HOLMWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL Term 2 Week 4 Newsletter

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Principal: Mrs Kris Pagett  Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794  6342 2172 0458 422000



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Term 2 Week 4 – Week Ending 19 May 2017

From the Principal’s Desk Congratulations to our wonderful students who all were fantastic sports at the Cowra Small Schools’ Athletics Carnival last Friday. I was very proud that all the students tried to do their very best in all events, cheered their classmates on and congratulated the winners. The weather was very kind to us and we finished on time. A great day was had by all.

Junior Boys Champion Harry Beaumont

Final arrangements are being made for the snow excursion and everyone is getting very excited. Find further information in the attached note about a firm commitment to go and paying a deposit. Next week is Education Week. We are commencing the week with an Open Day and Art exhibition on Monday and concluding with a Family Read Aloud Book Event, Book Fair and Parade on the Friday. An invitation has been extended to parents, caregivers, family members and community members to join us to celebrate Education at Holmwood Public School at these events.

Chelsea accepting the Marching Trophy on behalf of HPS

Kind Regards Kris Pagett Principal

Cowra Small Schools’ Athletics Carnival What a fabulous day we had last Friday at the Cowra Small Schools Athletics Carnival! It was a beautiful Autumn day and HPS students were full of enthusiasm as they competed in track and field events and novelty games and activities.

Holmwood students participating in the March Past

conclusion of their performance. Students are to were full school uniform – long black pants, black shoes, red school shirts and red jumpers. Good luck everyone!!

Temora Aviation Museum – Da Vinci Machines Exhibition

Harry, Lucas, Akio and Charlotte accepting the Relay Trophy

Addison participating in the Long Jump

Congratulations to Harry Beaumont who took out the Senior Boys Champion. HPS was also successful in taking out the Marching Trophy, the Small School’s Champions Trophy and the Relay Trophy. Well done HPS students!!!

School Attendance Procedure Review At last week’s Staff meeting the School Attendance Procedure was reviewed. Attached to this Newsletter please find a copy, take the time to read it and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Cowra Eiseddfod Tomorrow, Thursday 18th of May the HPS Choir will be competing in the Small Schools Choir Section at the Cowra Eisteddfod. Mrs Knight and Mrs Hodges have been fine tuning with the Choir in preparation for their performance!!. Students are to meet Mrs Knight and Cheri at the Civic Centre NO LATER THAN 9.10am. Students will be transported back to school via bus at the

Temora Aviation Museum is offering schools the opportunity to visit the Da Vinci Machines Exhibition which will be visiting the Museum in September. This exhibition will only be on display from 4th of September until 29th of October. The Exhibition will feature Da Vinci’s early ideas involving natural energy sources creating many inventions using the ancient wisdom of pulleys, cranes, levers, the screw and many more. There will be many Exhibition highlights including flying machines, computer animations and film screenings. We are very fortunate to be offered the opportunity to view this Exhibition and are now seeking Expressions of Interest and a Deposit towards this excursion so that we may secure our booking. We have tentatively booked to travel to Temora on Tuesday 19th of September, departing at 8.00am and returning at 3.00pm. The cost for this excursion will be $35.00 per child, which includes entry into the Exhibition. Please complete the attached Expression of Interest Forms were sent out with last week’s Newsletter, please complete and return with your $10 deposit as soon as possible, if you do not have a note please contact the office and they will arrange to send one home.

Whole School Excursion Our Whole School Excursion is fast approaching and we are all getting very excited. At this stage we need to get numbers of students attending the excursion in order to proceed with the booking. PLEASE COMPLETE THE EXCURSION EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORM ATTACHED TO THIS NEWSLETTER AND RETURN TO SCHOOL WITH $50 DEPOSIT BY FRIDAY 9TH OF JUNE 2017. More information will be sent home as it comes to hand!!

Naplan 2017 Congratulations to all our Year 3 and 5 students who participated in NAPLAN Assessments last week. You all handled it with confidence and maturity!! Results

from NAPLAN will be sent home when they become available

Book Fair On Friday 26th of May Holmwood Public School will be holding its Annual Book Fair!! Parents are invited to come along and watch the parade and following this, purchase some beautiful quality books from the Book Fair which this year will be set up in the Connected Classroom. All sales of books in the Book Fair result in a commission being given to our school to enable us to purchase additional books for our school Library. We look forward to seeing you there!!

