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▼ 公司簡介 Company Profile



▼ 客戶服務 Customer Service


▼ 品質管理 Quality Management


▼ 製造能力 Manufacture Capability


▼ 生產附屬設備儀器總覽 Equipment & Accessories

P11, P12


公司大事記 1987 創立立榮電子企業股份有限公司,專業PCB加 工製造廠。資本額:新台幣肆萬五千元。 1991 遷到較大的廠辦大樓,購置SMT生產 線、DIP 插件線,並提供測試、包裝服務。 1998 通過ISO9002 品質認證。(SGS國際品質認證) 1999 購置 Panasonic SMT高速機。 2002 資本額:新台幣貮仟萬。通過I S O - 9 0 0 1 : 2000品質認證。(URS國際品質認證)購置現址 廠房,員工計150人。 2005 通過ISO-9001:2000品質認證。(SGS國際品 質認證)營業額:美金一仟四佰萬元。 2007 通過ISO-14001 環境認證。(UKAS國際環境 認證) 2010 搬遷到新莊區民安路新廠址。資本額:新台幣 六仟萬。營業額:美金三仟萬元。

Milestone 1987 Established Lih Rong Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.as a professional PCB assembly factory in Taiwan. Capital : NTD45,000 1990 Moved to a new factory, established SMT lines, PCB assembly linesTesting & Packing service. 1998 ISO9002 certificated.(SGS International Quality Certificate) 1999 Panasonic high speed mounter. 2002 Capital : NTD20,000,000 ISO9001:2000 certificated. (URS International Quality Certificate) Bought a new building and moved in the present address. Staff : 150 2005 ISO-9001 certificated. (SGS International Quality Certificate)Turnover : USD14,000,000 2007 ISO-14001 certificated. (UKAS International Environment Certificate) 2010 Moved to a new factory building at current address. Capital : NTD60,000,000 Turnover : USD30,000,000

業務形態 工業自動控制,電腦週邊設備,工業控制板,高頻 通訊產品,It相關產品。

Business Type Automation Control, Computer Peripherals, Industry control board,Hi-Frequency Telecom, IT related facilities.

國外客戶區域 亞洲,美洲,歐洲。

Oversea Customer Area Asia, America, Europe.


客戶服務 Customer Service

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

PCB SMT加工. PCB SMT Assembly Service PCB插件加工. PCB Insertion Assembly Service 成品組裝與包裝. Finished Product Assembly & Packing 測試與維修. Test & Repair Service 代料服務. Parts Souring & Purchasing Service 塑膠件與橡膠件開模 / 射出. Plastic & Rubber Parts Tooling / Injection 軟性PC板打件服務. Flexible Circuit Board assembly with Parts 單面PC板至32層PC板供應. PCB Service from 1 Side to 32 Layers


▼ 業務團隊提供快速的合理報價服務 Sales team offers fast and reasonable quote service. ▼ 生產單位提供機動快速且高品質的製造服務 Production team offers flexible, fast and high quality service. ▼ 產銷會議提供客戶滿意交貨期 Offers best delivery schedule by production and sales meeting to meet customer requested in house date.

Customer Service


品質管理 Quality Management

品質政策 追求卓越,客戶滿意 Quality Policy Superior Quality and Best Service.

QA Organization Chart ISO9001:2000 Manager






環境政策 全員參與節能減廢持續改善 Environment Policy The whole staff participates in, the energy conservation reduces waste, continues to improve.


台北廠SMT生產線 Lih Rong Taiwan SMT Equipment & Instrument ▼ Line A Auto Printer HS Mounter Multi Mounter Loader Panasonic EKRA Panasonic DER PAN CM-602 BM-123 TSK-201L/V X4

Multi Mounter Panasonic BM-231

Unloader N2 Reflow SIACIN TAMURA TNP40-578EM SCUD-66

Daily capacity: 1,200,000 placements / 24 Hours

▼ Line B Auto Printer HS Mounter Loader MIRAE EKRA SIACIN MPS-1010 SCLD-66 E4

Multi Mnter MIRAE MPS-1030P

N2 Reflow Unloader TAMURA SIACIN TNP40-578EM SCUD-66

Daily capacity: 900,000 placements / 24 Hours

▼ Line C Auto Printer HS Mounter Loader Panasonic EKRA Der-Pan CM-602 TSK-201L/V E4

Multi Mounter Panasonic BM-123

Unloader Multi Mounter N2 Reflow TAMURA SIACIN Panasonic TNP40-578EM SCUD-66 BM-221

Daily capacity: 1,200,000 placements / 24 Hours 日總產能 / Daily Total Capacity : 3,300,000 點 / placements

