Congrats to our Citizens of the Year – Marie & Dennis Sargent On Australia Day Gooloogong celebrated with our annual Australia Day breakfast at the park. Thank you once again to the Park Committee for hosting such a fantastic event – the huge roll up each year is testiment to your efforts. Everyone present congratulated Marie & Dennis Sargent – our Australia Day Citizens of the Year! Photos will be in the next edition of the Gossip!
SCHOOL NEWS We are very excited to be starting the new school with so much positiveness and so much to look forward to. At the end of last year we, as the Gooloogong Public School Learning Community (GPSLC) / P&C, sought various levels of sponsorships to assist with the increasing costs of funding our superb whole-school excursions. We were overwhelmed by the responses and are very proud to announce the following sponsors for 2016. Gold Sponsor: Lachlan Valley Builders Silver Sponsors: Eagles Partners * Robert & Paula Grey; White Suffolk Stud * Gooloogong Handy Mart This year the school will be visiting Mt Selwyn Snowfields to enjoy skiing and playing on and in the snow. We are truly grateful for the sponsors’ contribution and the belief and pride they have in our school. New Arrivals – 2016 We would like to welcome this year’s Kindergarten class to our school. We have five bright, happy and `veryready’ (thanks to the Cowra Mobile Pre-school’s program) children ready to embark on their primary school journey. They are; Freya Norrie, Grace McDonald, Lilly Eagles, Lily Mosely & Lachlan Smyth. We are confident they will love our little school as much as we all do and find their schooling days highly rewarding and fulfilling whilst enjoying wonderful friendships as part of a wonderful learning `family’. Our school would also like to welcome Kyra Owens (Year 6) from Wollongong, Miriam Bevan (Year 2) and Shalom Bevan (Year 3) to Gooloogong PS originally from the Blue Mountains area and now moving into our area. Our school will comprise of 21 students this year.Last year we trialled (very successfully) splitting the school into two distinct learning groups, each comprising various year levels, with 1 dedicated Literacy teacher (Libby Murray) and a dedicated maths teacher (Adrian Smith) three days per week; for the remaining two days the children were grouped K-6. We will be continuing this format again this year with the groupings dedicated as Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 6 and Years 2-5. After School Sporting Program The school was fortunate to be successful in its application for funds to implement an “After Schools Sports Program” in 2016 receiving a grant of $3,600. Emphasis will be placed on an intensive Athletics and Lawn Bowls program for students enrolled at the school. The program will commence later this term (when cooler) through to the end of Term 2 (end of June) each Friday afternoon. Free Advertising Our school was selected by ABC Radio Central Western Plains (Nick Lowther) to highlight the wonderful things that take place in `our little school’ which makes us `unique’. The program featured at 10:40am on Thursday 28th January as part of the regular program and would be available for reviewing/listening as a podcast by visiting the ABC Central Western Plains website. Go Goolie!!
REMEMBER TO CONTRIBUTE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Send all news and adverts to or drop them into the Post Office by the 25th of the month. All news is free - an advert costs $10 per edition
Gold Sponsors:
Lachlan Valley Building -
Silver Sponsors:
White Suffolk Stud -
Glenn & Jenny McDonald Robert & Paula Gray
Bronze Sponsors:
A bit about our Citizens of the Year - 2016 Since moving to Gooloogong Dennis and Marie have been committed to our community, giving their time generously in many areas. Both have been extremely committed to the War Memorial Hall committee since joining about 8 years ago. Both volunteered countless hours during the extensions and renovations to the hall, and continue to maintain and manicure the building and the grounds for the benefit of the community and the user groups. The presentation of this facility is testament to them. Both have also recently taken on the role of Trustees of the Hall. Dennis and Marie have gone above and beyond in the organising of Anzac Day Services over the past 6 years, including the introduction of the very successful Dawn Service and Gunfire Breakfast. In addition they coordinated a wonderful Anzac centenary in 2015. They have both been truly dedicated to Anzac Day year after year. In addition to their efforts at the Memorial Hall, both volunteered their time to the Gooloogong Public School teaching Scripture to the students on a weekly basis for many years. Both have also been involved with the Historical Society and the Presbyterian church in a volunteer capacity.
GOOLOOGONG COUNTRY CLUB Open 7 days a week, family friendly atmosphere with ATM, Keno, Bowls and Tennis facilities available. Enquiries Phone 63448201
* SPECIAL * Hahn Super Dry $37 per carton or 2 cartons for $70 Vinces Chinese Restaurant Phone 63448465
Allan Gray Rural Supplies Open 5 ½ days a week for all your rural supplies.
Phone 6344 8246 or
Brian & Kate Thompson PH: 6344 8347 EMAIL:
Dennis 0419 448 790 Gooloogong Historical Society
meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 10am. Our first meeting for 2016 will be Tuesday 1 March at 10am. The rooms will be open on Sunday 14 February 2016 to coincide with the Gooloogong markets. Do you know anyone in this photo? If so please contact Judy on 0437979474.
*** REMINDER *** Wed 24 Feb – Gooloogong Promotion & Progress Association (GPPA) meeting, 7.30 pm at the War Memorial Hall - All welcome
Gooloogong Handy Mart Your local one stop shop for groceries, hardware, stationery, auto supplies, fruit & vegetables, magazines & newspapers, cards & gifts, sandwiches, pies and coffees, and of course, all your postal services OPEN 7 DAYS Mon-Fri: 7.30am-5.30pm Sat: 7.30am-12 noon, Sun: 7.30am-11.30am
Chris & Emma are proud to support the Goolie Gossip Enquiries always welcome p. 6344 8176 m. 0437 192 599 3
FREE NEWSLETTER COMPILED BY THE GOOLOOGONG LOG CABIN ….. LOG CABIN HALL UPDATE ….. New roof in 2016! At the end of last year we were notified that we were successful with our NSW Government grant application for a new roof! This funding, along with the money raised at the footy dinner organised by Maria back (some years ago!) will fund a new roof, insulation, new guttering, downpipes and stormwater drainage for the Hall. This is the first of many major works identified for the hall as part of its restoration project. Many thanks to our State MP, Katrina Hodgkinson for her support of our grant application and the Log Cabin. We have also been successful in a small grant from Cowra Council to undertake some much needed maintenance work on the building, and a donation from Essential Energy. The hall also now has a 24hr/7 day a week automatically monitored fire detection system, that will notify our local fire brigade at the first detection of a smoulder. This is a great asset for our local hall. Our AGM will be held in March, so if you are interested in the hall, its restoration and being part of a great little committee, come along. It will be held at the War Memorial Hall on Wed 16 March.
DATES FOR THE CALENDAR - FEBRUARY Tue 2 – Mixed Nuts meet at the War Memorial Hall, 9-12 (every Tue) Wed 3 - SES Training unit trains the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7 pm Sat 6 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (every Saturday) Sun 7 – Garbage tip open (1st & 3rd Sun) 1.30-3.30pm Sun 7 –Presbyterian Church Service,11am bring and share lunch to follow (1st Sunday) Tue 9 – Mixed Nuts meet at the War Memorial Hall, 9-12 (every Tue) Sat 13 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (every Saturday) Sun 14 - Log Cabin Markets 9am-2pm (2nd Sun of every even month) Sun 14 – Historial rooms will be open to coincide with the Gooloogong markets Tue 16 – Mixed Nuts meet at the War Memorial Hall, 9-12 (every Tue) Wed 17 - Log Cabin meeting at the War Memorial Hall 7.30pm (3rd Wed) Wed 17 - SES Training unit trains the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7 pm Sat 20 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (every Saturday) Sun 21 – Garbage tip open (1st & 3rd Sun) 1.30-3.30pm Sun 21 – St Paul’s Anglican Church Service, 5pm (3rd Sunday) Tue 23 – Mixed Nuts meet at the War Memorial Hall, 9-12 (every Tue) Wed 24 – Gooloogong Promotion & Progress Association (GPPA), 7.30pm at the War Memorial Hall Sat 27 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (every Saturday) March Tue 1 March – Historial meeting at 10am Tue 8 – War Memorial Hall meeting and Annual General Meeting, 7.30pm at the War Memorial Hall Wed 16 – Log Cabin Hall meeting and Annual General Meeting, 7.30pm at the War Memorial Hall
Interested in becoming a NSW SES Volunteer? The NSW SES is the lead agency for floods and storms and the SES in Gooloogong need enthusiastic volunteers to fills roles in field operations, operations, logistics and administration. Full nationally accredited training is provided with regular training nights. If you are aged 16 and over and have ever thought about volunteering with an exciting community organisation, now is the time to join the SES.
Join the team, learn new skills, make a difference. Contact 6344 8475