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Cowra Early Childhood Intervention Nurturing Your Childs Potential

Term 1 2017

Dear Families, It’s lovely to sit down and catch up with all our families through the IFSP discussions. This lets us know your family goals and aspirations for your child. We changed it up a bit from previous years to make it less formal and provide parents with a comfortable setting to share their story. We appreciate any feedback on this as it helps future families.  Also the IFSP document can be taken with you to a planning meeting later this year. My primary goal this year is to support all families’ transition to the new funding model as smoothly as possible without disruption to the child’s therapy or educational routines. It’s now 4 months to go until the introduction of the NDIS in the Cowra region on July 1st. We are urging all of our families to find out more about the NDIS and what it will mean to you and your child. The change to the new individualised funding system is huge and may seem overwhelming but the benefits can potentially be much greater for your child with increased control and choice of supports provided to you. The early childhood intervention model of service delivery under the NDIS is continuing to evolve with some exciting changes emerging. It is important that we all keep up with the changes and what this means to families and young children. Cowra Early Childhood Intervention will be here to support you through the changes and we will attempt to keep you updated as best we can. Indications are families are likely to access the NDIS from July to December this year. Contact details for our families were given to the Department of Family and Community Services for the Transition to the NDIS at the end of last year. It is likely that they will begin the process of contacting you shortly to discuss your child’s eligibility and the next steps for accessing the NDIS. Whilst you are still in the process of gaining access to the NDIS you will continue to receive the Early Childhood Intervention supports that you are currently receiving. To find out more information about the NDIS visit their website. There are good fact sheets available on these websites which you will find helpful. Another great website is The Raising Children Network. We will also use our Facebook page to communicate information as it arrives to us. Lastly, thank you to all those families that agreed to be involved with our Third Party Verification audit recently. We are very proud to say that Cowra Early Childhood Intervention under the auspice of Cowra Special Needs is in a great place to support you and your child to access NDIS funding packages. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you have further questions. Kim


Dates for your Diary

“Fussy eating? What can I do??” Chat with Jan & Kristen Thursday 23rd March 10am  “Why can bedtime be so hard??” Chat with Jan & Kristen Thursday 6th April 10am  NDIS regional meeting Orange TBA  Trauma Training TBA  First Aid updates 10th April  ‘Understanding ASD’ 19th May—Sue Larkey, Orange  ECIA & NDIS regional meeting, Orange 31st May  Routines Based Interviews workshop, Forbes. 19th 20th April.  1st July NDIS roll out  Term Break –10th April -26th April.

Roll call ! ………………. from the Teachers Michelle Welcome back to EI 2017. Thank you to everyone for your support and encouragement whilst I completed the Graduate Diploma of Psychology. I could not have made it to the finish line if it weren’t for the people around me cheering me on each step of the way. During Term 1 Educator’s and therapists have been meeting with families to complete IFSP’s and to set goals for individual children. Setting goals helps us to work as a team to focus on what is important to each family and their child. It doesn’t matter how big or how small the goal, every child needs a team cheering them on to reach their potential.

Book recommendation

Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell Dear Zoo is a book about a child who sends a letter to the zoo asking the zoo to send a pet. Various letters are sent, 'pets' arrive and are then sent back as unsuitable for a variety of reasons, e.g. the elephant is too big, the lion too fierce, the giraffe too tall, the monkey too naughty, the snake too scary. Each animal is returned to the zoo until finally the zoo sends the perfect pet. The text is simple, direct and rhythmical with a lot of repetition, making it ideal for Early Readers. A repetitive pattern is easily recognised by junior primary children and repeated throughout the text. Language Features Simple clauses featuring nouns (zoo) and verbs (wrote, send) e.g.'I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet' Adjectives which relate to each animal, e.g. 'They sent me an elephant, but he was too big', They sent me a snake, but he was too scary'. Basic conjunction, 'but', was repeated throughout. Other textual Features (illustrations and layout) The bright animal drawings provide more information to the reader and 'clues'. Each animal is presented in

a different way (e.g. a crate, box, basket), and each child can see a glimpse of the animal to enable them to predict which animal it might be.


…..………… from Joy Transition to school group The children will have individual sessions for this term so we can get to know each other .We have been meeting with families for IFSP ‘s, goal setting and planning for term 1. I am also aiming to visit and observe children in their long day centre setting. As the term progresses, we will organise the children into groups for the Getting Ready for School program in terms 2 & 3. We will communicate the time and dates for group sessions later in the term. The school readiness program aims for 

Children to have successful, fun and motivating experiences in a structured learning environment. Children to develop social competence – to engage appropriately with teachers and peers, follow instructions and rules and to get along with other children. Children to happily separate from parent or carer in order to successfully engage in activities.

To use language to communicate.  To increase each child’s confidence in their abilities.  To develop each child’s attention and concentration.  To develop each child’s fine motor skills using a variety of multisensory activities.  To develop each child’s physical skills using a variety of multi-sensory activities.  To develop concepts such as colours, counting, name recognition and shapes. 


