmas, I would buy my mom a nice, soft rocking chair. My mom has a brand new baby. She is my new baby sister. Mom needs to rest in the rocking chair and rock the baby to sleep. I would like to buy my dad a tree house so he could put it together for the six kids in our family. I would also buy my mom and dad a big sled so that all the kids in our family can ride in it! - Tawnee K. If I could buy my mom and dad a Christmas present, I would buy my mom a coffee maker. I would also buy my mom candy. I would buy my dad a cooking knife. I think they would like these gifts. - Tommy K. For my mom, I would buy a box of diamond jewelry. Diamond jewelry is very expensive. Even the box that holds this jewelry has diamonds in it. My mom likes jewelry. I would buy my dad a brand new Blazer because he likes Blazers. He has a Blazer but it is old and wrecked. It doesn’t want to start! I love my parents and I know they would like these gifts. - Andrew O. presents I would pick out. - Zoe B. I would buy them Christmas socks. I would pick that present because they don’t have any Christmas socks. - Finn M. I would buy my Mom a new vacuum cleaner and my Dad a new bathtub. I want to get my mom a new vacuum cleaner because her vacuum cleaner doesn’t work very well. I want to get my Dad a new bathtub because it is old and gross. - Sophia M.

Merry Christmas From all of us at (306) 283-4155 (306) 997-2169 (306) 945-2353

(306) 239-4747 May it live long in your heart and home, and in your Christmas, too!

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Greetings of the Season There may be a chill in the air, but our hearts are warmed by thoughts of our many good friends and neighbors at this special time of year. Thanks, folks!

The Town of Delisle (306) 493-2242 • 201 1st Street West •

Warmest wishes

For the merriest of Christmases to one and all. We appreciate your business and look forward to working with you in the future.

Bob, Diane, Mykaela & Kalen Mennie

RBM & SON EXCAVATING LTD. (306) 978-5628

I would buy my Mom a blow dryer and my Dad a wireless keyboard and mouse. I would buy those things because my mom saw it at Costco and mom wanted it. My Dad wanted a wireless keyboard for the computer. - William W.

I would get them a box of Christmas chocolates. I would pick that present because I want them to enjoy Christmas and have some taste of happiness. - Peyton D.

If I had enough money I would buy Roughrider clubs for my Dad. I would buy a movie for my Mom. I would give my dad those clubs because he likes to golf. I would buy a movie for my mom because she likes to watch movies. - Jake D.

I would buy my Mom baking supplies and I would buy my Dad a Vikings mug. I would pick those presents because they would maybe want them very badly. They would maybe like those

If I could buy any Christmas present for my Mom and Dad I would get them a really big new house. I’d buy this because they take care of lots of kids and I love them. - Tommy B.

As we put yet another year out to pasture, we’d like to wish all of you a very joyous and satisfying holiday season. Working with great people like you has been udderly fantastic for us. Thanks! Management and staff

Dairyland Agro Supply Ltd. 4030 Thatcher Ave., Saskatoon




Langham School Kristin McGurk’s Class

This year I will surprise my mom with the best I will get my mom a robot so the robot can do work for Christmas present ever. I her. I will get my dad a hug. will get her some Star Wars - Sheldon P. characters. She will love them. I know she always wanted Star Wars people to If I could buy my mom make her collection bigger. anything, I’d buy her a She will love all of them and new car. I’d buy her a new - Cianna H. hug me. car because her van is old and beat up. I like the van though. It has a TV that comes with headphones. But I know my mom deserves a new car. - Ellizabeth P.

I would get my dad a pitbull because he said he would do anything for a new pitbull! And he said that pitbulls would be cheap because most people call pitbulls mean and vicious!! That’s why they are illegal in Ontario. My dad said if we did get a pitbull he would call it Shunuk and he would want it blonde. - Sionna Y.M.

This year I’m going to get my mom a picture frame because then she can choose her favourite picture and put that picture into the picture frame! I’m also getting her a necklace that says #1 Nevaeh F. Mom! This year I will surprise my dad with the best Christmas present ever – a red gigantic toolbox! I can’t wait to see him scream! - Gabriel P. This year I am going to buy my dad a Christmas

Langham School Michaela Perozuk’s Class

If I could get my parents any gift I would give my mom another Havanese because she likes small dogs and she wants another one. I would get my dad a brand new canoe for his canoe trips, so I can use one of his old ones and he can use his new one, so we can go together. - Lauren P. If I could get my Dad a gift I will get my Mom and Dad a trip to Grandma’s house because I love you very much Dad. I also want to get you a car because your two cars you have can’t fit all of us. I don’t like the two cars you have because they are too small. - Kye R. If I could get give my parents anything I would give my Mom and Dad love. I am their kid and I love my parents. - Des B. For Christmas I will give my parents a Ram 1500 because we could haul four wheel trailers and their trailer too. So we could go camping at Loon Lake more! - Tyler W. If I could get my parents any Merry Christmas gift, I would get my dad a gun so he could go hunt. I would get my mom a bird so the bird could sing to her. - Grayson B. If I could give my dad any gift it would be... $100,000. I think he would like it because he wants to buy a MONSTER TRUCK! If I could get my mom any gift

it would be... a Pot of Gold Jumbo Chocolate Box (with chocolate in it). I think my mom would like it because she loves chocolate! - Claire K. If I could get my parents any gift, I can get my Dad a bar of chocolate because my Dad loves chocolate a lot. My Mom would want a new dress because she likes them a lot. My dad would like a pair of sunglasses that are shiny. Mom and Dad would love a new pet that they like for their own. I think my Dad would like a new hat for him to keep the sun out of his eyes. My mom would like a new pair of earrings. I can give my Dad a bow tie for X-mas. I think my Mom and Dad would like a new waterbed because their bed has a hole in it. - Hayley A. For Christmas I’ll get my Mom and Dad a butler because my house won’t be dirty and messy. I’ll get my Mom and Dad a cat because so they can play wth it and feed it. I’ll get my Mom and Dad a new bed and blanket. I’ll get my Mom and Dad a pool so when they get hot they can go in it. I’ll get my Mom and Dad a new car so my Mom’s car won’t break down. - Natalie L. If I could get my parents any gift I would give my Dad an iPhone 8+ jet black!! I would give my Mom an automatic hair curler jet black color as well. she likes her hair curly and my Dad likes big iPhones. - Nick S.

May the joy of the season bring warmth to your hearts.

