Daily CCH

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The beginning its evolution and its greatness.

Interview: The attitude of students over time P. 8

CONTENTS • Introduction • Mexico in the 70s • Main objectives of its creation • When the coordination of the college was replaced? • Educational Mode from the college of sciences and humanities • The Student Body • T he infrastructure • Interview: Patricia Lovera • References

EDITORS Julieta Suir Fernanda Zavala Ana Artorga Aura Salvador Mariana Chamorro

Introduction When was the magic Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (CCH) south campus born? The Project of creation of the Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades was approved by the University Council of UNAM on January 26, 1971, during the rectorate of Pablo González Casanova, who considered it as: the creation of a permanent momentum of innovation in university and national education, “which should be complemented with systematic efforts that improve throughout the entire educational process, our systems of evaluation of what we teach and what students learn. " The south campus was located, built and opened on Cataratas y Llanura, Jardines del Pedregal, Coyoacán, in 1972. The CCH was born as a new university high school that served 15 thousand students in its first year (in the 5 campuses).

Mexico in the 70s In Mexico 1970, the year in which the sale of television sets skyrocketed, something changed not only in strictly sports matters, but also in the tastes and way of life of humanity. Back then, no one went out to buy their new television, to the grocery store or to have breakfast with their friends in pants and a sports jacket, tennis shoes and a cap of their favorite team. The uniforms and all the paraphernalia around the game were just beginning to become commercial marquees, as it happened rapidly in the following decades. At the end of the sixties, two sociocultural models were already perfectly installed in Mexican society: that of the hippie, with his preaching of material abandonment, and that of the executive, a successful man who had everything in his hands. The UNAM in constant change, looked for alternatives to be able to impart its educational model and one of them was the creation of the CCH.

Main objectives of its creation: In its beginnings, it was created to meet a grown demand for entry to the upper secondary level in the metropolitan area and at the same time, to resolve the existed disconnection between the various schools, faculties, institutes and research centers of the UNAM. Also promoted the academic transformation of the University itself with a new curricular perspective and new teaching methods, so its curriculum was based on the following motto: "learn to learn, learn to do and learn to be”.

When the coordination of the college was replaced? In 1998, the coordinates of the college was replaced. After having obtained the rank of Escuela Nacional Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, in 1998, the General Directorate of the CCH was installed, when José de Jesús Bazán Levy was appointed as general director of the School, by the Governing Board of UNAM.

Who was José de Jesús Bazán? He is a Graduate in Philosophy and Graduate in Theology, and a Doctor in Latin American Studies. And at the level of the General Directorate of the School, he was Secretary of Disclosure, Secretary of Planning, Director of the Academic Unit of the Baccalaureate Cycle and Coordinator of the Process of Review and Update of the Plan and Study Programs, from 1990 to 1996. He was General Director of the Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (CCH)for two periods, from 1988 to 2006. La llegada del nuevo director general del CCH. (2009, 30 octubre).

EDUCATIONAL MODEL FROM THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES The pedagogical and philosophical foundations that made up the educational model of the cch and gave its origin in 1971 proposed: * The critique of encyclopedism, that is, it promoted the study of basic subjects. * fostered a type of culture that privileged "learning to learn" * proposed the teacher as a "guide" in the learning process. * placed the student at the center of the educational act and conceived him as a person capable of transforming his environment and himself, transforming education into a living and dynamic act. We had the opportunity to interview Maria Martha Carmona Villar, she’s our biology teacher and she told us that: “the new generations are now showing more interest on having an A+ than really get to know the subject and the topics in it, while the past generations were more interested in learning than passing, they used to have more commitment with the assignments and the teachers”

The student body Along the years we can find three kinds of students. In 1971 when the school first opened we saw the first one, that is the type of “model student” that the directive board wanted, that would represented the objective of the school: first of all, these students had to be autodidactic, that only consulted their teachers when they need guide on a specific topic, also they must have had creativity to find out more than one answer for a problem and they had to be thoughtful enough to know how to make an open, reasonable, critic and no bias opinion. Then in 1975 when the counterculture of 70´s fashion kicked in and students started to change in a more expressive and open way expressing all these through the art, such as painting, music, clothing, and literature. They weren´t very different from the first kind of students in the intellectual and autodidactic part, but in the fashion they wore, they had a different style with more colorful clothes with free mixing, unisex, inviting to the interaction with other students and between one and other they could copy or mix some of their clothes, long plays records, laces, glasses, etc. The thrid and last type of student is the actual one. In the view of some teachers and directives, this XXI Century student has an easier situation than previous generations because of the different programs that the CCH school has developed to help students to successfully finished school. According to some teachers and directives these actual students are less auto didactive and lazier than other generations, but as we can see there are some students that aren´t as productive as the first ones but they make a big effort to learn, continue and finish high school.

Description: CCH Sur students in the 70's .

The infrastructure Talking about the design of school buildings we have some references that indicated that most of the buildings and green areas have been the same since the day the school opened. We can find the same walls made of bricks and in rooms the same order in tables and chairs and downstairs the same mini stores; things have not changed in classrooms such as chairs, boards, and windows. New buildings like SILADIN and SALA TELMEX in comparison are taller than old ones, with different structures and built with different materials. They are more luminous and designed for modern installations such as computers and cell phones than the ones that already existed.

Descripción: CCH in the 70´s.

Interview We interviewed Patricia Lovera, who has worked for more than 25 years at the CCH to know the changes that students throughout time -H i , P a t r i ci a i t ’ s g r e a t t o s e e y o u , a n d t h a n k y o u f o r t h e i n t e r v i e w -You're welcome, I'm very grateful to be here -So , l e t u s s t a r t

H o w d o y o u p e r ce i v e t h e a t t i t u d e o f t h e s t u d e n t s t h r o u g h o u t t h e t i m e y o u h a ve w o r k ed a t t h e CCH ? -The change in attitude was very noticeable since students always arrive with more security than last year and their attitude has evolved

W h a t ch a n g e s h a v e y o u s e e n ? -The advancement of technology has had a great influence, since before the students were not so communicative and were very reserved D i d t h e y ch a n g e f o r g o o d f o r b a d ? w h y ? -Change for the better, progress was necessary, however there are still special situations that we have to attend to.

D o y o u t h i n k t h e CCH l ea r n i n g s y s t em h el p s ? -It depends a lot on the student, although before they learned in a different way in high school. Here they were given freedom from the beginning and they must know how to take advantage of it for good

I f y o u co u l d s a y s o m e t h i n g t o t h i s p e o p l e w h a t w o u l d i t b e ? -Honestly and fully take advantage of the opportunities that the university gives you for free and never let anything distract you from your goals

The first students of the CCH were the ones who led the way for us and did not have the same opportunities that we now have and although they were not so communicative, today we are

References Colegio, D., Ciencias, D., & Humanidades, Y. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2020, from https://www.cch.unam.mx/sites/default/files/MODELO%20EDUCATIVO%20DEL%20COLEGIO% 20DE%20CIENCIAS%20Y%20HUMANIDADES.pdf CCH: Origen y desarrollo. (2018a, enero 23). [Vídeo]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCr9_PNpJ6M&t=32s Team, 2. (2020) “Interview with teacher Martha” November 25th 2020 [Fotografia]. http://sutiems-prensa.blogspot.com/2009/10/la-llegada-del-nuevo-director-general.html. http://sutiems-prensa.blogspot.com/2009/10/la-llegada-del-nuevo-director-general.html Historiagenda. Retrieved from: https://www.cch.unam.mx/comunicacion/sites/www.cch.unam.mx.comunicacion/files/subidas/Histori agenda_esp45.pdf Historiagenda. Retrieved from: https://www.cch.unam.mx/comunicacion/sites/www.cch.unam.mx.comunicacion/files/subidas/Histori agenda_esp45.pdf A cincuenta años del mundial en Mexico. (2020, 2 junio). [Fotografia]. https://fieramania.mx/noticia/acincuenta-anos-del-mundial-mexico-70. https://fieramania.mx/noticia/a-cincuenta-anos-del-mundialmexico-70 La ciudad de Mexico en los años 70. (2019, 14 febrero). [Fotografia]. https://noticieros.televisa.com/especiales/asi-se-veia-la-ciudad-de-mexico-en-los-anos-70/. https://noticieros.televisa.com/especiales/asi-se-veia-la-ciudad-de-mexico-en-los-anos-70/ Colaboradores de los proyectos Wikimedia. (2007, December 5). Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades. Retrieved November 30, 2020, from Wikipedia.org website: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colegio_de_Ciencias_y_Humanidades Historiagenda. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.cch.unam.mx/comunicacion/sites/www.cch.unam.mx.comunicacion/files/subidas/Histori agenda_esp45.pdf Historia del Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades | Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades. (2018). Retrieved November 30, 2020, from Unam.mx website: https://www.cch.unam.mx/historia

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