GOOLOOGONG PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS: Mount Selwyn Resort – 2016 School Excursion - from Wed 20 to Friday 22 July. Our children ventured to Mount Selwyn Snowfields on Thursday 21st July for a one-day `learn-to-ski’ spectacular and, what a time they had! Thanks to the financial support of the school’s 2016 Sponsors and the fundraising of the P&C, all of our children who attended actually `skied’. The snow was slight but, it was all that was needed for the children to master skiing for the very first time. Even though the weather was wet we enjoyed the mountain (basically) to ourselves (a supervision blessing). I would like to extend so many thank you’s firstly, to our valued sponsors for making it happen and then to…. Cabonne Coaches; the friendliest bus company in the west (Ted & Jenny Ryan). His absolute professional service and calm, considerate and passionate nature was much appreciated. An excellent safe and comfortable service, Providence Portal Resort (Adaminaby); the facility was absolutely fantastic. Warm, friendly, great food, friendly service, fantastic sleeping accommodation, TV/Games area, Lounge and dining. Mount Selwyn Resort for their friendly staff and facilities, Our caring and extremely helpful and thoughtful parents (Natasha O’Reilly, Nel Norrie, Jenny McDonald, Corrie Smyth, Rachel Eagles, Kenny Williams and Danny Oldfield, To our amazing staff (Mrs Murray – skiing extraordinaire) and Ann-Maree Watson who superbly administered the whole excursion; what an effort from each and every one of you. And; Not to be underscored, our children. Their behaviours were exemplary. They all gave it the best go they could, encouraged and looked after one another and displayed outstanding behaviours; a fact recognised by so many `outsiders’. This has been our school’s 3rd trip to the snow and this has been the only group whereby 100% of the children actually could ski!!
GOOLOOGONG HOTEL Phone: (02) 6344 8327
Open 7 days Lunch
Pies, Sausage Rolls, Coffee & Cake available all day
12pm – 2pm
Accommodation available
Catering for functions
6.30pm – 8.30pm
Opening Hours Monday 9am–10pm
Friday 11am–12am
Saturday 11am–12am
Sunday 11am–10pm
Keep up to date on Facebook for menus and events
REMEMBER TO CONTRIBUTE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Send all news and adverts to or drop them into the Post Office by the 25th of the month. All news is free - an advert costs $10 per edition
GOOLOOGONG PUBLIC SCHOOL Est. 1869 Visit Gold Sponsors: Silver Sponsors: Bronze Sponsors:
Lachlan Valley Building Glenn & Jenny McDonald Label Everything Simon & Linda Abbey White Suffolk Stud Robert & Paula Gray Eagle’s Partnership – Steve & Rachel Eagles Gooloogong Hany Mart – Sue & Phil Morrow David Bigg Accounting – David Bigg
LANDCARE NEWS - Hopefully everyone got their free trees on Sunday 31st! Photos in the next edition. All this wet weather should be great for getting your trees in the ground as long as you don’t sink out of sight! Thanks to the small team who planted out the rest of the native garden at the School. It didn’t take long and then we had a leisurely morning tea! Thanks Anne-Maree and the school for wonderful coffee and chai etc! The Hamilton Tree Planter certainly comes into its own in wet soil and makes planting tube stock quite easy. Landcare hopes to purchase a new Hamilton Planter before we tackle to Borrow Pit. A tentative date for the Borrow Pit planting is the third weekend of August, Sunday 21.08.16. That date will be confirmed by email to members. At this stage the plan is to put in some of the larger trees at natural looking spacing’s and then some groves of understory trees and shrubs and we will see what does well on the site for further additions in the future. Landcare’s Spring Wildflower Walk is planned for Sunday 18th September, 18.09.16, in the Conimbla National Park. So close to us all but it seems we rarely actually go there and have a look! A National Parks person may be able to come with us on the day and after all this rain the spring flower display should be amazing! Next meeting will be Wednesday 10th August, 10.08.16, 7pm at the Memorial Hall. Hope to see everyone there. Any inquiries please get in touch with Tracee on 63448207 or Ruth on 63448256
Historical Society Gooloogong Historical Society has received a grant for the purchase of a computer, printer, software and heater. If you have a genuine interest in history and would like to help with the filing of photos and newspaper clippings please phone Judy on 0437979474. This is voluntary work. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 2pm in the Hotel rooms. New members welcome.
GOOLOOGONG COUNTRY CLUB Open 7 days a week, family friendly atmosphere with ATM, Keno, Bowls and Tennis facilities available. Enquiries Phone 63448201 Restaurant Phone 63448465 Open Thursday-Sunday nights
Allan Gray Rural Supplies Open 5 ½ days a week for all your rural supplies.
