Principal: Mrs Kris Pagett Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794 6342 2172 0458 422000
6341 1247
Term 1 Week 11 – Week Ending 7th April 2017
From the Principal’s Desk
Students of the Week
Thank you to the wonderful staff, students, parents and community members of Holmwood Public School for making me so welcome this term. I have been on a steep learning curve but now I feel like I’m part of the furniture.
Congratulations to our Week 10 Students of the Week!
I am very pleased that there has been great interest in our Annual School Excursion to Jindabyne Sport and Recreation Camp. This will be a wonderful experience for the students, staff and parents who will be attending to assist with the supervision. Almost all our parents would like to attend to learn how to ski or polish up skiing skills and of course help with supervision of our students. Hopefully with lots of fundraising we will be able to reduce the price per head. Please contact the school if you have any concerns. The students have enjoyed a wide variety of learning experiences this term. We are very fortunate to have such a caring, committed, hard working staff, who always go that extra mile. Holidays begin tomorrow. I hope all families enjoy the two week break and come back refreshed and ready for a BIG Term 2. Have a fabulous holiday and stay safe. STUDENTS RETURN TO SCHOOL TH WEDNESDAY 26 OF APRIL 2017 Kind Regards Kris Pagett Principal
Ryan Kiss K/1
Jay Kennedy Charlotte Collins 2/3 4/5/6
Week 10 Merit Awards went to: K/1 – Mykaela Kasey-Dean 2/3 – Alana Kiss 4/5/6 – Briana Bates Library/PE – Jack Billing, Micah Murphy and Jake McVicar
CITIZENSHIP AWARD – WEEK 10 - RILEY SMITH Riley was chosen as the Week 10 Citizenship Award winner by Ms Whitty. Riley was awarded the Citizenship Award for being polite to staff and students and for always trying to help others.
Congratulations to all students! End of Term Assembly All parents and community members are invited to our End of Term Assembly to be held TOMORROW – Friday – commencing at 9.30am sharp under the COLA. We look forwarding to seeing you all there.
Nut Allergies This is a directive from the Department of Education, not just a HPS rule. We kindly ask parents NOT to send any nut products to school, due to the severe anaphylactic shock that some of our students may experience. Your assistance with this is vital for their safety. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to one of the Staff.
SCHOOL ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES At our last staff meeting our Holmwood School Attendance Procedures were reviewed. Please find a copy attached as well as the official Departmental “Compulsory School Attendance – Information for Parents”. It would be appreciated if Parents/Caregivers could please read these procedures. If you have any concerns please contact the school on 6342 2172.
Afternoon Procedures for Students Waiting to be Picked up by Parents Students who are not catching buses home after school are to wait on the Admin Office porch. No students are to play on any equipment after school as there is no staff supervision and this becomes a safety issue for students.
Calendar Term 1 Week 11 th
Fri 7 April
Canteen Meal Deal – Lunch Only LAST DAY OF SCHOOL
Term 2 Week 1 th
Mon 24 April Tue 25th Apri
Wed 26th April
Kind Regards, Kris Pagett Principal
Combined School’s Hockey Gala Day Last Friday our Year 3 – 6 students had a fantastic day learning new skills and playing games at the Hockey Gala Day. It was a very well run day organised by Mr Ben Cooley. Congratulations to Lucas who was chosen as demonstrating promising hockey skills from Holmwood and received a special prize. Thank you to Mrs Knight and Mrs Kiely for accompanying the students on the day.
Anzac Day Commemoration Holmwood students have been invited to participate in Anzac Day ceremonies by marching in the Anzac Day Parade and also laying a wreath at the Cenotaph in Brisbane Street on Tuesday 25th March 2017. Thank you to the students who have indicated that they will be participating in the Anzac Day Commemoration Services to be held on Tuesday 25th March. The Services will commence with a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Cenotaph in Brisbane Street at 10.20am where our School Leaders will lay a wreath, this will be followed by a march. We would like all students to come dressed in FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM. Students are to meet Mrs Pagett and other teachers at the Cenotaph in Brisbane Street at 10.15am. Following the march students are to be collected by parents at River Park.
Students enjoying a break during Hockey Gala Day
Students practising their Hockey Skills
Lucas with his prize of a Hockey Stick
Canteen News
Tomorrow, Friday 7 of April the Canteen are offering a special meal deal of curried sausages with rice, a poppa and an ice block all for $5.00. Thank you to Karen Beaumont for volunteering to provide this meal for our students this week!!
Holmwood School Attendance Procedures Department of Education Compulsory School Attendance Information for Parents Guitar Lessons Permission Note – Years 4, 5 & 6.
Guitar Lessons Don’t forget next term Holmwood School will be offering Guitar Lessons to our students. Geoff Wilson has kindly offered to conduct these lessons at a cost of $2.50 per child per lesson. Years 4/5/6 will be the first group to be offered guitar lessons. The lessons are not compulsory so if any students do not wish to participate please let their teacher know. If anyone has a guitar sitting at home and are willing to lend, donate or sell to the school please call the office and let them know. Also if any student has their own guitar and can bring it along for their lesson could you please advise the school as soon as possible so that we can arrange to have enough guitars at the school to begin our lessons.
I would like to say a massive thank you to all the Parents/Carers who have been able to spare some time to help during our Literacy rotation settings or during our Numeracy sessions. I would also like to thank Naree and Melissa who have volunteered their time to the school, all the students love reading and practicing their sight words and sounds with all of ‘The pony’ helpers. Each and every ‘Pony’ need to give themselves a pat on the back for how wonderfully they have developed their independent learning skills. Literacy rotations can be quite difficult but we have some magnificent independent learners who support each other and work collaboratively together when someone is having a little difficulty. Our Numeracy learning goals are working great. Students are even practicing their goals at home and are excited to show the class and myself how much they have progressed toward achieving their goal. Fantastic work everyone. This is the last week we will be doing our theme work on Bugs! I wonder what we will explore next term. We have learnt so much about different bugs and we have had many of our insightful questions answered during our investigations. The life cycle of bugs is quite remarkable and we even witnessed the lifecycle of a ladybug from egg, to larva, to pupa, to ladybug as one of the ‘Ponies’ brought in a container of ladybugs which we were able to observe. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday and break, and I will see everyone in Term 2 for another marvellous Term. I miss all my “Ponies’ already.
WHOLE SCHOOL PHOTOS Cliff Dykes has advised that Whole School Photos are now available to purchase. If any families wish to purchase a whole school photo just go online and use the shoot key given to you, view it, order it and pay for it. There will be no postage fee if ordered before the 15th of April.
K/1 Class News We have reached the end of first term so quickly, it feels as though it was only last week I was meeting all ‘The Ponies’ for the very first time. I have had an amazing time getting to know all the ‘Ponies’ and together we have all learnt so much.
Ryan and his mum, Bec, with his cat “Casper” which he brought in for his news day
Riley and Sam enjoying their “Time” lesson
Until next Term ‘The Ponies’ Class Teacher Michelle Whitty
2/3 Class News How time flies. Thank you to the wonderful stockhorses for helping me to settle in to my new school. It has been a steep learning curve for us all. We have had a fantastic term with participation in a visit to the Cowra Art Gallery for the Archibald Prize Portrait Exhibition, a Golf Clinic, a Gala Hockey day, the Swimathon and Harmony Day celebrations just to name a few of the highlights. Congratulations to Archie King for reaching the 50 Nights Reading mark Home Reading for the term. I know that other students have probably reached the 50 Night mark as well but as I have not seen their Home Reading Journals to verify this achievement I cannot present them with their Certificate. Please bring your Home Reading Journals in for me to sign. Congratulations to the students who completed their homework project on ‘The Similarities and Differences of Turtles and Tortoises’. We all learned so much about these two reptiles and the wonderful ideas the Stockhorses used for their presentation was very varied. Presentations ranged from posters to models and Power Points. Excellent work Stockhorses.
Students with their homework project on “The Similarities and Differences of Turtles and Tortoises”
In Maths this term we have learned about whole numbers, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, patterns and algebra, fractions and decimals, length, area, and 2D and 3D shapes. All students have worked really hard to understand the concepts covered by participating in lots of hands on activities. This week year 3 have been doing some practice assessments for the NAPLAN so we can find out which areas need to be revisited. In English we have looked at capital letters and full stops, speech marks and question marks, nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in Punctuation and Grammar. The stockhorses have studied narratives in writing and improved with their reading through daily practice. We have enjoyed Roald Dahl’s books that we read in Shared Reading – ‘The Twits’, ‘Esio Trot’ and ‘The Magic Finger’. We will read books written by John Hefferan next term. Have a great holiday everyone. Mrs Pagett and the Stockhorse students 4/5/6 Class News During this term, 4/5/6 have participated in Swimming Carnivals, a Swimathon, Hockey Gala Day, Clean Up Australia Day, School photos, Bus Talks, Dental Visit, a visit to the Art Gallery, Golf Clinics, Harmony Day and much more. We also have sent an audition tape for Schools Spectacular and are waiting for an outcome in May. In class, we have written narratives, created online picture books and completed a plethora of spelling activities. In grammar, the students have examined nouns, adjectives and sentence
structures. The students this week practiced the NAPLAN tests. This allowed me to see at what level the students are currently working at and where we are heading. In Maths, students have learnt about fractions, decimals, area, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and the strategies that can be used to solve problems efficiently and effectively. The students have been working hard in Maths groups to complete set tasks. 4/5/6 have continued to work on their portrait art works. They are looking fabulous. Some things to look forward to in Term 2 are Guitar lessons, music with Mrs Hodges, Cowra Eisteddfod, Peachey/Richardson Gala Day, Netball Gala Day and Athletics Carnival. Have a terrific holiday!! Mrs Knight 4/5/6 Teacher
Community News Attached please find: School Holiday Tennis Clinic with Helen Garratt flyer. “Kids Bingo” during the school holidays flyer.