Cowra Public School Newsletter Trm 4 Wk 8

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Cowra Public School NEWS 2015 SCHOOL LEADERS Captains: Vice Captains: Prefects:

House Prefects: Brigalow Kurrajong Myall Wandoo

Cambell White Anja Gower Lewis McFarland Madeleine Mulligan Jake Camps Glenn Saxby Nashwa Bakini Isabella Scammell Tahlia Ryan Harlee Simms Heidi Osborne Courtney Wright

FOR YOUR DIARY November 28

NSW Department of Education and Communities

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Dear Parents Last night our school enjoyed a wonderful response to our P&C Movie Night. The film ‘How to Train Your Dragon 2’ was a big hit across all ages and the turn- out of families and friends really showed the support the school has. So I would personally like to say thank you to all who attended. Also I would like to thank the P&C for running the canteen and cooking the BBQ as these parents make such nights work. A big thank you to Nigel Hazell for his organisation. Today the school had the combined assembly for Week 8. This assembly marked the announcement of the 2015 School Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects. All of these students shone during their speeches two weeks ago and we are proud and confident they will lead the school to the best of their ability next year.

Swim School

December 1-5

Swim School


Infants Ballet


Combined scripture


Magazine orders close


Primary Minor Assembly 9.30am


Infants Major Assembly 9.30am


Primary Major Assembly 11.30am


Infants Class parties

10-12 Stage 3 Excursion to Canberra 12

Community & Parent helpers morning tea at 10.15am


Yr 6/Staff Softball game


St 3 Class party


St 2 Class Party


Year 6 Graduation



January 27

Teachers return to school


Students return - Yr 1-6


Kindergarten commences

CONTACTING THE SCHOOL Administration Office Hours:

27 November 2014

Term 4, Week 8

8.30am - 3.30pm

School commences at 9.10am School finishes at 3.15pm Students are not supervised before 8.45am

Swim school started this week with over 100 students taking part. Mr Murray has done a great job organising the program and we are delighted to have Jack Lewis (Mr Lewis’ son), Alana White, Liz McKay and Della Toohey as part of the instructing team. Swimming in my mind, is one of the most important skills Australian children need and we are very happy to promote such a wonderful program. Over the last few weeks the school has seen an increase in parents coming into the school foyer with their children to look at the PBL photo boards. This promotes awareness on where the children lie on the PBL achievement levels and gives the kids a huge buzz to see their picture up on the wall. Please feel free to come and have a look. Next week the school will be holding the last Scripture lesson of the year and I would like to thank the huge number of volunteers who freely give their time

each week to instruct the children. These lessons are r e ce i v ed exceptionally well by our children and provide an opportunity to the children that they may not otherwise experience. The combined scripture will be on Wednesday, 3 December. Yesterday three students in Year 6 from Cowra Public School who have gained selection into the Aurora Virtual High School for 2015, had a video conference. During this they and their families were provided with information on the processes of the school. Cowra Public School was the only school in the Cowra District to have students gain selection into this unique school environment, which is a testament of the education offered at the school and the opportunities provided for acceleration and advancement. Congratulations to the three students; Ella Roberts, Luke Wilson and Sean Smith. Lastly just a reminder that all students need their hats and water bottles in the current conditions. We are coming up to the busy time of the year so please keep an eye on important dates, especially the final assemblies. Have a great week. Brad Tom

All students entering Year 3 in 2015 must complete a new bus travel Application Form. If you have not already done so, please collect a form from the school office, complete and return as a matter of urgency.

Mail: PO Box 285, Cowra Phone: 6342 2400 Fax: 6341 1357 School Counsellor 6341 3078 Email: Web: DEPT.HEALTH DENTAL CLINIC:

1300 552 208

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Cowra Public School

PRESENTATION ASSEMBLIES ~ INFANTS ~ Final Assembly Thursday, 27 November at 2.00pm

INFANTS ASSEMBLIES Infants assemblies will now be held every second Thursday, i.e. even weeks. The assemblies will be held in the Infants Open Space and commence at 2.00pm and finish at 2.30pm when the children will return to their classrooms. At these assemblies students will be receiving Merit Certificates and PBL awards. Every alternate Thursday (not assembly week) from 12.30pm until 1.00pm the Infants will be holding combined singing in the Infants Open Space. All parents are invited to come along and listen to the children singing.

PRIMARY ASSEMBLIES The Primary will also be holding their assemblies every second Thursday, i.e. even weeks at 2.30pm in the school auditorium.

