Term 2, Week 1
Welcome back to Term 2 and what a great week to start the term, with warm weather, a great feel in the school and a shorte week. I hope everyone had a great break and time with their children during the holiday period. Firstly I would like to acknowledge the outstanding representation of Cowra Public School students at the Anzac Day march and Service on Monday. Close to seventy students marched and not only looked amazing in their uniforms but held themselves with pride as they marched and showed their respect to servicemen and women both past and present. Thank you to all students and staff who attended the march, and also a huge thank you to the parents who brought their children along to be part of such an important event on our Australian calendar. Instilling pride and a desire to be part of a community event can often be given little weight, but it is often the effort taken to become involved that cements the importance of such events. We are really looking forward to a very busy period with several events starting our term. The Cowra Public School Choir has been invited to be a feature item at two prestigious events next week with the first being the opening of the CWA State Conference on Monday and the second being a Regal Visit by the NSW Governor, his Excellency General, David Hurley. Both of these events are seen to showcase the highest quality of Cowra and it is fitting our choir has been selected under the guidance of Mrs Hilton. A note has been forwarded to parents in relation to details but it is very important that our children are at school on Tuesday, 3 May at 8.25am to be transported to the high school. Full uniform is expected both days. The visit to Cowra by the NSW Governor is a significant event and one that our school, (being part of the Lachlan Valley Learning Community) is very proud to be a part of. Our School Leaders are looking forward to meeting with his Excellency on Tuesday, 3 May at Cowra High School. Coinciding with this major event on Tuesday, the school with have an additional 80 students attending events in Cowra with approximately forty boys attending the Peachey Rugby League Gala day at River Park under the direction of Mr Murray while approximately forty girls will be competing in a gala Netball day being held at the netball courts. Mrs Montgomery will be coordinating
CONTACTING THE SCHOOL Administration Office Hours:
Cowra Public School NEWS
8.30am - 3.30pm
School commences at 9.10am School finishes at 3.15pm Students are not supervised before 8.40am
28 April 2016
NSW Department of Education and Communities our girls for this day. Both sports will showcase our talented students on the sports fields and we are sure they will enjoy the day. Our Netball team will be looking forward to competing prior to Tuesday with the team scheduled to compete on Friday in Orange at the PSSA knockout gala day. Our team will be accompanied Mrs Montgomery and we are sure they will put an enormous effort in on the day. Good luck girls. Our school is very excited to welcome several new families to our school community with ten new students beginning on Wednesday. It is always nice when we have new students attend our school and we look forward to their efforts and achievements. Next week Mr Murray takes on a new role for a period of one month. Mr Murray has been seconded to the RAET Team (Regional Aboriginal Education Team) to lead the Western Area development of Aboriginal programs and services to schools and communities. It is not hard to see through his hard work why Mr Murray was chosen for this role and we congratulate him on being given the opportunity to lead such a vital role in the western area. Mr Murray will still be based and will work from Cowra Public, thus still giving us access to Mr Murray. During his absence, Mrs Ryan (new Mrs Ryan) will be taking A2 and Mr Murray will be assisting in making sure that the class is ready for this change. Tonight we have the first P&C meeting of the term. These meetings are always an enjoyable experience and I would encourage all parents to come along if they would like. The meetings usually only takes on average, around an hour and are often a great source of information. Starting at 6pm
ST 3 PIE DRIVE ORDERS CLOSE THURSDAY, 12 MAY Lots of delicious meat, savoury and dessert pies to choose from. Just right for the cold winter ahead!!
in the staffroom, the meetings are friendly and tea and coffee is supplied. Next week on Friday the school will be holding our Cross Country event. This will be our selection event to send children to the district carnival so if your child is a keen runner this gives them a week to put some training in to prepare for the event. The day will be held in conjunction with Mulyan Public to enable both schools the opportunity to participate together. I would like to remind parents and students that Week 3 represents the start of our NAPLAN Testing that is run over three days being Tuesday, 10 Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 May. These tests are for students in Year 3 and Year 5 and we request that parents pay attention to these dates ensuring all children are in attendance on these days. Finally I would like to just say how well the school has commenced this term and how the children have returned happy and ready to charge ahead. I thank all parents for presenting their children with such an outstanding uniform. Please be aware that the P&C clothing pool is a great resource for our school and one that is used by parents often. If your child, especially girls have grown out of their winter uniform the school would happily accept any donations. Have a great week.
