Principal: Mrs Kris Pagett Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794 6342 2172 0458 422000
Term 1 Week 6 – Week Ending 3rd March 2017
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Students of the Week Congratulations to our Week 5 Students of the Week!
From the Principal’s Desk I can’t believe that we are half way through Term 1. Time has just flown. The students reminded me that it was the first day of Autumn yesterday and that it will soon be very cold! Thanks kids!! Thank you to the P&C for organising and volunteering to operate the weekly Meal Deals for the students. It is a great fund raising idea and is working well. Last week at a school meeting the staff and students voted to change the Thursday afternoon Assembly to a reward activities time. The students will be rewarded for following the Holmwood Public School’s Dignity and Respect Charter by being able to participate in the chosen activity for that week. A list of activities were brainstormed at the school meeting. The first reward of play dough and dolls in the Ponies’ classroom and computer time in the Mustang classroom will be held this afternoon. It is a great opportunity to reward students for exemplary behaviour. The Weekly Awards Assembly conducted by the Year 6 students will be held on Friday mornings. We would like to extend an invitation to parents, family members and community members to attend our Friday morning Assemblies at 9.25am. We look forward to seeing you there. Have a great week. Mrs Kris Pagett Principal
Rori Kerr K/1
Samuel Lawler Mackenzie Nestor 2/3 4/5/6 Week 5 Merit Awards went to; K/1 – Riley Smith 2/3 – James Cameron 4/5/6 – Brittney Worth Library/PE – Ruby Light, Madison Wright, Brodie Rye
CITIZENSHIP AWARD – WEEK 5 – HARRY BEAUMONT Harry was chosen as the Week 5 Citizenship Award winner by Mrs Pagett. Harry was awarded the Citizenship Award for his willingness to assist the younger students in our school.
Congratulations to all students! Swimming for Sport – TOMORROW! Swimming is on again tomorrow! Don’t forget to pack Swimmers Towel Rash shirt Sunscreen Goggles (if required) Plastic bag for wet swimmers to go in. A reminder to all students that the Holmwood Swimathon is only a few weeks away. Attached to this Newsletter please find your information note and sponsorship sheet.
School Photos TOMORROW – FRIDAY 3RD OF MARCH IS SCHOOL PHOTO DAY. Please make sure your child/ren come to school in FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM. Photos will be taken first thing in the morning. You can now order your school photos on line which gives you the option of choosing your own background etc. Information sheets have been sent home. If you do not have access to a computer or internet you may let Cliff Dykes know on photo day and he will assist you. If you have any questions or concerns regarding school photos, please contact Cliff Dykes directly on 6342 3070. WESTERN REGION SWIMMERS Congratulations to all our students who competed at the Cowra PSSA District Carnival last Tuesday. From all accounts our students swam their hardest with many recording a personal best time. Congratulations to Harry Beaumont, Matthew Russell, Charlotte Collins, Charlize Light and Madison Wright who have been selected to swim at the Western Region Carnival to be held in Dubbo on Friday 10th of March. Harry, Matthew, Charlotte and Charlize will swim in the PP5 Senior Relay and Madison will swim in the Girls 8yrs 50m Freestyle.
Calendar Term 1 Week 6 rd
Friday 3 March
School Photos Schools Cleanup Day Swimming for Sport Canteen Meal Deal – Lunch Only
Term 1 Week 7 th
Wed 8 March th
Frid 10 March
Yrs 3 – 6 Archibald Exhibition at Cowra Art Gallery Scripture Swimming for Sport Canteen Meal Deal – Lunch Only
Term 1 Week 8 th
Fri 17 March
Bus Safety Talks – Cowra Bus Service Swimming for Sport Canteen Meal Deal – Lunch Only
Term 1 Week 9 st
Tue 21 March th Fri 24 March
Harmony Day Scripture Swimathon
Kind Regards, Kris Pagett Principal
Book Club – Issue 2 Attached to this Newsletter please find Scholastic Book Club Issue 2 2017. If you wish to purchase please have your order and payment in to the office by Monday 20th March.
Holmwood School Cleanup Day
ART GALLERY ARCHIBALD PRIZE EXHIBITION On Wednesday 8th of March Yrs 3-6 will be visiting the Cowra Art Gallery to view the Archibald Prize 2016 Regional Tour. The Archibald Prize for portraiture is one of Australia’s oldest and best-known Visual Art Awards and each year the selection of finalists is the subject of great public interest. The competition encourages discussion about portraiture and popular culture, as well as art and definitions of quality. The students will be travelling to and from the Exhibition by bus. There is no cost for the students to attend this Exhibition. Attached to this Newsletter please find a permission note, please complete and return to school asap.
Once again Holmwood School has registered to participate in the Annual Schools Clean Up Day which will be held tomorrow Friday 3rd of March. The students will be involved in collecting any rubbish/litter that may be lying around, this will take approximately half an hour and will be held in the school grounds. It would be appreciated if students could bring in a pair of gardening gloves for the cleanup.
Canteen News Thank you to our volunteers who have generously given their time to ensure the students are able to purchase lunch each Friday by way of a meal deal. The meal deal for tomorrow 3rd of March is hotdog in a bun, popper, iceblock and lamington $5.50 or hotdog in a bun, popper and iceblock - $5.00 (notes went home yesterday).
