Principal: Mrs Kris Pagett
Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794 6342 2172 M: 0458 422000 @ Term 1 Week 2 – Week Ending 2nd of February 2018 What a great start we have had for 2018!! Our new students are settling in extremely well to HPS life and it is wonderful to see such enthusiastic learners in the classrooms and happy children in the playground. Our Kindergarten students are all settled in to their new classroom. We look forward to a busy and exciting year.
Students of the Week – Term 1 Week 1 Congratulations to our Term 1 Week 1 Students of the Week Jerome Gordon – 5/6, Addison Skinner – 3/4 Ivy Mason – 1/2 and Charlotte Billing - K
CITIZENSHIP AWARD – Term 1 Week 1 Jerome Gordon was chosen as the Term 1 Week 1 Citizenship
Award winner by Ms Whitty. Jerome was chosen for being a wonderful role model and a good friend to our new Kindy students. Congratulations to these students!!! Student Representative Council News Last week our new Student Representative Council Leaders were elected. Congratulations to: Ruby Light, Micah Murphy, Montanah O’Malveney, Bison Zounis and Hayley Cameron
Merit Awards Merit Awards were presented to Tyler Harris, Ryan Kiss, Suzy Connors and Jaydan Wright
New Uniforms Our new uniforms are starting to arrive, we apologise for the delay in the arrival of the white shirts, we have been advised by the suppliers that they are in the process of having the logo embroidered and should be here soon. I shall advise families as soon as they arrive. We have received the new grey shorts and the new winter jumpers. If any parents would like to purchase any of these items, please call into the school office.
Cowra Small Schools’ Swimming Carnival The Carnival is on TOMORROW, Friday 9th of February. Please ensure your child is at the Cowra Aquatic Centre by 9.15am for a 9.30am start. The pool entry is $2.00. It is expected that all students K-6 attend the Carnival. Please note that parents will be required to transport their children to and from Cowra Pool as well as supervise their child/ren during the day, as all staff will be involved in Carnival jobs. There will be no staff present at school as it is expected that all students will attend the Swimming Carnival. We will have the large Holmwood PS shade tent set up for families to sit under and cheer on our students as they compete. There will be events and activities for children of all swimming abilities, including plenty of games for our non-swimmers. A Programme for the Carnival was sent home with students on Monday. What to Bring Hat, sunscreen, towel, lots of water, recess and lunch. The pool canteen will also be operating on the day.
School Newsletters Please ensure you check your child’s backpack for the clear plastic Newsletter folders every Thursday – these need to be returned to the school office (preferably by the following Monday) with any permission notes and payments enclosed. Newsletter Folders go home with the eldest child in each family. If your child is away and misses receiving their weekly newsletter, please check the Holmwood PS Website – all Newsletters are uploaded weekly.
School Photos I would like to apologise for the confusion of the school photo day last week. A new date has been set for the school photos. They will be taken first thing on FRIDAY 23RD MARCH. If your child has the new formal uniform it would be appreciated if they could wear it to school on the day. We will be having swimming for sport that day and your child will then only need to bring their swimming gear so there is no need for the sport uniform. If your child does not have the new formal uniform please ensure they are in the full school uniform of red polo shirt, and black shorts or skorts. More information will be sent home closer to the date.
Book Packs Thank you to families who have paid for their child’s book packs. These have proved very popular as it
eliminates the need for families to purchase student’s requirements throughout the year as they include all student workbooks, pencils, pens, gluesticks, erasers and sharpeners. If you have not yet paid for your child’s book pack please call into the school office at any time and Anthea will assist you.
Medication Information Last week we had a representative from Health and Safety visit our school. There have been many changes in the Health and Safety area recently and the main one that has been brought to the school’s attention is that if any student requires medication to be administered during the day it must be presented to the office IN A BLISTER PACK OR BOX FROM THE CHEMIST CLEARLY LABELLED WITH THE STUDENTS NAME AND THE DOSAGE OF THE MEDICATION REQUIRED. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Health Plan Information It has also been brought to the school’s attention that all Health Plans need to be reviewed. If your child is a severe asthmatic, is anaphylactic or has a serious medical condition you need to provide the school with a Health Plan from your doctor. Please contact the school office if you require additional information.
