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Human Services C
Jane Ed w June 1 ards Element 6 - July ar 10, 201 y 4
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P 2014 A
Clay Hi ll June 9 Elementary - July 3 , 2014
DETAILS Parent Education Workshops Weekly Ages 6-12
(in grade 1-5)
8am-5:30pm Mon-Thurs Transportation provided (ask for details at registration)
This 4-week summer camp provides youth with the opportunity to explore youth leadership through educational, interactive activities that include: Arts & Crafts; Daily Instruction in Math, Language Arts and Physical Education by Certified Teachers; Character Education; Financial Literacy; Energy Conservation Education; Fine Arts; Etiquette Skills; Community Service Projects; Computer Technology; Health and Nutrition; Educational Field Trips and more…
Meals and snacks provided a Community Action Program | 843-724-6760 phone | 843-724-6787 fax |
bout th The Yo e Camp uth Lea free fo ur-week dership Summ and en er Cam day ca tional a hances charac mp that enco p is a career echievement, c ter building, urages iv oping le xploration for ic responsibil educaity adership th in youth e purpose of d and evel. The goa the life l of the camp is sponsib skills they’ll to instill in c le succe hildren need to camp h as a cu ssful adults. T become rereinforc rriculum his mea health a ement, chara based on ac ns the a cter e nd well ducatio demic ness. n and Camper s ured th ’ academic g tutoring roughout the rowth will be c teacher plans will be amp and cust meass. om created by cert ized ified Parent and the involvement is volunte re will be plen strongly enco er! ty of op u portunit raged (more d ies to etails o n back… )
YOUTH LEADERSHIP SUMMER CAMP 2014 Forms Required When Registering for Camp In order for a child to attend camp free of charge, the child’s parent or guardian MUST bring ALL of the following documents:
Must meet Federal Poverty Income Guidelines Picture ID (must be current with current address) Social Security Cards and birth dates for everyone in the home Proof of income for anyone in the home 18 years of age and older for the past 30 days For those with “0” income, a Benefits History statement from SC Works (this is required for everyone 18 years of age and older in the household who is unemployed) Benefits received monthly from Social Security, SSI, TANF, Utility Check, or any other agency must be verified by a 2013/2014 award letter.
Applicants MUST have ALL of these documents in order to complete the application process.
Registration Fees Child from an income-eligible family Child not from an income-eligible family
FREE $25 per child per week
To Register Ms. Brown at 843-724-6760 ext. 212 or Ms. Lumar at 843-724-6760 ext. 230 For more information on Charleston County Human Services Commission’s programs and services, please visit We’re also on Facebook and Twitter!