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Cowra Public School NEWS

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Dear Parents What a great week we have had at Cowra Public School. This week we have welcomed our 2016 kindergarten students into their classes and to say we are impressed is an understatement. Outstanding manners have already been on display in all classes and when walking into the rooms I have been delighted to see how settled and engaged the children are at this early stage of the year. The Kindergarten teachers are loving the class sizes of 16 to 17 per class, which simply allows them to cater for each individual better, having more time with each student. Our Kindergarten students have been presented to the school in perfect uniform and I congratulate all parents on being organised. Next Monday the school will have the Cowra Guardian coming to the school to take photos of our new students and we encourage all parents to ensure their child is here to start the day as the photo is scheduled at 9.30 and we would hate to miss anyone. No class has PE on that day so full uniform is expected. Elsewhere in the school the classes are working exceptionally well with the students fully involved with their learning through the direction of the teachers. The playgrounds have also been a delight for the teachers with all staff commenting on how well the children are interacting with each other in games and social play. This highlights our strong emphasis on PBL in our school with lessons taught each week on the expectations of the school that clearly outline what the school wants from the children in relation to work ethic, social interaction, attitude and tolerance. This week the school band expression of interest notes have been distributed and again there


Primary Swimming Carnival


Infants (K-2) Parent Information Night


Primary (3-6) Parent Information Night


Book Club closes


District Swimming Carnival-Cowra


School photographs


Regional Swimming Carnival


Festival of International Understanding

CONTACTING THE SCHOOL Administration Office Hours:

8.30am - 3.30pm

School commences at 9.10am School finishes at 3.15pm Students are not supervised before 8.40am

Term 1, Week 2

4 February 2016

NSW Department of Education and Communities has been an overwhelming response from students has been the result. The school will be assigning instruments which will be distributed next Monday on the first day of Band practice. Band will be on Monday each week and for those students who are successful in joining the band program. It is imperative that instruments are brought to school each Monday. Tomorrow the school will be holding the Annual Swimming Carnival. All parents are welcome to join their child on the day to cheer them along. All students in Years 3-6 and some Year 2 students will be attending with everyone having an opportunity to compete in races of varying lengths and strokes. This is always a great day and with Mrs Duncan pre-booking perfect weather, we are sure to enjoy the fun. We have a larger number of students who attend swimming squads outside school and this year should be very competitive in several of the age races. All children are to come to school at the regular time in the morning prior to walking down to the pool. Please ensure your child has a hat and water. To add to the day the parent/ teacher race will be held at 1pm and I have been working hard to stack the deck in the favour of the teachers with Mr Ryan from Year 2 being placed in the team with a reported sub 25 second ability. This may offset the lack of talent from the rest of the team and help claw the trophy back to the teachers. All parents are welcome to join in and Mrs Beecher also has a fun race planned, so if any parents (especially the mums) enjoy being involved and having a laugh (which the children love) please feel welcome to come along with your swimmers as everyone can have a go. The school has received several wonderful comments in relation to the school upgrades including the sandpits and logs, the new turf in the infants playground and the garden near the canteen. I would like to make comment and thank Bunnings for assisting our school with their products and the work and assistance of Mick Gee, Garry Bryant, and Ellis and Sons for their contribution to the school upgrades and extend the school’s appreciation. I would also like to mention the outstanding contribution of Gerard McGill who coordinated much of the garden and

