Cowra High School Newsletter ov 28

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Our Mission: To provide a quality comprehensive and inclusive educational environment where all students can achieve Newsletter also on the web at Principal: Charles Gauci B.Ed., Dip.T. Deputy Principal: Paul Bullock B.Sc., Dip.Ed. Deputy Principal: Ian Pattingale B.App.Sc., Dip.Ed.

Volume 2014 Issue 18

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Congratulations to the Cowra High girls’ cricket team who are the 2014 Regional Champions. Mrs Dunk indicated not only are the girls outstanding cricket players, but have consistently displayed exceptional sportsmanship in all their matches. Best of luck with the match against the Riverina Regional Champions. At this very moment the Cowra High Aboriginal Dance Ensemble are performing in the NSW Schools Spectacular. It’s a great honour and opportunity for our students to perform in this extraordinary production. I wish them the best of luck and encourage everyone to watch the show on television. We had the great pleasure of awarding over 100 Gold Eagles on assembly this week. This reflects the respectful & responsible behaviour of our great students throughout the year and is an opportunity to publicly pay tribute. Students have been working hard to reach Gold Eagle status and it was fantastic to see so many parents & grandparents present to acknowledge this achievement. I’m looking forward to more students achieving this level next week as they strive for the ultimate level of a Gold Medallion ~ keep up the great effort.

Friday 28 November 2014 SUPPORT FOR WORLD HUNGER Do you know that 842 million people around the world don’t have enough to eat and 3.1 million children under the age of 5 die from malnutrition every year? Students were shown a confronting PowerPoint presentation about this issue at assembly. Friday 14 November was mufti day when students were encouraged to wear colourful clothes & make a donation towards ending world hunger ~ this was an initiative of the school Captains & Prefects. $545 was raised from staff & students and this will be donated to the World Hunger Relief Program. Year 10 student & KFC employee, Maree Randall, accepted the cheque on behalf of Southern Restaurants who are promoting this campaign, with the cheque to be presented on 8 December to the World Hunger Foundation.

Although the year is quickly drawing to an end, there are still lots of fun events happening over the next few weeks ~ the Year 9 excursion to Kincumber, the Support Unit excursion to Sydney and the school Fun Day, to name a few ~ it is very important students continue to attend school right up until the last day of the term. Teaching and learning will continue until Wednesday 17 December. Have a great fortnight Charles Gauci

A good education is a sensation PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email: We value diversity ~ sensitivity to the differing needs of others

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On Tuesday 11 November over 90 Year 6 students from local partner primary schools attended a transition day at Cowra High School. The day began well with introductory talks by the Principal, Mr Gauci, & Deputy Principal, Mr Bullock. Both spoke about the need for students to take responsibility for their own learning opportunities over the next six years, and stressed the importance of respect towards other students and staff.

During this term Year 7 Science students have participated in a Questacon video conference challenge to make a neutrally buoyant object.

The aim of the day was for the students to familiarise themselves with staff and facilities at the high school, and also to mix with other Year 6 students from different schools. The day involved a series of events including Drama games, English activities, Team Building games & Peer Support activities. There was also an introduction to Cowra High School’s Positive Behaviour for Learning program (PBL) by Mrs Hambly. In addition, students participated in a variety of sport sessions organised by Mr Carpenter assisted by Year 11 Sports Coaching students. The day also included a BBQ lunch and a tour of the school surrounds.

This challenge was carried out over a period of almost two months and involved the students learning about the importance of design, prototypes and trial & error. At the conclusion of the challenge some of the students were selected to present their projects to the other schools via video conference. The other schools involved in this Questacon challenge came from as far away as Tasmania & Christmas Island. It was a fantastic opportunity for the Cowra High students to investigate and explore the concept of buoyancy. All participants received special certificates from Questacon at last week’s assembly.

Many thanks to the staff involved in the successful day including Mrs Hambly, Ms Robinson, Ms Childs, Mr Howard, Ms Rowston, Mr Carter & Mr Carpenter. Thanks also to the Peer Support Leaders who assisted in all the activity groups & provided the school tours, and the SRC students who helped with the BBQ. 

Ms Di St Clair Year 6 Adviser

CATCH OF THE DAY Cowra High students have a wide range of choices for Wednesday afternoon Sport ~ one of these is fishing. The group’s favourite spot on the Lachlan River is at Phillips Crossing. Usually they only catch carp, which are euthanised as per fishing protocol as it is a pest species. However, last week some of the boys managed to catch a large cod. It took Luke Boyd, Jarrod Proctor, Jack Warren, Jayden Hameenaho & Ethan Willis ten minutes to land the 90cm fish. After a photo taken by Mr Hamer, the big fish was released as we are currently in the ‘catch and release’ time of year for cod. As you can imagine, the boys were delighted with their catch of the day, or indeed catch of the year for the fishing sport group. 

PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email:


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Twenty male staff at Cowra High School have been grooming moustaches this month as part of the Movember campaign to raise funds & awareness for men’s health issues ~ most importantly prostate cancer, testicular cancer & depression have been highlighted.

Cowra High School awards Service Eagles to acknowledge the students who go above & beyond in assisting the school with various activities. At the Week 6 assembly a large group of students from Years 10 & 11 received Service Eagles for helping with two functions held recently, involving many hours of their own time.  On Tuesday 4 November an information evening was held for the parents of the Year 6 students coming into Year 7 next year and these students conducted the visitors on a tour of the school.  Friday night 7 November was the Year 12 Graduation, with the students being involved in serving the food & drinks and clearing the tables for the large crowd in attendance, plus they had helped decorate the hall beforehand. Most of the students were involved in both these activities which could not be held as successfully without them.

The month kicked off with the Mobros contributing a combined total of $400 to the cause. This was followed up by the Mobros hosting a morning tea for all staff which raised $245. A special lunch catered for by Mobro Carpenter last week raised a further $700 while another morning tea today will add to the funds raised. Additionally the Cowra High School Men’s Team has been registered on the official Movember site and donations have been rolling in via this medium. The big fundraiser however was the school assembly on Wednesday where all students were encouraged to make a contribution to this worthwhile cause. The generosity of the students was evident in the fact that $742 was raised ~ well done. The month has been fun with staff & students alike getting a kick out of watching the various moustaches being grown & groomed. There is a serious side to all this though, and that is men’s health. Everyone has been encouraged to look out for their mates and make sure both their emotional & physical health is being cared for ~ may it long continue.

Two groups of students received Service Eagles at the Week 7 assembly to acknowledge their assistance in running special activities at school.  Mrs Meiklejohn presented certificates to the Year 11 students involved in presenting last week's Remembrance Day service ~ Georgie Tucker, Goldie Oliver, Drew Johnstone, Matthew Rowston, Caitlin Devery & Patrice Sharp.  This was followed by a large group of Year 10 students who Ms Robinson presented certificates to for their role in assisting with the activities held as part of the Year 6 into Year 7 transition program's 'Get To Know' Cowra High School Day.

Further contributions can be made to the cause via any Mobros at Cowra High or via the Movember website ~ just search for Cowra High School Men’s Team.

Staff greatly value the willing assistance offered by our students and Cowra High School applauds their good citizenship.

During the fundraising morning tea for Movember the Mobros raffled a ‘gentlemanly act’ for each participant.

Mr Jess doing Executive playground duty for Ms Robinson

Mr Hamer helping out in the front office for Mrs Hinderager

PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email:

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TWO DANCERS TO PERFORM AT THE OPERA HOUSE IN STAR COMPANY Two Cowra High Aboriginal dancers will be performing in Sydney as part of the 26 member NSW Public School’s Aboriginal Dance Company alongside Bangarra Dance Theatre and Christine Anu in a free concert to be held in the Opera House forecourt on Sunday 30 November. This performance is part of Bangarra’s 25th anniversary celebrations. Year 9 students Imajen James and Jesse Murray have been members of the elite NSW Public Schools Aboriginal Dance Company for the last two years. This sees them regularly travel to Sydney for week long dance workshops with Bangarra, who are Australia’s leading Aboriginal dance troupe. While they were in Sydney recently, Jesse was one of six dancers chosen to do a photo shoot with Christine Anu and this was published in the Telegraph’s Best Weekend magazine on Saturday November 15. Christine Anu is well known now for her singing but she started her career as a dancer with Bangarra. The “Bangarra Celebrates 25 Years“ event will feature Deborah Mailman as the MC and will be a feature event at Sydney’s Corroboree festival.

2014 marks the 31st year for Schools Spectacular, with the theme for this year being This is Australia. Bangarra Dance Theatre specially choreographed the item performed by the Aboriginal Dance Ensemble to Christine Anu’s song My Island Home. The excited group left Cowra last Sunday for four days of rehearsals prior to the two performance days. Schools Spectacular will be broadcast on WIN on Saturday 29 November at 7pm ~ this will be an edited version of the two Friday performances. It will be replayed at 12.30pm on Sunday 7 December on GEM. The full broadcast will be available from 1 December at Anyone travelling to Sydney for the Saturday performances is informed that the parking station adjacent to the QANTAS Credit Union Arena will be closed. It will however be open for today’s performances.


