Dec 2, 2016
Mens Health Day Drop in for a free, confidential health check with Community Health at Cowra Saleyards
Regional Art Exhibition & Awards for Students Years 10, 11 &12
Community Health—Lou Johnson 6340 9135 Friday 2 December 2016 9am—1pm @ the Saleyards
26 November - 11 December 2016 77 Darling Street COWRA NSW 2794 Open: Tues - Sat 10am to 4pm, Sun 2pm to 4pm. Free Admission C o w r a
R e g i o n a l
A r t
G a l l e r y
i s
c u l t u r a l
f a c i l i t y
o f
t h e
C o w r a
S h i r e
C o u n c i l
Development Application
Liquid Trade Waste Approval
Notice is hereby given that Cowra Shire Council, as Consent Authority under the Environmental Planning Businesses that generate liquid trade waste must have approval and Assessment Act 1979, hastoreceived application as set out in the Schedule 1 below. discharge itthe intodevelopment Council’s sewerage system.
Work on Low-Level Bridge approaches
Liquid Trade Wasterepairs Approval Cowra Council is carrying-out to the
Evenrelating if it is not discharged to the sewerage system, Council The application details and plans to the development to which thisstillnotice refers may be viewed at needs to be notified of its production. Cowra Shire Council’s Customer Service Centre, 116 Kendal Street, Cowra between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm It is an offence under the Act website 1993 to discharge Monday to Friday (Public Holidays excepted) orLocal onGovernment Council’s from 2 liquid 2016. trade waste to the sewerage system or to discharge it December 2016 to 16 December
Businesses that generate liquid trade waste must have approval bridge road surface. to discharge it into Council’s sewerage system.
If yousubmission are unsure whether your businessShire requires a Liquid Trade Any person may make a written to the Cowra Council about the proposed development Waste Approval — or you would like further information about before 4.30 pm on the closing date, being 16 December 2016. If the submission is an objection, the liquid trade waste in general — contact Council’s Infrastructure grounds of the objection mustand beOperations specifiedDepartment in the submission. Written submissions should be addressed to on (02)6340 2085 or: The General Manager, Cowra email Council, Private Bag 342, Cowra NSW 2794.
It is an offence under the Local Government Act 1993 to discharge liquid trade waste to the sewerage system or to discharge it contrary to the conditions of approval.
contrary to the conditions of approval.
To assist Council, please include the DA number (126/2016) with the written submission. The substance of written submissions may be included in a report to Council. Copies of the written submissions may be made available to the applicant for resolution and consideration of issues and concerns raised, prior to determination. Council is subject to Government Information (Public Access) legislation and copies of written submissions may be made available to any person entitled to lodge an application under this legislation. Submission makers are required to comply with Section 147 (Disclosure of Political Donations and Gifts) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 which is summarised on Council’s website, click on “Your Council” and then “Donations / Gifts”. To help the efficiency of the assessment process, no late submission will be considered. Schedule 1 Development Application being exhibited for 14 Days 2 December 2016 to 16 December 2016 DA Number 126/2016
Applicant Vision Town Planning Consultants
Property Details LOT: 9 SEC: 16 DP: 5791 – 3 Brougham Street COWRA
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Proposed Development Addition of 2 dwellings to existing multi-dwelling housing
Find us on Twitter @ Cowra Council
pavement of failed sections of Cowra's low-level Supplementary pavement strengthening work is
planned for sewerage the weeksystem, commencing Even ifsubsequently it is not discharged to the Council still Monday, For more information, contact needs to be December notified of its12. production. Cowra Council on 6340 2070.
If you are unsure whether your business requires a Liquid Trade Waste Approval — or you would like further information about liquid trade waste in general — contact Council’s Infrastructure and Operations Department on (02)6340 2085 or: email Demolition of Buildings
Liquid Trade Waste Approval
Expressions of interest are sought from interested persons for demolition of buildings and clean-up of three Council properties.
generate liquid trade waste must haveDrive approval TheBusinesses buildings for that demolition are located in Darling Street, Scenic and Kite to discharge it into Council’s sewerage system. Street. Interested persons must obtain an information pack and submit a nominated price, Even if it isbynot discharged to the system, to be received Council by 4.30 pm, Friday 9 December 2016.Council still sewerage
needs to be notified of its production.
For further information, contact Greg Smith on (02) 6340 2091 or email
It is an offence under the Local Government Act 1993 to discharge liquid trade waste to the sewerage system or to discharge it contrary to the conditions of approval. If you are unsure whether your business requires a Liquid Trade Waste Approval — or you would like further information about liquid trade waste in general — contact Council’s Infrastructure and Operations Department on (02)6340 2085 or: email Customer Service Centre hours
Liquid Trade Waste Approval Cowra Council’s Customer Service Centre at 116
Kendal St will be closing at 3pm on Friday, December 9. Council apologises for trade any inconvenience that this Businesses that generate liquid waste must have approval closure willCouncil’s cause. Forsewerage more information, to discharge it into system. contact Council on 6240 2000. Even if it is not discharged to the sewerage system, Council still needs to be notified of its production.
Cowra Shire Council It is an offence under the Local Government Act 1993 to discharge Private NSW system 2794 or to discharge it liquidBag trade342 wasteCowra to the sewerage the conditions of approval. 116contrary KendaltoStreet, Cowra, NSW 2794 Email: If you are unsure whether your business requires a Liquid Trade Waste Approval — or you would like further information about liquid trade waste in general — contact Council’s Infrastructure