Fruit and Water Each Day Due to the hot weather in Term 1, we encourage all children to bring in a water bottle to sit on their desk during class. (please note that we only allow water in the classroom). An ice brick is also recommended to put in your child’s lunch boxes particularly during the warmer months. All children need to wear their school hats every day as we will be strictly enforcing our school’s ‘No Hat, No Play’ Policy. We are a Crunch ‘n’ Sip School so we have fruit each morning and each child is encouraged to bring a piece of fruit or veg to have each day. It would be appreciated if the fruit could be put in a small container, cut up, if necessary, ready for your child to eat.
Nut Allergies We kindly ask parents NOT to send any nut products to school, due to the severe anaphylactic shock that some of our students may experience. Your assistance with this is vital for their safety. If you have any questions, please speak to one of the Staff.
Student Emergency Contacts A Student Emergency Contact Sheet was sent home with families last week. If you have not returned yours yet it would be appreciated if it could be completed and returned as soon as possible so that our Emergency Contact List can be updated.
Media Permission Notes Also attached were media Permission Notes and Student Computer and Internet User Agreement Notes. It would be appreciated if they could also be completed and returned as soon as possible.
School Website Be sure to check out our school website! Our weekly Newsletters are uploaded each week and our photo gallery is always great to have a click through!
Going Home Arrangements If your child has a change to their normal going home arrangements, the school needs to be notified. This can be via a note from home or a phone call. Without parent’s consent, staff cannot allow students to alter their going home arrangements.
School Excursion to Orange Civic Theatre th
On Tuesday 20 of February, Holmwood School students will be travelling to Orange Civic Theatre to watch the live performance of “The 78th Tree House”. This story is about “Andy and Terry in their spectacular new tree house. They’ve added 13 new levels including a drive-thru carwash, a combining machine, a scribbletorium, an ALL-BALL sports stadium and an open air movie theatre and so much more”. This will be an extremely entertaining experience for our students. The bus will depart Holmwood School at 9.30am on Tuesday 20th of February and return to Holmwood School at approximately 2.30pm, in time for all students to get their normal buses home. The cost for the day is $25.00 for the bus and entry into the Theatre. Students will need to bring their normal fruit break, recess and lunch to school on the day. Students will have recess when they arrive in Orange and lunch on their return to Cowra. Full school uniform is to be worn on the day. Attached to this Newsletter is a permission note, please complete and return to school with payment asap. Thank you.
Calendar Term 1 Week 3 th
Fri 9 Feb
Small Schools Swimming Carnival at Cowra Aquatic Centre commencing at 9.30am.
Mon 12 Feb
Term 1 Week 4 th
Tue 20 Feb
Fri 23 Feb
Whole School Excursion to Orange Civic Theatre to view performance of “The 78th Storey Tree House” departing HPS at 9.30am District Swimming Carnival – Boorowa Swimming Pool
Kind Regards, Kris Pagett Principal
Message from Ms Whitty In my class news last week I advised that PE for the Bilbys and Dingoes would be each Thursday, PE is to be held on each Wednesday. I hope this has not caused any confusion.
Orange Civic Theatre Excursion Permission Note Monday Cheese Toastie order form Wednesday Sausage Sandwich order form Lego Exhibition and Competitions Entry form
P&C NEWS Thank you to all the parents who attended our Annual P&C Meeting which was held yesterday. Our new Committee for the year is: President – Natalie Crutch Vice President – Naomi Lawler Secretary – Kelly Murphy Treasurer – Jocelyn Billing The P&C has lots of exciting fundraising happening this year which includes our regular yummy Bunnings Sausage Sizzles. Holmwood PS new uniforms have been a huge hit amongst the students and they look wonderful. If you have purchased a new skirt you may take your receipt into the school office and receive your $10 refund for the purchase of your 1st skirt. The P&C are looking forward to a busy and successful year and we always welcome new members!! Kind Regards Kelly Murphy Secretary
Week 2 Highlights!