Town of Dundurn

Council & Staff

present. It will be cable for his TV! I will buy it because he has always wanted cable for his TV. He will watch NHL hockey games twenty-four seven and same with me, but I will actually be playing video games on my mom’s phone! I will also be watching NHL hockey games. My mom will be mad, or happy. I will watch The Big Bang Theory too. - Colton M.P. If I could get my mom anything… one day I was going to the city with my dad. He told me we were going Christmas shopping and I didn’t have a spending limit. I was very excited to look at all the cool things I could buy for people, but the first person I had to get a present for was my mom. I decided to get the part done first because you never know what a girl really wants. I looked at lots of stuff like electric foot spas, massage chairs and more. Then I came across a gigantic soft, If I could get my mom and dad anything I would give my mom a red convertible Mustang because she loves Mustangs. I would give my dad a Volkswagen Beetle because he is trying to build one, but it’s taking forever. - Brady W. If I could get my parent any gift, it would be a pup. It’s a golden retriever because they are cute and chubby. It would be brownish-yellow. I would name it Bella. - Van Y. If I could get my parents any gifts, I’d get them a steeped tea 1-in-1 and a premium dark roast coffee in little to-go packs. I’d get a pizza for them, and last but not least, a Boston Cream

adjustable massage chair. It was perfect because my mom is always complaining that her back hurts, that the sofas aren’t big enough, that the sofas aren’t soft enough, but most of all that the sofa back won’t adjust. - Jakob R. This year I’m getting a Christmas present. It’s for my mom and dad. I’m getting them a…hottub. I hope they like it. I know it’s on sale. I’ll get it in December. Merry Christmas Mom and - Lily S. Dad! This year I’m going to surprise my mom with a hug! Don’t tell her or else it won’t be a surprise and you don’t want that to happen do you? Guess what noel means? It means Christmas so Merry Christmas! - Brielle G. For Christmas I want to get my mom a nice fuzzy blanket. I know she would like it because she gets cold. I want to get my dad donut, because they really like coffee and pizza. That’s also the only thing Mom and Dad order from Tim Hortons and Little Ceasars. - Myles S. If I could get my parents any gift it would be a new angel for the Christmas tree because my Mom and Dad want a new one. The one we have now is old and kind of broken. It would be a rainbow and pretty! - Kyra P. If I could get my parents any gift I would get my dad a skunk because he has been asking and asking for one but my mom always says no. I think my mom wants another cat because the cat always runs away for the night and comes back in the morning. - Mariya C.

a new work truck. I know he would like it because his other truck is broken. I hope my parents like what I get them! - Kalley Q. Girl Gives Parents Surprise Christmas Present! This girl always wanted to give a surprise Christmas! She wants to give her parents…A latte maker and a jewelry box! She hopes to be happy with her parents on - Isla S. Christmas. I think my mom and dad would like a Tim Horton’s card because my dad goes and has a coffee there every day and my mom has lots of tea there. I think my mom would like the chocolates because it is her favourite food. I will get my dad some more James Bond books because he likes them and he needs more! - Krista B.


cook. She’s going to love the cook book. - Quade L. This year I will surprise my mom with the best Christmas present ever. I am going to buy her a tablet. I think she’ll like it because she loves electronics. I think she’ll use it lots. She likes tablets because she does not have lots of electronics. A tablet is on her wish list. She thinks tablets are the best! - Danika B. This year I will surprise my parents with the coolest present ever! I will buy my mom a new pair of shoes because she works really late. I will buy my dad a toolbox because he works on the farm a lot. - Taiya C.

If I could get my mom anything I want, I would get her a very nice mug and put my family’s picture on it. My mom has wanted that for a long time. - Samantha T.

This year I’ll buy her the best Christmas present ever. It will be a cocker spaniel because she’s been wanting one forever. I’ll buy her one because our other house dog got ran over so we don’t have any more house dogs. I’ll get her one so she can sleep with it. - Connor H.

This year I will buy my dad a very good present. The best present for him is a big activity book. It will have a bunch of “places please” and “fill-ins”. My dad likes big activity books. He will love my present. I’m going to buy my mom the best present ever this year. I’m going to buy her a “Cook Book”. It will tell her how to make shrimp meals and cakes. She is a really good

This year I’m going to buy my mom and dad some icy squares from Costco. They are on sale this week and this means that they are CHEAP! My mom and dad love them. They think that they are the best thing ever! I think that they are the best too! We ran out of them so quick that I’m going to have to buy two. It’s going to be the best present ever! - Parker M.

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Hague School Nicole Lavallee’s class

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom flowers because my Mom is a gardener. I would buy my Dad another workshop so my Dad could fit more stuff into it. - Gage W. If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would get my Mom a phone case and a huge hug because she likes hugs so much! I would get my Dad a huge hug and pictures of me because he likes pictures of his kids. - Kaleena S. If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would get my Mom a camera because she is a photographer. I would get my Dad tools because my Dad is a worker. - Shaylee F. If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a nursing book to help her with schooling on her tests. I would buy my Dad a new snowmobile because he doesn’t have one. - Hannah B.

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom makeup because that is what she would like. I would buy my Dad hockey stuff because he needs it to play hockey. - Ian S.

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a baby shower party with Barbie dolls because my Mom is having a baby girl. I would buy my Dad a Mustang car because it would be a surprise for him. - Latrell G. If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom clothes because hers are too small. I would buy my Dad sunglasses because his are broken. - Hailey W. If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy Mom a robot that works in the kitchen so she can play with me. I would buy my Dad a new snowmobile because he does not like Yamahas and he has one. - Noah B. If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christ-

Hague School Carissa Laughren’s Class

If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas, I would get a gun for my dad because he likes shooting targets. I would get my mom a robot because she doesn’t like to do a lot of work. - Cooper If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would get my mom a sewing kit and my dad a big water bottle because my mom loves to sew, and my dad needs a bg water bottle for - Amanda G. work. If I could get anything for my mom and dad I would get my dad a hunting license because he likes hunting and I would get a calendar for my mom because she doesn’t have a calendar. - Gabe W. If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas, I would get my mom a binder and my dad a gun! I would get these things because my mom’s binder is very dirty and my dad’s gun is getting old. - Cameron If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas, for my mom I would get her a gold necklace, because my mom wanted it last Christmas. For my dad I would get him a water bottle because he broke it when it fell off his truck. - Aniston If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas, for my dad it would be new

hockey skates because he plays hockey. For my mom a new ring because she wants a new one. - Hunter P. If I could get for my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would get my mom a flower garden and my dad a gun and a tool box and fur- Ashley niture. If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christma for my mom I would get some money and a new computer because she always says she doesn’t have that much money but she does, and a new computer because she likes playing cooking games. And my dad some hot wheels because he loves them. - Austin S. If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas, I would get my mom guitar hero, because she wants to learn to play guitar. I would get my dad the first 6 Star Wars movies, because we have the 7th movie but we don’t have any of the other - Lanae M-F ones. If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas, I would get my mom a pair of high heels and dad a new phone, because my dad needs a phone for work to listen to music and my mom just likes high heels. - Ireland If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I will get her some play dough and


mas I would buy my Mom a new car so that way my Mom can go on more trips. I would buy my Dad a new house so that way he can see me more. - Austin R.

a brand new couch because my Mom has been looking for a new couch. I would get my Dad a double barrel shotgun because he needs one. - Zachary G.

