Our Mission: To provide a quality comprehensive and inclusive educational environment where all students can achieve Newsletter also on the web at cowrahigh.net Principal: Charles Gauci B.Ed., Dip.T. Deputy Principal: Paul Bullock B.Sc., Dip.Ed. Deputy Principal: Ian Pattingale B.App.Sc., Dip.Ed.
Volume 2015 Issue 9
Friday 12 June, 2015
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Although I’m confident everyone is aware, I feel compelled to acknowledge how successful the 2015 Camden exchange was. Yes we won the Robert Montgomery Shield, but of more significance is the wonderful spirit in which the exchange was conducted. Whether on the football field, tennis court or chess board the competition was conducted in the true spirit of sportsmanship and friendship. The event has again been an outstanding success for all the right reasons. I congratulate all the students and staff involved. I also extend a heartfelt thank you to all parents who accepted a Camden billet ~ without your support the Camden exchange would not happen. Over the last few weeks Cowra was awash with Eisteddfod fever. I am very proud of the great outcomes of Cowra High students. We were successful in gaining first place in the Senior Drama section, and the Senior & Junior Dance Ensembles. I hope all will agree this is a great acknowledgment of the hard work & dedication of both students and Creative & Performing Arts staff ~ well done! Last Sunday I had the great pleasure of giving a tour of our school to the graduation of 1970. Not only was I extremely pleased to add in a small way to the reunion experience of the first HSC class at the 'new' Cowra High site, but I found it extremely satisfying to see how the opportunities we currently give students is so superior to those offered 45 years ago. Have a great fortnight. Charles Gauci
PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email: cowra-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au We value openness~ we can discuss our differences
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COWRA HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Risky Business (about risk taking, road safety & basic first aid) followed by next semester, a unit on Alcohol Awareness, Health Matters (looking at communicable diseases) and finally a Sexuality Unit (dealing with feelings & expectations). Year 9 have been looking at Supporting Myself and Others (covering Mental Health & communication). Other units to be covered include a sex unit dealing with dating, sex and contraception; Illegal Drugs – discussing the effects of Cannabis, Ice & other illegal drugs; Lifestyle Diseases and Food for Life which covers different diets, energy balances & allergies.
The Manager of Discount Dave's, Kim Thompson, being presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from Cowra High School. Discount Dave's donated 50 student folders for the Quicksmart and Multilit programs. She is pictured with Mrs Lesley Swan, Co -ordinator of the programs, and Celine Langlands, who is completing a school-based trainee retail course at Discount Dave's as part of her HSC studies at Cowra High School.
∞∞∞ PDHPE NEWS Term 1 was very busy for students & teachers of PDHPE. In practical lessons Years 7-9 worked hard to measure & evaluate their fitness and prepare for the Athletics Carnival which was held earlier this term. Year 10 learned dance steps for the Latin American dance genre and performed their own routine. Parents are reminded that for PDHPE practical lessons, students must wear a sports shirt, blue sports shorts (not football shorts or shorts with yellow stripes) and joggers suitable to run in which support their feet, a hat should also be worn as often classes spend an hour outside. If your son/daughter can’t comply with these requirements they must bring a note for that lesson to the teacher explaining why and alternative clothing. Families having difficulty purchasing these items can contact the school for assistance. The Year 7 theory lessons include: Me, Myself and I (about peer groups, friendships, fitting in and selfesteem), Food Glorious Food (revising the basics of nutrition and learning how to read nutrition labels), What’s Happening to Me? (a revision of/introduction to puberty) and Huff ‘n’ Puff (about the horrors of smoking cigarettes).
Year 10 have worked hard on Safer Celebrations – a unit about safe partying habits. This term they are Reaching for the Stars aimed at goal setting, decision-making and career planning. This will be followed by Driving with Attitude giving them theory on safe driving and finally a unit on Cybersafety. Senior PDHPE students have had some major assessment tasks due and are working towards maximising their Preliminary & HSC marks by developing a regular study plan and learning to organise their study time, many making good use of Wednesday’s compulsory study sessions during junior sport time. All students & parents are reminded that assessment tasks and home study items are required to be completed and handed in on time for all years. Being away from school is not an excuse for not completing an assessment task. It is the responsibility of the student to catch up on any missed work from their class. Please see me if you have any concerns regarding this article. Carol Heilman Head Teacher PDHPE
Having just one day a week away from school is Chronic Absenteeism. It’s the same as losing 20%, 520 days, over 10 terms or over 2 1/2 years from your learning time. Each day away from school takes 2 to 3 days to catch up.
Year 8 have completed a unit on bullying and how to form positive relationships. This term they are doing
PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email: cowra-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
COWRA HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER TALKING CAREER CHOICES Australia’s Job Growth Over the next five years, Australia’s main job growth is projected to occur in the industries of Health Care & Social Assistance, Construction & Professional, Scientific and Technical Services. Reasonable job growth is expected across most other industries which includes Education & Training, Transport, Retail Trade, Mining and Accommodation & Food Services. The Law About Schooling Australian law says that all young people must stay in schooling (or an accredited equivalent) until they complete Year 10. After that, they must continue in full-time (at least 25 hours a week) education, training and/or employment until they reach the age of 17. This requirement stems from the nationally agreed Compact with Young Australians. Read more about the compact at www.deewr.gov.au/ compactwithyoungaustralians. Key Online Planning Resources Here are various online resources that can help you and your child to better understand the career options and pathways that exist in Australia today. Visit these websites together or individually ~ and then make time to discuss the options and opportunities they describe. Bullseye Posters ~ are a great way to start a conversation with your child about the school subjects they like and are good at, and the jobs those subjects might lead to. The posters cover more than 30 different subjects and list the hundreds of occupations related to each one. The Australian Government produces the posters and makes them available for free at www.education.gov.au/career-bullseye-posters.
