Our Mission: To provide a quality comprehensive and inclusive educational environment where all students can achieve Newsletter also on the web at cowrahigh.net Principal: Charles Gauci B.Ed., Dip.T. Deputy Principal: Paul Bullock B.Sc., Dip.Ed. Deputy Principal: Ian Pattingale B.App.Sc., Dip.Ed.
Volume 2015 Issue 8
Friday 29 May, 2015
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT I write this report returning from watching the first two matches of the annual Camden sporting exchange. Camden High was welcomed to Cowra by a very creative & good humoured assembly conducted by Year 12 students. The assembly also contained a moving tribute to retired Camden High teacher Mr Paul Montgomery who passed away earlier this year. Mr Montgomery played a key role in the establishment and ongoing success of the Camden/Cowra exchange. His legacy is an exchange that has positively touched the lives of thousands of students over 44 years ~ may this never change! Cowra High has made two significant investments this year to improve literacy & numeracy levels for our students. This week we saw identified students in Years 7 & 8 commence the QuickSmart numeracy program which is an intensive one developed by the University of New England that is proven to improve numeracy results for students who complete the course. Staff have been trained in this intensive program that has one educator to two students. Similarly we will shortly introduce MultiLit with targeted students. As with QuickSmart, we have trained staff to work with students to address literacy skills in a one-to-one setting. I am very excited by the outcomes & am confident we will see improvement with the students involved. Our Creative & Performing Arts faculty have been hard at work this term. As I mentioned earlier in the term, Miss Vaughn and her Art students created the wonderful ANZAC mural outside the Services Club. They are now working on a number of creative pieces to brighten up our school. With the Cowra Eisteddfod in full swing at the moment our Drama & Dance teachers have taken the opportunity to show off our students’ wonderful talent. Our senior Drama students took out first place in the Open Short Skit section. I am confident our dancers when they perform will make Cowra High proud. At a state level, Cowra High is very proud of Hope Martin-Edgar who has been invited to audition for a feature role in the 2015 Schools Spectacular. In itself, an audition for a key role in the Schools Spectacular is an incredible accomplishment. Anyone who has watched a Schools Spectacular will be very aware of the
incredibly high standard of all the performers, particularly the feature performers. These roles are often filled by students from specialist performing arts schools. Hope’s achievement highlights the opportunities available to Cowra High students ~ all the best for all our performers. Have a great fortnight ~ Charles Gauci QUICKSMART Cowra High School has commenced participation in an intensive numeracy program called QuickSmart. The program was developed by the University of New England (UNE) in Armidale. Presently, twenty four students are working for half an hour each day with their tutor to develop and improve their numeracy skills. Each lesson is broken up into five minute blocks with students working to increase their instant recall of number facts and discussing different strategies to help them improve. It has been shown that if students have a good instant recall of information then this will have the effect of “freeing up brain space” to allow them more success when working on harder concepts. Students track their progress over time and as they master a particular fact then they move onto another.
Takeia Whiting & Mason Beath enjoying a QuickSmart lesson with tutor Mr Thompson
PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email: cowra-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au We value mutual respect ~ everyone has something to offer
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Students work with flash cards, a computer program, speed sheets and independent worksheets. Each lesson is finished with a quick mathematical game. The feedback from students so far has been overwhelmingly positive and improvements are already evident. Students are growing very competitive with their partner to improve at a faster rate and this is fuelling their development even more. The program is part of the school’s Learning Support Program and it has employed a qualified maths teacher to co-ordinate it. Five other staff members are also currently working with the students in a dedicated learning space. The pace of the day in this classroom is hectic but enjoyable. Students are keen to come to the sessions and always want to continue a bit longer after they are finished.
WESTERN REGION DANCE CAMP Jemma Pokoney from Year 9 along with Chloe Fricker, Nicola Carter, Millie Casey & Brigette Healy of Year 8 successfully auditioned for the Western Region Dance Camp which was held in Week 10 of Term 1. The five students attended a three day camp in Dubbo and participated in Contemporary, Lyrical, Hip/Hop and Composition dance workshops. They were put through many auditions and the girls that were successfully selected into the Western Region Dance Company will rehearse over the next few Sundays in Dubbo and will perform at our Western Region Dance Festival on 10 June. What a fantastic achievement for all involved.
