b l i c S c h o o l
Term 1, Week 5 Wednesday, 22nd February 2017
Dear Parents, Welcome to Week 5. We have had a couple of busy days with lots of great activities taking place both inside and outside the classroom. Yesterday, the District Swimming Carnival was held in Cowra. Congratulations to all our representatives who swam so well and represented our school so beautifully. They were a credit to our school. Results and district representatives appears later in this newsletter. Congratulations to Mrs Bronwyn Johnson who was the organiser for the carnival. Last Friday, 10 Mulyan students travelled to Orange to take part in a Debating Workshop, along with students from other schools in the Western area. This workshop was a chance for our students to hone their debating skills, meet up with other like-minded students and prepare for the debating challenges that will come up in the near future. Thank you to Mrs Statham, Mrs Beale and Mrs Baratto who accompanied the children and gave them this wonderful opportunity.
Our 2017 Leadership Team
Paterson House Captains & Vice Captains
Lawson House Captains & Vice Captains
School Leaders Induction Last Thursday, our Student Leaders for 2017 were officially inducted into their leadership positions. Just over 80 students were officially recognised for their leadership skills in a wide variety of positions. The positions ranged from School Captains and House Captains through to class captains. We had a large number of proud parents present for the ceremony and afterwards enjoyed morning tea in the Library.
Kendal House Captains & Vice Captains
Mackellar House Captains & Vice Captains
School Captains: Mackenzie Crook & Bailey Callaghan
Important Dates
Vice Captains:
22nd February - P&C meeting
Jessica Hayes & Bailey Beale
24th February - Assemblies
7th March - Stage 2 excursion to Orange
Zoe Browne & Kayne Veney
10th March - Western Swimming Carnival T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
Canteen News
Recently, Mulyan staff have been speaking about homework and how much to give, its purpose, the type of homework given etc We have revised our school policy to give greater clarity and understanding to what we, as a school, see as important regarding homework. The full policy will be available online from tomorrow but just to help our parents to understand about the quantity and sort of homework that is appropriate for each grade, I have included the grid below for your information. If you have any questions or comments about homework, please contact me or your child’s teacher. Thank you and congratulations to Mrs Statham who led this process.
Fresh fruit salad ($1, $2, $4) Apples, bananas, oranges, all 50c, are available at the canteen for fruit break, recess and lunch. Apples purchased from the canteen will be slinked free of charge. Fruit Smoothies Delicious fruit smoothies are available at recess and lunch - small $1 , large $2
School App Remember, at the beginning of the year, go onto the ”cog” and update the information you wish to receive eg. Year 3 notes, newsletter. You will then only receive notifications regarding your child/rens’ class.
Stage 2 Excursion Stage 2 will be travelling to Orange on Tuesday, 7th March to watch “Mr Stink”. The cost of the excursion
is $25 payable by Friday, 24th February. Voluntary Contributions
Each year we ask parents to pay a voluntary contribution (school fees) to go towards meeting the cost of your child’s education. The money raised from these fees goes towards classroom material eg art paper, pencils, rulers, erasers etc. The contributions are quite modest and are for 2017. Family - $60 or Single child - $52 .
Lost Property Every week, there is a huge amount of lost property handed into the office with no names on the items. (All named items are returned to their owner. ) The unnamed items are left for two weeks, then clothing is taken home and washed and placed in our clothing pool for purchase or non school items are sent to the local opportunity shops. PLEASE make sure all items brought to school are labelled with a name!
John Smith PRINCIPAL T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
School Leaders Induction Ceremony
Our new school leaders taking the oath of office at our Induction Ceremony
Amber & Quarindee checking out their badges.
Our proud and excited students received their badges at our recent Induction Ceremony. T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
District Swimming Carnival A great day was had by all Mulyan Public School students who participated in the Cowra PSSA District Carnival on Tuesday, 21st February. Mulyan was the host school this year. Schools who participated in the carnival were: Mulyan, Cowra Public, Boorowa, Canowindra, Grenfell and small schools. Thank you to all staff and teachers’ aides for their expertise and assistance on the day. Thankyou to all Cowra High students for all the timekeeping. Thanks to Trish for catering. The results for the Mulyan Team are as follows: Zoe Browne: Senior Girls
Kemp Riches: Junior boy
2nd : 100m Free
2nd: 50m butterfly
1st: 20m I. Medley
1st: 50m Backstroke
1st: 50m Butterfly
1st: 50m Breaststroke
2nd: 50m Backstroke
1st: 50m Freestyle
1st: 50m Breaststroke
Junior Boy Age Champion
Mackenzie Crook: Senior Girl
Maddie Negus: Junior Girl
2nd: 50m Breaststroke
2nd: 50m Backstroke
Bailey Callaghan: Senior Boys
Blake Sandry: 11 years Boy
3rd: 100m Free
3rd: Backstroke
3rd: 50m free
Relays: Junior Boys: 1st
Senior Boys: 3rd
Junior Girls: 3rd
Senior Girls: 2nd
If you think that your child has been struggling, is lacking in confidence, or just needs a boost, please call Yvonne Bell at the Cowra Kip McGrath Education Centre to discuss your requirements and for a FREE assessment. Ph 63 422195 or 0413 593 790. or check the website cowra T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794