 SCHOOLS SPECTACULAR 2014 Ten of Cowra High’s Aboriginal dancers will be performing as part of the Aboriginal Dance Ensemble item at this year’s Schools Spectacular held at the Qantas Credit Union Arena at Darling Harbour (formerly known as the Sydney Entertainment Centre) in four shows on Friday 28 & Saturday 29 November.

To coincide with mufti day, a BBQ was held on 14 November where all students who have received a Gold Eagle award in the PBL Merit Scheme were rewarded with a free sausage sandwich & can of drink. Thank you to Mr Garling, Mrs Hambly, Ms Peters & their helpers, who were in charge of cooking and serving. Students were very appreciative of this change to their usual lunch fare. Congratulations to all students who have earned a Gold Eagle Certificate during the year.

Schools Spectacular showcases the most talented singers, dancers & musicians in NSW public schools. This year 3,600 students from 400 NSW public schools will perform, with 1,300 being in the choir, 80 in the orchestra & 2,000 dancers.

PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email:


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PREFECT NOMINATIONS Cowra High School has received many nominations from the current Year 10 students to be considered as Prefects for 2014-2015. The nominees will give a brief introductory speech at Assembly next Wednesday 3 December and then the full student body will vote for their chosen Prefects. The nominees are: Hi, if you don’t know, my name is Will Baker. I would like to become a Prefect as it would give me a great opportunity to serve my school. I have represented Cowra High for countless sporting activities such as travelling to New Zealand for squash, and I would like to further represent Cowra High.

Hello, my name is Alan Read and I nominated to be a Prefect because I would like the opportunity to be part of the team that organises the many great days for school, help out with communicating ideas from you guys to this lot and continuing to help the student body. I have been with Cowra High since I was 12 and have been an active member of the SRC (the guys who organise the socials) since then. Hopefully you can help me to continue helping you.

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Clover Riches-Farrell and I would love to be given the opportunity to be a school Prefect for 2015. I always try to represent the school to the best of my ability through sporting & academic achievements and helping out whenever asked. I was on the SRC for Years 7 & 8 and the beginning of Year 9. Becoming Prefect would allow me to further represent the student body of Cowra High. My name is Tobie Gilmore and I would like to be elected Prefect for 2015 so that I can represent Cowra High School even further. I have represented the school many times including the ANZAC marches, Camden & also on the other side of the world in Europe. I have been in SRC since Year 7 and am also being considered by the Youth Council. I believe I would make a great Prefect as I have good communication skills and am easy to get along with. If elected I will fulfil the role to the best of my ability. My name is Taylor Allen and I would like to offer my leadership and support as a Prefect for my senior years at Cowra High School. I have been an active member of Cowra High through the SRC and am a team leader in the transition Peer Support program. If elected I will do my best to represent the school with pride ad always be willing to help my peers in any way I can. Thank you for this opportunity and I hope to make my school proud if chosen for this important role.

My name is Jade McKeown and I feel as though I have the potential to be a future Prefect for our school. I am a member of the SRC where I participate in fundraisers, socials and other school events. I know I can keep it real and be an ideal role model for the school. I just hope everyone gives me the best chance to help Cowra High achieve the best of the best.

If you don’t already know me, I’m Alana Ryan. I have represented Cowra High in many sporting and academic events including cricket, netball & debating. I would also love to represent this school as a Prefect because it would be a great honour & privilege. It would give me the opportunity to help people and have my say ~ so vote for Alana Ryan.

PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email:

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COWRA HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER For those who don’t know me I’m Anita Arber. I’m loud & weird and I’m sure a lot of you can relate to me. I would be proud to be a Prefect as I have achieved numerous awards while here at Cowra High. These include awards for swimming, Year 6 Peer Support leadership , Premier Debating Challenge and Gold Eagles. I believe true leadership is a quality many aspire for, but only a few obtain.

As some of you may know my name is Tayla Haeata. I am interested in becoming a Prefect as I can be here for anyone who would like to talk or just a friendly face that can help. I am responsible, caring & enjoy being part of so much here at Cowra High including musicals, Drama Night & as a Peer Support leader for Year 6. I hope you consider me for Prefect!

As you already know I am Natasha Murphy. I’m currently part of the SRC and Cowra Youth Council. Since Year 7 I’ve always wanted to become a Prefect ~ I hope you can make my dreams come true and vote for me.

My name is Emma Robinson. I wish to become a school Prefect for the following two years. I believe I am a great candidate as I am a positive student, I wear my school uniform with pride and am always willing to give a helping hand. I have been involved in debating, Camden, CKC Cup, sporting carnivals and Peer Support for Year 6→7 transition. I would be a respectful and responsible Prefect that you can trust.

I’m Aden Day and I’ve nominated to be a Prefect because I like to do things around the school and I think being a Prefect would be a perfect example of this. I can usually be seen representing the school at the Night of Music and other school functions. My main goal as a Prefect is to help anyone who is in need.

My name is Ethan Willis and for those that don’t know I have a brother Drew in Year 7. I have represented the school in many sporting events from soccer to volleyball. I enjoy helping others including being a Tutor Reader & Peer Support leader for Year 6. I was proud to say I was from Cowra High when I went on the Europe excursion and laid a wreath at the Menin Gates. I am friendly and willing to help.

My name is Lucy Clements and I would like to be a Prefect in 2015. I have constantly participated in all Camden and sporting events as well as Tutor Reading & Peer Support activities. If elected I will strive to become a positive role model for my younger peers and I am prepared to put my leadership skills to the test for the next two years.

If you don’t know me, my name is Toby Baker. I have represented the school in many sports and represented Australia in squash. I would like to be a Prefect because I would like leadership roles within Cowra High School.

PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email:


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I am Cameron White and would like to be a Prefect because I feel like it is a worthwhile way to be involved in the school community. I enjoy that school is a place of learning, participating in sports & making friendships. I believe school is most enjoyable when you are involved in many things. The four years I have been at Cowra High I have represented the school in things like Camden & helping with the Peer Support programs. I know I still have more to learn about being a leader but I would aim to make the school a better place for everyone. PBL NEWS


The major prizes in the Week 6 Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) draw were won by Tegan Ashlin & Hayley Buckley. Tegan received the $50 voucher donated by Bushman Boots & All, while Hayley received a $20 iTunes card donated by Mr Embroidery. Tegan & Hayley’s luck continued as they also took out further prizes, with Hayley’s name being drawn out another three times, resulting in her taking home an Eagle Boys Pizza voucher, a $5 voucher for the school canteen and a McDonald’s voucher. Tegan also received a $5 canteen voucher, as did Ashleigh Doolan and Charlotte ImberHolland.

The P&C’s final meeting for the year will be held next Wednesday 3 December at the Cowra Services Club at 7.30pm. At our meeting this month we will be discussing the school’s activities for this term and next year. There will also be a brief discussion on fundraising ideas and strategies for the 2015 year.

The lucky students who had their coloured Eagles drawn out of the barrel at the Week 7 assembly were Kaitlyn Sanford, Alannah Knight, Sarah White, Laura Rowston, Josephine Browne-Wood, Ashleigh Doolan, Ben Kavanagh & Alex Lazarou. They had the choice of receiving a $5 voucher for the school canteen, an Eagle Boys Pizza voucher or a McDonald's voucher.


Congratulations to these students who consistently display the school's core values of respect and responsibility. Cowra High School sincerely thanks the local businesses who generously supply these prizes to support PBL in our school.

Week 6 winners

Tegan Ashlin & Hayley Buckley

Please consider coming along to meet other parents and have a say in your child’s education. Trisha Long ~ P&C President 

Safer Drivers Course for Learner Drivers ~ the next one will be held at PCYC’s Young Road complex on Friday 19 December (Module 1). The course consists of Module 1 (3hr facilitated group discussion) and Module 2(2hr in-vehicle coaching session). Cost of the course is $140 and participants receive 20 hours credit in their Learner log books upon completion of the course. You must have 50 hours of actual driving experience recorded to register for the course. Each course is limited to a maximum of 12 participants. Archery ~ Monday afternoons ~ 4pm session for juniors & beginners and a 5pm session for seniors & more experienced archers. Children must be aged 7 years+ to participate ~ $6 per session. Laser Tag ~ on Wednesdays at 5.30pm at a cost of $5 Dance Party for ages 12 to 18 ~ “Turn it Up” dance party at the Young Road complex on 5 December, 711pm. Tickets must be pre-purchased from PCYC or Mr Embroidery and will not be available at the door. Tickets cost $5 if purchased before 28 November and $6 after. This is an alcohol free event and there will be no “pass outs” available on the night. Supervision & security will be provided by PCYC Police, staff and volunteers. Come along and have a great night of dancing with DJ & video screen provided by Disco Tex. There will also be a photo booth in operation. Boxing – Junior and Amateur ~ Tuesday & Thursday commencing at 5.30pm. $4.50 for Junior Boxing (ages 7 to 13) and $5 for Senior Boxing (ages 14+). You will need your own mouthguard.

PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email:

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