Noticeboard 24 Nov17(1)

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Nov 24, 2017


It’s happening again! Cowra’s sewerage system is being loaded with inappropriate materials that are causing havoc with the network.

Large volumes of fats, oils, and grease, as well as foreign objects such as clothing, metal, plastic, and porcelain are continually fouling-up sewer mains and settling tanks at the Cowra Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). “Residents and ratepayers are reminded that any items and materials that are put down sinks, toilets, and industrial drains all end-up running through a system that is designed for water and human waste only,” Cowra Council Works Engineer — Waste and Water, Peter Ford said. “As well as long-term problems with foreign materials, we’re also currently having huge problems with large amounts fats, grease,Skills and oils that Grantof Writing

are being dumped in the system from home and industrial kitchens. “These liquids do not break-down or dissolve, they form fat balls that are about the size of golf balls that must then be removed manually from the settling tanks of the STP so as not to contaminate the waste,” Peter explained. “Don’t dump grease, oils and fats down the sink, scrape them into your general waste bin before washing; as well as being better for our sewerage system, it will also save your dishwasher and pipes from clogging and blocking-up,” Peter concluded. For more information, contact Council on 6340 2070. Fats, grease, and oils being dumped in the sewerage system do not break-down or dissolve but form fat balls that must be removed manually from the settling tanks of the STP.

Large volumes of foreign objects such as clothing, metal, plastic, and porcelain are continually fouling-up sewer mains in Cowra.


HAMPSTEAD (PG) 10.30am 29 November 2017 Diane Keaton and Brendan Gleeson star in this mature romantic comedy inspired by a true story. An American widow finds unexpected love with a man living wild on Hampstead Heath. Their bond grows when they take on the developers intent on destroying his home on the Heath. All tickets only $8 Refreshments included in the Stay tuned for the full Cowra ticket price and served from Premiere Cinema Summer Program 10.30am. Coming Soon!

Cowra Civic Centre Theatrette Tickets at the Door—Enquiries 6340 2064

Grant Grant Writing Writing Skills Skills

Got a grant application to write? Need some tips?to write? Got aa grant Got grant application application to write? Need Need some some tips? tips?

Vacancies at Cowra Council Cowra Council is currently advertising the following vacancies and traineeship positions:

Cowra Council is hosting Grant Writing Skills’ Cowra Council is hosting Workshops. Choose one of Cowra Council is hosting Grant Writing Skills’ three sessions: Grant Writing Skills’ Workshops. Choose one of Workshops. Choose one of three sessions: Tuesday 5 December at three sessions: 12-1.30pm or 6-7.30pm Tuesday 5 December at OR Tuesday 5 December at 12-1.30pm or 6-7.30pm Wednesday 6 December 12-1.30pm or 6-7.30pm at OR 1-2.30pm. OR Wednesday 6 December at Wednesday 6 December at 1-2.30pm. Learn how to write a winning 1-2.30pm.

Apprentice - Heavy Vehicle Mechanic — Closing Friday, November 24; Human Resources Officer — Closing Friday, November 24; Management Accountant — Closing Monday, November 27.

Cost $20 per person— Book and pay at the Council Customer Service Office . Cost $20 per person— Cost $20 per person— Payment at Council time of Book andrequired pay at the Book and Service pay at the Council booking Customer Office . Customer Service Office .

How to apply: Applications must be submitted online through Council’s website: by following the Quick Link to the Employment page which lists the above vacancies.

Venue—Cowra Council Payment required at time of Payment Chambersrequired at time of booking booking Venue—Cowra Council Venue—Cowra Council More information: Chambers Chambers Council Community Projects 6340 2069 or information: More information:

grant application. COWRA REGIONAL Learn how to write a winning Learn how to write a winning COWRA REGIONAL grant application. grant application.

Council Community Projects Council6340 Community 2069 orProjects 6340 2069 or



Lachlan Valley Hotel and Roleys Bistro, 162 Kendal St, Cowra Wednesday, Nov 29, 2017 from 6-9pm

2017 2017 2017 2017

Art Exhibition & Awards Art Exhibition & Awards for Students in Art Exhibition & Awards for Students in Art Years Exhibition & Awards 10, 11 &12 for Students in Opening Years 10, 11 &12 forOfficial Students in Saturday 25 November at 2.30pm Years 10, 11 Official Opening Years 10, 11 &12 &12 Saturday 25 November at 2.30pm Official Opening 7 7 D a r l Official i n g S t r e e tOpening COWRA NSW 2794 Saturday 25 November at 2.30pm Open: Tues - Sat 10am to 4pm, Saturday 25 November at 2.30pm Sun 2pm to 4pm. Free Admission.

C o w r a

C o w r a

R e g i o n a l

7A 7r t DG a rling Street COWRA NSW 2794 a l l e r y i s a c u l t u r a l f a c i l i t y o f t h e C o w r


S h i r e

C o u n c i l

R e g i o n a l

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S h i r e

C o u n c i l

Open: Tues - Sat 10am to 4pm,

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R e g i o n a l

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We are pleased to announce our first Networking Night for "Women in Business". We will be supplying Drinks and Nibbles, and some helpful information on the night. This is not only an Invite to Business Owners, but women in Cowra that contribute to running a local business. Please share this with all of the ladies in your office, and please note, RSVP's are essential. For more information, contact Jordan Core (Cowra Business Chamber President) 0400 783 069, or Kim Jones - (Publicity Officer) 0402 801 905

Find us on Twitter @ Cowra Council


Want to keep updated with all Cowra Council news but have trouble reading the small type of print publications?

Cowra Council offers a free “talking book” version of the Cowra Quarterly provided on a compact disk (CD) format. Narrated by Mr Ted Baker, the copy is mailed-out to all residents on our subscriber list. To add your name to the list, contact Council on 6340 2087 or 6340 2086, email: publicrelations@cowra., or write to: Public Relations, Cowra Council, Private Bag 342, Cowra, NSW 2794.

Cowra Shire Council Private Bag 342 Cowra NSW 2794 116 Kendal Street, Cowra, NSW 2794 Email:

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