U13, 14, & 15s play in the Group 10 Competition. The draw is on the group 10 website and Parents are to advised to check this regularly as game times may change. Coaches will advise players of last minute changes.
Welcome to the 2016 CJRL Season Thank you to our Volunteers for the season ahead. It is expected that parents/carers help out in morning setup 8am, canteen, ground managing, touch judging & packing up after games. CJRL had 250 registered players last year and we are expecting another busy year. Please lend a hand through out the season. All Coaches, Water Runners, Referees & Sports Trainers are expected to have completed relevant NRL accredited courses. These can be completed online and the CJRL fund these. League Safe Courses, Coaches Courses, Sport Trainer (First Aid) & Referees are all required to help run our club. For information regarding accreditation speak to a committee member. 2016 Committee President: Rod Eastwood Junior President: Geoff Whitty Secretary: Kellie Statham Treasurer: Tracey Mullins Registrar: Jen Melhuish Coaching Co-ordinator: Marc McLeish Referee Co-ordinator: David Tidswell Publicity: Matt Miller Canteen Manager: Melissa Ballard Committee: Kirsty Langfield, Ken McNamara, Grahame Statham Email: cowrajrl@hotmail.com PO Box 670, COWRA NSW 2794
Code of Conduct These signs are on all grounds with compulsory requests and expectations from all Parents, Players, and Spectators & Officials CJRL DRAW – 2016 This draw may change due to late registrations. U13, 14, and 15’s check Group 10 website & with Coaches for away game times. CJRL also put regular updates on the facebook page and email important information via the database. CANTEEN AND SET UP/PACK UP ROSTER Parents/Carers are required to help out with Canteen and setting up/packing up fields. Each team is responsible for doing canteen duty when stated on the draw. IF YOU CANNOT HELP OUT ON THE NOMINATED DATE please arrange to swap with someone from your child’s team. The canteen will shut if helpers do not turn up! The 9am teams will be expected to set up and the last game teams to pack up.
Round 1 Saturday 2nd April, 2016 Mini Field 9am U8 Bears V Wallabies 9.40 U8 Colts V Kangaroos 10.20 U6 Wallabies V Kangaroos Modified Field 9am U10 Bears V Wallabies (Colts) Main Field 9am U12 Colts V Kangaroos 10am U12 Bears V Wallabies Round 2 Saturday 9th April, 2016 Mini Field 9am U8 Kangaroos V Wallabies 9.40 U8 Bears V Colts 10.20 U6 Kangaroos V Wallabies Modified Field 9am U12 Bears V Colts 10am U10 Wallabies V Bears Main Field 9am U12 Wallabies V Kangaroos 9a 10.30 U13’s Cowra V Storm 11.30 U15’s Cowra V Mudgee Round 3 Saturday 7th May, 2016 Mini Field 9.00 U8 Bears V Kangaroos 9-9.30 Canteen U8 Colts x 2 9.40 U8 Colts V Wallabies 10.20-11.00 Canteen U8 Wallabies x2 10.20 U6 Wallabies V Kangaroos 11.00-11.30 Canteen U6 Kangaroos x2 Mod Field 9am U12 Colts v Wallabies 9.30-9.50 Canteen U10 Kangaroos x2 9.50 U10 Kangaroos v Wallabies 10.20 U10 Bears V Kangaroos 10.50 U10 Wallabies v Bears Main Field 9am U12 Bears V Kangaroos 9.50-10.20 Canteen U12 Bears x 2 10.30 U14 Cowra V St Pats 11.30 Canteen U14’s (Clean Up)
Round 4 Saturday 14th May, 2016 Mini Field 9.00 U8 Kangaroos V Colts 9-9.30 Canteen U8 Bears x 2 9.40 U8 Wallabies V Bears 10.20-11.00 Canteen U8 Wallabies x2 10.20 U6 Kangaroos V Wallabies 11-11.30 Canteen U6 Wallabies x 2 Mod Field 9am U12 Kangaroos V Colts 9.30-9.50 Canteen U10 Wallabies x 2 9.50 U10 Wallabies v Bears 10.20 U10 Kangaroos v Wallabies 10.50 U10 Bears V Kangaroos Main Field 9am U12 Wallabies V Bears 9.50-10.20 Canteen U12 Wallabies x2 10.30 U13’s V Mudgee 11.30 Canteen U13’s (Clean Up) Round 5 Saturday 21st May, 2016 Mini Field 9am U8 Wallabies V Kangaroos 9-9.30 Canteen U8 Colts x2 9.40 U8 Colts V Bears 10.20-11.00 Canteen U8 Bears x2 10.20 U6 Wallabies V Kangaroos 11-11.30 Canteen U6 Kangaroos Mod Field 9am U12 Kangaroos V Wallabies 9.30-9.50 Canteen U10 Bears x2 9.50 U10 Bears V Kangaroos 10.20 U10 Wallabies V Bears 10.50 U10 Kangaroos V Wallabies Main Field 9am U12 Colts V Bears 9.50-10.20 Canteen U12 Colts x2 10.30 U15 Cowra V Panthers 11.30 Canteen U15’s (Clean Up)
Round 6 Saturday 28th May, 2016 Mini Field 9am U8 Wallabies V Colts 9-9.30 Canteen U8 Kangaroos x 2 9.40 U8 Kangaroos v Bears 10.20-10.50 Canteen U8 Bears x2 10.20 U6 Kangaroos V Wallabies Mod Field 9am U12 Kangaroos V Bears 9.50-10.20 Canteen U12 Kangaroos 9.30-9.50 Canteen U10 Kangaroos 9.50 U10 Kangaroos V Wallabies 10.20 U10 Bears V Kangaroos 10.50 U10 Wallabies V Bears Main Field 9am U12 Wallabies V Colts 10.30 U13’s Cowra V Wang 10.50-11.30 Canteen U14’s 11.30 U14’s Cowra V Bloomfield 11.30-12.30 Canteen U13’s (Clean Up)
Round 8 Saturday 18th June, 2016 Mini Field 9am U8 Bears V Colts 9-9.30 Canteen U8 Wallabies x 2 9.40 U8 Kangaroos V Wallabies 10.20-10.50 Canteen U8 Kangaroos x2 10.20 U6 Kangaroos V Wallabies Mod Field 9am U12 Bears v Colts 9.30-9.50 Canteen U 10 Bears x2 9.50 U10 Bears V Kangaroos 10.20 U10 Wallabies V Bears 10.50 U10 Kangaroos V Wallabies Main Field 9am U12 Wallabies V Kangaroos 9.50-10.20 Canteen U12 Wallabies x2 10.30 U14 Cowra V Panthers 10.50-11.30 Canteen U15’s x2 11.30 U15 Cowra V St Pats 11.30-12.30 Canteen U14’s x2
Round 7 Saturday 4th June, 2016 Mini Field 9am U8 Bears v Wallabies 9.40 U8 Colts v Kangaroos 10.20 U6 Wallabies V Kangaroos Mod Field 9am U10 Kangaroos V Wallabies 9-9.30 Canteen U10 Bears x2 9.30 U10 Wallabies V Bears 10.00 U10 Bears V Kangaroos 10.30-11 Canteen U10 Kangaroos x2 Main Field 9am U12 Bears v Wallabies 9.30-10am Canteen U12 Kangaroos x2 10-10.30am Canteen U12 Bears x2 10am U12 Colts v Kangaroos
Round 9 Saturday 25th June, 2016 Mini Field 9am U8 Bears V Kangaroos 9-9.30 Canteen U8 Colts x2 9.40 U8 Colts V Wallabies 10.20-10.50 Canteen U8 Wallabies x2 10.20 U6 Wallabies V Kangaroos Mod Field 9am U12 Bears V Kangaroos 9.30-9.50 Canteen U 10 Kangaroos x2 9.50 U10 Kangaroos V Wallabies 10.20 U10 Bears V Kangaroos 10.20-10.50 Canteen U10 Wallabies x2 10.50 U10 Wallabies V Bears Main Field 9am U12 Colts V Wallabies 9.50-10.20 Canteen U12 Colts x2 10.30 U13 Cowra V Pats 10.50-11.30 Canteen U15’s x2 11.30 U15 Cowra V Cyms 11.30-12.30 Canteen U13’s x2
11th June - Long Weekend – No CJRL
Round 10 Saturday 2nd July, 2016 Mini Field 9am U8 Wallabies V Bears 9-9.30 Canteen U8 Kangaroos x2 9.40 U8 Kangaroos V Colts 10.20 U6 Kangaroos V Wallabies Mod Field 9am U10 Wallabies V Bears 9.30 U10 Kangaroos V Wallabies 10am U10 Bears V Kangaroos 10.30-11am Canteen U10 Bears x2 Main Field 9am U12 Wallabies V Bears 10-10.30am Canteen U12 Bears x2 9.30-10am Canteen U12 Kangaroos x2 10am U12 Kangaroos V Colts
School Holidays - No games 9/7 and 16/7 Round 11 Saturday 23rd July, 2016 Mini Field 9am U8 Wallabies V Kangaroos 9-9.30 Canteen U8 Bears x2 9.40 U8 Colts V Bears 10.20-11.00 Canteen U8 Colts x2 10.20 U6 Wallabies V Kangaroos 11-11.30 Canteen U6 Wallabies x2 Mod Field 9am U12 Kangaroos V Wallabies 9.50-10.20 Canteen U12 Wallabies x2 9.30-9.50 Canteen U 10 Bears x2 9.50 U10 Bears V Kangaroos 10.20 U10 Wallabies V Bears 10.50 U10 Kangaroos V Wallabies Main Field 9am U12 Colts V Bears 10.30 U14 Cowra V Cyms 11.30 Canteen U14’s (Clean Up)
