Cowra Public School
Term 2, Week 1 27 April 2017
April 27
P&C AGM Meeting 6pm
May 1
AECG Mtg 2pm Neighbourhood Centre
Netball/Football day
PSSA Netball - Grenfell
Infant Assembly 1.40pm
Athletics Carnival
Primary Assembly 2.30pm
PSSA Netball - Orange
Yr 6 High School 2pm
NAPLAN - Catch up day
AFL Talks (K-6)
Public Speaking- Orange
GRIP Leadership - Bathurst
Combined Assembly 2.00pm
Cross Country
P&C AGM Meeting TONIGHT 6pm Staffroom
ST 3 PIE DRIVE ORDERS CLOSE TUESDAY, 6 JUNE Order Form attached to Newsletter.
Dear Parents/Caregivers, Welcome back to all students, staff and parents! I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed the break from school routines. I would like to extend a special welcome to our new families who have joined the CPS community this term as well as our new staff members – Miss Katrina Noble (N3 Class teacher), Miss Brook Sullivan (Executive and Beginning Teacher Release), Mrs Anthea Hubbard (School Administration Officer) and Aunty Esther Cutmore (Wiradjuri Language Assistant). We hope you enjoy being a part of our wonderful school! Over the holidays the school has had some further maintenance work completed with new cement paths and turf laid, trees removed, pavers re-laid, painted lines re-marked around the school and work started on the retaining wall near the Primary cricket nets. Thank you to Mr McGill who has supervised this work during the holidays so that when students returned on Wednesday, the playground was ready to go! Traditionally, Term 2 is always a very busy term with lots of extra-curricular activities organised. We have the Athletics Carnival, Cross Country, NAPLAN, Cowra Eisteddfod, Operation Art, Wiradjuri Language Classes, School Reports, and NAIDOC Week, just to name a few! Please ensure you keep up to date with all that is happening at school via the weekly Newsletter, the school website and the Cowra Public School Facebook page. The staff had a very productive Staff Development Day on Monday this week where we focused on training for a new administration, wellbeing and attendance software package called “Sentral”, worked on tracking and monitoring our students using the NSW Department of Education’s Literacy and Numeracy Continuums and finalised classroom programs and activities ready for the term ahead. We are all very excited to be back and are looking forward to a fantastic Term 2! A huge thank you goes out to the large number of students and staff who braved the wet weather and turned up to march at the Cowra ANZAC Service on Tuesday. Congratulations to our school leaders; Jacquie Long, Jake Roberts and Lucy Scammall who did a fantastic job laying the wreath at the cenotaph on behalf of Cowra Public School. Our school was extremely well represented and all students participated in the march with honour and respect. In Week 3 of this Term, students in Year 3 and 5 will sit the National Assessments in Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). The dates for this year’s NAPLAN tests are Tuesday 9th May – Language Conventions (Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation) and Writing; Wednesday 10th May – Reading and Thursday 11th May – Numeracy. Mr Murray and Mr Garlick will be coordinating the supervision of our Year 3 and 5 students during the testing period. NAPLAN gives both parents and the school a ‘snapshot’ of where each child is sitting in areas of Literacy and Numeracy and is a valuable diagnostic tool for teachers. Friday 12th May is allocated as a catch up day if students are absent. Students will be doing some practice papers over the next few weeks to assist them to become familiar with the testing format and to try and make them feel as comfortable as possible when sitting the assessments. Just a reminder to all families that this term sees the change over to our winter uniform. Students are required to wear school uniform each day with the exception of Sport Days. If you require new uniforms, these are available from Mr Embroidery or alternatively, the school has some second hand uniforms for sale in the clothing pool – please call in and see Mrs Willis in the canteen. Have a great week… Jenny Lewis Principal
CONTACTING THE SCHOOL Administration Office Hours:
8.30am - 3.30pm
School commences at 9.10am School finishes at 3.15pm Students are not supervised before 8.40am
Mail: Phone:
PO Box 285, Cowra 6342 2400
School Counsellor 6341 3078 Email: Web:
Stage 3 students are holding a Pie Drive to assist with costs for their Term 4, Sport & Recreation Camp excursion. A Pie Drive order form is attached to the back of this newsletter and as winter is fast approaching this is an excellent opportunity to stock your freezer with mouth watering pies from Early Rose Baking Company, Dubbo (formally Roberts Bakery in Orange). Orders for the pies need to be in by Tuesday, 6th June 2017 and the pies will be available for collection on Friday, 16th June. There will be a prize for the most pies sold by a student.
