Our Mission: To provide a quality comprehensive and inclusive educational environment where all students can achieve Newsletter also on the web at cowrahigh.net Principal: Charles Gauci B.Ed., Dip.T. Deputy Principal: Paul Bullock B.Sc., Dip.Ed. Deputy Principal: Ian Pattingale B.App.Sc., Dip.Ed.
Volume 2015 Issue 20
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT 2015 has almost finished and as part of my preparation for the end of the school year I have been giving my annual Presentation Day speech some thought. As a result I have concluded that 2015 has been another incredibly successful and productive year. I can say without hesitation that I am extremely proud to have been the Principal of Cowra High School again this year. The reason that I am so proud is the Cowra High students and staff who deserve great praise for their efforts to both the school and the Cowra community.
Friday 11 December, 2015 Finally, thank you students, staff & parents for a wonderful year ~ I am now looking forward to an even better year in 2016. I hope you all have a peaceful and joyous holiday. See you in the New Year. Charles Gauci
It may be the last full week of school, but the hectic pace doesn’t slow at Cowra High. This week Year 9 attended their annual camp at Kincumber and reports back are that students had a wonderful time facing new challenges & building on strong friendships. Yearly Reports were distributed yesterday ~ I suggest every parent or carer takes the time to read these, discuss the positives and the recommended areas for improvement with your children. Today is our annual Fun Day and this is a great way to bring the year to a close and contribute a little to our local community with all proceeds raised donated to the local Target Wishing Tree charity. Our annual Presentation Day will be held next Tuesday at 9.30 am in the school hall. I encourage you to come along and help us celebrate our students’ significant achievements for the year. Wednesday next week I expect there will be many early risers as our 2015 HSC results are released ~ I wish all Year 12 a final Good Luck. Thursday 17 December will be the final day for Cowra High staff with a School Development Day, but it is also a more significant day for Ms Celia Klinger as it will be her final day before moving into retirement. Celia has been a member of Cowra High since 2002 as our Careers Adviser and over the past 13 years she has dedicated herself to helping students successfully transition into the workforce or into further training/education. She has developed and maintained strong positive relationships with local industries, universities & TAFE to the direct benefit of the students. When Celia reflects on her wonderful career, I hope that she will see the positive impact she has had on the future of many thousands of students. Along with Cowra High staff, I wish Celia all the best for the next phase of her life.
DATES TO REMEMBER Tuesday 15 December Presentation Day Wednesday 16 December Last day for students Thursday 17 December Last day for staff
Wednesday 27 January 2016 School Development Day Students are not required to attend Thursday 28 January 2016 Years 7, 11 & 12 return Friday 29 January 2016 Years 8, 9 & 10 return
PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email: cowra-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au We value moral ~ we can collaboratively make moral judgements to guide decisions and behaviour
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Thursday 3 December brought together the students of the CHiPS (Cowra High Improvement Program for Students), their parents and tutors for an afternoon tea to celebrate the end of the successful inauguration of the program. Co-ordinator, Lesley Swan, welcomed the students & parents and gave a brief overview of how the program was run during the year. Mr Gauci also congratulated the students on their achievements for the year and their positive attitude towards the program. The students then took their parents into D4 to show them their learning space and literacy & numeracy folders.
JUSTICE REINVESTMENT STUDY PRESENTATION Two Cowra High School students had the honour of delivering the Welcome to Wiradjuri Country on Monday afternoon at the presentation of the findings of the Justice Reinvestment Study. Nathan Dixon was impressive in delivering this in the Wiradjuri language, while Nyassa Wright translated what Nathan said into English. For the last two years, the National Centre for Indigenous Studies at the Australian National University (ANU) has been undertaking a Justice Reinvestment study in Cowra led by Dr Jill Guthrie. Monday was an historic occasion for Cowra, as the local Council became the first in Australia to support the concept of Justice Reinvestment. Cowra Council also resolved to seek intergovernmental support to establish a Justice Reinvestment pilot in Cowra. Justice Reinvestment advocates that money that would have been spent incarcerating medium to low security prisoners would be better spent in supporting programs & services at the local community level which aim to address systemic disadvantage. Cowra High’s interagency Breakaway Program was identified as one such program. Some Cowra High staff, along with community members have been involved in the study by ANU. Nathan & Nyassa were presented with a gift by prominent Aboriginal leader, Professor Mick Dodson, who as Director of the National Centre for Indigenous Studies at ANU has been part of the research study team.