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a house boat because she always wants to relax and she can’t really relax in our house. I would buy my Dad a new garage because we have too much stuff for the one we have. - Kaylee M.

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a mansion because she has always wanted a bigger home. I would get my Dad a picture of the family because he is never home. - Blair N.

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a coffee cup because she doesn’t have very many cups and she likes her coffee. I would get my Dad a lunch kit because his old one stinks. - Landon R. If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a Blue Jays car for Christmas because her car is not good. I would buy my Dad an Edwin Encarnacion jersey because that is his best player. - Reid M.

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a new house because she always says that our house is too small. I would get my Dad an orange Dodge Ram because he has always wanted one. - Halle F. If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a hotel with a big room and all of her favourite food because people will do all of the chores for her. I would buy my Dad a big party cruise ship because he likes hot places. - Kaitlyn U.

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a brain wave auto report card maker because she is al-

I will get her a guitar store because she likes to play - Jason W. guitar.

would get my dad a pistol so we can practice shooting targets. I really want to because I love them! - Owen C.

If I could get my mom Ashley and my dad Brock anything for Christmas I would get them both phones beucase they are both broken. I would get them from the place in Warman. - Cody F. If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would get my mom “Lights On” because she loves it and the whole family loves it but it always runs out, so that’s why! I’d get my dad a big Case IH tractor because he loves farming! - Dorian S. If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would get my dad a camper and a boat and I would get my mom a garden because she doesn’t have one. I would get my dad a boat and a camper because we have a camper and a boat but they are too small. - Bradly P. If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas it would be an emoji blanket for my mom. I would get my dad emoji slippers because they love emojis. - Syesha S.

ways working on them and she never gets a break. This way she can put on a helmet onto her head then the computer will put on the report card her thoughts. I would buy my Dad a teleporter for work because he flies a helicopter and sometimes has to go to Prince Albert! This way he can get his stuff, dial the location, and get to the emergency faster. - Quintin M.

anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom butterscotch chocolate because she likes chocolate. - Travis P.

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a mansion because I love my Mom. I would get my Dad a new boat because he likes to fish. - Noah H.

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a pair of sparkly shoes because she loves shoes and sparkles. I would buy my Dad a new coffee machine because my Dad loves coffee. - Abigail O.

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a Blue Jays jersey because she really wants a Blue Jays jersey. I would get my Dad a hot glue gun because Dylan broke our last one. - Tyler D. If I could buy my Mom

If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas, I would get my mom tools for the kitchen because she likes to cook. For my dad I would get skittles because he loves them. - Alyson D. If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas I would get my mom emoji slippers but the poop emoji because it’s warm and soft. For dad I will get him a new spatula because he likes to cook and he works hard. - Chantel K.

If I could get my mom and dad anything for Christmas, I would get my mom a really fluffy and soft pair of mukluks and the most soft blanket in the world because she loves soft stuff and she wants mukluks. I would get my dad his hunting license and a sniper rifle because he wants his hunting license and a sniper rifle. Also I

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a teacher so the teacher can teach her math. I would buy my Dad a leopard so that he could control it to stay in one place. - Rhett P.

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If I could get my mom or dad anything for Christmas it would be a toy tractor for my dad because he is a mechanical worker and he likes them. For my mom, a phone because hers is broken. - Coen H. If I could get my mom and dad anything in the world, I would get them a remote control drone because they like taking pictures. - Cole B.

If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas I would buy my Mom a new car because she needs a new car. I would buy my Dad a million hockey cards because he collects them. - Charlie D.


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Warm wishes for a beautiful holiday season and all the best in the new year!

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Delisle school Brie Fritz’s class

If I could get my mom any present for Christmas I would get her a new car. She would be surprised. She needs a new car. Her car is getting old. It is too small for us and our puppy. - Layne M. If I could get my mom and dad anything in the world for Christmas, I would get my mom a new piano. I would get my dad a new truck. He would want it to be blue. Blue is his favorite color. - Nikia S. If I could get anything for my mom, it would be a new iPhone because hers is broken. She dropped it. For my dad I would get him a new video game even though he has too many. - Skylar B. I would get my mom jewelry because it is shiny. I would get my dad the 35 dollars that I had to give him when he bought me a nerf gun. - Rylan K. If I could get my dad anything, I would get him a combine that could pick up the crop when it is wet. - Sam K.

If I had to get something for mom and dad it would be a Christmas tree because they do not like buying a tree every year. Last year we did not even have a tree. - Everett B. I would like to get my mom a Christmas ornament and shampoo. For my dad I would get him a sign that said Super Dad and a new snow blower. - Emily K. I would get my mom a coffee cup. I think she would like it because she likes coffee and she would want it. - Tyler F. I would get my mom a car because her windows are cracked. The colour of the car would be green and it would be a limo. I would get my dad a new gift card to Canadian Tire or to a restaurant. - Kate W. If I could get my mom something for Christmas I would get her scarves. I would get my grandpa a gun for hunting. - Hunter M. I want to get my mom a robot that cleans all by itself. I want to get my dad a new game for the playstation. - Lexie D.

ones I want to get my dad are his favourite. I would also get him a moon lake golf certificate for a life time pass because he loves to golf. I would get my mom and dad a computer because we travel a lot. - Ashlin T. I would buy my mom some candles and warm socks because she loves the smell of candles and she loves the feel of comfy socks. I would get my dad a hockey towel Marley R. for hockey. If I could get my mom a Christmas present it would be a new wallet because her old one is broken. If I could get my dad a Christmas present it would be a gun target or a deer camera. - Rowan W. I would like to get my mom scentsy. I would like to get Christmas ornaments and her favourite shoes. My mom’s favourite kinds of scents she likes is strawberry, watermelon, cherry, flowery, apple and green leaves. - Taylen G. I would get mom and dad a new coffee mug and something to brew tea. I would get all the Dad’s cookies and a corgie. - Reed P.

BREAKING NEWS & DIGITAL ARCHIVES clothing and more pj’s and a bigger bedroom. My dad wants a bigger space downstairs. - Kaiya M.