Brad Tom
P & C MEETING Tonight 6.00pm in staffroom
Mail: PO Box 285, Cowra Phone: 6342 2400 Fax: 6341 1357 School Counsellor 6341 3078 Email: Web: DEPT.HEALTH DENTAL CLINIC:
1300 552 208
Page 2
Term 1 Commenced Thursday, 28 January Concluded Friday, 8 April
Stage 3 students are holding a Pie Drive to assist with costs for their excursion to Canberra this year.
Term 2 Commenced Wednesday, 27 April Concludes Friday, 1 July Term 3 Commences Tuesday, 19 July Concludes Friday, 23 September Term 4 Commences Monday, 10 October Concludes Friday, 16 December for students
COMBINED (K-6) ASSEMBLIES This Term the school will be holding two combined (K-6) assemblies Commencing on Thursday, 19 May at 2.00pm in the auditorium. The next combined assembly will be on Thursday, 16 June at 2.00pm in the auditorium.
The excursion will take place in Term 4 and more information will be sent out early Term 4. Depending on how much is raised, the final amount for the excursion could be revised. A Pie Drive order form is attached to this newsletter and as winter is fast approaching this is an excellent opportunity to stock your freezer with mouth watering pies from Roberts Bakery in Orange. Orders for the pies need to be in by Thursday, 12 May 2016 and the pies will be delivered to school on Friday 20 May 2016. There will be a prize for the most pies sold by a student.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Stewart House provides public school children with a much needed break in Sydney.
Primary and Infants Aussies of the Month will be presented at these assemblies and Merit Certificates will also be awarded on these days.
If you would like to make a donation, please insert a gold coin in the envelope that is attached to this newsletter. The school office also has a few spare envelopes.
INFANTS ASSEMBLIES Infants assemblies will now be held every second Thursday, i.e. even weeks. The assemblies will be held in the Infants Open Space and commence at 2.00pm and finish at 2.30pm when the children will return to their classrooms. At these assemblies students will be receiving Merit Certificates and PBL awards. Every alternate Thursday (not assembly week) from 2.00pm until 3.00pm the Infants will be holding combined singing in the Infants Open Space. All parents are invited to come along and listen to the children singing.
PRIMARY ASSEMBLIES The Primary will also be holding their assemblies every second Thursday, i.e. even weeks at 2.30pm in the school auditorium.
Please return the envelope (with the gold coin inserted) to the school by Monday, 16 May (Week 4) 2016. You could win a $4000 family holiday. To be eligible you need to be a student in the NSW Public Education system. If you would like further information, visit their web site:
ICAS COMPETITIONS Assessment dates are as follows: Digi Technologies Tuesday,17May 2016 Science
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Wednesday, 15 June
Monday 13– Friday 17June 2016
Tuesday 2 August 2016
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
The assemblies will include the Year 6 Public Speaking and Merit Certificates along with the PBL awards will also be presented on the day.
Everyone is welcome to come along to any of these assemblies or singing afternoons.
P & C Meeting 6.00pm
CPS Cross Country trials
PSSA Netball - Orange
Yrs 1 & 2 Dental checks
NAPLAN - English
AECG Mtg - Cowra Public School 2.00pm
NAPLAN - Writing
CWA - Primary Choir 9.00am
NAPLAN - Mathematics
Governor's visit Cowra High School Choir visit
Pie order closes
David Peachey Shield
Infants Choir - Eisteddfod
Gala Netball Day
Primary Choir - Eisteddfod
Infants Assembly 2.00pm
NAPLAN catch up day
Primary Assembly 2.30pm
GRIP Leadership - Bathurst
$40 per child (Family Max. $80)
BAND : $25 a term Term 1 and 2 now due These funds are used to purchase musical instruments.
