NSW Department of Education and Communities
Dear Parents Yesterday the school held the Stage 1 Information Night for parents and it was great to see so many parents coming along to the night. This allowed parents of junior students to come into the school to meet their child’s teacher and find out what will be happening during the term and year. Tonight we will be hosting the primary classes commencing at 5.30pm for parents of children in Years 3 and 4. Following this at 6.30pm Years 5 and 6 classes will have their information session. All teachers will be detailing the exciting programs and events that will occurring during the year including major exams, concerts, performances and excursions. The staff and school will also outline the structure and expectations of the classes. This week the school has commenced several of our scheduled weekly activities, with one being scripture, that is conducted across the school. Our school is exceptionally lucky to offer such a wide choice of scripture options and the quality of the lessons provided by the volunteers is of an incredibly high standard. If your child is currently not attending scripture I would encourage parents to allow their children to experience these lessons which are strongly based on community respect and appreciation of their peers. Another program that commenced
St 2 Parent Information Night (3/4) 5.30pm in St 2 Open Space
St 3 Parent Information Night (5/6) 6.30pm
CPS Swimming Carnival
Book Club Closes
School Photographs
Combined Assembly 2.00pm
District Swimming Carnival - Canowindra
Paul Kelly Cup - Stage 3
State Library visit
CONTACTING THE SCHOOL Administration Office Hours:
12 February 2015
Term 1, Week 3
8.30am - 3.30pm
School commences at 9.10am School finishes at 3.15pm Students are not supervised before 8.45am
COWRA PUBLIC SCHOOL PRIMARY SWIMMING CARNIVAL TOMORROW, FRIDAY. 13 FEBRUARY See information and events on page 4 of this newsletter this week was the transition to high school for Year 6. This has been a regular feature at our school for many years and by all reports by both staff and students were greatly received on Tuesday. This program runs for the entire year and is seen as a successful link between the Primary and high school.
be aware that all food items must be packaged as we are unable to have any loose items of food in the jars. The school P&C will be on Thursday, 19 February commencing at 6pm. Everyone is welcome and we would greatly appreciate new parents to come along and see what the P&C is about.
Tomorrow we will be holding the annual swimming carnival and again Mrs Duncan has been adamant that she has booked perfect weather for the day. The racing should commence approx. 9.45am and will go through the day with numerous events including 100m, 50m 25m and even 12.5m races, ensuring that all children have the opportunity to enter into an event. Cowra Public School has a very proud tradition in swimming that can be seen in our records. Many of these have stood for many, many years and it will be interesting to see if our current group of students will be able to break into this elite group. At 1.00pm the carnival will be holding the traditional parent /teacher race. If you would like to be involved in this event you are more than welcome. The teachers who have not won the event in the last three years are psyched for the event and are only held back by a lack of style, skill and speed. We have cleared a space in the trophy cabinet and have told the previous winning team dubbed the awesome foursome that it is a 2’oclock start, so we are hoping to bring home the silverware.
Lastly I would like to show my great appreciation for the students and families who requested to be in the school band. Again we have taken expressions of interest for band membership from more than 80 students that far exceeds our 50 places. It indicates that our program is seen as a valuable addition to our school curriculum and one that is valued by the school community. Children who were successful on securing an instrument need to practise each day and importantly, must bring their instrument with them every Monday without fail. Parents please help the band children remember this.
As the term moves forward we will be revving up with our preparations for the school fete which will be held on Friday 20 March. The children will be asked to contribute to the fete with art and craft as well as the donation of books and most importantly the famous Jazzy Jars. If you are able to assist with the Jazzy Jars please
Enjoy the week.
Brad Tom
Chair Bags for sale in office $10.00
Mail: PO Box 285, Cowra Phone: 6342 2400 Fax: 6341 1357 School Counsellor 6341 3078 Email: Web: DEPT.HEALTH DENTAL CLINIC:
1300 552 208
Cowra Public School
Page 2
SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS Photographs will be taken on Tuesday, 17 February. Students will be photographed in classes. Arrangements are a little different this year with NO envelopes being sent home. Each student will receive a slip of paper with their unique code on it. These codes will not be handed out on photo day, rather approximately 2-3 weeks after the photo day, when the job is ready to be uploaded. On-Line instructions are attached to this newsletter.
All orders will come through our system, with no paper orders necessary. All orders placed within 21 days will be returned to the school, but any orders after that time will be posted direct to customers. Family envelopes will still be provided in the office for those wishing to order family photos. These CAN be ordered online also. To order a family photo online you just add an “F” to the eldest child’s order.
Commenced Wednesday, 28 January Concludes Thursday 2 April
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call and ask. number for Cliff Dykes Photography is 6342 3070.
Term 2
ALL students are photographed, regardless of orders, and parents can order all through the years but a late fee will apply.
Commences Tuesday, 21 April Concludes Friday, 26 June Term 3 Commences Tuesday, 14 July Concludes Friday, 18 September
Parents can then go online and view the photographs before buying. Background colours can also be changed. Parents can pay by credit card or paypal. There will be a cut off time and photographs will be delivered back to the school for distribution.
Term 4 Commences Tuesday, 6 October Concludes Wednesday, 16 December for students
INFORMATION SESSIONS Thursday, 12 February 5.30pm Stage 2 parents (Years 3 & 4) in Stage 2 Open Space
EMAILING OF NEWSLETTERS The Cowra Public School newsletter is available via email and can also be seen on the Cowra Public School “Web” page each week. Go online and have a look. http:// www.cowra.p.schools.nsw.ed If you would like a coloured copy of the newsletter emailed to you, please contact the school with your email address.
6.30pm Stage 3 parents (Years 5 & 6) Enter via entrance.
Parents you are invited to attend a general information session to inform you about Stage organisation and happenings in primary for 2015. H1-2 will be holding individual meetings with parents in lieu of Stage meetings. Mrs Hopkins will advise parents of the date and time.
Year 6 transition to High School will commence on Tuesday, 10 February and will continue each Tuesday throughout Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4. Students will access lessons from the science and technology syllabus, the music syllabus and the visual arts syllabus and will follow the same content and outcomes as students in Stage 3. Staff from Cowra Public School will accompany the students each Tuesday. This transition program has been put in place to support students as they move from Primary to High School. Students will leave Cowra Public School at 2.00pm and will leave for home from the High School using their usual means of transport. Travel to the High School will be by bus. There is no cost to parents for the bus travel. Students are required to wear full school uniform (including fully enclosed black leather shoes). This is an OH&S requirement. Should you have any enquiries regarding this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact the school as we are happy to help.
Cowra Public School
COMBINED (K-6) ASSEMBLIES This Term the school will be holding 2 combined (K-6) assemblies: Thursday, 19 February at 2.00pm in the auditorium. Thursday, 19 March at 2.00pm in the auditorium. Primary and Infants Aussies of the Month will be presented at these assemblies and Merit Certificates awarded. Everyone is welcome to attend.
INFANTS ASSEMBLIES Infants assemblies will now be held every second Thursday, i.e. even weeks. The assemblies will be held in the Infants Open Space and commence at 2.00pm and finish at 2.30pm when the children will return to their classrooms. At these assemblies students will be receiving Merit Certificates and PBL awards. Every alternate Thursday (not assembly week) from 12.30pm until 1.00pm the Infants will be holding combined singing in the Infants Open Space. All parents are invited to come along and listen to the children singing.
Page 3
UNIVERSITY OF NSW COMPETITIONS The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) are independent skills-based assessments with a competition element. Commonly referred to as the UNSW tests, ICAS is unique, being the most comprehensive generally available suite of academic assessments and school tests for primary and secondary school students. The assessments comprise Digital Technologies, English , Maths, Science, Spelling and Writing tests. A new ICAS test is developed annually for each subject in each year level. All ICAS tests are reviewed by experienced teachers to ensure that they accurately assess students’ skills and are relevant to what they are learning at school. Administration Guidelines are provided to the schools with the ICAS papers to ensure that the same conditions are afforded to all students sitting ICAS. Over one million student entries are accepted from over 6,300 schools in Australia and New Zealand annually. In addition, students from over 20 countries including Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and the USA participate in ICAS each year. Entry is open to all students Year 3—6. Entries close: Thursday, 30th April
The assemblies will include the Year 6 Public Speaking and Merit Certificates will also be presented on the day.
Assessment Subjects available and cost Digital Technologies $8 Science $8 Writing $17 Spelling $11 English $8 Mathematics $8
Everyone is welcome to come along to any of these assemblies or singing afternoons.
The Primary will also be holding their assemblies every second Thursday, i.e. even weeks at 2.30pm in the school auditorium.
School photographs
Infants classes will commence Home Reading next week. Students will be taking home a book each night and this needs to be read to your child and recorded in their home reading booklet. The book needs to be returned to the school the following day to be exchanged. Reading at home is meant to be a pleasurable activity, not an enforced chore. Children who read regularly become better readers thus increasing their opportunities for success. Hints to make this an enjoyable experience:
Tuesday 17 February Please make sure your child/ children get to school on time and that they are in full summer school uniform. Students will be photographed in their home classes and if you would like a family photo taken please contact the school for an envelope.
Make a regular time for reading every day. Turn off the T.V. Let your child know that you enjoy the time together. Be seen as a reader yourself. Make listening to reading a special time. Discuss the pictures on the cover. Read the text together. Talk to your child about the book.
Above all make it an enjoyable experience.
TRAFFIC & PARKING OFFENCES IN SCHOOL ZONES 2015 As part of Cowra Shire Council’s commitment to ensuring school safety below are the 2015 School Zone restriction that must be observed. Police and Council’s Ranger Service will be patrolling school zones to ensure that motorists are abiding by the road rules. It is important that drivers are taking care when driving in school zones by observing the 40km speed limits and parking signs. BUS ZONES You must not stop or park in a bus zone unless you are driving a public bus. Penalty: $304.00 Demerit Points: 2 NO PARKING You must not stop on a length of road to which a NO Parking sign applies unless you are dropping off or picking up passengers or goods. A driver must remain within 3 metres of the vehicle at all times an not leave the vehicle unattended. The dropping off or picking up must be completed in 2 minutes. Penalty: $169.00 Demerit Points: 2 NO STOPPING SIGN You must not stop on a length of road to which a No Stoping sign apples. Penalty: $304.00 Demerit Points: 2
COWRA FESTIVAL OF INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Cowra Public School will again be participating in the Cowra Festival of International Understanding parade on Saturday, 7 March 2015. We are aware that many children take part in the parade each year for their club or organisation and offer this opportunity for anyone not already involved in the parade to be part of Cowra Public School’s walk. Any child who is interested in being part of this event needs to fill in the form below and return it to the school by Monday 23 February. Parents need to be aware that it does require some costuming. The theme for this year is “South Korea” and we have some great ideas for how the children can be dressed. Any assistance from parents in the making of some costume parts/props or help on the day would be very much appreciated. Children will be walking as part of Cowra Public School group this year (NO FLOAT) and will be required to walk quietly and safely throughout the parade. PARADE TIMES: 1.45pm 2.30pm
Assemble at Aquatic Centre Park on Taragala Street Parade will travel up along Brougham Street, into Fitzroy Street and finish in Denman Street.
Please provide your child with a bottle of water, as it can get quite warm while waiting for the parade to start. Children are to be picked up from Brougham Park immediately after the parade. Parents will need to ensure their child is at Aquatic Centre Park at 1.30pm on the day and collect their child immediately after the parade reaches Brougham Park.
COWRA FESTIVAL OF INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING - FESTIVAL FLOAT PERMISSION NOTE I give permission for my child _______________________________________ in ___________ class to participate in the Cowra Festival of International Understanding Festival walk to be held on Saturday, 7 March 2015.
I understand that the children will walking as a school group and this will involve travel down Brougham Street, Fitzroy Street and finish in Denman Street/ I understand that the students will be supervised by an adult when walking. I understand that the children will be required to walk quietly and safely throughout the parade and will discuss this with my child. I understand that the children need to be picked up from Brougham Park immediately after the parade.
Signed: __________________________________
Term 1, Week 3 Page 5
Our first major sporting event of the year is fast approaching. Entries have been finalised and a list of events is included in this newsletter. I am anticipating that the first race will start at approximately 9.50am and we are looking forward to a great day at the pool. Many thanks to those parents and family members who have kindly volunteered to assist on Friday. Your support is greatly appreciated. I will need some assistance in setting up tents etc. in the morning at 8.00am and during the carnival our parent helpers will be giving out place ribbons as the races are completed. All organisation for the Carnival Day has appeared in the last two newsletters and I just wish to reminds students and families of a few important points; $2.00 entry fee to the pool
Season ticket holders MUST take their number to the office tomorrow morning to have it recorded otherwise the school is charged $2.00 for their entry. NO SCHOOL CANTEEN FOR PRIMARY TOMORROW. There is a canteen available at the Pool and children may order their lunch there. If you wish for your child to remain at the pool after the carnival they must have a signed permission note. They need to give this note to their Home Room Class teacher in the morning. Children being collected from the pool will need to be signed out at the Swimming Club Room where Mrs Cobcroft and Miss James will be recording race results.
Thanks Shavaughn Duncan Sport/ PE
Program for Swimming Carnival 1
Boys All Age 100m Freestyle
Boys Junior Backstroke
Girls All Age 100m Freestyle
Girls Junior Backstroke
Boys 8 years Freestyle
Boys 11 years Backstroke
Girls 8 years Freestyle
Girls 11 years Backstroke
Boys 9 years Freestyle
Boys 12/13 years Backstroke
Girls 9 years Freestyle
Girls 12/13 years Backstroke
Boys 10 years Freestyle
Novelty event - Cork scramble
Girls 10 years Freestyle
Boys Junior Butterfly
Boys 11 years Freestyle
Girls Junior Butterfly
Girls 11 years Freestyle
Boys 11 years Butterfly
Boys 12 years Freestyle
Girls 11 years Butterfly
Girls 12 years Freestyle
Boys 12/13 years Butterfly
Novelty event - Noodle races
Girls 12/13 years Butterfly
Boys Junior Breaststroke
Novelty event - 25m races
Girls Junior Breaststroke
Junior Medley 4 x50m Boys
Boys 11 years Breaststroke
Junior Medley 4 x50m Girls
Girls 11 years Breaststroke
Senior Medley 4 x 50m Boys
Boys 12/13 years Breaststroke
Senior Medley 4 x 50m Girls
Girls 12/13 years Breaststroke
House relays (if time allows)
Novelty event - Kickboard races
SPORT continued COWRA POOL CANTEEN HOT FOOD Bucket of chips Bucket of wedges
$3.50 $3.50
SNACK BOXES - $5.50 (4 different snacks) 4 nuggets. Chips & sauce
2 fish cocktails, chips & tartare sauce 2 calamari, chips & tartare sauce Wedges, sour cream & sweet chilli sauce
Meat pie Pasties Sausage roll Spinach & Ricotta s/roll
$3.60 $3.60 $2.50 $2.50
Scallops Fish cocktail Calamari Chicko roll Chicken nuggets 5 for
$1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $3.00 $3.00
Orders need to be in by 11.00am
P. & C
P. & C continued CANTEEN ASSISTANCE The P&C Association run our school’s canteen and offer an affordable and healthy service to students and staff. All profits made in our canteen are spent on projects within our school. Our canteen manger, Lisa Willis desperately needs volunteers to assist in running the canteen this year. Please consider spending one day a month or term volunteering. It is a great way to keep in touch with your children and their friends. Volunteer assistance is needed from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. daily OR perhaps 9.00am until 11.00am to make the lunches. If you could assist, please ring the school or see Lisa in the canteen. WE CAN’T RUN OUR CANTEEN WITHOUT YOUR HELP! Make some time to come along, meet other parents and enjoy a day with the children at Cowra Public School.
CLOTHING POOL The school runs a very well equipped Clothing Pool. The Clothing Pool is run by the canteen manager, Mrs Lisa Willis. Lisa is available to show parents the stock at any time. Please be mindful that Lisa is extremely busy before school taking lunch orders etc. and at recess and lunch times. The clothing pool has girl’s summer uniforms, boy’s shorts and shirts and both boy’s and girl’s sports clothes. The clothing pool also has chair bags and library bags.
The P & C will be holding their FIRST MEETING FOR 2015 next Thursday, 19 February at 6.00pm in the school staff room. A FETE meeting will be held immediately after the normal meeting.
WHAT IS THE P&C? P&C stands for Parents and Citizens, and Cowra Public School’s P&C Association meets once a month on Thursday evenings. The objective of the P&C is to provide parents, carers and concerned citizens an opportunity to discuss aspects of their child’s education with the school’s Principal and other staff. P&C’s are often seen by the wider community primarily as fund raising committees. Whilst there are many activities that the P&C engage in to raise funds for extras in the schools, our primary focus is providing parents with an avenue to constructively discuss any aspects of their child’s schooling with school staff. The P&C usually meet on the third Thursday of each month, and the next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 19 February at 6.00 pm in the school staff room.
Would love to see some new Kindergarten parents at the meeting!!!
If any parent has school clothing in good condition they wish to sell, please label the clothing with your name and phone number along with the amount you wish to sell it for. The P & C take a small commission on the sale.
Jazzy Jar Ideas
Clothes pegs Wrapped lollies Toys Erasers Pencils Hair clips Scrunches Chalk Small cars Soldiers Toy animals Sewing items Bracelets Soaps Seeds Candles
Friday 20 March 5.00 until 8.00pm in the school grounds
Cakes & produce
Pop a balloon Great prizes
Lucky Dips
Haunted House
zy J
w Sno es con Fairy MEMORIABILIA Floss
BBQ and drinks
Jumping Castle
Local produce and second hand books/DVD’s
Attractions BBQ Books/DVD’s Stalls Cakes Produce Nail painting Jazzy Jars Haunted House Art Show Jumping castle Kids activities GREAT FOOD!!!
