Veth Jet EN

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INTRODUCTION When Veth Propulsion B.V. introduced the VETH-JET channel bow thruster in 1970, a major step forward was made in the manoeuverability of ships. This home made invention has given Veth Propulsion an outstanding international reputation in the marine industry.

In the over 55 years that the company exists, it has become a well known thruster specialist. The Veth thrusters have a solid construction, smart design and are easy to maintain. Veth Propulsion has different kinds of thrusters in several power ranges. This makes it possible to select the right thruster(s) in any application. There is a wide range of in-house developed products like the Veth-Z-Drive rudder propeller, the Veth-Compact-Jet, the Veth Tunnel Thruster and the Veth Ballast Pump. Veth Propulsion also has its own diesel department in which generator sets are built with Scania and SisuDiesel for marine applications.


veth-jet leader among bow thrusters

Veth Propulsion has always invested in the development of new products. This has resulted a.o. in the Veth-Jet bow thruster installation. When the Veth-Jet was introduced, there was a need for a bow thruster

which operated optimally 360 degrees with a shallow draught without vulnerable parts protruding through the ships bottom. The Veth-Jet was the answer to this desire. In the well over 35 years that Veth Propulsion B.V. has produced the Veth-Jet, a product has evolved on which can be depended on under the most severe circumstances. At the time starting with 100 and 200 hp, the range has grown in standard ratings to over 2000 hp. The Veth-Jet finds its application in both inland waterway vessels and seagoing ships. In the meantime over 1500 units are installed in a diverse range of ships all over the world. Continued product development in mechanical, hydro dynamical and electrical field makes sure that the Veth-Jet is and remains the leader among bow thrusters.




The principle of operation of the Veth-Jet is as simple as it is effective. With the help of a horizontally mounted propeller, the water is drawn up from underneath the vessel. Through a 360째 rotating drum the water is bent 90째 and guided into one or two channels making the vessel manoeuvrable. A 2, 3 or 4 channel execution can be chosen of which the 3rd and 4th channel can be used as a brake or emergency propulsion. The side channels are horizontally mounted while the front and aft channel are installed at an angle.

The rotating drum can be steered stepless in all directions. Every position in between can be chosen with the 3 and 4 channel system.

A major benefit of the Veth-Jet is that with a minimal draught the maximum thrust can be achieved without parts protruding through the ships hull. A draught of 35 cm can be enough depending on the size of the unit.


An additional advantage of the horizontally mounted propeller is that also when the ship is sailing the Veth-Jet still develops a considerable thrust. Because of the upwards pressure of the water the propeller keeps drawing up water much longer than for example a tunnel thruster. Veth Propulsion has made a model test in which case the thrust remained equal up to 10 knots.

The thrust of the Veth-Jet is high. Per kW about 11 kg of thrust is obtained. The propeller can be optimized in 1 turning direction and in comparison with other systems with horizontal mounted propellers there is a minimal turn of the water and a horizontal pressure.

Besides the in house development there is a close cooperation with several research centers. The pictures below show tank tests during which thrust was measured on a sailing ship.



The Veth-Jet can be driven, which ever is desired, by a diesel engine, electric motor or

Driving in different ways

hydraulic motor. In case of a diesel engine or electric motor the engine can be flexibly mounted on top of one of the side channels. A ready made engine foundation can be supplied making

the installation of the engine very easy. Veth Propulsion can supply the Veth-Jet with a package including the driving motor when desired by the customer.

Diesel driven

Driving possibilities



There are several electrically driven executions. The revolutions can be controlled by means of a frequency converter, an electrical shaft or by means of a rotary resistance. In the schedule on the left an example of a Veth-Jet with a frequency


control panel

controlled e-motor is shown. In this situation the same frequency converter is also used to control a loading pump of a tanker.

generator set

When the generator, during bow thruster use, does not have to drive any other consumers then an electric shaft drive can be an option.

Frequency converter

This is an economically interesting solution in which the revolutions are controlled by the diesel engine of the generator set.

Veth Propulsion has a great expertise and experience with all these systems and can advise the best solution for every situation.

Cargo pump

control box

Veth-jet bow thruster

Electrically driven

Hydraulically driven



The rock solid and thought through construction has given the Veth-Jet a reliable name. Composed of high-grade materials and comprehensively tested in practice the Veth-Jet stands for carefree

use. The gearbox is manufactured in our own work shop and is equipped with square spirally cut gears and a bronze worm wheel for steering of the rotating drum. This worm wheel is self braking so the drum will always remain in the correct position.

The steering is done hydraulically. Besides the steering motor also the hydraulic pump and steering valves are mounted on the gearbox which makes the Veth-Jet a compact and self-contained thruster. The steering system is so strong that it is able to steer with full engine rpm without any problem.

All rotating parts air oil bath lubricated so that the installation requires a minimum of maintenance. The Veth-Jet has a long life time with a minimum amount of wear because every Veth-Jet is designed with high safety factors.



There are many reasons to choose a Veth-Jet bow thruster. The main reasons are:

Strong qualities: • Fast steering time in about 6 to 7 seconds from PS to SB. • Solid integrated 70:1 worm wheel for steering. • Compact oil bath lubricated gearbox. • Possibility to steer with full propeller rpm. • Hydraulic pump for steering built on gearbox. • Requires a minimum of maintenance. • Solid construction, so long lifetime.

Advantages: • Maximum thrust at minimum draught. • The propeller turns in 1 direction (maximum efficiency). • Gives thrust during sailing. • No protruding parts under the vessel. • The 3 and 4 channel system can also be used as auxiliary

propulsion or brake.

• High thrust: about 11 kg./kW. • No reverse clutch is required. • Possibility to change propeller without docking.

Strong qualities and advantages Type 2k/3k/4k

Maximum Power kW (Hp)

Nominal Reduction revolutions

Propeller diameter


184 (250)


3,071 : 1

780 mm


276 (375)


3,071 : 1

980 mm


404 (550)


4 : 1

1180 mm


478 (650)


4 : 1

1280 mm


553 (752)


4,455 : 1

1420 mm


687 (934)


4,909 : 1

1420 mm


725 (986)


4,909 : 1

1520 mm


956 (1300)


5,091 : 1

1650 mm


1102 (1499)


5,091 : 1

1750 mm


1250 (1700)


5,583 : 1

1800 mm


1600 (2176)


4,8 : 1

2200 mm






The standard range of Veth-Jets consists of over 50 executions which is adequate for most applications. When a customer however has additional wishes we can also design on a project basis. On the picture on the left e.g. a Veth-Jet can be seen which was supplied to the American Navy. Special features of this unit are a built in hydraulic clutch and a mechanical emergency steering which were added to the standard design. But also tailor made trainings can be arranged by Veth Propulsion at our factory or on location.



Controls Veth Propulsion has got its own electronics department in which the control systems are developed and fabricated. State of the art technology is used like a CAN bus communication system.

The controls of the Veth-Jet are clearly arranged and easy to operate. In the standard supply a separate control panel and read out panel are included for placing in the wheel house. Very practical is the follow up combined control lever for steering and rpm control. In the well arranged display besides the position indicator also the rpm counter, oil pressure and water temperature meter of the diesel engine and the alarms can be read. Besides the standards we can also adjust to the wishes of the customer. The Veth electronics make driving and control simple and reliable.


VETH-JET V EXECUTION For situations in which there is no space for a horizontal driving motor also a vertically driven Veth-Jet can be delivered. This V model can be equipped with electric and hydraulic motors. Because of a sophisticated design the height of the unit is limited to a minimum. Just like the Veth-Jet with the square gearbox the steering worm wheel and the driving gears are integrated in 1 compact gearbox. The unit is oil bath lubricated so that no greasing machines are required and maintenance is kept to a minimum. The gearbox is silent and the unit can be mounted flexibly when for example applied in a passenger vessel.

ALTERNATIVE EXECUTIONS Valve Jet In addition to the Veth-Jet Veth Propulsion has developed a similar type of bow thruster with a different steering system. The thrust direction is not diverted by a rotating drum but by big valves controlled by hydraulic cylinders. This thruster which in many cases is placed as a stern thruster is built on specification from 1500 hp to any desired power. The Valve-Jet is extremely suitable for ships which are connected to a Dynamic Positioning System.


The Veth-Jet can also be delivered with a Gondola. This mainly is used for vessels like barges and crane ships. The Veth-Jet is built together completely with engine in a tailor made Gondola. Also attachments like a cooler for the engine, hydraulic tank and control box are mounted and connected. The installation of the thruster is easy and can be done in a very limited time.


Installing a 4-K-1800 of 1.700 Hp


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Griendweg 1 Papendrecht The Netherlands P.O.Box 53 3350 AB Papendrecht The Netherlands Phone +31(0)78 - 6152266 Fax +31(0)78 - 6411169 E-mail:

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