Principal: Mrs Kris Pagett
Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794 6342 2172 M: 0458 422000 @ Term 2 Week 4 – Week Ending 25th May 2018
FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Small School’s Athletics Carnival Congratulations to all our students who attended the Small Schools’ Athletics Carnival. Thank you to parents and caregivers for attending and cheering us on, your support is greatly appreciated.
2019 Kindergarten Parent Information Evening
Congratulations to Bison Zounis who is the Senior Boys Champion
Holmwood PS enjoyed a very successful Kindergarten 2019 Parent Information Evening on Wednesday 23rd of May. Teachers presented parents of children who will be commencing Kindergarten in 2019 with valuable information for their children’s first year of school. The meeting was held in the Kindergarten classroom. If you know of anyone who has a child commencing Kindergarten in 2019 and would like to attend HPS please ask them to contact the school and staff will assist them. Kindergarten Transition will commence next term and the dates will be published in the Newsletter in the near future.
District Cross Country Grip Leadership Conference On Tuesday our Year 5 and 6 students attended the Grip Leadership Conference in Bathurst. The students participated in many varied and interesting activities and came back with some wonderful ideas, and of course enjoyed the stop at Annie’s Ice- cream Parlour on the way home. Thank you to Mrs Knight, Nadine Light and Linda Howard for their assistance with transporting our students to Bathurst and return. Thank you!!!
Tomorrow, Friday 25th of May, the Annual District Cross country will be held at Edgell Park, Cowra. Congratulations to the following students who were selected to participate – Archie King, Jack Lawler, Madison Wright, Ruby Light, Anabelle Newell, Micah Murphy, Seth Crutch, Mia O’Malveney, Addison Skinner, Chelsea Leister, Logan Mitchell, Eloise Newell and Rachel Silver. Thank you to the parents of all our competitors for transporting their child to the Carnival to participate. The first six students in each age group will progress to the Regional Carnival to be held on Wednesday 13th of June in Guerie. Please sign and
return permission notes sent home with last week’s newsletter asap.
Student Family and Emergency Contacts Please ensure that your contact numbers are kept up to date. If you have a change of phone number for yourself or an emergency contact please
NOTIFY THE SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY. The school must have a current contact number for each student so a family member can be reached in case of an emergency. Thank you for your co-operation. Whole School Photo Our Whole School Photo is available for families to purchase. If any parents or caregivers would like to purchase this photo please call in to the school office and place your order. The price for the photo is $20.00.
Schools Netball Cup Day Our year 3, 4, 5 and 6 students have been invited to participate in a School Netball Cup Day in Cowra this Wednesday 30th of May. This will be held at Col Stinson Park Binni Creek Road Cowra. Students are required to be at the Netball Courts by 9:15am for a 9:30am start. Students can be dropped off by parents and collected at 2:30pm. Students who catch a bus to school can get off at Mulyan School in the morning and a teacher will be there to walk them to the Netball Courts. At the conclusion of the day the bus students will be walked back to Mulyan School to catch their respective buses home. A permission note was sent home with last week’s Newsletter to the Stage 2 and 3 students. If you have not sent in your note please sign and return to school asap. THIS IS A NORMAL SCHOOL DAY AND ALL STUDENTS ARE TO ATTEND. IF YOUR CHILD DOES NOT ATTEND THIS GALA DAY THEN THEY MUST COME TO SCHOOL!
HPS Annual Book Fair Thank you to all families for supporting our Annual Book Fair. We would like to advise that students are still able to purchase books until Friday afternoon. If your child would like to purchase a book or if families would like to view the Book Fair, please call into the school and staff will assist you.
SRC News Today HPS students and staff participated in Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea to raise money for the Cancer Council. Instead of hosting the traditional “Morning Tea” our students participated as a whole school and held a gold coin donation “Crazy Hair Day” as well as purchasing a Muffin at recess for a small cost of 50c, with all funds raised being donated to the Cancer Council. A total of $104.00 was raised. HPS staff and students appreciate the wonderful work the Cancer Council does in helping deliver vital research and support for people affected by cancer. Thank you to all the wonderful parents and caregivers who must have got up at the crack of dawn to create the amazing hairstyles your support is appreciated!!!!
and payment in by Monday if you wish to order this special lunch. PLEASE NOTE: Due to our Stage 2 and 3 students being at the Netball Cup Day on Wednesday THERE WILL BE NO SAUSAGE SANDWICH LUNCH on Wednesday 30th of May.
Winter Uniforms HPS are excited to be phasing in their new formal uniforms and encourage families to purchase these for their child. The formal uniforms are to be worn on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, with the sports uniform, which is the old school uniform, to be worn on Wednesday and Friday for sport and PE. Please call into the school office if you wish to purchase the new winter formal uniform as we have a large range in stock. The girls formal skirt can be ordered from Central West Uniforms. If you have purchased the formal skirt and have not received your $10 refund call into the school office, with your receipt, and Anthea will give you your refund. We also have a stock of the red polar fleece tops, red polo shirts and red bucket hats.
Student Banking Student Banking has recommenced this term. Bank Deposit Books must be handed in to the school office every Monday morning for collection by a St George staff member, the Deposit Books are returned to students with your Newsletter folder each Thursday. If you would like your child to participate in Student Banking please call in to St George Bank and the staff will assist you. TOMORROW, Friday the 25th of May the SRC are offering students a special MEAL DEAL as our wonderful P&C volunteers are away on other commitments. This meal deal will be curried sausages and rice as well as a packed of chips - all for the small cost of $5.00. Attached to this Newsletter please find your order form. Please complete the form and return with payment TOMORROW if you would like to order the meal deal. On MONDAY 28th of MAY the SRC will be offering CHEESE TOASTIES for lunch. Attached to this Newsletter please find your order form. Please have your order
Calendar Term 2 Week 4 th
Fri 25 May
District Cross Country – Cowra
Term 2 Week 5 th
Wed 30 May
Netball Cup Day – Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 Mrs Pagett Principal’s Network Meeting
Term 2 Week 6 th
Wed 6 June
Term 2 Week 7 th
Wed 13 June th Thur 14 June
Kind Regards, Kris Pagett Principal
Tennis Ms Graham Prof Development – Mrs Kiely in
Meal Deal Order Form Toastie Order Form
P&C WINTER RAFFLE Please do not forget to sell your raffle tickets. There are more tickets available from the office. The tickets are only $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. The amazing prizes are:
1st Prize – a King Single Swag, Camp Chair, Gas Camping Stove and a Thermos. 2nd Prize – a Jumbuck Steel Fire Pit, a 2qrt Camp Oven and an LED Portable Lantern. 3rd Prize – a Cupcake Maker and a Handmixer. The P&C would appreciate assistance in selling raffle tickets. The P&C will present a special prize to the
student who sells the most raffle tickets. Please call into the school office if you need more raffle tickets. Please return all sold (and unsold tickets) to the school by Monday 28th of May. The raffle will be drawn at the school on Tuesday 5th of June.