Your Sponsor For This Comic Is:
You can earn a monthly income just giving away this comic with your name above as our sponsor. Each time you sign up a client for our hosting at $6.00 monthly you will earn a $1.00 monthly on all recurring hosting fee. Just signing up 10 clients will earn you $10.00 monthly! But! That's not all! When your clients help us sign up new clients we will pay you another $1.00 commission in overrides. If you have 10 clients and they each sign up 10 clients you have 100 clients paying you $100.00 monthly in override commissions. This is a total of 110 clients paying you $110.00 in recurring commissions. Our hosting includes . . . 24x7x365 Technical support - Unlimited POP3 Email Accounts - Web Mail - Unlimited Autoresponders Catch All - SpamAssasin - Ulimited Email Alias' - Unlimited Mailing Lists - Unlimited Mail Forwarding SMTP - Webalizer - Raw Log Manager - Error Logs - Free Setup - Instant Activation - Instant Backups FREE Support - 99% Uptime Guarantee - Parked Domains - Add-On Domains - Unlimited Sub Domains Unlimited FTP Accounts - Unlimited Anonymous FTP Accounts -Unlimited MySQL Databases - PHP - CGI FFmpeg installed - GD Library - Zend Optimizer - Image Majik - ION Cube - Streaming Video/Audio - Perl Frontpage Extensions - cPanel - File Manager - Fantastico - RvSkin - Rv Site Builder Pro - Softaculous - CGI Center - Password Protected Directories - phpMyAdmin - Cron Jobs - Custom Error Pages - IP Deny Manager Hotlink Protection - Blogs (Including WordPress) - Content Management Systems - Customer Relationship Software - Ecommerce - Bulletin Boards Image Galleries - CGI Center.
How do you track my sales and pay me commissions? Commissions for CCMR TV Hosting will be paid via Paypal, Check, all transactions will be managed and tracked by PayGear, the world’s leading and most secure affiliate network. With the help of PayGear we will provide all the tools you need to create an ongoing revenue stream selling CCMR TV Hosting. Just login to PayGear any time to see full tracking, including clicks, sales, total commissions earned, plus it’s all laid out in an easy to read graphs. PayGear’s affiliate tracking is so sophisticated, if someone comes to our site via your affiliate link and decides not to buy, but then returns months later and makes the purchase, you still receive credit for the sale and the commissions will be credited to your account. If you are a nonprofit Christian organization, ministry or church we will provide you with FREE hosting. Tell us about your ministry by going to for our consideration