Page 3 myfuture ~ this website is a one-stop shop of career information. It is an interactive resource, with tools and information that allow people to investigate career pathways and opportunities. There is comprehensive information about occupations, courses, state labour markets, job hunting tips and much more. The section for parents includes advice on how you can support and encourage your child as they plan their future. See www.myfuture.edu.au. Job Outlook ~ is a careers and labour market research information site to help you decide on your future career. Use the various search options to find a wealth of information covering around 350 individual occupations. Don’t forget to take the short Career Quiz to help guide you to the most suitable jobs for your interests and skills. See www.joboutlook.gov.au. My Skills ~ features information on all publicly available, nationally recognised vocational education & training in Australia. It is a Government initiative to assist individuals & employers to choose the training provider that best suits their needs. My Skills contains a range of training stories, statistical information on training providers & outcomes, and links to career & study assistance information. Visit www.myskills.gov.au to find out more. Centrelink ~ the Australian Government, through Centrelink, offers financial support & career assistance to young people who are studying, training or in an Australian Apprenticeship, or who are looking for work. Financial Support ~ assistance is available in the forms of Youth Allowance, Austudy, ABSTUDY and Assistance for Isolated Children. See www.centrelink.gov.au for more information about these programs.
Job Guide ~ has in-depth information about 500 entry-level occupations. In particular, it explains the education and training pathways that lead to each job. This can help young people to determine what jobs might suit them. The guide also has a helpful glossary of useful terms. Job Guide is produced annually to schools and can be accessed from your mobile phone and is available online at www.jobguide.education.gov.au.
Remember the school’s Career Advisers, Ms Klinger & Ms Williams, are able to help you and your child plan their career. Visit them in the Careers Room in the Library during lunchtime or phone 6342 1766 to make an appointment.
Year 12 – what next? ~ this website helps Year 12 students to plan their post-school life. It has detailed explanations about options such as apprenticeships, TAFE, university, employment, volunteering, and even starting a small business. It also identifies where the jobs are and what skills are in demand. Visit www.year12whatnext.gov.au.
It’s on again ~ thousands of quality books for sale.
When: Where:
Friday 19 & Saturday 20 June St Johns Anglican Church Hall
For book donations or offers of help please contact Bruce Pietsch on 0427 722 810 or bpietsch28@gmail.com
PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email: cowra-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
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A Subject Selection Evening will be held on Wednesday, 22 July in the school Hall for any Year 8 & Year 10 students, who live in the Cowra area, and their parents/caregivers.
Sport & Recreation are offering ski/snowboard camps at Jindabyne which are led by qualified instructors. Snow sport camps are suitable for students aged 10-16 years.
The purpose of the evening is to: inform students and parents/caregivers of the subject selection process; advise what subjects will be on offer for 2015; provide an opportunity for one-on-one discussions with Head Teachers and teachers from each faculty; and provide an opportunity for discussion with a representative from TAFE.
For more information phone 131 302.
All Year 8 and Year 10 students are encouraged to attend their respective sessions and gain as much information as possible before making their subject selections for 2015. The Year 10 session will include faculty presentations and school tour. The session times for the evening are: Year 8 6.00 – 7:00pm Year 10 7.00 – 9:00pm
∞∞∞ SONG WRITING WORKSHOP If you missed the song writing workshop during Youth Week you have another chance to spend the day composing with Abbey Smith. It’s open to young people aged 12-18 years that like to sing or play a musical instrument. When: Sunday 14 June Time: 10am – 4pm Cost: It’s free Contact Linda Barron at the Cowra Shire Council on 6340 2064.
∞∞∞ COERVER SOCCER COACHING JULY HOLIDAY CLINIC The holiday clinic will be held at Edgell Park commencing on Wednesday 8 July from 9am-12noon and 1-4pm. It will feature sessions on ball mastery, receiving & passing, moves (attack & defence), speed, finishing & group play. For more information contact Coerver Coaching at admin@coerveract.com or 0422 420 383
∞∞∞ PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email: cowra-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
CAMDEN POINT SCORE Basketball - Boys Junior - Girls Junior - Boys Senior - Girls Senior Chess - Senior - Junior Cricket - Boys Open - Girls Open Debate - Senior - Junior Hockey - Boys Open - Girls Open Netball - Girls Junior - Girls Senior Rugby League - Boys Junior - Boys Senior Soccer - Boys Junior - Boys Senior - Girls Junior - Girls Senior Softball - Girls Open - Boys Open Super Quiz - Senior - Junior Tennis - Boys - Girls Touch Football - Senior Mixed - Junior Mixed Volleyball - Boys Open - Girls Open
SCORE 30-20 12-28 30-22 41-3 Tie Tie 203-39 184-142 Camden Camden 1-2 0-3 34-22 26-29 6-12 26-0 0-4 5-0 0-1 3-1 0-25 1-3 35-29 Tie 6-1 1-6 13-3 8-5 1-3 3-0 TOTAL
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COWRA 2 0 2 2 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 2 2 0 2 31
CAMDEN 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 29
PO Box 72 • Dowell Street • Cowra 2794 • Telephone: 02 6342 1766 • Facsimile: 02 6342 1578 • Email: cowra-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
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