NOTICEBOARD Friends of the Gallery Annual General Meeting
Cowra Regional Art Gallery — Friends of the Gallery Committee is holding its upcoming Annual General Meeting and also calling for Committee nominations. The “Friends of the Gallery” is a Section 355 While no particular qualifications are necessary, a Committee of Council and is guided by Council’s commitment to the activities of the Friends Committee procedures and responsibilities, including the election of and a willingness to be actively-involved is essential. a Committee. Nominations will be taken at the Friends of the The Friends of the Gallery Committee provides a range Gallery AGM on Thursday July 13 at Cowra Regional of voluntary support and fund-raising roles for Cowra Art Gallery, 77 Darling Street, Cowra commencing at Regional Art Gallery. 5.30pm. For more information and nomination forms contact the Art Gallery Director on 6340 2192.
Positions Vacant
Cowra Council offers excellent career opportunities across a large range of professions and trades. We offer diverse employment options which could include a position for you that suits your interests, lifestyle and career goals.
p r e s e n t s
Notices...Notices...Notices Water Supply interruption Residents of Airport Road and Boundary Road can expect a water supply interruption on Tuesday, June 27 between 8.30am to 4pm. This work is necessary to complete the water main construction and upgrade for the Airport Subdivision. For more information, contact Cowra Council on 6340 2070.
Council’s “Multi-Purpose Room” needs a name
Cowra Council offers a “multi-purpose room” that is situated between the Cowra Regional Art Gallery and Cowra Library as a venue for local groups for meetings on regular and irregular basis. To increase the room’s public profile and use, Cowra Council has decided to rename and re-brand the facility. Residents with views on an appropriate new name for this venue are invited to submit their suggestion in writing to Cowra Council’s General Manager at Private Bag 342, Cowra, NSW 2794, with submissions closing Friday, July 28.
Current Vacancy Water & Wastewater Attendant Applications Close: 4pm — Monday 10 July 2017 How to apply: Applications must be submitted online through Cowra Council’s website: by following the Quick Link to the Employment page which lists the above vacancies.
June 23, 2017
Opening Saturday 24 June at 2pm 7 7
D a r l i n g A l l
S t r e e t
w e l c o m e .
A d m i s s i o n
2 7 9 4
F r e e
The Cowra Regional Art Gallery is a cultural facility of the Cowra Shire Council
Image: Stephen Bird, Tall Yellow Man (detail) 2003, stoneware with pigment and glaze, 139 x 30 x 21 cm.
Rehabilitation work on Boorowa Rd
Contractors Downer EDI will be conducting pavement rehabilitation work starting today Friday, June 23 on the Boorowa Rd approximately 10km south and working north towards Cowra. Weekend work will also take place close to the intersections of Young and Grenfell Roads and also Boorowa and Grenfell Roads and delays will be experienced. The work is estimated to run for approximately three weeks, weather permitting.
Development Application on Exhibition Notice is hereby given that Cowra Shire Council, as Consent Authority under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, has received the development application as set out in the Schedule 1 below. The application details and plans relating to the development to which this notice refers may be viewed at Cowra Shire Council’s Customer Service Centre, 116 Kendal Street, Cowra between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm Monday to Friday (Public Holidays excepted) or on Council’s website from 13 June 2017 to 27 June 2017. Any person may make a written submission to the Cowra Shire Council about the proposed development before 4.30 pm on the closing date, being 27 June 2017. If the submission is an objection, the grounds of the objection must be specified in the submission. Written submissions should be addressed to The General Manager, Cowra Shire Council, Private Bag 342, Cowra NSW 2794. To assist Council, please include the DA number (77/2017) with the written submission. Schedule 1 Development Application being exhibited for 14 days 13 June 2017 to 27 June 2017 DA Number
Property Details
Proposed Development
Gooloogong Log Cabin Hall Inc
LOT: 1 DP: 540791 – 19 Main Street GOOLOOGONG
Alterations and additions to Gooloogong Log Cabin Hall
A UNITED KINGDOM (M) 2.00pm, Sunday 25 June
Concession $15, Adults $20 (includes full afternoon tea after screening hosted by CWA Evening Branch) In the 1940s, Prince Seretse Khama of Botswana shocks the world when he marries a white woman from London.
Tickets $15, Family $45 (2 adults, 2 children) (includes delicious afternoon tea) Craig Silvey’s 2009 novel Jasper Jones is a bit of a modern classic, telling a dark, moving and often quite funny story of prejudice in Corrigan, a small West Australian town in the 1960s.
BEAUTY & THE BEAST (PG) 11 am, Tuesday 11 July
Tickets—Children $6, 13 Yrs & Over $10 (Candy Bar available)
2 pm, Sunday 16 July
Tickets $10 (Light refreshments included hosted by Cowra M&D Society) Belle (Emma Watson), a bright, beautiful and independent young woman, is taken prisoner by a beast (Dan Stevens) in its castle. Despite her fears, she befriends the castle's enchanted staff and learns to look beyond the beast's hideous exterior, allowing her to recognize the kind heart and soul of the true prince that hides on the inside. Cowra Civic Centre Theatrette Ph: 6340 2064
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Cowra Shire Council Private Bag 342 Cowra NSW 2794 116 Kendal Street, Cowra, NSW 2794 Email: