Cowra Information & Neighbourhood Centre Inc. October 2014
All Cowra Services now have the same phone number. If you mistakenly call one of our old numbers, you will receive a message that redirects you to our new number. Our fax numbers have stayed the same. Grenfell clients please call main number and ask for Rhee or call her on 0447 147 109.
Cowra Community CafĂŠ in Squire Park. Exciting times ahead for the Cafe...there is a small makeover being done which will require the CafĂŠ to be closed for a short period from 29th September . Come and have a quiet cuppa and chat in our newly renovated cafe! Light meals are available. Baby change facilities are also available.
Cowra Show The Neighbourhood Centre had a stand at the Cowra Show which attracted a lot of interest especially with the children who worked at the craft tables. Free tea and coffee was also on offer as well as a private baby change area. We wish to thank Post School Options for their lovely artwork as well as our 5 fabulous volunteers who are so willingly shared up to 2 full days.
Morning Tea The Neighbourhood Centre has a inviting morning tea each Friday at 10.30am thanks to Jenny, our Friday volunteer, who takes great pride in preparing this. Members of the public are most welcome to drop in. Coffee and English Conversation group join us every second week so come along, the more the merrier!
Scrapbooking classes will commence at the Centre on Monday 13th October. If you are interested in taking part please contact Rhee at the Centre for information. Barbara Kerr will be running these classes.
Page 2 Crafty Kids Workshop has once again been held during the September school holidays in the Family Support rooms. This is a great favourite with the children which is a lot of fun. The numbers are grown with 29 children each day! These workshops are held each school holidays. For more information please contact Rhee at the Centre.
Computer Classes are again underway. If you would like to attend contact Rhee at the Centre. beginner and Intermediate coin donation.
these classes please There are separate classes for a gold
BeJay Cook from Indigenous Community Links completed Module 1 in Certificate 11 Indigenous Leadership recently. The ICL have again commenced their monthly BBQ’s with the warmer weather upon us. These are held on the last Friday of each month at 12 noon. All the community are welcome. CINC were proud to be a sponsor for the Cowra team playing in the Coral Lee Welsh Memorial Indigenous Knockout in Queanbeyan recently. ICL was also proud to have made applications for free birth certificates available to the aboriginal community. This has enabled the community members to be able to gain driver’s licenses etc which would not have previously been available to them. So far 90 of these certificates have been received with more to come.
Community Transport now have a new Indigenous vehicle available Monday, Wednesday, Friday for intown trips. The cost is a gold coin donation. Please call Kiara or Danny to find out if you are eligible under HACC or CTP funding.
Family Support are running another Triple P course commencing in October. Any further information is available from Donnah at the Centre. The Cowra Information & Neighbourhood Centre Inc. AGM will be held on Tuesday 21st October commencing at 12.00pm at the Cowra Bowling Club. Followed by a light lunch. Copies of the AGM report may be picked up from the Centre at 15 Vaux St. on 20th October. All members are welcome to attend. CINC is now on the WEB! If you would like to know any further information regarding what is happening at the Neighbourhood Centre and within the services please check out our web site.