Daniel Coghlan with his mother, Nicole
Nathan Dixon & Nyassa Wright with Professor Mick Dodson
Topia Ryan-Sutherland with her grandmother, Georgie Hodder
SCHOOLS SPECTACULAR BROADCAST For those who missed last Saturday night’s broadcast of the 2016 Schools Spectacular it will be on again this Saturday afternoon, 12 December from 12.30pm on GEM and via the internet on 9 Jump In.
PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email: cowra-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
COWRA HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 7 WAYS MINDFULNESS AND MEDITATION CAN BE HELPFUL TO STUDENTS Want to try something new over the school holidays? Why not give meditation a go? There are lots of great Apps out there, eg. ‘Mindfulness’, ‘Headspace’, ‘Relax’ & ‘Positivity’. These will guide you through simple meditation and mindfulness exercises. You could even try the new mindfulness colouring-in books for adults that are all the rage. But what is it all about and why should you try it? What is Mindfulness? Headspace defines mindfulness as “the intention to be present in the here & now, fully engaged in whatever is happening, free from distraction or judgement, with a soft & open mind”. (www.headspace.com) What is Meditation? Meditation is a way of transforming the mind, making it calm & silent. According to the Australian Teachers of Meditation Association meditation is a discipline that involves turning the mind & attention inward and focusing on a single thought, image, object or feeling. How does meditation and practicing mindfulness help you with your schoolwork? 1. Reduces anxiety and risk of depression - by becoming mindful, a person stops judging themselves and those around them and recognises that every situation “is what it is”. When you stop judging and comparing, you are able to reduce anxiety. 2. Increases resilience - resilience is the ability to experience something bad but to not internalise it and to be able to move on, still gaining benefit even from a negative experience. Practicing mindfulness and meditation quietens the mind and enables acceptance without judgement, which is key for achieving resilience. 3. Improves ability to learn and recall information - research by the University of Miami has shown that practicing mindfulness for 12 minutes a day improved attention and memory. 4. Improves concentration - regular practice of meditation may help improve concentration by enabling the brain to focus more accurately and to filter out unwanted or unhelpful messages. 5. Improves creativity - practicing mindfulness and meditation has the potential to allow the brain to unlock & unleash creativity. This is beneficial to all students, not just in terms of artistic talents but also in relation to problem solving. 6. Helps manage exam stress - meditation can help you calm & focus your mind which helps to manage stress related to exams. This tool can be used in the lead up to the exam and also during the exam if stress levels begin to rise.
Page 3 7. Leads to better sleep - getting enough sleep is crucial to ensure students have the mental & physical energy to learn. However, as academic & social pressures increase, this can lead to students having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. By reducing anxiety & stress you can ultimately sleep better & longer. Further Mindfulness and Meditation Resources http://www.meditationinschools.org/wp-content/ uploads/2013/06/Mind-Space-Tips-for-Dealing-with -Exam-Stress-.pdf http://smilingmind.com.au/ http://www.meditationinschools.org/resources/
CALCULATOR REQUIREMENTS 2016 It is a school requirement that all students doing mathematics at Cowra High bring a scientific calculator for all of their Maths lessons. From 2016, it is highly recommended that students in Years 7 to 10 use a CASIO fx-82AU PLUS II (preferably) or a CASIO fx-82AU PLUS for Maths courses in Stages 4 & 5. The PLUS II calculators can be bought from the school office for $20. The CASIO PLUS II calculators are much easier to use, particularly when calculating problems with fractions, and for all data functions. A new calculator is a good filler for the Santa sack! Maths Faculty
HOCKEY DEVELOPMENT SQUAD Cowra Hockey are excited to introduce a Development Squad in 2016 for currently registered players. The concept will include a 10 week intensive program designed to enhance individual’s natural ability & skill level. Cowra Hockey prides itself on providing elite coaching to all participants. Age: 11-17 years old When: Every Wednesday Time: 4 – 5.30pm + individual training Cost: $100 includes singlet, cap & socks For registration details please contact lilly4809@bigpond.com or 0411 244 089
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email: cowra-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au