Stewart House provides public school children with much needed breaks in Sydney. Your donation supports the 1,800 children who attend Stewart House each year. If you would like to make a donation, please insert a gold coin into the envelope provided and return to the office by: Friday, 19th May. You could win a $4,000 holiday. Good Luck
Payments Now Due: School Fees: $40 per student (family Max $80) Opens Thursday, 27th April Closes 3pm Friday 12th May
Book club orders can be made online and at the school office
Band: $25 per term (without instrument) $15 per term (with instrument) Term 1 & 2 now due Year 1 Excursion: Orange Civic Theatre $26 due by 25th May
Mothers Day Stall The P& C will be holding a mothers day stall next week. All classes will have the opportunity to purchase a gift. Class buying days are Wednesday, 3rd & Thursday 4th May. A note will be sent home Monday with prices for the gifts. Wednesday classes are U2 N3 S1 A2 H1/2 C1 JM2 Q2/3 V3 C2 G1 I3 & G3
Thursday classes are KW KC R1 KM M1
Term 2 Sport News
Term 2 has begun with a very busy first week of sporting activities! Primary sport will now move to Friday afternoons at 2.00pm - 3.15pm. It will be class based until week 5, as we have Athletics Carnival and Cross Country events to fit in over the next few weeks. Next Thursday (4th May) is our Primary Athletics Carnival, which will be held at Twigg Oval. A permission note for attending the carnival will be sent home tomorrow (Friday) and we ask that you return it on Monday of next week. The note will have all the relevant details regarding organisation of the day. Children will come to school as per usual and we will move down to the oval as a group at approximately 9.30am. All parents are most welcome to attend for all or any part of the day. Prior to the carnival on Tuesday (2nd May) our PSSA Netball team will travel to Grenfell to play the first round of the competition. We wish them the very best of luck and thank Mrs Montgomery for her coaching commitment to the team. If they are successful, the team will attend a Regional Gala Day in Orange on Friday (5th May)
Wednesday sees the annual David Peachy/Russell Richardson Rugby League competition which coincides with the Cowra District Schools Netball Gala Day coordinated by St Raphael’s School. Those students attending will already have their permission notes and information for the day. Students will be accompanied by Stage 2 & 3 teachers and those not attending will come to school as normal. Our school cross country takes place on Friday, 19th May. I will provide more information about the event in week 3 newsletter. Regional trials information will appear in next week’s newsletter and on our school facebook page.
Have you ever wondered why your children do some of the things they do? Circle of Security is an easy to understand and common sense parenting group, designed to help parents and carers recognise and respond to the needs and behaviour of all children Where: Cowra Early Childhood Intervention Service When: Tuesdays, 1pm to 3pm 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th May 6th, 13th June 2017 To find out more call: Jan Chivers – Centacare
Kirstin Stevenson
Ph: 0418 366 855
0428 450 399
Lifeline’s DV-alert* (Domestic Violence Response Training) is a national recognised training program that enables health, allied health and community frontline workers to confidently: RECOGNISE signs of domestic and family violence (DFV) RESPOND with appropriate care REFER people experiencing or at risk of domestic and family violence to appropriate support services
Thursday 27th & Friday 28th April 8.45am registration for prompt start 9am – 5pm Who is eligible to attend?
What are the benefits of the training?
All health, allied health and community frontline workers
What is the cost of the training? The training fee is waived for health, allied health and community frontline workers. On top of that, Lifeline will cover reasonable costs of participants requiring travel, accommodation and staff backfill. Visit for more information Lifeline Central West on behalf of
Statement of Attainment for the unit of competency CHCDFV001 - Recognise and Respond Appropriately to Domestic and Family Violence Points for professional development, specifically for nurses (Continuing Professional Development/CPD hours of the mandatory 20-hour requirement for annual registration; 13 Continuing Nurse Education/ CNE hours of the 30-hour professional development annual requirement Opportunity to network with other frontline workers in the community Improved referral knowledge through increased knowledge of local resources and support
Lifeline Australia RTO 88036 DV-alert is funded by the Department of Social Services.
Mr Embroidery Cowra C.P.S. Winter Uniform ORDER FORM NAME________________ PHONE__________ One lucky shopper will win their total order FREE. Return form by the 10th April 2017 to be eligible. GARMENTS
CPS Fleece Lined Jacket 6-16
CPS Fleece Lined Jacket S-3XL
Tunic 4-8
Girls L/S Blouse, Boys L/S Shirt 4-30
Grey Cargo Pants Oz Surf 4-16
Grey Cargo Pants Oz Surf S-3XL
Grey Double Knee Trousers 4-16
Microfibre Trackpants 4-16
Microfibre Trackpants S-3XL
CPS Embroidered bucket hat
2 pack knee high white socks
3 pack short white socks
3 pack short grey socks
Sports polo 4-16
Sports polo S-3XL
Royal polar fleece jumper 4-14
Royal polar fleece jumper S-3XL
Navy Tights
Please return order forms by 10th April 2017, To 119a Kendal St @ Mr Embroidery Email: Ph 6341 3163. Thankyou All form prices are reduced by Laybys Welcome
orders cannot be picked up before 18th April
(Please print clearly)
Cost of Pie Number of pies
Family Pepper Steak
Number of pies
Family Steak & Potato
Number of packs
Family Steak & Mushroom
Number of pies
4 Packet Beef Mince Pies
Number of pies
Family Apple Pie
Number of pies
Family Apricot Pie
Number of pies
Family Apple & Blueberry Pie
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Please return completed order form and payment to the school office no later than Tuesday, 6th June 2017. The Earlyrise Baking Co. will not accept any late orders.
Number of pies
Family Chicken & Vegie
Number of pies
Family Cheese & Bacon
Number of pies
Family Curry Pie
Number of pies
Family Beef Pie
Delivery date: Friday, 16th June 2017 from 2:00 until 3:30pm
Contact phone no
Orders with payment due: Tuesday 6th June 2017