Pie Drive In last weeks Newsletter we advised that money raised from the Pie Drive will go to the individual student, as some students live in isolated areas and do not have the advantage of living in a residential area, making it difficult to sell many pies, we have decided that the profits from the Pie Drive will be distributed evenly amongst all students to help reduce the cost of the Whole School Excursion for ALL students. We apologies for any inconvenience caused. All orders with payment must be returned to school by Tuesday 13th of June, delivery day is Wednesay 28th of June. An information letter and order form have been sent home Should any families require extra order forms please call into the office. REMEMBER THE MORE PIES YOU SELL THE CHEAPER THE COST OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL EXCURSION!!!!!

Student Representative Council News Red Shield Appeal – AND MUFTI DAY On Friday 2nd of June Holmwood Public School will be holding their annual Red Shield Appeal and Mufti Day organised by the Student Council . Students are asked to come dressed in MUFTI and give a gold coin donation in support of this Red Cross Fundraiser. This term the SRC have been holding a special Wednesday “Toastie” day to help raise money towards the Whole School Excursion. This is proving to be very successful with students thoroughly enjoying their “Toasties” at recess. The SRC would like to thank everyone for their support in this fundraiser.

Calendar Term 2 Week 5 nd

Mon 22 May

Wed 24th May

Thur 25th May

Friday 26th May

Term 2 Week 6 st

Thurs 1 June

On Tuesday this week the Year 6 students and Mrs Knight attended the Annual GRIP Leadership Conference in Bathurst, along with school leaders from all over the Central West. Our Year 6 students had a fun filled day learning about lots of different leadership skills and discussed some great ideas that they can bring back to our school.

Casey White – AFL Geoff Wilson – Guitar Lessons

Term 2 Week 7 th

Thur 8 Jun


EDUCATION WEEK OPEN DAY – Morning Tea, Open Classrooms and Art Gallery Viewing commencing with morning tea at 11.30am Mrs Pagett and Ms Whitty Evaluative Thinking Orange – Mrs Paton in Casey White – AFL Geoff Wilson – Guitar Lessons Mrs Kiely LSL – Mrs Paton in BOOK FAIR Scripture Mrs Kiely LSL – Mrs Paton in

Geoff Wilson – Guitar Lessons Casey White - AFL

Kind Regards, Kris Pagett Principal

Plastic Bottle Tops This term the students are going to create a mural made entirely from plastic bottle tops and are in need of as many as they can possibly get. It would be greatly appreciated if families

could please collect bottletops and send them in to our school. Your help is appreciated!! Please wash and dry before sending in to school.

Attachments   

2017 Excursion Information Letter 2017 Excursion Deposit and EOI Form School Attendance Procedure Review

Guitar Lessons Thank you to Geoff Wilson who is providing Guitar lessons for our students. All students who have handed in their notes have secured a spot in these lessons and are thoroughly enjoying themselves. Rember if any student has their own guitar, please bring it along for their lesson.

Year 4/5/6 Class News What a busy week we have had in the 4/5/6 class! Friday saw many of the students competing at the Cowra Small Schools Athletics Carnival. All students involved in the day put in 100% effort into all events. Our relay teams did exceptionally well, placing in all events. We have a number of students participating at the District Athletics Carnival in Term 3. These students will be notified shortly. On Tuesday, Year 6 (our school leaders) attended the GRIP leadership day at Bathurst. It was a fantastic day shared with 390 students. Year 6 engaged actively in all activities. The highlight was the ice cream at Annie’s to conclude the day. Briana Bates has written a report of the day. In Mathematics, we have focused on Mass this week. We worked on converting grams to kilograms and kilograms to tonnes. The students worked in groups to determine the weight of a range of objects. The children used pan balances, kitchen scales and hefting to find out the weights. Groups worked collaboratively to discover and complete related tasks. Hope to see you all at the open classrooms for Education Week on Monday. Grip Leadership On Tuesday the 16th of May, the year 6 students attended the Grip Leadership Conference in Bathurst. At the Conference, we were taught all about leadership, own weaknesses, own strengths, other’s weaknesses and other’s strengths. We had the opportunity to engage in discussions with other students from other schools and at the end of the day the lovely Mrs Knight took the year 6 students to

Annie’s Ice Cream Parlour. We would like to say a big thank you to the teachers who organised it. Thank you. By Briana

