HOLMWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS Term 1 Week 10 newsletter

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Principal: Mrs Kris Pagett  Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794  6342 2172 0458 422000



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Term 1 Week 10 – Week Ending 30th March 2017

From the Principal’s Desk

Students of the Week

What beautiful rain we have had. The countryside has greened up very quickly and looks fantastic. Of course the lawn needs mowing every few days. Dave will be worn out! A great band of P&C workers turned up on Sunday to cook breakfast for the Year 6 students and staff from Glenvale State School in Toowoomba, Queensland. They left Toowoomba at 7pm on Saturday night, travelled through the night and stopped here for breakfast. A fabulous feast was served up to them with a drink, cereal, fruit, yoghurt and bacon and egg rolls. The cooks received glowing reports and lots of students came back for seconds and thirds. They were a wonderful bunch of kids and we will see them again tonight as we are serving up a delicious dinner. Thank you for all the donations of cakes and slices for tonight’s desert and to the P&C for running such a great fundraiser. At this week’s staff meeting this year’s Excursion was discussed. After much discussion about ideas from parents, students and staff we decided to offer to take our K-6 students to the Jindabyne Sport and Recreation Centre for a snow experience. This would involve travelling to Jindabyne on the Monday, 3 days with ski lessons from quality instructors in the morning and supervised practise/fun activities on the snow with the Sport and Rec staff in the afternoon and then travel home on the Friday. If you would like to find out more about the Jindabyne Sport and Recreation Centre just “Google it”! Only 1 week of school until the holidays! Students deserve the break.

Congratulations to our Week 9 Students of the Week!

Have a great week, Kris Pagett Principal

Suzy Connors K/1

Seth Crutch 2/3

Brodie Rye 4/5/6

Week 9 Merit Awards went to: K/1 – Ivy Mason 2/3 – Jay Kennedy 4/5/6 – Grace Murphy Library/PE – Anabelle Newell, Samuel Lawler and Hayley Cameron

CITIZENSHIP AWARD – WEEK 9 - HAYLEY CAMERON Hayley was chosen as the Week 9 Citizenship Award winner by Mrs Pagett. Hayley was awarded the Citizenship Award for being a committed, enthusiastic student who is a positive role model to all students.

Congratulations to all students! Nut Allergies This is a directive from the Department of Education, not just a HPS rule. We kindly ask parents NOT to send any nut products to school, due to the severe anaphylactic shock that some of our students may experience. Your assistance with this is vital for their safety. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to one of the Staff.

School Dental Visit Forms were sent home last week for the free Dental Clinic, if you did not receive one or misplaced yours please contact the office and they will provide you with another one. This is a great opportunity for a free check-up and referral should any dental work be required. Dental screening will be conducted on Monday 3rd of April at the school. Please complete and return the Consent Form as soon as possible.

Swimathon Congratulations to all students who participated in the HPS Swimathon last week and thank you to Mrs Kiely and the Student Council for their organisation of this event. It was fantastic to see so many parents come along and encourage their children whether they be playing water confidence games in the little pool or swimming laps in the little pool. Don’t forget that all sponsorship money is due back at school by the end of this term.

Students and families enjoying the Swimathon

Calendar Term 1 Week 10 st

Fri 31 March Fri 31st March

Hockey Gala Day – Yrs 3 to 6 NO CANTEEN MEAL DEAL TODAY

Term 1 Week 11 Mon 3rd April Fri 7th April

School Dental Visit at 9.30am Canteen Meal Deal – Lunch Only LAST DAY OF SCHOOL

Kind Regards, Kris Pagett Principal

Combined School’s Hockey Gala Day

Samuel Lawler in the Backstroke

Students enjoying the Swimathon

Our Year 3 - 6 are attending the combined Cowra Schools Hockey Gala Day being held tomorrow. This involves ALL students in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 and will be run similar to last year’s event. We have mouth guards for sale for $5.00. Please call in to the office if you wish to purchase one. Students will be met by Mrs Knight and Mrs Kiely at Cowra Public School in the morning and will walk over to the Cowra Hockey Fields for a 10am start. Children should be at the field by 9.45am. Children will mix with students from other Cowra Primary Schools and Small Schools in fun, skills based activities throughout the day, with games to follow in the afternoon. The day will conclude at 2.30pm after which students will walk from the Hockey Fields to the Cowra Public School to catch buses home. Please remember to bring recess and lunch, drinks, hats and sunscreen.

Attachments   

Anzac Day Commemoration Ceremony Permission Note Guitar Lesson Structure Information Sheet. 2017 Whole School Excursion Expression of Interest Note.

Canteen News Due to the Gala Hockey Day being held tomorrow,

Friday 31st of March there will be NO CANTEEN. Anzac Day Commemoration Holmwood students have been invited to participate in Anzac Day ceremonies by marching in the Anzac Day Parade and also laying a wreath at the Cenotaph in Brisbane Street on Tuesday 25th March 2017. Attached please find a Permission Note with details. Please complete and return to school as soon as possible.

Guitar Lessons Next Term Holmwood School will be offering Guitar Lessons to our students. Geoff Wilson has kindly offered to conduct these lessons at a cost of $2.50 per child per lesson. Years 4/5/6 will be the first group to be offered guitar lessons. The lessons are not compulsory so if any students do not wish to participate please let their teacher know. If anyone has a guitar sitting at home and are willing to lend, donate or sell to the school please call the office and let them know. Also if any student has their own guitar and can bring it along for their lesson could you please advise the school as soon as possible so that we can arrange to have enough guitars at the school to begin our lessons. We would like to thank Rori’s grandmother Rhonda Ward for donating a guitar to Holmwood School for students to use for these lessons. Thank you Rhonda your generosity is very much appreciated.

student independence, problem solving skills and cooperation, well done to all ‘The Ponies’. We have just looked at the different phonemes (sounds) ‘v’ ‘ng’ and ‘w’, we are really trying hard to hear the phoneme sounds in words and where they are in the word, beginning, middle or end. ‘The Ponies’ have loved exploring the text type, ‘narrative’ this term. Last week we explored the different characteristics of ‘The Big Bad Wolf’ from the fairy-tale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We discussed how his portrayal in the story influenced the reader’s feelings toward him. How he is described, his appearance, his actions and personality are all used to sway a reader’s opinion. After reading or viewing a story (TV show, movie etc) encourage your ‘Pony’ to discuss the different parts of the story. Where was the story set? Who were the characters? When did it happen? What was the sequence of events in order? What problems did the characters encounter? How were the problems resolved? Who was their favourite character? Why? This week maths has been a little different. We have been using our different maths and spatial skills in maths rotation groups and playing different games. This is allowing me to work 1 on 1 with individual students for this week to set up individual student learning numeracy goals. Students are quite excited to have a goal and to practice the skill. Once they achieve a goal we will work together to decide their next goal. If anyone has any questions or concerns regarding their ‘Pony’ please come and see me or ring the school.

K/1 Class News Wow! How time flies when you are having fun. We are 1 week from the end of term and a welldeserved break for all ‘The Ponies’. This week we have continued with our literacy rotations. It is amazing to observe the independent work stations in action. The literacy rotation groups not only develop literacy skills but

Riley and Ivy enjoying the Swimathon

Until next week ‘The Ponies’ Class Teacher Michelle Whitty

2/3 Class News I cannot believe that it is the second last week of the term. We have been extremely busy and everyone has definitely learned a lot. Congratulations to all the Stockhorses for making fantastic progress in all areas of your learning. For the last two weeks of Term 1 the students have a maths sheet and a grammar sheet to finish off their homework for the term. Thank you to the students who have already brought in and presented their informative projects about turtles and tortoises. Well done! Congratulations also to the students who received their award for reading for 25 nights last week. Some are almost up to the 50 night mark. Our focus in Maths over the last week was fractions. The students are working very hard using concrete material to gain a firm understanding of fractions. It has been fun and the students have made comment such as ‘I really like fractions!’ It is wonderful to hear them making positive comments about maths. We have been using real life situations so everyone will know how and when to use fractions. In grammar we learned about the 5 types of verbs – action, saying, thinking, feeling and related or linked. This week students have been more successful using capital letters and full stops. We have been learning about how and when to use speech marks for direct speech. Congratulations to all students on the narratives that they drafted last week. Of course this was only their working copy. Now each student will have an Author’s Circle with the class and me to improve their writing. Micah volunteered to share his story first and he was surprised that he could improve his story with help from the whole class. In an Author’s Circle the first step is to make positive comments by saying what they liked about the story, next they say what confused them and then they give ideas for improving the story. This process comes from Lane Clark’s work and it encourages the students to think to improve their rigor of understanding.

2/3 students enjoying their Maths lesson

Samuel having fun in Maths

Have a great week everyone. Mrs Pagett and the Stockhorse students

4/5/6 Class News How time flies!!! Term 1 is almost complete with only 6 days left. What a super productive term it was. During week 10, Years 4/5/6 have continued to work hard in English. This week we looked at plurals in grammar and how to determine when to use –s or -es. In writing, the students have continued to work on their narratives using ‘Storybird’. Storybird enables the students to create a picture book online. We hope to share these with parents once they have been published. The Week 10 Mathematics topic was Fractions. The Yellow group focused on halves and quarters. The Orange group were introduced to numerators and denominators and used this knowledge to solve problems around halves, quarters and eighths. The Green and Pink group

also looked at numerators and denominators and discovered the importance of finding the lowest common denominator to order fractions. Our tag line for the week was ‘Whatever you do to the bottom, you must do to the top.’ The Purple group worked on fractions, decimals and percentages and explored the relationship between them. Multiplication is important when working with fractions. Please remember to practice your times tables at home, year 4/5/6!! Thank you to Mrs Woods who took 4/5/6 on Wednesday whilst I took part in professional learning in Bathurst. The students worked very well and showed fantastic independent working skills to complete the set tasks. Mrs Kiely’s News

What a fantastic School Swimathon!!! The children were so enthusiastic and their swimming and events were absolutely amazing with lap after lap after lap!!! The children were no doubt very inspired by having their parents, grandparents, siblings and a great grandparent there to encourage them and acknowledge their achievements from this year’s Swimming Program. A very special “thank you” goes to all our sponsors and to the children and families who have returned their sponsor money. Our tally is currently approximately $700 which is a wonderful response. It would be appreciated if all sponsorship forms and money is returned by the end of the Term. Our weekly golf Clinic has been a fantastic success with the children and stall all becoming more skilled at this fabulous fun filled game. Thank you to Mr Nathan Stubbs, Cowra Golf Pro. Even the rain could not deter the student’s enthusiasm as we held a Put-Put Clinic and Comp under our COLA.

Students with Nathan Stubbs the Golf Pro

Tomorrow the Year 3-6 students will be attending a Combined Hockey Gala Day with Mrs Knight and myself. This is always a brilliant day. Children may be picked up by parents at the Hockey Fields at the conclusion of the day – 2.15pm or they will be walked up to Cowra Public to catch their buses home. Thank you Mrs Kiely Community News Salvation Army – Kids in the Kitchen – Cooking Program Information Flyer Salvation Army – Music Sessions Information Flyer Junior Basketball Competition at PCYC Information Flyer

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