Palmetto Community Action Partnership presents...
YOUTH LEADERSHIP SUMMER CAMP 20 2015 15 St. Step hen June 1 Elementary 5 - July Sc 9, 2015 hool DETAILS Parent Meals and Grades 8am-5pm Transportation Education snacks K-5 Mon-Thurs Provided** Workshops provided
This 4-week summer camp provides youth with the opportunity to explore youth leadership through educational, interactive activities that include: Daily Instruction in Math, Language Arts and Physical Education by Certified Teachers; Character Education; Financial Literacy; Arts & Crafts; Energy Conservation Education; Fine Arts; Etiquette Skills; Community Service Projects; Computer Technology; Health and Nutrition; Exciting (Educational) Field Trips and more…
a Community Action Program | 843-724-6760 phone | 843-724-6787 fax |
About t
e Camp The You t h L e adership munity encoura funded, fou Summer Camp r educatioges and enhan -week day c is a comamp th ces cha n a l ac and ca reer exhievement, civ racter buildin at develop g ing lead ploration for ic responsibilit , ership in the pu rpose o y youth. The goa f the life l of the camp ble suc skills they’ll n is to instill in e c has a cu essful adults. ed to become children r re riculum T ment, based o his means th sponsic h wellnes aracter edu n academic e camp r s. cation and he einforcealth an Camper d s’ acad through emic gr plans w out the camp owth will be a ill be cr m eated b nd customized easured y tuto c e rtified t Parent in eachers ring there a volvement is . re plent strongly y e of oppo (more d rtunitie ncouraged and etails o s to vol n back… unteer! )
YOUTH LEADERSHIP SUMMER CAMP 2015 Forms Required When Registering for Camp In order for a child to attend camp free of charge, the child’s parent or guardian MUST bring ALL of the following documents:
Must meet Federal Poverty Income Guidelines
State-Issued Picture ID (must be valid with current address)
Social Security Cards and birth dates for everyone in the home
Proof of income for anyone in the home 18 years of age and older for the past 30 days
For those with “0” income, a Benefits History statement from SC Works (this is required for everyone 18 years of age and older in the household who is unemployed)
Benefits received monthly from Social Security, SSI, TANF, Utility Check or any other agency must be verified by a 2015 award letter.
Applicants MUST have ALL of these documents in order to complete the application process. **Transportation is only provided for students of St. Stephen Elementary, but camp is open to all Berkeley county youth.
Registration Fees Child from an income-eligible family Child not from an income-eligible family
(will not be registered before May 22nd)
FREE $25 per child per week
Income eligibility determined at registration.
To Register Ms. Dudley at 843-724-6760 ext. 228 or Ms. Lumar at 843-724-6760 ext. 230 or Ms. Brown at 843-724-6760 ext. 212 For more information on Palmetto Community Action Partnership’s programs and services, please visit We’re also on Facebook and Twitter!