Phone 6344 8246
All enquiries welcome, PH: 6344 8347 EMAIL:
Mixed Nuts News Mixed Nuts Crafters are currently preparing for another exciting Saturday workshop in September. The Nuts are looking forward to a cracking day (sorry, couldn't resist it). Due to the overwhelming interest in our workshops, this one is full to capacity already. Now we are all proficient at making felt hats and dyeing silk scarves, this time we will be making a lovely felt handbag. In the lead up to the day we will all have the opportunity to be involved in preparing our white merino roving and dyeing it with some spectacular colours. Sunday October 9th from 10 to 1 we will be holding an Open Day at Mixed Nuts HQ, the Memorial Hall, so community and visitors can browse a vast display of our local handmade items and enjoy morning tea with us. We will have demonstrations of spinning, wool carding, felting etc. so people can see how its done and even purchase some handmade items if they wish. Remember too our 'librarian' is on duty every Tuesday from 912 for those avid readers who want to stock up! The newlook library is jam-packed with modern novels and best sellers and Its great weather for settling in and reading by the fire. Why wouldn't you take full advantage of this fantastic, free local resource?
GOOLOOGONG COUNTRY CLUB The Gooloogong Country Club reminds patrons that we now have a Chinese Cook, so come up and eat in or try some take away. Sam cooks on Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday nights . Check for weekend lunches. Also available for functions. Remember we are having the entertainment night on the 13th of August music and dinner $25 Please book at the club or by phone. Keep in mind the Gooloogong Sports Classic will be here before we know it, so start thinking about your team. Remember the meat raffles key draw and members draw are all still on every Friday night. Also your dollar goes further at the Country Club.
Gooloogong Handy Mart Your local one stop shop for groceries, hardware, stationery, auto supplies, fruit & vegetables, magazines & newspapers, cards & gifts, sandwiches, pies and coffees, and of course, all your postal services OPEN 7 DAYS Mon-Fri: 7.30am-5.00pm [note change for winter] Sat: 7.30am-12 noon, Sun: 7.30am-11.30am
Chris & Emma are proud to support the Goolie Gossip Enquiries always welcome p. 6344 8176 m. 0437 192 599 3
NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The next Annual General Meeting for our local brigade is scheduled for Monday 15th August at 7.30pm at the War Memorial Room (for this year only) due to renovations at the Fire Shed office. Tea/coffee available. Everyone welcome. SUBS: Subscriptions to the local Fire Brigade are still at $10 per household. Thank you to those who have paid this year. Envelopes are available at the Handy Mart and donations can also be left there. NEW MEMBERS: New members are always welcome. If you are thinking of joining the local brigade, please contact Richard Thompson on 63 44 8310 or Ann-Maree Watson on 63 44 8282.
DATES FOR THE CALENDAR - AUGUST Tue 2 – Historical, Historical Rooms Hotel, 2pm (1st Tue) Tue 2 – Mixed Nuts, War Memorial Hall, 9-12 (Tue) Tue 2 – Gooloogong Library open 9-12 (Tue) Thurs 4 - SES Training (1st & 3rd Thurs), 7pm Sat 6 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (Sat) Sun 7 – Garbage tip open (1st & 3rd Sun) 1.30-3.30pm Sun 7 – Presbyterian Church,11am bring lunch (1st Sun) Tue 9 – Mixed Nuts, War Memorial Hall, 9-12 (Tues) Tue 9 – Gooloogong Library open 9-12 (Tue) Sat 13 –The Country Club - Band FEATHERSTONE and special guest Roz Webb. Sun 14 – Log Cabin Markets 9am – 2pm Mon 15 – Fire Brigade AGM Tue 16 – Mixed Nuts, War Memorial Hall, 9-12 (Tue) Tue 16 – Gooloogong Library open 9-12 (Tue) Wed 17 - Log Cabin meeting, 7.30pm (3rd Wed) Thurs 18 - SES Training (1st & 3rd Thurs), 7pm Sun 21 – Garbage tip open (1st & 3rd Sun) 1.30-3.30pm Sun 21 – St Paul’s Anglican Church Service, 5pm (3rd Sun) Tue 23 – Mixed Nuts, War Memorial Hall, 9-12 (Tue) Tue 23 – Gooloogong Library open 9-12 (Tue) Tue 30 – Mixed Nuts, War Memorial Hall, 9-12 (Tue) Tue 30 – Gooloogong Library open 9-12 (Tue)
Interested in becoming a NSW SES Volunteer? The NSW SES is the lead agency for floods and storms and the SES in Gooloogong need enthusiastic volunteers to fills roles in field operations, operations, logistics and administration. Full nationally accredited training is provided with regular training nights. If you are aged 16 and over and have ever thought about volunteering with an exciting community organisation, now is the time to join the SES.
Join the team, learn new skills, make a difference. Contact 6344 8475