Presentation Assembly Tuesday, 9 December at 9.30am Major awards will be presented at this assembly. All parents and friends are invited to attend. ~ PRIMARY ~ Final Assembly Monday, 8 December at 9.30am Special merit certificates, service and citizenship awards and sporting awards will be presented at this assembly. Presentation Assembly Tuesday, 9 December at 11.30am Major awards will be presented at this assembly. All parents and friends are invited to attend. Year 6 students will receive their GRADUATION CERTIFICATES at an assembly on Wednesday, 17 December at 2.45pm

The assemblies will include the Year 6 Public Speaking and Merit Certificates will also be presented on the day.



The school will be holding combined assemblies twice a term. At these assemblies the Infants and Primary Aussies of the Month will be announced and the children will be presented with their awards.

Date: Monday, 8 December 2014 Time: 6.30 - 7.00pm 7.00 - 8.00pm 8.00 - 8.30pm

Finger food supper Social/bushdancing Formal Ceremony in Auditorium

Dress: Smart casual

School Magazine Order your copy of the magazine at the school office up until Friday, 5 December, 2014. Cost: $10.00 The magazine will contain an outline of the year’s events as well as students’ academic and sporting achievements.

Cost: Year 5 only: $2.00 towards the cost of the farewell cake. Year 5 students are each to bring a small plate of finger food, ready to eat. Chips, drinks and lollies will be supplied, so please don’t bring them along. Suggestions for food are: Sandwiches; fruit platter/skewers; salad platter; cold meat (includes chicken); sausage rolls/mini pies/mini quiches/mini pizzas; cocktail frankfurts. Children are not to arrive before 6.40pm and we ask that you are punctual in collecting your child at 8.30pm from the auditorium. If your child is travelling home with someone other than their parent, a note will be required.


INFANTS CLASS PARTIES & SOCIAL DATE: Wednesday, 10 December Infants classes will party in their classrooms from 12.00 noon - 1.00pm. Santa will make a surprise visit during this time. A social will be held in the school auditorium from 2.00pm - 3.00pm.

Pupils in Stage 3 will be having their class party at the Cowra Aquatic Centre on Tuesday, 16 December from 11.30am - 3.00pm. Cost per child will be $2.00 or a season ticket. This will be collected by the class teacher on the day (please try to have the exact money). Students need to bring plenty of drinks and a small amount of party food to share (nothing with peanuts or peanut flavouring due to allergies). Please include a paper plate to put it on and slice up food that needs to be into small pieces. Children should wear casual clothes and bring their swimming gear, a hat, t-shirt, sunscreen (no zinc cream).

Children may wear party clothes - please remember a hat. Children are asked to bring a plate of food to share. Please be mindful of allergies (especially peanuts). If your child has any allergies please contact your child’s class teacher. Some suggestions: Fairy bread Sandwiches Fruit platter Fruit skewers Salad platter Cold meat (includes chicken) Chips Dip and biscuits

STAGE 2 - CHRISTMAS PARTY WHEN: Tuesday, 16 December, 2014 from 11:00am until approximately 2:30pm WHERE: River Park TRANSPORT: Walking (wear comfortable joggers). The students will be accompanied by their class teachers and walk to and from River Park. MORNING TEA: Bring your own party food. LUNCH: Bring your own OR purchase McDonald's (a note will be sent home with choices). ACTIVITIES: Sporting equipment will be provided, however, you may bring your own. COMPULSORY:  Hat  Sunscreen  Covered Walking Shoes (joggers),  Casual clothes - no bare shoulders  Drinks, water bottle The permission note and McDonald’s note will be sent home next week and must be returned to their class teacher by Friday, 12 December with the correct amount of money for McDonald’s if ordering. There will be no change given.

Swimming organisation Guidelines for swimming, as set out by the Department of Education and Training, will be followed. The in-pool schedule will be as follows. 1. 2.  

All pupils swimming ability will be tested in waist-deep water under close supervision. Pupils will be grouped as follows. Strong swimmers who can participate in deep water activities will be marked with BLUE WRIST BAND. Weak swimmers and non-swimmers who can participate in shallow water activities will be marked with WHITE WRIST BAND.

Pupils will then participate in structured swimming activities based on their swimming ability. For all groups the teacher to student supervision ratio will not exceed 1 : 20. A note will be sent home in the next week. Please fill in all the details and return it to their home class teacher.

INFANTS EXCURSION TO THE COWRA BALLET On Tuesday, 2 December, all Infants (Kinder, Year 1 & Year 2) students will be attending the Cowra Ballet School’s matinee performance of “The Day We Went To Neverland”. Students attending need to be at school no later than 10.15am. Students will leave school at approximately 10.15am to walk to the Civic Centre accompanied by their class teachers. The performance will be held at the Cowra Civic Centre commencing at 11.00am (children are to be seated by 10.30am). A permission note has been sent home and needs to be returned with $5.00 entry fee to the school by tomorrow to enable your child to attend.