SMT生產線 / SMT Production Line 高速機 / High Speed Mounter Panasonic CM-602

泛用機 / Multi Purpose Mounter Panasonic BM-123

氮氣迴焊爐 / N2 Reflow TAMURA 自動光學檢測機 / AOI System TNP40-578EM Haneol HV-5000LC

自動光學檢測機 / AOI System Diagno Sys ScanPointDT


東莞清溪廠SMT生產線 Lih Rong China SMT Equipment & Instrument ▼ Line A Loader TEMT SVP-750

Auto Printer Glue Dispeser HS Mounter GKG YAMAHA FUJI G2 YV64D Cp642

Multi Mounter FUJI XP-142

N2 Reflow Conveyer YingHuaDa 3meters ST-6016R length

Daily capacity: 1,000,000 placements / 24 Hours ▼ Line B Loader TEMT SVP-750

Auto Printer Glue Dispeser HS Mounter GKG YAMAHA FUJI G2 YV64D Cp642

Multi Mounter FUJI XP-142

N2 Reflow Conveyer YingHuaDa 3meters ST-6016R length

Daily capacity: 1,000,000 placements / 24 Hours ▼ Line C Loader TEMT SVP-750

Auto Printer Glue Dispeser HS Mounter GKG YAMAHA FUJI G2 YV64D Cp642

Multi Mounter FUJI XP-142

N2 Reflow Conveyer YingHuaDa 3meters ST-6016R length

Daily capacity: 1,000,000 placements / 24 Hours ▼ Line C Loader YingHuaDa st-325c

Auto Printer Multi Mounter GKG FUJI G2 XP-143

Multi Mounter ascenyek qP-242

N2 Reflow Conveyer YingHuaDa 3meters ST-6016R length

Daily capacity: 500,000 placements / 24 Hours 日總產能 / Daily Total Capacity : 3,500,000 點 / placements

SMT生產線 / SMT Production Line SMT生產線 / SMT Production Line SMT生產線 / SMT Production Line

高速機 / High Speed Mounter FUJI Cp642

自動光學檢測機 / AOI System VTCO350

SMT目視檢查線 / SMT Visual Inspection Line


台北廠插件組裝生產線 Lih Rong Taiwan Insertion & Assembly Line

日產能 150,000 插件單位 Daily Capacity 150,000 Insertion units


雙波無鉛錫爐機 / Double Wave Tin Solder Machine

東莞清溪廠插件組裝生產線 China Insertion & Assembly Line

日產能 170,000 插件單位 Daily Capacity 170,000 Insertion units

組裝生產線 / Assembly Production Line

料架區 / Parts Shelf Area


測試 Test

ICT設備 x 2台 iICT equipment x2 sets

測試站 Testing Station

測試單位 有專業工程背景主管帶領,可充分配合客戶各種的測試需求。 Testing Section Managing by a professional engineering background leader,offer varies testing request for the customers.

ATSC影像測試 ATSC Video Test Software 10

測試站 Testing Station

維修 Repair

維修單位 配合測試單位及時分析不良品,立即通知品保單位執行改善措施,限時結清不 良品。 Repairing Section Cooperated with Testing section making the analysis for the failure in time, inform QA the failure analysis report immediately for correction action, finish the failure before the deadline.

紅外線BGA拆焊機 Infrared BGA Removing& Soldering Machine

熱風式BGA拆焊機 Hot Air BGA Removing& Soldering Machine 11

包裝與出貨 Packing & Shipping

日產能 Daily Capacity 台北廠 Taiwan Factory 4000台 / units 東莞清溪廠 China Factory 6000~8000台 / units


生產附屬設備儀器總覽 Equipment & Accessories

錫膏測厚儀 Solder paste thickness measurement ASCENTEX ASM-K35

自動裁板機 Auto Routing Machine

電動扭力測試器 Digital Torque Meter KILEWS KTM-10

電子顯微顯示器 Microscope Inspectoin Pen Scope PS-3580

鋼板張力計 Stencel Tension Gauge Protex STG-80NA

靜電測試器 Static Detector Wolfgang Warmbier SRM-110

超音波塑膠熔接機 Ultrasonic Plastic Welder

重金屬元素分析儀 X-Ray RoHS Analyzer NITON XIT797 13

生產附屬設備儀器總覽 Equipment & Accessories

爐溫測溫器 Reflow Profiler KIC Slim 2000

照度計 Light Meter DHA LX-201

電感容阻測試儀 LCR Meter HP 4263A

數位噪音計 Sound Level Meter SHA SL-1350

推拉力計 Push Pull Gage Aipu AN300

鋼板清洗機 Stencel Clean System Crystal Clean 9606S

藍芽系統測試儀 Blue Tooth Testing System




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