Book Club Issue 2 P&C Fundraiser Permission note for Archibald Prize Exhibition
K/1 Class News ‘The Ponies’ have had another very busy week. Last Friday we had swimming for sport and for some of our Kinder students it was a very new and exciting experience. They all did so well and had lots of fun travelling on the big school bus and swimming in the pool. All ‘The Ponies’ should be congratulated for their responsible behaviour on the bus and at the Cowra Pool. Well done! During Literacy this week we have been reading narrative stories and using our imagination to guess how the story may end. We are looking at the different parts of a book and how the illustrations can help us find meaning within the story that may not always be written on the page. Our phonics sounds this week were Gg, Oo, and Uu and our older ponies have been looking at Nouns and Proper Nouns and why they are different. All ‘Ponies’ should be commended for their independence and collaborative skills during our Literacy rotation groups. They have all really tried hard to understand what the expectations of this time are and are helping one another to complete their set tasks. All students are loving reading to a helper, to a teacher or to themselves during quiet reading time. It is wonderful to see how determined all ‘The Ponies’ are to continue developing their reading skills through their love of books and the wonderful things they can find in the pages of a great book. During Maths this week we have been looking at numbers and addition. All ‘Ponies’ are trying really hard to recognise and form their numbers correctly. The whole class has loved listening and dancing to these 2 songs on youtube ‘Counting Down from 20 Song’ and ‘Let’s Get Fit/ Count to 100’ I’m sure they would love to show you their groovy moves and amazing counting skills. During History this term we are looking at Past and Present. It has been wonderful to hear student ideas and knowledge surrounding the changes in family dynamics. We are looking at the changes in childhood
from the past to present and it would be lovely if any Parents/Carers or Grandparents still had any of their childhood toys or games that we could have a look at in class. Our History session is on Monday afternoon if anyone would like to send in something to share, even a picture of the item if it is too fragile would be a wonderful conversation point. Have a great weekend. ‘The Ponies’ Class Teacher Michelle Whitty
Suzy Connors enjoying “Playtime”
Mykaela Kasey-Dean and Riley Smith enjoying a Creative Arts and Craft Session
2/3 Class News We have had another hectic week in the Stockhorse Class. Congratulations to all students for working very hard all week. Group work is going well. In English we investigated how stories are developed. The students discovered that all the stories had characters, settings, both for time and place, and problems which were solved at the end of the stories. The sounds studied this week
were the long ‘a’ phoneme and the ‘air’ phoneme and improving handwriting has been a focus. In Mathematics students used a variety of concrete materials to investigate subtraction and further work with 3D objects. All stages completed the unit on the Brain and completed a quiz with flying colours. Now everyone knows that they need to eat healthy brain food, drink water and wear protective head gear to look after their brains so they will be able to learn to their full potential. We would like to thank the parents and grandparents who volunteered to help us in the classroom for the English and Mathematics sessions. We are looking forward to seeing you again next week. Cheers, Mrs Pagett and the Stockhorse students.
4/5/6 Class News The weeks are flying by!!! Year 4/5/6 have had a very busy and productive week. This week in English, we continued to look at narratives and started to focus on writing completed narratives. As a part of this task the students had to self-edit, peer edit and check-in with the teacher before beginning the publishing process. We had narratives about treasure, haunted houses, Jamberoo, romances and much more. They are all working extremely hard to improve all aspects of their writing. In grammar, the focus this week was on ‘Compound Sentences’. Compound sentences are two simple sentences joined together by the use of a conjunction. Some common conjunctions are ‘but’, ‘so’, ‘and’ and ‘or’. In reading, students are working on improving their fluency and expression when reading aloud to the teacher. This week in Maths, 4/5/6 were introduced into Maths groups. Maths groups work on a rotation system. Each group has 10 minutes on an activity. The activities in week 6 were Maths Mentals, Maths Game, Times Tables, Interactive Computer Time, Text Book work and Teacher time. This allows each student to spend time with me throughout the session to collaborate and develop their knowledge of the topic area. This week we looked at ‘Time’. This explored the concepts of 24 hour time, minutes, seconds, hours, analog time and digital clocks. I was extremely pleased to see the progress each student made. Well done. In Visual Arts, 4/5/6 continued their work on portraits. This week, we concentrated on drawing the perfect set of
lips. To perfect the drawing of lips, shading in the right areas is imperative. Kahoot! is a big hit in the classroom. We have used it in BTN and Science. It is a great interactive quiz to check the children’s knowledge and skills in related areas. Just a reminder…tomorrow is SCHOOL PHOTO DAY!! Remember to wear your gorgeous smiles. Until next week… Amylee Knight 4/5/6 Class Teacher
P&C Fundraiser Attached to this Newsletter please find information and an order form regarding the P&C’s first fundraiser for 2017. This fundraiser is in the form of a Pictureplate. Students will be designing and colouring their plate at school. You are also given the opportunity for siblings to participate by colouring in their designs at home and returning them to school. The designs will then be sent away to be made into 25cm food grade melamine plates which are dishwasher safe, BPA free and come with a 40 year quality guarantee. This is a great keepsake!! If you would like your child/ren to participate in this wonderful fundraiser please complete the order form and return to school, with payment, by Monday 13th of March. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Natalie Crutch Secretary
COMMUNITY NEWS Attached please find a Lego Exhibition and Competition entry form from the Cowra Uniting Church.