STAGE 2 EXCURSION TO HYDE PARK BARRACKS $124.00 Total Deposit of $64.00 by Friday, 13 May
STAGE 2 EXCURSION HYDE PARK BARRACKS/SYDNEY Group 1: Tuesday, 21st/Wednesday, 22nd June Group 2: Wednesday, 22nd/Thursday, 23rd June Following an overwhelmingly positive response to our expression of interest in the above mentioned excursion, organisation has now been finalised with bookings made and confirmed. Students will travel by bus, departing from outside Cowra Public School at 6.00am Tuesday, 21st OR 5:45am Wednesday, 22nd (depending on the trip they are allocated). The bus will return at 8:30pm after their overnight stay. Students will be advised of their excursion group well prior to departure. Closer to the date, a note outlining “what to pack” will be sent home. Please note: MORNING TEA, LUNCH and AFTERNOON TEA is required to be packed from home on the first day for both groups—all meals on day 2 will be provided. The cost of the excursion is $124 per student and must be fully paid by Friday, 10th June. To ensure your child has a place allocated a deposit of $64 must be received by Friday, 13th May. Payment of any amount may be made at any time to ensure you have paid a minimum of $64 by 13th May and the full amount by 10th June. This excursion has been heavily subsidised by the ‘Unlocking Heritage’ organisation & Cowra Public School. Any students who do not show that they can be relied upon to act safely and responsibly may be excluded from the excursion. STAGE 2 TEACHERS Kathryn Macnamara (Assistant Principal) Debbie Cobcroft, Albert Murray and Prue James
COWRA EISTEDDFOD PROGRAM Infants & Primary Choir Friday, 13 May 2016 Drama Tuesday, 17 May 2016 Stage 3 Verse Speaking Choir Tuesday, 17 May 2016 E2-3 & H2-3 Performance Wednesday, 18 May 2016 Instrumental Band Wednesday, 1 June 2016 Dance performance Date to be advised
NAPLAN TESTING FOR YEARS 3 & 5 In Week 3, testing for NAPLAN will commence for students in Years 3 & 5. Tuesday: Language & Writing Wednesday: Reading Thursday: Maths Friday: Catch up day Children need to be at school on time on these days.
COWRA PUBLIC SCHOOL’S EISTEDDFOD ITEMS INFANTS CHOIR The Infants Choir will be performing at the Cowra Eisteddfod on Friday, 13 May in the morning session. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct winter uniform: Girls Long sleeved white shirt Tartan uniform pinafore School tie Short white socks Black shoes Blue and gold hair ribbons Blue school sloppy joe (removed for performance) Boys Long sleeved blue shirt School tie Grey long pants (NOT track suit pants) Grey socks Black shoes School sloppy joe (removed for performance). Students will walk to and from the Civic Centre accompanied by Mrs Long, Mrs Pulling, Mrs Cole and Mrs Williams. All parents and friends are welcome to support the children. Parents and friends are reminded that they need to pay to get into the Civic Centre.
PRIMARY CHOIR The Primary Choir will be performing at the Cowra Eisteddfod on Friday, 13 May in the 9.30am session. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct winter uniform: Girls Long sleeved white shirt Tartan uniform pinafore School tie Short white socks Black shoes Blue and gold hair ribbons Blue school sloppy joe; named (removed for
Boys Long sleeved blue shirt School tie Grey long pants (NOT track suit pants) Grey socks Black shoes Blue school sloppy joe; named (removed for
All parents and friends are welcome to support the children. Parents and friends are reminded that they need to pay to get into the Civic Centre.
Students from the Cowra Public School Primary Choir have been invited to perform at Cowra High School for the Governor of NSW’s visit on Tuesday, 3 May 2016.
The Primary Choir has been invited to perform at the Annual State Conference of the Country Women’s Association to be held in Cowra on Monday, 2 May at 9.00am.
Students attended Cowra High School today for a rehearsal. Students will need to be at school by 8.25am in the morning for a rehearsal before departing to Cowra High School. Students will travel to and from Cowra High School by bus for the Governor’s visit. Mrs Hilton will accompany the students. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct winter uniform as below: Uniform Girls:
long-sleeved white shirt tartan uniform pinafore school tie white short socks black shoes blue and gold hair ribbons (if worn) blue school sloppy joe (if needed and removed for performance)
Uniform Boys:
long-sleeved blue shirt school tie grey long pants (NOT track suit pants) grey socks black shoes school sloppy joe or jacket (as above)
Students in the choir will need to be at school by 8.30am to have a practise before departing by bus to the Cowra Pavilion. Students will walk back from the showground after the performance accompanied by Mrs Hilton. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct winter uniform as below: Uniform Girls:
long-sleeved white shirt tartan uniform pinafore school tie white short socks black shoes blue and gold hair ribbons (if worn) blue school sloppy joe (if needed and removed for performance)
Uniform Boys:
long-sleeved blue shirt school tie grey long pants (NOT track suit pants) grey socks black shoes school sloppy joe or jacket (as above)
COMMONWEALTH BANK SCHOOL BANKING Banking day for students is on Wednesdays. Bank books are to be taken to the school office before 9.10am. Banking packs are available at the office and there are lots of new exciting reward programs for those who regularly bank. Looking forward to the new bankers. If you have any enquiries please contact Allison Williams at the school.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS/ PHONE NUMBER If you have recently changed your address or phone number please inform the school office promptly . In the case of an emergency we need the correct contact details.
