NOTICEBOARD COUNCIL AT WORK — YOUNG ROAD AND INNOVATIVE GRAVEL ROAD REPAIRS Final bitumen sealing of approximately two kilometres of the Young Road by contractors and Council Road Maintenance Crews has seen this project finished well ahead of schedule. Working as contractors for Roads and Maritime Services, the work restored the pavement area of the Olympic Highway with the work costing approximately $750,000. Council crews are also now starting on an innovative surface improvement program to a number of gravel
roads in the Shire. Starting with Barryrennie Road, much of the road surface is to undergo re-pulverising and rock-busting to reduce large stones and remove corrugations from these roads. Research on the gravel surface qualities of these roads could in the future see the problem of corrugations greatly-reduced. Other gravel roads in the Shire being funded for repair under the Roads to Recovery-financed program include Binda Road and Werribee Road.
Notice is hereby given that Cowra Shire Council, as Consent Authority under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, has received the development application as set out in the Schedule 1 below. The application details and plans relating to the development to which this notice refers may be viewed at Cowra Shire Council’s Customer Service Centre, 116 Kendal Street, Cowra between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm Monday to Friday (Public Holidays excepted) or on Council’s website from 11 May 2018 to 25 May 2018.
Development Application On Exhibition
Any person maygiven make a written submission Shire Council about the proposed development To assist Council, please include the DA number Notice is hereby that Cowra Shire Council,toasthe Cowra before 4.30 pm on the closing date, beingPlanning 25 May 2018. If the with submission is ansubmission. objection, the grounds of (34/2018) the written Consent Authority under the Environmental theAssessment objection Act must1979, be has specified in the thedevelopment submission. The Written submissions be addressed substance of writtenshould submissions may be to The and received General Manager, Council, Private Bag 342, Cowrain NSW 2794. included a report to Council. Copies of the written application as set outCowra in the Shire Schedule 1 below. submissions may be made available to the applicant for The application details and plans relating to the resolution of issues and concerns development to which this notice maynumber be viewed To assist Council, please includerefers the DA (34/2018) with and the consideration written submission. raised, prior to determination. Council is subject to at Cowra Shire Council’s Customer Service Centre, Government Information (PublicCopies Access)of legislation and 116 Street,ofCowra between 8.30 ammay and 4.30 TheKendal substance written submissions be included in a report to Council. the written copies of written submissions may be made available to pm Monday to Friday (Public Holidays excepted) or on submissions may be made available to the applicant for resolution and consideration of issues and concerns any person entitled to lodge an application under this Council’s website from 11 raised, prior to determination. Council is subject to Government Information (Public Access) legislation and legislation. Submission makers are required to comply May 2018 to 25 May 2018. copies of written submissions be made to person entitled to lodge an application under withany Section 10.4 (Disclosure of Political Donations and Any person may make a writtenmay submission to available the this legislation. Submission makers are required to comply with Section 10.4 (Disclosure of Political Cowra Shire Council about the proposed development Gifts) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act Donations andonGifts) of thedate, Environmental and Assessment Act 1979 is summarised which is summarised on which Council’s website, click on on before 4.30 pm the closing being 25 MayPlanning 2018. 1979 website, click on “Your / Gifts”. “Your Council” and then “Donations / Gifts”. IfCouncil’s the submission is an objection, the Council” grounds ofand thethen “Donations To help the efficiency of the assessment process, no objection must be specified in the submission. Written To help theshould efficiency of the assessment process, no late latesubmission submissionwill willbe beconsidered. considered. submissions be addressed to The General Manager, Cowra Shire Council, Private Bag 342, Cowra NSW 2794. Schedule 1 Development Application being exhibited for 14 Days Schedule 1 11 May 2018 to 25 May 2018 Development Application being exhibited for 14 Days 11 May 2018 to 25 May 2018 Applicant
A Hanna
Property Details LOT: 9 SEC: 20 DP: 977420 – 22 Cooyal Street COWRA
Proposed Development
Multi Dwelling Housing (4 transportable dwellings)
Exhibition opening and announcement of the 2018 Calleen Art Award winner took place at Cowra Regional Art Gallery recently with more than 110 guests at the event. Many of the finalists were in attendance to hear Councillor Ray Walsh and Award Judge Dr Michael Hedger, Director, Manly Regional Art Gallery and Museum, discuss the importance of this unique regional prize. Brian Robinson from the Torres Strait Islands and currently Cairns-based has taken-out this year’s $20,000 Calleen Art Award for his work, Sowing the Crops and Reading the Stars. This year the Gallery presented the artwork of 46 finalists selected from over 200 entries from around Australia. The Gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday 10-4pm and Sunday 2–4pm. Admission is free.
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COMMUNITY SURVEY STARTS MONDAY Cowra Council’s Community Survey is to start next Monday with Cowra Council engaging the consultancy firm IRIS Research to undertake the project. Designed to measure levels of satisfaction with Council’s services and facilities, the 2018 Community Survey will assist Council in identifying priority areas and needs for Cowra Shire's future. A telephone survey will commence on Monday, May 14 with residents over 18 years of age selected at random to participate. Residents may also choose to complete an online survey, which will be made available shortly. For more information, contact Public Relations on (02) 6340 2086.
Section 138 Applications — Information relating to Driveway Crossings and work within Council road reserves
Development Application On Exhibition
DA Number 34/2018
May 11, 2018
Where works are proposed within the road reserve, formal approval must be obtained from Council as the Roads Authority as required under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993. The road reserve includes the footpath — any area outside the property boundary. Works within the road reserve may include activities like erecting a structure, constructing a driveway, installing stormwater drains, removing or interfering with a structure, or any other activities as defined within the Roads Act. For further information or application forms, please contact Infrastructure & Operations on (02) 6340 2085 or email:
Extraordinary Council Meeting Monday
There will be an Extraordinary Council Meeting at Cowra Council in Kendal St on Monday, 14 May 2018 at 4.30pm. The Agenda item will be: Draft Delivery Program 2017/18–2020/21; Operational Plan 2018/2019 and Long-Term Financial Plan 2018/19–2027/28. All members of the public are invited to attend. For more information, call 6340 2000.
Notification For Baiting
Cowra Council is undertaking a rabbit baiting program at the Cowra Prisoner of War Camp Site. The baiting will be completed by Friday 29 June 2018. Please be aware that Pindone will be used in this area.
BOOK NOW! Cowra Council’s 100th World War I Anniversary coach trip to the Australian War Memorial, Canberra Wednesday, May 30 $10 a ticket, morning tea included.
Peter and Jenni Fagan, Judge Dr Michael Hedger, and Gallery Director Brian Langer with Brian Robinson’s Sowing the Crops and Reading the Stars, 2018, enamel spray paint, liquitex paint marker, 152 x 122cm, winner of the 2018 Calleen Art Award.
Find us on Twitter @ Cowra Council
Buy tickets from Cowra Council, 116 Kendal St. Cowra Shire Council Private Bag 342 Cowra NSW 2794 116 Kendal Street, Cowra, NSW 2794 Email: