Principal: Mrs Kris Pagett
Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794 6342 2172 M: 0458 422000 @ Term 2 Week 3 – Week Ending 18th May 2018
FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Cowra Eisteddfod A massive congratulations to our School Choir who took out first place in the Cowra Small Schools’ Section at the Cowra Eisteddfod. The students performed beautifully and some of the comments from the Adjudicators were – lovely stage presentation – well disciplined, great dynamics and a lovely tone. WELL DONE!!!
2019 Kindergarten Parent Information Evening Holmwood PS will be conducting a Parent Information Evening on Wednesday 23rd of May commencing at 5:00pm. The meeting will be held in the Kindergarten classroom. All parents and caregivers of children starting Kindergarten in 2019 are invited to attend. If you know of any child who would like to attend HPS in 2019, please ask them to contact the school. We look forward to seeing you there.
Naplan Congratulations to all our Year 3 and 5 students who participated in NAPLAN Assessments this week. You all handled it with confidence and maturity!!! Results from NAPLAN will be sent home when they become available.
Grip Leadership Conference
Small School’s Athletics Carnival TOMORROW the Annual Small Schools’ Athletics Carnival is being held at Twigg Oval in Taragala Street. The Carnival will commence at 9am sharp with the March Past. ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUESTED TO BE AT THE OVAL NO LATER THAN 8.50AM. We will be taking the large red HPS tent for our students to sit underneath. Koorawatha P&C will be running a Canteen on the day. The day will conclude at approximately 2:30pm, please be at the Oval by no later than 2:30pm to collect your child.
Next Tuesday, Years 5 and 6 will be heading to Bathurst to participate in the Grip Leadership Conference. This will be a great day for our senior students as they listen to guest speakers and participate in games and fun activities all related to the theme of leadership. Please wear your formal school uniform, if you do not have the formal uniform please ensure you wear your full school sports uniform. Students will need to bring their recess, lunch, a water bottle and $5 for the stop at Annie’s Ice- cream Parlour on the way home.
HPS Annual Book Fair On Monday Holmwood Public School are holding their Annual Book Fair commencing at 1:30pm. Parents, families and friends are invited to come along and view the beautiful books on sale. This year the Book Fair will be set up in the temporary demountable building, which currently houses our Library. Students will be viewing the books during the week commencing 14th of May and bringing home their wish lists. If you are unable to attend our Book Fair and your child wishes to purchase a book you may send in the money and we shall send the book home. All sales
of books in our Book Fair result in a commission being given to our school to enable us to purchase additional books for our school Library. We look forward to seeing you there!!! Please note due to limited time and our very busy Term 2 there will be no fancy dress this year.
Student Family and Emergency Contacts
Whole School Photo
SRC News
We wish to advise that our Whole School Photo is available for families to purchase. If any parents or caregivers would like to purchase this photo please call in to the school office and place your order. The price for the photo is $20.00
Please ensure that your contact numbers are kept up to date. If you have a change of phone number for an emergency contact please NOTIFY THE SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY. The school must have a current contact number for each student so a family member can be reached in case of an emergency. Thank you for your co-operation.
On Thursday 24th of May our SRC are holding a fundraiser to support the Cancer Council. This will be a Crazy Hair Day. Students need to bring a Gold Coin Donation to participate in this fun event. The gold coin donations will be collected at the morning Assembly. Students may purchase their muffins for a cost of 50c at recess.
Cowra District PSSA Cross Country Trials This year the Annual Cowra District PSSA Cross Country Trials will be held on Friday 25th of May 2017 at Edgell Park Cowra. Selected students will receive a Permission Note with all relevant information with this Newsletter as well as a map of the course. Thank you to the parents of all our competitors for transporting their child to the Carnival to participate. The first six students in each age group will progress to the Regional Carnival to be held in Guerie (near Wellington) on Wednesday 13th of June 2018. Please note that Competitors entering District Cross Country Trials must make themselves available for Regional selection.
Schools Netball Cup Day Our year 3, 4, 5 and 6 students have been invited to participate in a School Netball Cup Day in Cowra on Wednesday 30th of May. This will be held at Col Stinson Park Binni Creek Road Cowra. Students are required to be at the Netball Courts by 9:15am for a 9:30am start. Students can be dropped off by parents and collected at 2:30pm. Students who catch a bus to school can get off at Mulyan School in the morning and a teacher will be there to walk them to the Netball Courts. At the conclusion of the day the bus students will be walked back to Mulyan School to catch their respective buses home. Please indicate on the Permission Note if your child will be arriving and going home by bus.
FUNDS RAISED TO BE DONATED TO THE CANCER COUNCIL There will be Muffins for sale on the day at a small cost of 50c each
Newsletter Folders Please ensure that this folder is returned each week so that your child’s newsletter and any notes can be sent home safely and securely.
Winter Uniforms Please call into the school office if you wish to purchase the new winter formal uniform. We also
have a stock of the red polar fleece tops, red polo shirts and red bucket hats.
P&C Ronald McDonald House Drive Information Flyer
Student Banking
Student Banking has recommenced this term. Bank Deposit Books must be handed in to the school office every Monday morning for collection by a St George staff member, the Deposit Books are returned to students with your Newsletter folder each Thursday. If you would like your child to participate in Student Banking please call in to St George Bank and the staff will assist you.
Please do not forget to sell the raffle tickets that went out with the last newsletter of Term 1. Once you have sold your tickets please return them to the school office. There are more tickets available from the office. The tickets are only $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. The amazing prizes are:
SRC MONDAY TOASTIES AND WEDNESDAY SAUSAGE SANDWICHES Attached to this newsletter please find your order forms for next week.
Calendar Term 2 Week 3 th
Fri 18 May
Mon 21 May
Tue 22 May rd Wed 23 May
Thur 24 May
Fri 25 May
Athletics Carnival – All students to attend – Twigg Oval Cowra.
Book Fair at HPS – 1.30pm in the Library (the demountable building)
Ronald McDonald House is a “Home Away From Home” for families from rural NSW, Interstate and Overseas, while their seriously ill children are being treated at the Children’s Hospital Westmead. One of our families regularly visits the house and they are about to return for up to a month long stay. As a way to help and to say a huge thank you to the House our P&C Committee are now running a drive to be delivered to them 2 weeks from now, when the family begin their stay. Ronald McDonald House are in desperate need of all non-perishable items including: toilet paper, washing powder, drinks, poppers, snack foods, 2 minute noodles, cup-a-soups, cake mixes are some examples. Personal care items would also be appreciated.
Grip Leadership – Yrs 5 & 6 – Bathurst
Kindergarten 2019 Parent Information Evening – 5pm at HPS Crazy Hair Day and Muffin Morning Tea Gold Coin Donation District Cross Country – Cowra Netball Cup Day – Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 Mrs Pagett Principal’s Network Meeting
student who sells the most raffle tickets. Please call into the school office if you need more raffle tickets. Please return all sold (and unsold tickets) to the school by Monday 28th of May. The raffle will be drawn at the school on Tuesday 5th of June. P&C RONALD McDONALD HOUSE DRIVE
Kind Regards, Kris Pagett Principal
The P&C would appreciate assistance in selling raffle tickets. The P&C will present a special prize to the
Term 2 Week 4
Term 2 Week 5 th
Wed 30 May
1st Prize – a King Single Swag, Camp Chair, Gas Camping Stove and a Thermos. 2nd Prize – a Jumbuck Steel Fire Pit, a 2qrt Camp Oven and an LED Portable Lantern. 3rd Prize – a Cupcake Maker and a Handmixer.
District Cross Country Permission Note and relevant information. Schools Netball Cup Day Permission Note for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. Operation Art Information (for Selected Students only) HPS Crazy Hair Day Information Flyer Cheese Toastie Order Form Sausage Sandwich Order Form
WEEK 2 HIGHLIGHTS News from the Kindergarten Classroom This week our K students enjoyed playing “What’s the time Mr Wolf?” during their Maths lessons.
In our Language lessons the children learnt valuable debating techniques and how to confidently express their own viewpoint whilst listening to and respecting others opinions. Our topic was “Lego will still be a popular toy in the future�.
News from the 1/2 Classroom Week 3 has been another exciting week for Year 1/2. The class has been working beautifully. In Numeracy we have been collecting data and using different graphing techniques to present the information such as picture and column graphs. In History/Literacy we have been reading and learning about toys, past, present and future. A fascinating topic for all ages!!
The students learnt Kids Teach Kids strategies using the smartboard and enjoyed role playing as the teacher!!
It has been a delight to teach K/1/2 for the past 2 weeks and I look forward to working with the students again when I resume my role as Learning and Support Teacher. Kind Regards Mrs Kiely