sandpit construction and maintenance in a volunteer capacity. Gerard along with our P&C President Rob Webster and the members of the P & C spent time over the holidays moving mulch, watering and ensuring our gardens stayed alive. Next week the school will be holding parent information sessions for the grades with Stage 1 and Early Stage 1 classes on Wednesday, 10 February starting at 5.00pm These sessions will commence in the Infants Open Space for a combined talk and then sessions will be held in individual classrooms. On Thursday, 11 February Stage 2 will be starting at 5.30pm in the Stage 2 Open Space, followed by Stage 3 at 6.15pm being held upstairs in Gay Hilton’s room (room 20). Parents are welcome to come and listen to the yearly overview for their child in relation to what is taught and the activities the children will be involved in. The school will host bus talks for all classes conducted by Mr Pat Charnock. This ensures the children are fully aware of the correct manner in which to travel on a school bus. These lessons are for all students, not only the students who currently travel by bus, as it is seen as a vital learning experience for all. I would like to announce that finally the school bags have arrived. I apologise for the delay of the delivery of these items but to put it simply they just didn’t arrive any earlier. The bags are available from the front office and again the school will not be looking to gain profit from their sale. As such, they cost the school $30 per bag and that’s how much they are being sold for. They are a great looking bag that carries the school emblem and they look very sharp. Many students have already purchased the bags and I am sure that will be sturdy and long lasting. Enjoy the week.

Mail: PO Box 285, Cowra Phone: 6342 2400 Fax: 6341 1357 School Counsellor 6341 3078 Email: cowra-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Web: http://www.cowra-p.schools.nsw.edu.au DEPT.HEALTH DENTAL CLINIC:

1300 552 208

Cowra Public School

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PRIMARY PARENT INFORMATION SESSIONS Thursday, 11 February 5.30pm-6.00pm Stage 2 parents


(Years 3 & 4) in in Stage 2 Open Space

Term 1

Commenced Thursday, 28 January Concludes Friday, 8 April Term 2 Commences Wednesday, 27 April Concludes Friday, 1 July Term 3 Commences Tuesday, 19 July Concludes Friday, 23September

6.15pm-6.45pm Stage 3 parents (Years 5 & 6) Room 20 (upstairs) Enter via Vaux Street, Western end entrance. Parents you are invited to attend a general information session to inform you about Stage organisation and happenings in primary for 2016. This will not cover specific information about individual children, however you are always welcome to arrange a meeting with your child’s class teacher.

Term 4 Commences Monday, 10 October Concludes Friday, 16 December for students


BUS TRAVEL Bus application forms are available from the front office. All Kindergarten to Year 2 students are entitled to FREE travel, irrespective of distance. All Year 3 students who travel by bus need to fill in a new bus form.

Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 parents 


Kinder-Year 2


Stage 1 Open Space

5.15-5.45pm Kinder-Year 2


In individual classrooms

Parents are invited to attend an information session to inform you about class and Stage organisation for 2016. This will not cover specific information about individual children, however you are always welcome to arrange a meeting with your child’s class teacher. Meetings will be held in individual teachers’ rooms.

EMAILING OF NEWSLETTERS The Cowra Public School newsletter is available via email and can also be seen on the Cowra Public School “Web” page each week. Go online and have a look. http:// www.cowra.p.schools.nsw.ed u.au. If you would like a coloured copy of the newsletter emailed to you, please contact the school with your email address.

We look forward to your attendance on this evening.


$30.00 The bags have now arrived!!

Information session with Mrs Hopkins for the students in H123 will take place next week. Parents should have received their times. Thanks for returning the appointments so promptly.

Phone: 63423070 Email: cliff@Cliffdykes.com.au Website: www.cliffdykes.com.au

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Dear Parents of Cowra Public School

Your photo day is: Monday 22th February This year you will not receive an order envelope. All images will be uploaded to our online site for preview & purchase, approx. 2 weeks after photo day. Not only can you view your child’s photo before placing an order, you can also select from our range of backgrounds. On photo day each child will receive a card with their unique shoot key. The shoot keys will not be activated until Tuesday 8th March. This allows us time to match and check all the photos before uploading commences.

How to order when shoot keys are activated: Go to our Website

www.cliffdykes.com.au Select “Order Online” and enter your shoot key Click on your child’s image & select your preferred background Select your package If you wish to enter another child’s code, just click “Change Shoot” from the menu Once you have completed your orders, go to checkout. All packages ordered before Tuesday 22nd March will be returned to the School After this date a P&H fee of $7.95 will be added to the purchase price and the package will be posted Please note images will only stay online for a further month.

