Cowra Public School
Term 1 Week 6
8 March 2018
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Infants Assembly 11.30am Primary Assembly 12.15pm 14 AFL Paul Kelly Cup Bathurst 15 P&C Meeting - 6pm 16 Western Region Swimming Carnival 23/24/25Festival Of International Understanding 23 Whole School Assembly - 11.30 23 Book Club Closes 29 Forensic Science Workshop Stage 2 & Stage 3 29 Infants Easter Hat Parade 30 Good Friday APRIL 2
Easter Monday
Hockey Gala Day
Colour Run Fundraiser K-6
Welcome to Week 6 and the half-way point in the term. It is great to see all of our students hard at work in the classrooms, and playing beautifully in the playground. Our school’s PBL values of being safe, respectful and on task are evident everywhere you look. Last Friday all students in Infants and Primary attended a special presentation by Jay Allen – guest speaker from the Melanoma Institute of Australia who spoke about the importance of looking after our skin in the sun. We thank CPS parent Lisa Hall for facilitating the event, the Cowra Guardian for promoting the sun safety message and Jay for sharing his knowledge with us all. We look forward to having Jay visit Cowra PS again next year. Also on Friday all students took part in the annual “Clean Up Australia Day”. Kinder, Stage 1 and Stage 2 cleaned up areas in the playground whilst Stage 3 headed down to River Park. How great to see our students caring for the environment! Thank you to all families who have attended meetings at school with our teachers over the past few weeks. We have held Learning Support Plan meetings, Personalised Learning Pathway meetings and tonight will be holding Three-way Interviews where the teacher, child and parent meet to discuss how they are settling into the term and establish some short and long term goals for the future. At CPS we greatly value our home-school partnerships and are committed to developing strong relationships with all of our families. If you missed out on booking an interview, it’s not too late just contact the office on 63422400 to arrange an appointment with your child’s teacher. Over the next few weeks many of our students will be out and about at various sporting and cultural activities. Excursions have been organised for the Boys and Girls AFL Paul Kelly Cup competition in Bathurst, a Year 6 Debating enrichment day in Bathurst, Riding for the Disabled, Western Region Swimming Carnival in Dubbo, Forensic Science Workshop for all Stage 2 and Stage 3 students, Festival of International Understanding, the Infants Easter Hat Parade and of course our whole school “Colour Run” which is set down for the last day of term! Thank you to the teachers for their efforts in planning and organising such a wide range of ‘extra’ activities for our students. Please ensure you return all permission notes and keep up to date with what’s happening via the weekly Newsletter, school website and the Cowra Public School Facebook page. Just a reminder our Infants Assembly is on again tomorrow from 11:30am12:15pm with the Primary Assembly to follow from 12:15pm-1:00pm in the Hall. We look forward to seeing everyone there! Have a great week…. Jenny Lewis Principal
CONTACTING THE SCHOOL Administration Office Hours: 8.30am - 3.30pm School commences at 9.10am School finishes at 3.15pm Students are not supervised before 8.40am
!!!TOMORROW!!! INFANTS ASSEMBLY - 11.30am PRIMARY ASSEMBLY - 12.15pm Mail: Phone:
PO Box 285, Cowra 6342 2400
School Counsellor 6341 3078 Email: Web:
CPS Wellbeing Wrap Week 6 Welcome everyone to CPS Wellbeing Wrap for week 6. We have a few interesting things happening at our school over the past week which I will briefly explain:
Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre
Congratulations to Miss Gorham, Miss Elbourne and Dyirridyirri 1G for their fantastic performance over at CINC last Friday morning. Your information on bushrangers and dynamic singing of your bushranger song had the audience captivated. The staff at CINC expressed their absolute delight of having you perform and the response of our community members was outstanding. Thank you to Fran and her staff for providing a delicious morning tea. It was very yummy. Our next performance over at CINC will be on Friday 16th March at 10:30am. Miss Causton and Garru KC will be delivering something special I’m sure. This Friday at 10:30am CPS girls Vice Captain, Bridie Smith and Captain, Niamh Webster have been invited to attend CINC to present flowers to women of our community for International Women’s Day.
Attendance Awards
This week at assembly, we will be recognising students that have had 100% attendance for the first half of the term. Recognition of excellent attendance will be made mid-term and end of term throughout the school year. Classes from Primary and Infants with the greatest attendance percentage for the fortnight will also be acknowledged at assembly, with the classes with the overall highest attendance for each term receiving a special treat.
Boys Mentoring Group
Every Friday afternoon I will be meeting with a small group of our Primary boys to assist with their social skill development, engagement at school, self-esteem building and community involvement. We began last week by discussing some projects around our school that they could help with to develop school pride. We are currently in the process of painting our PBL stars and having them attached to the back of the auditorium.
Sun Smart
Congratulations to Jay Allen on his fantastic Sun Smart talk last Friday. His message is certainly worth taking seriously and I’m sure all the students and staff gained valuable knowledge of the importance of looking after themselves out in the sun. Thank you also to Ms Lisa Hall for assisting Jay and helping to facilitate the visit. If you are experiencing any problems or would like to chat about anything that may be impacting your child’s wellbeing then please give me a call on 63422400 Cheers
Albert Murray Assistant Principal Wellbeing
***BREAKING NEWS*** Cowra Public School will be presenting, in Term 3…..
“ALICE IN WONDERLAND” Auditions will be held later this term
BOOK CLUB ~~~CLOSES~~~ Friday 23rd March
All book club orders are Online only
PAYMENT NOW DUE: SCHOOL FEES: $40 per child (Family Max. $80) BAND: $25 a term - Term 1 now due
CPS CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY ICAS Tests Form – Please return to school by Friday 16th March 2018 Please indicate which tests your child will sit ()
ICAS Subject
ICAS Test Sitting Date
Digital Technologies (Year 3-6) Science (Year 2-6)
8 May 2018
29 May 2018
Spelling (Year 2-6)
13 June 2018
Writing (Year 3-6)
14 June 2018
English (Year 2-6)
31 July 2018
Mathematics (Year 2-6)
14 August 2018
Student Name - ____________________________________________________________ Class - ____________________________________________ Year Level - _____________ I enclose __________________ as payment. Signed - __________________________ (parent/guardian)
Date - ________________
All entries will be submitted on-line. Cheques can be made payable to Cowra Public School.
EVERYONE! K-6 Parents & Community
River Park
To raise money for some much needed sports equipment and to lower costs of excursions
Lego Exhibition And Competitions Cowra Uniting Church Wesley Centre Saturday – 17th March, 2018 9.30am - 3pm $4 (or $10 per family) entry
- supporting
The Scripture teacher at the Cowra High School
Morning teas –
BBQ lunch –
Competitions – $4 per entry Entry forms available at Cowra Guardian Taste Buds, Cowra Newsagency & ‘Rapt in Gifts.
Contacts – K .Tindall – 6341 4011 M. Pengilly – 6342 1794
ENTRY FORM – Models to be at Wesley Centre – Friday 5pm – 9pm NAME .............................................................................. .......... TITLE OF MODEL .............................................................................. .......... CATEGORY .............................................................................. ......... .............................................................................. ......... E.g. Preschool - Original Model, or Set Presentation Kindy – year 2 - Original model, or Set Presentation Year 3 – year 6 - Original model or Set Presentation. PHONE NUMBER: .............................................................................. .........