BOOK CLUB The third issue of Ashton Scholastic Book Club for 2016 has been sent home today. Scholastic Book Clubs operates eight times a year. The closing date for Issue 3 is Monday, 9 May 2016.
*** Please make cheques payable to School
Cowra Public
SPORT PSSA GIRLS’ NETBALL Cowra Public School Girls’ Netball team will travel to Orange tomorrow, Friday, 29 April to play in the PSSA Knockout competition. The girls will play a minimum of three games and if they wish to try out for Division they will be nominated and observed throughout the day. Travel to and from Orange will be by private transport, leaving Cowra Public School at 7.10am and returning at approximately 3.00pm. Girls will need: Sports uniform, water bottles, Sunscreen and hat
A packed morning tea and lunch from home.
Team: Jada Buchan Keira Buckley Amelia Clements Tatianna Hazell Tyahla Munro
Hunter Reid Lucy Scammell Abbey Smith Abby Wilson Hallie Wolfenden
We wish them good luck.
Girl’s Netball in Orange. Primary sport will be held on Friday afternoons between 2.00-3.10pm. Primary students will walk to Edgell Park and walk the Cross Country track in preparation for the school carnival on Friday, 6 May. Russel Richardson/David Peachey Rugby League Day & Netball Gala Day. Eighty students to attend.
FRIDAY Week 2:
Cowra Public School Cross Country Edgell Park, from 11:00am-3:00pm.
FRIDAY Week 4:
District Cross Country - Cowra Edgell Park, from 9:15am-2:30pm.
Regional Cross Country, Guerie.
PSSA Primary Golf Bathurst.
Infants sport will commence in Week 4 due to the Infants choir performance at the Eisteddfod. FRIDAY SPORT Primary sport will revert to the afternoon session this term. Sport choice notes will go out during Week 2 and Term 2 sport will not commence until Week 5.
The School Cross Country will take place at Edgell Park on Friday, 6 May (Week 2). The trials will take place from 11.00am -2.45pm and we be sharing the course will Mulyan Public School. While our athletes will not be competing against Mulyan they may be spurred on to try that little bit harder with some extra competition. Primary will have early recess at 10.30am and then leave school at 10.45am taking everything they will need with them: Food
Water Hat
Hopefully we can arrange to deliver lunch orders to the oval at 1.00pm. All students will get to walk the course (again) and then will run in their age groups. Teachers will marshall in various locations around the course and the first 6 finishers in each age group (if competitive) will qualify for the District Cross Country. Students will return to school in time for afternoon buses.
NETBALL GALA DAY Cowra Public School has been invited to attend a Netball Gala Day organised by St. Raphael’s school on Tuesday, 3 May. This will take place at the same time as the Russell Richardson/David Peachey Rugby League day. Forty girls will be playing netball against teams from Mulyan and St Raphael’s in both a social and competitive setting. Those girls invited to play will have received their permission notes this week. The girls will walk to the courts accompanied by staff and will return at 3.00pm. Girls involved in the choir performance at the High School will be dropped off at the courts when they are finished. A canteen and BBQ will be available on the day. Shavaughn Duncan PE/Sport
DAVID PEACHEY/RUSSELL RICHARDSON CUP Cowra Public School students have been selected in one of the school’s Modified Rugby League teams to compete in the above mentioned Gala Day in Cowra on Tuesday, 3 May 2016. The students will walk to River Park at approximately 9:15 a.m. and will return to school in time for afternoon dismissal. Mr Albert Murray will accompany the players. Players need to pay $1 (PSSA levy) to the office on or before Tuesday, 3 May 2016.
Players must wear protective gear, particularly mouth guards.
Bring a hat and sunscreen Bring plenty of water to drink Bring all food required for the day - NO LUNCH ORDERS THAT DAY
Canteen will be available Albert Murray Coach
Gymnastics and Kindergym Gymnastics and Kindergym are back on at the Binni Creek Road building.
The P & C will be holding their SECOND MEETING FOR 2016, Thursday 28 April at 6.00pm in the school staff room.