I would get my mom a robot that could do all her chores. I would get my dad a gun for hunting. - Dillon W.

If I could buy my dad anything, It would be a new hockey chair. If I could buy my mom anything it was be a sign saying “I love my mom more than me”. - Emily W.

For Christmas I would get my mom a new tattoo gun. It would help her make even nicer tattoos. I would get my dad a Christmas tree. - Hunter L.

If I could buy mom something for Christmas it would be 100,000 dollars because she really wants that much money. I would get my dad peanuts and kittens because he loves peanuts and kittens. All of that will be a lot of money. - Cassidy I. I would buy my mom a shiny car that had a hot tub in the back of it and heat warmers in all of the seats. It would be a limo. I would buy my dad a brand new house with chandeliers in every room and the house would have five bathrooms, seven bedrooms and four hot tubs. - Ava H. I would get my dad a 2017 corvette because that is his favourite car. I would get my mom a million dollars because she does not work. - Heath S.

My dad wants all the new amebos for Christmas and a new computer. For Christmas my mom wants more

I want to get my dad a tool box and I want to get my mom a pen. - Levi K.

Vanscoy School

needs to fix quads. - Hayden M.

If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give them….

If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give them a picture of me and my dad and mom. They would like it because it would be nice. - Dylan K.

needs a new one. She is a nurse. For my dad I would give him some tools because he needs new tools! - Ethan H.

For Christmas I would, if I could, buy my mom a waffle maker because she really wants one. - Zavier G.

Lois Smith’s class

If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my mom a phone and a thing that massages your body for my dad because my mom needs a new phone and my dad loves massages. - Danika S. If I could give my dad anything for Christmas I would give him a cow and a barn. Because he wants a cow and a barn. If I could give my mom anything for Christmas I would give her a poem that I made because she likes meaningful words. - Bethany J. If I could give my mom anything for Christmas I would bring my mom’s mom back to life because I want to meet her and my mom would really, really, really want to see her one more time. And for my dad’s dad to not have cancer. It would be the most best thing in the world! - Taylor R. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my mom a shiny red mixer. I would give my dad a Roughrider shirt. He really likes them. My mom really likes cooking. I LOVE MY PARENTS! - Katelyn C. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give them a monster truck and my mom a TV, a controller and a play station 4. My dad a monster truck because he likes trucks and I would give my mom the TV because my mom likes TV. - Oakley E. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give them a box

I would give my dad a box of chocolates because the

of chocolate kisses and the new movie of Star Wars. I would give my mom the box of chocolate kisses because she loves chocolate. I would give my dad the new movie of Star Wars because he loves Star Wars! - Maizie L. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my mom a pair of Christmas earrings because I have never given her earrings before. For my dad I would give him breakfast in bed because he likes eating in bed. - Hunter R. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my mom a necklace that had a Christmas tree on it because she likes to wear necklaces. And for my dad I would give him a box of chocolates because he likes chocolates! - Avery W. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my dad coffee because he loves coffee. For my mom it would be kisses because she loves me! - Chelsea L. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my dad a Coffee Crisp chocolate bar and my mom a purse. She wants a purse because her other purse is really old. - Raylene B. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give them coffee cups that you put coffee in and there would be a picture of the whole family on it. - Austin S. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my mom chocolates because my mom likes chocolates. And I would give my dad a few tools that he does not have. Because he

If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my dad a toy car because he likes cars that are fast. For my mom, I would give her Pokemon because she loves Pokemon! - Rowan B. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my mom a new TV for her bedroom and the colour would be turquoise. It would be 3 feet long and 50 inches high. I would give my dad a whole pack of chocolate and there would be 50 pieces of chocolate because he loves it! - Lily E. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my mom a dog because she wants a dog and she loves dogs. She really wants a small dog. I would give my dad lots of chocolate because he really likes chocolate. - Celia E. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my mom a little kitten. Because she really likes cats and kittens. And she doesn’t really have a pet. I would buy her anything! For my dad I would give him a Boston Bruins sweater because he loves Boston Bruins! - Casey K.

If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give them a pot of gold because they always want a lot of money. - Christopher M. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my mom some lipstick. I would give my dad a new watch. I would also give my little sister some toys. - Noah R. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my mom an orange necklace. She would be very happy. For my dad, he would like a carved wooden man. He would be very happy. - Brady K. If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my mom a candle. She will love it. I would give my dad a remote control car. He would love it too! - Cameron K. If I could give my parents anything in the world I would give them a new waffle maker. I would give them this because we don’t have one! - Cruz J.

For my mom and dad I would get them a nice big


trip to Disneyworld for a month. - Kaci S. I would buy my mom a new car and I would buy my dad a new speaker. - Hayden B. I think I should get my dad a new Metallica album because that is his favourite band. I would also get him a Lego star wars set. - Connor C.

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Happy Holidays! We would like to take this time to wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season and continued success in the New Year !

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for a peaceful holiday season to all of our

If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give them kisses and hugs, because they like kisses and hugs! - James L.

customers and friends.

If I could give my parents anything for Christmas I would give my mom a stethoscope because she



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Aberdeen School April Cator’S CLASS

For Christmas I would like to give my dad a ticket to New York because he’s been there before. I would like to give my mom a new leather jacket because she needs a new one. I would like to give them both a new van because they need a new one. - Sean L. For Christmas I would give my mom a new ring because she likes rings. I will get my dad a new hat because his other hats are old. - Nolan H. For Christmas my mom wants 100 million dollars and jewlery. My dad wants a house, love and XBox Live. I would try to give them that stuff because I am nice to them. - Braxton W. For Christmas I would buy my Mom earrings because she likes earrings and jewelry because she likes a watch. For Bruce and Trish I would buy her earrings because she lost her earrings and Bruce a watch. - Jayanna T. For Christmas I would

like to give my mom diamond earrings because she would wear them. I would like to give my mom winter boots because she does not have any winter boots. For Christmas I would like to give my dad car parts because he loves to build cars. I would like to give my dad 100 back rubs because he gets a sore back. - Jacey L. For Christmas I would give my mom a cappuccino machine and a coffee cup because she likes coffee. For Christmas I would give my mom slippers because my mom’s feet are cold. For Christmas I would give my mom 1,000 dollars because she needs money. - Riley H. For Christmas I would get my mother a new pair of opal earrings because she only has one pair. For my father I would get him a new tool kit because his are quite old and dusty. For both I would get a new coffee machine. - Ryder B. For Christmas I want to get my mom a new jacket because she has an old one. I

Aberdeen School Sharlene Ethier’S Class

If I could get my mom anything for Christmas I would buy her a personal cook. I would buy her a personal cook because she has to come right home from work and make food for supper. I would buy my dad all the material for our cabin because he has to go there lots to build. I hope my parents have an awesome Christmas. - Wade L. If I could buy my dad anything for Christmas I would buy him tools because he likes to make stuff and things always get broken. If I could get my mom something I would buy her a picture of a lake and mountains because she likes going to the lake. I hope my parents have a wondeful Christmas. - Charleigh D. If I could buy my dad anything for Christmas I would buy him a tool set. I would buy him a tool set because he is a mchanic. If I could buy my mom something I would get her a crystal rock. I would get her a crystal rock because she really likes crystals and she likes rocks. I hope my mom and dad have a great Christmas. - Julian L. If I could buy my mom anything for Christmas I would buy her a robot that babysits. I would buy her a robot that babysits so she could get more done and not have to look after my baby brother. I would buy my dad a side-by-side so we can bring more food to the sled shack. My parents really deserve these presents. - Tyler N. If I could buy my mom anything for Christmas I would buy her a new ring. I would get it for her because she lost hers. I would get her a movie case for her room too. I hope my mom will have a great Christmas. - Mason F.

If I could buy my dad anything for Christmas I would buy him a new car. I would buy him one because he drives me to dance and sometimes school. I would buy my mom a puppy. I would buy her a puppy because she buys me a lot of things. I hope my mom and dad have a great Christmas. - Presley W. If I could buy my dad anything for Christmas I would buy him a new truck. I would buy him a truck because he needs something to drive when he goes to Meadow Lake. for Christmas I want to get my mom an Edmonton Oilers stocking. I would get my mom an Edmonton Oilers stocking because her favourite hockey team is Oilers and because she drives me to my sports. I hope my parents have a great Christmas. - Nate C. If I could buy my mom anything for Christmas I would buy her a heartshaped locket with a picture of me and my mom in it. She says she misses me when she is at work so if she misses me she can just look at the picture of me and her. If I could buy my dad anything I would buy him a coffee cup that says Best Dad in the World on it because he is the best dad in the world and he drinks coffee every morning. My mom and dad are the best. - Chayce F. If I could buy my mom anything for Christmas I would buy her a dishwasher because it broke and I don’t want my mom to wash by hand. If I could get my dad something for Christmas I wold buy him tools to fix the tire when it is broken. I hope they have a great Christmas! - Ellen K. If I could buy my dad anything for Christmas I would get him a Zamboni because he makes a rink every year and has to shovel it. If I

would get her new shoes because she likes shoes. I want to get my dad a new hockey stick because he would like a new one. I want to get my dad a cool quad bcause he has an old one and he likes quads. I would buy them both a new bed set because they could use a new one. - Dawson F. I want to give my mom a piano because I want to play with her. I want to buy my dad hunting clothes because he goes hunting. I want to buy my mom and dad lots of coffee because they are sleepy. - Ava R. For Christmas I want to get my mom a fluffy bed because I think she will like that. I will give my dad 8 movie tickets. I think he will like them. I will give my mom a new car because I think she will love that. - Tru P. For Christmas I want to get my mom a new blanket and some flowers and a new pair of pajamas and a bit more slippers because she needs more of everything! For Christmas I want to get my dad a new hockey bag because his stinks like could buy my mom anything I would get her a butler because she makes our lunches every day. I hope my parents have a great Christmas! - Kenny T. If I could buy my dad anything for Christmas I would buy him a skate sharpener. I would get him it so he wouldn’t have to pay to sharpen our skates. If I could give my mom anything for a present I would give her a new phone. I would get it for her so she has an extra one because she breaks lots of her phones. I hope my parents have a great holiday. - Elijah B. If I could buy my mom anything for Christmas I would buy her a car because she sold her car and she has to use my grandma’s car. I hope my mom has a good Christmas. - Taylor P. If I could buy my dad anything for Christmas I would buy him a TV because when my dad watches TV my little brother says, “Dad, I want to watch TV.” And then my dad doesn’t get to watch what he wants. If I could buy my mom anything for Christmas I would buy her slippers beacuse she always puts slippers on. I hope my parents have a good Christmas. - Sheila Mae M. If I could buy my dad anything for Christmas I would buy him a ticket to go to a Canucks game because he bought my family a trip to go to California. If I could buy my mom a present I would buy her two days on a cruise ship because she buys me food. I hope my parents have a great Christmas! - Ashlyn L. If I could buy my dad anything for Christmas I would buy him a fishing rod. I’ll buy my dad a fishing rod because he takes me fishing. For Christmas I’ll buy my mom playing cards to keep her busy because she keeps me busy. I hope my parents have a good Christmas. - Sam B.

CLARK’S CROSSING GAZETTE • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2016 sweat. - Jaxon D. For Christmas I’m going to get my nice and very sweet dad a video game because he loves video games because he’s always bored and he’s work. I would buy my mom earrings because my mom loves them so much. I would buy my dad a guitar and he loves to tune it some. - Damien C. For Christmas I wold buy my dad a guitar because he loves playing. I would buy my mom earrings because she like earrings. I would buy them both a new car because they like a shinier car. - Gabriel M. If I could give my parents any Christmas gift, I would give my mom a new stainless steel fridge because she needs more room for our food. I also would give her a new car because she hates our Dodge Journey. Then I would give my dad a new truck because he wants a new one. I would also let my dad stay home instead of going to work for two weeks. - Sophie D. For Christmas I want to get my mom a pair of ear-

rings because her last pair broke. I want to get my mom a necklace because she lost her last one. I want to get my dad hair gel because his hair flies everywhere sometimes. I want to get my dad a printer because his last one broke. - Isobel H. For Christmas I want to get my mom dresses, clothes and flowers becuase she likes those and for my dad I want to give him tools, car parts and clothes because he needs to fix my mom’s SUV and he gets stuff on his clothes. - Devon V. I would buy my mom purple face soap because she loves soap. I would buy my dad a black scarf so he could keep his head and neck warm. I would buy Colleen an every colour My Little Pony because she loves My Little Ponies. - Andy H. I want to give my mom a new van because hers keeps making scary noises. I want to give my dad a model Honda CRX because he really

likes Hondas. I want to get my parents a gift card for Cineplex. - Alek L. For Christmas I want to get my Mom pajamas, because she does not have very many. For Christmas I want to get my Dad a new jacket, because some of his jacekts are old. I want to give my Mom and Dad 10 dollars because I love them. - Hunter B. For Christmas I want to get my mom a sewing machine because she loves to sew blankets. For my dad I want to get him a new fishing pole because he loves fishing in the summer. For my mom and dad a daisy because they love daisies. - Brittany H. For Christmas I would give my Mom a new blanket because she needs one. I would give my Dad flowers because he needs some. I would give my Mom and Dad 1,000,000 dollars because we will go on a trip. - Mason P.

May the holiday season bring happiness & joy to you and your loved ones.

If I could buy my mom anything for Christmas it would be a dress. I would buy her a dress because she loves to dress fancy and she loves fancy dresses. I would buy her a dress because she takes good care of me. If I could get my dad anything for this year’s Christmas I would get him a car. I would get him a car because he loves to go on new roads. I hope my mom and dad have a great Christmas and that they have a good day! - Rhyiejanna G.

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If I could buy my dad anyting for Christmas I would buy him lots of tools because he likes to work on cars if our car is broken. If I could get my mom something I would take her on a shopping trip because she likes to shop. I hope they have a wonderful Christmas! - Rianna S.

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best during the holiday season

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Clavet Composite School Arleen McKone-Kirkpatrick’s Class If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom and dad it would be a log cabin. My family always wanted one because of the sunsets by the ocean. - Josie C. If I could buy anything for my mom and dad, I would get them two dogs and two cats. They want more dogs and cats for outdoors at our new house. Mice in our yard and other animals can get in our house. Cats and dogs would protect our new - Ella T. home. If I could buy any Christmas gift for my mom, I would buy coasters. This would be for the coffee table. For my Dad a new phone case, for his phone. - Dalton F

I would buy my Mom and Dad two books for Christmas. I would buy this because they love to read books. They would be Christmas books. - Amy S If I could buy any Christmas present for my mom and Dad it would be 30 days off work. That way, Mom, Booker and Ev and I could see Dad. We would be able to eat with him. It would mean great family time. - Maguire K For Christmas I would make a homemade gift for my Mom and Dad. My homemade gift will be a card. There would be a riders picture for Mom and a hockey picture for Dad. - Blake A If I could buy any Christmas present for my Mom

Clavet School Chad Williams’ class

I would buy my mom Diet Pepsi because she likes them so much once she drank 5 bottles of Diet Pepsi in 1 day. I would buy my Dad a tool bag because he has to make beds benches and stuff like that. - Wyatt I would buy my mom chocolate because she loves chocolate. I would buy my dad a street bike because he wants one because his money is all going to the house. - Alexander For Christmas I would buy my mom a box of finish candy because my mom wants finish candy for Christmas. I would buy my dad tools and gum because our car always has gum in it. - Elliot I would buy my mom a PS3 controller, so she can play Call of Duty. I would buy my dad 6 tickets to

Apex, so our whole family could go. - Haley I would buy my dad a new X-Box game and a hug. I would buy my mom roses, a card and a hug and I would buy my step-mom a plant and a hug. - Jade C I would buy my mom some flowers because she loves flowers. I would buy my step-dad another video game because he plays Call of Duty lots. I would buy my dad a bag of goodies or chocolate kisses because my dad will enjoy them. - Jaslynn I would buy my mom a big, big mansion because I don’t know what else she likes. I would buy my dad a Hellcat car because he likes cars. - Chase

I would buy my dad a garage because he needs more space to put his snowmobiles in. I would buy my

Pike Lake School Diana Jemieff Hayes Class

If I could buy any Christmas present for my Mom and Dad I would buy for my Mom a picture of my family. I would buy my Dad tickets to the car show. Because I give something that they love. - Madison P. If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas it would be a reindeer book because they like reindeer. - Ben If I could buy my mom and dad anything for Christma it would be a baby kitty for my mom because even though she is allergic to cats she still loves them. She owns a cat and a teenager cat and now all we need is a baby kitten. Now for dad I would get him a hunting shack that has all the hunting supplies he might need because he just started hunting a few days ago and that’s what I would get my mom and dad for Christmas. Goodbye and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! - Taylor M. If I could buy anything for my Mom and Dad for Christmas it would be a quad because she really wants one! - Carter B.

If I could buy my mom and dad anything for Christmas it would be a free trip to New York. My family loves fishing and we love each other. I want to get them this trip because they could use a vacation. - Emma If I could buy any Christmas present for my Mom and Dad, I would buy my Mom a painting because she likes art. I would buy my Dad a Fire Bird because a Fire Bird is my Dad’s dream car. And a vacation to Mexico because my parents like hot places. - Ethan B. If I could get my parents aything for Christmas I would get Mom a new heated blanket because she seems to like them. I would get dad a Star Wars pillow because he loves it. - Lily S. If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas, it would be a necklace for my Mom because she likes jewelry. I would get my dad stuff to stop his headaches because he always has headaches. - Nevaeh G. If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas

and Dad if would be a big bag of chocolate. - Damien C If I could buy any Christmas present for my Mom and Dad it would be a ticket to go to the spa. They could feel better! We will stay home wih our big sister. They could stay there all - Madi E day and relax. If I could buy any Christmas gift for my Mom and Dad it would be parts for a forge. We could make our own tools and utensils. This way we would be able to make whatever we want. - Oliver If I could get any Christmas present for my Mom and Dad it will be a hugs - Darci M and Kisses.

mom a shovel because she likes planting things. - Sam I would buy my dad slippers because he loves slippers and because his bare feet stink. I would buy my mom Mickey Mouse pajamas because she loves Mickey Mouse pajamas a lot. - Miklane I would buy my mom and dad 5 tickets to Mexico because my mom and dad want to go on a family vaca- Jade. O tion. I would buy my mom chocolates because she likes sweet candy. I would buy my dad a new hat because he likes them and he collects nice straw hats. - Precious M I would buy my dad tickets to a Chicago Blackhawks game because his favourite is the Chicago Blackhawks. I would buy my mom a trip to Australia because she has never been there before. - Spencer H it would be a gravy boat for my Mom. She has always wanted one. I would get my dad a car magazine because he loves cars. - Danielle P. If I could buy my Mom and Dad anything for Christmas it would be a wishing stone with unlimited wishes! I would buy my Dad a CLEAN, EFFICIENT coal power plant. I would buy Jesse some lego of his own. - Owen T. If I could buy my mom and dad anything for Christmas it would be a good life because they have a very bad life, and a vacation to Marineland because they love vacations, and a spa because they have hurt backs every day, and more baking materials because she has barely any. - Caitlin K. If I could buy my mom and dad anything it would be slippers for mom because she really really likes them. I would get dad running shoes beacuse he wants running shoes. - Keenan B.

