b l i c S c h o o l
Term 1, Week 10 Wednesday, 29th March Make a Payment
Belarus Comes to Mulyan
Dear Parents, Welcome to the second last week of Term 1, 2017. This week, we have commenced our Parent/Teacher Interviews and I hope that you are able to make time to attend and have a chat to your child’s teacher about how they have started the year. The interviews are a wonderful opportunity to find out about your child, how they are working, what they are strong at, in what areas that they may need development and how home can help as well as let our child’s teacher know about anything that may be impacting on their learning. We hope that you are able to come along some time in the next week and a half and discuss your child’s progress. If you have not made an interview time, it is not too late! Hockey Gala Day (primary) This Friday, our Year 3-6 students will be travelling to River Park to take part in the Hockey Gala Day with other schools from across the Cowra district. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to not only gain some skills in the game of hockey but also some general skills in playing in a team and so on. Also, there are some wonderful prizes that are awarded on the day. The cost is $2 for the bus and all students in Years 3-6 will be attending as it is a compulsory school day. All primary staff will be attending this event. School Photos
Harmony Day
Tomorrow, the school photos for 2017 will be taken by Cliff Dykes Photography. If you haven’t ordered as yet, you can still do it online. All students need to be in full school summer uniform. If your child’s class has P.E., they can bring their sports uniform in a bag to school and change into it after their photo is taken. Cricket Congratulations to the boys’ cricket team who played their second round match against Grenfell Public School on Monday of this week. They had a great win and now advance to the third round and will play a school from the Riverina. Congratulations Mr Ryan and all the team members. A full match report appears later in the newsletter. Rewards Day
Mulyan Aboriginal Dancers performed at the Cowra Civic Centre for Harmony Day.
This term’s Rewards Day for students in years K-6 who T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
have not received an incident slip this term will be held on Thursday, 6th April 2017. Each term we have a reward day for students who have shown exemplary behaviour. In Term 1, it is for students who have not received an incident slip. In Term 2, it is for students who have received bronze awards and have not received an incident slip. In Term 3, it is for students who have received a Bronze or Silver award and have not received an incident slip. In Term 4, it is for students who have received a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award and not received an incident slip. Each term, the rewards day gets “bigger” with a better reward. This term, on Thursday, 6th April, students who are eligible will receive a treat from the canteen and can wear mufti. Well done!
Festival of International Understanding Last week and this week, Cowra celebrated the Festival of International Understanding. This year’s host country was Belarus. We were represented in the window displays in which both our Stage2/3 and Stage 1 displays were placed second and our float in the parade was awarded a highly commended . We also had an information stall at the River Park. Thank you to all the students who joined us for the parade. It was great to have such a large number of students. Thank you also to the teachers and staff who worked so hard to get the window displays, the float and the information stall ready for the festival. Last Week of Term Festivities Next week is the last week of school for Term 1 and we have a number of events lined up to celebrate this and the coming Easter season. As well as the Rewards Day , we have on Wednesday, the Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 Easter Hat Parade to which parents, carers and friends are more than welcome to come along and join in the fun In the primary, there is the SRC Easter Egg Hunt. Notes about these events have already been sent home.
ANZAC Day This year, the ANZAC Day commemorations will be held on Tuesday, 25th April (the last day of the school holidays). As normal, our school will once again be represented in the march and the service that follows it. We are inviting all students to meet us outside the Brisbane St entrance of the Cowra Ex-Services Club at 10am for the march commencing at 10.30am. The march will proceed to River Park for the service and students can be picked up from here. Students who are joining us need to wear full school winter uniform. We hope that many students are able to join us.
John Smith Principal Canteen News RED DAY Thursday, 6th April Mini Tic Tacs, Fizzy Drink, home made cupcakes and biscuits, Killer Pythons, Sour worms and loads more!!! Fruit smoothies are freshly made every day and are very popular: Sm $1 Lge $2 These tend to sell out at recess, so get in quick!
Important Dates 29th March:
P&C Annual General Meeting Staffroom 7pm P&C meeting follows
30th March:
School Photos
P & C Meeting Tonight, the Annual General Meeting at the P&C will be held in the staffroom commencing at 7pm. This will be followed by the normal March meeting. At the Annual General Meeting all positions are declared vacant and elections are held for all positions.
31st March
Hockey Gala Day
5th April
Infants Easter Hat Parade
6th April
Reward Day (for students without an incident slip this term)
We encourage all parents/carers to come along and contribute your ideas and thoughts, even if you don’t wish to hold a position. The P&C has an important role to play in the running of the school and you can get to know what is happening at the school and add your thoughts to the process.
7th April
Last Day of term 1
25th April
ANZAC March 10.30 at RSL
26th April
Students return for Term 2
SRC Easter Egg Hunt/Morning T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
Crazy Hair Day
Crazy Hair Day
Crazy Hair Day T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794 T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794 T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794 T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794 T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794 T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794