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b l i c S c h o o l

Term 1, Week 7 Wednesday, 8th March

Dear Parents, This term seems to be racing by with the end rapidly approaching, It is hard to believe that there is only 4 and a half weeks to go! Between now and the end of term, we have a fair few extra curricular activities to take place, as well as good quality teaching being done in each classroom. Hopefully, you are able to join us for some or all of these events. Stage 2 Excursion to Orange Theatre Yesterday, our Stage 2 students travelled to Orange to see a live theatre performance of the best selling David Walliam’s book “Mr Stink”. The children had a fabulous time and really enjoyed the live theatre experience. They were a credit to our school and themselves. Hopefully, this will be the start of many performance that the students get to see over their school career and life. Thank you to Mrs Cummings for organising this wonderful experience and to the other Stage 2 teachers for accompanying the children. Rugby League Visit This morning, all of our Year 1 students travelled to River Park to join with other Year 1 students from right across Cowra to learn some rugby league skills and have plenty of fun. Nathan Hindmarsh was at this event and each of the children received a rugby league book and a soft football. Then in the afternoon, there was a presentation based around RESPECT. This relates to belonging, celebrating differences and respecting and valuing diversity in our community. Nathan also took part in this presentation. Western Swimming Carnival This Friday, several of our students will travel to Dubbo to take part in the Western Swimming Carnival as members of the Cowra District team. I am sure that our students will perform at their very best and be wonderful ambassadors for our town, school and families. Mrs Johnson will be accompanying the team. Good luck: Zoe, Bailey, Kemp, Blake, Mackenzie and Maddie. We look forward to hearing how they performed on Monday. T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794

Book Fair This week, we are conducting a Book Fair in the library. It will run all week and is a chance to purchase some high quality books at great prices. All proceeds from the fair go straight back to the library to ensure that the exceptional quality of literature and reference books is maintained in the library. Thank you Mrs Bryant for organising the fair.

You are invited to Mulyan Bookfair When: 6th—10th March Where: Library Time: Before school, 2nd half lunch & after school

Bus Safety Talks Pat from Cowra Buses has arranged Bus Safety Talks for all our students next week. These are very important, not only for the children who catch buses regularly, but also for all students as excursions usually do involve bus travel. It is important that we have these talks as it is crucial that all children know how to behave on buses, to travel safely, comfortably and what are the correct rules when travelling on buses. St Patrick’s Day - Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 Next Wednesday, 15th March our VTS will go green for the Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 St Patrick’s Day disco. All Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 students are welcome to attend and are guaranteed a great night. Flyers have already been sent home with details. We hope to see lots of green clad students.

Important Dates

Home Time Arrangements

15th March:

St Paddy’s Day Disco - Early Stage 1 and Stage 1

22nd March:

SRC Crazy Hair & Cupcake

On Monday afternoon, I witnessed what could have been a very tragic and sad circumstance. One of our students was nearly hit by a car in Lachlan Street, even though the student was accompanied by an older high school student, they simply ran across the road in front of a car. Luckily, the car was travelling very slowly and was able to stop quickly. Please be mindful of your children around the bus stop particularly around the end of school time. It is also vitally important that children are accompanied across the road by an adult, holding the child’s hand if necessary. Also, the area around where the buses pull in and pull out from, is not a suitable place to cross the road. Please use the area in front of or behind the bus bay. Your help with this would be appreciated. Voluntary Contributions Each year we ask parents to pay a voluntary contribution (school fees) to go towards meeting the cost of your child’s education. The money raised from these fees goes towards classroom material eg art paper, pencils, rulers, erasers etc. The contributions are quite modest and are for 2017. Family - $60 or Single child - $52 .

8th March:

NRL Clinic & Visit—Year 1

10th March:

Western Swimming - Dubbo

13th– 14th March: Bus Safety Talks

Stage 2 & 3 27th March:

Parent/Teacher Interviews

29th March:

P&C Annual General Meeting Staffroom 7pm P&C meeting follows

30th March:

School Photos

Sick Children If your child is sick, please allow them time to recover before sending them back to school. For example, if they have a vomiting bug please wait at least 24 hours after they have stopped vomiting before they are back at school. In this way, hopefully, the bug will not be passed on to other students. T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794

Enrichment Activities The school has been extremely fortunate in having a small amount of staffing availability to run some enrichment activities for our Stage 3 students. Commencing this Friday, 10th March, Mrs Libby Brien will be working with a small number of students from each of the Stage 3 classes. They will be working on enrichment activities that they would not normally be able to do in class. The activities could include: mosaicing, robotics and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). This program will run all year and after each unit is completed ( approx. 5-6 weeks) a new unit will start with a new group of students. We look forward to this exciting opportunity for our students and seeing the completed work that the students are able to achieve.

Canteen News

This Friday, 10th March the canteen will be holding a milkshake day!! Cost: $1 small, $2 large Flavours: Chocolate Strawberry Caramel Available at recess and lunch.

John Smith Principal T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794

2M Assembly Snapshots T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794

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