CANTEEN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The P & C Association run our school’s canteen and offer an affordable and healthy service to students and staff. All profits made in our canteen are spent on projects within our school. The school is seeking volunteers to work in the school canteen. There are going to be exciting new menus and more hands make light work. Please see Lisa Willis in the canteen if you can assist in any way. Volunteer assistance is needed from 9.00am until 2.00pm daily OR perhaps 9.00am until 11.00am to make the lunches. With the new “Meal Deals” going to be offered, volunteers with fresh ideas and creativity would be most appreciated. This is a great way to meet other parents and enjoy a day with the children at Cowra Public School.
Kindergym, for the 0 to 5 age group, will be available on Tuesday and Thursday at 10am and participants must be accompanied by an adult. Gymnastics for ages 5 and older has classes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The class schedule is; Tuesday 4pm for all ages, Tuesday 5.15pm for ages 12 and older, Wednesday 4pm for beginners, Thursday 4pm for ages 5 to 12, and Thursday 5.15pm for all ages. The class fees for Kindergym and Gymnastics are; Term fee (if paying up-front for the school term): $75.00 per child for 1 class per week Class fee (if paying for each class as you go): $10.00 per child per class. All children participating in Gymnastics or Kindergym need to be registered with Gym NSW, cost is $42.00 per child for 2016. PCYC After School Care PCYC After School Care is for children from Kinder to Year six and operates at the Binni Creek Road building until 6pm school days. We utilise the services of Cowra Bus Service to transport the children from school with a PCYC staff member travelling on the Cowra Bus Service bus to ensure the safe arrival of students at the Binni Creek Road building at around 4pm. The cost for after school care is $22.00 per child per day however the fee may be reduced by Child Care Benefit depending on your eligibility and payment arrangements. The bus service will cost $1.00 per trip for children that do not hold a bus travel pass with Cowra Bus Service. Please contact the club on 63412035 for more information or to make a booking. Junior Basketball Junior Basketball, for ages 14 and younger, resumes on Wednesday 27 April at 4pm. Cost for Junior Basketball is $4.00 per week per child. Indoor Soccer Muster Days for Junior Indoor Soccer (ages 5 to 14) have been held however it is not too late to put your name down. Just call the club on 63412035 to register your interest. At this stage we only have enough players for one competition, and the overwhelming majority have elected to play on Monday afternoon rather than Tuesday. Players are asked to attend PCYC at 4pm on Monday, 2 May, to be divided in to teams and play some social games. Competition will commence on 9 May once teams have been sorted. Cost for Junior Indoor Soccer will be $4.00 per player per week. Senior Indoor Soccer (ages 15 and older) will run as a mixed competition on Tuesday nights after the April school holidays. Nomination forms are available from PCYC’s Young Road building. Open Basketball An Open Mixed Basketball competition is set to start on Monday 16 May. Team nomination forms are available at PCYC’s Young Road building, so get your team together now and get a nomination form in. If you are interested in playing but don’t have a team, please call the club on 63412035 and we’ll do our best to find a team for you. Men’s Basketball is available on Wednesday nights commencing at 6pm. Cost for Men’s and Mixed Basketball will be $5.00 per player per week. Keeping informed Please contact PCYC on 63412035 for further information about any of the activities on offer or check out the “Cowra PCYC” Facebook page or the website You must be a PCYC member to participate in any of the PCYC activities. Yearly membership at PCYC Cowra is currently $10.00 for under 18’s and $20.00 for ages 18 and older.