COMBINED SCRIPTURE Next Wednesday, combined scripture services will be held.  

Infants - 2.00pm in the school auditorium Primary - 2.30pm in the school auditorium To thank the scripture teachers for the dedication to our students, the school will be holding a Scripture luncheon for the teachers at 1.00pm in the school library.

Cowra Public School

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STAGE 3 CANBERRA EXCURSION As the time draws closer the students are getting excited about this excursion. The excursion will occur: December to Friday 12th December 2014 (Week 10).

Wednesday, 10th

Accommodation: will be at Camp Cottermouth. All students are to be at the front of the school, Vaux Street, by 7.15am on the first day of their excursion. The bus will be leaving at 7.30am sharp. The bus will be arriving back to Cowra Public School at 4.15pm. Please be on time to pick up your child. WHAT TO PACK/WEAR Day 1 - Full school uniform including socks, black shoes and a school bucket hat. MUST BE WORN ON FIRST DAY School bucket hat (compulsory)

        

Joggers or black school shoes (only) Bring your own toiletries - deodorant (roll on only), comb/brush, soap, toothpaste and toothbrush Pyjamas Sleeping bag and pillow case Towel 2 changes of underwear and socks (for Thursday and Friday) Your own morning tea and a drink (for Day 1 only), packed in a disposable container and labelled with your name. You will also need to bring your lunch and a drink (for Day 1 only), packed in a disposable container and labelled with your name.

Day 2 - CPS sports uniform, including joggers and a school bucket hat. Day 3 - Smart casual clothes, joggers or black school shoes and a school bucket hat. Year 6 yellow t-shirt optional.

 Wear neat, casual clothes including a WARM TOP in case it’s cold in Canberra. (One year it snowed while we were there!) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS

 Make sure EVERYTHING you bring is clearly labelled with your name. Teachers will not be responsible for any lost items.  All medication is to be in a clearly marked container and is to include instructions/details of administration. All Medication (excluding puffers if you need to have them with you) is to be handed to the teachers before you get on the bus.

 DO NOT BRING: lollies, chewing gum, mobile phones, jewellery.  Electronic games/ipods/MP3 players are permitted FOR TRAVEL ONLY. These will be collected for safe keeping on arrival at camp. All must be clearly marked with your name.

 Extra food is not permitted. Please be considerate of other children’s food allergies and the potential risk to life.  SPENDING MONEY is not necessary but you may bring a maximum of $20.

All money is to be put into an envelope with your name and the amount clearly written on the front. The teachers will collect the envelopes before you get on the bus and then give them to you at Questacon.

 You may bring a camera only if you know how to use it and you are able to load and unload film if necessary.  We will be staying at the Camp Cottermouth, Stromo, ACT. The phone number FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY is 02 6249 6855 PLEASE BE SURE CHILDREN ARE COLLECTED PROMPTLY AT 4.15PM ON THEIR RETURN FROM THE EXCURSION.

COWRA PUBLIC SCHOOL SPECIAL LEARN TO SWIM LESSONS FOR NONSWIMMERS (YEARS 2-6) Cowra Public School is conducting a special ten day swimming course for NON-SWIMMERS. Intensive swimming lessons will continue until Friday, 5 December. Group 1:

Year 2 students will walk to the pool at 9.25am accompanied by Mr Blake Duncombe.

Group 2:

Stage 2, H2-3, E2-3 & Stage 3 students will walk to the pool at 10.15am accompanied by Mr Blake Duncombe.

All students will change at the pool. Children need to remember to bring their costumes and a towel every day. Mr Albert Murray will be assisting with the swimming lessons. His class will be taken by either Mrs Myles or Mrs Cole.

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Cowra Public School



SCHOOL CONTRIBUTION: $30 per student, with a family maximum of $60. Payment would be appreciated this term.


$10.00 per term

School Magazine


Infants Ballet

P & C NEWS !!! The P & C will be conducting a BBQ lunch this Sunday for a visiting school. The BBQ will take place at 1.30pm. Anyone who is available to assist is most welcome. The BBQ will be held outside the canteen area.


The P & C will again be holding a FETE. The FETE is scheduled for Friday, 20 March 2015 commencing at 5.00pm in the school grounds. This will be the P & C’s major fundraiser for the year and all proceeds from the FETE will go towards your child’s education so please mark the date down on your calendar.

SPORT PRIMARY SPORT ~ Primary sport will be class based for the rest of the term due to Swimming School and the Stage 3 excursion taking place.



To celebrate the start of summer, on Friday of next week, the canteen will be holding a:


“summer beach party”

With less than one month to go until Christmas, it’s time to start thinking about planning for the big day. The P&C will again be running a Christmas raffle, with some great prizes on offer. This year you could win: 1st Prize – Framed Aboriginal Artist




2nd prize – Grocery Hamper 3rd prize – $100 Voucher (Phil’s Blinds & Awnings) The raffle will be drawn at the major Primary Assembly on Tuesday 9 December, 2014 at 11.30am. Raffle books of ten (10) tickets ($20.00) have been sent home today to families, please sell the books and return the money to the office as soon as possible. There will be a prize awarded to the student in Primary and Infants who sell the most raffle books.

Raffle ticket books need to be returned to the school before Friday, 5 December. All books whether they have been sold or not need to be returned to the school.

You will be able to snack on a sausage sizzle and sink your teeth into a range of scrumptious summer snacks. Please make sure you order your sausage sandwich before school next Friday. NO OTHER HOT FOOD AVAILABLE Also try some of our new delicious healthy snacks every day at recess  Banana muffins $1.00  Fruit & Custard cups .50c  Pizza muffins $1.00  Choc top bananas .50

Raffle drawn Tuesday, 9 December at the Major Primary Assembly

Stay tuned to the newsletters each week for the weekly specials.




Cindy Newsome

Cindy Saxby

Kim Meeuwisse


5/12/14 Kim Meeuwisse Roberta Graham

~~ 16 weeks to go ~~

FRIDAY 20 MARCH 2015 5pm in the school grounds

We've had to change the date of our fete due to the NSW state election in late March. Please note the fete has been brought forward a week from that previously advertised. Mark the date in your diaries – the P&C’s major fund raising activity for 2015 is only 16 weeks away. It's not as close as Christmas but we will seem to get to the date just as quick! All funds raised from the fete will be used on projects that benefit all children at our school - there are things you can be doing now to help our fete committee ..... WE NEED YOUR HELP!—we can’t run a fete without help so please consider donating an hour or two of your time on fete night. The P&C need help before and after the fete to set up and pack up, as well as helpers to work on the stalls over the fete’s duration. If you can help in any way, please fill out the form in next week’s newsletter and return it to school before the end of Term. Many hands make light work! JAZZY JARS—we will once again be running this fun stall at our fete - start planning now. Start collecting empty jars with lids over the Christmas break - unusual shapes and sizes appreciated! You can fill your jar with almost anything and the filled jars will be collected early in Term 1 next year. Once again, there will be a prize for the class with the most jars and the challenge will be to unseat Mrs White's class - the reigning Jazzy Jar champion class! More details will be published in the new school year - but start thinking now! STALL HOLDERS—do you have a product or service that you want to sell? Our fete gives you the opportunity to peddle your wares at a very affordable price. If you are interested in having a stall at our fete, please contact the school office. HAUNTED HOUSE –ENTER ONLY IF YOU DARE. The famed CPS HAUNTED HOUSE will return to this year’s Fete, with plans underway for it to be spookier and scarier than ever! This attraction is one of the children’s favourite, but it does need a few hours of setting up so if you have some creative flair and are not afraid of the dark, please get in touch with the P&C. Also wanted - any ex Halloween props and decorations, scary ghosts or spider webs - please leave your donations at the school office. BOOK STALL – clean out your children’s book cases, games cupboards and DVD's to make way for the Christmas stash. You can donate any preloved books, magazines (in good condition), video games or DVDs to our school for our book stall. Books can be left at the school office leading up to Christmas. Make some room at your place and donate them to us! OTHER ATTRACTIONS – Dance performances, student art displays, face painting, fun activities for all ages, insane balloon fun, chocolate wheel, school merchandise, EXCELLENT FOOD and much, much more. PLAN A FUN EVENING OUT WITH YOUR FAMILY AT OUR FETE ON MARCH 22!


PO Box 900, Cowra NSW 2794 T/A Lic 2TA5695 Email:

Phone: 6342 1021 Fax: 6342 4597 Web:

2015 AUSTRALIAN TENNIS OPEN: Friday, 23rd January-Monday 26th January, 2015: Book early to secure selection of sessions. from $930.00

LES MISERABLES: Saturday, 13 June 2015, Capitol Theatre, Sydney - $220.00

MATILDA: Saturday, 12 September 2015, Lyric Theatre, Sydney, $220.00

ZEALAND NORTH & SOUTH ISLAND: 18 days - Numerous activities included. Departing from Cowra 6th March, 2015. Returning to Cowra 23rd March, 2015. From $5,750.00 twin share

“Cowra Travel Takes you There”

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