COWRA COUNCIL Conversations 21 October

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-Save The Date-

2017 Cowra Festival of International Understanding


24 March - 2 April

Guest Nation

MRS HENDERSON PRESENTS (M) 11.00 am, Thursday 27 October


All tickets $8 including complimentary morning tea With some money in her pocket after the death of her husband, Laura Henderson (Judi Dench) buys a theatre and hires the irascible manager Vivian Van Damm (Bob Hoskins). Henderson has a hit on her hands when she adds beautiful nude women to the stage shows at her Windmill Theatre. Though they are touched by tragedy, Henderson and her company bravely keep the theatre active during the 1940-'41 Blitz of London.

-Stay tuned for program details-

PICTURE SHOW MAN (G) 2.00pm, Sunday 6 November

follow us on facebook Festival Co-ordinator: Kylie Wood 0437 812 899

Concession $15, Adults $20

NBN guide for Central West Punuku Tjukurpa 15 October – 20 November 2016 A stunning collection of sculptures and paintings from the Maruku archive. An Artback NT touring exhibition developed in partnership with Maruku Arts. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. Images: Ivy Ingkatji, Piti, c. 1995, Itara: River Red Gum, 71 x19.5 x 29cm.

COWRA REGIONAL ART GALLERY 77 Darling Street Cowra NSW Tel: 6340 2190 Hours: Tues to Sat 10am–4pm, Sun 2pm–4pm.

The Cowra Regional Art Gallery is a cultural facility of the Cowra Shire Council

FUNDING NOW AVAILABLE FOR HERITAGE PROJECTS Cowra Shire Council Local Heritage Assistance Fund 2016–2017 Cowra Shire Council has launched the Local Heritage Assistance Fund for the 2016–2017 financial year. Applications for grants are invited and will be received up until Friday 28 October 2016. The grants are available for the conservation and maintenance of heritage buildings, adaptive reuse, interpretation projects, and urban design projects that support heritage in the Cowra Local Government Area. Assistance of $300–1000 on a dollarͲforͲdollar basis may be available for eligible projects. Further information, guidelines and application forms are available for collection at Cowra Council’s Customer Service Centre, 116 Kendal Street Cowra. Alternatively, visit Council’s website:

Caravan Park Management Contract

Cowra Shire Council is offering an excellent opportunity for a motivated team to drive business efficiency and overall profitability as Managers of Cowra Van Park. The position as Managers is for dynamic, hands-on leaders who have a passion for ensuring our guests have a memorable stay at Cowra Van Park. The position will commence from 1 July 2017. An information pack is available on our website: or can be emailed or collected from Council’s office at 116 Kendal Street Cowra. Enquiries Contact Jenny Gardoll on 02 6340 2066 or email Closing Date 4.30pm Monday 7 November 2016

A new Telecommunications Infrastructure Support Guide explaining the NBN rollout and Mobile Black Spot Program was recently launched. The Support Guide has been specifically designed to assist businesses and community groups to better understand how they might be affected by telecommunications infrastructure roll-outs planned for the region and, importantly, how they might contribute to the development of telecommunications infrastructure. The Guide also encourages business and community groups that can contribute information to Mobile Network Operators to help rectify mobile black spots. For a copy of the Guide, go to: initiatives/telecommunications/

Bush-walk and bird survey for Bird Week

Local events during Bird Week include a bushwalk and Backyard Bird Survey. The bush walk will also be held on Sunday, October 23 at Conimbla National Park starting at 10am. For more information, call the Cowra NRM Committee on 6340 2045. You can also help Cowra Council understand our local birds better by doing a backyard bird survey up to Sunday, October 23. To get involved, all you need is 20 minutes, your favourite outdoor space and some keen eyesight. Simply record the birds you see on the Aussie Bird Council app or through the Submit a Count tab on the link below. You will contribute to a vital pool of information from across the nation that will help Birdlife Australia see how Australian birds are faring. You can complete as many counts as you like over the week or get your

friends and family together, head into the great outdoors and start counting. Go to: to

get involved.

Fully catered afternoon tea included in the ticket price An Aussie Classic! ‘The Picture Show Man’ tells the story of Maurice Pym (John Mellion), a travelling cinema operator in the 1920s, who tours country New South Wales with his son Larry (Harold Hopkins) and pianist Freddie.

LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP (PG) 2.00pm, Sunday 4 December

Concession $10, Adults $12 Ticket price includes complimentary cuppa & biscuits Based on Jane Austen’s early works, ‘Love and Friendship’ is the 18th century story of the seductive and manipulative Lady Susan (Kate Beckinsale) who uses devious tactics to win the heart of the eligible Reginald De Courcy (Xavier Samuel). Cowra Civic Centre Theatrette Ph: 6340 2064

Section 138 Applications — Information relating to Driveway Crossings and work within Council road reserves.

Where works are proposed within the road reserve, formal approval must be obtained from Council as the Roads Authority as required under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993. The road reserve includes the footpath – any area outside the property boundary. Works within the road reserve may include activities like erecting a structure, constructing a driveway, installing stormwater drains, removing or interfering with a structure, or any other activities as defined within the Roads Act 1993. For further information or application forms, please contact Infrastructure & Operations on (02) 6340 2085 or email:

Clean-Up/Rubbish Removal Bourke Street Road Reserve

Cowra Shire Council invites quotations for suitably-experienced contractors to provide a fee proposal to Clean Up/Remove Rubbish from Bourke Street Road Reserve located in Cowra. An information pack is available on our website: or can be emailed or collected from Council’s office at 116 Kendal Street Cowra. Inquiries: Contact Jenny Gardoll on 02 6340 2066 or email Closing Date: 4.30pm, Monday 21 November 2016.

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