If you require a sibling/family photo please collect an envelope from the school office. Please return it to the photographers on the morning of photos with the payment. Please contact our Production Centre if you have any questions on 0263423070 or email at cliff@cliffdykes.com.au Thank to youhave and please enjoychild your photographs. If you do not wish your included in their class Regards the school. photo please contact Cliff & Kay Dykes

RING PULL CANS Parents providing lunch in cans could you please open the can and place the ingredients into another container as the children are cutting their hands while trying to open the cans. Thanks

LIBRARY NEWS! This year our Library welcomes back Mrs Sheridan Oborn from maternity leave and Mrs Trisha Long who is joining the library staff. Our school is fortunate to have a magnificent library facility which all students attend weekly. Each week in your child’s library class they will have the opportunity to browse and borrow books and receive lessons in information technology. Please note if your child is in Infants, they will require a library bag in order to borrow books. These are available from the Craft Shop in Cowra and the school office has a few left. Alternatively students can use a pillow slip or shopping bag. We look forward to a fun 2016 with all our students. Sheridan Oborn and Trisha Long


PE TIMETABLE No PE lessons are held on Mondays

Tuesday H3 C2 KW KC E2-3

Tuesday JM2 & H123 M3 S1 KW G1

Wednesday K3 A2 M1 JM2

Wednesday G3 H3 KM R1

Thursday H123

Thursday C2 E2-3 & K3 KR KW

Friday G1 R1

Friday A2 M1 KC



COMBINED (K-6) ASSEMBLIES This Term the school will be holding 2 combined (K-6) Assemblies Commencing on Thursday, 18 February at 2.00pm in the auditorium. The next Combined assembly will be on Thursday, 17 March at 2.00pm in the auditorium.

A reminder that staff from the School Dental Service no longer conduct Dental Screenings at school. It is very important to maintain good oral hygiene, a healthy diet and good brushing habits. It is also important to have regular dental check-ups. During the year the Dental Clinic will assess every child’s dental health. This will be done in grades. Notes will be sent home for permission to have your child’s teeth checked. If you would like to attend the Cowra Child Dental Clinic for a free dental check, just phone 1300 555 208.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Primary and Infants Aussies of the Month will be presented at the assemblies on Thursday, 18 February and Thursday, 17 March. Merit certificates will also be awarded on these days.

INFANTS ASSEMBLIES Infants assemblies will now be held every second Thursday, i.e. even weeks. The assemblies will be held in the Infants Open Space and commence at 2.00pm and finish at 2.30pm when the children will return to their classrooms. At these assemblies students will be receiving Merit Certificates and PBL awards. Every alternate Thursday (not assembly week) from 2.00pm until 3.00pm the Infants will be holding combined singing in the Infants Open Space. All parents are invited to come along and listen to the children singing.

PRIMARY ASSEMBLIES The Primary will also be holding their assemblies every second Thursday, i.e. even weeks at 2.30pm in the school auditorium. The assemblies will include the Year 6 Public Speaking and Merit Certificates along with the PBL awards will also be presented on the day. Everyone is welcome to come along to any of these assemblies or singing afternoons.




Banking day for students is on Wednesdays. Bank books are to be taken to the school office before 9.10am. Banking packs are available at the office and there are lots of new exciting reward programs for those who regularly bank. Kindergarten packs will be sent home next Monday. Looking forward to the new bankers. If you have any enquiries please contact Allison Williams at the school.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS/ PHONE NUMBER If you have recently changed your address or phone number please inform the school office promptly . In the case of an emergency we need the correct contact details .

RTA ADVICE BUS TRAVEL Students will only be allowed to travel on the bus for which they have a bus pass. If a different route is required, the bus company must be contacted prior to the day. If your child needs to catch a different bus for any reason, you need to contact the bus company and the school. Cowra Bus Company phone number: 6342 1021.

SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS School photographs will be taken on Monday, 22 February (Week 5). The photographs will be done in classes and students are asked to wear full summer uniform on the day. If you do not wish to have your child included in their class photo please contact the school.

BOOK CLUB The first issue of Ashton Scholastic Book Club for 2016 has been sent home today. Scholastic Book Clubs operates eight times a year. The closing date for Issue 1 is Friday, 12 February

*** Please make cheques payable to Cowra Public School

SCRIPTURE CLASSES Scripture classes commence on Wednesday, 10 February (Week 3) for all students. Parents who do NOT wish their child/children to participate in these classes need to send written instruction to class teachers. Infants:


Stage 3: 12.00-12.30pm Stage 2: 12.30-12.55pm

VARIATION TO ATTENDANCE If you are collecting your child/children early from school, or if they arrive late, for any reason, you must sign the attendance book, for this purpose. The book can be found on the front counter of the school office.

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Term 1, Week 2

SPORT SPORTING ACTIVITIES FOR TERM 1 Our sporting calendar commences very early on in Term 1 and the first major event for our school is the Annual Swimming Carnival which takes place on Friday, 5 February at the Cowra Aquatic Centre. All students in Year 3-6 are expected and encouraged to attend. The entry fee is $2.00 unless your child has a season pass. Students will not be allowed into the pool without their $2.00 or the actual season pass (not written down). There will be a variety of novelty activities for nonswimmers to take part in as well as the usual events. These include the 100m, 50m freestyle, the backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and medley events. 25m races will also take place. Every event is a timed final i.e. The fastest times across the heats gain places. 1st & 2nd place automatically qualify for District, 3rd if competitive. Every child will have the opportunity to get wet and have some fun (those Year 2 students who are turning 8 years of age this year and are competitive swimmers are eligible to enter a race but need to see Mrs Duncan to discuss it with her. Parental assistance is a vital part of our carnival and we welcome any assistance from family or community members. Please indicate on the slip attached to this newsletter if you can be of assistance. If you are new to the school or just moving into Primary and need more information please contact Mrs Duncan on 6342 2400 for assistance. Shavaughn Duncan PE/Sport


Boys All Age 100m Freestyle


Boys Junior Backstroke


Girls All Age 100m Freestyle


Girls Junior Backstroke


Boys 8 years Freestyle


Boys 11 years Backstroke


Girls 8 years Freestyle


Girls 11 years Backstroke


Boys 9 years Freestyle


Boys 12/13 years Backstroke


Girls 9 years Freestyle


Girls 12/13 years Backstroke


Boys 10 years Freestyle


Novelty event - Cork scramble


Girls 10 years Freestyle


Boys Junior Butterfly


Boys 11 years Freestyle


Girls Junior Butterfly


Girls 11 years Freestyle


Boys 11 years Butterfly


Boys 12 years Freestyle


Girls 11 years Butterfly


Girls 12 years Freestyle


Boys 12/13 years Butterfly


Novelty event - Noodle races


Girls 12/13 years Butterfly


Boys Junior Breaststroke


Novelty event - 25m races


Girls Junior Breaststroke


Junior Medley 4 x50m Boys


Boys 11 years Breaststroke


Junior Medley 4 x50m Girls


Girls 11 years Breaststroke


Senior Medley 4 x 50m Boys


Boys 12/13 years Breaststroke


Senior Medley 4 x 50m Girls


Girls 12/13 years Breaststroke


House relays (if time allows)


Novelty event - Kickboard races

Some dates for your diary

 

CPS Swimming Carnival

Regional Swimming Carnival Friday, 4 March at Dubbo.

Friday, 5 February.

District Carnival is on Friday, 19 February at Cowra Pool. More information will be provided in the next few weeks.

NB: School Athletics Carnival, Friday, 1 April (Week 10).

Cowra Public School SWIMMING CARNIVAL ~ OFFER OF ASSISTANCE Friday, 5 February 2016 from 9.45am - 3.00pm Dear Mrs Duncan I am happy to assist with the Annual Swimming Carnival on Friday, 5 February 2016, from 9.45am until 3.00pm OR *please specify ………………………………………….. Name: (please print)






Chicken devil chips (6)




Mrs Mac Pie




Mrs Mac sausage roll


Calamari rings $1.00

Snack boxes


Fish cocktails


Sauces - tomato, BBQ, Sweet chilli. Sour cream

Chico roll



Drinks Cans of sprite, fanta, coke, diet coke, coke zero


Bottles of sprite, Fanta, coke, diet coke, coke zero






Milkshake - caramel, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry


The P & C will be holding their FIRST MEETING FOR 2016 on Thursday, 18 February at 6.00pm in the school staff room.

WHAT IS THE P&C? P&C stands for Parents and Citizens, and Cowra Public School’s P&C Association meets once a month on Thursday evenings. The objective of the P&C is to provide parents, carers and concerned citizens an opportunity to discuss aspects of their child’s education with the school’s Principal and other staff. P&C’s are often seen by the wider community primarily as fund raising committees. Whilst there are many activities that the P&C engage in to raise funds for extras in the schools, our primary focus is providing parents with an avenue to constructively discuss any aspects of their child’s schooling with school staff. The P&C usually meet on the third Thursday of each month, and the next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 18 February at 6.00 pm in the school staff room.

Would love to see some new Kindergarten parents at the meeting!!!

SNACK BOXES ($6.00) 



Coffee - small


Coffee - large




Hot chocolate


PO Box 900, Cowra NSW 2794 Phone: 6342 1021 Email: info@cowrabus.com.au SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN: Saturday, 6 August 2016, Lyric Theatre, Sydney: $190.00

 

Wedges, sweet chilli and sour cream 2 s fish cocktails and chips + tartare sauce 2 x calamari rings and chips + tartare sauce  4 x nuggets and chips + sauce

Meal Deal Snack box + can of drink $7.50

T/A Lic 2TA5695 Fax: 6342 4597 Web: http:www.cowrabus.com.au WE WILL ROCK YOU: Saturday, 14 May, 2016: Lyric Theatre, Sydney: $190.00

“Cowra Travel Takes you There”

2106 Welcome Kindergarten

Impromania! Part of the ‘Exposure’ Project with support from the NSW Government through Arts NSW

February 13-14

Effective Storytelling February 6-7

 Fun filled, spontaneous two days to help you improve your dramatic performances

Part of the ‘Exposure’ Project

 Work with an experienced tutor from Canberra Youth Theatre right here in Cowra

with support from the NSW Government through Arts NSW

 Participants will be introduced to the six steps of improvisation, developing scenes from nothing.

 Full of tips and techniques to improve your public speaking and dramatic performances.  Work with an experienced tutor from Canberra Youth Theatre right here in Cowra.

 Participants will help create ‘Mystique’ - an exciting United Fusion production to be held in October 2016.

 Participants will build their public speaking skills by focusing on relaxation, breath, posture, gesture, confidence building and vocal work.

 Workshops will be held at Cowra High School Auditorium from 10-4pm.

 Participants will help create ‘Mystique’ - an exciting United Fusion production to be held in October 2016.

 Cost: Workshops are free however a yearly membership to United Fusion is required (cost $5.50)

 Workshops will be held at Cowra High School Auditorium from 10-4pm.

 Participants must abide by the United Fusion Code of Conduct.

 Cost: Workshops are free however membership to United Fusion is required and will cost $5.50

 Suitable for 5-18yr olds. Numbers are limited.

 Participants must abide by the United Fusion Code of Conduct.

 For more information and to register please contact unitedfusioncowra@gmail.com mobile 0456 411 186

 Suitable for 5-18yr olds. Numbers are limited.  For more information and to register please contact unitedfusioncowra@gmail.com mobile 0456 411 186

COWRA AFL The Cowra Blues AFL Club registration day on Sunday 14th February from 12pm to 2pm at River Park near the basketball courts. All intending players are most welcome. Players needed for Auskick (5-10 years), Under 12s, Under 14s, Under 16s, Under 18s and a female team...hope to see some new and old faces there.