Cowra Public School
WANTED !!! Your old books and DVDs for our school fete. Clear out your bookshelves and donate your pre loved books to our book stall. Send in books to your child’s classroom or leave at the front office.
POSITION VACANT Desperately needed for our fete talented artists who like working with children and spreading joy!! Unfortunately our regular face painter is unavailable this year, if you have some flair with face paint and can help out please contact the office. We would like to offer crazy nails and hair, so if this is something you can do, and are happy to donate a few hours of your time - please contact the front office.
Market stalls are available at our Fete! It is a great opportunity to get involved with our school, gain exposure for your products at a very low cost and have a fun night out. Contact the office for rates, terms and conditions.
Green thumbs anyone!! We’d love any donations of plants or produce for our Fete. If you have any donations please contact the school. We can organise pick up of any items if required. ASSISTANCE SOUGHT NO HELPERS = No Fete! If you can donate a small amount of time it makes a big difference. Please return the assistance form on page 8 if you can help in any way -
Jazzy Jars Start sending on this Jazzy Jars to your child’s class
My name is Hayley Barker, and I am the Co-Principal and dance teacher of the Cowra Ballet School. The Cowra Ballet School is a local dance studio, which has been providing quality dance education to its students for over 40 years. This year we are excited to introduce a boys only hip hop class called Funky Fellas. Dance provides countless benefits to young people, and we are now pleased that we can offer these benefits to boys, in a fun environment where their strength and masculinity is fostered.
COWRA SCOUTS At scouts, children are taught many skills such as working as a team, problem solving, playing suitable games, survival outdoors, working towards earning badges to sew on their shirts. Cowra scouts run on a Monday night from 6.30-8.30pm every week at the Scout Hall on Binni Creek Rd. The preferred age for Scouts is for children 11-14 years old. Check out our Facebook page at Cowra Scouts.
Cindy Newsome
Cindy Saxby
Melissa Andersen
13/2/15 Kim Meeuwisse
P. & C. FETE Offer of Assistance Friday, 20 March 2015
~ Many hands make light work! ~ Dear P&C Fete Committee I am able to assist as indicated below: I am able to run a stall or assist with a stall. I am able to help setup during the afternoon, from 3.00pm I am able to help pack up at the conclusion of the Fete at 8.00pm Name: __________________________________________
Telephone _______________________
Any suggestions: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Cowra Public School
COWRA JUNIOR RUGBY UNION Cowra Junior Rugby Union will be hosting a sevens tournament on Friday nights over five week from Friday, 27 February until Friday, 27 March 2015. There will be teams in five age groups. Under 7’s (girls will be able to sign up and compete)
Under 9’s (girls will be able to sign up and compete) Under 11’s (girls will be able to sign up and compete)
United Fusion Inc. United Fusion will be running a two year program of workshops for Cowra students (aged 5 to 18 years), across many facets of the Creative Arts.
Under 13’s (boys only) Under 15’s (boys only)
The under 7’s will play touch rugby while the older groups will play tackle. Mouthguards are compulsory for all and players will need to bring shorts, socks, boots & water bottle with headgear optional. Game jerseys will be supplied by the club. Registration fees will be only $10.00 for the tournament to cover insurance for all players. Kick off will be at 6.00pm sharp and the games will finish at 7.00pm. Bring the family and stay for the games. A full canteen will be available with a sausage sandwich and a popper for the kids at $4.00. For further information and registration please email: or register at the Cowra Eagles Rugby Club in Hartley Street from 5.00pm on Friday, 27 February.
Industry experts will travel to Cowra to provide tuition across vocal, instrumental, scriptwriting, stage makeup, sound and lighting, set and costume design, dance and drama. All workshops will have a common theme and will culminate in 2016 with a production at the Cowra Japanese Gardens. If you would like more information about these workshops, United Fusion has a Facebook page where people can find information. The school has a copy of the programs being offered this year if you would a copy. United Fusion email: Contact person: Alison Buckley/Victoria Gordan
PO Box 900, Cowra NSW 2794 T/A Lic 2TA5695 Email: LES MISERABLES: Saturday, 13 June 2015, Capitol Theatre, Sydney - $220.00
Phone: 6342 1021 Fax: 6342 4597 Web: MATILDA: Saturday, 12 September 2015, Lyric Theatre, Sydney, $220.00
ZEALAND NORTH & SOUTH ISLAND: 18 days - Numerous activities included. Departing from Cowra 6th March, 2015. Returning to Cowra 23rd March, 2015. From $5,750.00 twin share
“Cowra Travel Takes you There”