Until next week… Mrs Knight 4/5/6 Teacher

Year 2/3 Class News What a wonderful week the Stockhorses have had! Back to our normal routine, happy kids and learning heaps!! Congratulations to all the Stockhorses who performed in a very sportsmanship manner last Friday. I was very proud of you all and loved how you cheered and congratulated each other. The next competition that we are preparing for now is the Cross Country. We have been learning about the split strategy for addition and telling the time both analogue and digital in Maths. The students enjoyed using all the hands on materials to learn about these concepts. You can help with this at home by asking your children to tell you the time whenever the occasion arises. Remind them that with analogue time you say the minutes first and it is the opposite with digital time. Many students find it difficult to tell the time so the more practical real life experiences that they have the better. In English we revisited ‘articles’ by learning a song to remind us what they are, what they do and the rules for using them. There are only three articles that we learn about at this level – ‘the’, ‘a’, and ‘an’. “An’ is used if the next word starts with a vowel, ‘a’ is used if the following word begins with a consonant and ‘the’ is used if the noun is a specific noun. We are writing factual recounts this term beginning with a recount about the Athletics Carnival last week. Thank you to the helpers who volunteer to listen to students read each week. The students really enjoy reading to someone else. Good luck to the Choir who are competing in the Cowra Eisteddfod today. You have worked really hard so hopefully you will enjoy the experience. Our class is learning to use the Dojos Program to record our awards that they earn each day. In fact they are teaching me all about this program.

I can invite parents to join the Dojo family so will get Ms Whitty to help me do this. I believe that it is a good way to keep in touch with parents so will look into that for next week. Looking forward to seeing you all for Education Week Open Day next Monday Stockhorse students and Mrs Pagett

K/1 Class News Congratulations and well done to all ‘The Ponies’ who participated in the Small Schools Athletics Carnival on Friday. It was a long but fun day and I am sure everyone had a wonderful sleep that night! Thank you to Mrs Paton for spending time with ‘The Ponies’ on Monday while I was in Dubbo at a training course. This week we have been looking at length in maths and I know the students had a lot of fun measuring the length of the school and classroom with Mrs Paton. We have been using all sorts of different objects to measure the length of books, pencils, desks, doorways and other objects. We have especially loved using our body parts; hands and feet to measure length. This week our literacy sessions have changed to encompass the Debbie Hepplewhite program. We are so lucky to have a class of students who try their best in all they do, with the introduction of this new program going very smoothly. If anyone has any questions please contact myself or Kris Pagett we would be more than happy to talk to you. I hope everyone has chosen their rainforest animal for the end of term assignment. I look forward to seeing what each ‘Pony’ comes up with. Please keep sending in the washed, plastic bottle lids, we are looking forward to starting the new project. I hope to see you all next week for ‘Education Week’, ‘The Ponies’ Class Teacher, Michelle Whitty

Ryan Kiss with his construction

National Simultaneous Reading Event All of HPS students will be participating in this event commencing at 11.00am on Wednesday 24th of May. This event has been organised by Mrs Paton.

BOOK FAIR - Reading Aloud Event, Parade and your chance to buy amazing books for your children Our Annual Book Fair Parade event is coming up on Friday 26th May! It will be a hoot. To kick start the event, we are holding a 'read aloud' event at 12.00pm – as a highlight to this will be the taking of a photograph to be sent to Scholastic Australia and which will get us in the running to win $1000 worth of books from Scholastic. After the Read Aloud event, we will be holding our Annual Book Fair Parade under the COLA and we can't wait to see how creative our students will be with the costumes! Then we'll open the library (aka 'Pirate's Den') for attendees to browse and purchase books. It's a wonderful opportunity for parents and guardians to expand their children's range of reading material. The school receives a percentage of sales, so it's a win all round.

The theme of the Book Fair - Be A Bookaneer, where books are the treasure - is why we've decked out our library as a pirate's den, by the way! For more information, visit http://www.scholastic.com.au/schools/bookfairs/ . We look forward to seeing you all there! Mrs Margaret Paton Library/RFF Teacher


Please do not forget the current P&C fundraiser and pop down to Riverside Markets and help sell raffle tickets. Remember the more funds raised, the cheaper YOUR Excursion will be. Thank you!! Kind Regards Karen Beaumont President

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