NEW BRIDGE OPENS FOR TRAFFIC Gooloogong residents celebrated the completion of the new bridge with a community walk and bike ride on Sunday 15 February. Although it was a very warm morning over 100 people took part in the event, which was followed by a BBQ in the park. On the following Wednesday, the Roads and Maritine Services coordinated an official opening with Katrina Hodgkinson MP, our local state member for Burrinjuck (to be renamed Cootamundra) along with Andrew Gee member for Orange unveiling a plaque and opening the bridge for traffic. In her speech Katrina Hodgkinson provided some interesting facts about the bridge:
Sixty-nine people clocked more than 34,000 work hours in the building of the new bridge
The bridge features 36 60-tonne girders, and is 252 metres long
Almost 400 trees, shrubs and grasses were planted as part of the landscaping for the project with 10,000 cubic metres of earth removed from the site and 16,000 tonnes of gravel brought on to the site
REMEMBER TO CONTRIBUTE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Send all news and adverts to or drop them into the Post Office by the 25th of the month. All news is FREE, adverts $10 each edition All news is free - an advert costs $10 per edition
Burrinjuck being renamed says “my greatest Cootamundra Katrina reward is helping people
Gooloogong Cowboys RLFC are hosting a pre-season trial game against Bathurst Panthers Reserve Grade.
For those Gooloogong residents who live in the Cowra Shire, the state seat of Burrinjuck is being renamed Cootamundra.
Saturday 7 March Ted Thompson Oval, Gooloogong STARTS 3PM
Cowra Shire remains in the electorate and Katrina Hodgkinson MP, our local member will once again be running to represent the electorate.
All welcome Gold coin donation & canteen will be operating
overcome the personal concerns that they bring to my attention. Whether its lack of housing, financial security issues, problems with health and disability, welfare or policing matters, helping to resolve a problem is what I enjoy most.” Visit Forbes Shire and parts of Cabonne Shire are in the Orange electorate.
Cowgirls to sit the year out. Unfortunately the Football club didn’t get enough girls to form a football team. The Club would like to thank all the girls who wanted to play. All efforts will now be thrown at supporting the 1st grade team. The Club looks forward to a great season and encourages locals to get behind the Cowboys. The draw will be published in the Gossip. Mobile PRESCHOOL (2 ½ years - 6 years) Wednesday & Thursday
Mobile LONG DAY CARE (3 months - 6 years) Friday
Education for life Children's early learning influences their entire life. Early childhood education & care services provide opportunities for children to learn as they discover, create, improvise and imagine. Mobile PRESCHOOL Why should your child go to preschool? There are many benefits for children and families to be gained from preschool. A preschool experience: empowers children to think, explore, question, wonder and learn how to learn; supports children’s intellectual and language development and communication skills; offers children consistent, experienced, qualified educators to support their learning and development; improves children’s ability to think, problem solve and reason as they enter school, enabling them to learn more in the early grades; develops social & emotional maturity and the ability to relate well to peers & adults, solve conflicts, play co-operatively & be assertive; provides a solid platform for life-long learning and education; guides children to gain independence, self esteem and self confidence, empowering their learning; helps children have a greater understanding of the world around them; encourages children to be independent learners and to take an active role in their learning; supports children to play co-operatively together and learn from their experiences; enables children and families the opportunity to belong, to be part of a community, and connect with others.
GOOLOOGONG COUNTRY CLUB Open 7 days a week, family friendly atmosphere with ATM, Keno, Bowls and Tennis facilities available. Enquiries Phone 63448201 Restaurant Phone 63448465 2
Allan Gray Rural Supplies Open 5 ½ days a week for all your rural supplies.
Phone 6344 8246 or
Brian & Kate Thompson PH: 6344 8347 EMAIL:
Dennis 0419 448 790 Goolie markets - Held on the 2nd Sunday of every even month – next markets APRIL, at the Log Cabin from 9am-1pm.
JOKE OF THE MONTH Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because: 7 8 9 Why did the boy bring a ladder to school? He wanted to go to high school.
Landcare news How good is it that the new bridge is open? Did you know that when the RMS started the bridge they had to cut down about 200 mature trees, mainly River Red Gums and River Oaks? As part of the deal the RMS will replace those trees with 2000 new seedlings. Peter Hamilton from the RMS got in touch with our local Landcare for help with what species should be used for the replacements and where they should be planted. The RMS was happy for the trees and shrubs to be used around the village where they would fit in with our wider community projects. The plantings at the Gooloogong Country Club in 2014 were part of this but more will be done this year. The “Borrow Pit” – the site near the bridge where all the gravel and materials were stored, will be re-habilitated as soon as is practical and some plantings will be made there and along the roadsides but this may not be ready this season. The Landcare has some plans for the bridge area and other projects around the town. If anybody is interested to see the plans or have any ideas for further projects please feel free to come along to the next Landcare meeting or get in touch with any Landcare members. While the evenings are light enough we are meeting at the property of one of our members’ so we can have a look at some real life Landcare work! Thanks so much to Phil and Justine Squire for hosting last month’s meeting. It’s really inspiring to see projects developing a few years down the track. The next meeting of Kangarooby Catchment Landcare Group (KCLG) is at Les and Vera Reid’s place, The Resting Paddock on the Cowra Road, on the second Wednesday of March , 11.03.15, at 6.30pm. Any enquiries ring Tracee on 63448207, or Ruth 63448256 or just turn up at the meeting.
Gooloogong Handy Mart Your local one stop shop for groceries, hardware, stationery, auto supplies, fruit & vegetables, magazines & newspapers, cards & gifts, sandwiches, pies and coffees, and of course, all your postal services OPEN 7 DAYS Mon-Fri: 7.30am-5.30pm Sat: 7.30am-12 noon, Sun: 7.30am-11.30am
Chris & Emma are proud to support the Goolie Gossip Enquiries always welcome p. 6344 8176 m. 0437 192 599 3
FREE NEWSLETTER COMPILED BY THE GOOLOOGONG LOG CABIN Progress Assoc / Town Council Public Meeting At the meeting a great number of locals supported the concept to establish a progress association / town Council in Gooloogong. Everyone seemed to agree that we have a great community but lack direction to help it grow. As a result of this public meeting an initial meeting is being held in March, to establish a committee and determine how the new Progress Association / Town Council group will operate. At the public meeting people suggested the committee will promote the town, lobby Council and Government, grow tourism opportunities and coordinate communication between groups and committees in town. Next meeting: Monday 9 March, 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start at the War Memorial Hall
DATES FOR THE CALENDAR - MARCH Sun 1 – Garbage tip open (1st & 3rd Sun) 1.30-3.30pm Sun 1 –Presbyterian Church Service,11am bring and share lunch to follow (1st Sunday) Sat 7 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (every Saturday) Mon 9 – Progress Association / Town Council initial meeting, 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start at the War Memorial Hall Tue 10- Historical Society meeting, Historical Rooms, Gooloogong Hotel 10am, (Usually 1st Tuesday) Tue 10 – War Memorial Hall meeting and Annual General Meeting, 7.30pm at the War Memorial Hall Wed 11 – Landcare meeting at 6.30pm. Enquiries ring Tracee on 63448207 (2nd Wednesday) Sat 14 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (every Saturday) Sun 15 – Garbage tip open (1st & 3rd Sun) 1.30-3.30pm Sun 15 – Anglican Church Service, 5pm (3rd Sunday) Wed 18 - Log Cabin meeting (3rd Wed), Memorial Hall 7.30pm. AGM meeting Sat 21 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (every Saturday) Sat 28 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (every Saturday) Sat 28 – NSW State Election EMAIL THE GOSSIP TO HAVE YOUR EVENT, MEETING ETC INCLUDED