Therapists Tips & Tricks ……..……… from Lucy Welcome back everyone to 2017! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. I have returned to work 1 day per week and am looking forward to commencing 5 days per fortnight in early March! Cowra Early Intervention continues to provide Speech Pathology services to families, schools, preschools, and Early Child Care centres around Cowra and we look forward to working in partnership with you all again this year. We are eager to continue to send a strong message that early intervention is crucial in these settings. We do not believe in a 'wait and see' approach and will continue to implement strategies to help schools identify children who are at risk or who may have a communication difficulty. We have started group based sessions at schools focusing on teaching receptive (understanding) and expressive language and skills required for literacy (reading, spelling and writing) such as naming letters, naming the sound they make, and finding objects with the same sound. We have also been providing goal based individual therapy sessions targeting: Articulating speech sounds Early literacy skills such as naming letters, saying the sound the letter makes Understanding verbal information Following instructions Early language skills such as being able to take turns, gesture/sign/vocalise wants and needs If your child is finding it difficult to use their words, or may often disengage when you ask them to do something, you might like to try simplifying your language. Try the following:   

It is easier for the child to understand and copy shorter sentences. Cut out unnecessary words when you are talking to the child. Use only the important words that carry the most meaning. For example: Object words: ball, cup Action words: sit, sleep Location words: up, there, in, on Modifiers (describing words): my, big, broken ‘No’ words: no, gone People’s names: Mum, Dad, Tom ‘More’, words: more, again, another

Make your sentences 1 or 2 words longer than those your child is currently using.

Sometimes it is hard to reduce the length of your sentences. Try saying the sentence as you would normally then leave out any unnecessary words. Example: “OK John, “it’s time for your bath” “bath time John” (shortened sentence) “Let’s turn on the tap” “ Tap on!” ( shortened sentence) So here is to a fabulous year ahead! Lucy Speech Therapist


………………….. from Katelyn

Hi all, The school year has started, and getting back into the school routine can be tricky (for kids and parents alike!). Sitting still and concentrating can be hard work, and for some kids, sensory processing difficulties can make it harder again. What is sensory processing? Sensory processing is how the brain makes sense of the world around us. This includes recognising different sensations (such as touch, sound, smell, taste, sights, body movements) and responding to them. Sensory processing difficulties occur when our brain can’t make sense of sensations and subsequently, can’t determine what needs to be done to keep us feeling calm and in control. This can cause frustration and emotional/behavioural breakdowns, and disrupt the development of skills needed for school, such as concentration and fine motor skills (e.g. handwriting skills). What can we do at home right now? For most children, activities that include movement and deep breathing can help their brains make sense of different sensations, keeping them feeling calm. Here are some ideas to try at home this term: 

Using straws to blow light items, such as ping pong balls, across a table.

Blowing bubbles with a straw in a cup of water.

Kangaroo jumps or bear walks (walking on hands and feet) across the yard or room.

“Helping” with household jobs such as pulling sheets off the bed or carrying the laundry basket.


Inclusion Support …………....Jan’s Jottings Welcome to all the families who will be involved with our service in 2017. I look forward to meeting you and assisting you in any way possible. My role at Early Intervention is Inclusion Support Worker. I am at Early Intervention every Thursday and available to see you here at Early Intervention, in your home or at a venue of your choosing. Alternatively, I am happy to just speak with you on the phone. I can assure you that anything you discuss with me is confidential. For many families caring for a child with special needs can be exhausting and at times overwhelming. It can increase stress levels within the family and put strain on your patience, your time and finances. As a parent you might experience feelings of anger, guilt, powerlessness and disappointment. You can feel challenged, isolated or alone and it may affect the relationships within your family unit. You may feel that you overprotect your child, or that the other children in your family are missing out. Your life may be very different from the one you had planned. So………..what do I actually do and how might I be able to assist your family in particular? I can offer you a safe space to talk about your feelings or concerns you have. It is my privilege to support you on your journey with your child as they grow and learn and gain new skills. Even the most resilient parents need some reassurance sometimes. On a more practical level, I can offer you strategies to help deal with your child’s challenging behaviour, assist you to build strong relations within your family, or act as an advocate for you at meetings, appointments or in the community. During 2017, we will also be running some parent talks at Early Intervention. If there are topics you would like discussed, please let us know. I look forward to my involvement with you all in 2017. Remember I am at Early Intervention every Thursday and I am happy for you to just come in and share a cuppa with me! So just give Early Intervention a call and book an appointment or ring me on a Thursday at Early Intervention on: 6342 2161

Final thought: “Until you have a kid with special needs you have no idea of the depth of your strength, tenacity and resourcefulness.” Unknown


The National Disability Insurance Scheme is one of the most significant social reforms in Australia’s recent history. It is beginning to change the lives of Australians with disability and their families. Below you’ll find some Frequently Asked Questions about how it works, what it might mean for your child and family and how Cowra Early Childhood Service can help you. Things are changing a lot as the scheme is being rolled out. We’ll do our best to update this information as quickly as possible to keep you up to date.