PO Box 900, Cowra NSW 2794 T/A Lic 2TA5695 Phone: 6342 1021 Fax: 6342 4597 Email: Web:
WE WILL ROCK YOU: Saturday, 14 May, 2016: Lyric Theatre, Sydney: $190.00
GEORGIE GIRL: Saturday, 4 June 2016, State Theatre, Sydney: $195.00
SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN: Saturday, 6 August 2016, Lyric Theatre, Sydney: $190.00
MY FAIR LADY: Saturday, 8 October 2016, Sydney Opera House, Sydney: $240.00
“Cowra Travel Takes you There”
Term 2, 2016
1 2 3 4
April 25
ANZAC DAY— Captains/Vice Captains and students to march
May 2
AECG Meeting—Cowra Public 2.00pm Choir CWA concert 9.30am
June 6
ICAS Science
Band performance at Eisteddfod
Infants & Primary Choirs at Eisteddfod NAPLAN CATCH UP DAY
20 Combined Assembly K-6 2.00pm Aussie of the Month
Pie Drive delivery District Cross Country Edgell Park
3 Infants Assembly 2.00pm Primary Assembly 2,30pm
16 Regional Cross Country. Guerie Bathurst Dance Festival
Stage 3 Goldfields Excursion
17 Combined Assembly K-6 2.00pm Aussie of the Month
ICAS Spelling
22 St 2 Excursion to Hyde Park Barracks—Group 1
NAPLAN - Mathematics
School Cross Country Edgell Park 1.30-3.00pm
13 Pie orders close
Year 1 & 2 Dental checks
Simultaneous Book Reading
June 1
ICAS Writing
GRIP Leadership Conference at Bathurst
19 Special Ed Eisteddfod
ICAS Digi Tech
CWA Public Speaking Bathurst
PSSA Netball - Orange
12 NAPLAN - Reading
18 Verse Speaking Eisteddfod
Choir Dress Rehearsal Cowra High School
11 NAPLAN - Language & Writing
29 P & C Meeting
NSW Governor visiting Cowra High School - St 3 Choir
ANZAC Ceremony
Netball Gala Day
28 Students return
Book Fair
Richardson/Peachy Shield
Cowra Public School
23 St 2 Excursion to Hyde Park Barracks—Group 1 St 2 Excursion to Hyde Park Barracks—Group 2
24 St 2 Excursion to Hyde Park Barracks—Group 2 Kindergarten concert
July 1 Infants Assembly 2.00pm Primary Assembly 2.30pm
Clean Up Australia Day LAST DAY OF TERM
Cowra Public School P&C Canteen Menu Winter Menu Canteen open every day for recess and lunch
Students without lunch will be referred to the office and parental contact will be made or a pre made sandwich will be offered.
Sorry credit is not available at the canteen. Prices effective from Thursday, 28 April, 2106 and subject to change
No food from home will be heated or toasted.
We need volunteers. Welcome anytime. Every bit of help counts.
How to order from the canteen: All lunch orders must be written on a paper bag and handed to the canteen between 8.45am and 9.10am. Write the order clearly on the bag including name and class.
Lisa Willis ~ Canteen Manager
Please phone Lisa or call in at the canteen and see Lisa and put your name on the roster. Thank you for your support.
Please do not seal the bag. Wrap the correct money (if possible, although change will be given). A charge of 20c will be made if you do not have a lunch bag.
Recess purchases are made directly from the canteen during the recess break.
Everyday Healthy Choices Sandwiches Vegemite Cheese Chicken (fresh) Chicken & Salad Ham Tomato Egg Ham & Salad sandwich Salad (no meat) sandwich Salad Bowl Salad Bowl (with meat) (chicken or ham)
2.00 2.50 3.70 4.20 3.20 2.20 3.00 4.20 3.40 4.50 5.00
Hot Food
Spaghetti Bolognaise 4.30 Lasagne 4.30 Fish & Salad 4.50
Occasional Hot Food
These foods should be ordered infrequently for children as a treat
Chicken Nuggets Small Pies Large Pies Sausage Rolls
.60c each 2.20 3.50 3.00
To have additional sandwich
filling, add .10c to the basic price for each additional filling. Extras include: tomato sauce, pickles, mayonnaise. Extras Toasted sandwich an extra .10c. Bread rolls & wraps cost .30c extra Tomato Sauce
.40c each Sweet and Sour Sauce .40c each Sauce (limit 2)
Carrot Stick 1/4 Orange Celery Cheese Slinky Apples Vanilla Custard Seasonal Fruit Popcorn Cheese & crackers (large) (small)
.05c .10c .20c .20c .60c 1.70 .50c 1.20 1.20 .70c
Drinks Water (large) Up & Go Popper
1.50 2.20 1.50
Ice blocks and Ice creams Quelch Sticks Mini Callippo Paddlepops Lemonade Ice Twist Frozen Juice
.50c 1.20 2.00 1.70 1.00
Please note that ice creams are available at lunch only.
FRIDAY, 20 MAY 2016 2.00pm
Delivery date:
Delivery time after:
Plain Meat Family Pie
Number of pies
Type of pie
Cost of Pie
Contact phone no Number of pies
Number of packs
Number of pies
4 Packet Plain Pies
Number of pies
Pk 6 Sausage Rolls
Number of pies
Number of pies
Number of pies
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Number of pies
Chicken & Vegetable $11.00
Number of pies
Pepper Steak
Cheese & Bacon $11.00
Number of pies
Number of pies
** Please note the money is to accompany orders
Orders due in on: