Well supported ANZAC services Over the page are some pics from this year’s ANZAC day service, a report will be included next month.
Gooloogong Hotel Thai Food Night
CLASSIFIEDS 1 x Simpson Washing Machine 7.5kg. Excellent order. $250 1 x Futon Lounge/Bed. Great condition. $50 Ph: Ann-Maree on 63 44 8282
Saturday 2nd May 7pm start On the upstairs verandah Bookings Essential ph 63 448327 $24.00 per person including complimentary glass of wine or a Thai Beer
Gooloogong Progress & Promotion Association news We had another great meeting. The following Committee was elected: Office bearers Chair: Adam Norrie Vice Chair: Peter Philipzen Secretary / Treasurer: Chris Marr Committee: Ted Thompson, Charlie Niven, Ron Hay, Marianne Beath, Geoff Evans, Steve Moriarty, Kylie Reeves, Lynne Dowd This is a working Committee and all members of the community are always invited and encouraged to attend meetings – to be held on the 3rd Wednesday of every even month.
The Country Club held it's AGM recently this resulted in some new faces on the committee. Leslie Read reigned from the position of president and from the committee. However we welcome Christine Pickard back to the position of president. The full list is as follows Christine Pickard (pres.) Larry McPherson (vice pres) Marianne Beath, Helen Gosper,Bob Noble, Carol Noble, Phil O'Grady (sec) John Picakard, Brenton Catlin (new) Darren Kulacz (new) and Nicole Parsons (new). Vince as most people would now realize has left us for the busy town of Forbes and we wish him well. However we are very pleased to welcome Sue, Gary and Patrick Johnson who have taken over the Club restaurant (Patrick's Bistro). Their meals are great and we look forward to seeing you there. The president and committee of the Gooloogong Country Club.
BRIDGE NAME The Progress & Promotion Association received a large number of suggestions for names for our new bridge; so thanks to everyone! The Association will now continue to liaise with the Roads and Maritine Department, local MP Katrina Hodgkinson and the Minister and local Councils to continue the naming progress.
REMEMBER TO CONTRIBUTE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Send all news and adverts to or drop them into the Post Office by the 25th of the month. All news is FREE, adverts $10 each edition All news is free - an advert costs $10 per edition
HISTORICAL NEWS Our group celebrated History Week on Sunday 19 April with an organized tour of our village and its landmarks. Visitors came from Woodstock, Forbes, Cowra and Queensland! We visited Croote Park -thanks to Maryanne Dowd for her dedication in keeping this historical building and its surrounding gardens looking so wonderful. Our rooms were open and morning tea was served. The tour continued to the old St Malachys which is looking great now; it has windows and doors in place. Then on to the cemetery and Log Cabin, and the Park and Memorial Club Rooms - all were admired. We then had lunch at the Hotel. A really enjoyable day for History buffs! On a sadder note our group lost one if its foundation members recently; Mrs Betty Gray was always a valuable source of information on our early history and she will be very much missed by us all. Our sincerest sympathy goes to husband Don and all the family.
GOOLOOGONG COUNTRY CLUB Open 7 days a week, family friendly atmosphere with ATM, Keno, Bowls and Tennis facilities available. Enquiries Phone 63448201 Restaurant Phone 63448465 2
The foundation stone of the convent was laid on the 15th May 1915. The stone is still in its original place. It reads THIS STONE WAS BLESSED & LAID BY THE RIGHT REV JOHN GALLAGHER D.D. BISHOP OF GOULBURN SUNDAY MAY 16TH T LYNCH PASTOR
RED CROSS NEWS The winner of the Red Cross Easter raffle was Daphne Bryant. Thanks to the local residents we raised $47670 towards Red Cross Calling.
Allan Gray Rural Supplies Open 5 ½ days a week for all your rural supplies.
Phone 6344 8246 or
Brian & Kate Thompson PH: 6344 8347 EMAIL:
Dennis 0419 448 790
This month’s Landcare news This wonderful rain has certainly changed the season very dramatically. It is courtesy of a warm Indian Ocean according to the weather expert on Landline the other day. It’s inspiring us all to plant things! The Weddin Community Nursery in Grenfell, with help from some of our Landcare members, has grown more than 200 shrubs from our own locally collected seeds that are now ready for planting out. The plants will be divided up and given to interested Landcare members to plant on their properties. As they mature they could be used as a source of seed for future projects. If we ever want to do direct seeding on a larger scale we need easily accessible sources of seed of truly local species. The Weddin Nursery is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings 10am to 12pm but if anyone would like a behind the scenes tour, it has been included as a stop on our field trip to Ochre Arch Farm on Saturday 16th May. Ochre Arch is a diverse solar and wind – powered sheep, cattle and native vegetation farm near Grenfell whose owner’s run education tours. This trip is free for Landcare members and only $30 for anyone else. There are only 22 seats available on the bus and they are filling quickly. If you are interested please get in touch with Tracee. We also recently collected 80 shrubs and trees from the Nursery to replace plants lost in the dry spring at the Gooloogong Country Club. Again these plants are being paid for by the RMS as part of replacing the mature trees removed while building the new bridge. A mini working bee will be held soon to get these plants into the ground before winter. The Borrow Pit near the new bridge has been smoothed over and has a tinge of green already. The first plantings of large tree species will go in as soon as possible. Peter Hamilton from the RMS is continuing to help us with planning this site. So very busy times ahead! If anyone is interested in getting involved with any of these things please get in touch with Tracee on 63448207 or Ruth on 63448256 or any of the Landcare group. Next Landcare Meeting is Wednesday 13th May 7pm at the Memorial Hall.
Gooloogong Handy Mart
Your local one stop shop for groceries, hardware, stationery, auto supplies, fruit & vegetables, magazines & newspapers, cards & gifts, sandwiches, pies and coffees, and of course, all your postal services OPEN 7 DAYS Change for winter trading hours from 1May-31 August Monday to Friday 8am until 5.30pm Saturday 8am until Midday Sunday 8am until 11.30 am
Chris & Emma are proud to support the Goolie Gossip Enquiries always welcome p. 6344 8176 m. 0437 192 599 3
Come to the CABARET Saturday 2 May 2015 7.30pm Cowra Showground Pavilion BYO Basket Supper (food only) Full Bar Facilities Hosted by Cowra Lions Club, Cowra Rotary Club & CWA Evening Branch – Proceeds to Cowra PCYC Tickets $30 each from the Closet, Macquarie St Cowra
DATES FOR THE CALENDAR - MAY Sat 2 – Gooloogong Hotel Thai Night – bookings essential Sat 2 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (every Saturday) Sun 3 – Presbyterian Church Service, 11am bring and share lunch to follow (1st Sunday) Sun 3 – Garbage tip open (1st & 3rd Sun) 1.30-3.30pm Sun 3 – Gooloogong Cowboys – General bye Tue 5 - Historical Society meeting, Historical Rooms, Gooloogong Hotel 10am, (1st Tuesday) Tue 5 – Gooloogong Crafters meet at the War Memorial Hall, 9.30-11.30am (every Tue) Sat 9 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (every Saturday) Sat 9 – Gooloogong Cowboys v Binalong at home Tue 12 – Gooloogong Crafters meet at the War Memorial Hall, 9.30-11.30am (every Tue) Wed 13 – Landcare meeting at 6.30pm. Enquiries ring Tracee on 63448207 (2nd Wednesday) Sat 16 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (every Saturday) Sun 17 – Garbage tip open (1st & 3rd Sun) 1.30-3.30pm Sun 17 – St Paul’s Anglican Church Service, 5pm (3rd Sunday) Sun 17 – Gooloogong Cowboys v Condobolin at Condobolin Tue 19 – Gooloogong Crafters meet at the War Memorial Hall, 9.30-11.30am (every Tue) Wed 20 - Log Cabin meeting Memorial Hall 7.30pm (3rd Wed) Sat 23 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (every Saturday) Sun 24 – Gooloogong Cowboys v Burrangong at home Tue 26 – Gooloogong Crafters meet at the War Memorial Hall, 9.30-11.30am (every Tue) Sat 30 – Gooloogong Library open 9.30-11.30am (every Saturday) Sun 31 – Gooloogong Cowboys v Trundle at Trundle JUNE Sun 7 – Gooloogong Cowboys – Genral bye for long weekend
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