Q: Who manages the NDIS?

Q: What is the NDIS? The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new scheme designed to help improve disability services and provide greater control and decision making to Australians with disability.

The NDIS is managed by the National Disability Insurance Agency

People with disability and their family will be able to decide for themselves how to manage all aspects of care and support. An eligible person (known as a participant) is funded to purchase services, aids and equipment from a variety of providers.

Q: Who can get the NDIS? A person with a disability or who requires early intervention from birth to 65 years of age who is an Australian citizen, resident or holder of certain classes of visa, and living in Australia.

Q: How do I know if my child is eligible to access this funding?

To find out if your child is eligible for NDIS funding, you As a person’s circumstances or condition changes, they will be able to apply to have their can complete the “My Access Checker” on the National Disability Insurance Scheme website. funded plan adjusted. www.NDIS

Q: How do I access NDIS funding if my child is eligible? You and your child meet with a ‘planner’ from the National Disability Insurance Agency to discuss your hopes (known as “goals and aspirations”) for your child and to form a ‘plan’ outlining the supports your child will need to work towards them. We will photocopy your recent IFSP to take along with you.


You can also contact us and we can discuss your child’s goals and needs and whether your child is likely to be eligible. We can also talk to you about other funding or supports you might be able to use.

Q: What is the role of the Planner? The planner’s first task will be to confirm that your child is eligible for the NDIS. Once this is confirmed, the planner will discuss your goals and aspirations for your child and the supports he or she requires. From these conversations and any reports and assessments you take to your planning meetings, the planner will develop a ‘Statement of Goals and Aspirations’ for your child.

Q: Can my child continue to work with Cowra Early Childhood Intervention when we have our NDIS package? Absolutely. You are very welcome to stay with us or choose another service provider. You can work with us and other service providers at the same time if you want to. Cowra Early Childhood Intervention and the NDIA both recommend an approach to working with your child and family known as the Transdisciplinary model. Evidence shows it works best for children and families.

Q: What happens with my current supports? Nothing changes until you have met with your planner from the NDIA and have received your plan and budget for your child’s supports. Once your NDIS plan has been approved, funding you may be receiving through programs such as Helping Children with AUTISM and “Better Start” stops and your child’s supports will be funded through your NDIS package. By 2019, it is expected that every person Q: What is Third Party Verification ? in NSW who is eligible for NDIS funding will have made the transition. If you have any questions or concerns at any time, TPV ensures our organisation meets compliance obligations. By going contact us and we will work with you through this process we will be better equipped to support our employthrough every step of the process. ees and provide our families with confidence in meeting their needs. We have the opportunity to revise our existing systems and processes, allowing our organisation to excel under The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Please make sure you have checked out and like our Face Book page. We are trying to use this as a means of communicating news, information and events to everyone …………..Search:

Cowra Early Childhood Intervention So spread the word and join us on our Face Book page!


Conversation Corner………….. Compliments, Comments & Complaints Cowra Early Intervention is committed to providing quality services, To help us maintain this we need to know when things go wrong and also when things go right. As service user’s you can help us improve our services by your feedback. You can do this by: Writing a comment in our feedback book. Tell us what you think – placing a form in the feedback box. Follow the procedure set out in the Client Handbook Talk to a staff member you may feel comfortable with or Speak with our coordinator – Kim Parris or CSNS Manager – Tracy Ford

Conversation Café!

The Rogue Carriage Café, was the spot for our conversation café morning with Jan. Our 2016 Transition to School group carers shared a coffee and a chat

Have your say about making Cowra Shire an inclusive, connected and welcoming community The Cowra Council is developing a Disability Inclusion Action Plan to make Cowra Shire, including its villages as inclusive, connected and welcoming as possible for people of all ages with disability or who experience a chronic or mental health condition.You are invited to complete a survey to help determine the actions that will make a difference to improving access in the community. The 15 - 20 minute survey where you can provide your input and ideas is at https:// A short version is at The survey will be open till 17 March 2017.


Community Connections ……………………...

Do you sometimes think? Why is bedtime so hard? Why won’t my children go to sleep? Why won’t they stay in their beds? Come and join Jan Chivers (Cowra EI) & Kirstin Stevenson (Home-Start) for a cuppa, a chat and some ideas about children’s sleep. When: Thursday 6th April 2017 Time: 10am to 12noon



Where: Cowra Early Intervention 17 Berowra St, Cowra Ph: 02 6342 2161

Have you ever thought?

“Is this OK?” Is my child a ‘fussy eater’? What can I do?


Join Jan Chivers (Cowra EI) & Kirstin Stevenson (Home-Start) for a cuppa, a chat and some ideas about children’s eating. When: Thursday 23 rd March 2017 Time: 10am to 12noon


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