BREAKING NEWS & DIGITAL ARCHIVES If I could buy any Christmas present for my Mom and Dad it would be a big piece of bacon. I would buy a big piece of bacon bcause my Mom and Dad like bacon. When we have bacon we don’t have any left. That’s what it would be. - Elijah M If I could buy any Christmas present for my Mom and Dad it would be a money making machine. Three things spectacular my mom and dad could do with a money making machine is to: get rich and make my family happy and buy things that we could not buy before. - Cody R If I could buy any Christmas present for my Mom and Dad it would be a trip to Cuba. My Mom and Dad already went there but they could go by themselves this time. My family went there I would buy my mom a cookbook so she can cook different recipes. I would buy my dad a wrench because he works lots on his - Avery D truck. I would buy my dad a sideby-side in camo because he likes hunting. I would buy my mom 2 tickets to Hawaii for her and I because she likes tropical stuff. - Cole P

last year.

- Brett N

If I could buy my Christmas present for my Mom and Dad it would be a new tractor. They could use it to push the snow away. Then we could get out of the driveway easily. Life would be better for Mom and Dad. - Evangeline D I would buy my Mom and Dad a boat for Christmas

then I can go on it for the summer. It would be fun for my whole family. - Colby N If I could buy any Christmas present for my Mom and Dad it would be a black and red Calgary Stampeders jersey. My family could wear them wherever they go. It would look really nice on them. Then Mom and Dad could get rid of their old - Mya F jerseys.

Cheers to you, our friends & neighbours, and best wishes in the new year from the Mayor, Councillors & Staff

Merry Christmas!

Dec 23 - Closed at 3pm

HOLIDAY Dec 24 to 27 CLosed 28-30 - Regular Hours OFFICE HOURS Dec Jan 2 – Closed

I would buy my mom chocolates because she loves chocolates and whenever she sees chocolates she would have to have them. I would buy my dad two tickets to a Flames games - Lucian I would buy my dad the Duck Dynasty season 4 because he likes it. I would buy my mom a bracelet because she likes jewelry. - Ty I would buy my mom some pots and pans because she needs lots of pots and pans to make big meals. I would buy my dad some tools because he makes lots of stuff and sometimes needs some tools when he is working. - Landon


His power and love are without end. May you experience all that He is this Christmas and always. From the family and staff at...


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The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. ~Burton Hillis

Season’s Greetings from the Council & Staff at



Borden School Terri Troupe-Logue’s CLASS “If you could buy any present for your Mom and Dad, what would you get them? Why would you pick that present?” For Christmas, I’m going to get my Mom some kind of bubble bath. I know she loves taking baths. She loves the scents of the bubble - Alexandra O. bath. I would get my Mom a new hamster because she likes animals. We have lots of animals in our house. I would get my Dad an Xbox 360 because he likes consoles like the PS4, PS3, and PSP. Also he likes to play games and

watch television. - Samuel T. I would get my Mom a horse for Christmas, because she loves animals. She also likes horses because you can ride it. I would get my Dad a new tool belt because he always likes to work, almost every day. - Madison B. I want to give my Dad a Bobcat motor for Christmas. He broke his in the summer because he drove it too much. He gave it to Rob the - Talon C. Mechanic. If I could get anything for my Mom, I would get her a pair of slippers. The slippers


would be very cozy and soft. The slippers would be polkadotted and pink. She would love them. - Grace S. If I could get anything for my Dad for Christmas, I would get him an X-box One. I know he likes video games. He does not have one. - Treyton S. If I could get anything for my Mom for Christmas, I would get her a new tea cup. I know that my Mom likes tea and her other teacups are not very colorful. I would get this for her because she loves to drink tea. - Darbi W. If I could get anything for my Mom for Christmas, I would get her a new oven. I know that my Mom loves Christmas day is opening presents at Grandma’s and papa’s house. - Gibson Jack Frost would melt in Hawaii. Jack Frost disapeared for ever. He would freeze everything. He would go surfing. Jack would freeze the water. Jack would go fishing. Jack would go get a cold chocolate. - Sofi

Lord Asquith School Karen Addley’S class

Note: Spelling and grammar were unchanged from the children’s written submissions in order to preserve the original charm and character. Snow falls down, not making sounds, only if it’s heavy. It’s small and falls slow. They are small not big. If you look at it close up you can see it melt on your hands and you can see shapes. - Justin Winter: Make snowman in the snow and make snow angles and snow ball fightes and make stuff out of snow and you could climb the snow on the hill. Could with my family and wach movis with my family and drink hot chocilat with my family. - Brielle I think the best time to lsiten to Christmas music is when I’m with my family on Christmas eve. And when my family and I are eating supper together. My favourite Christmas song is Silent Night. - Harlie Hot chocolate tastes like chocolate. Hot chocolate is sweet. Hot chocolate is like happiness. Hot chocolate is for heat. Hot chocolate is awesome. - Alex Christmas is my favorite holiday because theres lots of bright colors loud music! And presents to unwrap. Lots and lots of joyfull people! Very bright beautiful trees. Maby even little elvs sitting in the cubard. Every body is just so happy waiting for morning to come. Laghing, giggling, all sorts of laghing on Christmas. Lots of decorations on peoples houses. - Claire

I would rather be an elf because I would get to make toys. And because I would be tiny. I would be able to have Christmas magic. I would be able to fly. I would also get to hang out with Santa Clause. - Davin

I have looked all over my mom and dad’s room for my Christmas present. I couldn’t find my present anywhere. I looked high and low. I couldn’t find my present. I looked in my room. I still couldn’t find my present. I looked in my dog’s mouth I couldn’t find my present. - Keira Jack Frost would melt if he lived in Hawaii. Hawaii is a hot place. Jack Frost would not be able to be anything. - Gracie

Last Christmas I made a snowman ornament. The best thing about making Christmas crafts is you can make them creative. There are many things that are related that you can make. I would like to make a popsicle stick sleigh. - Alia The best Christmas present I ever received was a race car and stuff. I’m going to get a pokemon Christmas pack and I am excited for Christmas and our music video. - Trentyn Santa Clase, I want to go to the North Pole. When I’m there I will make toys. I would see reindeer and elves. - Cash The best thing to do on Christmas day is opening presents, being with my family and decorating our tree. The best thing to do on

If I could get anything for my Mom for Christmas, I would get her a new Toronto Blue Jays hat. For my Dad, I would get him a new pair of cow boots because his old ones have a smell. - Ben H. I would give Dad a pillow for Christmas. I wold give him that because he likes sleeping. He would also like that because my Dad’s back hurts sometimes. - Anna G.

know what the best gift is, it’s family, hugs and love. - Emma L. If I could get anything for my parents at Christmas, I would get my Dad a new axle and stuff he needs to fix a broken tire that needs to be put on a quad. I know my Dad wants that quad fixed. He likes to quad. For my Mom for Christmas, I would get her a new dog collar and two new dog toys. I know my Mom wants to train Bear and those would be good to use. My Mom likes dogs. - Tyler B. If I could get my Dad any-

thing for Christmas, I would get him shorts. I know that he loves shorts because he wears shorts when he watches TV. My Dad loves shorts. - Bently B. If I could get anything for my Mom for Christmas, I would get her a new teapot. I know she likes tea, because she drinks tea a lot. I want to give a teapot to my Mom because she would really like it. If I could get anything for my Dad for Christmas, I would get him new boots. I know my Dad needs new boots because his old boots are wrecked. - Esther H.

