b l i c S c h o o l
Term 1, Week 4 Wednesday, 15th February 2017
Dear Parents, Welcome to Week 4. What a week and weekend! Hopefully we are now over the last of the heat and the days will be much more pleasant for all of us. A reminder that it is important that all children continue to wear a school bucket hat when outside in the playground and they have lots of water. Also, we do have school sunglasses for sale to help protect students’ eyes. These are available for $12 from the office and are a good investment in your children’s health. School Leaders Induction This Thursday, 16th February all students from Years 1-6 will attend the School Leaders Induction Ceremony to be held in the VTS. This ceremony will commence at 11.50am and all parents and family of the school are welcome to come and join with us in congratulating our school leaders. Students will receive their badges of office at this ceremony and will be introduced to the school as our student leaders for 2017. District Swimming Carnival The District Swimming Carnival will be held at the Cowra Pool on Tuesday, 21st February. We have a very talented group of swimmers that will be representing our school against all the other schools in the Cowra district. We look forward to seeing how they go. Successful swimmers from this carnival will then represent the Cowra district at the regional carnival in Dubbo in March. Good Luck! Debating Workshop Each year our school enters teams in two debating competitions. We firstly enter the Western Region Challenge Shield for students in the West of the state and also in the Premiers Debating Challenge which is a state wide competition. On Friday of this week, several of our students will be attending a workshop to hone their skills in this area. They will be travelling to Orange with Mrs Statham, Mrs
Beale and Mrs Baratto, our debating coaches. They will meet with students from other schools to listen and learn about the art and skill of debating. I know that they will come back with some very valuable skills that will hold them in good stead for the rest of their lives. New Staff If you have been up at school recently you may have noticed two new staff members working with our students and staff. Ms Raelene Beecher and Mrs Adrienne Jones have been appointed as part of a new Department of Education Initiative to work with students in the early years (K-2) to further improve the standard of literacy and numeracy for all our students in these years. Ms Beecher will work full time and Mrs Jones will be working 2 days per week on this very important initiative. I welcome Raelene and Adrienne to our school and I know they will enjoy being a member of our school community and that our students and staff will gain a lot from their expertise. Stage 2 Excursion Stage 2 will be travelling to Orange on Tuesday, 7th March to watch “Mr Stink”. The cost of the excursion is
$25 payable by Friday, 24th February. Scripture Scripture classes have commenced today. We thank the scripture teachers for donating their time and knowledge to the school.
John Smith PRINCIPAL Important Dates 16th February - Prefect Induction 11.45am in the VTS 21st February - District Swimming Carnival 22nd February - P&C meeting T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
Canteen News Fresh fruit salad ($1, $2, $4) Apples, bananas, oranges, all 50c, are available at the canteen for fruit break, recess and lunch. Apples purchased from the canteen will be slinked free of charge. Fruit Smoothies Delicious fruit smoothies are available at recess and lunch - small $1 , large $2 Fruity Ices Ms Raelene Beecher
New purchase limits apply: Stage 1 = 1 fruity ices per purchase
Stage 2&3 = 3 fruity ices per purchase # please note: Ice cream cups are no longer available from the canteen. School App Remember, at the beginning of the year, go onto the ”cog” and update the information you wish to receive eg. Year 3 notes, newsletter. You will then only receive notifications regarding your child/rens’ class. Mrs Adrienne Jones
Bus Travel If your child travels by bus to and from school and is now in primary , you must fill out a new bus travel form. UPDATING EXISTING BUS PASSES NEW APPLICATION (Kinder students & new bus travellers) Cowra Bus will help you with any enquires.
Lost Property Every week, there is a huge amount of lost property handed into the office with no names on the items. (All named items are returned to their owner. ) The unnamed items are left for two weeks, then clothing is taken home and washed and placed in our clothing pool for purchase or non school items are sent to the local opportunity shops. PLEASE make sure all items brought to school are labelled with a name! T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
Future Roger Federer or Serena Williams
Helen Garrett ran a tennis clinic with our students during last week. The students really enjoyed the sessions and showed some real potential. T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
If you think that your child has been struggling, is lacking in confidence, or just needs a boost, please call Yvonne Bell at the Cowra Kip McGrath Education Centre to discuss your requirements and for a FREE assessment. Ph 63 422195 or 0413 593 790. or check the website T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794