The program took a lot of time, effort and expense to establish. Huge thanks must go out to Discount Dave’s in Cowra who donated fifty folders for the students to use each lesson during the program. Their generosity is greatly appreciated. A program to improve students literacy needs will also be commencing very soon in the same room. Students have been selected and they will be working one on one with a tutor daily. More on the literacy program, MultiLit, will be in the next newsletter when it will be well underway. Lesley Swan ~ QuickSmart Co-ordinator §§§ 2015 SCHOOL VACCINATION PROGRAM The second vaccination day has been organised for Friday 5 June. It will involve all Year 7 students who will be having their second HPV dose (Human papillomavirus – cervical cancer/genital warts) and those Year 11 & 12 students who require a catch up vaccination of MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella). If you are not sure if your Year 11 or 12 child is fully immunised against MMR check their personal health record (eg. Blue Book or Plunkett) and look for ‘Priorix’ or ‘MMRII’ when they were 1 & 4 years old. If your child has a record of 2 doses, no further doses are required and they will not be vaccinated at school. Please ensure that your child is in attendance on this day and that they have a decent breakfast. Any further enquiries contact Rachel McKenzie at the school.
DANCE COMPANY Hope Martin–Edgar of Year 10 and Chloe Fricker &long with Nicola Carter of Year 8 have been selected to represent the state in the NSW State Dance Company. This is an outstanding achievement by all girls who are among only 34 successful students from across the state from Years 7–12.
These students will travel to Sydney over the next few months to develop a work that will be performed at this State Dance festival in Sydney in September. This is very exciting for these students and Cowra High School. Well done girls!
§§§ PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email: cowra-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
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A fantastic achievement ~ Hope Martin-Edgar has been successful in the video round of auditions for a featured Dance Artist in this year’s Schools Spectacular. Hope has been selected in the top 40 dancers in the state and will be auditioning with them in Sydney at the end this month.
The Options for a Successful Career There are plenty of pathways to a rewarding career. The most common options are: complete an Australian Apprenticeship or Traineeship take up a cadetship study at TAFE or a registered training organisation study at university take a gap year to earn money, volunteer and/or travel start a business or find employment.
Hope has auditioned as one of the top 40 dancers in five areas ~ Contemporary, Jazz, Tap, Musical Theatre & Classical Ballet ~ a great achievement.
The great thing is that a career or study choice made today does not limit a person’s range of choices in the future. It’s no longer common or necessary for people to stay in the same job or even the same field of work for their entire life.
Alison Buckley Dance Teacher §§§ P&C NEWS Thank you to the parents who volunteered for our recent fundraiser at Billimari earlier in the month ~ it was a most enjoyable evening and a profitable fundraiser for our association. The monthly meeting for the P&C Association will be held next Wednesday 3 June, 7.30pm at the Cowra Services Club. At this meeting we’ll have Mrs Mary Bullock from Cowra High in attendance, who will give a presentation on the school’s Merit Scheme. If you are new to the school, or unfamiliar with how the merit scheme works, or wish to discuss any aspects of your child’s schooling, please come along to our meeting ~ new faces are always welcome. Trisha Long P&C President §§§ LONDON INTERNATIONAL YOUTH SCIENCE FORUM Vivienne Wells of Year 12 has been selected to attend the Science forum in England in July. To assist with the costs Cowra Rotary are holding a quiz night on Saturday 6 June at 7pm in St Raphaels’ hall. Tickets are $10 each ~ maximum of 10 per table. Tickets available from Inside Out in Kendal Street ~ get a table together & come along to support Vivienne in her attendance at this prestigious event. §§§
This flexibility is wonderful and can be a source of great personal satisfaction. To get the most from this freedom of choice, everyone should make it a priority to learn and to keep learning. In fact, in order to expand their options many adults return to formal study to upgrade their qualifications. Research shows that people are more likely to get a job if they have a Year 12 or equivalent education. They are also more likely to be able to take advantage of new career choices if they continue to learn. Today many people are working in jobs that didn’t exist when they first entered the workforce. What Do These Terms Mean? Occupation – a group of similar jobs found in different industries or organisations. Job – a position in which you perform tasks for payment. Career – the sum total of paid and unpaid work, learning and life roles you undertake throughout your life. Work – a set of activities with an intended set of outcomes. Can include parenting or volunteering as well as paid employment. Remember the school’s Career Advisers, Ms Klinger & Ms Williams, are able to help you and your child plan their career. Visit them in the Careers Room in the Library during lunchtime or phone 6342 1766 to make an appointment. §§§ Did you know? There are 365 days in a year, but only around 200 school days each year.
PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email: cowra-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au