Cowra Public School

Term 1, 2016


January 26





 Students commence 


February 1  Kindergarten commences



Yrs 1-6 Kinder Best Start



 Kinder Best Start  House meetings 10.30am 5

 Infants Assembly

 Swimming Carnival


 Primary Assembly 2.30pm




 Keep NSW Beautiful


 St 1 Parent Info Night

(1 class per Stage)


 St 2 Parent Info Night



 St 2 Parent Info Night 6.15pm-6.45pm






 Combined Assembly 


 District Swimming

2.00pm P & C Meeting 6.00pm









February 29

March 1




 School Photographs

 St 2 Parent Info Night 





 Regional Swimming

5.30-6.00pm St 2 Parent Info Night 6.15pm-6.45pm




 Festival of International Understanding

 Kindergarten Dental Checks














April 1  Athletics Carnival

 AECG mg 2pm CPS




 Combined Assembly


 St 3 Lapathon




 St 2 Parent Info Night 5.30-6.00pm

 St 2 Parent Info Night 6.15pm-6.45pm







Students without lunch will be referred to the office and parental contact will be made or a pre made sandwich will be offered.

Cowra Public School P&C Canteen Menu

How to order from the canteen: bag and handed to the canteen between 8.45am and 9.10am.  Write the order clearly on the bag including

name and class.  Please do not seal the bag. Wrap the correct

Lisa Willis ~ Canteen Manager Phone 6342 2400

money (if possible, although change will be given).

.05c .10c .20c .10c .60c 1.70c .50c 1.00

Sandwiches Baked Beans Spaghetti Vegemite Cheese Chicken (fresh) Chicken & Salad Ham Tomato Egg Ham & Salad Salad (no meat) Salad Bowl Salad Bowl (with meat)

2.30 2.30 1.50 2.00 3.50 4.00 3.00 2.00 2.50 4.00 3.00 4.50 5.00

Please phone Lisa or call in at the canteen and see Lisa and put your name on the roster. Thank you for your support.

have a lunch bag. Recess purchases are made directly from the canteen during the recess break.

Hot Food

Spaghetti Bolognaise Lasagne Fish & Salad

Recess Snacks 4.30 4.30 4.50

Occasional Hot Food

These foods should be ordered infrequently for children as a treat Chicken Nuggets (max. 6) Chicken Crackles (max. 6) Pizza Singles (lunch only) Small Pies Large Pies (lunch only) Sausage Rolls Extras Tomato Sauce Sweet and Sour Sauce Sauce (limit 2)

 To have additional sandwich filling,

add .10c to the basic price for each additional filling. Extras include: tomato sauce, pickles, mayonnaise. Toasted sandwich an extra .10c. Bread rolls & wraps cost .30c extra

We need volunteers. Welcome anytime. Every bit of help counts.

 A charge of 20c will be made if you do not

Everyday Healthy Choices Snacks Carrot Stick 1/4 Orange Celery Cheese Slinky Apples Vanilla Custard Seasonal Fruit Popcorn

 

Prices effective from Friday, 5 February 2015 and subject to change

No food from home will be heated or toasted.

 All lunch orders must be written on a paper

Sorry credit is not available at the canteen.

Water (large) Water (small) Flavoured Milk Up & Go Large Juice Popper


50c each .50c each 2.50 2.20 3.50 2.70 .40c each .40c each

1.40 1.00 1.70 2.20 3.00 1.20

(No hot food available) Polly Packs - cheese & crackers Small Large Apricot Balls Banana Biscuits Muffins (savoury & sweet) Cups with fruit Cups of fruit with either custard, Jelly or yoghurt Raisin toast (a slice)

.50c 1.00 .20c .20c 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00

These snacks will be rotated each week, but fruit cups will be available each day for children as a treat

Ice blocks and Ice creams

Quelch Sticks Mini Callippo Paddlepops Vanilla Ice Cream Cup Lemonade Ice Twist Chocolate Shaky Shake Olaf Ice Cream Dragon Popping Ice block Frozen Juice

.50c 1.20 1.60 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.20 1.60 .70c

Please note that ice creams are available at lunch only.

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