Round 12 Saturday 30th July, 2016 Mini Field 9am U8 Wallabies V Colts 9-9.30 Canteen U8 Kangaroos x2 9.40 U8 Kangaroos V Bears 10.20-10.50 Canteen U8 Bears x2 10.20 U6 Kangaroos V Wallabies Mod Field 9am U12 Wallabies V Colts 9.50-10.20 Canteen U12 Colts x2 9.30-9.50 Canteen U 10 Kangaroos x2 9.50 U10 Kangaroos V Wallabies 10.20 U10 Bears V Kangaroos 10.50 U10 Wallabies v Bears Main Field 9am U12 Kangaroos V Bears 10.30 U13 Cowra V Bloomfield 11.30-12.30 Canteen U13’s x2 10.50-11.30 Canteen U15’s x2 11.30 U15 Cowra V Mudgee July, 2016 Saturday 6th August – NO CJRL for 6, 8, 10 and 12’s – Riverina Schoolboys Carnival at Junee for representative teams Round 13 Saturday 13th August, 2016 Mini Field 9am U8 Bears V Wallabies 9-9.30 Canteen U8 Colts x2 9.40 U8 Colts V Kangaroos 9.30-10am Canteen U10 and U12 TBA 10.20 U6 Wallabies V Kangaroos Mod Field 9am U10 Major Semi 10-10.40 Canteen U10 and U12 TBA Main Field 9am U12 Minor Semi 10am U12 Major Semi
Round 14 Saturday 20th August, 2016 Mini Field 9am U8 Bears V Colts 9-9.30 Canteen U8 Kangaroos x2 9.40 U8 Kangaroos V Wallabies 10.30-11 Canteen U8 Wallabies 10.20 U6 Kangaroos V Wallabies Mod Field 9.30-10 Canteen U10 TBA 10am U10 Final Main Field 9am U12 Final 10-10.30 U12 TBA Round 15 Saturday 27th August, 2016 Mini Field 9am U8 Bears V Kangaroos 9-9.20 Canteen U8 Wallabies x2 9.40 U8 Colts V Wallabies 10.40-11.10 Canteen U8 Colts 9.20-10am Canteen U6 Wallabies and Kangaroos x1 each 10.20 U6 Wallabies V Kangaroos Mod Field 10am U10 Grand Final 11.10-12 Canteen U10 x1 each GF team Main Field 10-10.40 Canteen U12 x1 each GF team 11am U12 Grand Final
Presentation for U6 & U8 teams immediately after the scheduled game. U10 & U12 team awards and 2015 Presentation after the U12 Grand Final.
CODE OF CONDUCT – PLAYER • Be a good sport. Respect all good play whether from your team or the opposition and shake hands with, and thank, the opposition players and officials after the game – win, lose or draw. • Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit. • Always respect the referee’s decision. • Never become involved in acts of foul play. • Honour both the spirit and letter of the competition rules and live up to the highest ideals of ethics and sportsmanship; avoid gamesmanship, and respect the traditions of the game. • Never engage in disrespectful conduct of any sort including profanity, sledging, obscene gestures, offensive remarks, trash talking, taunting or other actions that are demeaning to other players, officials or supporters. • Care for and respect the facilities and equipment made available to you during training and competition. • Safeguard your health; don’t use any illegal or unhealthy substances. • Recognize that many officials, coaches and referees are volunteers who give up their time to provide their services. Treat them with the utmost respect. • Do not bet or otherwise financially speculate, directly or indirectly, on the outcome or any other aspect of a Rugby League match or competition in which you are involved.
CODE OF CONDUCT – SPECTATOR/PARENT • Condemn all violent or illegal acts, whether they are by players, coaches, officials, parents or spectators. • Respect the referee’s decisions – don’t complain or argue about decisions during or after a game. • Behave! Unsportsmanlike language, harassment or aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated. • Encourage players to play by the rules and to respect opposition players and officials. • Never ridicule or scorn a player for making a mistake – respect their efforts.
• Understand that sport is part of a total life experience, and the benefits of involvement go far beyond the final score of a game. • Participate in positive cheering that encourages the players in the team you are supporting; do not engage in any cheering that taunts or intimidates opponents, their fans or officials. • Remember that children participate in Rugby League for their own enjoyment, not yours! • At all times, follow the directions of the Ground Manager and/or other duty officials. • Never arrive at a Junior League game under the influence of alcohol, never bring alcohol to a Junior League game and only drink alcohol, if it is available, in a responsible manner in the designated licensed area.
Children learn best by example.