If I could get anything for my Mom and Dad, I’d give them a lot of love. I know my parents love LOVE. It makes me and my parents smile. I

Christmas list: A naughty tractor to track naughty kids; a radio to listen to music; a robot reindeer; robot legs to run in the sky; super sonic jets; 100 fixable red noses; a heater; hot chocolate machine; and 100 robot elves. - Evan I looked all over my house and my back yard. I looked high and low and still coudn’t find my Christmas presents. I opened my dog’s mouth and it was not in there. I was almost close to it. My parents said “you’re close by it.” - Emma

Heavenly Blessings And bright wishes for a peaceful, prosperous future to one and all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Hepburn Agencies Ltd.

Wishing You


Please accept our thanks and best wishes for a happy holiday season.

Merry Christmas!

The best Christmas present I ever received would probably be a giant cheetah stuffie. I would shove my face in its fur and use it as a pillow and to cuddle it. I would never go on the couch again because the stuffie is more comfortable. - Audrey


Central Street West

May you and your loved ones rejoice in the miracle of this holy season and may this year hold the birth of new blessings and the promise of lasting peace.

Craig and Karen Kosowan

I would rather be an elf because you get to see Sana Clause, and make toys. I would see the reindeer hang out with Sana Clause. I would be able to have Christmas magic. I would be able to fly. And I would be able to fit down a chimny, and deliver presents. - Tannor The best Chrismas present I ever received will be prombly be a dirt bike I will drive it and I will allso do wheellees. - Kole

baking! If I could get her a big new oven, she would be so happy. I hope she would give me bug hugs and kisses! - Cael R.

God bless you & your family this holiday season. 441 Centennial Dr. N. Martensville

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Wishing you and yours a very blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.

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Business & Professional

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Police locate stolen vehicles FROM THE CELL BLOCK

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The following is the local media release for the Agriculture construction / contrActors Warman/Martensville Detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the week December 5 to 12. Members attended a total of 113 calls and 51 traffic charges were laid during Office: 306-493-2410 Fax: Office: 306-493-2410 Fax: 306-493-3080 306-493-3080 Office: 306-493-2410 Fax: 306-493-3080 the past week in the DetachCell: 306-222-9737 Cell: 306-222-9737 Office: 306-493-2410 Fax: 306-493-3080 Cell: 306-222-9737 ment. Office: 306-493-2410 Fax: 306-493-3080 Office: 306-493-2410 Fax: 306-493-3080 • New Mobile MachineCell: with306-222-9737 Water &&Septic Repair Water Septic Install Install & Repair Cell:Cell: 306-222-9737 Traffic 306-222-9737 Water Treatment Equipment Water Treatment Equipment On December 7 at 8:51 pm Gravity Table Water & Septic Install & Repair Excavating && Aggregates Aggregates Excavating an eastbound semi struck a Daryl Bueckert& Septic Water Treatment Equipment Water Install & Repair Water&&Septic Septic Install Water Install&&Repair Repair truck that was crossing the Box 1543 Excavating & Aggregates Water Treatment Treatment Equipment Water Treatment Equipment Water Equipment intersection on Highway 16 Warman, SK Excavating & Aggregates Excavating & Aggregates Excavating & Aggregates at Radisson. The 39-year-old male driver of the truck was taken to hospital with nonAuto PArts / rePAir life threatening injuries. On December 8 at 5:00 pm a two-vehicle collision ocBox 1807       Warman S0K 4S0 curred at the intersection of Highway 16 and Dalmeny for pricing call • Snow Removal Highway. Two vehicles were • Gravel involved. There were no in• Topsoil juries. Charges were laid. Now Accepting • Fill Dirt On December 11 at 3:07 am Visa, Mastercard & Debit • Sand a vehicle was located parked We sell parts for wrecks, west out of Warman on on Valley Road. The 34-year• Pea Rock we buy wrecks for parts! 305 until you reach 3052, old male driver was found to • Crushed Rock then north 3.5 miles Specializing in Heavy Duty be impaired. Charges were truck Parts, new and used laid. * Custom Corral Cleaning * re-sale units available * Vertical Beater Spreaders * Ph: (306) 668-5675 Fax: (306) 665-5711 * Bobcat with Rubber Tracks * * Payloader * North Corman Industrial Park

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On December 5 at 1:30 pm a report was received of some shrubs being burned behind a residence on Anna Crescent in Martensville. No further damage was caused. On December 6 at 7:50 am a car was reported stolen from a residence in Martensville. The car has since been located. On December 7 at 10:07 am a quad was located abandoned on Power Line road west of Highway 12. The owner was located and quad had been stolen. It was returned to the owner. On December 7 at 3:36 pm a gas and dash was reported at the Martensville Co-Op. It was later learned that the vehicle had been stolen and was recovered in Langham. On December 7 at 4:14 pm a hit and run was reported to a van sitting on the street in Warman. Culprits unknown. On December 8 at 4:05 am a theft occurred from the Borden Co-Op. The matter is under investigation. On December 9 at 08:45 a truck was located on a grid road near Grandora abandoned and running. The truck had been stolen during the night. Thw owner was notified the truck was located.

On December 9 at 3:15 pm a report of shoplifting was reported from the Canadian Tire in Martensville. The matter is under investigation.


On December 6 at 7:53 am a 63-year-old male was struck on Highway 14 near Grandora as he was trying to remove bales off the highway. He was taken to hospital with serious injuries. On December 10 at 2:25 am a report was received of a drunk driver in Martensville. The subject was checked and found to be sober. On December 10 at 9:00 pm a vehicle was located in an open field outside Warman. There were three occupants in the truck. Drugs were located in the truck, and the occupants were charged. If you have information regarding this or any other crime, please contact Warman/Martensville RCMP at 306-975-1670/306975-1610 or if you have information and you wish to remain anonymous in your reporting, please contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222TIPS (8477), submit a tip via their website: or text in a tip: TIP206 + your tip to CRIMES (274637).



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