MULYAN PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Term 2~ Week 1 www. Dear Parents, Welcome back to Term 2. I hope that everyone had a very relaxing and enjoyable holiday and that you are ready for a very, very busy term. This week starts off with a few sports events and then continues on with lots of other sports, academic and cultural events over the next 10 weeks. With this newsletter is a calendar with information that is current for Term 1. As dates become known we will also let you know about them. Thank you to the people who responded to our survey regarding our online newsletter. The overwhelming majority of respondents were happy with the way that newsletters are now being distributed and so we will continue with the online delivery. If you indicated that you would like your newsletter emailed this can be arranged. Thank you to those who responded to our survey.
Wednesday,22nd April 2015
NAPLAN A reminder that the NAPLAN assessments for all students in Year 3 and 5 will take place during the week beginning 11th May. The first assessment will be the Language Conventions and Writing assessment on Tuesday, 12th May. The Reading assessment will take place on Wednesday, 13th May and the Numeracy assessment will take place on Thursday,14th May. There will also be the opportunity for a catch up day on Friday, 15th May. If you have any questions or queries about these assessments please contact me at school. P & C News
At the end of Term 1 the Mulyan P&C held their Annual General Meeting. At this meeting a new executive was elected. The following are the new This term’s newsletters will be published on 6th May, officer bearers for 2015: 20th May, 3rd June and 17th June. President: Jenny Melhuish Secretary: Nikki Wilson ANZAC Day Treasurer: Christie Anderson Publicity: Cath Sutherland This Saturday, marks the 100th Anniversary of the first ANZAC landing and we will once again be The P&C is a great supporter of the school and I’m represented in the Annual ANZAC Day march. We sure the newly elected executive will lead the P&C would like to encourage as many students as well. possible to join us for the march and to show respect to the returned servicemen and women by Don’t forget to save the day 8th May for the P&C taking part in this very important ceremony. The students need to meet at the front of the Services Diamond Debutante Ball. Please support this Club in Brisbane Street. They will then march to the wonderful event. All proceeds will be directed straight back to the school to benefit the students. cenotaph in Vaux Street for the ANZAC Day ceremony and they will then be dismissed at approximately 12 noon into the supervision of their John Smith parents. All students need to wear full winter uniform. : We will also be having an ANZAC Day ceremony here at school on Friday, 24th April at 11.50am in , the VTS. This will involve all students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Our hall is relatively small and from past experience this means that the students are tightly packed in. There will only be a few seats available to parents who wish to join us. School Photos This year, our school photos will be taken on Thursday, 7th May. They will once again be taken by Cliff Dykes Photography. All information will be sent home closer to the time.
Reminder The teachers’ car park areas are not to be used for children pick-up & drop off . It is for teachers, deliveries and disabled parking only!
20/4 WEEK 1 School Development Day
21/4 Students Return to School
23/4 Peachey/Richardson Shield
24/4 ANZAC day assembly Netball Gala day
29/4 P & C meeting
1/5 Assemblies
5/5 Primary Cross Country
15/5 NAPLAN Assemblies
21/5 Primary Athletics Carnival
22/5 District Cross Country
25/5 WEEK 6
27/5 P & C meeting
29/5 Assemblies
1/6 WEEK 7
8/6 WEEK 8 Queens Birthday
10/6 Western Cross Country — Geurie
12/6 Assemblies
16/6 Spelling Competition
24/6 P & C meeting
26/6 Last day Term 2 Assemblies
22/6 WEEK 10 Naidoc Week
School Photos
Bronze Awardees:
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Cowra Hockey Registrations are due ASAP. A reminder that all players, young and not so young, are to register via the internet before the start of competition, Saturday, 2nd May. To register, please go to, and click register now. You will come across a form to fill out and in the first drop down box, you will need to put Bathurst Association (remember we amalgamated), and then for the next drop down box for “club�, select Cowra. Fees this year are $140 for adults, $80 under 18 years, and $40 under 9 years. Cowra Hockey competition times The following will be start times for the winter season: 11.30am Juniors and Minkeys show their stuff 12.30 pm Intermediate games
Price List and Options available for School Photos Thursday, 7th May 2015
PCYC Cowra Junior Disco There will be a Junior Disco for Kinder to Year 6 children this Friday, 24 April, running from 6pm to 8pm at PCYC’s Young Road building. Entry is $5.00 per person and there will be a sausage sizzle and canteen in operation. Music and lights provided by Laurie’s Disco. Supervision by PCYC Police, Staff and Volunteers. Safer Drivers Course for Learner Drivers A Safer Drivers Course will be running at PCYC Cowra on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th May. This course consists of two modules. The first is a 3 hour facilitated group discussion on how to manage risks on the road, the second is a 2 hour in-vehicle coaching session to develop low-risk driving strategies. The must knows; Course is limited to a maximum of 12 participants Cost is $140 each participant Participants must have completed 50 hours of actual on-road driving experience Participants who complete the course will receive 20 hours credit recorded in their learner driver log book Enrolment forms are available from PCYC Cowra Course fee must be paid when booking Junior Basketball Junior Basketball will be running Wednesday afternoons during term 2. This will consist of coaching sessions and games to develop and improve the skills of the younger players. The cost for Junior Basketball will be $35 per player for the full term up front or $5.00 per week pay as you go. Social Mixed Open Basketball Plenty of interest has been shown in the new Social Mixed Basketball competition due to start this term. Games will be played on Monday nights with the first game commencing at 6pm. Finishing times will depend on the number of teams nominated. There is still time to organise your Mixed Basketball team so call in to PCYC’s Young Road building and pick up a nomination form if you haven’t already done so. Cost will be $5.00 per player per game. Archery Indoor Archery is on Monday afternoons with a session for beginners and juniors commencing at 4pm, followed by a session for the adults and more experienced shooters at 5pm. Cost for Archery is $6.00 per session. All equipment is supplied however you are welcome to bring your own bow along if you wish. Laser Tag Laser Tag will still be running on Wednesday afternoons from 5.30 to 6.30 with Mitchell White taking on the instructors role for the activity. Cost for Wednesday Laser Tag is $5.00 per person each week. Weekend Laser Tag parties are also available with Mohamed Sciberras running Laser Tag for the parties. Please contact the club for pricing and bookings. PCYC Membership You must be a PCYC member to participate in any of the PCYC activities. Annual membership is $5.00 for under 18’s and $10 for ages 18 and older.