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L’avenir de l’Europe en questions

15 NOVEMBRE 2021 L’avenir de l’Europe en questions

La Chambre de Commerce du Luxembourg et son Enterprise Europe Network-Luxembourg et la Représentation de la Commission européenne au Luxembourg ont initié une rencontre sur l’avenir de l’Europe en présence du commissaire européen en charge du Marché intérieur, Thierry Breton, de Xavier Bettel, Premier ministre du Luxembourg, de Franz Fayot, ministre de l’Économie et de Luc Frieden, président de la Chambre de Commerce.

PHOTOS Emmanuel Claude / Focalize

01. (De g. à dr.) Franz Fayot, ministre de l’Économie, Thierry Breton, commissaire européen en charge du Marché intérieur et Luc Frieden, président de la Chambre de Commerce. 02. Xavier Bettel, Premier ministre. 03. L’événement a eu lieu sous l’égide de la Conférence sur l’Avenir de l’Europe menée dans toute l’Union européenne, dont le but est d’organiser des panels interactifs à travers des débats inclusifs et transparents avec les entreprises et citoyens européens, pour partager leurs idées et contribuer à façonner ensemble l’Europe de demain. Au programme de la journée: un hackathon pour jeunes entrepreneurs et startups innovantes, des discours, des échanges, des break-out sessions, des partages de visions et du business networking.

11 NOVEMBER 2021 Logistics 2021 Reloaded

The importance of a functioning supply chain in a globalised world, was the theme of the Cluster for Logistics Conference Logistics 2021 Reloaded. Experts from Logistics and Industry related their experiences and challenges due to the pandemic, climate change concerns and global transformations at a physical conference held at the Chamber of Commerce on November 11th 2021.

PHOTOS Marie De Decker

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01. 02. 03. Carlo Thelen, Director of the Chamber of Commerce and President of C4L (photo 01), welcomed the guests and speakers (Karine Bellony, Managing partner of VAT Solutions, Richard Forson, CEO of Cargolux, Thierry Schoen, Sales director of Safety PTSG, Luc Provost, CEO of B Medical Systems, Hjoerdis Stahl Achim Taylor, POST Deputy managing director, Jürgen Helten, CEO Luxport Group, Christian Wilhelm, Shipsta, Malik Zeniti manager of C4L) to the largest C4L event in nearly two years. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everyday life but the logistics sector has proven its importance. Mr Thelen singled out three main challenges for the logistics sector that were addressed in the conference, namely digital transformation, decarbonisation and finding the workforce with the skills to ‘make it happen’. In order to reach the ambitious goals of the EU’s Fit-for-55 program to cut greenhouses gases by at least 55%, the sector urgently needs digital transformation and data-centered project implementations to better serve Industry 4.0, said Mr Thelen. Key note Speaker Franz Fayot, Minister of the Economy (photo 02), lauded the crucial sector with a strong infrastructure in Luxembourg. All the speakers gave an overview of the challenges of the sector. The logistics flows have become increasingly complex and connected across all continents with different stakeholders. Despite the numerous challenges during the pandemic, the logistics providers succeeded to keep freight moving across the globe. The session ended with a cocktail.

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